Special Branch: Loose Ends

UPDATED: Tuesday, July 21, 2009 02:30
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Thursday, September 11, 2008 9:20 AM


This space is reserved for Needy's most excellent recaps.

I'd repost the links to previous threads but apparently they no longer work...

1.Special Branch: Unbound

2.Special Branch: The Chasing Of Wild Geese

3. Special Branch and the HUGE Hospital Bills

4. Special Branch: The Living Dead

5. Special Branch: Motherhood For Heroes

6. Special Branch: Secrets & Lies

Here's one that does, a link to the previous thread.
7. Special Branch: Santos

I do have the majority of the story saved on my computer but may be missing the most recent threads and most importantly the character recaps.

A brief recap:
Our crew finally arrives on Santos and much information is revealed.

Kurren is getting closer while our unaware crew lick their wounds a try to figure out their next move.

The Untouchables and the Einstein Project hover ominously in the wings while Seryn's Haven beckons.

"Got a headful of lightning
And a heart full of rain
And I know that I said
I'd never do it again
Oh and I love you sweet baby but I always take the long way home."


Thursday, September 11, 2008 9:21 AM


The Dwarf’s common area provided ample room for the assembled, comfortable, as it used to be a presidential travel vessel, but not overly plush. Cozy and casual it had been referred to by the various press representatives on its maiden voyage.

But despite the worn leather, wood and brass accoutrements, the room had a decidedly chilly air to it.

Unintentionally or sub-consciously the assembled people had grouped according to which ship they crewed and there seemed to be an invisible wall between them.

Safe leaned, arms crossed, one hip against the mahogany desk at one end of the room, seemingly oblivious to the rest, as he weighed the impact of what the ‘Weapon’ had just told them.

He looked up; everyone else seemed to be doing the same as he, weighing the information.He tried to evaluate what each person’s response would be, before he finally spoke, breaking the silence.

“You certainly have your hands full. That’s a large undertaking and not without its dangers even if you succeed.”

The crew of the Dwarf waited for the other shoe to drop, the proverbial ‘but’.

“Understand that I speak solely for myself and everyone is free to do as they will, BUT, I have to decline joining in on your coup.”

“Just as I suspected…” Liam started but Maxine’s hand on his arm interrupted his rebuttal.

“Let me finish. I did my time fighting for the ‘cause’. I’m not looking to get embroiled in more political subterfuge. To tell the truth, I need to lay low for a while, stay out of the spotlight. It’s not that I don’t agree with you or think it’s not a just cause… I just…can’t.”

Liam jerked his arm out of Maxine’s grip and glared across the room at Safe.

“That’s fine by me!” He spat. “We don’t need the kind of help you would bring anyway. Bunch of low life…”

“Watch your lip…” Safe started, standing abruptly upright, fists clenched at his side, when Maxine interrupted.

“Listen, Liam. Don’t be stupid. We need these people. We NEED their obvious expertise in this kind of maneuver.” She pleaded with him.

Safe took a deep breath and held his hands up. “I said I speak for myself, the others are grown and very capable adults, they can decide for themselves. Don’t do anything stupid like letting your mouth ruin any chances of their help.”

"Got a headful of lightning
And a heart full of rain
And I know that I said
I'd never do it again
Oh and I love you sweet baby but I always take the long way home."


Saturday, September 13, 2008 9:23 AM



"Got a headful of lightning
And a heart full of rain
And I know that I said
I'd never do it again
Oh and I love you sweet baby but I always take the long way home."


Saturday, September 13, 2008 11:27 AM


Seryn watched the atmosphere in the room threaten to tip into actual violence and felt strangely unmoved. She wasn't sure where this strange desire to not butt in was coming from, but if it lasted much longer she would have to start worrying about herself.

Safe, leaning on the desk as though it literally was the only thing keeping him off the floor looked exhausted. Every face in the room showed signs of fatigue. He was right - a break was needed. They needed to step back calm down and think it through.

Good god - When had she aquired a voice of reason?

But she may have had the answer, she knew a place, a possible safe house. They could plan their next move instead of wading in and damn the consequences.

She could mention it now. But she looked at all of them, one second away from leaping for each others throats, and she kept quiet. She wanted to see what happened.

She grinned and smothed down her soft shirt where Fin's tiny grip had rumpled it.

That was more like the old her.


Monday, September 22, 2008 4:25 AM


Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges


Monday, September 22, 2008 6:40 AM


Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges

#Wisp stood In the corner with HIS crew. It was strange how such a rag tag crew had formed over the past few years, and how much comradeship was now present. And now here were people who had been just like them all that time ago. But at the same time these people were nothing like them.

These people could clearly see how they came to be in this position, This was the life they had chosen. He had just been dragged along on a whirlwind of chance just like Seryn, Safe, Needy and everyone else. As much as he may have wanted to stand up and fight the good fight The bad luck that had been following them would bring nothing but hurt onto the resistance. The intergalactic hiccup that had started all of this still wasnt resolved, Crimson squad were probably still after them, He had enemies across the verse. And now The alliance would be after them in full force with the resistance. If the people after them finally joined forces they wouldnt stand a chance.

Wisp didnt know that 2 agents of Project:EINSTEIN were hovering just outside the ship which wouldnt have improved his mood

"I cant help you" Wisp finally said into the room. "As much as I admire your cause im just too much of a wanted man. If I tag along then somebody whos after me will. I need to stay on the run one step ahead. Im sorry"


Monday, September 22, 2008 8:14 AM


OOC: Good to see you again WYSB!! and thanks for digging up those links!
I'm off to my second writing course, through the local college, this evening, Advanced Writing this time. So we'll see what transpires...
I'm glad to see this story get back on it's feet. The thing I like most about it is the ability of the writers to capture the voices of others characters so perfectly. Nice posts all!!

"Got a headful of lightning
And a heart full of rain
And I know that I said
I'd never do it again
Oh and I love you sweet baby but I always take the long way home."


Friday, September 26, 2008 5:30 AM


Liam glared around the room. “Well… I can’t say as I’m surprised. Ever since you people showed up to ‘help’, although I don’t as much see it as help more as interference, things have gone from bad to worse.”

“Liam…” Maxine started.

“No, let me finish. What I can say is thank-you for getting us planet-side and that’s the only thanks you’ll get from me. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to find someone that CAN help us.”

Liam stormed out of the room and out of the Dwarf heading towards town.

Maxine’s shoulders slumped in defeat as she watched him go. “He’s really not a bad man… it’s just that… well this has taken a lot out of him.”

“Isn’t there anything you can do?” She pleaded; her gaze moving to each of the people assembled finally settling back on Safe.

“Well, there is something…” Jack started looking first at Safe before addressing Maxine directly.

“You have to understand, I can’t involve the resistance in this directly BUT…. We can monitor the situation, keep an eye on things, watch your back and offer guidance where we can. It’s not much, I know…” Jack shrugged in appology while Flechette, Amy and Versa nodded in agreement.

Maxine’s face lit up in relief. “Thank-you. I couldn’t ask for more.”

OOC: Sorry it's not much, but I think it leads in to a bit Needy wanted.

"Got a headful of lightning
And a heart full of rain
And I know that I said
I'd never do it again
Oh and I love you sweet baby but I always take the long way home."


Monday, September 29, 2008 9:42 AM


The Man They Call Soul...

Soul sat alone, in silence. While phasing through the walls of the ship, he had found a small opening in an air duct big enough to support one person sitting. The darkness was deep, broken only by the faintest of lights filtering in through the air vents. A million thoughts ran through his head, none of them pleasant. After all this time, after running for so long, fate had brought him directly back into the sights of The Expendables.

He was tired. Maybe not physically, but mentally he was drained. Too many people had been put in danger because of him. Too many people were dead as a result. Now it seemed that he finally had something almost worthy of calling a family, but once again the constant danger that surrounded his life reared its ugly head.

So he made a decision. It was a difficult one, but one that had to be made. He dropped through the wall and made his way to Safe's side and placed a hand on his friend's shoulder.

"I'm with you. Whatever call you make, I'm with you. I'm tired of running away from people that I care about."


Soul, Security Chief of the Sereni-Tree, Captain of Destiny.

Mantichorus: "So is there a reason they call you 'Soul'?"
Soul (after a long pause): "Yeah. Because I have one."

I'm blogging about the novel I'm writing! Stay informed, and keep me inspired! Please!


Tuesday, September 30, 2008 10:12 AM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions

OOC: Hey. Loving the posts!!! Glad everyone's back in play

The argument that had sparked off hadn’t surprised Colm in the slightest. He’d remained a quiet observer for long enough to gauge what each of the crew were like, and he’d expected this. He couldn’t blame them, not really, he’d only wished they hadn’t reacted as he’d predicted. He wished they had surprised him and offered their help. But the truth was he’d seen enough to know that even the bravest of people would be foolish to assist them on their suicide mission. He didn’t want to admit it, but that’s what it was. That’s all it had ever been. An impossible task. The only chance the crew had was to make their journey seem as innocent as possible – a quiet getaway for members of the Torne household.

But now their plans had been exposed and things would be more difficult than ever. Maxine was right, any help this crew could offer was more than enough, they couldn’t ask for anything more. But Liam, he’d been through so much. He could see that. For years Colm had been his closest friend and confidant, but the past weeks had taken their toll. Now Liam was acting out of character - neglecting the needs of his family and shunning those that simply felt it was too dangerous to become involved.

Colm quietly slipped out of the meeting room and went in pursuit of his friend.


Outside clouds were gathering and dust was blowing in the cold air.
“Li” the man called out, running to catch up.
“You sure better be coming with, otherwise I don’t wanna hear it” Liam called back without stopping.
“What are you doing?” Colm said, grabbing his arm as he approached him
“I told you already, I’m finding someone that will help us” he hissed
“I heard what you said in there, I was just hoping you were joking” Colm replied
“Joking?” Liam stopped in his tracks and stared at his friend “You think this is a joke”
“Yeah, I think you’re kidding yourself if you think you’re going to find anyone in town that’s gonna help you out of the goodness of their own heart”
“Who do you think I am? These people aren’t stupid, they’ll recognise me, they’ll know I’m good for it.”
“Would you listen to yourself?!” Colm pleaded. “You’re not thinking straight. Yeah they’ll recognise you, they’ll kidnap you and hold you for ransom. They certainly ain’t gonna help. They’ll get more of a reward if they hand you in to Ciaran’s hordes”
“Don’t you mention her name!!” Liam snapped.

“Look Li, I’m sorry, but it happened. Now’s not the time for a personal vendetta. You’re family needs you”
“What family?” he replied through clenched teeth, holding back his emotions and the tears that would surely follow
“What family?! Listen to yourself. You’ve got Julie in there scared as anything, not to mention Linda. They need you now more than ever.”
“I can’t…” he croaks, struggling to control himself. “I need to find someone that can help us”
“No. You need to be with your family and start to make preparations to finish the job. It’s what we came out here for. That hasn’t changed”
Liam shook his head and tried to come to term with his emotions
“Look I’ll check out the town. People won’t know me. I’ll snoop my head around, see if anything that might help us turns up. But you need to be ready to leave at a moments notice. With your family. They can’t lose you too” Colm said, his hand on his friends shoulder.

Liam can only bite his tongue and nod. He’s right. He always is. He’d always been there for him when he needed him. And now it seemed he needed him to be elsewhere. To do the job he wished he could do. He didn’t want to head back to the ship. He didn’t want to face that crew reminding him that the mission he is on is actually his own and his alone. Nor did he want to face the rest of his family, knowing that just by looking at them would remind him of what Ciaran had done.
He didn’t want to face it. But he had to. He had to be that man
Now he knew the pressure Fifteen faced. The mission rested on both of their shoulders.

Needy. Male Companion: Chosen One?
----- The World's Greatest Detective?


Wednesday, October 1, 2008 4:03 AM


Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges

Vixen stood at the back of the group and slightly away. She may have been part of the crew but only just, she could disappear at any moment. She listened to The fray but didn't actually care on the outcome.

She had to go where Wisp went, Nobody else would have her. Even if she bailed on the groups altogether she couldn't do anything on Santos. And also the more time she spent thinking the more she realized that He was all she had left. She'd killed her parents and therefore cut off all ties to her family, all the acquaintances she'd made in crime would as soon turn on her as welcome her. Wisp was her oldest friend and now her only life line.

So she stood and watched him make his apologies.

If only they knew that they were all connected. That destiny had chosen their paths


Friday, October 10, 2008 5:55 AM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions


Needy. Male Companion: Chosen One?
----- The World's Greatest Detective?


Friday, October 10, 2008 8:31 AM


Ya ya ya, keep yer pants on

I'm trying to develop a new skill set (poetry)in my writing course and it's not going well at all. If you can't tell, I'm more than a little grumpy about it. Rassa frassin' Lyricisim-no-rhyming-hunka-go se.... I've come up with a quote as a result. A Safe@2nd original.

"Poetry has gotten away from the Robert Bateman type imagery and is now firmly entrenched in Salvatore Dali territory. All melted clocks, partial faces and impossible architechture."

I WILL post this weekend, I promise.

"Got a headful of lightning
And a heart full of rain
And I know that I said
I'd never do it again
Oh and I love you sweet baby but I always take the long way home."


Monday, October 13, 2008 12:17 PM



Originally posted by safeat2nd:
A Safe@2nd original.

"Poetry has gotten away from the Robert Bateman type imagery and is now firmly entrenched in Salvatore Dali territory. All melted clocks, partial faces and impossible architechture."

Oh hell yeah. (sorry, allergy to poetry)


Seryn made a decision. Enough of the navel gazing. They were all tired. Exhausted yes, scared yes, hunted yes, ready to give up? She hoped not. They needed time and a chance to pull their pants up and get back on the horse.
Trust was still an issue though.

Coughing for attention she tokk a step forward. Dozens of pairs of eys swung at her and she grinned a little. Affecting more of a swagger than she felt she motioned to Safe to meet her out in the corridor. Catching Souls eyes she asked him too and the same with the others.

'I have a proposal' Various faces were pulled including the vague hint of a leering grin from Wisp. ' Nope, not that kind of proposal dear, none of you are that lucky'. She pulled a rough planetry map from the pocket of her jacket, grimacing a the various macabre stains, and held it out, pointing to a small moon a few days travel away.
'Its a secret hideaway. My uncle had a lot on money and a love of women that didn't extend to his wife. Most men take up fishing. He bought an underground scientific facility on a crappy little moon and fitted it out as a weekend getaway for him and his women of the hour.' She grinned, 'Women, plural' He couldn't declare it in the will of course. But he told me about it once. Well - he called it a holiday home.' She sobered again.
'But its large, its accessible by ship and its almost entirly invisible from the surface. I suggest we take this opportunity to get everyone there, hole up, get ourselves together and plan our next move.

...What do you say?'


Monday, October 13, 2008 3:51 PM


*grin* Thanks Seryn!

Safe considered Seryn's proposal and while he didn't want to just leave these people to their own devices, the 'holiday home' sounded like the perfect recharge opportunity.

"That sounds like a plan to me. Just give me some time to set Jack's safety net in place for Liam and his crew."

That comment raised a lot of eyebrows a set smirks creeping across some of others faces.

"Oh don't get all preachy on me. I'll admit, I neither like nor fully trust Liam, but Maxine seems like she's got her head screwed on straight."

Again another arched eyebrow from Seryn and a snort from Wisp.

"Why Safe, are you getting sweet on the young pilot?" Seryn crooned.

Safe rolled his eyes and sighed. "Always got make this hard... et tu, Soul?"

Soul shrugged a small grin on his face.

"Oh brother, what am I going to do with you guys? Jack had a sound idea and I don't want to leave them with nothing and that's all. End of story."

Safe muttered his way back into the meeting room to set things up with Jack.

"Got a headful of lightning
And a heart full of rain
And I know that I said
I'd never do it again
Oh and I love you sweet baby but I always take the long way home."


Monday, October 27, 2008 2:52 AM


Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges

As Safe wandered off down the hallway Wisp turned back to Seryn.

"So this holiday home for the rich and unfaithful, You got a set of co-ordinates for it? Or do i just set the sensors to look for gold diggers and brandy?" Wisp grinned like an eleven year old at the word boobies as he spoke about the secret love nest.
This guy sounded like A proper dirty old man, like the times of old.

Seryn thrust the map into Wisps abdomen using more of her fist to lead the way than was required. She then turned and walked away as Wisp gasped for air having all the wind knocked out of him.

"Saw that coming" Muttered Vixen, her head peering round the doorway.

"BOO hway-HUN duh PUO-foo" cursed Wisp as he finally caught his breath. Holding onto the bulkhead while he steadied his feet he traversed his way to the Epsilon bridge.

At first glance at his starcharts he couldnt even see where he was headed. The moon was actually classified as a stable asteroid rather than a habital moon. The rock had been terraformed due to its high yttrium content which was used in laser superconductors. However after a few higher level surveys it was found the rich ores were deep in the planets core so had been written off as too expensive. After that the Government sold it off to private contractors and forgot about it.

"Sounds like the perfect little place to get my Rocks off" Wisp tittered to himself.


Monday, October 27, 2008 10:17 AM


Who we are depends on the outcome of the struggle between who we were and who we want to be

OOC: Working on a post right now for Kyra and Clayton, just not quite ready yet.

Will hopefully post it soon. I'm going to Paris for the weekend on Friday. Can't wait!!! Would like to contribute to the story before then


Monday, October 27, 2008 10:20 AM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions

As the crews discussed their situation, onboard The Epsilon a sole body remained alone.
The monitors registered the beat of his heart, not that it did him any good. Nobody was around to observe him.
The love of his life was no longer by his side, watching over him.
She had left over an hour ago to find any help that she could.
But it was pointless. There was no help for him now. His path had reached its end. He had chosen a new path now, and he alone would face the consequences of such a choice.

The heart monitor beeped out of harmony with the tune it had been playing. And again. Beeping irregularly.

He'd never wanted any of this. In his mind, there must have been a better way, and so he made the choice, to leave it all behind. It was better this way. It had to be

The beeping of the machine stopped, instead transforming itself into a more ominous tone - a flatline.
The gentle rise and fall of the man's chest ceased as Needy stopped breathing.

Nobody was there to take note of the change. Nobody realised that whilst they argued over what to do next, the man they had fought alonside, the man they at times fought for - he was now gone. All that was left now was a shell

Needy. Male Companion: Chosen One?
----- The World's Greatest Detective?


Thursday, November 6, 2008 12:43 AM


Who we are depends on the outcome of the struggle between who we were and who we want to be

It felt like she had been walking for days. In actual fact it had taken her well over an hour to make her way into the main city from Lando's Bay, where the ships had been docked; and at least another hour had been spent roaming around the city itself, seeking out anything or anyone that might assist her in her plight. Truth was, she didn't know exactly who or what she was looking for - a doctor, surgeon, hypnotist, witch, some new-age medicine - she only hoped that she would know it when she found it.

The Shining Star festival had been an annual event, apparently - a parade of entertainers and traders, advertising themselves in market stalls and shows - and it just so happened that the fortnight-long festival was in the middle of its proceedings as Kyra made her way through the city. Whether it was a coincidence that Ciaran had sabotaged the ship to land here at this time, or all part of the plan, Kyra didn't know, but the bustling crowds may have made illegal trading and duplicitous dealings all the more easier to slip under the radar.

Young children brushed by her leg as they ran about, chasing each other with neon lit toy swords. A man with a face painted half black, half white, juggled geese, much to the baffled amazement of the crowd. And three hotheaded mothers argued heatedly with each other as they bartered with a trader over his last AI Jack Russell

Kyra stopped in her tracks as she scanned the chaos all around her. She could spend days here and still not find that which she most anxiously sought - a cure for her lover's condition. She was lost and helpless, and getting more frustrated by the minute. But just then, like a godsend, she witnessed an elderly man, bearded and worn out, signalling her to come over to him.

Without even thinking, she started to make her way over to him, the crowds appearing to have unwittingly made a path clear for her to walk straight over to him.
Mere feet away from him however, and a long queue of people stepped in front of her, blocking her view. It was many seconds before they passed, and when they finally did, the man was gone. She scanned left and right, but there was no sign of him. Instead she was forced to face the red and brown striped curtain draping down in front of her, an entrance-way to a large and antiquated looking tent

Immediately she knew what it was. She had seen tents like it before, and she knew what type of person was inside. In all honesty, she didn't believe in them, she didn't trust what they had to say, she never had. She had seen and believed in a lot of things in her time, but not these.
Still, a part of herself insisted that now was the time to give ear to them, to give them a chance. Perhaps she had been led here for a reason, either way, right now, they were the only hope she had.
And so, without a second's more hesitation, she lifted the heavy curtain and stole herself into the sanctuary of the one known as a teller.


Friday, November 7, 2008 2:41 PM


The festival made it easy for Kurren to confirm what one of the vagabonds had informed him. He bought a mask from one of the many vendors in the area, with the mask covering his face he swayed to the disjointed music that played all around. As he blended in with the other music lovers he made his way back to The Epsilon and the Dwarf and placed several tracking-sensors.
Moving away he heard the sound of bay doors opening, timing the sway into a spin he caught a glimpse of Kyra exiting the Dwarf. He spun once more for good measure then melted into the crowd. Kurren followed Kyra to the tent of the old man all the while thinking how she could get him closer to his target. As Kyra entered the tent Kurren prepared himself to snatch her up before she made it back to the Dwarf.

Mystery Man on the Sereni-Tree
Navigator on Destiny
Kurren, Bounty Hunter


Monday, November 10, 2008 7:40 AM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions

Drops of rain gradually started to fall from the sky whilst the crowds taking part in the shining Star festival barely registered the atmospheric change.
Just then a dart whistled by, striking a wooden post holding up a large canopy, its sharp point lodging itself deep within the wood.
Barely a second later and a man threw himself into the large crowds, knocking several people over as he desperately sought to lose his pursuer in the congestion.

The tall slender pilot spat dust from his mouth as he reloaded his weapon, inserting three more eight-inch long darts into his Ybardan Pistol, as he made his way through the crowds.

He fired again, this time the dart missed his target's head by mere inches, instead striking an innocent bystander in her neck, incapacitating her instantaneously.

Clayton ducked and dived through the crowds, breaking up families and jumping over stalls as he desperately tried to evade the man.
His pilot had woken up sooner than expected and was evidently a lot angrier too. He'd tried reasoning with him, but it hadn't helped. All he could do now was run and hope he would lose him in time.

Needy. Male Companion: Chosen One?
----- The World's Greatest Detective?


Monday, November 10, 2008 7:41 AM


Who we are depends on the outcome of the struggle between who we were and who we want to be

Kyra stepped cautiously into the threshold. The home of the teller was admittedly not as she had expected. There were barely any statues or idols in place, nor were there many mystical and ominous looking candles surrounding the space. In fact, there was simply a small hexagonal table in the centre of the room, and a few wooden fold-out chairs surrounding the inner walls of the tent. The only person there, other than Kyra herself, sat at the middle table, long grey hair falling in front of and obscuring their face, whilst their head was bowed down low.

Kyra opened her mouth to speak but nothing followed. The person sitting there was not the same man that had led her here. He was in fact nowhere to be found. Instead, the one that sat waiting for her was an elderly woman

"Take a seat" she uttered simply without raising her head.

"Uh... no I think I'm in the wrong place" Kyra said, slowly backing away.

"You will take a seat young one, if you really wish to know how to save your love"

Kyra stopped and without asking any follow-up questions slowly proceeded to the table and took a seat across from the mysterious woman.
Her mouth remained open, as questions beginning with the words "How...?" or "Who..." were ready to depart from her, but she knew any answers would have been as vague and indeciphrable as the woman herself.

"You claim to be a seeker of truth" the woman said, placing cards on the table as she does so. The cards reminded Kyra of the ancient and popular Tarot cards synonymous with Tellers, but these ones were different, and something told Kyra they belonged to a relgion much older than any would have suspected.

"Yet the truth is something quite different" the old woman continued, turning over the first card lying face down on the table. An image of a two-faced grey devil, sits at a dinner table, laughing with angels. The word Deception graces the bottom of the card.

"What's this got to do with Bernie?" Kyra interrupts, unwilling to listen to mindless presuppositions made by a probable charlatan.

"You, like him, are all too willing to believe in the improbable, in hopes and dreams rather than what it is real.”

“That’s rich, coming from you” Kyra says with no hesitation whatsoever

“You know deep down in your heart what is right, and yet you listen too much to what other people say”

“I don’t know about that” Kyra states “For one, I don’t believe a word you’re saying right now”

“You’re afraid” the woman states just as she turns over the second of the five placed cards. This one shows a village burning, with terrified villagers fleeing from ravenous wolves. The word Fear sits emblazoned in yellow lettering at the bottom of the image.

“Wow, that’s really insightful” Kyra states, getting ready to leave “but I don’t have to listen to any of this”
She tries to leave the chair but there’s something holding her down. Held to the chair as if an invisible force was pinning her down.

“You’re afraid because deep down you know the truth ,you both do”

“What the hell have you done to me?!” Kyra shouts out, before crying out for help.

“Could you please be quiet girl, you’ll disturb the gods” the old lady said simply in a peacefully calm tone.

“Hell with you, get me the f*** out of here!”

The sound of heavy rain beated on the roof above her but, for the first time, Kyra noticed she couldn’t hear the sound of crowds or music outside. Here, in this place, she was cut off from the rest of civilisation.

The woman turned over the next card which straight away sent a chill down Kyra’s spine. Death A simple pile of bones graced the card, a sole skull resting on top of them.
Now Kyra was fearful for her own life, for all she knew, this woman acted upon her fantasies, murdering those that entered her presence.

The woman’s hand hovered over the fourth card as if she sensed its importance, but she too feared what it meant. Kyra stared at her, wondering what she was going to do next, but just then she turned it over. A being sat placed on a cloud, she couldn’t tell whether the depiction was that of a man or a woman, it’s body instead being a radiant light, but the word that sat beneath it was simple. God

The woman paused, her breathing getting noticeably heavier, but eventually she turned her attention away from the card and looked up as Kyra for the first time. The woman’s face was old and grey, with deep wrinkles that almost looked like scars. Her eyes were wide open. Kyra was still unable to move or defend herself when the woman suddenly leapt out of her chair, reached across and placed her hand upon Kyra’s.

The woman looked deep into Kyra’s eyes, probing her mind and memories as the young reporter looked on helpless. “What are you doing?” Kyra asked, her voice trembling.

“You..." the woman gasped. "It's you."

Kyra tried to flinch but still coulnd't move.

"You’re in great danger” the woman continued.

“Get the hell off of me, let me go!” Kyra demanded.

“You can’t go back to the ship” the woman said “he will find you”

“I need to help Needy” Kyra said, ignoring the woman’s warnings.

“He will kill you, he will stop at nothing to fulfil his purpose”

“You said you could help me, that you would help my love” Kyra strained

The woman blinked as she mulled over what she could do to convince the young reporter "No, I said you could save him”

“Then how? How can I save him?!!”

The woman glanced her eyes back to the last remaining card, still sitting face down, then back at Kyra. “You have to let him die.”

“No!!” Kyra groaned, struggling and straining, pushing as hard as she can with her legs in a bid to free herself from the chair. Slowly her left arm starts to twitch.

The woman backs away and collapses into her chair again. “It’s the only way”

Suddenly Kyra's arm jolts forward, and her hand lands on the yet-to-be-revealed card.

“To look upon the future would be disastrous” The woman said simply shaking her head

Yet again, Kyra ignores her warnings. She’d gotten herself to this place, she couldn’t not look now. With every ounce of strength she forced her hand to turn the card.

The card was completely black.

Suddenly a weight was lifted and Kyra discovered she could move freely again, her body shuddering all over.

She could leave now, only, she didn't want to. Not now. Not whilst the question was on her lips.

“I don’t understand." Kyra said, standing up, her tone strangely calm "What does this mean?”

The old woman let our a large sigh

“You said this was the future, who’s future?!”

The woman looked up once more, her eyes distressed and clouded “All of ours”

“You mean, the future’s unwritten…”

“No” the woman replied before Kyra could finish. “It means that because of your friend, none of us will have one”

OOC: Sorry, that post was uber-long, but felt necessary to have that one long scene if I'm going to sum things up by the end of the thread. Nice posts btw and glad to see Kurren back. Can't wait to see how it all pans out


Thursday, November 13, 2008 1:36 PM


Kurren watched as Kyra exited the tent. she looked, for the lack of a better word, troubled. A smile broke out underneath Kurren's mask. Whatever had transpired in the tent held her attention now, she was not even concerned with her surroundings. Kurren offered silent thanks to the gods as he dropped from his rooftop perch into an alley.
He caught sight of her just before the entrance to the docks. She seemed deep in thought so he took the moment to get behind her. He quickly wrapped his left arm around her waist and pulled her backwards into him. When she opened her mouth to scream he covered it with his gloved right hand. He began to sway to the music and forced Kyra to do the same, during the dance Kurren whispered into her ear
"Kyra McTaggert. You are now my prisoner. Do not struggle, right now the glove I have covering your mouth is releasing a very potent sedative. In fact, it should be taking effect by the time I finish this sentence."
She tried to struggle but each movement was slow and difficult. Kurren put away the glove as Kyra started to go limp. He spun her around so that she faced him. He positioned her so that he could support her weight while maintaining the illusion that she was still standing, then danced all the way back to his ship.
Once inside he secured Kyra in one of his suppression chambers. The chambers were a more recent modification to his ship. They take up about half the airlock in his ship. They circulate a combination of gases that keep a prisoner sedated, for the more rambunctious prisoner the chamber can also release the air, effectively taking the fight out of the prisoner.
With his prisoner secured Kurren undocked his ship and set course to orbit the planet.
"Now, we wait and see how important you are." Kurren said, staring at the suppression chambers.

Mystery Man on the Sereni-Tree
Navigator on Destiny
Kurren, Bounty Hunter


Friday, November 14, 2008 6:54 AM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions

Needy's eyes sprung open.

He could still hear the voice ringing in his head and the last few words it had spoken to him.

"There's always a way"

Needy believed that, now more than ever. He had seen too much not to believe. And he knew he could save her. He could save them all.

There were just two more things he had to do.

And the clock was ticking.

Needy. Male Companion: Chosen One?
----- The World's Greatest Detective?


Sunday, November 16, 2008 1:32 PM


Seryn made her way up and over the Epsilons outer hull, moving towards the Nandi's smaller bulk. She had to check out the smaller ship - it would be a vital scout if they were to find the hidden compound. She'd survived largely unscathed and Seryn set to, making the little repairs that were necessary. Rain started to fall, dark spots spaced far apart gradually joining up to make the surface of the two vehicles a dark glossy grey. In town, visible just between the drift of falling water, lights started to come on and drown out the lights of the festival. As she watched a cold feeling crept over her skin, but she ignored it, returning to her work.

ok, wee bit of mood building for you Needy! Wisp - thank you! i love how Seryn is always so much more kick ass in your hands than mine - you keep hitting what i'm aiming for!


Tuesday, November 18, 2008 3:21 AM


Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges

"Your gonna need a co-pilot" Wisp said from the ground below the Epsilon He'd seen the Power surges from the Nandi and assumed That Seryn would be cleaning her up.

She breifly looked down, surprised at hearing a voice but then returned to her work. "No I dont. Safe's gonna need you here incase gosa goes down"

"But what if it goes down up there? You know full well that if your heads in the sensors looking for this secret base your not gonna spot trouble as soon as you should. But you do the flying I'll do the scanning and we'll be back in no time" Wisp cowered in his waterproof as the rain hammered down "and besides She's not really built for sensor sweeps I might be able to boost your resolution?"

Seryn Breifly considered Letting him come along. Everything he was saying was right but that same feeling she had earlier made her think he should stay.

"That kid of yours needs his mum to come home" Wisp knew It was a wild card mentioning the baby but

"Get your stuff and upgrade the sensors" Seryn shouted down. She still didnt look up from her work so Wisp began to run inside out of the rain. "Oh and by the way. Never guilt me using my son again or ill snap you in half."


Thursday, November 20, 2008 5:21 PM


OOC: Whoa... Awesome posts! Took me a while to catch up.
Sorry for the absense, seems I'm always apologizing... Had a werewolf story to write, and I wrote my first sonnet and now my head hurts.

Jack stood, stretching like he was trying to touch the ceiling. He held that pose for a moment. A muffled pop indicated the end of his stretch, and he rubbed the small of his back.

"Yeah... that's the stuff."

"We served together for how long Jack?" Safe grimaced at the sound, "And I never got used to that."

"Ahh... you know, Safe, Old war wounds and such." Jack grinned and winked at Maxine who just rolled her eyes.

"I can't thank-you enough," Maxine pocketed the small memory chip. "Whether Liam knows it or not, or will even accept it, you and your people just opened a lot more doors for our movement."

Safe wearily rubbed the back of his neck. They had been hunched over the computer screen for too long, and he was paying the price. Not as young as I used to be.

"Listen Maxine, the locations and codes Jack just gave you is VERY sensitive information. I trust you to ensure that Liam understands that..."

Maxine reached across the table, placing a hand over Safe's, and looking directly into his eyes. "No, you listen for a change. Trust me, you have my word. Unlike Liam, I recognize a true and honest helping hand."

Jack smirked at Safe.

When Safe noticed the smirk, he abruptly withdrew his hand. He had gotten caught up for a moment; He couldn't remember the last time a woman had held his hand in friendship. He could still feel the sting on his face the last time a woman he loved touched him.

He stood abruptly. "Well then, first thing tomorrow, we part ways. Jack, I suspect you, Flechette, Amy and Versa will be gone before then."

Jack nodded.

"I know how to find you and I'll check in from time to time."

Jack saluted crisply before grasping Safe's hand, "Oh, I'm sure I'll hear about you lot long before you'll need my help again. Keep your head down and your eyes open Capt'n."

Safe turned to Maxine, "We've transferred enough provisions into travelling packs for you and the others. Take only what you absolutely need and don't come back for the Dwarf."

Maxine suddenly stepped in close to Safe and hugged him. His arms hung at his sides, unmoving. She stepped back with a sad look and placed a hand on his cheek, "I wish we could've met under better circumstances."

Safe cleared his suddenly tight throat, "I have some final preparations to make. Safe journey and good luck." He turned and strode out of the room.

Jack made to follow, but Maxine words stopped him.

"Thank-you, Jack. Thank-you."

Jack grinned and ducked out the door.

Safe stood outside the Epsilon, rain battering his upturned face. He silently urged the sky to do it worst, willing the rain to fall harder, in an effort to wash away the pain, wash away the weariness, wash away this feeling of foreboding, this nagging feeling he was forgeting something.

"Got a headful of lightning
And a heart full of rain
And I know that I said
I'd never do it again
Oh and I love you sweet baby but I always take the long way home."


Thursday, November 27, 2008 9:00 AM


Safe boarded the Epsilon, pausing in the rear storage area to snag a towel.

Towel around his neck, he absently dried his hair as he walked towards the cockpit.

As he passed through the medical compartment, the nagging feeling he was forgeting something screamed like a siren in his head.

He stopped and looked around the room. Everything seemed in order but something was missing...


Safe keyed his com, "Seryn, Soul, Wisp, where's Needy? Have any of you seen him?"

Before any could respond, Safe thought of another question, "Where's the girl that was keeping an eye on kim... Kyra?"

"Got a headful of lightning
And a heart full of rain
And I know that I said
I'd never do it again
Oh and I love you sweet baby but I always take the long way home."


Friday, November 28, 2008 10:47 AM


OOC: one day I've got to upload the Image I have for the Ship Bounty Baby. I used the RPG book for a reference and posted ideas on some site, that I can't seem to remember, to perfect it. but until then BUMP

Mystery Man on the Sereni-Tree
Navigator on Destiny
Kurren, Bounty Hunter


Tuesday, December 2, 2008 6:21 AM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions

The Weapon, or Fifteen as he had been called, stared aimlessly at his own hands. Hands that had taken many lives in the past. It hadn't been his wish. At the time, he thought what he was doing was right, and then later... when they got to him - Blue Sun, The Alliance, it was all the same really - they made him do things he really didn't want to do.

Now though he was here for one reason and one reason alone. He was here because he wanted to be. He knew it was right, and that they had been wrong.
He may have been the nucleus of this operation now, but it was much bigger than him or any of the crew. It was all of their hopes that order would be restored, true order. And justice. Not just for those of the core, but for everybody.
That was why they had enlisted the help of the resistance. Because, as far as Gabriella Torne was concerned (the woman that had set this operation up), it was the fighters for the resistance, not those in power, that were the true representatives of the people.
And this mission was for them.

Fifteen looked up from staring down and jolted suddenly as he realised there was somebody there standing in the doorway.

Needy stood still, watching the man, peering into his soul, understanding the pressure and anxiety he felt. The future rested on his shoulders. He could understand that, all too well.

"Who are you?" Fifteen asked cautiously.

Needy continued to stare, empathising with the young man but failing to answer, and with that he simply walked away, disappearing down the corridor.
Fifteen followed him to the door but went no further. Instead he merely watched as the young man walked off into the distance, wondering what it was that had brought him here.

Needy. Male Companion: Chosen One?
----- The World's Greatest Detective?


Tuesday, December 2, 2008 6:53 AM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions

OOC: Ok, since it's been a while since I posted, here's a bit more. I actually just re-read all of this thread and it's shaping up really nicely. Some excellent stuff as usual guys, and I can't wait to see how it all pans out

"Hey" Maxine called out in surprise as she caught sight of a familiar form sitting in that old wooden chair in Julie's quarters.

Liam slowly tore his eyes away from the photograph he'd been staring at and looked up.
As Maxine entered the room she immediately realised he was not alone. As expected, an exhausted Julie slept peacefully in her own bed, whilst the young girl Linda used the girl's bicep as a pillow, a furrowed brow on her face.
Interesting dream no doubt

"What are you doing here?" Maxine asked, quite surprised to see the captain here after storming out so dramatically not so long ago.

Still holding the old photograph tightly he spoke softly so as not to wake his family. "What? I'm making sure it all goes down okay"

Maxine bobbed her head and slowly made her way over to him. "You okay?"

"Yeah, it's just been..." he started "Well, you know how it's been"

"Yeah, I know" she expressed herself sympathetically.

"And I'm sorry for snapping earlier, I just... things haven't really gone to plan have they?"

"No, they haven't" she answered "But we'll be okay, you know that right? This crew... as hard as it may be to see it, they are a good one. And they're willing to help"
The announcement caused Liam's facial expression to change to that of one of hope.
"I mean, they've given us a headstart" she clarified "A list of contacts, transmission codes. Even secured us a ride. Got us some solid back-up to make sure we make it planetside without... well, as few a hitch as possible"

"Right" Liam said, his head lowering again as he gazed once more at the photograph. "I guess Colm didn't need to head out after all"

"I'm sorry?" Maxine responded, not quite understanding. "Where is he?"

"He's looking out for me. Like he always does" Liam shakes his head, still transfixed by the photo "Said he was gonna find us some help."

"Oh, captain" she sighed heavily.

"Don't worry he'll be back soon enough. He was just trying to help."

Maxine, now standing close to the man, peered over and glimpsed at the photograph that seemed to hold so much interest.

It was a picture of happier times. Of Liam and his wife Ciaran posing together on a bright summers day. It was instantly recognisable as being taken at the famous Bella Gardens on Sihnon, probably before the couple were married. As far as Liam was concerned, it was the last time he could remember being truly happy, being free from worry. Only now he couldn't even say whether that was real. Or if it had all been a lie from the beginning.

"I'm sorry" she said without thinking.

"No need to apologise" he said, shaking his head. But that was all he could bring himself to say, the memories coming back to him of their time together were too present now. He couldn't speak and not break down. So he kept it inside like he had always done. His love, his anger, heis need for retribution. He silenced them until the time came when those feelings would be of some use.

"We'll get it done." she said in the hope that it might comfort him "And things will be better. It'll all be better. We've just got to get there. Set things in motion"

Maxine raised a smile though it seemed to be for her own benefit than his, for he refused to look up again. Instead he pondered on his future. Not just his, but his daughter's. And his daughter's daughter. It was true, the verse had become a terrible place to live in. He only hoped that they were doing the right thing. That it would be a change for the better.

As a man passed by them in the corridor, Maxine took one more look at the two girls, and took her leave. She had to check out how their secret Weapon was coping, if he was still up for the task. The time for it was near.

Needy. Male Companion: Chosen One?
----- The World's Greatest Detective?


Saturday, December 6, 2008 2:35 PM


Seryn jerked upright at the sound of Safe's voice over the comm. She shot a glance at Wisp but his face was too obscured by the rain on the windshield. Popping the hatch she gestured and he shrugged.
She'd seen Needy as she passed through the ship, just minutes before. Or had she? she could envision it but... she couldn't even remember clearly what Kyra looked like, which said a lot for her recent observational skills.

By the time the both of them were back in the ship they were soaked through. Wisp shoved a cloth in her hands but she barely bothered trying to get dry before she got to the infirmary.

"What happened? Where are they?" She asked, Sadly Safes expression held no answers.

She crossed to the bed where Needy had so recently lain, pulling up the monitor and tracing back through the records. But it wasn't right surely..?

"He's dead?" at her exclamation Wisp marched accross the room as Soul rounded the corner and stopped still "How is he dead? " She whacked the side of the monitor, as was always the case acheiving nothing but a sting in her plam - no answers spilled forth.
She swore, accusatory tone gone " If he's dead then where is his body? What has she done with it?"

Wisp looked up "You're saying Needy kicked it and Kyra just threw him over her shoulder and scampered on out of here?"

"Well what would you suggest, sweetie?" the endearment didn't come out in a very endearing manner "that he upped and walked by himself?"

"No, he could have.." Wisp scanned the readout - "no, this thing is recording a full event, not just a sudden lack of data.. christ, whereever he is, I don't think its under his own steam"

Safe looked toward Soul" So what do you think? Would she have done this? And where would she be going?"

"Where could she go? I can only think of one place - that benighted little hole out there"

"Aw now Seryn - you don't know it's a hole - i'm sure theres some great real estate out there.. great sand.. and rock..."




Safe coughed "We'll search here first, but i think the town is likely - I suggest we get there soon"


Saturday, December 6, 2008 3:12 PM


and now for the double take - if any of this doesn't suit what people wanted to do just let me know!

Seryn moved towards the doors with the others just as a cry rang out from the crew quarters. She pulled up sharply.

" Crap! I can't go, i'll stay here, keep me up to date"
They turned, perplexed, Safe made to talk but another cry interrupted him "oh"

Collecting Fin from the crew quarters and smiled slightly at Sykes sleeping almost upright in the cramped little bunks. She moved towards the cock pit, sadness at Needys loss mixed with a gut feeling that she had no idea how to identify.


Friday, December 12, 2008 12:57 PM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions

The Epsilon had once been the home for Needy, giving him shelter whilst his crewmates discussed their future plans in the meeting room of The Dwarf. Now things had changed. Everything had changed.
As the crew desperately sought to discover where Needy had disappeared to, the man himself stalked the corridors of the Dwarf. His heart prepared for events that would soon transpire.

The Master Quarters had once belonged to Liam and his wife, the treacherous Ciaran. Now it played house for four young children, watched over by Citzen, whilst their loyal guardian Mr Sykes, got some much needed rest.

"Needy?" Citizen says as he caught a glimpse of the figure in the doorway, scarcely believing his eyes. "Needy" he says with a smile, standing up and walking towards him, his hand held out in greeting.

Needy takes the man's hand and shakes it whilst barely looking the man in the eye. Instead his focus is on the children, for their well-being.

"Are you okay?" the man asks. "You don't look okay" he says, taking note of the man's pale complexion. He was one to talk, Citizen had spent most of his life drunk and incapacitated. It was only now, with a healthy dose of Caffeine in his system, that he was able to put himself to use.

"I'm fine" Needy answers coldly. "I could do with some water though, perhaps"
Slowly the man starts to sit down on the floor. He was exhausted, and looked it. It had felt like lifetimes since he had walked on his own two feet, and the journey had taken a lot out of him.

"Okay stay here, I'll get you some" Citizen replied rushing out of the room.

Needy looked up at the four children that faced him, some of their faces looking on in awe, others in fear.

"What's wrong with him?" Ghost whispered to her older sister.

Shadow hesitated in her reply, not entirely sure whether he was "fine" as he had stated.

"Don't worry" Needy uttered softly "I'm just very tired."

Ghost nodded in acceptance and Shadow acknowledged it too, but Truth and Spider were a little bit more wary.

"What happened to you?" Spider spoke up without trepidation.

Needy raised a slight smile "I'm afraid the answer to that is more complicated than I could go into right now"

"You can tell us" Spider said standing up, her gutsiness unnerving Truth like it always had. he hated her for it - it had always landed her in trouble before. "We're not kids" she insisted.

"No, you're not" Needy said, his smile widening "You're the children of Chaos. You're the future."

Truth and Spider looked at each other, their faces scrunched trying to make sense of what the man was going on about. The old man's lost it "Don't get all funny on us" Spider spoke boldly, prompting a nudge in the side from her friend.

Needy shook his head, still grinning. "Wouldn't dream of it"


OOC: Okay I've just slightly edited the post. Don't ask me how I missed Seryn's comment about Sykes sleeping, but I completely contradicted it before. Oh well at least Citizen's doing something now () and with him running around, it's only a matter of time before the rest of the crew discover where Needy is

Aprilise, hope that fits your characters okay. Let me know if it doesn't and I can change it

Needy. Male Companion: Chosen One?
----- The World's Greatest Detective?


Monday, January 12, 2009 3:28 AM


Who we are depends on the outcome of the struggle between who we were and who we want to be

As Colm exited the Flying Hut, he was overwhelmed by the noise of the crowds. In the past half hour, it seemed the population had doubled in size. He had never been a fan of large crowds, it had bothered him to say the least. Staying alert required one to be aware of one's surroundings, but at times like these, it was impossible. People paced around, disappeared and reappeared again in seconds. If there was a federal officer amongst the crowd, Colm didn't know it. For all he knew, he was surrounded by them and they could take him down in any minute, scuppering any plans that the crew had.
He folded the piece of paper that he had in his hand and placed it in his pocket. The Flying Hut was known for being a reststop for pilots, and if there was anyone that could help them get to where they were going, under the radar, then they could be found there. Colm had taken details and prices from a handful of pilots, making notes of the pros and cons of each. But it was Liam that had to make the final decision, decide which one, if any, could be trusted to help them.
As a result, Colm kept to the outskirts of the crowds, squeezing through the gaps between people and market stalls - it seemed the best option to him. He wasn't interested in the sights, he just needed to get to the ship and the rest of his crew as quickly as possible.

But then he stopped and turned.
Just as he suspected, he had caught in his peripheral vision the sight of a familar face.
"Kyra" he muttered under his breath, he thinks that is her name.

Crowds pass in front of his line of sight, but its undobutedly her. Standing outside of a mysterious tent. A teller's tent. A part of him wonders whether that other crew were right - he knew they didn't trust her almost as much as they didn't trust him and Liam - was she in fact a danger to them.
But the thought soon passed as the woman he had been watching suddenly disappeared.

Colm, bobbed his head up and down, seeking her out, even making his way back to where she had been standing. The priority he had of getting back to the ship was now slipping out of focus, but it was not all for nought.
Just then, he caught sight of her, amongst the crowds, moving further away from him.
She wasn't alone - her body was pressed up tight against a masked man, the two of them seemingly dancing through the procession. Any other would assume he was protecting her from the chaos, but Colm saw something else. The masked man was no part of the parade, in fact he was certain that whilst Kyra seemed to move along with him, her body was in fact limp in the man's arms.

Colm instantly, and with no concern for his own mission, quickly took up the pursuit, weaving through men, women, children in the process. He didn't know if the man knew he was being followed, but he sure was moving quick.

Then Colm stopped as he reached the end.
He was sure he had followed them both here - to the Tyre Docks. But there was no sign of them, either of them. Again Colm looked back, scanning the crowds. But it was no good. He had lost them.


Kyra slipped in and out of consciousness.
All she could focus on was her own feet, skipping over the dusty ground as the man carried her; the man's mask, which resembled a mythological bird, obscuring her kidnappers identity; and the musky smell that emanated from his body - it was overpowering, and reminded her of the workhouse that her ex-husband had once taken her to.
But that was all insignificant now. She was under his control, and no amount of sketchy details could give her the power to escape. She was at his mercy.
And with that thought in mind, she succumbed to the deep sleep again.


Monday, January 12, 2009 7:54 AM


OOC: I have good news and bad news. Starting tonight, I am on a yearlong quest to write a book. I've taken a Novel writing workshop whose sole goal is to provide a small group of novelists the guidance and support they need to write their books. We meet every two weeks and I will be expected to produce 8 to 12 pages of manuscript for every meeting. The end result will be, by this time next year I will have a finished draft to submit to publishers.

I'm both excited and scared s***less.

Don't get me wrong, I have a solid premise and have done a huge amount of research in order to make my story both relatable and believable, but my inner critic keeps rearing it's ugly head.

"What if my idea doesn't have the 'legs' to be a novel?"
"I've only taken two writing courses, how does that qualify me to be a writer?"

BUT, if this works out, believe it or not I have two more ideas in the background waiting on the results of this endeavour. A loose trilogy, but I’m putting the cart before the horse by going there.

If nothing else, this will be a live and learn thing for me.

Sorry to say that as sporadic as I’ve been posting here, it’s gonna get worse.

I’ll keep you all posted. Thanks for inspiring me.

"Got a headful of lightning
And a heart full of rain
And I know that I said
I'd never do it again
Oh and I love you sweet baby but I always take the long way home."


Tuesday, February 24, 2009 2:50 AM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions

OOC: Safe, I'm saddened that you wont be able to post here as often, your contributions were always excellent but I wholeheartedly believe that you have in you to produce a fantastic novel so I wish you the best, all the time hoping you can still pop by when you can to post something

It seems we've all been sporadic in posting of late, but hope we can take this story to the finish line with this thread. Or at the very least, bring some sort of closure, leaving it open to return if and when we get the chance.

In that hope I've just wrote a little recap of current events so that you dont have to reread through this thread just to refresh your memories

The crew came to a decision. The Dwarf’s mission was not their own, and they couldn’t get involved, but at the very least they could help them get back on their feet. As the captain’s right-hand man Colm ventured into town looking for aid, our band of heroes provided locations of safe houses and government access codes that might assist them, as well as a new shuttle that would allow them to slip by undetected.
Meanwhile Seryn tells the crew about a secret hideaway that her uncle set up in an underground facility.
Seeing it as the perfect getaway and a chance to regroup, Safe gives the go-ahead - allowing Wisp and Seryn to get to work making the needed preparations.
As Safe bids farewell to his old friend Jack who, along with Flechette and Amy, plans to carry on their work in Santos, dark events are unfolding.
Clayton, the reporter that had been investigating Needy’s mysterious behaviour, finally locates the dangerous bounty hunter Kurren at Santos, but he is not out of peril yet. As he attempts to flee from a no-good pilot who feels he’s been “taken for a ride” by the reporter, Kurren himself has made considerable progress - locating the bait for his prize.
The Dwarf’s missing man Colm witnesses Kyra being kidnapped by the gruff bounty hunter, just as Needy awakens from his coma.
Safe and the rest of the crew strive to comprehend the bizarre events surrounding Needy’s recovery, completely ignorant of the fact that two agents of Project Einstein were watching them with great interest.

Needy. Male Companion: Chosen One?
----- The World's Greatest Detective?


Tuesday, February 24, 2009 2:54 AM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions

The Dwarf had been stripped. One could see that it was once a parliament-owned vessel by its design, but nobody could know what its true purpose had been, only its former crew.
Wisp had used his wizardry skills to hack the registration network - as a far as anyone in authority at Lando’s Bay knew, The Dwarf was now owned by a businessman named Krevlock. An upgrade for the man for sure, his shuttle - a simple Class C people-carrier, roughly half the size of The Dwarf - was now in the possession of Liam and his crew. It had been Safe’s doing. Maybe he was feeling generous, or maybe he just wanted the crew finally out of his hair, either way, they were as good as gone.
If only for one last thing.

“Liam’s worried” Maxine said as she approached Safe “he still hasn’t heard back from Colm”

Colm was not somebody Safe had had much dealings with. It had seemed he had made the wise choice to not get in the man’s way. But now he was seemingly missing, and that frustrated the Epsilon’s captain, not because he feared for the man’s well-being, but because it was further delaying the crews departure. It may have sounded selfish, but in all honesty Safe just wanted things to go back to the way they were. Things had become too complicated of late.

“It’s the festival, the broadcast waves can sometimes interfere with our comms.”

“He wants me to go find him” Maxine divulged.

“No” Safe said, “don’t need you running after him and getting yourself lost too”

“I can take care of myself” she said, clearly annoyed with him.

“He’ll be back” Safe said confidently.

The captain didn’t want to say goodbye to Maxine, but he hadn’t wanted to say goodbye to Jack either. But his friend was gone now, along with Flechette and Amy. He didn’t know how the latter would cope, she still seemed distressed over the boy Milton’s death, even suggested that they three should see to his burial. But it wasn’t their job. It hadn’t been Safe’s either, but he had made himself Needy’s keeper now, and Milton was his friend. They would see to it that the boy was buried at the hideaway Seryn had told them about, it would be best. It would be safer.
As soon as they leave Santos, Safe told himself, things would get better.
They had to.

Just then, Safe saw a man in the distance running towards them. It was Colm, right on cue.

OOC: Ok, so consider this setting the wheels in motion to finish up The Dwarf story (will prob send them on their way in my next post), leaving us room to focus on the core characters

Needy. Male Companion: Chosen One?
----- The World's Greatest Detective?


Friday, April 3, 2009 11:26 AM


OOC *Bump*
Sorry, nothing to add, just was checking in. Excellent stuff Needy! You always write Safe well.

"Got a headful of lightning
And a heart full of rain
And I know that I said
I'd never do it again
Oh and I love you sweet baby but I always take the long way home."


Tuesday, April 21, 2009 6:52 AM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions

"We can help"

Maxine's words still echoed in his mind as Safe watched the crew of The Dwarf leave in the small Carrier vessel. The ship rumbled before slowly but surely lifting itself off of the ground. Seconds later and the craft had elevated itself forty feet into the air and proceeded ventured forward on a steady straight trajectory, before breaking right and climbing towards the heavens above them, eventually disappearing amongst the clouds.

"No." Safe had replied. "You need to go. You need to finish what you've started."

The words pained him slightly. If it had been up to him, he might have welcomed their help, if only to let her stay a little longer. But he had to think of his crew. And they weren't going to be able to move on until the incident with The Dwarf was behind them.

"Seryn" he eventually called out as he snapped himself of his daze. "You all set?"

Antares stood by her ship, her clothes patched with black oil and her gloves greasy to the touch. "Ready when you are"

Safe hadn't yet told her what Colm had told him - that their new passenger Kyra had in fact been taken by a man, likely a bounty hunter hoping to lure her colleagues out into the open. Personally he hadn't seen how interrupting her work would have helped any. He'd already made up his mind what to do about it.

"That's the thing" he answered. "I'm gonna need you to take the lead here."

"Sorry?" she asked

"It's the girl, Kyra. She seems to have got herself in some trouble."

"She's not our responsibility." Seryn replied

"You want to be the one to tell Needy that?" Safe answered back. "Besides, she is. I gave her my word, I wouldn't leave her behind."

"What kind of trouble?" she asked

"It doesn't matter" the cpatain answered, shaking his head.

"You're going out there on your own, and you want me to lead this crew. Any reason you didn't ask Soul?"

"Who's to say I didn't?"
"Truth is, right now, I think you're the safest bet to lead. Soul... he's not been the same." Safe sighed. "Besides, I'm not going alone. It's Needy who wants to do this, I'm just going to make sure he stays safe."

Seryn nodded in acceptance of the assignment, and softly asked, "When do you leave?"

"Now," he answered. "We're going now. Soon as you're ready, I suggest you do the same. Ain't no reason to stay here any longer."

"Okay" she said with much hesitation "I'll send the co-ords to your Nav-com. And I'll see you there. Right?" Seryn said with a hint of concern in her voice.

"Sure," he answered simply. "I'll see you soon"

Needy. Male Companion: Chosen One?
----- The World's Greatest Detective?


Friday, June 5, 2009 11:18 AM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions


Anyone got anything? Or has this thread died a death now

Needy. Male Companion: Chosen One?
----- The World's Greatest Detective?


Monday, July 20, 2009 5:41 PM


OOC: Hi all! Just checking in. Looks like our little saga has become stagnant. I`m sorry to see that.¸

I`m a little under the half-way mark with my book, about 35,000 words. Writing is a lot of hard work, but I`m enjoying it emmensely. Stretching my muscles so to speak and trying to convert my classmates to Firefly.

I hope you are all doing well and that when I`m done my book we can get together (cyberly, of course) to hash out a fitting ending to such a great story, if indeed it has met its demise.

"Got a headful of lightning
And a heart full of rain
And I know that I said
I'd never do it again
Oh and I love you sweet baby but I always take the long way home."


Tuesday, July 21, 2009 2:30 AM


Hey Safe - that is impressive! Well done and best of luck finishing it!

I don't think its met it demise, I thik we all just need to be in a place to spend a little more time on it. Who knows - future adventures might still be in the offing.

Good Luck!

(and this post was bought to you by being up way past my bed time.)






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