Get to know each other...

UPDATED: Wednesday, September 29, 2004 01:58
VIEWED: 19346
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Saturday, July 17, 2004 11:05 PM


Well, I know there are the "how old are you" and "where are ya from" posts, but I think it woiuld be easier if we put everything together, in a "get to know each other" post. So I'll start, if you have any stuff to add to what I write, you're welcome.

Alias: Reginleif
Meaning of the alias: Well, I dunno if you know the game "Age of Mythology", but that's where I heard about Reginleif. She was avalkyrie in the Norse mythologies and I just thought it's a cool name.
Gender: Female, if you haven't guessed.
Age: 15 in 2 months.
Where am I from: Israel
How did I get to know Firefly: A friend of mine from the states who lived here for three years told me about it, and forced me to watch the pilot. And then he had to give me the DVDs. So I fell in love and got my family hooked too, and then we ordered the DVDs. Much later I discovered there's going to be a movie, and then I got here. And here I am.
Other things I like: reading and writing, especially sf&f, playing the piano, and mathmatics. That's kinda it.
My fav FF character: River. Because she's cool and creepy and psychic.

Now what about you guys?


Saturday, July 17, 2004 11:34 PM


Alias: whispering
Meaning of the alias: Its a song by RMB, but it fitted very well for me, because i speak very quietly. Also it havent been taken in any forums i use, so it was good... though its not really a "name" type of word.
Gender: Male
Age: 21 ...22 in 8 days :)
Location: Finland
How did I get to know Firefly: Watched on tv, about month later ordered the DVD set
Other things I like: Music (mainly electronic), movies and anime.
My fav FF character: River or Kaylee, both are so cute and lovable


Sunday, July 18, 2004 2:15 AM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.

Alias: E. C. Gordon

Meaning of the alias: The main character from one of my favorite books, Glory Road, by my favorite author, Robert A. Heinlein.

Gender: Male.

Age: 54 in September.

Where am I from: Texas, USA

How did I get to know Firefly: Saw promos and read about it before it aired. Watched all but one of the eps when they were on FOX. Pre-ordered the dvds as soon as they were announced, and have watched them over a dozen times so far.

Other things I like: A lot of reading, love great movies and music too. Have my own website,

My fav FF character: Mal is my favorite, since he is the center of the show and the character I think Joss cares most about.

Meaning of my signature: "We're still flying."

wo men ren ran zai fei xing.


Sunday, July 18, 2004 7:45 AM


Alias: Daedalus

Meaning of alias: Formost, the first version of the eschellon IV artificial intelligence from the computer game 'Deus Ex'. Also, of course, the wiser, older, and still living member of the mythic greek pair.

Age: 15 last june

Location: Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Introduction to Firefly: Kept ranting to family about Farscape, and one day, my sister announced she had 'just seen a better show'. Still love Farscape, but been a browncoat ever since.

Other interests: Reading, drawing, philosophy (ooooh Nietzsche) debating, music (Trumpet playing, as well as listening)

Favorite FF character: Malcolm - A natural born leader. Aside from the bitterness, I aspire to be that man.


Sunday, July 18, 2004 6:35 PM



My long-winded profile has more than any sane person would ever want to know about me.

The Real Me


Wednesday, July 21, 2004 12:17 PM


Alias: oog

Meaning: Out of Gas, my favorite ep. And because I can't come up with good screen names, to save my life.

Gender: Female

Age: 33

Where I am from: Phoenix, AZ (born in Carlile, PA and raised in Alaska)

How did I get to know Firefly - I watched it from the first ep.

Other things I like: Farscape, The Sims, genealogy, counted cross stitch

My fav. FF character: They are all great, but Wash and Mal. I can't choose between them.

Great. Another exciting adventure in sitting.


Wednesday, July 21, 2004 12:54 PM


Alias: Sikkukut. It's okay to call me Sikk, especially while chatting. The whole k-k-u-k-u bit tends to give people trouble.

Meaning: The main not-quite-villain from C.J. Cherryh's Pride of Chanur saga. Cherryh is one of my favorite authors, but her style is thick and she's often overlooked even by people who read a ton of sci-fi. Sikkukut an'Nikkuktin is a kif, a species that somehow ended up with more than its fair share of consonants and frequently say things like "Kkkkkkkkkkt." I chose the alias not because I identify with the character (because Cherryh makes alien characters wonderfully impossible to identify with), but because it's never, ever taken on any message boards, and anyone who gets it is supercool. Still waiting.

Gender: Male
Age: 21
Location: Champaign, IL

Firefly and me: I watched it and enjoyed it when it was on, but the Friday night death slot worked particularly poorly with my schedule and I missed a ton of it. When my girlfriend got the DVD set for me last Christmas, we watched it together until she broke up with me. Then we watched it separately... since then, I've converted some 23 people to the cause and grown to love the show more and more.

Interests: I read and write, mostly but not entirely science fiction and fantasy. I'm extremely interested in history and alternate history, and a lot of my writing reflects that. I also write and produce no-budget movies, currently all horror but soon to branch out significantly. To learn more about my movies, check out I also roleplay and play Magic, because I'm just that nerdy. I've been a Star Trek fan since I was very small, and still am, but Firefly's just... better.

Favorite Firefly character: I find this question nigh-impossible, Firefly being as it was an ensemble show. Simon and Kaylee are probably the ones I connect with most as people, but since I get to sit back and watch, I'd have to say Jayne. He's hilarious, menacing, and surprisingly complex.

"You're mean. Firefly's making me reconsider my lifelong devotion to Star Trek." --My mother


Wednesday, July 21, 2004 1:33 PM


Important people don't do field work.

Hey, I'm not afraid...My real name is Bryan S. Barks I'm 29, married and the father of a girl and a boy.

Alias: ManWithPez
Meaning: Well, I'm a man with a lot of pez. I have about 100 dispensers, but, since I abhor most collector's mentalities, I open and play with them. I also have a blog called Its chock full of stupidity.

On Firefly: Watched the commercials thinking, "That's looks horrible" but I was already a huge Buffy/Angel fan. Was shocked when nothing in the promos was in the first episode. watched a few more episodes, but work didn't permit me to watch them all. caught about four, and then two years later, bought the DVD set. watched the first episode and went "Ohhhhh" And gladly watched the rest of it. Bigger Firefly fan now than I ever was. Waiting, like the rest of you, not so patiently, for the Big Damn Movie.

On Converting: I always enjoys minionizing people to Buffy and Angel, but that has been nothing to Converting people to Firefly. I guess because it wasn't well known, but when you make a convert, you find something else to enjoy about the show yourself. Its like Christmas.

Hobbies: Movies, movies, movies. I read a lot too. Reading a collection of pulp detective stories right now. Also listen to Old Time Radio quite a bit. I sketch and write (though not so well as my fanfic "Shadow War" will bear up)

Air Force: That's right. And they sent me to Korea. For no reason whatsoever. I've been away from my wife and kids for 8 months now. Can't wait to go home and find out what other crap hole on this planet the Air Force can send me to.

That's about it. I mean, I'm not pretty. I'm 5'8" and weigh about 180. I wear glasses, and my hair is going to gray a little sooner than I'd like, but its still there, so I 'm happy about that.

My Signature: My favorite quote from Firefly. Simon is my favorite character because he gets crapped on so much. Plus, if he ever gets to make time with Kaylee, he'll be my hero!

Kaylee: "What's so damn important about being proper? It don't mean nothing out here in the black."
Simon: "It means more out here. It's all I have..."


Wednesday, July 21, 2004 4:36 PM


Hey! I was raised in Alaska too, oog. Anchorage. Left in '84. Now living in Prescott Valley, AZ. What a coincidence!

Alias: meaning Willow, she of the Jossverse. My favorite Buffy character and the name of my 5 month old daughter. Also, I was willowy thin before my pregnancy (now, not so much). And fourthly, it's kind of a Buffy "word." You know how they stick 'ys' and 'l-ys' after everything.


How did I get to know Firefly? I came late to the show, having time only for Buffy and Angel. When Angel was canceled, I SO needed my Joss fix. Seeing my grief, my teenage son bought me the dvds and now you can't get me away from the player.

Other things I like: Gee, did you guess BtVS? Heh... I also love to read, cook, and shop. Not the outdoorsy type, but love to cruise up to Sedona and stay in a nice hotel, walk around and just soak up the vibe. That town is amazing. Also I post at Whedonesque a lot.

Favorite character? That would be Inara. Then Wash. Inara is so graceful and elegant. I love her noblesse oblige attitude. She's this ultimate woman, but nowhere near the snob she could be. And I love Wash because HE. IS. JOSS.

"Once, in flight school, I was laconic..."


Wednesday, July 21, 2004 5:26 PM


Alias: Tian Mo Wei Long

Meaning of Alias: Dark Angel Instead of going with my normal s/n, I decided to get into the spirit of FF and choose something Pinyin.

Gender: Female

Age: 21

Where I'm From: Michigan, US

How did I get to know FF: A friend of mine told me about the show after Fox had cancelled it and I ended up seeing it later at Wal-Mart and decided to buy it--w/o seeing an ep first, mind you. Let me tell you, I've never regretted it.

Other things I like: reading, writing, studying just because and especially languages/grammar and religion/mythology, playing the piano

Favorite FF Char: This is a toughie. I think Simon is probably my favorite character. He gave up everything to rescue his sister. That kind of loyalty is admirable.


Wednesday, July 21, 2004 5:40 PM


Alias: Sergeant X

Meaning of the alias: Character from a short story by Salinger. A soldier after World War II, disillusioned by the agony of the war, adopts a pseudonym for oblique reasons. Finds hope in a broken watch previously given as a gift.

Gender: Male. Surly curmudgeon.

Age: 40

Where am I from: Kansas, U.S.

How did I get to know Firefly: I'd given up on television years ago. A sequence of events led to a situation where I'd been given a television and my sons discovered our cable internet inadvertently included a cable TV signal. That very night I read about Firefly on slashdot and tuned in. Wow.
At first I thought I'd really been missing out on good TV, but soon realized how much of an anomaly it really was.

Other things I like: Programming, music, games.

My fav FF character: Mal. His irrational, stubborn, rejection of society strikes near an dear to my heart. I know he's wrong, I know he's doomed, but I can't help myself.
After Mal, I'd have to go with River. I found her quite annoying at first, but after seening Safe, fell in love. Something about a character who is persecuted because she see's the world differently..... sigh.


"Dream a little dream or you can live a little dream. I'd rather live it, cause dreamers always chase but never get it." Aesop Rock


Wednesday, July 21, 2004 6:57 PM


Alias: Ping jing, meaning Serenity, of course. Felt I should choose something FF related instead of my usual screenname, and that was as creative as I got.
Gender: female
Age: 23
Where I'm from: suburb southwest of Minneapolis. Oh, but I'm moving to Boston in about a month, so if any browncoats live out there and want to have a shindig...?
How I got to know Firefly: My sister persuaded me to buy the DVD set a few months ago. She said she would pay me back if I hated it, but surprise! It's my new obsession.
Other things I like: I dabble in anything artsy or craftsy, I read a *lot*, I also play in a clarinet trio.
Favorite FF character: the one I identify most with is River. She's a little crazy, a little lost in this world, but she's also got this incredible inner strength that I admire. No one else stands up to Jayne the way she does. (except for the Captain, of course.)

Jayne: "Well, I say as a rule that girlfolk ain't to be trusted."
River: "Jayne is a girl's name."


Wednesday, July 21, 2004 9:18 PM


Willowy said:

Hey! I was raised in Alaska too, oog. Anchorage. Left in '84. Now living in Prescott Valley, AZ. What a coincidence!


My dad lives in Anchorage and almost all my hubby's family lives there (and Wasilla), too. I was raised in North Pole (yup - that's the name of the town. It's not THE North Pole, just named that) and lived in Fairbanks some of the time as well.

Also, you (and anyone else) can call me Loni ;) That's why I put it in my sig, so people aren't forced to use my lame screen nick

Great. Another exciting adventure in sitting.


Thursday, July 22, 2004 5:16 AM


Alias: A combination of my name and a nickname from high school, just sort of easier to remember if you stick to the same one.
Gender: female
Age: 23
Where I'm from: Kansas
How I got to know Firefly: I watched a lot of it when it was on tv and was desperate for the DVDs, which I preordered and enjoy on a regular basis.
Other things I like: Photography, writing, tv, movies, being a complete dumass
Favorite FF character: Hard but, Mal and Wash. Mal because he's a badass but he's also a sweetheart, Wash because he's got the coolest sense of humor and timing and he's talented.


Thursday, July 22, 2004 6:57 AM


Meaning of the alias: Mine and my wife's first initials, and our last name (Joe, Charlotte Knife). Not at all creative, I realize. Worse part is, my wife is computer-phobic and never gets on here.
Gender: Male
Age: 34
Where am I from: Ohio-born and raised.
How did I get to know Firefly: Friends on were raving about it. I asked why. They said don't ask, go buy it on DVD (this was in June of this year). I did. I've watched it twice through, second time with my wife. Starting now on the commentaries...
Other things I like: Videogames, guns, my Ford Mustang project car, playing with my 3 y/o daughter (not necessarily in that order). I've attended E3 every year except twice since its inception (and the Summer CES before that...)
My fav FF character: I identify the most with Jayne (i.e. the gun nut and blatantly pragmatic parts, not the mercenary with questionable ethics parts) but most appreciate the positive attitude and whimsy of Kaylee. I guess I'd want to be thought of as a combination of those two. How's that for diversity?


Thursday, July 22, 2004 8:00 AM


Alias: pedme84

Meaning of the alias: "pedme" is one of several ways to spell the tibetan word for "lotus flower," the most accurate would probably be "peme." 84 is a sacred jain number.

meaning of signature: it's a willow line from second season (written by joss). it was just such a me moment.

Gender: female

Age: 23

Where am I from: NJ and working on moving to Astoria. i had a place, but i may not have it anymore, and so it may take me even longer to get out of my parents' house. waah, finding an apartment is hard.

How did I get to know Firefly: well, seeing as how i want to be like joss whedon when i grow up, i thought i should watch his tv show

Other things I like: my passions are writing and mythology. i write mostly screenplays. right now i'm working on book for a musical which is the most exciting thing i've ever done! i'm also serious about mythopoeia.

My fav FF character: Kaylee. i just identify with her the most. kaylee/willow/fred are the smart, cute, girly, not physically strong characters. yep, that's me.

- emily


Thursday, July 22, 2004 8:04 AM


Alias: MyOrangeHat
Meaning of the alias: In reference to Jayne's orange hat he got in 'The Message,' but I'm sure y'all already figured that out.
Gender: Female
Age: 22
Where am I from: Philly (close to it anyway)
How did I get to know Firefly: I saw part of an episode on TV and loved it, but I turned it off before I saw more than ten minutes because I heard that they were going to air the pilot ep a couple weeks later. I wanted to start from the beginning. I watched the pilot on TV and was like 'WOW! I can't wait to see the rest of the episodes" Only to find out that it had been cancelled and they weren't going to air reruns. I think my reaction was something like "NOOOOOOOOOooooo!!"
Then I got the DVD set for Christmas(because I asked for it). Now I'm addicted and I post a lot at the OB. :)
Other things I like: Horses. Arthur C. Clarke books. Comics. I'm sure I like other stuff too but I can't think of anything else right now.
My fav FF character: Kaylee. She is just so happy and appealing. You can't not like her.


Thursday, July 22, 2004 8:07 AM



Originally posted by oog:
Willowy said:

Hey! I was raised in Alaska too, oog. Anchorage. Left in '84. Now living in Prescott Valley, AZ. What a coincidence!


My dad lives in Anchorage and almost all my hubby's family lives there (and Wasilla), too. I was raised in North Pole (yup - that's the name of the town. It's not THE North Pole, just named that) and lived in Fairbanks some of the time as well.

Also, you (and anyone else) can call me Loni ;) That's why I put it in my sig, so people aren't forced to use my lame screen nick

Great. Another exciting adventure in sitting.

I'm just gonna butt right into the middle of your conversation here. ;p
My uncle and his family live in Wasilla. I spent a whole summer with him there a few years ago. But he travels for work a lot so I ended up spending that summer all over Alaska. The towns I can think of off the top of my head where I stayed are: Wasilla, Fairbanks, Anchorage, Kenai, Soldatna, Delta Junction(REALLY small town). Please excuse my spelling, I'm sure it is quite bad.
I really liked Alaska, and if it weren't for winter, I'd love to live there. I don't even like the winters I get HERE far far south of Alaska. :)



Thursday, July 22, 2004 8:28 AM


Alias - Radhil Trebors

Meaning of Alias - first is a scramble of Haldir, the bit-character elf dude from LOTR, second is a reverse of my name (Robert) with the s just 'cuz it sounds better. How I ended up picking it is a long(ish) and dull tale, suffice to say I was an idiot at one point, and it's more of an in-joke on myself than any Rings geekiness.

The Vitals: I'm male, almost 27, and so far a lifelong New Yorker.

Found Firefly: I came to Whedon via Buffy. Specifically, The Body, which was the first episode I watched whole. After being hammered (despite not having a clue about any of the players), I figured I'd better pay more attention to his projects. So I watched Firefly on TV, but not seriously until Out of Gas. C'mon, it started with Train Job, cut me some slack.

Interests: I'm a gaming hound, and my few hangouts are mostly RPG boards. Any good sci-fi/fantasy I'm into, no matter the format, and if it has deeper stuff than ships-go-boom, so much the better: Lord of the Rings (dead tree or big screen), Farscape, Babylon 5, Joan of Arcadia, Buffy, Sword of Truth, Harry Potter... you can probably fill it in from there. I have many programming and writing projects I've started and never finished, which I'm trying to fix. Also barely practicing piano in between all other distratctions. Music tastes include classic rock, some 80s, some game soundtracks, and probably stranger stuff in the near future.

Best Character: I'd like to say Mal, but River is quite literally in my *brain*. I wish she'd stop muttering.

Radhil Trebors
Persona Under Construction


Thursday, July 22, 2004 8:30 AM


Alias: RhymePhile

Meaning of alias: I started writing The X-Files fan fiction in 98, and chose it because it combined my writing interests: rhyming and being an X-Phile. I've written other stuff (lots of humor), in all genres, (not FF yet, it's percolating) but RhymePhile suits me.

Gender: I'm all mysterious, ooooh.

Age: 29, 30 in December

Where from: NJ born and raised, and I currently commute every day into new York City to work

How I got into Firefly: Amazingly, and I'll bet I'm the only one to say this, but I don't own the DVDs -- yet. After Angel was cancelled, I finally got around to watching FF, which I rented from Netflix. I'll buy the set as a present to myself when I pay off my credit card!

Other things I like: The X-Files is my first and true love, Highlander, Buffy, Angel, Millennium, and any TV series that makes me think; anime and animation (The Simpsons, Batman the Animated Series, Invader ZIM, stuff like that), sci-fi, and a bunch of other things that would make this post too long

Favorite FF character(s): That would have to be Wash, hands down, for his light-hearted approach to life, for having fun, for not taking things too seriously, but for also taking care of business, for being true to his shipmates, and for being a man hopelessly in love and not afraid to show it.
And my second favorite would be Mal, for being completely different from Wash, for being dark, principled yet maladjusted, for being hard, unforgiving, and cynical, as well as for being honorable, brave, and righteous, even when he doesn't have to be. They're the yin and yang on Serenity.
I also love Kaylee for the way Joss has written her: innocent and pure, but the girl knows her stuff. She's young but intelligent, tough when she needs to be, and she has such a beautiful relationship with Mal. I hope we get to see more of that interaction in the film.

"It's because they're stupid, that's why! That's why everybody does everything!"

~~ Homer Simpson


Thursday, July 22, 2004 9:13 AM


Alias: Kessie
Meaning of the alias: its a nickname derived of my real name .. have had it since I was 12
Gender: Female
Age: 23
Where am I from: Bonn, Germany
How did I get to know Firefly: Well I am a big Buffy and Angel fan so i had to try Firefly!
Other things I like: reading ( at the moment lots of Neil Gaiman) and writing lots of stuff,Buffy and Angel as said above, going out with friends...
My fav FF character: River and Jayne ;)

They say it’s the last song
They don’t know us, you see
Its only the last song
If we let it be


Thursday, July 22, 2004 9:24 AM


Myorangehat said:

I'm just gonna butt right into the middle of your conversation here.

If you must Joking!

My husband was raised in Delta Junction. It is a very tiny town. "A spit in the road" I call it. Or "out in the boonies", but that's usually reserved for air-access-only places. lol

Your spelling all looked fine to me ;)

I'm so burnt out on winters, I don't know if I'll ever want to live anywhere where it gets snow, ever again.

Great. Another exciting adventure in sitting.


Thursday, July 22, 2004 9:48 AM


Name: Christopher Jones, married (handfasted) to Mahealani M. Jones, no kids.

Alias: Static

Meaning of the alias: Before I went to flight school and became an Apache pilot, I was an Apache crewchief and also the resident communications guru. They gave me the callsign "Static". Radios. . .static. . .get it?

Gender: Testosterone-laden male.

Age: 32, 33 on Sep 22

Where am I from: Greensboro, NC, USA

How did I get to know Firefly: I saw the ads on TV and thought, "Oohhhhhhhhhh this is gonna be a stinker. A cosmic hooker? Puh-leeze. Besides. . .I was rarely able to be home on Friday nights. However, one night, I was sick with the flu and found myself at home on Friday night and saw "Our Mrs. Reynolds" and immediately loved the show. And of course. . .never saw another episode.

Cut to Afghanistan. . .OEF IV. . .Kandahar Air Base - I'm in the little PX we had there, looking at the DVD section when the "Firefly" box set caught my eye and completely failed to ring a bell. So, I bought it and fell in love AGAIN. I've been here ever since.

Other things I like: reading, playing my saxophone, singing with my band, and I LOVE my job. I'm a drill instructor in the civilian world. . .I run a cadet program at a privatly run middle school in Greensboro.

My fav FF character: Mal. I like to think that I'm the same kind of leader he is.

"Wash. . .we got some local color happening. A grand entrance would not go amiss."


Thursday, July 22, 2004 11:07 AM



Originally posted by JCKnife:

My fav FF character: I identify the most with Jayne (i.e. the gun nut and blatantly pragmatic parts, not the mercenary with questionable ethics parts) but most appreciate the positive attitude and whimsy of Kaylee. I guess I'd want to be thought of as a combination of those two. How's that for diversity?

That's pretty funny, a friend of mine and I were trying to decide who we were in Firefly characters and I was Kaylee-Jayne and he was Simon-Wash.


Saturday, July 24, 2004 8:05 AM


Well its always seemed to me that once you've been to Alaska, it somehow never entirely leaves you.

Glad to know you OOG and Orange Hat. I'm sure we'll bump into each other again on these boards!

"Once, in flight school, I was laconic..."


Saturday, July 24, 2004 8:45 AM


Alias: heb
Meaning of the alias: My initials: Heather ... ...
and my nickname occasionally.
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Where am I from: Swindon, England
How did I get to know Firefly:
Being a Joss fan I couldn't wait for this to air on the sci-fi channel over here. I watched them all and then my Mum (bless her) got me the US dvds and a multi-region dvd player to play them on. Didn't watch them for a while though but watched them just before going to the Fusion con that some of the firefly cast attended and suddenly got terribly obsessed. Then went to fusion and got even worse.

Other things I like: Anything Joss related, The West Wing on the tv front.
Otherwise - Science. I want to be a theoretical physicist but I'm not sure that'll happen.
I play chess and like to go rock climbing when I can. I'm a Ranger guide and like to go camping.

Well, my sister's a ship... we had a
complicated childhood
I wear the cheese. It does not wear me.


Saturday, July 24, 2004 1:34 PM


Alias: Perididdle

Meaning of alias: It's a drumming technique, that's about all I know of the actual word. A character I use in stories was given a ferret, and having sat in on my band classes when the director would yell 'PERIDIDDLE!' to the percussion, she chose it for a name. I was bored when I signed up for something else a long while back, so I just chose the name and it kinda stuck.

Gender: Female

Age: 13 as of July 8th

Location: Millersburg, Missouri, USA

Introduction to Firefly: I became a Buffy fan a week or two after the last episode. Very, very quickly became obsessed, and someone I talk to A LOT also likes the show. He said something about Firefly, and then I saw the ad for it on TV. Gave the DVDs a chance and fell in lurve. ^_^

Other interests: WRITING, drawing, role-playing, video games (I can kick some SERIOUS Spyro the Dragon butt. Squeee.), horseback riding, music (listening to, mostly) and theatre, musical or otherwise.

Favorite FF character: Kaylee. So innocent, sweet, happy and DAMN CUTE! How I wish I were her (or dating her...if I were, you know, older so it would be legal......)

"'s kind of a warrior...strikes fear into the hearts of..."


Saturday, July 24, 2004 3:54 PM


*amazed* Static not only are you from the area I went to college. But you're from the area my husband grew up. And not only were/are? you in the same profession as my husband but in the same AIRCRAFT as he is. Don't know if you can post it here, but what CAV unit were/are you in?!?!?!? If you are still in at all.

And back to the topic at hand.

Name: Stacy C

Alias: wickediamond. among others.

Meaning of the alias: its an X-men thing.

Gender: female
Age: 24
From: Germany vis AL vis NC via PA

How did I get to know Firefly: Picked it up in the store one day. I had been told my many how great it was. Had wanted to watch it, but work repvented it. So I grabbed it one day as an impulse by. Glad I did it.

My fav FF character: Jayne.

Other things I like: books, music, comics, manga, gardening, hell lots of stuff.


Originally posted by Static:
Name: Christopher Jones, married (handfasted) to Mahealani M. Jones, no kids.

Alias: Static

Meaning of the alias: Before I went to flight school and became an Apache pilot, I was an Apache crewchief and also the resident communications guru. They gave me the callsign "Static". Radios. . .static. . .get it?

Gender: Testosterone-laden male.

Age: 32, 33 on Sep 22

Where am I from: Greensboro, NC, USA

How did I get to know Firefly: I saw the ads on TV and thought, "Oohhhhhhhhhh this is gonna be a stinker. A cosmic hooker? Puh-leeze. Besides. . .I was rarely able to be home on Friday nights. However, one night, I was sick with the flu and found myself at home on Friday night and saw "Our Mrs. Reynolds" and immediately loved the show. And of course. . .never saw another episode.

Cut to Afghanistan. . .OEF IV. . .Kandahar Air Base - I'm in the little PX we had there, looking at the DVD section when the "Firefly" box set caught my eye and completely failed to ring a bell. So, I bought it and fell in love AGAIN. I've been here ever since.

Other things I like: reading, playing my saxophone, singing with my band, and I LOVE my job. I'm a drill instructor in the civilian world. . .I run a cadet program at a privatly run middle school in Greensboro.

My fav FF character: Mal. I like to think that I'm the same kind of leader he is.


Saturday, July 24, 2004 8:23 PM


Hey I love doing these "getting to know you..."

Alias: SamuraiX47

Meaing of alias: see link to other thread...

Gender: Male

Age: 39 (second year)

Where From: Born in Japan (i'm half japanese). Lived in over 19 residences, across 10 states and 2 countries. Father was Air Force(60s)/Navy (70'S 80'S). I attended an engineering/science college in upstate NY. I was an officer in the Navy. I've been in Rhode Island since 1991.

Firefly Obsession: began when I watched Train Job on tv. Tried to catch other episodes. Picked up the DVD as soon as it came out. Joined in January 2004.

Science Fiction: Is my life. I have been an ardent reader since 3rd Grade. I have about 1500 Science fiction paperbacks in my personal library. I'm writing now but haven't sold anything. I'm not quite up to date with current SF authors... most of my reading is pre-90s with a few recents adds... being a husband/father to 2 beautiful girls can be a time-consuming task.

Loved Star Wars in '77 and got involved with filmmaking, which led to working in video production and television in Rhode Island. But that work dried up and I found a position at the Community College of RI in 1999.

I visited family in Japan in 1974 at the age of 10 and watched way too much TV while there. Discovered Anime long before anyone called it that in the US. Visited Japan a few more times.

I read DC comics in the 70s. I also enjoy cooking, yard work, commuting, 80's New Wave and Alternative music, Soundtracks, all kinds of movies and film.

I'm currently the secretary for the Rhode Island Science Fiction Club, and I will be at Noreascon4 (World SF Con) in Sept. in Boston. Look for me in the space suit.

It's really james, but, you know...


Sunday, July 25, 2004 3:43 AM


My alias:...the same as in other forums and online games.....the name of a warrior king in prehistory...

My signature:..the way I feel about FF's replacement...The quote by Zoe is pretty funny in the ep...

My name is Walter Starr..Army veteran of the Cavalry...Corporal Sniper Team Leader..

FF and me:...watched it from day one, read about it before it aired, and was highly upset when it was cancelled..had a few ep's taped until getting the BDD set..

Where I am from:..Army brat as well, though I spent most of my childhood around Ft. Bragg, living in DE, working for Comcast...

MY fav char in the 'verse:...Mal, of course, I can fully relate to him and his mentality...

Other things I like: Farscape, movies..web and graphics design..have a few sites out for gaming...mostly

"You replaced Firefly with *barf* Fastlane?!"
Zoe:"Take me Sir. Take me hard" - War Stories


Sunday, July 25, 2004 4:51 AM


My alias: I have no idea where I got that name from. I use it pretty much everywhere one the internet where I want to at least uphold the illusion of anonymity. Several people I've come into contact have asked if it stems from Aleister Crowley or the character from Good Omens. However I hadn't heard of either one when I started using this alias.

Who am I: A university student in University of Oulu, Finland. Age 21, 22nd birthday coming up soon.

Introduction to Firefly: One of my roleplaying friends recommended the series to me and gave me copies of all the episodes which he had gotten from the internet (I'm a dirty pirate, shoot me!) near the beginning of 2004, January or February, I think. Then in March they started showing it on TV here and ended in June. Going to get the DVD for my birthday which is 20th August.

Other interests: I'm trying to study history at the university so that's a definite interest. Others include mythology & religions, scifi, fantasy and TV series and movies which deal with the aforementioned. Manga, anime, programming, comics (especially Marvel), ummm... Writing, reading, video & computer games, roleplaying (pencil & paper and live-action)... I'm sure there's something I've forgotten. I'm one of those people who are interested in so many things they never really get to finish anything.

Favourite character in FF: I'd have to go with Book. A priest with a shady past is for some reason an archetype I always like. And I've never seen it used better.


Tuesday, July 27, 2004 9:02 AM


Alias - not very original mrs k borg, the other half loves the borg and k is his initial so I'm mrskborg.

Age: 35

Location: Lanarkshire, Scotland. A rather wet and dismal Scotland this summer I might add.

How did I get to know Firefly: My daughter saw it advertised and being both Buffy and Angel fans we watched and watched ( in the right order in the UK I might add) and bought the DVD's and watched some more.

What do I like: I read a whole lot and I do mean a lot - Ive got three books on the go at the moment. I love History,Mythology and Archaeology or more precisley the connections between them. I love Science Fiction that makes you think, like Firelfy, Babylon 5, Farscape but it was Star Trek and Star Wars that really got me hooked. Oddly enough though, the only thing on Tv that I have been watching is Joan of Arcadia.

Oh yeah the only other thing Im doing at the moment is trying to stop my eleven year daughter from growing. I think 5 inches in six months is quite enough. Not to mention the amount of food shes going through. I need a second job just to keep her in food.

Edit - I forgot to say that my favourite Firefly character (and my daughters) is Jayne. Its a hat thing.


Tuesday, July 27, 2004 10:51 AM


Alias: Cat85
Meaning: 'Cat' is a nickname (because a lot people can't say my name right) and '85' my birthdate (it sounds so lame)
Age: 18, 19 in four days
Gender: Female
Location: Ontario, Canada
How I get to know Firefly: I saw it in a magz but wasn't really sure if it was any good (I was so wrong!) but later saw the last three eps that Fox showed before they pulled the plug (damn them) and was completely hooked. Later I order the DVDs and while I was waiting for them, the Canadian space channel was airing it.
Fav Firefly Character: all of them, but if I had to choose Kaylee and Zoe.


Tuesday, July 27, 2004 12:04 PM


Alias: Serenity Valley
Meaning of the alias: I was in a band called Serenity many years ago, and we found a field in the middle of nowhere where we wrote a song and dubbed it "Serenity Valley". Three years later, Firefly came out. Weird, ay?
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Where am I from: Wisconsin
How did I get to know Firefly: Loved BtVS and Angel, so I trusted Joss and watched the new show.
My fav FF character: Wash b/c he's funny.


Tuesday, July 27, 2004 2:46 PM


Alias: Apeman61

Meaning: Well it comes from my high school football days, it's a long story but 61 was my number

Gender: Male

Age: 21

Where I am from: Salt Lake City, Utah

How did I get to know Firefly: I saw the previews that i didnt like, but i was bored one night and ended up watching an episode

Other things I like: Rugby and other things but that's the most important

My fav. FF character: They are all great, but i would have to say malcom

"Rule of thumb? Maybe it should be rule of wrist."


Tuesday, July 27, 2004 5:10 PM


Alias: BlueSunCorporateGoon

Meaning of the alias: do i even really need to explain?

Gender: Male

Age: 22

Where am I from: Chicago area,now i reside in the middle of the vast cornfields of Indiana

How did I get to know Firefly: was in love after the first 'and a Girl in a box.' promo,watched the show religiously untill it was canned(i remember a friday night after seeing the ep War Stories,eating a slice of pizza,saying,"this show is litterally the best i've's done-for.")got the DVD for a gift and i've converted many-a heathens.

My fav FF character: toss-up between Mal and Wash,i have Wash's sarcastic,self-depreciating style,but with a Mal like temper,i tend to yell 'Bi zui' every so often.

Interests: Reading(Sword of Truth,Etc.),PC and console gaming,movies-and lots of them.starting to grow very fond of Mystery Science Theater 3000.and sleeeep,delightful sleep.yeah,thats all i gots.

I'll be in my bunk.-Jayne


Tuesday, July 27, 2004 5:34 PM


Alias: TheGreyJedi

Meaning of the alias: Well, I've loved Star Wars and lightsabers since days of yore, but as I grew older, I got a lot moodier, and thus the Jedi seemed a little too detached for me. I'm not pitching in with the Sith, but I see no issue with using dark to fight dark.

Gender: 6'3" of man-flesh

Age: 22 (my right knee is 44)

Where am I from: Appalachia, originally. Born in the mountains of Tenn. but I've lived in the Salisbury area of North Carolina for the last 16 years.

How did I get to know Firefly: Twin conversion by Static and another friend. I remember seeing the previews and wanting to see it, if only for the sake of sci-fi on TV, but the Friday time slot was a killer, as I was always out with Saffron, I mean my evil ex at the time.

Other things I like: Tolkien, writing, drawing, building computers, Ren-Festery!, sci-fi

My fav FF character: Zoe. She makes a good second, she's kick ass (you saw Serenity, right? She takes a bullet to the chest and recovers in seconds. Armor aside, that's tough!), she plays her emotions close to the vest, she can show her emotions sincerely if comfortable, she likes carbines.

ZOE: Now we have a boatful of citizens right on top of our... stolen cargo. That's a fun mix.
MAL: Ain't no way in the 'verse they could find that compartment, even--Even if they were lookin' for it.
ZOE: Why not?
MAL: 'Cause... ?
ZOE: Oh yeah, this is gonna go great.
MAL: If anyone gets nosy, just, you know...shoot 'em.
ZOE: Shoot 'em?
MAL: Politely.


Wednesday, July 28, 2004 2:11 AM


First of all, happy birthday CAT85!!!

CAPTAIN wrote:

Right off the bat, I must say this:
Firefly certainly brings a lot of folk together. Just browsing who we Browncoats are blows my mind as we have such a wide assortment of ages, locations, jobs, and lives. I believe it's a strong testimony to Firefly that it can connect to such a wide variety of people.

Yup. And it's really beautiful to see this. I remember being in a Con not long ago, and my friend and I were discussing FF on the queue to one of the lectures, and people all around us started asking: "Firefly, huh?" and "Oh, that's a sad story." "Did you see Jayne's Town? It's really good." And suddenly you find yourself talking with people you never knew before as if you know them for years. It's something really special, and it doesn't hapen every day.

You can't take the sky from me.


Wednesday, July 28, 2004 4:41 AM


Alias: Fireflew
Meaning of the alias:
Gender: Male
Age: 16
Where am I from: Engand
How did I get to know Firefly: I heard many things of it, I downloaded an episode - "Bushwhacked" - and loved it. I didn't hear much else of it beyond that until in March, when I heard they were releasing the Boxset in England. I bought it and thus begins my obsession with Firefly
Other things I like: Music, reading, playing guitar, trampolining, a whole host of things really.
My fav FF character: I'd have to say... for humour and one liners, Jayne, but overall, Kaylee. Who couldn't like adore someone with such a sunny disposition?

Jayne: "Know what the chain of command is? It's the chain I beat you with till you understand who's in command."


Wednesday, July 28, 2004 6:12 AM



Meaning: The power used to go out a lot in the neighborhood where I lived as a child. Since we couldn't watch TV, my family would sit around with lanterns and candles lit in the main room and tell stories. That was before the divorce.

Gender: Male

Age: 34

How I learned about Firefly: Pre-fall ads on FOX led to watching the series.

Hobbies: Writing stories and songs, the World Wide Web, reading, math (j/k)

Favorite Firefly Character: I like them all, but find River particularly fascinating.

"Art is Ego. Art is, 'I think this is good, therefore I'm going to present it to you.' That is Ego. That is the Id. If I don't walk out on stage like I'm the baddest motherfucker of all time, then I'm a charlatan. And whether you think I am, or he thinks I am, or she thinks I am—fuck you all, man. I don't give a fuck what you think. You're either in or you're out, and I'm playing to the in."—Greg Dulli of the band The Twilight Singers and former frontman of The Afghan Whigs.


Wednesday, July 28, 2004 6:50 AM


This is my first post. I'm a little shy, but I'll try to be better.

Name: Leah

Alias: Mtngrl

Meaning of Alias: I live in the mountains of Idaho. Sun Valley area. I'm not a big fan of snow, but I live in a ski resort. Obviously I'm a little off.

Age: 35

How did I discover Firefly? One day I was channel surfing and came accross repeats on UPN (I think it was UPN). I was hooked immediately! I never got to see all of them. When the DVD set came out I was so excited. I bought it right away and watched all of the episodes in one day. I rewatch them about once a month now just to get my fix. Fan Fiction keeps me going as well.

Speaking of fan fiction. Great writers out there! Alot of talent!

Favorite Character: River--I can relate. Sometimes nobody gets what I'm saying.

Favorite Eps: Objects In Space and Jaynestown.

This is a great board! I look forward to visiting every day.



Wednesday, July 28, 2004 7:16 AM


Alias: dystopia
Browncoat alias: nopowerintheverse
Meaning of the aliases: dystopia= My senior year in high school we read a book called "Brave New World" and in it the society is seemingly utopic... and the opposite of utopia (meaning paradise) is dystopia so hence the word. nopowerintheverse= from, of course, "Firefly", both River and Kaylee say "no power in the 'verse can stop me" and I just think that is great.

Gender: Female

Age: 18... 19 on November 19.

Where am I from: Tucson, Arizona... born and raised and haven't got out... as much as I love this city, it's so boring...

How did I get to know Firefly: I saw the original trailer for the series on FOX way back in 2002 and as soon as I saw it I was like "wow, this is pretty cool." Then it said from "Buffy the Vampire Slayer creator Joss Whedon..." and that sealed the deal for me. I watched it right up until it was CANCELLED and then mourned it's demise... Later, when the DvD came out I made a complete geek outta myself (something I try to hide) by freaking out in the video store when I saw the set on sale. I bought it there and then and continue to worship it...

Other things I like: holing myself up in my room for endless hours to write, Reading, watching movies, hanging out with my 3 best friends, chattin' on the internet with fellow Firfly/BtVS/ANGEL fans, listening to music (I like everything except gangsta rap)... there's other stuff it's not important...

Secret Nerd: I've always been a little different than the circle of friends I had. I liked reading, and didn't really watch the latest "teen scene" movies, I did well in school (up to high school, hee), I didn't care about smokin' or partyin' or who was doing who. While they were all gossiping, or doing whatever they thought was cool, I held a deep dark secret... an obsession with BtVS, ANGEL, and later Firefly. They all either didn't watch the shows or had never heard of them. So I carried the burden by myself, until I found out that the internet was my salvation. I love that there are so many people just like me out there that share a mutual love and respect for all things Joss. (Note: the 3 best friends I have now aren't into the shows either, but they knew not to call me between the hours of 7 and 9 pm on Tuesday nights and don't chastise me for being obsessed...)

Makin' Movies: This is really a revelation for me. What I am going to do with my life... and that is, write/direct films. It's long, extremely difficult, but it's what I wanna do... It'd be such a high to write a movie that is good and actually got made...

My fav FF character: I pretty much love them all equally, but I like Wash and Zoe just a little bit more. They're such a contrast to each other, being funny together and separate.

"When you can't walk, you crawl and when you can't do that, you find someone to carry you."
--The Message


Wednesday, July 28, 2004 7:30 AM


Alias: PEARLat32

Meaning of the alias: I'm 33 now but I claimed pearldom at 32. Simply claiming what I am.

My signature: One of my favorite scenes of all FF is The Wobbly Headed Doll Caper. The words, the acting, the facial expressions, everything is perfect.

Gender: Female

Age: 33

Where am I from: Born and raised in Charlotte, NC and went to art school in Baltimore, MD and stayed

How did I get to know Firefly: A very wise friend graciously lent me her DVD set and the DVD’s have been in HEAVY rotation ever since (yes, gorramit, I have since bought my own).

Other things I like: Music, movies, humor, dance, arts & crafts

My fav FF character: They all make me smile, but I think I’ll have to go with Mal.

*takes cue from Mtngrl*
Favorite FF episode: Out of Gas

Favorite FF commentary: Nathan and Alan on War Stories

Favorite FF props: Inara’s hourglass, Serenity’s engine, Zoe’s vest, Kaylee’s umbrella, Mal’s coat (duh), the infamous Red Button, both Gina’s and Ron’s hair, and Adam’s eyes.

They were little geisha dolls with big heads that WOBBLED!


Wednesday, July 28, 2004 7:38 AM


Name: Rob
Alias: Shiny (if I have to explain that...)
Gener: Male (if ya'll keep on with that "Shiny's a girl's name stuff, I'll show you good an' all I got man parts!" ;p)
Age: Just turned 31 on July 7th
Location: Near SF (San Mateo if you are familiar with the Bay Area)

Recruited:Before the show aired actually, I got interested after reading about the show on slashdot (I could relate to all the complaints about Enterprise and was interested to see what sounded like a refreshingly new take on sci-fi) I only knew of Joss by name before this and had only caught a few eps of Buffy/Angel on TV, not really a Whedon fan until Firefly.

Hobbies: Basketball, Lindy, card games (bridge), strategy games (civ series). Used to row in college; played water polo back in high school.

Favorite: Love 'em all, but if I had to choose I think I'd pick Mal, because he's a big tough veteran that yelps when Simon accidentally pokes him with the stiching needle, and if he's gonna die, he's "goin' down as a smartass".

Jayne, your mouth is talkin. Might want to look into that.


Wednesday, July 28, 2004 4:05 PM


Welcome, Mtngrl!

There are some great topics here. I suggest just scanning through the old threads until something catches your eye. Read it. Repeat.

The Real Me


Wednesday, September 8, 2004 8:50 PM


Such an old thread this, but I couldn't resist replying.

Alias: JenDandy
Meaning of the alias: Ever heard of the phrase "Jim Dandy"? My name is Jennifer, I joined a DANDY Warhols message get the idea.
Gender: Female
Age: 21
Where am I from: Panama City, Florida but I live in Sydney, Australia
How did I get to know Firefly: I was already a fan of Buffy and Angel and out of curiousity looked up Firefly at (well after it was cancelled obviously, they didn't show it in Aus anyway) and saw it got a 5/5 with over 1000 reviews. I was intrigued, Firefly on DVD came out in Australia, and here I am a month later, hardcore fan.
Other things I like: Buffy n Angel (the shows), reading, hanging out with my family (have a hubby and a daughter), spending too much time on forums and generally having no life
My fav FF character:!

-Sig Rebel-


Wednesday, September 8, 2004 11:48 PM


Alias: Mac
Meaning of the alias: Short for MacKenzie
Gender: Male
Age: 42
Where am I from: St. Louis, MO
How did I get to know Firefly: Some friends of mine designed and built the sets of the derelict ship, used in the episode "Bushwacked". They were built years ago for an unsold sci-fi pilot called "Star Runners" and have been stored in a warehouse for years and rented out for low budget movies. Firefly was the first BIG exposure for these great "Alien" style sets, and I wanted to see how they were used. I ended up watching all of the episodes, and became a die hard Browncoat. I've converted over a dozen friends since.
Other things I like: Filmmaking. I've just produced my first feature length movie with those same friends, and we are currently seeking distribution for it. It's a Sci-Fi/Horror genre' movie about a team of demon hunters, called "Guardian Of The Realm". (
My fav FF character: Mal

I'd given some thought to movin' off the edge -- not an ideal location -- thinkin' a place in the middle.


Thursday, September 9, 2004 2:58 AM


Alias: Connorflynn

Meaning of the alias: My Scadian Name (actually its Conchobar..but shortened). Real name Jay, Wifes name Kate.

Gender: Male

Age: 33

Where am I from: New York

How did I get to know Firefly: I had watched an episode on Fox. My wife wanted the complete season for Christmas, since we hadn't seen them all (episodes). We made amrathon of it and have been hooked ever since. So far we only have 4 families that are converts, but we've only loaned the DVDs to 4 families hehe.

Other things I like: Golf, Medieval History, Drawing and Painting (have done a number of medievel manuscript replications as well as some fantasy stuff) see some sketches and what not here: , Gaming (Halo addict and Evercrackhead), Movies of all genres (particularly Sci-Fi)

My wifes website: she's a Buffyholic and Witchblade fan among other things.

My fav FF character: Kaylee (how can you not like her)

"Paulie, get the ball cutters" - Tony Soprano


Thursday, September 9, 2004 11:56 AM


Alias: kasuo

Meaning of the alias: it was a nickname my father had when he was in Japan during his toddler/early childhood. I think it's also a name used in Japan and some parts of South American a.f.a.i.k.

Gender: male

Age: 25

Where am I from: Los Angeles, CA

How did I get to know Firefly: a friend mentioned it on a message board and "Bushwhacked" was the first ep I saw.. consequently, I made an effort to catch every ep after that, although it was hard since it aired Friday nights.

Other things I like: movies - mostly independent (no pun intended), music (trance, old NES remixes, Russian surf/rockabilly {see: Red Elvises}, hardcore techno), Renaissance-era swordfighting (currently with rapier + main gauche, eventually longsword, also some exposure to quarterstaff), hole-in-the-wall dining

My fav FF character: Jayne, he's such a jerk.. he's great!


Sunday, September 12, 2004 7:07 PM


Alias: Ebonezer (or Ebo)
Meaning of the alias: My horses name is Ebony, and a friend from the barn started calling him Ebonezer Scrooge (i think it was around christmas). So i borred the name
Gender: Sigh, lets not go through this again, ok?
Age: 15
Where am I from: So Cal
How did I get to know Firefly: Saw it on Fox. (die fox die!). Then forgot about it. Then my dad bought me the DVDs for christmas. It was a HUGE surprise because i didn't know that firefly even EXSISTED on DVD. It was great! I watched the entire series in like 3 days.
Other things I like: My pony, my cd player, indiana jones,
My fav FF character: WASH! He's just so damn funny! I think I even knew he would be good from the promo. The voiceover said "The pilot." Then it cut to Wash yelling, "Oh my god! Who's flying this thing?! Oh right. That would be me." I get such a kick outa that.


Four out of five dentists reccomend calling Ebo a girl.






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