Reccomend me some shows!

UPDATED: Sunday, September 12, 2004 07:06
VIEWED: 7840
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Sunday, August 22, 2004 2:49 AM


Hey everyone. I'm going across the pond to Canada tommorrow (leaving to drive to Glasgow today...5 hour car journey followed by 2 hours of waiting followed by 8 hour flight - when're we gonna get Fireflies?)

Anyway, knowing that there's an abundance of televisual art over there, can anyone reccomend any tv-shows (such as might be sold in boxsets) to me?

I don't mind what genre it is, but something that you think is good quality TV.

Jayne: "Know what the chain of command is? It's the chain I beat you with till you understand who's in command."


Sunday, August 22, 2004 3:58 AM


Erm, you mean canadian shows? or just any shows?
Well i'm not to sure what Canadians produce themselves but i know alot of UK shows are boradcast in Canada. As for generally good TV shows, why where to start:
(not in order)
Buffy the vampire slayer (dvd)
Angel (dvd)
Dead Like Me (dvd)
Six Feet Under (dvd)
Wonderfalls (dvd)
Freaks and Geeks (dvd)
The Sopranos (dvd)
Alias (dvd)
The League of Gentlemen (dvd)
The Office (dvd)
24 (dvd)
Farscape (dvd)
Too many to list.
I sugest if you have the money, then just buy dvd sets and wok your way through them to avaoid trash whih is being broadcast. There are so many excellent shows out there, you just have to know where to look. I genereally never tune into a TV show. I love TV shows but theres so much crap out there and lots of advertising breaks, it's so much easier to just watch your dvd's instead.


Sunday, August 22, 2004 4:26 AM


You won't find much good on Canadian TV besides reruns of Firefly (Mondays @9 on Space), Farscape (Weekdays at noon-ish on Space), Dark Angel (Tuesdays @9 on Space), Witchblade (Fridays @9 on Space) and a few other non-SF things on various channels. You can't watch any SG-1 after Season 5 (unless you're in B.C.), since Global (Canada's equivalent of F*X) has the rights to S6 & S7, but won't air them. No S8 when it comes out, and definitely no Atlantis. We're supposed to be getting Jeremiah on Space in September (again, Global had the rights up 'til recently, but only ever aired two episodes).

North America is in Rerun Hell at the moment; TV series usually start in September/October/November, and seasons end in April or May. Plus, Canadian TV usually only gets stuff after the US has seen and cancelled it (Farscape, The Others, The Chronicle, Witchblade, Firefly, Jeremiah. . .).

Canadian TV sucks.

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


Sunday, August 22, 2004 6:03 AM


I meant any shows, but in Canada there will be shops with, I'm sure, US boxsets etc.

Jayne: "Know what the chain of command is? It's the chain I beat you with till you understand who's in command."


Sunday, August 22, 2004 6:37 AM


star trek DS9 is great. (ok, it really didn;t get great until season 3, but you need to start with season one) unfortunatly it can get pricey.

we have enjoyed "the tick" (not animated) set and the looney tunes colletion - 4 discs, lots of gems.

the second season of soap is out now too....really great if you like that sort of thing.

and if you are twisted at all, the south park sets are great.

have a good trip



mal to jayne: well, my days of not taking you seriously are certainly coming to a middle


Sunday, August 22, 2004 6:37 AM


star trek DS9 is great. (ok, it really didn;t get great until season 3, but you need to start with season one) unfortunatly it can get pricey.

we have enjoyed "the tick" (not animated) set and the looney tunes colletion - 4 discs, lots of gems.

the second season of soap is out now too....really great if you like that sort of thing.

and if you are twisted at all, the south park sets are great.

have a good trip



mal to jayne: well, my days of not taking you seriously are certainly coming to a middle


Sunday, August 22, 2004 7:17 AM


Most of the shows mentioned above are worth a look. Personally I'd recommend DVD's of Buffy, Angel, Deep Space Nine, Babalon 5. I don't know if it's on DVD but John Doe was cool (Ireally HATE the word 'cancelled' )

"Gorramit Mal... I've forgotten my line."


Wednesday, August 25, 2004 8:56 AM


I'm a HUGE Sex and the City fan. All seasons are available on DVD (Season 1 isn't in the same league as the rest, but you have to start somewhere). But I don't see too many other fans of Firefly that share the same opinion of Sex, so it may not be for you.

Frasier's earlier seasons were absolutely excellent, and the later seasons were good too. I'd definately reccomend those DVDs. But Frasier seems to be in the same boat as Sex among Firefly fans.

Joan of Arcadia is an excellent show, currently on CBS, and will undoubtedly be put on DVD at some time soon.

However: My FAVORITE show of all time (Yes, it's not Firefly. Don't hit me!) would have to be the magnifectent Australian imports Spellbinder, and it's sequel Spellbinder: Land of the Dragon Lord. Which took the world by storm in 1995 and 1997. But nobody seems keen on putting these shows on DVD. I keep praying that someone will, but I doubt it'll ever happen. *massive, supreme sigh*. However, if you EVER get the chance to watch either of these series in any form (You don't have to see the first before the second), or even get your hand on the novelization, I HIGHLY reccomend that you give it a go. These are just superb shows. The two are fairly independent of one another, so you can watch the second without the first, but you do have to start at episode 1 of either series, as the show isn't very episodic in nature and you may have difficulty figuring everything out otherwise.

Yeesh. Sorry for the ramble, which I imagine was fairly unhelpful. . But I love my Spellbinder.


Wednesday, August 25, 2004 10:59 AM


I heard that even though there might be a problem with them, you can find spellbinder dvd's at


The Spellbinder Series
"Highly Recommended. An exemplary series that mixes time travel and a science field trip to bring us to the land of the Spellbinders." -NAMTC/NMM Review
"Suspenseful adventure - I was on the edge of my seat. -Screen Guide
This exciting series tells the story of a teen-ager who finds himself accidentally marooned in a world parallel to his own, where the industrial revolution never happened, and the people are ruled by Spellbinders, the only ones with a command of science. A thrilling mix of adventure and fantasy, the focus is on character and the capability of children and teens to undergo positive change and confront adversity using their wits and imaginations. Produced by Film Australia & Polish TV. 26 episodes on 13 or 26 DVDs/Videos or ask about our Special 5 DVD "Bundle" Offer. Call in US: 800.876.2447/Intl. 603.434.9262 or e-mail
Subject: Language Arts


Friday, August 27, 2004 6:25 PM


Get the Dead Like Me box set!!! Sooooo good, lots of snarky characters. :)

River: Is it time to go to sleep again?
Simon: No, mei-mei, it's time to wake up.


Friday, August 27, 2004 6:58 PM


One that I would recommend, and it just was released on DVD is the series Harsh Realm.

Created by Chris Carter ( the X-files guy )
this was a great show, which met the same fate as Firefly ( Friday death slot, no promotion, no support )

The show is not one to miss

" If I going to get killed for a word....
Then my word is Poon-Tang "


Saturday, August 28, 2004 7:58 PM



Originally posted by Cybersnark:
You won't find much good on Canadian TV besides reruns of Firefly (Mondays @9 on Space), Farscape (Weekdays at noon-ish on Space), Dark Angel (Tuesdays @9 on Space), Witchblade (Fridays @9 on Space) and a few other non-SF things on various channels. You can't watch any SG-1 after Season 5 (unless you're in B.C.), since Global (Canada's equivalent of F*X) has the rights to S6 & S7, but won't air them. No S8 when it comes out, and definitely no Atlantis. We're supposed to be getting Jeremiah on Space in September (again, Global had the rights up 'til recently, but only ever aired two episodes).

North America is in Rerun Hell at the moment; TV series usually start in September/October/November, and seasons end in April or May. Plus, Canadian TV usually only gets stuff after the US has seen and cancelled it (Farscape, The Others, The Chronicle, Witchblade, Firefly, Jeremiah. . .).

Canadian TV sucks.

Well, I don't mean to be nitpicky but...

Global has aired season 6 outside of BC, they just haven't repeated it since the initial airing. And they don't have the rights to season 7. Season 7 starts airing on Space September 9 (? - not sure of the exact date but its the Thursday of that week). Of course the box set of S7 comes out in October.

Atlantis is currently airing Mondays at 8pm on The Movie Network/Movie Central.

I don't know about Jeremiah since I've never watched it, but TMN did have the rights for at least one season.

Ooh.. and don't forget Wonderfalls reruns start on Vision in October!!!

But I will agree that Canadian tv tends to suck (what is with the CBC and reality shows this season? what does it think it is - Global? ) Although I am partial to our comedy shows and I loved Snakes and Ladders. All six episodes of it

End Canadian tv rant

As for show recommendations...

I don't know if anyone has mentioned Roswell. Season 1 is out now.

And yeah, Canadian dvds are virtually the same as the US ones. We usually get them at the same time. The only difference is the packaging on some is in both English and French, instead of just English.

If nothing we do matters, then all that matters is what we do. -"Angel"


Saturday, August 28, 2004 8:54 PM



Originally posted by Fireflew:
Anyway, knowing that there's an abundance of televisual art over there, can anyone reccomend any tv-shows (such as might be sold in boxsets) to me?

I hate to throw a spoke in your compression coil, but you may need to check the region code of any DVDs you buy out here, unless you have a region free player. I'd hate for you to spend a bundle on region 1 disks and then not be able to play them back home in region 2.

That said, if you do have a region free player, I'll second the recommendation of Roswell, season 1

*** *** ***
The woods are the only place where I can see a clear path.


Saturday, August 28, 2004 9:24 PM


My favorite DVD sets would be:

Firefly (of course)
Babylon 5 (5 seasons + movies, but you MUST start with season 1)
Jeremiah (also by The Great Maker - JMS)
Alias (lots of plot twists)
24 (intense roller coaster ride)
ST: DS9 (solid Sci-Fi, specially seasons 3-7)
Buffy (my fav's are seasons 1-3 & 6)
CSI (mentally stimulating)
CSI Miami (mostly ditto, plus 'gators)

All of these are entertaining and worth watching IMO. I'd also really recommend Farscape even though I haven't purchased the DVD's yet - they're rather pricey.

Have a great trip!

Burn the land, boil the sea...


Monday, August 30, 2004 9:52 AM



Originally posted by Kellaina:
Global has aired season 6 outside of BC, they just haven't repeated it since the initial airing.

Well, I'm guessing these programming decisions happen on an affiliate-by-affiliate basis. My source of bitterness is that neither of the two affiliates near me (Toronto & Hamilton) have chosen to air it. And Global affiliates don't have their own website; you have to trust the guys to forward your Email to the relevant directors. Or you would, if they ever responded to Email or cleared their inbox.


And they don't have the rights to season 7. Season 7 starts airing on Space September 9 (? - not sure of the exact date but its the Thursday of that week).

Huh. So they have to give us S7 without S6. For any show but SG-1, that wouldn't suck too bad.

Well, I've just decided what my $100 of graduation money is (mostly) going toward.


Atlantis is currently airing Mondays at 8pm on The Movie Network/Movie Central.
Which I don't get.


I don't know about Jeremiah since I've never watched it, but TMN did have the rights for at least one season.
Jeremiah is also coming to Space in September (starts on the 17th), as is The 4400.

Hopefully YTV will give us new (well, already-aired in the US, so I know they exist) InuYasha episodes rather than popping for another late-night animé series (since they only seem permitted to show one "adult" animé at a time). Much as I'd like to see Gundam SEED, I'm too hooked on the demonic soap-opera/comedy to stop now.

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


Monday, August 30, 2004 12:44 PM


Jeremiah is the 2nd best show I've ever seen, you should definitely get the 1st(and only available or complete)season of that. It's not as instantly gratifying as Firefly, but you should see it, definitely.


Monday, August 30, 2004 12:44 PM


Jeremiah is the 2nd best show I've ever seen, you should definitely get the 1st(and only available or complete)season of that. It's not as instantly gratifying as Firefly, but you should see it, definitely.


Wednesday, September 1, 2004 12:15 PM



Six Feet Under

Because I am an American. And what does an American want? Democracy? Capitalism. I want to sell out and settle down. For one day only, it's a blue light special on Aisle Three. My wormhole technology... and a free set of steak knives... for all the tea in China. And anything you can imagine to pay me... welcome to my cold war.


Wednesday, September 1, 2004 5:41 PM



Originally posted by Cybersnark:

Canadian TV sucks.

Are you american?

How about (* marks currently made shows):
* Snakes and Ladders
* Corner Gas
* This is Wonderland
* Just for Laughs
(* ?) The Red Green Show
22 Minutes
Kids in the Hall

As for DVD sets, I'd goto Furture Shop and give a look through. They have a *wide* variety to choose from. And if you have issues with them, just goto find one and then buy it somewhere else.

"Canada being mad at you is like Mr. Rogers throwing a brick through your window." -Jon Stewart, The Daily Show


Wednesday, September 1, 2004 6:35 PM



Originally posted by Cybersnark:
... the two affiliates near me (Toronto & Hamilton) have chosen to air it. And Global affiliates don't have their own website; you have to trust the guys to forward your Email to the relevant directors. Or you would, if they ever responded to Email or cleared their inbox.

Yes, Global's website system does indeed suck. Do you get any of the Fox affiliates from Ohio or Michigan? Season six should begin airing in syndication in September.

And speaking of websites, have you tried It has listings for most genre shows airing in Canada on pretty much every channel we have here. It's not always a complete listing, but it's certainly more reliable than Global's own site.


Well, I've just decided what my $100 of graduation money is (mostly) going toward.

And it'll be commercial-free!!!!



Atlantis is currently airing Mondays at 8pm on The Movie Network/Movie Central.
Which I don't get.

Well the Space channel should get it eventually... (little consolation I know).

If nothing we do matters, then all that matters is what we do. -"Angel"


Thursday, September 2, 2004 12:10 AM


Buffy, Angel, Stargate SG1 & Babylon 5 to name a few of my favourites.

Space, Above & Beyond is another of my favourites but i'm not sure if the DVDs are out yet.

A DVD box set I am going to get soon is "The Shield" its a pretty cool show.


Thursday, September 2, 2004 4:55 AM


I've been enjoying a short series called Foyle's War created by my British cousins. It is a mystery/cop show set during the start of WWII. Great mystery, character development, it even appeals to the history geek in me.

The same guy who recommended Foyle to me got me hooked on Firefly. He hasn't been wrong yet... except for the German porn. I didn't like that.

Clear skys.


Wednesday, September 8, 2004 7:26 PM


I hate to bump up a thread needlessly (especially since this became kinda off topic anyway) but I just wanted to let Cybersnark (great name btw) and all the other Canucks out here know that season six of SG-1 will start airing in the strip run of episodes on the Space channel in December (weekdays at 11am and 8pm).

Oh, and Firefly has been moved to Sunday mornings at 11 on Space.

Here endeth the public service announcement!!

If nothing we do matters, then all that matters is what we do. -"Angel"


Thursday, September 9, 2004 4:41 AM


Well, I guess that's good. But most people'll still be seeing S7 (which starts tonight) before S6, which means something in a show as convoluted and intricately plotted as this one.

Plus, I finally broke down and spent my graduation-gift-money on the S6 DVDs (all $86 worth). I just finished "Metamorphosis" last night.

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


Friday, September 10, 2004 7:52 PM



Originally posted by Cybersnark:
Well, I guess that's good. But most people'll still be seeing S7 (which starts tonight) before S6, which means something in a show as convoluted and intricately plotted as this one.

Plus, I finally broke down and spent my graduation-gift-money on the S6 DVDs (all $86 worth). I just finished "Metamorphosis" last night.

I must admit I'm only slightly better off having seen season 6. I saw most of it (missed a couple towards the end) but it was quite awhile ago and out of order. As a result I spent a good deal of the s7 premiere trying to remember what happened in the s6 finale. They explained most of it though.

I think I'd best be getting myself to Best Buy .

Did you watch the s7 premiere or are you holding out until you've seen s6?

If nothing we do matters, then all that matters is what we do. -"Angel"


Sunday, September 12, 2004 7:06 AM


I caught it on tape. I'm on the last S6 disk (only two eps to go), so I should be caught up by Thursday.

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.






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