Special Branch and the HUGE Hospital Bills

UPDATED: Tuesday, October 10, 2006 13:15
VIEWED: 14860
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Tuesday, September 19, 2006 6:56 AM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions

The receptionist – a young good-looking asian with dyed blond hair - stood up and greeted the four arrivals.
“Welcome back Mr Stark, you have a few messages” he told Jack as he walked up to the counter.
Passing him the said messages on a piece of paper, the receptionist asked “Who’s our guest?”
Jack turned to Milton and his colleagues and gestured towards the former companion. “This is Milton Reeve. He’ll be staying with us for a bit until we get him a new identity and a ticket off this rock”
“Ah of course” the receptionist replied. “The companion’s friend.”
“Yeah” Jack said interrupting him before he could go on “Is Rocky in?”
“Yeah, upstairs”
“Thanks” Jack said, before instructing the others to follow him
Milton was still, unable to pluck up the courage to move. He knew he was just about to enter the lion’s den, and from this point there’d be no turning back.
Then he felt an something grab his arm.
It was the one that had introduced herself as Versa. Whether that was her real name or not, he didn’t know. He didn’t want to know. The whole thing was a charade, he was certain, and it needed to be exposed.
“Are you alright” she asked concerned
“Yeah sure” he replied “it’s just, it’s a lot to take in”
“Don’t worry, you’ll be fine” she reassured him.

He wasn’t so sure. Especially considering the battle he was about to start.


Reaching the top of the stairs, they entered a red door on the second floor.

With Jack still leading the way, he swipes his card through yet another keypad, opening the door in question. As he enters, he waits by the entrance until the last of them - Milton - is through.

As Milton steps in, he encounters a sight much more like the one he had expected to see.
Although illegal weapons were still out of sight, there was a large projector screen, albeit without an image shone on it; a series of people sat typing away at computers, possibly drawing up plans; and a map spread across a large table in the centre of the room.
The map of the city detailed the location of every corporation and whether it was controlled by Alliance, Blue Sun or something else.
It listed the names of high ranking officials and their affiliations.
In fact, from just a second-long glance, there was no telling just how much information the map revealed.

“Its quite something huh?” Jack said “This place... I mean I haventbeen here long, but its home, you know. I love it. The work we are doing... itll change the world”

“Yeah” Milton agreed - unwilling to admit that he thought the changes would be for the worse

Jack turned and smiled at him.
“Well here it is Milton. This is us, this is The Resistance. And this...”
Jack moves over to the middle of the room and stretches his arms out
“This is Special Branch”

Needy. Male Companion:
First Boy Whore of Destiny
Incredibly Confused Companion of SereniTree


Tuesday, September 19, 2006 1:50 PM


Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges

OOC-sorry for my absence i had freshers week to attend to and it appears your all falling apart without me.

Safe looked at Soul and asked "so what now??"

"Stand outside and keep guard. We'll try and find some plans or directions or something and try and find Seryn" A look of remorse shot over Safes face that Soul recognised and lowered his head. Wisp naivety had not been destroyed by his recent violent episode so he didnt see the inside secret

"What?? What is it??" He shouted desperatley pacing to and fro.

"Shes dead Wisp. Medical accident" Safes voice was low and sombre. He averted his gaze as Wisps persona cracked. He stood unmoving like a statue as the world passed him by, his lip quivering like a child. He had known death before but never dying.

A Corpse is a random stranger who you find dead. A Body is a friend, family, or colleague. Wisp had lost two members of his family today and he could no longer take the strain. He began sobbing uncontrolably pulling his arms up to shield his face from the world. His knees were buckling and he swayed before collapsing into the corner like a frightened child. Soul shot a look to Safe silently asking him to give them a minute which he silently aquested.

When the pair were alone Soul crouched beside the boy who had been so many people over the last few days and grasped his arms pulling them apart and up exposing his face.

"WISP!! Get it together"

"I cant" he moaned between the tears "its too much"

"It is" His voice was softer now "But it has to be dealt with. You can sit here and cry to judgment day but it wont change a damn thing. Ive lost friends, more than a few, and i wanted to sit down and sob till i died but someone did this to me and told me to put it to the back of my mind. You can never forget, But this is not the time or the place. There are people here depending on you"

The words hit home to Wisp and his tears stopped. The rage stopped and the fear stopped. He locked it all away like a file on a computer. He stood up and walked to the terminal across the room. He sat down and began to type commands with each letter returning him to his former self. He would never be that man again. But he could try and get close


Tuesday, September 19, 2006 2:26 PM


She was standing in the room again. Ms. Seryn and the others were laying on their beds. Ghost didn't know what was going on, just that she was there as well, sleeping on a bed near Ms. Seryn.

Slowly she walked over to herself, reaching down to touch her own hand only to have it go straight through. Just as she heard a noise and a door opened.

Ghost jumped and turned quickly, not knowing exactly what was going on but watching as three dark shadows entered the room, the biggest of the three carrying something shiny. She watched helplessly as they shot something, first into Ms. Seryn, then into the others. After the adults were shot the shadows came towards the other her laying on the bed. Ghost whimpered not sure what was going on, and not sure what to do.

The third figure, and also the smallest of the three, though still larger than Ghost herself, took a different needle than the adults had been shot with, and shot something into her.

Ghost watched as the other her woke up suddenly.

"Listen carefully little one, the password is Sanctuary. It is very important you remember this. The password is sanctuary, Room 000. Remember...."


Tuesday, September 19, 2006 2:26 PM


Ghost woke suddenly, whimpering a bit as she realized the doctor man was no where to be found. She didn't know where she was, just that she was alone.

Screams echoed in the hall, along with the sounds of guns and alarms. Quickly she ran hoping to get outside and maybe back to Truth and Shadow. She was only a few feet down the hallway when she suddenly stopped. There were adults ahead, in the room just ahead actually. Not knowing what to do she froze, trying to blend herself into the wall until it was safe.


Thursday, September 21, 2006 11:51 PM


Sykes looked back, searching for the little girl, but he already new he'd lost her. Doubling back a little, he made his way to the control room. The normally locked and guarded door stood adjar, and there wasn't a security guy to be seen.

He almost wanted to make a fuss about it. Security not doing their job, how were the medical staff meant to feel safe why where they restricted to so many procedures when at the first sign of trouble, the guys with the guns abandoned their posts? He still might, it sounded like fun. Would round off the ornery doctor character he'd been working on so long.

Flipping switches all over the place, he systematically searched the compound. He couldn't see her, but then he didn't expect too. Switching again he searched the grounds, looking for signs that the group had left. A blaring great gate left open should have helped them.

The gate was shut. One guard stood nervously smoking near it.


For a moment he had some hope that they'd already got through, then another screen showed them, still outside the very room they were kept in.

Go-se, idiots! what were they doing? He yanked the com unit from the wall, and set it to their location, when movement on other screens distracted him. Two crimson guards were making their way down nearer to were they stood, completely unaware.

Hoping to god that the CG wouldn't hear him too, Sykes virtually yelled down the com

"GET MOVING! Now, they're heading your way! GO! go go go go go go! east, move east!

Slamming down the com he reached under the desk and pulled free all the wires he could, then made his own way to the exits.

He still hadn't found the girl, but he had to hope that they did - east would take them past where he last saw her, and in the direction of the gate.

There were still guards on the main entrance - it was far enough removed for the panic in the buildings not to have spread. He casually flashed his pass at the guard, and grinned "Man, its all go up there, chaos!"

The guard grinned back "Whats happened? we got a garbled message, escaped patient, then nothing."

"I don't know man, but its not one of mine, mine are still all safe and sound tucked up in their shiny cages as far as i'm aware, and its the end of my shift, so i'm getting out of the way - more than my life's worth to be honest. You still up for that drink tomorrow? I hear they fixed the pool table."

"Sure, see ya then"

Sykes made his way down the road, heading in his usual direction, then once he was sure he was out of site, headed down a warren of back street that bought him out near the gate he had tried to leave open.

On the other side of the bars, the guard still smoked, hunched over as though against the cold. Sykes bought his hand back, bracing it and aiming low into the guards back. Then the guard turned.

"Go-se man, don't sneak up on a guy like that!"

Huxley dropped the cigar and smushed it into the ground. Eyeing Sykes stance, he grinned. "And you know full well i lost that nerve cluster in the war, it don't do nothing to me but bruise a bit, so it'd be a kindness if you didn't."

Sykes relaxed, and laughed. "Hell i thought you were ignoring my calls, glad to see you finally made the party."

Huxley grinned. "Wouldn't miss it for the world! Say, are these the same folks I arrested a few days ago? She's a firecracker that one. Threatened all sorts in some husky tone of voice, thought I might try being intimidated at one point."

"That the Antares woman?"

"Antares? I never did get her full name, Seryn? yeah, thats her. The other one, the Vixen girl was prettier, but she was off to jail for a good long while. Antares seemed like the better option."

"Well, don't go getting your hopes up, she's dead."

"Aw man, you are the worst doctor ever! Dead, really?"

Syked grinned, hugely "As a doornail"

Huxley grinned back. "Oh thats a pity..."

"So who are the others and why exactly are we risking our pretty little necks for them?"

"You know i never did work that out? Needy, the companion guy, i'm pretty sure he's wanted by some folks or other, and another, goes by name of Safe, I think he knows Jack."

"Really didn't expect them to be so gorram slow though. And i lost the girl. I'm not happy about that. She wasn't meant to be their, and she's not a well kid if you get what I mean."

"Theres enough of us in there, jeeze, only thing one guy has had to do is flash the lights on and off. All the patients are freaking, and those that ain't huntin for our guys are busy trying to calm them down. One little switch, and they go mad. Fun stuff. But they'll find her. Can't be hard to miss. You know, by the way, it was really stupid to leave this gate wide open?"

"yeah, but what was i meant to do? If some folks'd phone ahead, let me know what they were planning, i'd planned it better"

"bitch bitch moan moan, you are such a girl, anyway, you have to keep your nose clan, clear off, go find a nice warm and willing alibi for the night, I hear they're having a sale at Rita's." Huxley made a shooing motion, then stopped, unaware that the cameras were out.

"Oh, poor poor Adam, still having to pay for it? That'll be the nose you know, great huge off putting thing that it is, but y'know, one day you may meet a blind girl..."

Sykes grinned again at Huxley gestures, and made his way back towards the town centre and its gaudy and overpriced public-ness.


Friday, September 22, 2006 1:59 AM


Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges

Wisp had just pulled up a map of the facility when the intercom blared. Still loud over the sound of the alarms

"GET MOVING! Now, they're heading your way! GO! go go go go go go! east, move east!"

"Who The Gorram??" Soul said looking towards the noise. "Wisp we ready to go??"

Wisp downloaded the map into his portable device then pushed the monitor over the desk. As he stood up and headed for the door he spun and buried three rounds into the hard-drive. It was a little low tech for him but the stress on his mind and body made it the easiest option. He existed tapping Safe guarding the door and headed in an eastern direction.

Safe followed close beside him with Soul a step or two behind checking to see if they were being followed. The travelled at a fast trot with Wisp occasionally stopping to confirm his bearings before setting off again. It was during one of these stops that the team heard footsteps behind them. Soul placed his hand on Wisps shoulder before pointing into the air motioning for him to listen.

Safe had already heard and opened the door into an adjacent room. Wisp was ushured inside and Soul closed the door when they were all in. The group had a few seconds of baited breath as the footsteps came closer then passed without missing a step. They waited a few seconds for the exit to clear fully then Safe turned to open the door.

There was a faint rustling in the corner of the room which caused Safe to spin from the door and aim directly at the sound, Nothing happened and nothing could be seen. Soul cautiously walked across the room and peered around for the source of the motion. Gently looking behind the desk the young Girl whos fate had been so closley tied to theirs was huddled holding her knees.


Monday, September 25, 2006 6:06 AM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions


The door to the smoke-filled bar opened, and Clayton Payne entered.
The place was only small and, at this time of the day, had few customers. Spotting Kyra sitting alone on a barstool didn't take long.
Clayton was reluctant though to go over to her.
Tracking her down again after she has absconded from Apollo's Bank had led him to some interesting places.
His resolve was no longer the same as it once was. Suddenly life felt more complicated, the truth was greyer and purpose was much more hazy.
But he couldn't tell her what he now knew. Not yet. How could he? Especially after hearing the news from Mr Perry that the one she sought so tirelessly for had already been killed.
All he could do was be there for her, and keep her from going off the rails

"Hey" he muttered as he sidled up beside her.
She could barely let out a grunt in acknowledgement, instead taking a long hard swig of her beer.
"You're a hard girl to find" he added, hoping to get her to communicate with him. His attempts were a failure. Even when she wasn't drinking or smoking, words refused to leave her mouth.
"I heard about Needy..." he uttered with a consoling voice "I'm sorry. I really am"
She remained silent, until however the bartender passed by her. "I'll have anot..." she ordered
"No, she won't." Clayton says, butting in
"Yeah... I will"
"You've had enough"

Reacting suddenly, she launches into an argument "Who the hell do you think you are?! Don't tell me I've had enough! You're not my dad."
At this point, the bartender had stepped back, unwilling to get involved. What few people were in there with them had turned to face them, to catch a glimpse at the source of the outburst
"Don't do this" Clayton reasoned, lowering his voice in the hope that she would respond reciprocally.
"Do what?" she groaned
"This. Don't become that person, you're better than this"
"That's where you're wrong." she murmured "I'm worse"

Clayton didn't know how to respond. He knew she was feeling sorry for herself, resting the blame and guilt on her own shoulders for things that were not in her control. The truth was she was better than everyone else. She cared for people most wouldn't even think twice about. Only that was the problem, she cared too much. If something bad happened, she would feel responsbile for it. To make matters worse, in this case, feeling responsible for the death of her friend... was not entirely misplaced.

The sound of commotion outside freed him from having to reply.

At first, he struggled to identify what it could be... then it hit him. The Crimson Guard

A random drinker had already beaten Clayton to the door, peaking outside at the action that was taking place not too far from the bar.

Soldiers had surrounded a mule containing a small group of people. They were fugitives, and the CG were not going to let them go easy. In fact, they weren't going to let them go, period.
Clayton recognised a few of the fugitives in question - how could he not? - but he was damned if he was gonna let Kyra see them. As she approached the door behind him, he told her to get back, under the guise of protecting her safety.

After it was all over - the rebels incapacitated - a few people began to leave the bar to get a closer look. Clayton dared not, fearing that Kyra would follow and find out what exactly had gone on. She couldn't know, for everybody's safety.
Trouble was, now that the fugitives were captured by the infamous group of commandoes, their lives couldn't have been in more danger.

Keeping Kyra back proved to be an easier task that expected, after all, she had drank a lot, but even so, Clayton would never be able to get close to the CG, let alone be able to help the fugitives as he had been instructed to do only hours earlier.
Nevertheless, there was someone who might be of some use. An old colleague could prove useful in helping the group, if he could be persuaded to do so. And if there's one thing Clayton knew, it was that Robert Wu hated entering the lion's den.

Needy. Male Companion:
First Boy Whore of Destiny
Incredibly Confused Companion of SereniTree


Monday, September 25, 2006 1:19 PM


A crimson gloved hand slams down on a desk.

“What do you mean all the “patients” are loose?!?”

The Guard stood at attention nervously fiddling with his hat. “Yes sir. All the patients, including the…” He paused to swallow loudly “…ones we were questioning.”

The officer, eyes closed in frustration, pinched the bridge of his nose and drew and deep breath. “And how, exactly, did that occur?” He said quietly.

“Um… the, well the regular patients… umm… panicked and they ummm…” the guard stammered.

“They what?”

“They stampeded sir.”

“And what are you doing to correct this problem?” The officer asked, clearly giving the guard a chance to redeem himself.

“We are rounding up all the patients….” The guard trailed off. He could tell by the look on the officer’s face that he had given the wrong answer.

“NO!!” The officer again slammed his crimson gloved fist on the desk. “NO, no, no, no, no. Round up OUR patients. Forget the others. If they get in the way… take them out of the picture.” The officer let these last words sink in.

“Shut down the compound. Seal it up tight. I don’t want anyone in, or out. The last thing we need is the media to get wind of this. Or the Alliance, for that matter.” The officer turned his back on the guard, dismissing him.

The Guard saluted and turned towards the door.

“One more thing...” The officer’s quiet words froze the guard in his tracks. “Round up all the medical staff. I smell a rat.”

The guard left the room quickly.

"Stop doing that thing"
"What thing"
"That thing where your mouth moves and noise comes out"


Monday, September 25, 2006 1:31 PM


OOC: I'm way behind on catching up, I've got some story line, but since a new challenge has just started up at scifi-meshes it might be awhile before I can write it...

I don't know if anyone wants to take control over my body so to speak for a bit?

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
No one can see their reflection in running water. It is only in still water that we can see.


Thursday, September 28, 2006 4:14 PM


OOC: Citizen, I don't mind writing for you. Just PM me to let me know what general direction you were heading and I'll tie it in if you'd like.

Safe breathed a sigh of relief and lowered his gun when Soul produced the little girl from behind the desk.

“Let’s find Needy and get the hell outta here.” Safe says.

“No! They have to be held accountable...” Wisp starts.

“We are NOT going down that road again. I need both of your heads in the here and now.” Soul hisses through his clenched teeth, glaring at both Wisp and Safe.

“Wisp, what else did you get off the computer?”

“Apparently we are not the only trouble going on in this place. Something has spooked the other patients. The staff is trying to round them up.” Wisp says after a slight pause.

“Safe, what’s your take?”

“The way I see it, they’re spread pretty thin. Even if they concentrate on finding us, the other patients are gonna get in the way and slow them down.” Safe says slowly “The only thing I’m worried about is, in these situations, its standard procedure to lock down the facility.”

“We’ll deal with that when we come to it. The thing that worries me is we have a loose canon wandering around this facility... Needy.”

"Stop doing that thing"
"What thing"
"That thing where your mouth moves and noise comes out"


Friday, September 29, 2006 12:37 AM


Huxley stamped his feet slightly and blew into his hands to warm them up.

It wasn't even cold, it just seemed appropriate.

His heart had almost failed when the shut down had kicked in, he was just glad the gate was ever so slightly open enough, wedged that way, so the magnet gizmos couldn't pull it shut for the bolts to slide home.

The worry now was that they would discover this fabulous little escape route he had ready for them before some jobsworth in the control room came to find out why the door was registering oddly.

I.e. Not shut.

What was taking them so long?


Sunday, October 1, 2006 4:23 AM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions

OOC: Sorry its been so long. I'm kinda glad that everyone else has been a bit stumped too though, cos I'd hate to be have been left behind.

Needy stopped dead in his tracks halfway down the corridor.
It seemed as if he had been running in circles, either that or all the corridors looked the same.
He didn't know whether the former was true or not.
The being had promised him he would be led to his friends, but he had yet to see them. Needy had no reason to doubt the being, after all, it had done nothing but protect him thus far, giving him the strength he needed. But still, there had been the nagging feeling he was lost, and the being didnt have the answers.
Perhaps it was a test
But it was different now. Something was different.
Needy focussed his attention, and was sure he could hear something other than the blaring alarm.
And lots of them.

He needed to move, and fast. But where to?
Back where he had come from?
The footsteps were coming from ahead, but it sounded like there were more than just a handful of people approaching.
It couldn't be his friends.
The doors at either side of him were locked.
There was nowhere to hide. He could only run back, or face those that were heading for him

He was tired of running.

Whatever was coming, he would face them.

"I'm not alone" he repeated to himself, again and again

Needy. Male Companion:
First Boy Whore of Destiny
Incredibly Confused Companion of SereniTree


Sunday, October 1, 2006 4:48 AM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions


The Resistance: SB52 HQ

For the first couple of hours, Milton was introduced to various operatives, agents of The Resisitance movement, located at the Special Branch, 52nd Division.

In fact, after only forty five minutes, he met with Ms Pugh who was in charge of the renaming and relocation of outside sources who had found themselves in danger.
Whilst he had yet to been given direction, Versa, Ms Pugh's assistant, had debriefed him on what he should expect.

"Well, there are two options normally" she had begun to explain. "First is we give you a new identity and find you a place where nobody else will find you. There you can live the rest of your life the way you see fit, although you wont be able to contact any friends or family from your former life"

Milton had listened intently. The information could prove invaluable in the future.

"Second option is you get to join us, full time. Work alongside our teams as we do what we can to bring the alliance down. To get the truth out to the people. You get to keep your name, but as with option A, your past life... it's gotta stay in the past. No contact. You can't go back and get some of your possessions at the house. And, considering you're a wanted man, any excursions outside the building will be kept to a bare minimum... at least until all this blows over and they've got a new fugitive that deserves their attention"

"And how long would that be?" he asked

"Honestly, it depends. Could be a year... could be longer"

"A year?" he asked incredulously. "Stay inside for a year, doing what? Research?"

"Work for the better good." She replied, offended by his response. "Hey, it's not like office work. We're a family here. Each and every one of us. We work to achieve the goal of a better tomorrow, as cheesy as that may sound."

Milton went quiet

She continued "The option's there. I mean, you don't have to join us, you could move, leave this rock. I just thought, considering how you've been treated, you'd be glad to get back at the Alliance."

Milton didn't know how to respond. Partly she was right. He did want to get them back. What they had doen to him, and countless other people over the years, was wrong. They may have claimed to be governing for the good of the verse, but their methods were immoral and unjust.
But The Resistance had been responsible for the death of his friend, his mentor.
Even if they had the best of motives for wanting to take down the Alliance, he couldn't let them get away with it

"We're trying to help you Milton" she said, placing a hand on his shoulder "but if giving up your old life so that you might live is too much of a sacrifice, then maybe you should just leave. Go back home, see how long you last. You think The Alliance will hesitate in throwing you back in Helo? Hell, they might have had enough of you and decide you're not worth the trouble. What's to stop them killing you?
Is that what you want?"

"No" Milton uttered softly.

"No" she repeated

"I wanna help" he told her.

Needy. Male Companion:
First Boy Whore of Destiny
Incredibly Confused Companion of SereniTree


Sunday, October 1, 2006 4:59 AM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions

The sound of footsteps got ever closer, and for some unknown reason, Needy felt calm. As if he knew that what lay before him was not danger, but help

The shadows of figures ahead grew closer.

He could count eight, then ten, no a dozen figures, inching ever nearer.

Needy began to walk towards them

The people, ranging in height and age, sex and physical strength, were all clothed in white linen.

A middle-aged woman with scrawny hair reached Needy first.
Recognizing that he wasn't a guard, but must have been a fellow prisoner she asked "is there any way out that way?"

"No" Needy replied, calm and collected. "There's not one the way you came?"

"We haven't seen one yet. The doors we've passed so far have been locked, but..."


"We've had to split up. There's so many corridors. I don't know where we've been and where we haven't"

"Lead them" a voice instructed Needy
He turned and saw the being as he repeated the words "lead them. You will find the way out. With your friends you will find the way. And then you wil fulfil your destiny"

"Which way?" he asked, the escaped prisoners not knowing if he was addressing them

"Use your insight. You know the way"

"What?" The female prisoner asked him

He took a moment, looking at the tired men and women before him, before telling them: "This way. I think I know a way out"

With that, he started to run from where they had come. No map or guide. He followed his mind. Instinct. Something other, he couldn't explain

Needy. Male Companion:
First Boy Whore of Destiny
Incredibly Confused Companion of SereniTree


Tuesday, October 3, 2006 3:04 AM


Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges

Safe held the little girl tightly to his chest as the threesome ran down the corridors. All around them now screaming, shouting and general sounds of motion could be heard. Wisp had taken the brief respite as an opportunity to mentalise them map and the progress was faster. Eventually they reached an abandoned Eastern exit. It was usually sealed and only opened during emergencies but as the group cam closer it was visible it had been wedged open.

"Lets break for it" Safe said clutching the girl tighter as if trying to silently protect her "Shes not safe here"

"We cant leave Needy" Wisp secretly wanted to stay so he would have another opportunity to retaliate but kept this to himself.

"You two go and protect the girl" Soul spoke softly despite the ruckuss about him "get out of the city and me and Needy will meet you there"

Safe and Soul exchanged the warriors oath in each others eyes, a look that was mostly lost on Wisp and completely unoticed by the girl on Safes chest. Soul turned back to walk around the sterile halls of bedlam while Safe directed the party Into the biting nights air.


Tuesday, October 3, 2006 6:39 AM


Who we are depends on the outcome of the struggle between who we were and who we want to be

Journal Entry:

"He's gone.
I still can't believe it.
In my mind I always thought that I'd see him again. I thought I'd be given the chance to make it up to him, not that I feel I ever could, not really.
I ruined his life, he said it himself.
Still, I wanted to tell him I was sorry. That it wasn't all a lie. But now I'll never have that chance.

I can't help him now. Maybe I never could. But I can at least help to make sure justice is served. If I know anything, its that he wouldn't have wanted to spent his final hours held captive by renegades. Who would?
He only wanted to help. Ever since I've known him, all he's ever wanted to do was help. Help those that needed it, even if it cost him.
And it did.

If there's anything I can do, its to make sure those responsible get what they deserve.

I'm on my own in this, though.
Perry doesn't want to become involved because of the politics of it all, and Clayton... something tells me I can't trust him anymore. Call it a reporters gut. Something's changed in him. His manner no longer seems to be that of a tenacious reporter, searching for the truth, but one concerned with covering for other people. Making excuses, and coming up with lies.
He makes out he's trying to protect me, but over the past few days I've seen enough to know that there's more to it.
It's possible he's formed allegiances elsewhere. I hope to God it's not with them.

An incident happened last week.
I didn't know what it meant before, but the reports I heard seemed to point to the fact that the Rebels were involved.
Digging proved the rumour to be true.
The Crimson Guard had captured a number of rebels and are holding them in one of their facilities.

But if these Rebels are as efficient as I've heard, not even the notorious Crimson Guard will be able to keep them for long.

That is why I'm here.
For the inevitable.

I've got nothing left to lose."


Wednesday, October 4, 2006 3:47 AM


Citizen sat calmly in a chair watching the men in front of him fidget nervously. They were in a hidden control room off the underground tunnels. Monitors filled the wall behind the desk he was sitting at. They showed various key points around the city and the entrances to the tunnels.

How he had never found this place totally mystified Citizen. After all, who knew the comings and goings and all the secret nooks on this planet better than him?

Citizen waggled the gun at the men. One had a bloody bandage covering his nose and the other held an ice pack to his head. “Ah...ah...ah… Don’t get any ideas. Contrary to my polished appearance,” Citizen brushes some unseen fluff from his jacket “I am a rather good hand with a gun.”

The man with the bandaged nose holds an old fashioned phone to his ear, waiting for an answer.

"Chung Industries, how may I help you?"

‘Chung Industries? They were involved?’ Citizen thought, surprised.

“Trudy, is Mr. Stark in?”

“One moment please...”

“Mr. Stark speaking.”

“Mr. Stark, this is Carter from your… downtown office. We have a visitor who insists that he speak to you.”

“A visitor? How is that possible?”

“I wish I knew sir. He surprised us. He seems to have an in depth knowledge of the... well... he knows his way around here quite well.”

There was a long pause at the other end.

“... is he alone?”

Citizen noticed Carter steal a glance quickly towards a picture mounted on the wall. Looking at the picture Citizen saw a little red light blink on. He mimed a gun with the first two fingers on his hand, pointing at the picture and making a shooting gesture, he smiles and winks.

“Keep him there. We’ll send someone.”

"Stop doing that thing"
"What thing"
"That thing where your mouth moves and noise comes out"


Wednesday, October 4, 2006 10:40 AM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions

Needy led the small group of prisoners as they searched for a way out.
The dozen or so followers that had fled for their lives were tired and broken, but the longing to keep living kept them moving.
They followed the former companion, not knowing that he was no better qualified to lead them than the youngest of their number, a crying blonde girl that had not yet even reached ten.
All the corridors looked the same and yet Needy pressed onward, looking as though he knew exactly what he was doing and where he was heading.
He didn't.
He was just following his gut.


Soul waited impatiently.
He shouldn't still be there, but he couldn't leave knowing one of his colleagues was in there still.
He had battled the decision over whether to go in search of Needy, but having found the exit, he didn't know, if he was to leave, if he could rediscover it again, or indeed if it would still be open for them.
He felt the best course of action was to remain, and that hopefully Needy would find him.
If he's still alive
Soul shook his head. He shouldn't think that way... only, he couldn't help it.

Sad to say, the news that they had already lost one of their own hit him hard.
Seryn deserved much better. She deserved to find happiness, settle down somewhere and die many years on, content with the long life she had led. Not in a place like this

Soul fought back the emotion his thoughts had created.

Just then, a development occured.
Figures emerging in the distance.

The exact number he was unsure of, but from the panicked footsteps, Soul deduced these weren't soldiers heading his way.
They were prisoners.

His solemn face turned to a smile as he recognised one of prisoners.



Finding Soul brought relief to his own.
As Needy reached him, along with those he had feld with, he breathed a huge sigh of relief, realising that not only had he found a colleague, but a way out

"You made it" Soul expressed with gladness.

Needy smiled, "I'm not the only one."
Looking behind towards the prisoners, before turning back to Soul he adds "Think we can all get out of here in one piece?"

Needy. Male Companion:
First Boy Whore of Destiny
Incredibly Confused Companion of SereniTree


Thursday, October 5, 2006 9:50 AM


Sykes stumbled through the door of his apartment. It had been a good night, the drink for once had been strong, and as a consequence, the girls prettier.

but he couldn't get into the midset. One part of his brain refused to stop worrying about what was going on at the Helo center. Had they made it out?

He sighed, crossed with out touching the lights to the window.
They'd set agents to monitoring the staff. He'd have to think twice about turning up to work tomorrow. It'd be a damn shame, but he figured he had enough evidence to be going on with.

He watched until the guy in the opposite alley seemed to settle a little, turning lights on and then off, like he'd finally made it to bed.
pulling a bag out from under the bed he threw a few changes of clothes into it, his few books and other bits of precious, pulled his overcoat on and exited the building via the shared attic with next door. Petting their cat, he left some tuna in its bowl and sneaked out through their garden.

A couple of alleys away, a largh decidedly crappy looking lean to disguised the entrance to the tunnels, and sometime later, he reached hi lab.

Scattered around were various bit of machinery, computers covered over with dust sheets - he hadn't used this place for a little while, every thing covered with a film of dust. Except for the one transit coffin, still with trolley atatched, dumped in the room.

He took a while to clean things down, set monitors and other equipment running, and assembled his 'tool kit'.

Opening the coffin her grimaced slightly. He never would get used to bodies. He sometime thought it made him better at his job - gave him that much more incentive to keep them alive.

She was very pale. He couldn't tell that she'd had even a hint of tan in life. Her hair lay listless around her. So unlike life, the first thing he'd noted about her was the almost nervous habit she had of pushing it back from her face. He'd never seen a woman with such messy hair.

He smiled, and then grimaced again. With a heave he transfered her to the metal table and set to work.


Saturday, October 7, 2006 2:04 AM


Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges

Safe and Wisp had travelled withour rest until they reached the city walls. So much had happened, The two men werent the same as they had been when they arrived on this god awful planet. But now they were caught up in something. Something greater than themselves.

"Wheres the ships???" Wisp whispered to Safe as they crouched in an allyway a few streets before the gate.

"Theyre in a small village about a days walk from here. We'll set off as soon as Soul meets us here" Safe knew it was safer to be out of the city as did Wisp, but they couldnt abandon another friend. Their ranks were wearing thin. First Vixen, then Citizen, Seryn and Needy all disappeared or worse. Soul couldnt join that list.

So they would wait.


Saturday, October 7, 2006 10:02 AM


ooc - pssst! I had grand plans for the underground! if you had nothing else to do, fancy making your way there?


Sunday, October 8, 2006 5:32 AM


OOC: I've got an idea to tie in Safe and Wisp's escape to the underground, plus to draw Seryn's sheriff in to the story too. I'm gonna prod Soul to get him to write.
And I have to tie up Citizen's end but right now it's all running around loose in my head.
Any help would be appriciated to stop the Citizen loop from sounding too contrived.

"Stop doing that thing"
"What thing"
"That thing where your mouth moves and noise comes out"


Monday, October 9, 2006 7:40 AM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions

OOC: Haven't got much time but I wanted to post something today and didn't want to miss the opportunity to do what i wanted to do

Kyra had waited for hours.
She had heard the alarms sound, but still she waited.
Then she saw them. Two figures make their way out of the normally guarded building through one of the exits.

It was time.

She took a breather before reaching into the inventory compartment of her hover vehicle.

Pulling out the weapon her former husband had left behind, she held it tightly in her hands as she made her way to the facility.

The two men she had seen escape had since moved on, but if she was sure of anything, it was that they weren't the only ones being kept there.
And someone was going to pay.

Needy. Male Companion:
First Boy Whore of Destiny
Incredibly Confused Companion of SereniTree


Monday, October 9, 2006 11:23 PM


ooc - oooooooooh! exciting!

well i have very little to do till i see how it pans out, but BUMP!


Tuesday, October 10, 2006 3:25 AM


The Man They Call Soul...

OOC: Safe, consider me prodded!

Relief flooded Soul's body upon finding his friend, but he remained focused to the mission at hand. They still needed to escape, and from the looks of it, Needy had brought along a few new friends who wanted out of there as well.

"Okay, here's how this will work. If all of us go running into the city at the same time, it might look just a bit suspicious. We'll do this one at a time, and once you clear the gate, start walking in a different direction than the person before you. Walk calmly." He gave them all a cursory once-over. "Oh, and as soon as you can, find new clothes."

Soul led them to the cracked door and set them loose one at a time, and he found himself pleasantly surprised that they all actually followed his orders well. When the last prisoner was finally through, Soul turned to Needy.

“We stay together on this one. I’m tired of losing friends. It’s not gonna happen again.”

Soul turned back towards the door, Needy behind him, and was preparing to step through the crack when he found himself staring down the barrel of a gun at a woman.

A very angry woman.

OOC: Needy, I hope I set you up well!


Soul, Security Chief of the Sereni-Tree, Captain of Destiny.

Mantichorus: "So is there a reason they call you 'Soul'?"
Soul (after a long pause): "Yeah. Because I have one."


Tuesday, October 10, 2006 4:59 AM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions

OOC: Soul - sure, I can work with that ;)

One by one, people left the building through the same gap used by the two men before.

Kyra kept her gaze on the exit as she made her way over.

The former prisoners, identified by their simple one-colour uniform, would each take a different direction as they left, probably so that if one is caught, they are not all caught together.

Kyra wasn't interested in the latest batch of escapees.
She had memorised the faces of those she wanted - the small group of rebels that had ruined so many lives.

As Kyra jogged towards the opening, another prisoner emerged - a middle-aged woman - scurrying along as fast as she could, desperate to get away. Noticing the young female heading for her only made her run quicker in the opposite direction, praying that the gun she held was not intended for her. Praying that she could get away, and be reunited with her family.

The prisoner meant nothing to Kyra. The same couldn't be said of the next one to leave.

As the man stepped through the exit, he was met with a woman seeking only vengeance.

Kyra recognised him instantly.
His face had been plastered on "Wanted" notices for months. A known member of the rebel movement, he had also been identified as belonging to the group responsible for what happened to Needy.

Kyra raised her weapon and pointed it directly at his head.

Anger blazed in her heart.
She had never met him before in her life.
She did not know who he was, where he had been born, what his parents were like.
Was he married and did he have children?
Had he invented anything that had benefitted mankind?
Had he saved lives?
Was he a good man?

For all she knew, he could have been.
But no matter what, her heart told her one thing and one thing alone.
He needed to pay.

He needed to die.

Needy. Male Companion:
First Boy Whore of Destiny
Incredibly Confused Companion of SereniTree


Tuesday, October 10, 2006 5:02 AM


As Wisp reaches to push the door open, Safe grabs his arm stopping him. He nods at the light on the ceiling above them.

Wisp looked at Safe puzzled for a moment before it dawned on him… the light would silhouette them when they opened the door, making them an easy target for any guards outside. Turning his gun around and shielding his eyes, as Safe shielded the little girl, Wisp reached up and smashed the light, plunging them into darkness.

The two men waited a bit for their eyes to adjust, then Wisp slowly pushed the door open only wide enough for him to squeeze out.

Safe paused, and glanced back down the darkened hallway before following Wisp out.

Outside they crouched against the wall just outside the door. Wisp pointed up. Safe followed the gesture and looked up. Above the door was a security camera bubble but it had been painted with black paint, obscuring its view.

Safe looked questiongly at Wisp who shook his head and then shrugged his shoulders. First a door left open, then a camera put out of commission... Safe was beginning to think someone was leading them somewhere. Whether that was a good thing or a bad thing was yet to be determined. The main thing was just getting out and for now their mysterious benefactor’s route coincided with their own.

Wisp grabbed Safe’s shoulder, pointing towards the gate. Safe immediately saw it too. The gate was darkened as well, but the glow of a cigar could be seen. Someone was waiting for them.

OOC:*grin* Thanks Soul! Nice tie-in by the way!

Ok, here's the first part of it. I wanted to tie up some loose ends. I have the end bit started and will post it in a bit. Plus this may give Seryn a bit to write about so she's not getting bored.

"Stop doing that thing"
"What thing"
"That thing where your mouth moves and noise comes out"


Tuesday, October 10, 2006 10:46 AM


ooc - oh thats ok, i kinda brought it on myself, making me dead and all...

Huxley glanced up at the disturbance in the light - there were definitley signs of movement...

"alright! Some action at last!"

he scoured the area for signs of the guards or any other danger - nothing, not since the last one had accepted his 'everything's fine' signals and moved off.

this was where it got fun.


Tuesday, October 10, 2006 12:26 PM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions


Originally posted by SoulOfSerenity:

Soul led them to the cracked door and set them loose one at a time, and he found himself pleasantly surprised that they all actually followed his orders well. When the last prisoner was finally through, Soul turned to Needy.

“We stay together on this one. I’m tired of losing friends. It’s not gonna happen again.”

As Soul turned back towards the door, Needy heard a familiar voice
"Don't. Remain for a while"
Needy silently agreed. Although he did not know why, he knew that the being's instructions had always paid off. Who was he to question them?
As Soul turned around towards him, Needy had stepped up, making it seem as if he was right behind, before stepping back again when Soul looked ahead.

"How long?" Needy thought
"Not long. In a few minutes, it will all be over"

Needy. Male Companion:
First Boy Whore of Destiny
Incredibly Confused Companion of SereniTree


Tuesday, October 10, 2006 1:01 PM


Who we are depends on the outcome of the struggle between who we were and who we want to be

Soul stood motionless, unable to utter a word.
Who was this woman that stood before him?
Was she a member of the Crimson Guard? She certainly didn't look the part. But she did look highly unstable.
Two truths that Soul had learnt in life sprung to mind.
"You don't cross an angry woman"
"You don't try to sweet-talk a psycho who has a gun pointed at your head... no matter how pretty she is"

Needy sure was taking his time... Soul had not heard a reaction from him, nor could he sense his presence behind him.

The hand that held the gun was shaking ever so slightly.
She was unstable, that was for sure, but that didn't mean it would be easier for him to grab the gun from her. In fact, it made it more likely she would squeeze off a few shots in him out of nerves.

"You make me sick" she uttered softly.

Soul had his hands raised in the air and, whilst trying to remain calm asked "Listen, why don't you put the gun down"

"Like hell" she growled. Her eyes shifted towards her right and she ordered him "Get over there"

He slowly sidestepped over to where she had directed "I don't know what you think I've done but whatever it is, I didn't d..."

Soul felt a sharp thud as the barrel of her gun met his head.
He should have lost consciousness, but Soul was a tougher guy than most. Instead he collapsed to his knees on the gravel.

"I know what you did."

"Well don't believe everything you read sweetheart"

The next thing Soul felt was a crack as she kicked him in his back, knocking him forward if not completely on his face

"Do I look like your sweetheart, murderer?"

"Well you've got the bounty hunter routine down to a tee, and the viciousness of a CG, but I don't buy it. What is it you want?"

Kyra wanted many things.
A nice house where she could live with her love. A couple of kids, two girls preferably, a dog and a nice patch of land where they could all take longs walks and have picnics.
She wanted a family.
She wanted friends that liked her for who she was.
She wanted the sort of perfect life that most people dreamed of.
But simply, if she could have one thing, she just wanted to take it all back.

She leaned in towards him and whispered "I want you to pay."

Seizing the opportunity, Soul spun round on his knees, and threw himself at her, his hands instantly reaching high for her own to seize control of the weapon.

Unfortunately for him, she wasn't as physically weak as she appeared.

They rolled around before she elbowed, thumped and clawed him. All that he could handle, but a knee to the nether-regions temporarily disabled him

Climbing off him she picked up the gun that had been knocked aside during the scuffle and pointed it at him again.

This time though, he wasn't willing to back down.
Standing up courageously, he began to walk towards her - causing her to back up, back towards the building's exit Soul had used.

"Who are you?"

"Get back" she ordered, her gun-hand shaking more and more.

"What the hell do you think I did?"

"You killed him" she screamed. "You ki..."

She was beginning to break down. She was like a little girl wanting to cry but both her anger and pride held her back from doing so.

"Who?" he said, edging ever so closer that it was making her feel all the more uncomfortable

"You killed him. You..."

Just then out of the corner of her eye, another figure emerged from the opening.

Everything happened so fast.

She turned and as if on instinct pulled the trigger.

The man fell back against a wall, blood trickling from the large wound to the head.

Kyra's mouth dropped, as did her weapon, as she looked on what had just happened.

The man she loved, the one who had died, laid before her

She had just killed him.

OOC: Its a long one I know, I just got carried away... as usual


Tuesday, October 10, 2006 1:15 PM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions

New thread:

Needy. Male Companion:
First Boy Whore of Destiny
Incredibly Confused Companion of SereniTree






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