Blue Sun Room Posting Etiquette

UPDATED: Monday, July 16, 2007 06:40
VIEWED: 23078
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Friday, July 28, 2006 7:06 PM


This is a rant more than anything, so try not to take too much offence.

Does anyone else get annoyed by flooding in the Blue Sun Room?

I always try to keep myself from posting more than two items in the Blue Sun Room during one day (may have broken the rule once or twice, but very rarely). It’s a courtesy thing. When I post a new fic or a picture or anything, I want it to stay on the main page for as long as possible so that people can see it, click on it, and hopefully enjoy it (and, added bonus, leave comments). Now, of course people do look through achieves to find fics, too, but when your fic is on the front page everyone sees it, and therefore more people are likely to read it, and having people read it is fun (instead “see” instead of “read” to apply to art).

Some days are faster than others. I’ve added fanfic chapters and had them moved off the main page in a few hours, other times when it is slower a few days. Its cool when they last longer, but I usually don’t mind too much if they get moved down faster. Everyone has the right to post, and all that jazz.

But what does annoy me is… flooding. I HATE it when one poster decided to post four or more fics/images/etc one right after the other. Even when its not my fic getting pushed off the main page (and usually it isn’t), I just can’t help but feel this twinge of rage in me that screams, “grrr! Put space between your posts! Other people want their shiny work seen too!”

Perhaps I am a bit insane. Perhaps not. I don’t know.

So… what do you guys think? Does flooding annoy anyone else, or am I just a bit off my rocker?

This post isn’t designed to tell anyone, “hey! Stop flooding!” If you really want to post all nine-hundred, three-hundred word chapters of your fanfic in two hours, well, no power in the ‘verse can stop you, certainly not me. I just find it annoying.

aka Greyfable and/or Katie

like the avatar? there are more. grab one here: Happy Summer of Serenity! -- picking up Firefly were Joss left off. We will hold 'til he gets back.


Friday, July 28, 2006 7:08 PM


I agree completely.

"A government is a body of people usually notably ungoverned."


Friday, July 28, 2006 7:23 PM


I had one period where I was posting a bunch of stuff consequetively (I have no idea how to spell) I hope it didn't offend, I wasn't aware that it was rude to do so. I think it has more to do with just having all this wonderful Firefly stuff and wanting to share than anything. Next time I have a creative spurt I'll be sure to space things out. I'm glad you posted this because I think it helps awareness of what's considered proper etiquette.

Remember...when you're Jaynestown It's what I do!


Friday, July 28, 2006 7:25 PM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

I agree, though I have been guilty of not being able to restrain myself when I have a lot of new images; I try to keep it at two or three at a time, then post more later on. Sometimes I've been pushed off by then, sometimes not. I do save it up, though. Sometimes I'll come in and see ten things in a row all by the same person (though I'm not gonna name names here) and I just think "Wow, so was this stuff going to be automatically erased from your computer and you had to upload it all at once or what?"
I have yet to have a fanfic long enough to make it an issue, but I will also be trying to restrain myself on that, too. Especially when it's all one work, you want to see how one part is responded to before you post the next. Right? Well, I would.




Friday, July 28, 2006 8:24 PM


Yeah, thanks for posting this for those of us who are new here and don't totally understand how things work, yet. (guilty but now less clueless!)


Saturday, July 29, 2006 3:33 AM


I once posted three different fics in a matter of half an hour, and in retrospect it was probably quite rude. I've done this more than once with two pieces in a row, simply because at that moment I had the time and inclination to post them here.

I suppose, I don't consider that "5 most recent" spot to be quite the important thing, since I'll always check back to the last fic I saw posted, to make sure I don't miss something.

People who post several very short story chapters one after the other, though, I can't quite understand, as those could just as well be posted all together. It just takes up so much space to scroll past.


Saturday, July 29, 2006 3:38 AM


Just to be the devil's advocate on this one: there are quite alot of people who use this and other sites who may not get access to the net very often so while no, the stuff won't be deleted if they don't post it right away, they might not get another chance to post them for a while.

I do completely understand the frustration when someone work (even if it's not your own) gets knocked off the front page but I guess what I'm saying is not to assume that people are being attention seeking if they do post like this.


Sunday, July 30, 2006 5:26 PM


I fully agree about holding off on posting and not flooding the BSR. Access to internet can be a factor, but at the same time, I have seen there be super short fics posted one after the other when they could have been pulled into one story, thus not taking up more spots than needed and letting everyone have a chance to have thier fics read. It's frustrating to be bumped, I have experienced it, as well as my other writer friend's on the site. It's a bit rude and hopefully we can all share the space politely! :)


Monday, July 31, 2006 10:37 AM


I just wanted to bump this because I feel that it's an important thought for those posting in the BSR to read.


Wednesday, August 2, 2006 5:08 AM


I get a little annoyed when there's multiple postings which each consist of a few lines. That's just hogging up lots of space with very little content, when they could easily be put into a single posting.

But if someone wants to post several longish chapters right together - go for it! I love to be able to read everything at once.

OK, not that short things take no work... but they're so quick to read, there's no need to make a thousand postings out of it! Combine them, gorram it!!

I'm the president. I don't need to listen.


Wednesday, August 2, 2006 7:38 AM


I guess I'm a bit guilty of this since I think I posted about 4 images in one day a few days ago. I'd like to apologise for that. I guess I was just excited. I didn't even intend to post more than that first couple of images but it got such good reactions from people I posted a couple more that same day.

I'll try to refrain from mass posting again. :)

"People tell you things all the time, without talking. The way they move, the way they aren't talking." - River Tam


Wednesday, August 2, 2006 7:55 AM


i don't really have a problem with this.... people can do pretty much whatever they like as far as i'm concerned....

I did post a picture that i had worked on for the better part of an afternoon and it was pushed off in about an hour.... got a couple of comments, but i doubt if many people saw it..... does anybody remember "all bendy with angels".... thought not


Wednesday, August 2, 2006 8:10 AM


i tend to agree, i mean, i dont think its a huge deal, and also i don't post much in the bsr, but i've posted enough to understand the frustration of posting something you've put work into, and having in gone a few hours later with maybe one or two comments. also, point of interest- dayve, not to undermine your point or anything, but actually i do remember that one, i liked it (when i look at the picture part of the bsr, and the last one down is new to me, i generally make a point of going through the archive for all the ones i've missed)

98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature
Fear is the Mind Killer


Wednesday, August 2, 2006 8:21 AM


Just wanted to pop back in and say -- this isn't a blame thing. It's more a me being being a bit up-tight than anything. So, I'm sorry if this rant made anyone feel badly. That wasn't my intention.

I'd also like thank everyone for their responses. There are lots of things I had not considered before (such as limited internet access, etc). I'll be sure to remember this when I need to rationalize away the twinge of annoyance I feel when flooding happens (because, my pet peeve is still my pet peeve -- a tiger doesn't change its spots ).

I'd like to offer a personal thank you to the people who have said they will refrain from posting seven hundred items in the Blue Sun Room in one day. Thanks! I find it to be really considerate.

That said, this thread was also not about trying to change people's behavior. It was just me ranting. So, if you see no problem with it, then go for it I guess...

Either way, it has been very cool to see what everyone has to say about this lil' issue, so thanks!

aka Greyfable and/or Katie

like the avatar? there are more. grab one here: Happy Summer of Serenity! -- picking up Firefly were Joss left off. We will hold 'til he gets back.


Wednesday, August 2, 2006 8:26 AM



Originally posted by Arcadia:
a tiger doesn't change its spots

nor a leopard it's stripes...


Sunday, August 13, 2006 5:52 PM


I like awareness threads.

I was once guilty of flooding... and sadly not that long ago. I realize now how selfish it is to (consciously or unconsciously) take up the whole front page.

As has been said earlier, I too, scroll back to the last item I'd seen. So I don't miss things. But I see the prestige of the most recent.

So. Yeh.

I cannot abide useless people.


Tuesday, August 15, 2006 1:20 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

Since it just happened again, I thought I'd give this thread a bump.

An insincere and evil friend is more to be feared than a wild beast; a wild beast may wound your body, but an evil friend will wound your mind. - Gautama Siddharta


Monday, August 21, 2006 7:14 AM


Eeep! *looks guilty*

With me it's something of a net access issue. I don't have access to the net at home, so I pretty much have to save up a few items before I burn them to disk and post them.

It's becoming less of an issue now, and I'll stop multiple image posting in future. Sorry!

*slinks away in shame*

More animations available at


Monday, August 21, 2006 7:57 AM


I love my captain

No shame to you! There is nothing wrong with posting couple at a time. Especially if the BSR has been slow lately. I for one have noticed the picture part has been crawling these last few days. The irritation comes when someone feels they have to post half a dozen at once and does so consistently.


Op: You're fighting a war you've already lost.
Mal: Yeah, well I'm known for that.


Monday, August 21, 2006 9:33 PM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

DesktopHippie, I rarely see you post more than three at a time, and plus your animations are absolutely shiny! Okay, eight in a row would be a bit much (which is how it is when someone floods) but you do not flood so don't you go hanging that pretty flowered head in shame!

Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth. - Gautama Siddharta


Tuesday, August 22, 2006 7:12 AM


SORRY SORRY SORRY!!! I'm a clueless newbie!! SORRY SORRY SORRY!


Tuesday, August 22, 2006 7:45 AM


I'll have none of those sorrys from you espritnoir! You posted a few chapters back to back, which is FINE, and double posts happen, no big!

This thread isn't aimed at you at all!! At least, I don't think so!!

I'm the president. I don't need to listen.


Tuesday, August 22, 2006 8:01 AM



Originally posted by espritnoir:
SORRY SORRY SORRY!!! I'm a clueless newbie!! SORRY SORRY SORRY!

NO permanent harm done, friend. Thanks for noticing this thread. :)

I cannot abide useless people.


Tuesday, August 22, 2006 8:42 AM


Whoa... Good etiquette...

I have a related question, kinda...
What exactly does FILK mean? I've been assuming it means some parody lyrics
or song lyrics related specifically to the 'Verse / FF / BDM...
Yay or nay? Cuz I've seen a lot of "poetry" and writing that is...
well, basically, personally-related stuff. Not about the 'Verse per se but about the
author's own 'Verse.
Can there be a separate section for posting anyone's non-FF/BDM-related stuff?
Not saying the non-FF/BDM stuff is bad, just saying it's not FF/BDM-related
and I'm not generally expecting to see that sorta thing in the FILK section
if the FILK section is for FF/BDM-related stuff is all...

And speaking of FILKs [shameless plug coming]...
Check out my FILK of Paul Simon's
"Still Crazy After All These Years" titled (what else)
"Still Shiny After All These Years"...

Jonathan M.A.Ghaffar - Your Firefly/Serenity MP3 Ringtone Smuggler!
Free MP3 uploader (PC) at:
----------------------------------------------------------------- -->


Tuesday, August 22, 2006 8:56 AM


Ditto Mal4Prez. No need to aplogize espritnoir! Double posts happened, and three chapters is not really flooding. Now, had you posted seven hundred...

I'll say one more time, this thread was not aimed at anyone in particular. And, I appreactiate everyone's responses.

As for FILKs -- I have no clue. I don't venture into filk territory often.

aka Greyfable and/or Katie

like the avatar? there are more. grab one here: Happy Summer of Serenity! -- picking up Firefly were Joss left off. We will hold 'til he gets back.


Tuesday, August 22, 2006 10:14 AM


On Filk

filk is folk music, usually with a science fiction or fantasy theme. But this definition is not exact. Filkers can also write filk songs about a wide variety of topics. Examples include computers and cats. The other common definition is anthropological (and recursive): Filking is what is sung/performed by the network of people who originally gathered to sing at science fiction/fantasy conventions. Yet another definition focuses on filking as a community of those interested in filk music and who form part of the social network self-identified with filking. As described later in this article, the origins of filk in science fiction conventions and its current organization emphasizes the social-network aspect of filking. -Wikipedia

It's most commonly taken as Songs based on a fandom

There's a bit of non verse poetry and such which has come in and while it technically doesn't count there isn't a section for it (as far as i'm aware) so it mainly goes in the filk section.


Tuesday, August 22, 2006 10:25 AM


HA! That puppy is SOOOO CUUUUTE!
And so dead...

Jonathan M.A.Ghaffar - Your Firefly/Serenity MP3 Ringtone Smuggler!
Free MP3 uploader (PC) at:
----------------------------------------------------------------- -->


Tuesday, August 22, 2006 4:35 PM


It is good to have a thread mentioning this,
but I can understand that someone is all excited about finishing their fan art or fan fic and has the desire to post it all at the same time....

It might be worth mentioning to those who want their images or stories to stay on the front page longer that things usually move more slowly on weekends.


Tuesday, August 22, 2006 5:34 PM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

I actually posted a thread, asking what is considered to be "filk". There is A LOT of personal poetry in the filk section.
I looked it up on google and was under the impression that it's usually a fandom-related parody, sometimes an original song. But a song.
There is a poetry category in the fanfic section, but personal poetry wouldn't really fit there, either. Maybe there should be another section for non-versey things.

Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth. - Gautama Siddharta


Wednesday, October 11, 2006 10:14 PM


I so did that. I'm sorry. I didn't even think. I had 8 stories in a series and just posted them last week.

Is there a way to link chapters? I've read things and am unsure how to keep from loosing things?

the Lattelady


Thursday, October 12, 2006 3:44 AM



Originally posted by Lattelady6:
Is there a way to link chapters? I've read things and am unsure how to keep from loosing things?

I show how to do it in the formatting thread:

PM me if you want! I love linked chapters, so I'm always willing to help set it up!

I'm the president. I don't need to listen.


Wednesday, October 18, 2006 12:47 PM


I will go in a slightly different direction, and i hope no one minds too terribly much.......I have posted some of my fiction in the Blue Sun Room, and I think I am speaking for everyone who takes a chance and shows their dreativity to an utterly anonymous audience for their approval or disdain. If you read someone's story or look at their artwork, take a moment of your life and leave them a little feedback. Even just a thanks for posting is enough. if the work impressed you, then take the time to say so, and why (we learn a lot more from your critiques than your silences, let me tell you), and if you thought it was a horrible piece of go-se, then feel free to say so for the public, that's the chance you take, and no thin skins allowed, right?

it's a minor thing, but I just feel that someone takes the time in their life to do something, you, as a fellow member of this community, should feel some sort of obligation to take some of your time to acknowledge the fact.

Simon: "Were there any Feds?"
mal: "No, no Feds, just an honest brawl between folk."


Wednesday, October 18, 2006 5:06 PM


ITA, BCJim. Feedback is totally important. If you take the time to read something, especially if you liked it even a little bit, let the author know. Silence can be just as awful and a bad review. At least the bad review tells you what went wrong!

As for flooding the boards, I myself have not posted a fic here yet. But I can understand the annoyance of flooding. I noticed that about this board, so I am careful to make sure I find where I left off and see if anything new has been posted.

But while we're on the subject of pet peeves...
This is a HUGE one of mine... I'm new to Firefly/Serenity fic... the only fic I ever read for years was The X-Files... so maybe I'm just used to that community's way of doing things, but... why is it that so many authors do not categorize their fic?

That's not just a problem in the BSR. I've noticed that in a lot of other Firefly fic archives. Is it just me? Does that not bother anyone else? Because, I gotta say, one can come across some truly startling things in fic... and without proper warning...
It can be something like: Oh! God! I'm bliiiiind!

Or, even more annoying, I start reading a fic and suddenly a main character is killed off without warning or River suddenly starts making out with Simon. I'm fairly particular about the pairings that I read. I guess I'm just a cannon-loving girl. But it would save readers time if we could skip over the stuff that just isn't our cup o' tea. I think it's only fair to warn people of what they're about to read.


Thursday, October 19, 2006 6:03 PM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

I'm giving this a bump, because someone just totally flooded. - show 'Versal your gratitude!

A good friend who points out mistakes and imperfections and rebukes evil is to be respected as if he reveals a secret of hidden treasure. - Gautama Siddharta


Thursday, October 19, 2006 7:27 PM


I just saw that.

Valeriebean I beleive it was.

I actually posted a comment in the 14th chapter mentioning that flooding is of the not good.

I mean, 4 chapters, yeah ok, but 14?


Friday, October 20, 2006 9:51 AM



Originally posted by LucasHarper:
I just saw that.

Valeriebean I beleive it was.

I actually posted a comment in the 14th chapter mentioning that flooding is of the not good.

I mean, 4 chapters, yeah ok, but 14?

Seems good to let the flooder know her offence by leaving a comment, but giving a new poster a rating of 1 on her fic is a little low! Ratings should be about the quality of the story. Especially when its a first time offender!

Edit: OK, I'm assuming it was you (Lucas), since there was only your comment when I saw the low rating. If it wasn't you, all apologies!

I'm the president. I don't need to listen.


Friday, October 20, 2006 10:18 AM


I didn' t rate the fic because I didn't read it.


Friday, October 20, 2006 12:18 PM


Well said Greyfable ;)

//breathe today So many lies s w i r l i n g
All A R O U N D You
you're S U F F O C A T I N G
the e m p t y shape in Y O U
s t e a l s your b r e a t h


Friday, October 20, 2006 1:56 PM



Originally posted by MAGhaffar:

Cuz I've seen a lot of "poetry" and writing that is...
well, basically, personally-related stuff. Not about the 'Verse per se but about the
author's own 'Verse.
Can there be a separate section for posting anyone's non-FF/BDM-related stuff?
Not saying the non-FF/BDM stuff is bad, just saying it's not FF/BDM-related
and I'm not generally expecting to see that sorta thing in the FILK section
if the FILK section is for FF/BDM-related stuff is all...

This one drives me nuts, I have to say, because I've no earthly idea why something that doesn't have anything to do with Firefly/Serenity gets posted on a Firefly/Serenity archive. People need to express their creativity, different people's creative juices (with regard to 'verses) run together, I get that. Still, if whatever-it-is doesn't fit the theme of the archive, it doesn't belong in said themed archive.

And I'll get mean about this, I readily admit. I will give ratings of one for things that have no relevance whatsoever to the archive theme. (There was a Batman fic a while ago, for example.)

Das Internet is nicht fuer gefingerclicken und giffengrabben. Ist easy droppenpacket der routers und overloaden der backbone mit der spammen und der me-tooen. Ist nicht fuer gewerken bei das dumpkopfen. Das mausklicken sichtseeren keepen das bandwit-spewin hans in das pockets muss; relaxen und watchen das cursorblinken.


Friday, October 20, 2006 2:10 PM


here's the thing you gotta remember......actually, hee's the few things ya gotta remember:

1--you never know how a given poen, fic, etc., might relate to the 'verse in the mind of the author, and you just might not get it.

2--The author, creater, whatever may not know of another outlet to show what he or she has done. admit it, we all find new websites every day that we had no idea existed.

3--For all of us who post our fanfic, we all had a first time, we all had to screw our courage up enough to present our work to a crowd. My first time was in a high school creative writing class. I didn't know if my piece would be the worst piece of shit every put to paper or what, but I had to do it. I'm going to be quite candid, but not trying to sound arrogant. I'm not a bad writer. my sin is a lack of discipline to get through a whole novel. but i've coached a lot of aspiring writers, and they all have to take that first plunge. Just the fact that they are here makes them browncoats, and we are obliged to support them, whether we get their ideas or not.

Simon: "Were there any Feds?"
mal: "No, no Feds, just an honest brawl between folk."


Friday, October 20, 2006 3:14 PM


I'll agree with you on point #3, insofar as someone may feel that the group of readers they know in the Firefly/Serenity/Name-a-theme archive is the most supportive audience out there to guide their writing. No problem with that. New, nervous writers/artists are not the object of my beef, per se.

If, however, what ends up on the archive consists of several paragraphs concerning a caped superhero of Earth-that-Was (absent any described context of someone in the FF/S 'verse reading or viewing the adventures of said costumed crusader)[1] without any sort of "I'm new at this," "This is my first time," "I realize this doesn't look like Firefly or Serenity, but here's why I put this here," or any break-the-fourth-wall preamble at all, I have a lot of trouble believing that it's someone who is a) nervous or b) otherwise concerned about appropriate (so to speak) selection of archive.

I think that if there's a strong [2] question regarding just how something someone's written relates to the theme of the archive, then it behooves the writer to pass along a few lines (or even a few words) to frame the piece for the reader. That's not to say that the author should assume the reader is dense, and therefore must include a complete analysis of their references as their teaser, or that he or she should employ similarly drastic means of exposition. "Getting it" or not implies that there's something to "get" in the first place, and hopefully the author will be kind enough to include a word or two that suggests what it is the reader is supposed to "get." If they don't, and the reader concludes that what's there doesn't fit, then there really shouldn't be any shock that the reader says as much, however they may go about it. The writer/creator always has the option of clarifying their position, whether they're new to writing (in this setting or generally) or not. Doing so is even easier than leaving feedback is, and may benefit the author's take of feedback and ratings down the line. It certainly can't hurt either measure.

I would say it's certainly possible that someone knows of only the BSR as an outlet, especially if that someone is a minor, but I don't see how someone with more experience in and around the web could not know of something like Let's face it; whether we like it or not, the Blue Sun Room is a lot more obscure than And even if they don't know of a more general archive, why don't they look? If this person looks at posting as being on a par with bungee jumping, then I could see throwing everything in as being an impulsive act. But does it need to be? I mean, if I wanted to share something I'd done, I'd first concern myself with doing so in the best way possible, and that includes framing it so the reader/viewer can recognize my intent and making sure it goes somewhere thematically appropriate.

Sorry to be a hardnose about it, but that's just how I feel about writing.

[1] I swear this appeared sometime last winter. What it was exactly, I remember not, but I think it was a Batman story. There was no writer's preamble to it at all, IIRC, except an excerpt for a teaser. Yes, I know, that puts me on rhetorically thin ice. The thing's just stuck in my memory, is all.

[2] How strong depends on what it is. If it's a poem that mentions characters and places, there's not much question. If the sum total of the post is lyrics someone just heard on the radio, um...

Das Internet is nicht fuer gefingerclicken und giffengrabben. Ist easy droppenpacket der routers und overloaden der backbone mit der spammen und der me-tooen. Ist nicht fuer gewerken bei das dumpkopfen. Das mausklicken sichtseeren keepen das bandwit-spewin hans in das pockets muss; relaxen und watchen das cursorblinken.


Friday, October 20, 2006 3:41 PM


OK, and you know what, I am going to go with you on the point of if you are doing something not necessarily 'verse related, some sort of preamble, disclaimer, whatver is not much to ask or even demand.

I will always make a lot of allowances for new writers or submiters, becuase it's scary, and there is that one asshole in every crowd who will trash you silly just becuase he or she can behind the anonymity of the internet, and depending upon the person, it can be quite devastating to have someone trash you, like whoever the dick is that gave the girl '1's becuase she flooded the blue sun room today (which i honestly don't think she knew any better).

Still, I do agree with you that this is a Firefly fan site, and we want to read about our BDH's, not anything else.

The one thing I will disagree about tho is explaining too much. I like to think that the people out here are pretty bright, and if I write something open ended, open to interpretation, then I am counting on bright people to take this idea in any way that makes sense to them, and there is where it all gets pretty interesting.

Overall, PS, your points are well made, and I do nt think we are that far removed from one another in our ideas.

Simon: "Were there any Feds?"
mal: "No, no Feds, just an honest brawl between folk."


Monday, October 23, 2006 4:22 AM



Originally posted by LucasHarper:
I didn' t rate the fic because I didn't read it.

Sorry Lucas!

I'm the president. I don't need to listen.


Tuesday, October 24, 2006 1:27 AM



Originally posted by EmpireX:

Or, even more annoying, I start reading a fic and suddenly a main character is killed off without warning or River suddenly starts making out with Simon. I'm fairly particular about the pairings that I read. I guess I'm just a cannon-loving girl. But it would save readers time if we could skip over the stuff that just isn't our cup o' tea. I think it's only fair to warn people of what they're about to read.


Giving a pairing-warning is a must, in particular for non-canon pairings.


Sunday, October 29, 2006 8:27 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.




Thursday, November 9, 2006 9:36 PM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

Double bump



Thursday, November 30, 2006 11:21 AM


Good thread.

I can honestly say I've never flooded the BSR, as I simple lack the talent to produce anything worthwhile within at least a two months interval. :) Having said that, it's also the reason I fully understand where you're coming from. Flooding sucks. People can consult the archives, yes; but you'd have to really be interested in a person's work to click through all the links (without thumnbnails). But more importantly, you simply don't SEE that they posted, even.

Inevitably, there's no getting around to seeing a correlation between the speed at which stuff is posted (not necessarily by the same person) and the quality of the work in the BSR. The latter is, of course, subjective. So a better way of putting this, is to simply say that I have certain expectations of work in the BSR, and that those expectations aren't always met -- especially when flooding starts. I especially dislike much of the same (with only minor variations between them), posted quickly after each other. For instance, I like the occassional Jayne-hat; ten Jayne-hats in a row, not so much. As an old Latin proverb goes: dosis facit venemon: "It's the dose that makes the poison." :)

It is, in fact. about respect. Or is it? I mean, could just be my expectations again. Used to be a time we were are talking 'bout Firefly and the room was brimming with the 'verse; nowadays all I see is imponderables and the forsaken. Ain't nothing wrong with that, per se; perhaps I just need to get used to the 'verse being a changed place, with new people in it; folks with different expectations.

Gawd, that sounded synical. What can I say? I'm a mean, old man. :)

"Mei-mei, everything I have is right here." -- Simon Tam


Saturday, December 30, 2006 10:02 AM


IMO, it's all a matter of common courtesy. If you don't want it to happen to you, don't do it yourself.

I'm an active songwriter and lyricist, with song lyrics posted in many songwriting sites on the web. The usual rule of thumb at songwriting sites tends to be this:

"Please post no more than one lyric a day, and respond to at least one other post when you do. this prevents flooding of the forum, and gives you some chance of getting a response to your Post."

I think this idea is a good one for Here, in all categories. JMHO


Sunday, December 31, 2006 9:35 AM


Gyahh... I just did this the other day without thinking, and I officially say sorry about that, but I've not an attention span.

*sends out mail notice letters that Fizz is just an idiot, can you please forgive her?*

May not be smart, and it may not please you, but you're definitely gonna see what I have to say.


Sunday, December 31, 2006 9:44 AM


I understand that this happens. It has happened to me (I have about 30 fan fic stories). But I also know that putting any restrictions would be a bad thing. Ppl should be able to post when and as much as they want. Maybe we can get two "Blue Sun Rooms". One for fan fic and one for fan art and images. Just a thought.







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