Is Trump Nuts?

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Monday, April 10, 2017 8:43 AM


Nixon wasn't impeached as soon as he came into office, in fact, he was re-elected to a second term. After 6 years, they'd had enough. The kicker was anillegal war in Cambodia. I don't have an issue with Nixon's mission in Cambodia. I really completely agree with him: Khmer Rouge was much more of a threat to the locals than the VC. However, he should've sought congressional approval.

So why wasn't Obama impeached for an illegal war in Pakistan? I have an answer to that one, and it's a bad one, but probably true. It was too soon. He crossed the border into Pakistan and started an illegal war right out the starting gate. IOW, not going to happen.

Yemen isn't impeachabble because we were already in Yemen, and ditto for ISIS. If he invades Iran, or launches a full out war against Syria, without congressional approval, then you might have something.

Treason is clear. And bribery, and high crimes and misdemeanors is language copied from Wat Tyler, and refers to a blatant betrayal of public trust, such as levying taxes and then pocketing the funds instead of spending them in the budget. It was never intended to remove elected officials form office and has never been used to do so.

BTW, abandon the tax nonsense, it's hurting your argument. We all watched Maddow's great reveal of Trump's taxes to show that in fact, she had nothing. Actually, she showed that he paid his taxes. If he did anything creative, I doubt it's an impeach offense. I doubt any tax irregularity is, including not paying tax, like, ever.

The fact is, this push started on election day, so its credibility is zero.


Monday, April 10, 2017 10:30 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Dreamtrove, the Watergate proceedings were broadcast live for two weeks in May 1973. Cambodia was NOT mentioned even once, but you are using a war that did NOT end Nixon's career to drag in Obama's mission into Pakistan to kill Osama bin Laden in Abbottabad, Pakistan. Congressional Republicans didn't object to Obama killing Pakistanis. Republicans never care.

Dreamtrove, Watergate was not about Cambodia. It was about "illegal, improper, or unethical conduct occurring during the presidential election of 1972, including political espionage and campaign finance practices". That is pure Trump 2016 territory.

V.P. Agnew got caught cheating on his taxes and had to choose between resigning or going to jail, all over a measly $10,000 in taxes. That is pure Trump 1980 to 2016 territory. He promised to release his tax returns, but he did not.

Nixon's Vice-President Spiro Agnew also got caught taking bribes and, again, he had to resign or go to jail over a measly $268,482 in bribes. That is pure Trump territory because he has NOT placed his businesses into a blind trust as he promised. Trump has a nice scam where he can take bribes from foreign governments. That will get him evicted from the White House, if only the Republicans in Congress would insist that either Trump follow the Constitution or else resign.

But Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan don't care to preform their job, which is policing the behavior of the President. If they won't do, it does not get done.

Originally posted by DREAMTROVE:
Nixon wasn't impeached as soon as he came into office, in fact, he was re-elected to a second term. After 6 years, they'd had enough. The kicker was anillegal war in Cambodia. I don't have an issue with Nixon's mission in Cambodia. I really completely agree with him: Khmer Rouge was much more of a threat to the locals than the VC. However, he should've sought congressional approval.

So why wasn't Obama impeached for an illegal war in Pakistan? I have an answer to that one, and it's a bad one, but probably true. It was too soon. He crossed the border into Pakistan and started an illegal war right out the starting gate. IOW, not going to happen.

Yemen isn't impeachabble because we were already in Yemen, and ditto for ISIS. If he invades Iran, or launches a full out war against Syria, without congressional approval, then you might have something.

Treason is clear. And bribery, and high crimes and misdemeanors is language copied from Wat Tyler, and refers to a blatant betrayal of public trust, such as levying taxes and then pocketing the funds instead of spending them in the budget. It was never intended to remove elected officials form office and has never been used to do so.

BTW, abandon the tax nonsense, it's hurting your argument. We all watched Maddow's great reveal of Trump's taxes to show that in fact, she had nothing. Actually, she showed that he paid his taxes. If he did anything creative, I doubt it's an impeach offense. I doubt any tax irregularity is, including not paying tax, like, ever.

The fact is, this push started on election day, so its credibility is zero.


Monday, April 10, 2017 12:44 PM


SECOND, think about why it would be that dreamtrove/sockpuppet doesn't understand Watergate. She is just spewing subjective bullshit to see what sticks. No one who represents this country is anything but wrong to her and some others here.

Their arguments are two dimensional, black and white. All the hard decisions based on the different nuances or facts as they are, are dismissed out of hand by them. In all their posted hypotheses. It all seems very simple the way they discuss it. Again, black and white. And that's the flaw in everything they post. Most of what is needed to be considered, with them is not. An example, is Obama having to decide to conduct drone strikes in Pakistan. There are people there acting with impunity planning to bomb us. It leaves him little choice. No, their agenda is not an honest discussion. No, their agenda is to point fingers. It's all they ever do, point fingers and attach blame.

Hey guys, here's a for you.


Originally posted by second:
Dreamtrove, the Watergate proceedings were broadcast live for two weeks in May 1973. Cambodia was NOT mentioned even once, but you are using a war that did NOT end Nixon's career to drag in Obama's mission into Pakistan to kill Osama bin Laden in Abbottabad, Pakistan. Congressional Republicans didn't object to Obama killing Pakistanis. Republicans never care.

Dreamtrove, Watergate was not about Cambodia. It was about "illegal, improper, or unethical conduct occurring during the presidential election of 1972, including political espionage and campaign finance practices". That is pure Trump 2016 territory.

V.P. Agnew got caught cheating on his taxes and had to choose between resigning or going to jail, all over a measly $10,000 in taxes. That is pure Trump 1980 to 2016 territory. He promised to release his tax returns, but he did not.

Nixon's Vice-President Spiro Agnew also got caught taking bribes and, again, he had to resign or go to jail over a measly $268,482 in bribes. That is pure Trump territory because he has NOT placed his businesses into a blind trust as he promised. Trump has a nice scam where he can take bribes from foreign governments. That will get him evicted from the White House, if only the Republicans in Congress would insist that either Trump follow the Constitution or else resign.

But Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan don't care to preform their job, which is policing the behavior of the President. If they won't do, it does not get done.

Originally posted by DREAMTROVE:
Nixon wasn't impeached as soon as he came into office, in fact, he was re-elected to a second term. After 6 years, they'd had enough. The kicker was anillegal war in Cambodia. I don't have an issue with Nixon's mission in Cambodia. I really completely agree with him: Khmer Rouge was much more of a threat to the locals than the VC. However, he should've sought congressional approval.

So why wasn't Obama impeached for an illegal war in Pakistan? I have an answer to that one, and it's a bad one, but probably true. It was too soon. He crossed the border into Pakistan and started an illegal war right out the starting gate. IOW, not going to happen.

Yemen isn't impeachabble because we were already in Yemen, and ditto for ISIS. If he invades Iran, or launches a full out war against Syria, without congressional approval, then you might have something.

Treason is clear. And bribery, and high crimes and misdemeanors is language copied from Wat Tyler, and refers to a blatant betrayal of public trust, such as levying taxes and then pocketing the funds instead of spending them in the budget. It was never intended to remove elected officials form office and has never been used to do so.

BTW, abandon the tax nonsense, it's hurting your argument. We all watched Maddow's great reveal of Trump's taxes to show that in fact, she had nothing. Actually, she showed that he paid his taxes. If he did anything creative, I doubt it's an impeach offense. I doubt any tax irregularity is, including not paying tax, like, ever.

The fact is, this push started on election day, so its credibility is zero.


Monday, April 10, 2017 1:40 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Hey, it is almost 2PM on a Monday in DC. Probably Trump has done something nuts to start the workweek, right? What happened with the China meeting?

I know that the summit meeting with the Chinese premier got overshadowed by the Syria bombing, but I'm still curious: did anything happen at all when Xi and Trump met? I saw nothing. Not even "insider" accounts of what "really" happened between the two men. That's a little odd, isn't it?

Trump has his 'What am I doing here?' face on. Or it could be Trump's 'What does the chink want from me?' face. Maybe American bullshit, Trump-style, does not translate into Mandarin? Trump can't work his persuasive magic on Xi, who is amused at Trump's pretensions and funny looking hair.


Monday, April 10, 2017 1:48 PM



Originally posted by second:
Hey, it is almost 2PM on a Monday in DC. Probably Trump has done something nuts to start the workweek, right?


Monday, April 10, 2017 2:16 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump
So sad to hear of the terrorist attack in Egypt. I have great confidence that President Al Sisi will handle situation properly.
10:21 AM-9 Apr 2017

Great confidence, Trump has! Egyptian President el-Sisi responds, with Trump's 100% support:

Late Sunday night, President Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi called for a three-month state of emergency....The army chief-turned-president also dispatched elite troops across the country to protect key installations and accused unidentified countries of fueling instability, saying that “Egyptians have foiled plots and efforts by countries and fascist, terrorist organizations that tried to control Egypt.”

As always, we're left to wonder why Trump loves el-Sisi so much? Is it because Trump is an unusually brutal foreign policy realist? Because Obama didn't like el-Sisi? Because Trump will declare martial law, given a chance? It's a nutty mystery.


Monday, April 10, 2017 3:22 PM



And Clinton was about Monica Lewinsky. Keep telling yourself that.

It's a matter of determining the president is a traitor first. Then you get momentum for impeachment. But first you need a term of bad. Otherwise, you're just upending democracy.

WACO, Rwanda, Yugoslavia, all horrid CLinton decisions that led to impeachment. Those were the original impeachment items. Then they were replaced by Monica, which was a technicality from Linda Tripp who wasn't trying to impeach the president, she was trying to get Hillary arrested for the murder of Vince Foster.

Thing is, the deep state doesn't want to openly oppose the war, because they want to keep fighting it when someone new comes in. They don't want the public talking about it, or the public will say why fight the war at all? rather than how we should fight it.

So, it was Cambodia, and not getting out of Vietnam and to some extent the 18 voting age. They were unhappy. Watergate itself was probably a set-up.

Nick, whatever, you're a sockpuppet.


Monday, April 10, 2017 4:44 PM


Trump dreamtrove, he is president. Clinton is long gone. I've come to realize what it is with you and some others here. You guys are late to catch up. At this rate you won't be taking about what Trump fucked up until he is no longer in office. That's when your bitch fest about him will begin. Well guys, it'll be much to late then. And besides, when you dip into the past you usually get it wrong. Your conspiracy thinking patterns and all getting in the way of the truth.


Originally posted by DREAMTROVE:

And Clinton was about Monica Lewinsky. Keep telling yourself that.

It's a matter of determining the president is a traitor first. Then you get momentum for impeachment. But first you need a term of bad. Otherwise, you're just upending democracy.

WACO, Rwanda, Yugoslavia, all horrid CLinton decisions that led to impeachment. Those were the original impeachment items. Then they were replaced by Monica, which was a technicality from Linda Tripp who wasn't trying to impeach the president, she was trying to get Hillary arrested for the murder of Vince Foster.

Thing is, the deep state doesn't want to openly oppose the war, because they want to keep fighting it when someone new comes in. They don't want the public talking about it, or the public will say why fight the war at all? rather than how we should fight it.

So, it was Cambodia, and not getting out of Vietnam and to some extent the 18 voting age. They were unhappy. Watergate itself was probably a set-up.

Nick, whatever, you're a sockpuppet.


Monday, April 10, 2017 4:51 PM



I've already attacked Trump a view times, over Yemen, over the bombing in Syria. So have others. We're not us guys. There's no alignment of our motives, actions or views. We're just not in the hate group. It's like any other hate group. Everyone not in it might look like a conspiracy, but really we're "everyone else." 6, River, Sig, JSF, they aren't at all of the same perspective.

As for Clinton, she's not gone, and her impact on the US won't be gone for a long time. Obama supporters talked about Bush for the whole 8 years Obama was in office. It's not going to go away. It seems very much that HRC is still commanding ISIS. That said, there's been a slow shift of attacks away from her and onto John McCain.


Monday, April 10, 2017 4:51 PM


Good thing you're here to fight the good fight then, huh T?

Let us know what your bitching accomplishes.


Monday, April 10, 2017 5:14 PM


Your criticisms of Trump do follow a pattern or line sockpuppet. Right back to Russia. It's Russia, Syria and Iran's agenda in the middle east you push here. So there's no surprise when you criticize Trump over Yemen and Syria. I predicted that about you months ago. Remember, the whole Russian troll thing? I'll predict here and now, you always criticize Trump when he gets in the way of Putin's agenda. In the middle east, or anywhere else for that matter. I'll be sure to remind you whenever you do it, like now, deal? What happens to you as you type? You seem to lose you grip on reality. Clinton running DASH, what's up with that? You know what, don't bother. I don't read nuts.

As for calling me nick. It show's how much it stung you when I exposed you as sockpuppet. I ruined your fun and exposed you as a fraud. Or, are you giving us all a hint as to your next identity? Is it going to be nick?

By the way, It should be attacked Trump a few times, not view times. It's hard correcting all your grammar and spelling mistakes. Try to lessen them will you.


Originally posted by DREAMTROVE:

I've already attacked Trump a view times, over Yemen, over the bombing in Syria. So have others. We're not us guys. There's no alignment of our motives, actions or views. We're just not in the hate group. It's like any other hate group. Everyone not in it might look like a conspiracy, but really we're "everyone else." 6, River, Sig, JSF, they aren't at all of the same perspective.

As for Clinton, she's not gone, and her impact on the US won't be gone for a long time. Obama supporters talked about Bush for the whole 8 years Obama was in office. It's not going to go away. It seems very much that HRC is still commanding ISIS. That said, there's been a slow shift of attacks away from her and onto John McCain.


Monday, April 10, 2017 5:20 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


Care to try addressing the facts, again?

Or do you shoot nothing but blanks?

Originally posted by G:
"I coined the slogan "We Suck!"© many years ago."
G is an avowed Putin-loving, pro-Russian, anti-American troll.


Monday, April 10, 2017 5:24 PM


No, I was looking forward to you being nick next dreamtrove/sockpuppet. Not reverting back to 1kiki. Such a disappointment.


Originally posted by 1kiki:


Monday, April 10, 2017 5:55 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Originally posted by 1kiki:

Care to try addressing the facts, again?

Or do you shoot nothing but blanks?

Originally posted by G:
"I coined the slogan "We Suck!"© many years ago."
G is an avowed Putin-loving, pro-Russian, anti-American troll.


Monday, April 10, 2017 6:18 PM




Monday, April 10, 2017 6:21 PM



1) I'm so not 1kiki.

2) Sockpuppet was fun, but never posted anything political. Actually, as I said, I prefered being sockpuppet to being dreamtrove. Notice I didn't at all balk at being called out. It's happened several times, and I posted the username and password ages ago to the board.

3) You created THGRRI to dodge the reaction that you were going to create, which means on some level you knew you intended to troll. You don't think of it that way, you think Sig and 1kiki are trolls and you're the good guy. Yet you prepared yourself to troll. Your subconscious knew it.

4) Why dodge the sockpuppet thing? The underlying user is more popular than the sockpuppet. If you're not him, would anyone take you seriously?

5) You want to know my core political position? Here it is:

I don't support Russia, I oppose the globalists. I oppose the commies, (formerly soviet) the nazis, international socialists, and their one worlder neocon elites. Why? I blame them for WWI, WWII, the Cold War and this mess in the Middle East. I think if they were gone, we could go back to the productive commerce that we had without them.

Additionally, I don't like a lot of globalist organizations like the IMF, World Bank and WTO. I blame them for the messes in Haiti, Brazil and much of Africa.

I agree with Putin when he's in line with that. Do I disagree with him? Sure, I think a lot of his domestic policy is whacked.

Trump? He's anti-globalist. That's good. He's no Ron Paul or Bernie Sanders. He could, as Sig says, bow to the neocons deep state, and that means become a globalist. A lot of Trump's ideas are also whacked.

Don't deflect your weakpoints onto others (spelling, sources, facts, trolling) It fools no one and makes you look terrible.

I don't get the Clinton DASH reference. Whats the story. (Yeah, actually willing to listen to what you have to say)


Monday, April 10, 2017 7:14 PM


You just described yourself as a walking talking speculative hypocrite. Someone who spews out information based on conjecture and emotion rather than knowledge. And it is you who projects your weaknesses onto others. I intend to keep pointing that out for the foreseeable future.

How moronic is it that you imply I should absorb someone else's identity to gain stature here, and in doing so, not realize it reveals a lot about the way you think, not me. And I quote you " Why dodge the sockpuppet thing?"

Meanwhile, through your delusion you assign me credibility because you believe me to be Nick. That shits just to funny. But wait wait, it gets better. Like when you imply you are capable of entering my subconscious when you explain this. "Yet you prepared yourself to troll. Your subconscious knew it." Don't look now dreatrove/sockpuppet/1kiki, but your narcissism is showing again. And boy it's a whooper! G was right, you are entertaining.


Originally posted by DREAMTROVE:

1) I'm so not 1kiki.

2) Sockpuppet was fun, but never posted anything political. Actually, as I said, I prefered being sockpuppet to being dreamtrove. Notice I didn't at all balk at being called out. It's happened several times, and I posted the username and password ages ago to the board.

3) You created THGRRI to dodge the reaction that you were going to create, which means on some level you knew you intended to troll. You don't think of it that way, you think Sig and 1kiki are trolls and you're the good guy. Yet you prepared yourself to troll. Your subconscious knew it.

4) Why dodge the sockpuppet thing? The underlying user is more popular than the sockpuppet. If you're not him, would anyone take you seriously?

5) You want to know my core political position? Here it is:

I don't support Russia, I oppose the globalists. I oppose the commies, (formerly soviet) the nazis, international socialists, and their one worlder neocon elites. Why? I blame them for WWI, WWII, the Cold War and this mess in the Middle East. I think if they were gone, we could go back to the productive commerce that we had without them.

Additionally, I don't like a lot of globalist organizations like the IMF, World Bank and WTO. I blame them for the messes in Haiti, Brazil and much of Africa.

I agree with Putin when he's in line with that. Do I disagree with him? Sure, I think a lot of his domestic policy is whacked.

Trump? He's anti-globalist. That's good. He's no Ron Paul or Bernie Sanders. He could, as Sig says, bow to the neocons deep state, and that means become a globalist. A lot of Trump's ideas are also whacked.

Don't deflect your weakpoints onto others (spelling, sources, facts, trolling) It fools no one and makes you look terrible.

I don't get the Clinton DASH reference. Whats the story. (Yeah, actually willing to listen to what you have to say)


Monday, April 10, 2017 7:31 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

We have the template for Trump's impeachment from, of all places, Alabama:
The affair and cover-up that just landed Alabama's governor in jail

The scandal has dragged on forever

The basic contours of the scandal have been known for some time. Bentley had an inappropriate affair with a staff member, lied about it, used state law enforcement personnel to cover up the affair, and even fired the state’s chief law enforcement officer for his reluctance to go along with it. The political fundamentals have also been clear — Bentley clashed with Alabama Republicans on policy matters, offended and embarrassed a culturally conservative state, and had no real defenders in state politics.

Impeachment proceedings nonetheless moved very slowly, because though the Alabama Constitution does make provision for impeachment, it doesn’t spell out the details of the process. No previous governor has ever been impeached.

Bentley didn’t cooperate with the legislature’s investigation, and has consistently maintained that, whatever you think of all this, he did nothing that was actually illegal. The state’s attorney general, meanwhile, tried to slow down the process last fall shortly before Donald Trump’s election victory. Jeff Sessions’s elevation to the Cabinet opened up a Senate vacancy that Bentley swiftly filled with the attorney general in question.

But long before Bentley resigned on Monday, his situation was clearly impossible. His party’s leaders in both houses of legislature have called on him to step down, and the impeachment process is essentially a political one rather than a legal one. Nobody regards Bentley as an indispensable man in Alabama politics, and he had no realistic chance of beating removal proceedings in the legislature.

In the end, he plead guilty in exchange for not being prosecuted for any felonies — a deal that included, as one provision, an agreement to never again seek public office.

Originally posted by DREAMTROVE:

And Clinton was about Monica Lewinsky. Keep telling yourself that.

It's a matter of determining the president is a traitor first. Then you get momentum for impeachment. But first you need a term of bad. Otherwise, you're just upending democracy.

WACO, Rwanda, Yugoslavia, all horrid CLinton decisions that led to impeachment. Those were the original impeachment items. Then they were replaced by Monica, which was a technicality from Linda Tripp who wasn't trying to impeach the president, she was trying to get Hillary arrested for the murder of Vince Foster.

Thing is, the deep state doesn't want to openly oppose the war, because they want to keep fighting it when someone new comes in. They don't want the public talking about it, or the public will say why fight the war at all? rather than how we should fight it.

So, it was Cambodia, and not getting out of Vietnam and to some extent the 18 voting age. They were unhappy. Watergate itself was probably a set-up.

Nick, whatever, you're a sockpuppet.


Monday, April 10, 2017 7:36 PM



You've become a tiresome troll.

it is you who projects your weaknesses onto others.


I intend to keep troll

Fixed that for ya.

How moronic is it that you imply I should absorb someone else's identity

Why on earth do you pretend to be not Nick then?

I quote you " Why dodge the sockpuppet thing?"

I didn't, now, did I?

Meanwhile, through you delusion you assign me credibility because you believe me to be Nick.
Lol, Nick.

"Yet you prepared yourself to troll. Your subconscious knew it."

Yeah, you did.

Don't look now dreatrove/sockpuppet/1kiki

Lol. You're a dick. I'm not 1kiki. If you said Sig was 1kiki I couldn't disprove it.

I think if I were 1kiki, I would have already known who you were, isn't that logical? No way would the me that is hypothetically 1kiki have had the patience (no offense 1kiki) to hold out knowing who you were through all of that trolling. One of many points on which I'm not 1kiki. you actually don't have any logical basis to deduce that I am 1kiki, other than some of my political points of view are not that different than 1kiki. And most of the population. That's pretty weak.

G was right, you are entertaining.

Lol. G is often right.


Monday, April 10, 2017 7:36 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


Originally posted by THGRRI:
You just described

... blah blah blah


Care to try addressing the facts, again?

Or do you shoot nothing but blanks?

Originally posted by G:
"I coined the slogan "We Suck!"© many years ago."
G is an avowed Putin-loving, pro-Russian, anti-American troll.


Monday, April 10, 2017 7:41 PM



Monday, April 10, 2017 7:41 PM


You mean not be Nick instead of be not Nick don't ya.


Originally posted by DREAMTROVE:

You've become a tiresome troll.

it is you who projects your weaknesses onto others.


I intend to keep pointing that out

Fixed that for ya.

How moronic is it that you imply I should absorb someone else's identity

Why on earth do you pretend to be not Nick then?

I quote you " Why dodge the sockpuppet thing?"

I didn't, now, did I?

Meanwhile, through your delusion you assign me credibility because you believe me to be Nick. lol and you do 1kiki/sockpuppet/dreamtrove/troll
Lol, Nick.

"Yet you prepared yourself to troll. Your subconscious knew it."

Yeah, you did.

Don't look now dreatrove/sockpuppet/1kiki

Lol. You're a dick. I'm not 1kiki. If you said Sig was 1kiki I couldn't disprove it.

I think if I were 1kiki, I would have already known who you were, isn't that logical? No way would the me that is hypothetically 1kiki have had the patience (no offense 1kiki) to hold out knowing who you were through all of that trolling. One of many points on which I'm not 1kiki. you actually don't have any logical basis to deduce that I am 1kiki, other than some of my political points of view are not that different than 1kiki. And most of the population. That's pretty weak.

G was right, you are entertaining.

Lol. G is often right.


Monday, April 10, 2017 7:49 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


Originally posted by THGRRI:
You mean not be Nick instead of be not Nick don't ya.

Care to try addressing the facts, again?

Or do you shoot nothing but blanks?

Originally posted by G:
"I coined the slogan "We Suck!"© many years ago."
G is an avowed Putin-loving, pro-Russian, anti-American troll.


Monday, April 10, 2017 8:05 PM



Originally posted by 1kiki:

Originally posted by THGRRI:
You mean not be Nick instead of be not Nick don't ya.

I don't mean to spoil the fun...

Obviously I know you are Nick. I'm looking at the proof on my screen. That said, I also see lots of entertaining wrong turns.

1) Do you know I've been accused before of being 1kiki's sockpuppet?
Curious, since not only am I an older account than 1kiki, even my sockpuppet, Sockpuppet, is an older account than 1kiki. And there are many years difference there.

2) In your early days, you and I got along well enough that you were accused of being my sockpuppet. Frem and Kwicko were sure of it. I wonder what they'd say about this. That we had completely lost our mind, you and I?

Anyway, no, I meant "be not Nick"


Monday, April 10, 2017 8:50 PM


Your delusions continue. While reading your post as to why you can't possibly be 1kiki, I asked myself, does dreamtrove really believe this proves anything? This whole, I was here first thing. Just how delusional is she? As for knowing me in a past life, well, sorry can't stop laughing. You claim we got along so good in the past and that's why you recognize me now. Really, because we don't get along at all. Not from the first minute. How can you recognize me as someone if I am nothing like the someone you claim me to be? Your ability to think logically constantly wans.


Originally posted by DREAMTROVE:

Originally posted by 1kiki:

Originally posted by THGRRI:
You mean not be Nick instead of be not Nick don't ya.

I don't mean to spoil the fun...

Obviously I know you are Nick. I'm looking at the proof on my screen. That said, I also see lots of entertaining wrong turns.

1) Do you know I've been accused before of being 1kiki's sockpuppet?
Curious, since not only am I an older account than 1kiki, even my sockpuppet, Sockpuppet, is an older account than 1kiki. And there are many years difference there.

2) In your early days, you and I got along well enough that you were accused of being my sockpuppet. Frem and Kwicko were sure of it. I wonder what they'd say about this. That we had completely lost our mind, you and I?

Anyway, no, I meant "be not Nick"


Monday, April 10, 2017 8:56 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


Originally posted by THGRRI:
blah delusions blah believe blah delusional

OHHHHhh ... watching you is fun!

Care to try addressing the facts, again?

Or do you shoot nothing but blanks?

Originally posted by G:
"I coined the slogan "We Suck!"© many years ago."
G is an avowed Putin-loving, pro-Russian, anti-American troll.


Tuesday, April 11, 2017 12:41 AM



Originally posted by 1kiki:

Originally posted by THGRRI:
blah delusions blah believe blah delusional

OHHHHhh ... watching you is fun!

Care to try addressing the facts, again?

Or do you shoot nothing but blanks?

Originally posted by G:
"I coined the slogan "We Suck!"© many years ago."
G is an avowed Putin-loving, pro-Russian, anti-American troll.

Winning a troll war doesn't actually feel good. I'm not cut out for it. I have to say, the crowning moment, yes, was entertaining.

1kiki, I can't say that his delusions are innate though. I tricked him. The problem is that the will to believe was so strong and obvious, all it took was a little bait, and some cleverly staged stupidity.

That said, tomorrow I'd like to go on debating as normal, and not have to deal with him retreating to a sulking troll, like happened last time.

The problem with sockpuppets. People feel they can create a new personality which is fine, but that it tends to be something base that lets the inner troll out. Not meaning anything personal, sockpuppets, but you catch my drift.

There's a small part of me that says "that's how it's done" but I think I have moved the discussion back instead of forward.


Originally posted by THGRRI:
Your delusions continue. While reading your post as to why you can't possibly be 1kiki, I asked myself, does dreamtrove really believe this proves anything? This whole, I was here first thing. Just how delusional is she? As for knowing me in a past life, well, sorry can't stop laughing. You claim we got along so good in the past and that's why you recognize me now. Really, because we don't get along at all. Not from the first minute. How can you recognize me as someone if I am nothing like the someone you claim me to be? Your ability to think logically constantly wans.


Originally posted by DREAMTROVE:

Originally posted by 1kiki:

Originally posted by THGRRI:
You mean not be Nick instead of be not Nick don't ya.

I don't mean to spoil the fun...

Obviously I know you are Nick. I'm looking at the proof on my screen. That said, I also see lots of entertaining wrong turns.

1) Do you know I've been accused before of being 1kiki's sockpuppet?
Curious, since not only am I an older account than 1kiki, even my sockpuppet, Sockpuppet, is an older account than 1kiki. And there are many years difference there.

2) In your early days, you and I got along well enough that you were accused of being my sockpuppet. Frem and Kwicko were sure of it. I wonder what they'd say about this. That we had completely lost our mind, you and I?

Anyway, no, I meant "be not Nick"

Nick, you haven't changed a bit. The ruse was getting you to think that I was 1kiki, which worked like a charm. The point? There wasn't one except to disarm your air of superiority about understanding what was going on. I actually did mean that about M52Nickerson. I don't have any issue with you, and yes, I see a lot of people called you out, and it's obvious looking at the data. It occurred to me too late that you might be trying to hide from bots, maybe you really are paranoid about Russian hackers, but really, I wouldn't worry. It would've been better to say so, or just accept "Nick" because there would be no link. That said, the bots are probably as likely to accept my claim of being M52 as yours. Which means your online profile could be linked to my dangerous positions rather than your own. I know that makes you feel a lot safer.

If it's any consolation, they fuck up a lot. They're convinced I'm a Pakistani living in Mumbai. But I'd be dubious that is worth it for them to troll anymore, with like 50 people on the site. I remember when there were 50,000, and that was a different kettle of fish. Now it's a long extinct TV show.

This is my "good game" shake. I'm not 1kiki. And of course I'm Sockpuppet. Everyone knows that. (except on rare occasions when someone else is Sockpuppet.)


Tuesday, April 11, 2017 7:24 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by DREAMTROVE:

But I'd be dubious that is worth it for them to troll anymore, with like 50 people on the site. I remember when there were 50,000, and that was a different kettle of fish. Now it's a long extinct TV show.

Ah, the Good Old Days. I doubt that 50,000 number. 2,500 is more like it. Artist M Phillips was only getting around 2,500 views for his Firefly portraits in 2005, for example. Some M Phillips portraits got 3,500 in 2013, but mostly because they would stay on the front page for a month, since no one else was making art. A Christmas 2014 card got 11,762 views because it stayed on the front page into the Summer of 2015.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Tuesday, April 11, 2017 7:25 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

The designs for Trump's border wall

Some proposals for Trump’s border wall may look like spoofs, but they provide a fascinating window into the lurid anxieties of middle America.

Monorails, shipping containers and nuclear waste dumps are just some of the ways that US construction companies have interpreted Donald Trump’s call for an “impenetrable, physical, tall, powerful, beautiful wall” to march 2,000 miles across the country’s border with Mexico. Up to 400 bidding contractors were expected to submit their schemes this week to the US Customs and Border Protection agency, in a militarised beauty pageant worthy of one of Trump’s own reality TV shows.

The parameters for proposals were as surreal as the idea for the wall itself; the solicitation notice tinged with the characteristic Trump cocktail of bluster, confusion and backtracking.

. . . John F Kelly, Trump’s homeland security secretary, recently admitted that “it’s unlikely we will build a wall or physical barrier from sea to shining sea”. Nor was there any idea of cost, given the nature of the proposal was still up in the air; $2.6bn was requested in the 2018 budget to fund border infrastructure, but Republican leaders have said the total project would cost $12bn to $15bn, while independent estimates run as high as $38bn.

The next stage is choosing a shortlist of proposals to be built as 30-foot prototypes in the San Diego desert, a place where we can only hope they will stay: a forlorn menagerie, left to rot as relics of a nightmarish future that never happened.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Tuesday, April 11, 2017 9:18 AM



Originally posted by second:

Ah, the Good Old Days. I doubt that 50,000 number. 2,500 is more like it. Artist M Phillips was only getting around 2,500 views for his Firefly portraits in 2005, for example. Some M Phillips portraits got 3,500 in 2013, but mostly because they would stay on the front page for a month, since no one else was making art. A Christmas 2014 card got 11,762 views because it stayed on the front page into the Summer of 2015.

Yeah, I was thinking of the total user accounts. A lot of lurkers, and some who never left their own little section of the site. I'm sure there was at least one dead use account for every active one. about 5,000 people likes FFF on Facebook.

On Mexican border wall, I favor the micronation like Transnistra.


Wednesday, April 12, 2017 5:51 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

The Coming Incompetence Crisis

by David Brooks APRIL 7, 2017

I just read that the Trump administration has filled only 22 of the 553 key positions that require Senate confirmation. This makes me worry that the administration will not have enough manpower to produce the same volume and standard of incompetence that we’ve come to expect so far.

We’re living in a golden age of malfunction. Every major Trump initiative has been blocked or has collapsed, relationships with Congress are disastrous, the president’s approval ratings are at cataclysmic lows.

But can this last?

Granted, in its first few months the administration has produced an impressive amount of ineptitude with very few people. Sean Spicer can produce more errors than 10 normal men on their best days. In general, the personnel process has been so rigorous in its selection of inexperience that those who were hired on the basis of mere nepotism look like Dean Acheson by comparison.

Now I’m not underestimating the president’s own capacity for carrying on in an incompetent manner almost indefinitely. I don’t think we’ve reached peak Trump.

The normal incompetent person flails and stammers and is embarrassed about it. But the true genius at incompetence like our president flails and founders and is too incompetent to recognize his own incompetence. He mistakes his catastrophes for successes and so accelerates his pace toward oblivion. Those who ignore history are condemned to retweet it.

Up until this period I had always thought of ignorance as a void, as an absence of knowledge. But Trump’s ignorance is not just an absence; it is a rich, intricate and entirely separate universe of negative information.

It’s not so much that he isn’t well informed; it’s that he is prodigiously learned in the sort of knowledge that doesn’t accord with the facts of our current dimension.

It is in its own way a privilege to be alive at the same time as a man who is the Albert Einstein of confirmation bias, a man whose most impressive wall is the one between himself and evidence.

I hope the president continues to play golf (I don’t get those progressive critics who say Trump is ruining the world and then they complain because he takes time off).

One of the things I’ve learned about incompetence over the past few months is that it is radically nonlinear. Competent people go in one of a few directions. But incompetence is infinite.

The human imagination is not capacious enough to comprehend all the many ways the Trumpians can find to screw up. The Trump team continues to negatively surpass all expectations. I remain a full-fledged member in the community of the agog.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Wednesday, April 12, 2017 6:06 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by DREAMTROVE:

On Mexican border wall, I favor the micronation like Transnistra.

I see that Transnistria is 1,607 square miles between the River Dniester and the border with Ukraine. If Trump picked that solution, the TransRio between the Rio Grande River and the new, straighter border of Texas/Mexico, Trump would have a power struggle with the Republicans controlling Texas. They won’t give up the land.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Wednesday, April 12, 2017 7:33 AM


I like David Brooks


Originally posted by second:
The Coming Incompetence Crisis

by David Brooks APRIL 7, 2017

I just read that the Trump administration has filled only 22 of the 553 key positions that require Senate confirmation. This makes me worry that the administration will not have enough manpower to produce the same volume and standard of incompetence that we’ve come to expect so far.

We’re living in a golden age of malfunction. Every major Trump initiative has been blocked or has collapsed, relationships with Congress are disastrous, the president’s approval ratings are at cataclysmic lows.

But can this last?

Granted, in its first few months the administration has produced an impressive amount of ineptitude with very few people. Sean Spicer can produce more errors than 10 normal men on their best days. In general, the personnel process has been so rigorous in its selection of inexperience that those who were hired on the basis of mere nepotism look like Dean Acheson by comparison.

Now I’m not underestimating the president’s own capacity for carrying on in an incompetent manner almost indefinitely. I don’t think we’ve reached peak Trump.

The normal incompetent person flails and stammers and is embarrassed about it. But the true genius at incompetence like our president flails and founders and is too incompetent to recognize his own incompetence. He mistakes his catastrophes for successes and so accelerates his pace toward oblivion. Those who ignore history are condemned to retweet it.

Up until this period I had always thought of ignorance as a void, as an absence of knowledge. But Trump’s ignorance is not just an absence; it is a rich, intricate and entirely separate universe of negative information.

It’s not so much that he isn’t well informed; it’s that he is prodigiously learned in the sort of knowledge that doesn’t accord with the facts of our current dimension.

It is in its own way a privilege to be alive at the same time as a man who is the Albert Einstein of confirmation bias, a man whose most impressive wall is the one between himself and evidence.

I hope the president continues to play golf (I don’t get those progressive critics who say Trump is ruining the world and then they complain because he takes time off).

One of the things I’ve learned about incompetence over the past few months is that it is radically nonlinear. Competent people go in one of a few directions. But incompetence is infinite.

The human imagination is not capacious enough to comprehend all the many ways the Trumpians can find to screw up. The Trump team continues to negatively surpass all expectations. I remain a full-fledged member in the community of the agog.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at]


Wednesday, April 12, 2017 7:36 AM




Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by DREAMTROVE:

On Mexican border wall, I favor the micronation like Transnistra.

I see that Transnistria is 1,607 square miles between the River Dniester and the border with Ukraine. If Trump picked that solution, the TransRio between the Rio Grande River and the new, straighter border of Texas/Mexico, Trump would have a power struggle with the Republicans controlling Texas. They won’t give up the land.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Wednesday, April 12, 2017 9:41 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6STRINGJOKER:

Does anyone still remember the Carrier deal?

Back in December Trump announced, triumphantly, that he had reached a deal with the air-conditioner manufacturer to keep 1,100 jobs in America rather than moving them to Mexico. And the media spent days celebrating the achievement.

Actually, the number of jobs involved was more like 700, but who’s counting? Around 75,000 U.S. workers are laid off or fired every working day, so a few hundred here or there hardly matter for the overall picture.

Whatever Trump did or didn’t achieve with Carrier, the real question was whether he would take steps to make a lasting difference.

So far, he hasn’t; too boooring for Trump.

There isn’t even the vague outline of a real Trump jobs policy.

And corporations and investors seem to have decided that the Carrier deal was all show, no substance, that for all his protectionist rhetoric Trump is a paper tiger in practice. After pausing briefly, the ongoing move of manufacturing to Mexico has resumed

The Mexican peso, whose value is a barometer of expected U.S. trade policy, has recovered almost all its post-election losses.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Wednesday, April 12, 2017 10:22 AM



Originally posted by second:

I see that Transnistria is 1,607 square miles between the River Dniester and the border with Ukraine. If Trump picked that solution, the TransRio between the Rio Grande River and the new, straighter border of Texas/Mexico, Trump would have a power struggle with the Republicans controlling Texas. They won’t give up the land.


Yes they will. That land is full of spanish speaking registered democrats. Also probably illegal immigrants.


Wednesday, April 12, 2017 12:10 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by DREAMTROVE:


Yes they will. That land is full of spanish speaking registered democrats. Also probably illegal immigrants.

Building the Trump wall on land owned by Texans and litigating it for the next 8 years will cost a fortune.

It would be faster to build the Trump wall in the center of the river to form two separate rivers, Rio Grande on the Texan side and Río Bravo del Norte on the Mexican side.

It would make a world class tourist attraction – 1,255 miles of wall in the two rivers plus 12 miles into the Gulf of Mexico. Trump should do it because it’s completely nuts and a completely fantastic idea.

Concrete and steel are dull looking. Instead, cover the whole thing with gold-leaf so the shininess can be seen from outer space. 2 square feet of gold-leaf for $14.99. It will look very Trumpish in gold.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Wednesday, April 12, 2017 4:20 PM


Lol. Gold, definitely. Two rivers, tricky. A lot more maintenance in the way. I have the solution, make Mexico pay for it by building it in Mexico, and hiring Mexicans. Then let Mexico charge for going through the wall.

Actual picutre of Donald, Ivanka and Barron


Wednesday, April 12, 2017 6:43 PM


His model cars cost more than any real car I've owned in my life.


Wednesday, April 12, 2017 8:18 PM



Originally posted by 6STRINGJOKER:
His model cars cost more than any real car I've owned in my life.

Probably true. What would you do with Trump's money?


Wednesday, April 12, 2017 9:18 PM


I'd probably give it all away, starting with paying off everything my friends and family owe. Probably would make a few upgrades to the house and buy a decent car. Then I'd keep just enough for myself to live comfortably off the interest until I died and leave that to my niece when I'm gone.

Money is nothing but trouble. I don't need much to survive.


Thursday, April 13, 2017 7:55 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by DREAMTROVE:
Lol. Gold, definitely. Two rivers, tricky. A lot more maintenance in the way. I have the solution, make Mexico pay for it by building it in Mexico, and hiring Mexicans. Then let Mexico charge for going through the wall.

That Wall can't wait 8 years. Building the Trump Wall on Mexican soil will not happen so-long as Trump is President because he deeply offended the Mexicans. After Trump's loudmouth said Mexico would pay for the Trump Wall, Mexicans won't tolerate Trump's flip-flops. Trump voters, on the other hand, seem to accept anything he does.

Does Trump have any fixed, solid idea at all what he wants to do?

Five Trump policies that turned upside down between March and April:

1) NAFTA is the worst trade deal ever. It must be uprooted and fundamentally reformed.
/ We have a few modest changes we'd like to make to NAFTA.

2) China needs to stop screwing us on trade and North Korea or they're in big trouble.
/ We had a pleasant meeting with Xi. It would be nice if they helped out with North Korea.

3) We're committed to good relations with Russia.
/ Russia's actions in the Ukraine, its interference with our elections, and its backing of Assad are intolerable.

4) Assad can stay in power. We don't really care.
/ Assad is a monster who has to go.

5) Health care is dead, time to move on to taxes.
/ We're going to try again on health care before we get to taxes.

On health care, somebody explained to Trump yet again why tax cuts for billionaires will be procedurally easier if they gut health care first. So now he's on board with taking another run at it. I suppose that he'll forget the explanation shortly and make yet another U-turn until someone explains it again.

The first few twists in the Trump show were entertaining, but the past few episodes they've given us an EPA administrator who wants additional security to protect him from his own employees; a press secretary whose can-you-top-this bloopers now include a defense of Hitler; and a president who's ready to go to war because of what he sees on Fox News. I like quirky characters, but this is too much quirkiness.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Thursday, April 13, 2017 9:31 AM


Yep. Sounds to me like Trump is turning into Clinton a little bit more everyday.

Looks like maybe you win Second. No need to gloat about it.


Thursday, April 13, 2017 9:33 AM


All the better. You don't seriously think the border wall is a good idea, do you?

I'll give you that Assad flipflop. Deep State pressure.

he only defenses I've seen of Hitler are on this board.


Thursday, April 13, 2017 9:56 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by DREAMTROVE:
All the better. You don't seriously think the border wall is a good idea, do you?

I think it is a great idea! It will create jobs in the poorest part of Texas, the Rio Grande Valley. If Trump keeps his promise to make the Trump Wall beautiful, and covers if with his gold, it will be a tourist attraction, permanently creating jobs polishing the gold and repairing the gold-leaf finish. It will also jolt his voters back to reality: that their lives will NOT be fixed even if Trump keeps ALL his promises.

The Trump brand is that he is the man who knows how to make America great again. He is indispensable! What if it becomes obvious, from projects like the Trump Wall, that Trump can't make your dreams come true? I look forward to the Trump voters' disillusionment with Trump, but it will take many years and many projects like the Trump Wall to change their minds.

If the Wall is not built, it will be an excuse used to explain away Trump's failure. I want to see it built so that there are no excuses. (And I will make some money, too! That is my ulterior motive. Don't tell the Democratic Party that I will profit from Trump's Wall, but I will.)

How to Jam the Trump Brand

Institutions organized around a powerful brand image – often understood as “a promise” from a corporation to its customers – are in big trouble when that image gets battered and the promise appears to have been broken. These facts make corporate brands intensely vulnerable to public pressure, particularly when that pressure is loud and organized.

All of this has long been understood by brand managers and consumer activists, but it now has implications that reach far beyond the fate of PepsiCo’s share price or United’s crisis management team. That’s because, for the first time in history, the president of the United States is a fully commercialized Superbrand, with family members who are best understood as spin-off brands.

From an ethics perspective, this is as swampy as it gets, since the Trump dynasty is already profiting significantly from the presidency, whether from the free publicity it is getting for properties that have been transformed into White House satellites, or simply because the Trump brand name is repeated in the global press about a zillion times a day. More worrying are the many opportunities for backdoor lobbying and influence peddling — what better way to curry favour with the First Family than by selecting one of its properties for a lavish event, or by paying an inflated price to lease the Trump name for a new development?

Journalists have pointed out these conflicts many times, and Trump and his spawn have responded with a defiant shrug.

Here’s the good news: as the recent travails of Pepsi, United, and Fox News tell us, brands have their own special vulnerabilities. And that can be useful, as long as you understand precisely what promise a brand has made to its customers. What I learned is that any brand – no matter how seemingly amoral – can be significantly weakened with the right tactics.

So, with that in mind, here’s a quick-and-easy guide for doing battle with the president in the only language he understands – his own brand.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Thursday, April 13, 2017 11:48 AM


Trump made tons of statements about Americas' current policies while running for office, along with promises that got him elected. In the last week he has reversed himself on most. Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining. I am pleased to see the fake news Trump is conforming to the realities in front of him. He is pivoting and beginning to behave in accordance with the rules. Rules steeped within socially acceptable conventions and standards.

Perhaps it is because he is realizing our democratic institutions are there to serve the President. It appears that a part of him is beginning to realize they are not his enemies, but instead there to advise him. As well as, help him set and execute an agenda.

Yea for the country, and don't let the door hit you in the ass as you go Bannon. You alt right lunatic.


Thursday, April 13, 2017 12:38 PM


Shit, Fox agrees with me when it says Trumps populist message is moving towards centrist policies.

Trump sheds nationalist coat, as Bannon wing chastened

Candidate Donald Trump was going to fire Federal Reserve Chairwoman Janet Yellen, bench the Export-Import Bank, diminish NATO, stay out of the Middle East – and, of course, take on China, which he called “the No. 1 abuser of this country.”

President Trump has read from a different script.

The hard-line, populist tenor that dominated Trump’s insurgent candidacy has given way to a more centrist governing philosophy and, as Trump nears the end of his first 100 days looking to rack up accomplishments, he's edging away from some of the nationalist stances that endeared him to his base.


Thursday, April 13, 2017 1:44 PM


Good. We can keep on this trajectory we've been going since the mid-90s now. Lower quality of life for all and wars with everyone else for eternity!!!!!


Thursday, April 13, 2017 1:58 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6STRINGJOKER:
Good. We can keep on this trajectory we've been going since the mid-90s now. Lower quality of life for all and wars with everyone else for eternity!!!!!

Asked how he has changed since taking office, the former businessman—who as a candidate touted his ability to cut deals—said: “The magnitude of everything is so big, and also the decisions are so big. You know, you’re talking about life and death. You’re not talking about ‘you’re going to make a good deal.’”

Huh? The presidency isn't just about making good deals? Since that was basically Trump's sole alleged qualification for the office, I wonder what role he now thinks he's going to play?

from "Today's Idiocy Roundup" at


Thursday, April 13, 2017 2:12 PM


Our last two presidents at least thought it was about ruining the economy back home while starting never-ending wars. Glad he's on board with you guys now.






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