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Tuesday, October 9, 2018 5:18 AM


rezident owtsidr


Originally posted by reaverfan:

If I were falsely accused of a crime, I'd calmly answer questions, not lie, not act like a whiny little entitled bitch, and DEMAND a thorough investigation to clear my name.

Kav not only came off az a spaz, he made it painfully obvious that the GoP senatorz and Trump were conducting a sham confirmation hearing clearly for their Trump Chump audiens.

Trump iz now uzing it in hiz rallyz, going so far az to mok Christine Blazy Ford.

DUZ XaT SEM RiT TQ YQ? - Jubal Early


Tuesday, October 9, 2018 5:26 AM


rezident owtsidr


Originally posted by captaincrunch:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by captaincrunch:

Jo's deal is he is that intelligent.

(Followed by a bunch of stuff nobody read)

J0 can answer for himself. He certainly doesn't need the likes of you answering for him.

Of course he can. You had an opinion about Jo and so did I. You want to limit my free speech?

Sorry about all those sentences!

You can ansr for me any time, CC. Save me the drujery uv typing on this dinky fone tuchscreen.

DUZ XaT SEM RiT TQ YQ? - Jubal Early


Tuesday, October 9, 2018 8:01 AM



Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
Well, part of you taking back your life is admitting to your drunkeness. That starts the healing process, you recognized the problem and you conquered your

I applaud you for that. Seriously, no shit. You faced up to responsibility.
You manned up.

Well, thanks.

At the end of the day, this is all that matters.

None of this political bullshit we post about really does. The 1%'ers are just going to keep doing whatever the hell they want to do and they don't give a damn about your or me. It doesn't really matter much who's "winning"... at the end of the day it's all the same.

I've made a lot of improvements in my life in the last few years. Just like I take full responsibility for all of my bad choices and the years I lost to my addictions, I take full responsibility for how well I'm doing now in comparison.

Take some time out of your days to improve yourself and to do something for the people you care about. When all is said and done, that's all that really matters. All of this political bullshit is completely out of our control.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Tuesday, October 9, 2018 10:25 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


But because the Repugs were in charge, those stodgy old farts, pulled the old "we're in charge and you can't do shit about it" card, especially that retarded old fuck Grassley. - SGG

Kav not only came off az a spaz, he made it painfully obvious that the GoP senatorz and Trump were conducting a sham confirmation hearing clearly for their Trump Chump audiens.- JO

And in response, the Dems orchestrated a sham accusation, none of which was really designed to go anywhere except the November elections.

Instead of heaving your heads blow off because Repubs play dirty politics, and so do the Dems, why not just stick with what would move this nation forward? I heard an interesting segment on NPR yesterday: It seems (according to the polls) that middle-of-the-roaders and no-party-affiliates are being completely turned off by hyper-partisanship.

I could be wrong (because I don't follow Twitter) but it seems to me that altho Trump frequently criticizes Democrats, he doesn't use the term "Democrats" or "Democratic" very often. Whereas, the Dems refer "Republicans" quite often. I think the Dems constant reference to party is generating a cringe reaction among people who aren't registered with any party, and those are exactly the people that the Dem party needs to win over. Because, obviously, the DNC already has its base sewn up.

In other words, instead of trying to appeal to slivers of people ... Democrats, women, gays, blacks ... they should be crafting a message with the broadest possible appeal.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy


Tuesday, October 9, 2018 10:49 AM


... stay crunchy...


Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
Well, part of you taking back your life is admitting to your drunkeness. That starts the healing process, you recognized the problem and you conquered your

I applaud you for that. Seriously, no shit. You faced up to responsibility.
You manned up.

With this scumbag Kavanaugh, he never has. All his life has been a lark, a romp through the woods to grandma's house. He never had to work for anything,
privilege has its rewards - or does it? Everything has been handed to him
including, and especially, the judgeship on the Federal level. Does he know the law? Who's to say for sure. Blackout drunks tend to miss whole chunks of
their waking life.

But let's look at this like Keeks and Siggy do. Let's say he was the angel he claims to be. Let's say he's completely innocent, of everything - no collusion. Then why not allow the FBI a full investigation? You know, to
clear his innocence. Because he was being handed this position on a silver platter. McConnell was not about to allow to be made a fool of (whoops, too late).

He said so. "We are plowing him through."

McConnell and company (I really don't think Trump had much to say on this matter, this was all McConnell) carefully orchestrated the FBI "investigation"
and limited the scope. Pure and simple. Then he and Trump "gaslight" everyone
not in agreement. They point a finger at the Dems and shout out "mob rule"
"conspiracy" "no corroboration" "witch hunt."

And while everyone is looking at what the "left hand" is doing, the "right hand" is busy "palming the deck." It's all slight of hand, smoke and mirrors.
Grassley orders that the hearing will be limited to Ford and Kavanaugh; he limits the questions to 5 minutes apiece; he has a female prosecutor ask the
questions instead of the "old white guys" (a shrewd move, but one that everyone sees as manipulative). With no one else testifying it reduces the chances that something or someone might slip through and open up a can of
worms. Then he (Grassley) quietly asks Ford's lawyers to submit to the
committee Ford's psychologist and the polygraph report. Again, why not
question the experts; the psychologist and the former FBI agent who conducted
the polygraph. Have them testify. An innocent man would.

Limitng the minutes of questioning, limits the exposure to Kavanaugh (Senator Kamala Harris had him sweating bullets as she slowly and methodically painted him into a corner during the initial hearing). He couldn't, or wouldn't, give a straight answer to anything other than his name. Not on anything - not Rule of Law or, as to the school yearbook, not the Devil's Triangle, not the 4 Fs, not Renate, nothing. This guy lied more than once to the committee, which means he lied to Congress...under oath. Then he rudely shot back a question
to Senator Klobuchar (one of the nicest senators on the circuit) about "blackout drinking." That's why I call him a SCUMBAG! (Plus he has the face
of a little rat sneaking around the house in the dark). He's a greasy little weasel. Even his wife was making agonizing faces during his testimony, as if to say: "he really didn't just say." She knew. Fucking liar!

But because the Repugs were in charge, those stodgy old farts, pulled the
old "we're in charge and you can't do shit about it" card, especially that
retarded old fuck Grassley. He's fucking 80, and senile. Hatch was complaining about the protesters. Another old fart scumbag (I really had no idea until these hearings that he was THAT bad). Stupid fuck forgets that this country
was built on protesters - they named a movement after them - Tea Party.
The Boston Tea Party was a protest against the British.....

You know what happened after that, right? The British overreacted and soon after the American Revolution was born. So Hatch and the rest of those idiots have forgotten how "we" got here.

Well said, Shiny - all of it. WE KNOW the gist of what just happened. Kavanaugh is their guy, he gets in even if he had blood on his hands. No wonder Trump has a new giddy up in his step - he just got the biggest mulligan any crooked president could ever get. "Yeah, I've had lots of illegal dealings with the mobsters that run Russia - so what?? Hahahahahah! I made buckets of cash - go frack yourselves!"

Thing I find amusing in a black humor and telling sort of way, is that we have people on this board that run up their outrage flag over and over about how we kill "100s of thousands" of innocent people all around the globe and yet, here, when it suites their immediate agenda, they are siding with the same GOP/Old White Male boys club that were and still are responsible for those kinds of acts. The hypocrisy is astounding. I thought "women for Trump" was a sad joke, then you add this allegiance to the Republicans and these old fossils (Grassley is showing clear signs of dementia) - it's close to insanity.

The politicos and generals from 45 years ago responsible for much of the destruction of Vietnam.


Tuesday, October 9, 2018 10:58 AM


... stay crunchy...


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
And in response, the Dems orchestrated a sham accusation, none of which was really designed to go anywhere except the November elections.

How do you know it was a sham? The same way you "know" it's a "witch hunt?" Fox news?
No, it was designed to show Kavanaugh as unfit to be a SC justice, which was made even more apparent by his behavior under testimony. If it weren't for Math and a selfish, evil Republican led committee he would have had the hook taken out of his mouth and been thrown back in.

You're getting close to being a complete joke - do better.


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
I could be wrong (because I don't follow Twitter) but it seems to me that altho Trump frequently criticizes Democrats, he doesn't use the term "Democrats" or "Democratic" very often.

Right, he prefers infantile slurs.


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Whereas, the Dems refer "Republicans" quite often. I think the Dems constant reference to party is generating a cringe reaction among people who aren't registered with any party, and those are exactly the people that the Dem party needs to win over. Because, obviously, the DNC already has its base sewn up.

It's actually a great idea - they're running against... wait for it... Republicans. They are the target, they are the enemy to defeat. It's good to be focused.


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
In other words, instead of trying to appeal to slivers of people ... Democrats, women, gays, blacks ... they should be crafting a message with the broadest possible appeal.

Yeah, I do follow Twitter, so I know more than you and I still haven't seen this "appeal to slivers" you mention - cites? Sounds like another republican tactic to me.


Tuesday, October 9, 2018 11:06 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


GOP/Old White Male boys club that were and still are responsible for those kinds of acts
AS IF women, nonwhites, and Dems were NEVER responsible for killing hundreds of thousands of foreigners.

Again, to remind you: here is Madeline Albright on killing 500,000 Iraq children

Here is Hillary Clinton, on the death of Kaddafi, which unleashed the destruction of Libya (which is still going on today)

Obama on the use of drones

Seriously, you think that old white male GOPers are the only possible war-mongers?

It seems to me that those who break the glass ceiling, no matter what color, sex, age, or political party, become enfolded in the warmongering bureaucracy that is the deep state and wind up doing its bidding, no matter what they promised on the campaign trail.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy


Tuesday, October 9, 2018 11:29 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


And in response, the Dems orchestrated a sham accusation, none of which was really designed to go anywhere except the November elections. - SIGNY

How do you know it was a sham? - GSTRING

I know it was a sham because of the way it was TIMED.


It was designed to show Kavanaugh as unfit to be a SC justice
But not designed to get to the truth of whether or not he actually assaulted anyone. You DO realize that you just admitted the accusation was a sham, don't you?

1) Something false or empty that is purported to be genuine; a spurious imitation. (An accusation that is a pretense, not brought to reach a resolution on the accusation itself but for political effect)
2) The quality of deceitfulness; empty pretense.


If it weren't for Math and a selfish, evil Republican led committee he would have had the hook taken out of his mouth and been thrown back in.
So what? I will grant you all day long that Republicans rammed his nomination thru, and also blocked Garland's on pure pretense. But it's not as if the Dems are angels either.

This pretense that Republicans are devils and Democrats are angels is counterfactual. You're getting close to being a complete joke - do better.


I could be wrong (because I don't follow Twitter) but it seems to me that altho Trump frequently criticizes Democrats, he doesn't use the term "Democrats" or "Democratic" very often. - SIGNY

Right, he prefers infantile slurs.- GSTRING

So, you agree with me.


Whereas, the Dems refer "Republicans" quite often. I think the Dems constant reference to party is generating a cringe reaction among people who aren't registered with any party, and those are exactly the people that the Dem party needs to win over. Because, obviously, the DNC already has its base sewn up. - SIGNY

It's actually a great idea - they're running against... wait for it... Republicans. They are the target, they are the enemy to defeat.-GSTRING

If THAT'S what Democrats are running on, it explains a lot of their problems.

I THOUGHT they were running because they have better ideas on how to run the nation in a way that benefits the most people? Are you telling me that they are so impoverished of ideas that they have to run on hate and hot air?


It's good to be focused.- GSTRING
Not according to the polls that NPR was talking about.


In other words, instead of trying to appeal to slivers of people ... Democrats, women, gays, blacks ... they should be crafting a message with the broadest possible appeal. - SIGNY

Yeah, I do follow Twitter, so I know more than you and I still haven't seen this "appeal to slivers" you mention - cites? Sounds like another republican tactic to me.

You've got to be kidding, right?

You just dissed an entire segment of the population ... old, white, male ... based on age, race, and sex.

NPR spent an entire segment yesterday trying to stoke women's "rage" (their term, not mine) against men. I can grab coverage from any liberal-leaning M$M outlet (which is most of them) any day of the week and find prominent references to the sex, age, and color of the candidates; and THEIR prominent references to the sex, age, and race of their constituents.

I know that plays well with YOU ... you're a dyed-in-the-wool racist/sexist/ageist liberal for whom race, sex, and age don't matter ... until they do* ... but what about people who identify with the categories that you exclude? They probably represent 30% of the USA population. Don't you think Dems ... "the party of inclusion" ... need to include them too?

*And we have PLENTY of examples of the racism, ageism, and sexism that you've splattered across this board

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy


Tuesday, October 9, 2018 1:14 PM


... stay crunchy...


Originally posted by SIGNYM:

GOP/Old White Male boys club that were and still are responsible for those kinds of acts
AS IF women, nonwhites, and Dems were NEVER responsible for killing hundreds of thousands of foreigners.

Seriously, you think that old white male GOPers are the only possible war-mongers?

It seems to me that those who break the glass ceiling, no matter what color, sex, age, or political party, become enfolded in the warmongering bureaucracy that is the deep state and wind up doing its bidding, no matter what they promised on the campaign trail.


F*cksake, SIGGY - talk about old and tired - not those stupid clips again. You think short sound bytes without context means anything? Is proof? Do you get some kind of royalty every time you post those? They don't work. They show you as desperate and simple and disengenuous.

Look! RF told you Trump was a Nazi! Here's proof!


Tuesday, October 9, 2018 1:40 PM


... stay crunchy...

SIGGY: I know it was a sham because of the way it was TIMED.
CC: Geezus, you’re not even trying to make sense. Typical Trumpster. Timing has nothing to do with whether it happened or not.

SIGGY: But not designed to get to the truth of whether or not he actually assaulted anyone.
CC: An FBI investigation would have though, right? So who stopped it? Republicans. Aren’t you frustrated your wish wasn’t filled?

1) Something false or empty that is purported to be genuine; a spurious imitation. (An accusation that is a pretense, not brought to reach a resolution on the accusation itself but for political effect)
2) The quality of deceitfulness; empty pretense.
CC: Ha! Where did you dig that up? You made up the underlined part didn’t you? You’re a desperate puppy these days. Further: so it wasn’t that then, thanks.

SIGGY: So what? I will grant you all day long that Republicans rammed his nomination thru, and also blocked Garland's on pure pretense. But it's not as if the Dems are angels either.
CC: A welcomed grain of truth from you. Of course Dems aren’t. They aren’t the despicalble deplorable evil f*cks that most Republican politicians are, though.

SIGGY: This pretense that Republicans are devils and Democrats are angels is counterfactual. You're getting close to being a complete joke - do better.
CC: Never said Dems are angels. IN fact, how many times have I told you I hated Hillary? 20? Just stupid or lying? That’s another tired pro-Trump bullsh*t line, trying to equate the 2 as equally bad.

CC: Right, he prefers infantile slurs.
SIGGY - So, you agree with me.
CC: Yes! He’s an infantile piece of sh*t.

SIGGY: I THOUGHT they were running because they have better ideas on how to run the nation in a way that benefits the most people? Are you telling me that they are so impoverished of ideas that they have to run on hate and hot air?
CC: Nope.

Hey! You just completely dodged this:
SIGGY: Yeah, I do follow Twitter, so I know more than you and I still haven't seen this "appeal to slivers" you mention - cites? Sounds like another republican tactic to me.

SIGGY: You just dissed an entire segment of the population ... old, white, male ... based on age, race, and sex.
CC: Sorry you’re so confused - I dissed the group of old white male US Republican politicians. You think that’s wrong? Then convince me I’m wrong - who are the old, white, male US Republican politicians you feel good about? Try and not take too long.

SIGGY: NPR spent an entire segment yesterday trying to stoke women's "rage" (their term, not mine) against men. I can grab coverage from any liberal-leaning M$M outlet (which is most of them) any day of the week and find prominent references to the sex, age, and color of the candidates; and THEIR prominent references to the sex, age, and race of their constituents.
CC: Sounds more like they reported on an actual, real thing. A lot of women are tired of the way the feel they have been ignored and mistreated. I still can’t believe you have so little outrage about the Grabber-In-Chief. There must be something you consider more important that Women's Rights that you're willing to trade them for.

SIGGY: you're a dyed-in-the-wool racist/sexist/ageist liberal for whom race, sex, and age don't matter ... until they do* ... but what about people who identify with the categories that you exclude? They probably represent 30% of the USA population. Don't you think Dems ... "the party of inclusion" ... *And we have PLENTY of examples of the racism, ageism, and sexism that you've splattered across this board
Go soak your head, it’s over heating.


Tuesday, October 9, 2018 4:08 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

This is just a small sampling from the 'democratic' party platform. I'd like to point out that the only reason income, economy, and the middle class made it in the list was because of the Sanders threat. That said, I can't find a more desperate attempt to find every last possible victim group to appeal to anywhere. Races? Immigrants? Women? Lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transgenders? The disabled? The religious? The rural? Dems got them cut out from the herd and targeted! But wait! There's more!

Why can't the democrats just get behind fair access to good opportunities for everyone? Or is fairness only for some, but not for others?

The other thing missing are some very specific paths to get there, like, oh, getting out of 'free' trade agreements, increasing basic manufacturing, and so on.

have we got a candyland of promises for YOU!
deplorables need not apply

Raise Incomes and Restore Economic Security for the Middle Class
Ending Systemic Racism
Closing the Racial Wealth Gap
Reforming our Criminal Justice System
Fixing our Broken Immigration System
Guaranteeing Civil Rights
Guaranteeing Women’s Rights
Guaranteeing Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Rights
Guaranteeing Rights for People with Disabilities
Respecting Faith and Service
Investing in Rural America
Ending Poverty and Investing in Communities Left Behind
Building Strong Cities and Metro Areas
Promoting Arts and Culture
Honoring Indigenous Tribal Nations
Fighting for the People of Puerto Rico
Honoring the People of the Territories

tic tac


Tuesday, October 9, 2018 8:54 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by SIGNYM:
And now, a word from someone far more hostile than me

I believe her!”

Really? Why should anyone believe her?

Senator Collins of Maine said she believed that Dr. Christine Blasey Ford experienced somethingtraumatic, just not at the hands of Mr. Kavanaugh. I believe Senator Collins said that to placate the #Metoo mob, not because she actually believed it. I believe Christine Blasey Ford was lying, through and through, in her injured little girl voice, like a bad imitation of Truman Capote.

I believe that the Christine Blasey Ford gambit was an extension of the sinister activities underway since early 2016 in the Department of Justice and the FBI to un-do the last presidential election, and that the real and truthful story about these seditious monkeyshines is going to blow wide open.

It turns out that the Deep State is a small world.

Did you know that the lawyer sitting next to Dr. Ford in the Senate hearings, one Michael Bromwich, is also an attorney for Andrew McCabe, the former FBI Deputy Director fired for lying to investigators from his own agency and currently singing to a grand jury?

What a coincidence. Out of all the lawyers in the most lawyer-infested corner of the USA, she just happened to hook up with him.

It’s a matter of record that Dr. Ford traveled to Rehobeth Beach Delaware on July 26, where her Best Friend Forever and former room-mate, Monica McLean, lives, and that she spent the next four days there before sending a letter July 30 to Senator Diane Feinstein that kicked off the “sexual assault” circus. Did you know that Monica McClean was a retired FBI special agent, and that she worked in the US Attorney’s office for the Southern District of New York under Preet Bharara, who had earlier worked for Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer?

Could Monica McLean have spent those four days in July helping Christine Blasey Ford compose her letter to Mrs. Feinstein? Did you know that Monica McClean’s lawyer, one David Laufman is a former DOJ top lawyer who assisted former FBI counter-intel chief Peter Strozk on both the Clinton and Russia investigations before resigning in February this year — in fact, he sat in on the notorious “unsworn” interview with Hillary in 2016. Wow! What a really small swamp Washington is!

Did you know that Ms. Leland Keyser, Dr. Ford’s previous BFF from back in the Holton Arms prep school, told the final round of FBI investigators in the Kavanaugh hearing last week — as reported by the The Wall Street Journal — that she “felt pressured” by Monica McLean and her representatives to change her story — that she knew nothing about the alleged sexual assault, or the alleged party where it allegedly happened, or that she ever knew Mr. Kavanaugh. I think that’s called suborning perjury.

None of this is trivial and the matter can’t possibly rest there. Too much of it has been unraveled by what remains of the news media. And meanwhile, of course, there is at least one grand jury listening to testimony from the whole cast-of-characters behind the botched Hillary investigation and Robert Mueller’s ever more dubious-looking Russian collusion inquiry: the aforementioned Strozk, Lisa Page, James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Bill Priestap, et. al. I have a feeling that these matters are now approaching critical mass with the parallel unraveling of the Christine Blasey Ford “story.”

The Democratic Party has its fingerprints all over this, as it does with the shenanigans over the Russia investigation. Not only do I not believe Dr. Ford’s story; I also don’t believe she acted on her own in this shady business. What’s happening with all these FBI and DOJ associated lawyers is an obvious circling of the wagons. They’ve generated too much animus in the process and they’re going to get nailed. These matters are far from over and a major battle is looming in the countdown to the midterm elections. In fact, op-ed writer Charles M. Blow sounded the trumpet Monday morning in his idiotic column titled: Liberals, This is War. Like I’ve been saying: Civil War Two.

Well now there is a post with a pile of information in it.
That seems to escape the parameters established in the thread.
Plus, that really, really deserves its own thread.

Worth repeating.


Tuesday, October 9, 2018 10:14 PM



Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
Well, part of you taking back your life is admitting to your drunkeness. That starts the healing process, you recognized the problem and you conquered your

I applaud you for that. Seriously, no shit. You faced up to responsibility.
You manned up.

With this scumbag Kavanaugh, he never has. All his life has been a lark, a romp through the woods to grandma's house. He never had to work for anything,
privilege has its rewards - or does it? Everything has been handed to him
including, and especially, the judgeship on the Federal level. Does he know the law? Who's to say for sure. Blackout drunks tend to miss whole chunks of
their waking life.

But let's look at this like Keeks and Siggy do. Let's say he was the angel he claims to be. Let's say he's completely innocent, of everything - no collusion. Then why not allow the FBI a full investigation? You know, to
clear his innocence. Because he was being handed this position on a silver platter. McConnell was not about to allow to be made a fool of (whoops, too late).

He said so. "We are plowing him through."

McConnell and company (I really don't think Trump had much to say on this matter, this was all McConnell) carefully orchestrated the FBI "investigation"
and limited the scope. Pure and simple. Then he and Trump "gaslight" everyone
not in agreement. They point a finger at the Dems and shout out "mob rule"
"conspiracy" "no corroboration" "witch hunt."

And while everyone is looking at what the "left hand" is doing, the "right hand" is busy "palming the deck." It's all slight of hand, smoke and mirrors.
Grassley orders that the hearing will be limited to Ford and Kavanaugh; he limits the questions to 5 minutes apiece; he has a female prosecutor ask the
questions instead of the "old white guys" (a shrewd move, but one that everyone sees as manipulative). With no one else testifying it reduces the chances that something or someone might slip through and open up a can of
worms. Then he (Grassley) quietly asks Ford's lawyers to submit to the
committee Ford's psychologist and the polygraph report. Again, why not
question the experts; the psychologist and the former FBI agent who conducted
the polygraph. Have them testify. An innocent man would.

Limitng the minutes of questioning, limits the exposure to Kavanaugh (Senator Kamala Harris had him sweating bullets as she slowly and methodically painted him into a corner during the initial hearing). He couldn't, or wouldn't, give a straight answer to anything other than his name. Not on anything - not Rule of Law or, as to the school yearbook, not the Devil's Triangle, not the 4 Fs, not Renate, nothing. This guy lied more than once to the committee, which means he lied to Congress...under oath. Then he rudely shot back a question
to Senator Klobuchar (one of the nicest senators on the circuit) about "blackout drinking." That's why I call him a SCUMBAG! (Plus he has the face
of a little rat sneaking around the house in the dark). He's a greasy little weasel. Even his wife was making agonizing faces during his testimony, as if to say: "he really didn't just say." She knew. Fucking liar!

But because the Repugs were in charge, those stodgy old farts, pulled the
old "we're in charge and you can't do shit about it" card, especially that
retarded old fuck Grassley. He's fucking 80, and senile. Hatch was complaining about the protesters. Another old fart scumbag (I really had no idea until these hearings that he was THAT bad). Stupid fuck forgets that this country
was built on protesters - they named a movement after them - Tea Party.
The Boston Tea Party was a protest against the British.....

On this date, December 16, 1773, members of the Sons of Liberty disguised as Mohawk Indians dumped crates of tea into Boston harbor as a PROTEST against
the Tea Act and it's provisions for taxation of tea. This act of criminal misconduct would become known as the Boston Tea Party.

You know what happened after that, right? The British overreacted and soon after the American Revolution was born. So Hatch and the rest of those idiots have forgotten how "we" got here.


"I'm going to fly like an Eagle, when my spirit is free."

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Yeah. Answering "we drank beer" is not an actual answer. I can vouch for that.

I'm not going to say that I never drank hard liquor. I know there was a time there where I had tried switching over because my beer intake was making me really fat. I didn't like it though, and I would get drunk far too quickly, so I don't think I did it very long.

Most of my drunken posts here back when I was drinking were anywhere from 5 beers in to about 40 beers in. I had a lot more free time than most people do though, so the tail end of my binge sessions could have been up to 36 hours after I started drinking.

I think that to most people specifying beer over hard liquor would mean that you're not a serious drinker. In some cases this is just not true.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

Not sure if this got buried.

Why is it that Democrats and other Socialist/Communists/Liberals are outraged that a woman be allowed in the Senate Chamber? A Professional, a proven competent Prosecutor, not unless she is a Token, like Democrats view women and minorities? I did not see it, but heard excellent clips and summaries - was she too attractive for Democrats to be placated? Were all the fugly Democrap Senators jealous of her?

Why is it that Democrats hate women, while Conservatives openly and repeatedly give women a chance, support women, encourage women, give them a tough and demanding stage to display their talents and skills?

Well, of course, we already knew Democrats hate women. That's why they keep releasing Serial Rapists and pedophiles ASAP at every opportunity.
Plus supporting BJ Clinton for raping women in the White House.


Tuesday, October 9, 2018 10:33 PM



I understand you might ignore this, and your choice is shorter and easier, but please consider using "gender" in place of "sex" when it applies and is the true and accurate meaning of what you say. I suppose "sexist" is an adequate exception.

Thanks for your consideration of this matter.


Wednesday, October 10, 2018 2:38 AM



Not sure if this got buried.

Why is it that Democrats and other Socialist/Communists/Liberals are outraged that a woman be allowed in the Senate Chamber? A Professional, a proven competent Prosecutor, not unless she is a Token, like Democrats view women and minorities? I did not see it, but heard excellent clips and summaries - was she too attractive for Democrats to be placated? Were all the fugly Democrap Senators jealous of her?

Why is it that Democrats hate women, while Conservatives openly and repeatedly give women a chance, support women, encourage women, give them a tough and demanding stage to display their talents and skills?

Well, of course, we already knew Democrats hate women. That's why they keep releasing Serial Rapists and pedophiles ASAP at every opportunity.
Plus supporting BJ Clinton for raping women in the White House.

Hey Jewels,

Your response is both typical and hilarious; but you have the "gaslighting" thing down to a science.



Wednesday, October 10, 2018 3:50 AM


... stay crunchy...


Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:

Not sure if this got buried.

Why is it that Democrats and other Socialist/Communists/Liberals are outraged that a woman be allowed in the Senate Chamber? A Professional, a proven competent Prosecutor, not unless she is a Token, like Democrats view women and minorities? I did not see it, but heard excellent clips and summaries - was she too attractive for Democrats to be placated? Were all the fugly Democrap Senators jealous of her?

Why is it that Democrats hate women, while Conservatives openly and repeatedly give women a chance, support women, encourage women, give them a tough and demanding stage to display their talents and skills?

Well, of course, we already knew Democrats hate women. That's why they keep releasing Serial Rapists and pedophiles ASAP at every opportunity.
Plus supporting BJ Clinton for raping women in the White House.

Hey Jewels,

Your response is both typical and hilarious; but you have the "gaslighting" thing down to a science.


Aye, the "Democrats hate women" thing is hilarious. One can only have one's head up one's bum most of the day to think that. Or listen to Rush and/or watch Fox. The rest is comedy gold.


Wednesday, October 10, 2018 3:50 AM


Right you are Captain.

I did what I could to get the gist of my thoughts across (I normally write these responses by the seat of my pants, with a modicum of editing and corrections. Although I do respond on a emotional level sometimes).

I was very interested in the hearings cause I wanted a glimpse into the
mindset of Kavanaugh and Ford. During the initial hearings I got the impression that Kavanaugh was evasive, dodgy and somewhat arrogant. It was
like in my junior high school days when we would play Dodgeball. Some folk
are real good at it. This was Kavanaugh, full stop.

Hypocrisy and hubris should be added to any description of the Repugs
psyche. Oh and gaslighting. Is it any wonder, you have the king of the
narcissists leading the way. This promotion handed to Kavanaugh does have
the orange one giddy as a little school girl, which will only prove to
further inflate his ego.

What's astounding to me is that we have people actually falling for this
load of crap. It is amazing the lengths the Repugs will go to "pull a fast
one" past the general public and how easily they are distracted. So yeah,
astounding is a good word for all this nonsense. And I'm on board with the
notion of how their enablers feed into the whole narrative. The misdirections,
the deflections and "black humor" - the false claims of "Mob Rule" - give me
a fucking break. Imagine, protest as mob rule. You have to hand it to Trump
and the Repugs, that was quite a clever and catchy label. But that shows how desperate they've become.

That Blue Wave scares the shit out of them; hence the rush job with the
Kavanaugh debacle. I could have presented a better case, but I was writing
in sort of stream of consciousness mode and that lends itself to small gaps
of information. Were I to be writing for a magazine or newspaper, I would
have taken notes during both hearings and written several drafts. Be that as
it may, you have a solid discerning mind. You know the gist of the story.
Even without corroborating testimony as to Dr. Ford's allegations, this douchebag was lying through his teeth to the Committee that, in addition to the Repugs on the JC totally throttling the documents and witnesses, there was no way the Dems had a snowball's chance in hell to stop this nomination from going through.

P.S. I don't think the Dems on the JC handled the Ford letter and her allegations very well. But that too has been oversimplified by the Repugs.
The Dems could have had video of Kavanaugh holding the smoking gun....
well, you know the rest.




Wednesday, October 10, 2018 4:33 AM


... stay crunchy...


Originally posted by 1kiki:
This is just a small sampling from the 'democratic' party platform.

You said it, just a sampling. I'll leave it to anyone interested in what the whole thing says to visit your link rather than cut and paste everything here.
Whatever - most of us - including you Kiki - know that platforms are easy, just writing. People can write anything. Yes, I would agree that in both the cliche of the Democrats and in their practice they care more about "the little people." It's easy to see how aligning themselves with that position is genuine and not political for Dems. The "less than," the "Races? Immigrants? Women? Lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transgenders? The disabled? The religious? The rural?" they are notoriously the worst group of citizens to get out and vote.
Meanwhile, Trump Republicans have figured out Hate works wonders. They crank up the hate on those very groups and basically taunt anyone who is not a member (largely white males) and say, "are you going to let them have it better than you? Democrats don't care about you! We do! Look at us , we're your brothers!"
Kind of like you just did Kiki.


Originally posted by 1kiki:
Why can't the democrats just get behind fair access to good opportunities for everyone? Or is fairness only for some, but not for others?

Because they feel that these groups are the groups being treated most unfairly?


Originally posted by 1kiki:
The other thing missing are some very specific paths to get there, like, oh, getting out of 'free' trade agreements, increasing basic manufacturing, and so on.

Can't speak to fair trade but increasing manufacturing is going to be tough as Jack explained - MONEY. Cost of production is so much cheaper overseas that you would have to increase tariffs and thereby CoGs and then uh-oh, profits drop. No party can untangle that but some can lie about it *cough* Republicans *cough.*
Massive tax breaks for local manufacturers might be a start but do those ever get to the shop floor or mid level worker?


Originally posted by 1kiki:
have we got a candyland of promises for YOU!
deplorables need not apply

Sorry Kiks, your complaints don't match your list. There's plenty here that effects everyone:

Raise Incomes and Restore Economic Security for the Middle Class
Ending Systemic Racism
Closing the Racial Wealth Gap
Reforming our Criminal Justice System
Fixing our Broken Immigration System
Guaranteeing Civil Rights
Guaranteeing Women’s Rights
Guaranteeing Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Rights
Guaranteeing Rights for People with Disabilities
Respecting Faith and Service
Investing in Rural America
Ending Poverty and Investing in Communities Left Behind
Building Strong Cities and Metro Areas
Promoting Arts and Culture
Honoring Indigenous Tribal Nations
Fighting for the People of Puerto Rico
Honoring the People of the Territories

There's a more balanced, honest and complete list here:


Wednesday, October 10, 2018 7:22 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


This is just a small sampling from the 'democratic' party platform. - KIKI

You said it, just a sampling.

A potpourri of promises!


Whatever - most of us - including you Kiki - know that platforms are easy, just writing. People can write anything. Yes, I would agree that in both the cliche of the Democrats and in their practice they care more about "the little people."
Not true. Obama didn't bail out "the people", he bailed out the banks. All you have to do is look at the wealth gap ... which accelerated under Obama's reign ... to realize that Dems may be better at FOOLING "the little people" but they don't represent them any better.


It's easy to see how aligning themselves with that position is genuine and not political for Dems. The "less than," the "Races? Immigrants? Women? Lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transgenders? The disabled? The religious? The rural?" they are notoriously the worst group of citizens to get out and vote.
Um ... that argues that it IS political for Dems.


Meanwhile, Trump Republicans have figured out Hate works wonders. They crank up the hate on those very groups and basically taunt anyone who is not a member (largely white males) and say, "are you going to let them have it better than you? Democrats don't care about you! We do! Look at us , we're your brothers!"
The hate seems to be coming mostly from Dems. YOU talk about "enemies". I don't see equivalent talk from Repubs. Face it, Trump created a inclusive slogan:


It applies to everyone who considers themselves American. The Dems have to come up with something just as good, if not better.


Why can't the democrats just get behind fair access to good opportunities for everyone? Or is fairness only for some, but not for others- KIKI

Because they feel that these groups are the groups being treated most unfairly? - GSTRING

FAIRNESS and EQUALITY are two things that nobody can have "more" of. If someone has "more" equality, that's not equality, that's privilege. This is being framed ... by Democrats... as a form of "taking away" privilege from someone to give privilege to someone else. Why can't they stick to the basic message of fairness for everyone?


The other thing missing are some very specific paths to get there, like, oh, getting out of 'free' trade agreements, increasing basic manufacturing, and so on.- KIKI

Can't speak to fair trade but increasing manufacturing is going to be tough as Jack explained - MONEY. Cost of production is so much cheaper overseas that you would have to increase tariffs and thereby CoGs and then uh-oh, profits drop. No party can untangle that but some can lie about it *cough* Republicans *cough.*

Oh, so the Dems DON'T, or CAN'T, focus on "the little people" because they worry more about business profits?


Massive tax breaks for local manufacturers might be a start but do those ever get to the shop floor or mid level worker?
Actually, I think whichever party is in power needs to worry more about banks and financial institutions.


have we got a candyland of promises for YOU!
deplorables need not apply - KIKI

Sorry Kiks, your complaints don't match your list. There's plenty here that effects everyone:

Raise Incomes and Restore Economic Security for the Middle Class

Affects the middle class. Why not just say: Improve the economy and increase good jobs?


Ending Systemic Racism
Closing the Racial Wealth Gap
Reforming our Criminal Justice System
Guaranteeing Civil Rights
Guaranteeing Women’s Rights
Guaranteeing Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Rights
Guaranteeing Rights for People with Disabilities

Why not just ... ensure a system of fairness and a meritocracy for all?


Fixing our Broken Immigration System
WHO is it set up for? Americans? Because IMHO our government is supposed to be representing AMERICANS, not "everyone else".


Respecting Faith and Service
I have no idea what this means.


Investing in Rural America
Ending Poverty and Investing in Communities Left Behind
Building Strong Cities and Metro Areas

Better economy for all.


Promoting Arts and Culture
WHOSE art? WHOSE culture? Not the job of the Federal government. If people are sufficiently secure and have enough free time, they'll create and support their own culture.


Honoring Indigenous Tribal Nations
God forbid we should do anything practical like give them their land back.


Fighting for the People of Puerto Rico
Fighting for all Americans.


Honoring the People of the Territories
About as meaningful as "honoring indigenous tribal nations".


There's a more balanced, honest and complete list here:

When I read the Dem's position, it's like mush, full of words like "helping" and "developing" and "promoting". Guaranteed ineffectualness.

How about ....

Reducing military spending.
Eliminating our foreign bases and "interventions".
Disentangling our military from historic alliances. (That's how little wars turn into world wars.)
Re-enacting Glass Steagall.
Breaking up monopolies.
Exiting "free trade" deals which turn our sovereign decisions over the corporate tribunals.
Ending illegal immigration.
Ending fractional reserve banking.
Creating a national bank.
Ensuring fairness of opportunity and meritocracy for everyone by (among other things) requiring "blinded" applications.
Imposing tariffs to promote re-industrialization.
Medicare for everyone.
Require free broadcast time for all candidates who reach a threshold of 5% support.

I can think of DOZENS of meaningful goals that the Dems could promise that would be better for (almost) everyone (except perhaps the very very wealthy) but the Dems would never do it because they have to keep at least one eye on their corporate and financial sponsors. Er, donors.

So they promise some things to some people, but nothing that would actually ever ... er... CHANGE the power structure.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy


Wednesday, October 10, 2018 12:00 PM


... stay crunchy...

You seem to be struggling a bit... some of your replies are almost incoherent.

SIGGY: Not true. Obama didn't bail out "the people", he bailed out the banks. All you have to do is look at the wealth gap ... which accelerated under Obama's reign ... to realize that Dems may be better at FOOLING "the little people" but they don't represent them any better.
CC: You make no sense. Kiki just whined about it, and you have also stated that they're all about identity politics and then listed all of the little people groups they want to protect. You're contradicting yourself.

Of course we know Republicans make no bones about looking down on "the little people."

SIGGY: Um ... that argues that it IS political for Dems.
CC: Must be a rough day for you. Nooo... if it was politics they go after citizens they could trust to go out and vote, not the ones who historically stay home.

Now Republicans are kings at using hate and bigotry and wealth gap to motivate their base - with remarkable success

SIGGY: The hate seems to be coming mostly from Dems. YOU talk about "enemies". I don't see equivalent talk from Repubs. Face it, Trump created a inclusive slogan:

CC: Clearly, still waiting to get your prescription filled. Make America Great Again and then he threatened to deport how many 100s of thousands of people who do consider themselves Americans? Not to mention making enemies of the rest of the world, even our allies. Seriously, you're just typing without any regard to truth or facts.

Republicans of course, have only made themselves even wealthier again - thanks Donnie!

SIGGY: FAIRNESS and EQUALITY are two things that nobody can have "more" of. If someone has "more" equality, that's not equality, that's privilege. This is being framed ... by Democrats... as a form of "taking away" privilege from someone to give privilege to someone else. Why can't they stick to the basic message of fairness for everyone?
CC: Huh? Yes they can - people can be treated more fairly or less fairly than others. Is that not in the phrase book?

SIGGY: Oh, so the Dems DON'T, or CAN'T, focus on "the little people" because they worry more about business profits?
CC: perhaps the laziest, flimsiest strawman I've ever heard.

I'm totally ignoring the rest - essentially you just bitch and moan because you think you could write better sentences or you just strawman after strawman. "Why don they say they like kittens AND puppies??!"


Wednesday, October 10, 2018 1:08 PM


FBI Director Wray Confirms That White House Limited Kavanaugh Probe

I'm shocked! Shocked, I say!

An illegitimate investigation ordered by an illegitimate president of a nominee who perjured himself, repeatedly, on national television, but gets confirmed anyway.

Welcome to the Fascist States of America.


Wednesday, October 10, 2018 1:22 PM


Why don't you go put on your mask with your friends and go out and beat up another Trump supporter and show the world just how anti-fascist you are?

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, October 10, 2018 1:43 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


You seem to be struggling a bit... some of your replies are almost incoherent.

SIGGY: Not true. Obama didn't bail out "the people", he bailed out the banks. All you have to do is look at the wealth gap ... which accelerated under Obama's reign ... to realize that Dems may be better at FOOLING "the little people" but they don't represent them any better.
CC: You make no sense. Kiki just whined about it, and you have also stated that they're all about identity politics and then listed all of the little people groups they want to protect. You're contradicting yourself.- GSTRING

How? The Dems try to win votes by claiming to represent victim subgroups, but in reality then NEVER challenge TPTB in any significant way, and so they wind up not representing any of the "little people" (except in the most trivial of ways).


Of course we know Republicans make no bones about looking down on "the little people.- CC
huh. And I thought it was a Democrat who called roughly half of the voting public "deplorables"!


SIGGY: Um ... that argues that it IS political for Dems.
CC: Must be a rough day for you. Nooo... if it was politics they go after citizens they could trust to go out and vote, not the ones who historically stay home.

IF it was NOT politics they would go after everyone equally.


Now Republicans are kings at using hate and bigotry and wealth gap to motivate their base - with remarkable success- CC

SIGGY: The hate seems to be coming mostly from Dems. YOU talk about "enemies". I don't see equivalent talk from Repubs. Face it, Trump created a inclusive slogan:

The Dems need to come up with something just as good, or better.

CC: Clearly, still waiting to get your prescription filled. Make America Great Again and then he threatened to deport how many 100s of thousands of people who do consider themselves Americans?

There are MILLIONS of illegal immigrants who do NOT consider themselves "Americans". How do I know this? Because they don't bother to learn English.


Not to mention making enemies of the rest of the world, even our allies. Seriously, you're just typing without any regard to truth or facts.
Last I checked, GSTRING, the President of the United States is the President of the United States, not president of the world. So, frankly, if it's in America's interests to piss off the rest of the world, that's what he or she should do.


Republicans of course, have only made themselves even wealthier again - thanks Donnie!
No, THE WEALTHY have made themselves wealthier again, both Dems and Repubs and you can blame OBAMA for a good portion of that.

Do you not ever look at wealth-gap charts? Or are they just a little too reality-based for you?


FAIRNESS and EQUALITY are two things that nobody can have "more" of. If someone has "more" equality, that's not equality, that's privilege. This is being framed ... by Democrats... as a form of "taking away" privilege from someone to give privilege to someone else. Why can't they stick to the basic message of fairness for everyone?- SIGNY

CC: Huh? Yes they can

Except they don't.


people can be treated more fairly or less fairly than others. Is that not in the phrase book?
People can be treated fairly or unfairly. There is no such thing as "more fairly" or "less fairly". The Dems have adopted, without irony, the phrase of Animal Farm ... "All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others"

And the frustrating things is that liberals read this statement - which was written as a warning - as a sign of progress. But doublespeak leads to doublethink.


SIGGY: Oh, so the Dems DON'T, or CAN'T, focus on "the little people" because they worry more about business profits?

CC: perhaps the laziest, flimsiest strawman I've ever heard.

I noticed that you didn't quote yourself, which would have brought some much-needed context to the discussion. This is what you posted:

Can't speak to fair trade but increasing manufacturing is going to be tough as Jack explained - MONEY. Cost of production is so much cheaper overseas that you would have to increase tariffs and thereby CoGs and then uh-oh, profits drop. No party can untangle that
so that makes YOUR rebuttal a lazy, flimsy strawman. I won't say it is the "laziest" and "flimsiest" because you've posted a lot worse!


I'm totally ignoring the rest - essentially you just bitch and moan because you think you could write better sentences
Now, see, right there! THAT is one of the laziest and flimsiest strawmen I've ever heard!

I posted these examples of how the Dems COULD and SHOULD do better. And since you really don't seem to want them repeated ... because, yanno, it might make sense to people who read them .... here they are again.


have we got a candyland of promises for YOU!
deplorables need not apply - KIKI

There's a more balanced, honest and complete list here: - GSTRING

When I read the Dem's position, it's like mush, full of words like "helping" and "developing" and "promoting". Guaranteed ineffectualness.

How about ....

Reducing military spending.
Eliminating our foreign bases and "interventions".
Disentangling our military from historic alliances. (That's how little wars turn into world wars.)
Re-enacting Glass Steagall.
Breaking up monopolies.
Exiting "free trade" deals which turn our sovereign decisions over the corporate tribunals.
Ending illegal immigration.
Ending fractional reserve banking.
Creating a national bank.
Ensuring fairness of opportunity and meritocracy for everyone by (among other things) requiring "blinded" applications.
Imposing tariffs to promote re-industrialization.
Medicare for everyone.
Require free broadcast time for all candidates who reach a threshold of 5% support.

I can think of DOZENS of meaningful goals that the Dems could promise that would be better for (almost) everyone (except perhaps the very very wealthy) but the Dems would never do it because they have to keep at least one eye on their corporate and financial sponsors. Er, donors. - SIGNY

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy


Wednesday, October 10, 2018 1:56 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by reaverfan:
FBI Director Wray Confirms That White House Limited Kavanaugh Probe

I'm shocked! Shocked, I say!
An illegitimate investigation ordered by an illegitimate president of a nominee who perjured himself, repeatedly, on national television, but gets confirmed anyway.
Welcome to the Fascist States of America.

And this is what Wray actually said (from your link)


“I think I would say that our investigation here, our supplemental update to the previous background investigation, was limited in scope and that that is consistent with the standard process for such investigations going back quite a long ways,” he said.

Basically, they did a supplemental "background check" NOT a criminal investigation. That was, and has been for many decades, their STANDARD scope for vetting nominees. Plus, it was limited to ONE WEEK, which we already knew about.

I expected that's what would happen, based on previous procedure, and even posted so.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy


Wednesday, October 10, 2018 11:13 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


Originally posted by 1kiki:
This is just a small sampling from the 'democratic' party platform.


Originally posted by GEEBERS:
You said it, just a sampling. I'll leave it to anyone interested in what the whole thing says to visit your link rather than cut and paste everything here.

Yes, wasn't it nice of me to provide a link? That way people can read the whole thing (not that YOU did, or you'd have something far more specific and relevant to say about it instead of insinuations that I unfairly edited it).

Originally posted by GEEBERS:
Whatever - most of us - including you Kiki - know that platforms are easy, just writing. People can write anything.

And democrats seemed like they gave it that much thought. Oh, just write anything, they must have told themselves.

Originally posted by GEEBERS:
Yes, I would agree that in both the cliche of the Democrats and in their practice they care more about "the little people." It's easy to see how aligning themselves with that position is genuine and not political for Dems. The "less than," the "Races? Immigrants? Women? Lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transgenders? The disabled? The religious? The rural?" they are notoriously the worst group of citizens to get out and vote.

Biased much? Are you saying Hillary was aiming at the wrong sort of people?
Back to reality.
What cost Hillary the election was that, whatever she was selling to the "the little people", they weren't buying it.

4.4 million 2012 Obama voters stayed home in 2016 — more than a ...
Opinion | The Missing Obama Millions - The New York Times

Mar 10, 2018 - Trump voters who previously voted for Mr. Obama are the subject of intense ... 9 percent of Obama 2012 voters went for Mr. Trump in 2016, 7 percent — that's .... Obama campaigned for a overt crooked candidate who didn't ...
Registered Voters Who Stayed Home Probably Cost Clinton The ...
Jan 5, 2017 - Registered voters who didn't vote on Election Day in November were more ... was not the enthusiasm for Clinton's candidacy as there was for Obama's in 2012. ... made up 48 percent of 2016 registered voters who didn't vote,

MAYBE someone who had a long history of standing up for "the little people" could have pulled a presidency out of an assemblage of victim groups. But that wasn't Hillary then. And probably not the democratic party now.

Originally posted by GEEBERS:
Meanwhile, Trump Republicans have figured out Hate works wonders. They crank up the hate on those very groups and basically taunt anyone who is not a member (largely white males) and say, "are you going to let them have it better than you? Democrats don't care about you! We do! Look at us , we're your brothers!"
Kind of like you just did Kiki.

I thought I was pretty clear that democrats needed to promote fairness, which - by definition - covers everybody. Like here:

Originally posted by 1kiki:
Why can't the democrats just get behind fair access to good opportunities for everyone? Or is fairness only for some, but not for others?

So, firstly, where did I say democrats needed to appeal to white males only? And secondly, why do you feel the need to constantly lie?

Originally posted by GEEBERS:
Because they feel that these groups are the groups being treated most unfairly?

DOOOOD. NOBODY is being treated fairly. That's kind of the problem. And focusing on some people rather than the commonality only pits group against group. Kind of like what you're doing.

Originally posted by 1kiki:
The other thing missing are some very specific paths to get there, like, oh, getting out of 'free' trade agreements, increasing basic manufacturing, and so on.


Originally posted by GEEBERS:
Can't speak to fair trade but increasing manufacturing is going to be tough as Jack explained - MONEY. Cost of production is so much cheaper overseas that you would have to increase tariffs and thereby CoGs and then uh-oh, profits drop. No party can untangle that but some can lie about it *cough* Republicans *cough.*
Massive tax breaks for local manufacturers might be a start but do those ever get to the shop floor or mid level worker?

So, democrats are doing the bidding of their big-money donors rather than looking after the welfare of the citizenry.
I think a lot of people figured that out, Captain Obvious.

Originally posted by 1kiki:
have we got a candyland of promises for YOU!
deplorables need not apply


Originally posted by GEEBERS:
Sorry Kiks, your complaints don't match your list. There's plenty here that effects everyone

By calling out SPECIFIC groups, the platform automatically excludes others from consideration - or even mention. How hard could it be to simply state that the democratic party stands for fair opportunity for meaningful work at fair pay for all?

Raise Incomes and Restore Economic Security for the Middle Class what about the poor?
Ending Systemic Racism what about under-represented whites?
Closing the Racial Wealth Gap will whites be raised up to Asians?
Reforming our Criminal Justice System
Fixing our Broken Immigration System do native born people count?
Guaranteeing Civil Rights
Guaranteeing Women’s Rights do women get 'special' rights?
Guaranteeing Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Rights do Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender people get 'special' rights?
Guaranteeing Rights for People with Disabilities do People with Disabilities get 'special' rights?
Respecting Faith and Service what about agnostics?
Investing in Rural America what about the ring of trailer parks and RV's surrounding cities?
Ending Poverty and Investing in Communities Left Behind which are those?
Building Strong Cities and Metro Areas what about suburbs?
Promoting Arts and Culture what about teachers, mechanics, cashiers ... ?
Honoring Indigenous Tribal Nations what about those not formally belonging to a tribe?
Fighting for the People of Puerto Rico what about people NOT of Puerto Rico?
Honoring the People of the Territories what about normalizing their status?

LONG before the election, I took great pains to detail the deficiencies of the 'democratic' party platform, for example, but not limited to . Anyone who pretends - like GEEBERS - this extended conversation didn't already happen, with details, facts, links and analysis is a liar.

tic tac


Thursday, October 11, 2018 9:37 AM


... stay crunchy...


Originally posted by 1kiki:

Originally posted by 1kiki:
This is just a small sampling from the 'democratic' party platform.


Originally posted by GEEBERS:
You said it, just a sampling. I'll leave it to anyone interested in what the whole thing says to visit your link rather than cut and paste everything here.

Yes, wasn't it nice of me to provide a link? That way people can read the whole thing (not that YOU did, or you'd have something far more specific and relevant to say about it instead of insinuations that I unfairly edited it).

I did read it, that's how I knew what you posted was not the whole story.
Posting a link/cite isn't "nice" - it's mandatory if you want to be believed. You don't get points for doing something so simple.

The rest of what you posted was full of logic gaps and contradictions and I no longer have the interest or time or patience to unravel all that sh*t.



Thursday, October 11, 2018 12:08 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


Originally posted by GEEBERS:
The rest of what you posted was full of logic gaps and contradictions and I no longer have the interest or time or patience to unravel all that sh*t.

You no LONGER have an interest? You didn't refute or even address my original posts the first time around! How could you lose an interest you didn't have before?

And I gotta ask - why do you feel the need ti lie all the time?

tic tac


Thursday, October 11, 2018 12:10 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


The rest of what you posted was full of logic gaps and contradictions and I no longer have the interest or time or patience to unravel all that sh*t.- GSTRING

You no LONGER have an interest? You didn't refute or even address my original posts the first time around! How could you lose an interest you didn't have before?- KIKI

HAHAH! Indeed!


And I gotta ask - why do you feel the need ti lie all the time? - KIKI
That too!

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy


Friday, October 12, 2018 11:13 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

methinks you altered your post since I last saw it.
If I had, i would have corrected the typo.


I don't think I've ever seen catholic used like that. And I'm Catholic.
Catholic (large "C") here too. Born and raised, anyway. Mentally left the church when I was ten.

But usage of (small "c") catholic is legitimate, altho rare.

"He was catholic in his appreciation of movies."

I like unusual words.



Are your comments regarding Justice Thomas your own, original? Or merely believed and copied from your linky?
Oh, I remember reading that criticism of Thomas many many years ago ... a history of his votes and how closely they mirrored Scalia's, along with an analysis of his written opinions. In fact, at the time of that analysis, I believe he had written ZERO opinions; altho I could be wrong. Over the years, whenever a SC ruling came down, I never found any reason to change that opinion of Thomas. You never hear his opinions quoted, for example.

Not sure how you could be more wrong.
Whenever I heard respected, successful, intelligent Law Professionals discussing Justice Thomas, it is always reflecting that he has the Greatest Opinions of the History of SCOTUS, the most stable and reasoned.
I am sure you have found a lesser Standard to inform your bias. Pity.

My prior response was lost when the site disconnected during posting.

450 Opinions in 20 that below average?
After being sworn in mid-October 1991, and not being allowed to hear arguments for a month more, how long do you expect an Opinion to emerge? I keep hearing that Opinions take 5-9 months after Arguments. I notice Thomas wrote an Opinion in mid-January 1992. The clown you read must have really clambered in his clown shoes to whip up a story in those 8 weeks when Thomas "had never written an Opinion" for the Supreme Court.

Or you are just gullible.


Saturday, October 13, 2018 9:39 AM


... stay crunchy...


Originally posted by 1kiki:

And I gotta ask - why do you feel the need ti lie all the time?

How's it feel ti be stupid all the time?

Lying about lying is Kiki's super power.


Saturday, October 13, 2018 10:12 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Lying about lying is Kiki's super power.
And lying about everything is yours.

Ya gotta admit: You set yourself up for that one!

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy


Saturday, October 13, 2018 10:40 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Are your comments regarding Justice Thomas your own, original? Or merely believed and copied from your linky?- JSF

Oh, I remember reading that criticism of Thomas many many years ago ... a history of his votes and how closely they mirrored Scalia's, along with an analysis of his written opinions. In fact, at the time of that analysis, I believe he had written ZERO opinions; altho I could be wrong. Over the years, whenever a SC ruling came down, I never found any reason to change that opinion of Thomas. You never hear his opinions quoted, for example. - SIGNY

Not sure how you could be more wrong.
Whenever I heard respected, successful, intelligent Law Professionals discussing Justice Thomas, it is always reflecting that he has the Greatest Opinions of the History of SCOTUS, the most stable and reasoned. I am sure you have found a lesser Standard to inform your bias. Pity.

Actually, I mis-remembered the statistic: Clarence Thomas (almost) never asks questions from the bench


Justice Clarence Thomas asks questions in court, 1st time in 10 years (2106)

I don't know about his written opinions. Maybe if you can post a link to a decent discussion of them it would help.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy


Saturday, October 13, 2018 2:29 PM


Senate Democrats confirm slate of 16 Federal Judges, all hand-picked by Trump.

This Senate has approved 84 Judges for Trump, the most of any Senate in U.S. History.

Dems and other Socialists/Communists are losing like crazy.


Saturday, October 13, 2018 4:15 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
Senate confirms slate of 16 Federal Judges, all hand-picked by Trump.

This Senate has approved 84 Judges for Trump, the most of any Senate in U.S. History.

Dems and other Socialists/Communists are losing like crazy.

There needs to be balance.

This seems like a victory at face value, but it is actually the consequences of the extreme illiberal Left having so much prominence in the MSM and social media in the last decade.

The pendulum swings are getting wilder, and this will ultimately not end well.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Saturday, October 13, 2018 5:26 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


Originally posted by GEEBERS:
The rest of what you posted was full of logic gaps and contradictions and I no longer have the interest or time or patience to unravel all that sh*t.

You no LONGER have an interest? You didn't refute or even address my original posts the first time around! How could you lose an interest you didn't have before?

And I gotta ask - why do you feel the need to lie all the time?

tic tac


Saturday, October 13, 2018 11:29 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
Senate confirms slate of 16 Federal Judges, all hand-picked by Trump.

This Senate has approved 84 Judges for Trump, the most of any Senate in U.S. History.

Dems and other Socialists/Communists are losing like crazy.

There needs to be balance.

This seems like a victory at face value, but it is actually the consequences of the extreme illiberal Left having so much prominence in the MSM and social media in the last decade.

The pendulum swings are getting wilder, and this will ultimately not end well.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

I'm sorry. I forgot to point out it was the Democrats in the Senate which grovelled to make a deal to approve these 16 Appointments. GoP was ready to continue, but Democrats just wanted to make a deal. That's alright, their voter base is so clueless they'll never know the Senators caved.


Sunday, October 14, 2018 8:09 AM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
Senate confirms slate of 16 Federal Judges, all hand-picked by Trump.

This Senate has approved 84 Judges for Trump, the most of any Senate in U.S. History.

Dems and other Socialists/Communists are losing like crazy.

There needs to be balance.

This seems like a victory at face value, but it is actually the consequences of the extreme illiberal Left having so much prominence in the MSM and social media in the last decade.

The pendulum swings are getting wilder, and this will ultimately not end well.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

I'm sorry. I forgot to point out it was the Democrats in the Senate which grovelled to make a deal to approve these 16 Appointments. GoP was ready to continue, but Democrats just wanted to make a deal. That's alright, their voter base is so clueless they'll never know the Senators caved.

Why would they know? They weren't told anything about this by the likes of Maddow. All anybody has talked about was Kavanaugh. Meanwhile, as you said, the senate has approved more high level judges than any other administration in history and it hasn't even been 2 years yet.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Sunday, October 14, 2018 10:33 AM


The Repubs are in power, so they ram through reichwing fascist judges? Wow!


Sunday, October 14, 2018 2:40 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by SIGNYM:
I was none too happy with Clarence Thomas either, and as it turned out he wound up being probably the worst Justice, a "Scalia me too" vote, who apparently never thought for himself but took Scalia's word for everything and hardly ever writes original opinions.

Are your comments regarding Justice Thomas your own, original? Or merely believed and copied from your linky?


Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Are your comments regarding Justice Thomas your own, original? Or merely believed and copied from your linky?- JSF

Oh, I remember reading that criticism of Thomas many many years ago ... a history of his votes and how closely they mirrored Scalia's, along with an analysis of his written opinions. In fact, at the time of that analysis, I believe he had written ZERO opinions; altho I could be wrong. Over the years, whenever a SC ruling came down, I never found any reason to change that opinion of Thomas. You never hear his opinions quoted, for example. - SIGNY

Not sure how you could be more wrong.
Whenever I heard respected, successful, intelligent Law Professionals discussing Justice Thomas, it is always reflecting that he has the Greatest Opinions of the History of SCOTUS, the most stable and reasoned. I am sure you have found a lesser Standard to inform your bias. Pity.

Actually, I mis-remembered the statistic: Clarence Thomas (almost) never asks questions from the bench

Justice Clarence Thomas asks questions in court, 1st time in 10 years (2106)

I don't know about his written opinions. Maybe if you can post a link to a decent discussion of them it would help.


Sunday, October 14, 2018 2:54 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
Senate confirms slate of 16 Federal Judges, all hand-picked by Trump.

This Senate has approved 84 Judges for Trump, the most of any Senate in U.S. History.

Dems and other Socialists/Communists are losing like crazy.

There needs to be balance.

This seems like a victory at face value, but it is actually the consequences of the extreme illiberal Left having so much prominence in the MSM and social media in the last decade.

The pendulum swings are getting wilder, and this will ultimately not end well.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

I'm sorry. I forgot to point out it was the Democrats in the Senate which grovelled to make a deal to approve these 16 Appointments. GoP was ready to continue, but Democrats just wanted to make a deal. That's alright, their voter base is so clueless they'll never know the Senators caved.

Why would they know? They weren't told anything about this by the likes of Maddow. All anybody has talked about was Kavanaugh. Meanwhile, as you said, the senate has approved more high level judges than any other administration in history and it hasn't even been 2 years yet.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

Not sure if I made it clear. These Democrat Senators begged to "ram through" Approval of these 16 Judges in the last few days, all after Kavanaugh Confirmation.


Sunday, October 14, 2018 7:22 PM


That's the name of the game there RF....they cheat to get in and they cheat to
control the Rule of Law, no matter how racist/counter human rights/anti-democratic/non-constitutional.

That is how it goes. Fascism anyone!



Originally posted by reaverfan:
The Repubs are in power, so they ram through reichwing fascist judges? Wow!


Sunday, October 14, 2018 8:10 PM



Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
That's the name of the game there RF....they cheat to get in and they cheat to
control the Rule of Law, no matter how racist/counter human rights/anti-democratic/non-constitutional.

That is how it goes. Fascism anyone!



Originally posted:
The Repubs are in power!

Not much good at that reading thing, are we? That is called Illiteracy.


Sunday, October 14, 2018 8:13 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
Senate confirms slate of 16 Federal Judges, all hand-picked by Trump.

This Senate has approved 84 Judges for Trump, the most of any Senate in U.S. History.

Dems and other Socialists/Communists are losing like crazy.

There needs to be balance.

This seems like a victory at face value, but it is actually the consequences of the extreme illiberal Left having so much prominence in the MSM and social media in the last decade.

The pendulum swings are getting wilder, and this will ultimately not end well.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

I'm sorry. I forgot to point out it was the Democrats in the Senate which grovelled to make a deal to approve these 16 Appointments. GoP was ready to continue, but Democrats just wanted to make a deal. That's alright, their voter base is so clueless they'll never know the Senators caved.

Why would they know? They weren't told anything about this by the likes of Maddow. All anybody has talked about was Kavanaugh. Meanwhile, as you said, the senate has approved more high level judges than any other administration in history and it hasn't even been 2 years yet.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

Not sure if I made it clear.
These Democrat Senators begged to "ram through" Approval of these 16 Judges in the last few days, all after Kavanaugh Confirmation.


Sunday, October 14, 2018 8:27 PM


I'd really like to know when RF uses the word fascist, what exactly he sees happening in this country that justifies the use of the word.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Monday, October 15, 2018 4:03 AM


WTF are you rambling on about?



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
That's the name of the game there RF....they cheat to get in and they cheat to
control the Rule of Law, no matter how racist/counter human rights/anti-democratic/non-constitutional.

That is how it goes. Fascism anyone!



Originally posted:
The Repubs are in power!

Not much good at that reading thing, are we? That is called Illiteracy.


Monday, October 15, 2018 4:09 AM


That was a well thought out response. So kudos for that.

As for me doing the right thing. I attempt to do just that on a daily basis


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
Well, part of you taking back your life is admitting to your drunkeness. That starts the healing process, you recognized the problem and you conquered your

I applaud you for that. Seriously, no shit. You faced up to responsibility.
You manned up.

Well, thanks.

At the end of the day, this is all that matters.

None of this political bullshit we post about really does. The 1%'ers are just going to keep doing whatever the hell they want to do and they don't give a damn about your or me. It doesn't really matter much who's "winning"... at the end of the day it's all the same.

I've made a lot of improvements in my life in the last few years. Just like I take full responsibility for all of my bad choices and the years I lost to my addictions, I take full responsibility for how well I'm doing now in comparison.

Take some time out of your days to improve yourself and to do something for the people you care about. When all is said and done, that's all that really matters. All of this political bullshit is completely out of our control.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Monday, October 15, 2018 4:45 AM


Hey Sigs,

I have to respond to this:


And in response, the Dems orchestrated a sham accusation, none of which was really designed to go anywhere except the November elections.

Well, we're at a crossroads regarding "shams" aren't we?


Instead of heaving your heads blow off because Repubs play dirty politics, and so do the Dems, why not just stick with what would move this nation forward? I heard an interesting segment on NPR yesterday: It seems (according to the polls) that middle-of-the-roaders and no-party-affiliates are being completely turned off by hyper-partisanship.

Yeah, both parties play their dirty tricks, so I say fuck 'em. Fight fire
with fire, whatever works. But here's the thing...when you fuck people so often, you are gonna get burned. One day this powder keg is gonna blow,
and then you'll see some shit. The people gotta focus their energy in the right direction "Annie Get Yer Gun!"


I could be wrong (because I don't follow Twitter) but it seems to me that altho Trump frequently criticizes Democrats, he doesn't use the term "Democrats" or "Democratic" very often.

Have you seen any of his "rally" speeches? YGTBFKM, he calls the Dems "Dims" and he demonizes them by saying that they are a "Mob." He's been doing this for quite some time. I may have my picadillos with MSNBC (and other MSM) for their
wall-to-wall coverage of that asshole Trump, but their uncensored coverage
does expose his hypocrisy and flat out cruelty, racism, etc. Aside from his
repetitive rhetoric, it provides a glimpse into his fascist bias.


Whereas, the Dems refer "Republicans" quite often. I think the Dems constant reference to party is generating a cringe reaction among people who aren't registered with any party, and those are exactly the people that the Dem party needs to win over. Because, obviously, the DNC already has its base sewn up.

I don't think the Dems do enough to expose those fucking crooks for what they are and what they are meaning to do with this country. The RNC, or better put, Trump has his base sewn up. I agree, the fight will be for those who
helped elect that SOB and sorry POS in the first place. Bottom line: Did he
produce? Did he keep his word in making America great again? Are they satisfied with his "progress" (whatever that is)? That's the real story.


In other words, instead of trying to appeal to slivers of people ... Democrats, women, gays, blacks ... they should be crafting a message with the broadest possible appeal.

Really!? So you think this has been lacking in the Dems side of the street?
And that appealing to a broader base will win the day? Hmmmm, I tend to think
that the RNC needs to address people other than a bunch of old white men desperately trying to hang onto a quickly fading past. This country is changing, fast, these old men cannot stop it from happening. They could slow
it a bit, but it's coming and they can't do shit about it. The Earth will
keep spinning round, and change is coming.

Now these farts will know what the Native Americans felt like when the white man kick them in the ass. Karma is a BITCH (and her skin color is...)



Monday, October 15, 2018 8:08 AM




Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
That was a well thought out response. So kudos for that.

As for me doing the right thing. I attempt to do just that on a daily basis


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
Well, part of you taking back your life is admitting to your drunkeness. That starts the healing process, you recognized the problem and you conquered your

I applaud you for that. Seriously, no shit. You faced up to responsibility.
You manned up.

Well, thanks.

At the end of the day, this is all that matters.

None of this political bullshit we post about really does. The 1%'ers are just going to keep doing whatever the hell they want to do and they don't give a damn about your or me. It doesn't really matter much who's "winning"... at the end of the day it's all the same.

I've made a lot of improvements in my life in the last few years. Just like I take full responsibility for all of my bad choices and the years I lost to my addictions, I take full responsibility for how well I'm doing now in comparison.

Take some time out of your days to improve yourself and to do something for the people you care about. When all is said and done, that's all that really matters. All of this political bullshit is completely out of our control.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Monday, October 15, 2018 9:13 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Really!? So you think this has been lacking in the Dems side of the street?
Yes, otherwise I wouldn't have posted so.


And that appealing to a broader base will win the day?
Yes, I think the Dems craft their message as one of vengeance for the victimized, when the formerly downtrodden rise up, and step on the faces of who they THINK are their former oppressors. And, SHINY, if you doubt me, just look at the rest of your post ...


Hmmmm, I tend to think that the RNC needs to address people other than a bunch of old white men
prejudiced much?

desperately trying to hang onto a quickly fading past .... Now these farts will know what the Native Americans felt like when the white man kick them in the ass. Karma is a BITCH (and her skin color is...)
Oh yeah, THAT'LL bring Americans together!

SHINY, all you're doing is pitting people to fight over an ever-shrinking pie. Do you think it's "old white men" who made our economic pie shrink? Or, might it not be - GASP!- the oligarchy, which consists not only of old white men (Bill Clinton, GWB) but also old white women (Hillary), middle-aged black men (Obama), Jews, gays, young white men (Steve Jobs, who sent most of the Apple manufacturing jobs to China) and anyone else wealthy enough to have the power to make you poorer? If you're serious, you exemplify everything wrong with the Dems today.

Why can't they craft a message like this?

America has lost good manufacturing jobs. This is not only an economic burden but a security risk. I vow to bring jobs back, and to withdraw from any free trade agreement which takes away our sovereign rights and puts them in some faraway secret court.

At the same time, we have spent trillions of dollars and hundreds of thousands of lives fighting other people's fights overseas. No more. Since World War II, other nations have risen up to claim their share of the economy; it's time that they claim their share of their own protection and that we claim our peace dividend.

We have the resources and the people willing to make this nation great again. Black or white, woman or man, gay or straight, I promise a meritocracy: That you will rise as high as your talent and hard work will take you. A future of meaningful work, as we rebuild our roads and bridges, restore our environment, heal and teach ourselves; harden our cyber infrastructure; and become again not only that shining city on a hill, but a resilient and durable nation - one that will thrive for as long as we can imagine.

Together, we will be ever-vigilant and strong but no longer carrying our weapons of war abroad unless our vital interests are threatened. Instead, we will do what this great nation needs to do to truly rise up again: Heal, teach, build, restore, and dream, so that we can once again face our future with hope instead of fear, uncertainty, and doubt. We know what needs to be done, let's roll up our sleeves and get to work.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy


Monday, October 15, 2018 9:38 AM


... stay crunchy...


Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Really!? So you think this has been lacking in the Dems side of the street?
Yes, otherwise I wouldn't have posted so.


And that appealing to a broader base will win the day?
Yes, I think the Dems craft their message as one of vengeance for the victimized, when the formerly downtrodden rise up, and step on the faces of who they THINK are their former oppressors. And, SHINY, if you doubt me, just look at the rest of your post ...


Hmmmm, I tend to think that the RNC needs to address people other than a bunch of old white men
prejudiced much?

desperately trying to hang onto a quickly fading past .... Now these farts will know what the Native Americans felt like when the white man kick them in the ass. Karma is a BITCH (and her skin color is...)
Oh yeah, THAT'LL bring Americans together!

SHINY, all you're doing is pitting people to fight over an ever-shrinking pie. Do you think it's "old white men" who made our economic pie shrink? Or, might it not be - GASP!- the oligarchy, which consists not only of old white men (Bill Clinton, GWB) but also old white women (Hillary), middle-aged black men (Obama), Jews, gays, young white men (Steve Jobs, who sent most of the Apple manufacturing jobs to China) and anyone else wealthy enough to have the power to make you poorer? If you're serious, you exemplify everything wrong with the Dems today.

Naw, it's mostly rich mostly old and mostly white males. You say women and then just list Hillary - Fox news' favorite villian... still!


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Why can't they craft a message like this?

America has lost good manufacturing jobs. This is not only an economic burden but a security risk. I vow to bring jobs back, and to withdraw from any free trade agreement which takes away our sovereign rights and puts them in some faraway secret court.

At the same time, we have spent trillions of dollars and hundreds of thousands of lives fighting other people's fights overseas. No more. Since World War II, other nations have risen up to claim their share of the economy; it's time that they claim their share of their own protection and that we claim our peace dividend.

We have the resources and the people willing to make this nation great again. Black or white, woman or man, gay or straight, I promise a meritocracy: That you will rise as high as your talent and hard work will take you. A future of meaningful work, as we rebuild our roads and bridges, restore our environment, heal and teach ourselves; harden our cyber infrastructure; and become again not only that shining city on a hill, but a resilient and durable nation - one that will thrive for as long as we can imagine.

Together, we will be ever-vigilant and strong but no longer carrying our weapons of war abroad. Instead, we will do what this great nation needs to do to truly rise up again: Heal, teach, build, restore, and dream, so that we can once again face our future with hope instead of fear, uncertainty, and doubt. We know what needs to be done, let's roll up our sleeves and get to work.

Because those are just words? Duh? And any words coming out of Trump's or the GOP's - or any politician's - mouth would be lies 9 out of 10 times. Double duh. But... you know that.

So what's the point of posting this? Just to slam Dems and deflect from the Holy Evil that is the Republican party?? Of course - bored now.






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