Some Covid-19 thoughts

UPDATED: Tuesday, February 25, 2025 14:28
VIEWED: 198097
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Sunday, August 29, 2021 8:10 PM


Second doesn't even know why he's fighting so vehemently for other people to get vaccinated against their will.

He just does whatever his Legacy Media Masters tell him to do.


Vaccinated People: "You need to get muh vaccination shots that don't work because I got muh vaccination shots that don't work and I'm afraid of people that didn't get muh vaccination shots that don't work because muh vaccination shots that don't work don't work."


Monday, August 30, 2021 12:22 AM



Still not vaccinated. Still never going to be vaccinated.


Vaccinated People: "You need to get muh vaccination shots that don't work because I got muh vaccination shots that don't work and I'm afraid of people that didn't get muh vaccination shots that don't work because muh vaccination shots that don't work don't work."


Monday, August 30, 2021 12:30 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Republicans treated Covid like a bioweapon. Then it turned against them

Trump’s team reportedly believed that coronavirus would hurt Democratic states – and Democratic governors – worse. But the virus does not discriminate

Some of the most powerful conservatives in the United States have, since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, chosen to sow disinformation along with mockery and distrust of proven methods of combating the disease, from masks to vaccines to social distancing. Their actions have afflicted the nation as a whole with more disease and death and economic crisis than good leadership aligned with science might have, and, in spite of hundreds of thousands of well-documented deaths and a new surge, they continue. Their malice has become so normal that its real nature is rarely addressed. Call it biological warfare by propaganda.

Call Jared Kushner the spiritual heir of the army besieging the city of Caffa on the Black Sea in 1346, which, according to a contemporaneous account, catapulted plague-infected corpses over the city walls. This is sometimes said to be how the Black Death came to Europe, where it would kill tens of millions of people – a third of the European population – over the next 15 years. A Business Insider article from a year ago noted: “Kushner’s coronavirus team shied away from a national strategy, believing that the virus was hitting Democratic states hardest and that they could blame governors.” An administration more committed to saving lives than scoring points could have contained the pandemic rather than made the US the worst-hit nation in the world. Illnesses and casualties could have been far lower, and we could have been better protected against the Delta variant.

More at

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Monday, August 30, 2021 12:49 AM





Vaccinated People: "You need to get muh vaccination shots that don't work because I got muh vaccination shots that don't work and I'm afraid of people that didn't get muh vaccination shots that don't work because muh vaccination shots that don't work don't work."


Monday, August 30, 2021 6:57 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:


"vaccination shots that don't work because muh vaccination shots that don't work don't work."

Members of Jared Kushner's coronavirus task force considered a national-scale testing plan early in the US's coronavirus outbreak. The plan never came to be, partly because the task force thought it would be better politically to hold off. The logic, a source told Vanity Fair, was that the virus would hit Democratic-voting areas hardest and that the damage could be blamed on governors instead.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Monday, August 30, 2021 9:37 AM





Vaccinated People: "You need to get muh vaccination shots that don't work because I got muh vaccination shots that don't work and I'm afraid of people that didn't get muh vaccination shots that don't work because muh vaccination shots that don't work don't work."


Monday, August 30, 2021 10:03 AM


MARCH 9TH, 2021:


Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
I wonder when they're going to start bandying around the term "Bio-Terrorist" when referring to people who won't get vaccinated.

AUGUST 30TH, 2021: The Daily Beast

We're almost there...

"Don't Negotiate with Trump's Disease Spreading Zombie Army"

They usually say "Don't Negotiate with Terrorists", don't they?


NBCNEWS, AUGUST 15TH, 2011: A new terror alert has been issued by homeland security (National Terrorism Alert Ahead of 9/11 20TH Anniversary)

We're getting REALLY close to that prediction coming true, huh?


"Menace to Society", huh?

Not quite Bio-Terrorists yet, but we're getting close, aren't we?


You do not endanger the lives of the many to humor the misconceptions of the few. They can’t or won’t change their minds. It’s time to recognize that.

And do it for them.

You worry about you dude.

In the meantime, I double dare you to be the one who "does it for me".

That ain't going to end up any other way than with you crying on the floor with a couple of black eyes and your yellow, soy-filled shit leaking out your drawers.



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
This was from a post I made on March 10th, but it was a summation of things I'd been saying way back in 2020.


Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
What she told her husband is what the media is suggesting that EVERYONE who is getting vaccinated do to anybody who isn't getting vaccinated. And also doing to them what she did to him.

Guilt them.

Guilting him to guilt them.

Here's the steps, if you missed me talk about them before.

STEP 1: Give the vaccine to the 50 to 60% of people who are terrified of the virus and would do anything to get it.

STEP 2: Give the vaccine to the 15 to 20% of people who are just so f-ing tired of how we've been forced to live the last year that they just want it to go away and will get vaccinated so they can get back to their old lives.

(Steps one and two will have quite a bit of overlap, both in the timeframe and/or like-mindedness.)

STEP 3: Guilt the shit of the remaining people. Not all of them will be guilted into it. But some of them will.

STEP 4: Ruin the lives of people who still refuse. This can be done, and will be done, in a variety of ways. (This can only begin once there is a legitimate surplus of vaccinations without any remaining demand for them).

One of the biggest will be by allowing corporations to force vaccinations otherwise face termination from your job (the article from South Carolina I posted earlier today is actually about a bill being considered in the state to PROHIBIT companies in the state from doing this).

But then there's just the general guilting that will never end until the media stops talking about it. If you haven't been paying attention to the way these things work online the last few years, that guilting will quickly turn to HATE. This is going to make for a very hostile work environment for many people at this point. Imagine the RWED, but in a live office setting... in every workplace around the country. (and with weak-minded, terrified people truly believing that somebody like me is threatening their life by my mere presence in front of them without having had the shots).

If they really want to make the issue bad, they'll start instituting an ID card... maybe even provide you with a handy little lanyard to wear it like a dog collar whenever you leave your home.

Worst case is that when enough people have already gotten it and the rest refuse that the Legacy Media starts referring to those who resist vaccination as Bio Terrorists.

I've pretty much been spot on for the first three steps.

Admittedly, I didn't see handing out a bunch of freebies and doing Lotteries to try to entice people before moving on to Step 4 though.

But we are clearly in Step 3.5 right now, and just as I predicted they're throwing away TONS of vaccines since nobody else wants one.

Is New Zealand is racing to prove me right on the predictions past Step 4 already?

Anybody else going to join the race?


I'd say that the weakest of us here in the States are firmly planting their feet into STEP 4.

But just like not seeing the Cash and Prizes attempts to con people into taking the jab, I surely didn't see FUCKING EVERYBODY OVER FROM STEP 1 AND STEP 2 in order to facilitate STEP 4.


Vaccinated People: "You need to get muh vaccination shots that don't work because I got muh vaccination shots that don't work and I'm afraid of people that didn't get muh vaccination shots that don't work because muh vaccination shots that don't work don't work."


Monday, August 30, 2021 5:45 PM



Originally posted by second:
Republicans treated Covid like a bioweapon. Then it turned against them

It is an actual literal bioweapon patented as a bioweapon. It's not conspiracy theory. It's not even conspiracy theory that it's Fauci and company's bioweapon. They all put their names to it in some form. Sorry, this isn't something you can presently debate without first proving the facts to be a scam.

Jared Kushner is now Toghon Temur?

So it's not Jared Kushner's name on the bioweapon patent. It's not Jared Kushner going around injecting people with the bioweapon. Jared Kushner is just the jew adjacent to the process that you decided to randomly attack because he was the only jew in the room.

There is no vaccine. The vaccine was rejected on the ground of not being a vaccine, so it's also a patented bioweapon, that is a bioweapon called a bioweapon that the media and pharma and biden is referring to as a vaccine, but has no protective capability, because it's just a bioweapon. It's the plague carcass.

There's no wild type Delta Variant, the Delta Variant is the vaccine.

Also, it's not an airborne respiratory disease, it's a infectious blood virus. And how you get those is someone injected you or you ate them, or in other ways got infected in the blood. So masks and social distancing are utterly pointless.

But that's besides the point. Your copy and pasting idiocy because you can't be bothered to make up your own idiocy?

At some point you have to accept that your chosen political party is the nazis, and that you might have chosen wrong. If you can't accept that, then you now know how nazism actually works. Laziness.

Just wake the fuck up already


Monday, August 30, 2021 7:18 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by DREAMTROVE:

At some point you have to accept that your chosen political party is the nazis, and that you might have chosen wrong. If you can't accept that, then you now know how nazism actually works. Laziness.

Just wake the fuck up already

Welcome to the Upside Down. Democracy might not survive, but the ratings will be great as the GOP base has become so unhinged and radicalized on a feed bag of disinformation to the point that Crenshaw, a slavish MAGA man, got heckled for refusing to say the election was stolen. Even Trump, their god-king, was booed by his adoring cult at a recent rally in Alabama. Did he praise Muslims? Hug an undocumented immigrant? Compliment Obama? Nope. He simply gently recommended that they take a life-saving vaccine, like he did, that will protect them from suffering a tragic, unnecessary death.

More at

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Monday, August 30, 2021 7:21 PM


I already posted that propaganda piece from the DailyBeast, idiot.


Vaccinated People: "You need to get muh vaccination shots that don't work because I got muh vaccination shots that don't work and I'm afraid of people that didn't get muh vaccination shots that don't work because muh vaccination shots that don't work don't work."


Monday, August 30, 2021 7:25 PM



Originally posted by second:

Welcome to the Upside Down.

Good Movie

vaxinazis bought trump? he was always for sale

ratings will not exist. no one watches the idiot box anymore


Monday, August 30, 2021 7:36 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
I already posted that propaganda piece from the DailyBeast, idiot.

It’s too late to convince people determined to believe otherwise that the pandemic is real, deadly, and requires them to wear masks and take vaccines. It’s been nearly two years. We could have reopened safely by now, saved thousands of lives, and protected our front-line workers if we simply followed social distancing and masking. Instead, a radicalized minority enabled by demagogic governors continues to choose death, which Republicans are trying, insanely, to rebrand as “freedom.”

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Monday, August 30, 2021 8:14 PM



Originally posted by second:
It’s too late to convince people determined to believe otherwise that the pandemic is real, deadly, and requires them to wear masks and take vaccines.

Or otherwise, apparently. I believe this disease is real. I have it. It's also definitely not airborne, so fuck the masks. That was a wasted effort. I mean, good thought by people who thought it was airborne, but they were wrong

The vaccine is just the same as getting the disease, so there's no point in trying to prevent the spread of the disease if you're going to inject yourself with it. I mean, if you think this isn't true, you know fuckall about biochem. The virus itself is not the threat, it's the immune response in this case which is the threat. The vaccine will do that in spades.

There is a real pandemic of morons going around and injecting people with a bioweapon, that is literally how it is spreading. I know people who have been actively trying to get corona and failing, who carry no immunity. It's just not possible to catch unless you're exposed to someone who is newly vaccinated, or are yourself newly vaccinated.

I'm still collecting data on this very annoying disease which I have, but this is definitely where it falls right now. I'm still a registered democrat, but I'm at "never listen to a democrat again" and that means don't listen to me. Do your own research.

But don't suck on satan's cock either. Do actual research

Sorry for butting in


Monday, August 30, 2021 10:25 PM



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
I already posted that propaganda piece from the DailyBeast, idiot.

It’s too late to convince people determined to believe otherwise that the pandemic is real, deadly, and requires them to wear masks and take vaccines. It’s been nearly two years. We could have reopened safely by now, saved thousands of lives, and protected our front-line workers if we simply followed social distancing and masking. Instead, a radicalized minority enabled by demagogic governors continues to choose death, which Republicans are trying, insanely, to rebrand as “freedom.”



Vaccinated People: "You need to get muh vaccination shots that don't work because I got muh vaccination shots that don't work and I'm afraid of people that didn't get muh vaccination shots that don't work because muh vaccination shots that don't work don't work."


Tuesday, August 31, 2021 7:30 AM


The doctor Siggie quoted at the beginning of this thread that said the shutdown was too harsh was forced into retirement for saying so and therefore being a crazy conspiracy theorist, and is now in german politics

the videos six posted are gone

we're in full nazi censorship here. if you criticize the holocaust you're in trouble. sorry, "final solution" as bill gates called it> "The Final Solution ... is the vaccine"

There are only four types of people in the world. The Nazis promoting this thing, the Not Sees who are basically holocaust deniers, the resistance fighters and the lazy bums doing nothing

fight smart, don't fight in a way that allows them to decrease our numbers.


Tuesday, August 31, 2021 9:37 AM




Tuesday, August 31, 2021 10:39 AM



Originally posted by DREAMTROVE:
The doctor Siggie quoted at the beginning of this thread that said the shutdown was too harsh was forced into retirement for saying so and therefore being a crazy conspiracy theorist, and is now in german politics

the videos six posted are gone

we're in full nazi censorship here. if you criticize the holocaust you're in trouble. sorry, "final solution" as bill gates called it> "The Final Solution ... is the vaccine"

There are only four types of people in the world. The Nazis promoting this thing, the Not Sees who are basically holocaust deniers, the resistance fighters and the lazy bums doing nothing

fight smart, don't fight in a way that allows them to decrease our numbers.

Which videos that I posted are gone? I'll repost them.


Vaccinated People: "You need to get muh vaccination shots that don't work because I got muh vaccination shots that don't work and I'm afraid of people that didn't get muh vaccination shots that don't work because muh vaccination shots that don't work don't work."


Tuesday, August 31, 2021 2:00 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by DREAMTROVE:
The doctor Siggie quoted at the beginning of this thread that said the shutdown was too harsh was forced into retirement for saying so and therefore being a crazy conspiracy theorist, and is now in german politics

the videos six posted are gone

we're in full nazi censorship here. if you criticize the holocaust you're in trouble. sorry, "final solution" as bill gates called it> "The Final Solution ... is the vaccine"

There are only four types of people in the world. The Nazis promoting this thing, the Not Sees who are basically holocaust deniers, the resistance fighters and the lazy bums doing nothing

fight smart, don't fight in a way that allows them to decrease our numbers.

Which videos that I posted are gone? I'll repost them.


Vaccinated People: "You need to get muh vaccination shots that don't work because I got muh vaccination shots that don't work and I'm afraid of people that didn't get muh vaccination shots that don't work because muh vaccination shots that don't work don't work."

whatever you posted on page 1


Tuesday, August 31, 2021 2:16 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul said researchers won't study the toxic livestock-deworming drug ivermectin as a potential COVID treatment because of their dislike for former President Donald Trump. "The hatred for Trump deranged these people so much that they're unwilling to objectively study it," Paul said.

In the US, the National Institutes of Health is conducting a large, late-stage trial to see whether ivermectin can help people with mild or moderate COVID-19 cases feel better more quickly. The University of Oxford's PRINCIPLE trial is also studying ivermectin as a COVID-19 treatment. Senator Rand Paul is full of shit.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Tuesday, August 31, 2021 8:56 PM



Originally posted by DREAMTROVE:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by DREAMTROVE:
the videos six posted are gone

Which videos that I posted are gone? I'll repost them.

whatever you posted on page 1

Missing videos from page 1...

1st video: "This video has been removed for violating YouTube's Community Guidelines"


2nd video: "This video has been removed for violating YouTube's Community Guidelines"


I've updated the OP with the new videos that haven't been taking down.

Good lookin' out.


Vaccinated People: "You need to get muh vaccination shots that don't work because I got muh vaccination shots that don't work and I'm afraid of people that didn't get muh vaccination shots that don't work because muh vaccination shots that don't work don't work."


Tuesday, August 31, 2021 8:57 PM




Tuesday, August 31, 2021 10:06 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Neil deGrasse Tyson @neiltyson tweeted:

In case anyone is curious...
Right now in the USA, every ten days, more than 8,000 (unvaccinated) Republican voters are dying of COVID-19. That’s 5X the rate for Democrats.

5:54 AM · Aug 31, 2021·TweetDeck

Neil deGrasse Tyson @neiltyson tweeted a Reply to @Chuck_Huber

Thanks for asking. Twitter, of course, does not lend itself to full citations.

I derived the number from published COVID-19 death rates of unvaccinated people (about 1,000 per day). And from the polls that show 25% of Republican voters are unvaccinated, versus 5% of Democrats.

6:11 AM · Aug 31, 2021·TweetDeck

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Tuesday, August 31, 2021 11:57 PM



Here's the mistake you're making

the fact that the vaccine is actually a bioweapon being used as a weapon and is not a vaccine is not a conspiracy theory, or even a theory or a speculation. it's a known fact that exists in objective reality. Anything else is pure fantasy.

the only thing you achieve with this fantasy, is your own mutilation by bioweapon.

So there are many more unvaccinated republicans than democrats. if he means more republicans are dying overall, is someone killing them? is it because they're white, and gates and co are trying to kill white people?

no possible conclusion you can actually draw from the data will overturn objective reality which is already known, so instead either it has an explanation like this, or it is otherwise fiction.

done debating this. A father of a friend of mine died from the vax this morning, I'm sick of this sh*t


Wednesday, September 1, 2021 12:28 AM


Neil deGrasse Tyson is a cunt that can't go two seconds without blowing himself.


Vaccinated People: "You need to get muh vaccination shots that don't work because I got muh vaccination shots that don't work and I'm afraid of people that didn't get muh vaccination shots that don't work because muh vaccination shots that don't work don't work."


Wednesday, September 1, 2021 8:04 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by DREAMTROVE:

the fact that the vaccine is actually a bioweapon being used as a weapon . . .

done debating this. A father of a friend of mine died from the vax this morning, I'm sick of this sh*t

Show me the list of people who have attached their real names to "the vaccine is actually a bioweapon". There must be a list, or petition, or a manifesto, somewhere. I would also expect people who would sign the petition, but have not yet because they need to remain covert, would have already blown up at least one vaccine factory.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Wednesday, September 1, 2021 8:28 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


To ensure the safety of our residents, staff, and patrons, please be advised that any persons who have received ANY of the Covid-19 experimental vaccines are NOT PERMITTED ON OUR PROPERTY.

This is due to the severity of the side effects from this mRNA gene altering therapy, including the negative effects reported from being in close contact with vaccinated individuals.

We will re-evaluate this decision in 2023, as soon as clinical trials of this vaccine are complete.

We apologize for any inconvenience.


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Wednesday, September 1, 2021 9:09 AM


As long as you're not sneezing or coughing on me, you're welcome here if you're vaccinated.

We're not kissing or fucking though, and don't drink out of my cup.


Vaccinated People: "You need to get muh vaccination shots that don't work because I got muh vaccination shots that don't work and I'm afraid of people that didn't get muh vaccination shots that don't work because muh vaccination shots that don't work don't work."


Wednesday, September 1, 2021 1:17 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Been thinking about the ONE valid criticism about big pharma and the vaccination campaign, and that is:

Why haven't they invested as much money into looking at non-vaccine prevention and treatment as they have into vaccines?

You can tell how much this means to vested interests because of the number of demonstrated and alleged scientific fraud around the issue of HCQ and ivermectin.

There was a HUGE study, published in the Lancet IIRC that supposedly gathered data on tens (hundreds?) of thousands of patients from medical centers around the world showing that HCQ was ineffective at best and detrimental at worst. But the fraud should have been apparent to any medical researcher: too mcuh data collected and processed in too short a time by too few people, calculated by a company that only existed for 6 months. Just the sheer mechanics of getting data released from so many nations wth so many privacy laws would have precluded that timeline.
Data collected from an impossible number of advanced cardiac care centers in Africa. Data from medical centers in Australia which said they never were contacted by the authors. The fraud was (apparently) so blatant that the publication had to be withdrawn.

And then, there was an Egyptian study involving 10,000 patients and ivermectin which showed astonishingly positive results, and similar charges of scientific fraud. I am not familiar with the details, but I have to say that these incidences ... and charge... of fraud certainly have mudied the water! It's hard to "follow the science" when scientists have become so malleable!

There seems to be multiple campaigns against AND for off-label Rx of cheap medications that it's impossible to find reliable data anywhere.

Is it any wonder that the one approved treatment - monoclonal antibodies - is expen$ive?

Which leads me to think about why Big Pharma is doing what it's doing, and that's MONEY. It all boils down to revenue $tream.

And government is doing what IT'S doing (lockdowns, mask mandates, vaccine campaigns) for a different reason: AUTHORITARIANISM/FASCISM. Make people depend on government handouts and regulations.

And BigTech/deep state is doing what it's doing for its own purposes: POWER. Control of all modes of communication.

And the globalists are doing what they're doing for their own purposes: DESTROY NATIONS by pitting people against each other for what is hyped as existential reasons.

It's like the Iraq invasion: there were a lot of people in power who were for it, but a lot of factions had different reasons for the same goal:

Some wanted to support the petrodollar.
Some wanted Iraq's oil.
Some wanted to surround Russia.
Some wanted to protect Israel.
Some wanted Armageddon.
Some thought Saddam was involved in 9-11.
Some thought that Saddam had WMD.
Some may have even thought they were deposing a tyrant, or spreading democracy.

Everyone wanted the same action, but each faction had a different reason.

I feel that we're looking at the same thing now. There ARE conspiracies, but it's not one world-straddling conspiracy but a lot of big ones, simply because there are so many powerful factions that want to make use of this event for their own purposes.

They don't all have the same reasons, but they're all hopping onboard the train.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake


Wednesday, September 1, 2021 9:43 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Republican trust in media keeps sinking to new lows, opening door to overlapping misinformation

Every week we read a new story about a conservative media figure who downplayed Covid-19 or mocked the vaccines and wound up hospitalized or dead. Almost as often, we see sad new examples of overlapping misinformation.

Here's what I mean by "overlapping misinformation:" An attorney representing many high-profile suspects from the January 6 riot -- a riot of lies -- has apparently been hospitalized due to Covid. The California-based attorney, John Pierce, has not been showing up for hearings "after reportedly becoming ill with Covid-19," CNN's Katelyn Polantz reported, citing DOJ filings.

Prosecutors said they believe he "may be in the hospital and that his absence has effectively brought several cases to a standstill."

"Prior to his reported health issues," ABC's team reported, "Pierce pushed conspiracy theories surrounding the insurrection on his Twitter account, where he also espoused anti-vaccination conspiracy theorists." See? Overlapping misinformation.

Another example was in the news last week: Arizona's sham election "audit" report was delayed after the Cyber Ninjas CEO and others tested positive for Covid-19. CNN's team noted that the "Ninjas" were often seen without masks, and it was "not clear whether those who tested positive had been vaccinated."

Disbelief in election results and distrust of the vaccines are connected. One of the connections is an utter lack of confidence in institutional sources of information. One of the consequences is a pandemic that could have been brought under control by now. Which leads me to this new poll...

Losing trust

The Pew Research Center released a discouraging data set this week. "In just five years, the percentage of Republicans with at least some trust in national news organizations has been cut in half -- dropping from 70% in 2016 to 35% this year," Jeffrey Gottfried and Jacob Liedke wrote. "This decline is fueling the continued widening of the partisan gap in trust of the media."

Overall, Pew found, 58% of US adults say they have at least some trust in the information from national news outlets. "This is the smallest share over the past five years this question was asked," Pew said.

Of course, this reflects the views of everyone from MAGA diehards who believe Donald Trump's "enemy of the people" smears all the way to leftists who believe the press went way too easy on Trump's undemocratic conduct. Plus, each person's definition of "national news organizations" is different. But the GOP's collapse in trust is colossal. (And this isn't the only poll to say so. Gallup showed a similarly bleak divide late last year.)

Whether you feel these numbers make "the media" look bad or make Republicans look bad, they're absolutely worthy of analysis, because they telegraph what's happening to the country writ large. As Sara Fischer wrote for Axios, "the polarization of trust in the media presents one of the most clear and troubling signs for American democracy."

The United States is one country with two almost completely separate media ecosystems. These ecosystems have different values; prioritize different subjects; and reach different populations. It's getting almost impossible to appeal to both...

Democrats believe; Republicans disbelieve

More at

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Wednesday, September 1, 2021 10:35 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Been thinking about the ONE valid criticism about big pharma and the vaccination campaign, and that is:

Why haven't they invested as much money into looking at non-vaccine prevention and treatment as they have into vaccines?

Because the people doing this are scams. Scamming scammers scams.

Part of what colored my whole opinion on this entire issue was who was talking

Trump is and has always been a scammer, but not a killer. But a wheeler dealer
Biden was my neighbor, and my mom was Jill Bidens office mate for years. We always liked the Bidens fine, good honest hardworking people

So the political aspect never entered into it for me.

It's this

Fauci is a known major scam artist. He's the sleaziest person in probably the entire medical field.

Bill Gates, a man I met once, I think he believes in what he's doing, he's very socially awkward, but he is also a scam. His entire empire is and has been a litigious scam. Bill also steals other people's work and passes it off as his own. He's had weird nazi depopulation ideas that have come up in interviews, for years.

judy markowitz and luc montagnier have always struck me as honest people

Pfizer I have mixed feelings about, Moderna I didn't know well before this, but I kind of had Janssen down in my book as one of the IG Farbens of our time

The newly merged mainstream media I had begged as a giant ignorant lying machine, and the fact checkers as deliberately malicious

The health regulators were at best useless, and at worst corrupt

The WHO I had down as nazis from the get go. It seems for 50 years almost every intervention they do is related to population control, rather than helping populations

The WEF I had down as a total fucking scam

The various skeptical libertarian voices that spoke up against the vax were people i've trusted for years.

That said, when it hit, I didn't form a judgment, I looked a the science, and long before I read anyone else saying it, I thought "whoa, obvious fucking bioweapon"


You can tell how much this means to vested interests because of the number of demonstrated and alleged scientific fraud around the issue of HCQ and ivermectin.

huh? I mean, I don't see the conflict of interest with using HCQ or ivermectin. I mean, I obviously have my own personal doubts as to whether they're the right tools for the job. I have both in my medicine cabinet and I also have coronavirus and I've used neither one myself. But they're both cost based production essential medicines on the otherwise scammy WHO's essential medicines list, so there's no serious profit in either for anyone, it's probably why people were pumping them as possibilities

There was a HUGE study, published in the Lancet IIRC that supposedly gathered data on tens (hundreds?) of thousands of patients from medical centers around the world showing that HCQ was ineffective at best and detrimental at worst. But the fraud should have been apparent to any medical researcher: too mcuh data collected and processed in too short a time by too few people, calculated by a company that only existed for 6 months. Just the sheer mechanics of getting data released from so many nations wth so many privacy laws would have precluded that timeline.

I mean, I agree, but link? :) seriously though, I agree its probably a bad idea, but good to have just in case as a last resort. Both of them would be detrimental to your health.

But you know, they weren't made as suggestions for good medical reasons, they were made because the capacity to make large amounts at low cost for the world was available, and they had some effectiveness against the virus. I seriously doubt there was a profit motive there. If someone wanted to make money off this, they would have recommended a premium patented antiviral that their company owned. The fact that Pfizer didn't do this makes me think the whole thing is depopulation agenda driven, not profit driven


Data collected from an impossible number of advanced cardiac care centers in Africa. Data from medical centers in Australia which said they never were contacted by the authors. The fraud was (apparently) so blatant that the publication had to be withdrawn.

I think that needs a credible link


And then, there was an Egyptian study involving 10,000 patients and ivermectin which showed astonishingly positive results, and similar charges of scientific fraud. I am not familiar with the details, but I have to say that these incidences ... and charge... of fraud certainly have mudied the water! It's hard to "follow the science" when scientists have become so malleable!

I did see that study, and the skepticism of it. I agree that scientists are malleable. The whole global warming fraud made that clear.


There seems to be multiple campaigns against AND for off-label Rx of cheap medications that it's impossible to find reliable data anywhere

Oh, I definitely agree with this. The multinational corporate profit engine is attacking generic cheap Rx and off label like nobody's business


Is it any wonder that the one approved treatment - monoclonal antibodies - is expen$ive?

yeah, okay, i didn't know they had one, I saw one article about someone developing them, but not that it was available


Which leads me to think about why Big Pharma is doing what it's doing, and that's MONEY. It all boils down to revenue $tream.

Well, certainly that's a big part of it


And government is doing what IT'S doing (lockdowns, mask mandates, vaccine campaigns) for a different reason: AUTHORITARIANISM/FASCISM. Make people depend on government handouts and regulations.



And BigTech/deep state is doing what it's doing for its own purposes: POWER. Control of all modes of communication.



And the globalists are doing what they're doing for their own purposes: DESTROY NATIONS by pitting people against each other for what is hyped as existential reasons.



It's like the Iraq invasion: there were a lot of people in power who were for it, but a lot of factions had different reasons for the same goal:

Some wanted to support the petrodollar.
Some wanted Iraq's oil.
Some wanted to surround Russia.
Some wanted to protect Israel.
Some wanted Armageddon.
Some thought Saddam was involved in 9-11.
Some thought that Saddam had WMD.
Some may have even thought they were deposing a tyrant, or spreading democracy.

Yep, and you can add all of so called Arab Spring to that, and afghanistan and that illegal action in pakistan, also syria


Everyone wanted the same action, but each faction had a different reason.

it's an alignment of evil


I feel that we're looking at the same thing now. There ARE conspiracies, but it's not one world-straddling conspiracy but a lot of big ones, simply because there are so many powerful factions that want to make use of this event for their own purposes.

I agree, it's always been that. Even when there is a grand conspiracy, there are several different people and groups angling for the role of grand conspirator. The group particularly trying to play grand conspirator in this one is the WEF, which of course means its members, who include owners of media companies and banks of issue.


They don't all have the same reasons, but they're all hopping onboard the train.

In order to jockey for the grand conspirator role, a group needs to know how to incentivize other corrupt entities


Thursday, September 2, 2021 12:02 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Been thinking about the ONE valid criticism about big pharma and the vaccination campaign, and that is:

Why haven't they invested as much money into looking at non-vaccine prevention and treatment as they have into vaccines?

Because the people doing this are scams. Scamming scammers scams.
Part of what colored my whole opinion on this entire issue was who was talking
Trump is and has always been a scammer, but not a killer. But a wheeler dealer
Biden was my neighbor, and my mom was Jill Bidens office mate for years. We always liked the Bidens fine, good honest hardworking people
So the political aspect never entered into it for me.
It's this

Fauci is a known major scam artist. He's the sleaziest person in probably the entire medical field.
Bill Gates, a man I met once, I think he believes in what he's doing, he's very socially awkward, but he is also a scam. His entire empire is and has been a litigious scam. Bill also steals other people's work and passes it off as his own. He's had weird nazi depopulation ideas that have come up in interviews, for years.

judy markowitz and luc montagnier have always struck me as honest people
Pfizer I have mixed feelings about, Moderna I didn't know well before this, but I kind of had Janssen down in my book as one of the IG Farbens of our time

The newly merged mainstream media I had begged as a giant ignorant lying machine, and the fact checkers as deliberately malicious
The health regulators were at best useless, and at worst corrupt
The WHO I had down as nazis from the get go. It seems for 50 years almost every intervention they do is related to population control, rather than helping populations
The WEF I had down as a total fucking scam
The various skeptical libertarian voices that spoke up against the vax were people i've trusted for years.

That said, when it hit, I didn't form a judgment, I looked a the science, and long before I read anyone else saying it, I thought "whoa, obvious fucking bioweapon"

You keep saying that but have never explained it in a way that made sense to me.


SIGNY: You can tell how much this means to vested interests because of the number of demonstrated and alleged scientific fraud around the issue of HCQ and ivermectin.

DT: huh? I mean, I don't see the conflict of interest with using HCQ or ivermectin. I mean, I obviously have my own personal doubts as to whether they're the right tools for the job. I have both in my medicine cabinet and I also have coronavirus and I've used neither one myself. But they're both cost based production essential medicines on the otherwise scammy WHO's essential medicines list, so there's no serious profit in either for anyone, it's probably why people were pumping them as possibilities

What I mean was, Big Pharma would have no interest in studying, promoting, or making a drug that was basically a cheap commodity drug. Where's the money in that? So they would have an interest in casting doubt on any study that showed they were beneficial.


SIGNY: There was a HUGE study, published in the Lancet IIRC that supposedly gathered data on tens (hundreds?) of thousands of patients from medical centers around the world showing that HCQ was ineffective at best and detrimental at worst. But the fraud should have been apparent to any medical researcher: too mcuh data collected and processed in too short a time by too few people, calculated by a company that only existed for 6 months. Just the sheer mechanics of getting data released from so many nations wth so many privacy laws would have precluded that timeline.

DT: I mean, I agree, but link? :) seriously though, I agree its probably a bad idea, but good to have just in case as a last resort. Both of them would be detrimental to your health.

But you know, they weren't made as suggestions for good medical reasons, they were made because the capacity to make large amounts at low cost for the world was available, and they had some effectiveness against the virus. I seriously doubt there was a profit motive there. If someone wanted to make money off this, they would have recommended a premium patented antiviral that their company owned. The fact that Pfizer didn't do this makes me think the whole thing is depopulation agenda driven, not profit driven.

SIGNY: ]Data collected from an impossible number of advanced cardiac care centers in Africa. Data from medical centers in Australia which said they never were contacted by the authors. The fraud was (apparently) so blatant that the publication had to be withdrawn.

DT: I think that needs a credible link

This may not be the best article but it was the first one that popped up. I first heard about this on Chris Martenson's video


The Lancet Retracts Hydroxychloroquine Study

une 4, 2020 - The online medical journal The Lancet has apologized to readers after retracting a study that said the anti-malarial drug hydroxychloroquine did not help to curb COVID-19 and might cause death in patients.

The study was withdrawn because the company that provided data would not provide full access to the information for a third-party peer review, saying to do so would violate client agreements and confidentiality requirements, The Lancet said in a statement.


more later

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake


Thursday, September 2, 2021 12:59 AM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
You keep saying that but have never explained it in a way that made sense to me.

What that it's an obvious bioweapon?
Old bioweapon tactic. Soviets used to use it. For a while in the 90s I worked for a company that dealt with plastics and contracted with our dept of chemical and biological weapons, because containment was an issue, and we working on similar things. Here's a recent piece on this I ran into a few days ago

but this is an obvious tactic. Most pathogens are just not universally destructive enough to ensure that they would adversely affect soldiers on the field that would make bioweapons militarily useful. Sure, they could be used for depopulation, but if it doesn't slow the invading enemy down before he shoots you, it's no use. Forcing an overactive immune response is much more effective at stopping someone in the short time. Making Phil's dad's lungs explode in 3 days is combat useful. Killing him in 8 months from a chronic lung eating viral infection is not.

The covid vaccines contain a maximum amount of impact to create the maximum immune response possible, as does the engineer pathogen, which creates its own cytokine storm. Add to that, there are possible overlaps between the genes in the virus and ones in essential human enzymes, and the obvious autoimmune responses already reported

Maximum immmune response way passed anything that's been done in the past to a protein that contains essential human genes classifies as obvious bioweapon to me


What I mean was, Big Pharma would have no interest in studying, promoting, or making a drug that was basically a cheap commodity drug. Where's the money in that? So they would have an interest in casting doubt on any study that showed they were beneficial.

Oh, yeah, agreed.


This may not be the best article but it was the first one that popped up. I first heard about this on Chris Martenson's video

The Lancet Retracts Hydroxychloroquine Study

une 4, 2020 - The online medical journal The Lancet has apologized to readers after retracting a study that said the anti-malarial drug hydroxychloroquine did not help to curb COVID-19 and might cause death in patients.

The study was withdrawn because the company that provided data would not provide full access to the information for a third-party peer review, saying to do so would violate client agreements and confidentiality requirements, The Lancet said in a statement.

So fake news. They posted a study saying it didn't help, from a non-credible source that wouldn't allow itself to be revealed and then retracted said study. Well it worked. I read a lot of skepticism on it and didn't end up taking the HCQ. Someone else who did the same may have died, who knows


Thursday, September 2, 2021 2:20 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Well, the one thing that Chris Martenson was insistent on was that, if HCQ was an antiviral, you would have to take it EARLY in the course of the illness, either as a pre-exposure prophylatic or a post-exposure prophylactic. Very early in the course of the disease. Because once the virus had replicated everywhere in your body, it was kinda late to stop it.

Just a little context on that. He looked at a lot of studies where doctors were administering high doses to people who were already on ventilators. By then it was far past the point of having any benefit and patients could only experience the long QT side effect that went with the doses that were 2000X (IIRC) the standard anti-malarial dose.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake


Thursday, September 2, 2021 2:37 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

FROM your Lew Rockwell link:


This is why it is important to understand that under this treaty gene-splicing and DNA manipulation used in the recent CRISPR technology and Covid-19 mRNA vaccines is illegal.
DNA manipulation using CRISPER technology is illegal, not bc of a bioweapons treaty but bc scientists have agreed that it is immoral. (However, a Chinese scientist DID perform genetic manipulation on two fetuses, leading to healthy births. Long story that nobody has followed up with.)

HOWEVER, I don't know that mRNA manipulation is "illegal". I tried searching on "mRNA contravene bioweapons treaty" and except for a lot of woo-woo consipracy theories, I couldn't find any reference to any treaty, law, or regulation concerning mRNA-work.

I suppose it COULD be used to prompt the ribosomes to make problematic proteins, but since the virus (and most of its variants) have been fully sequenced, and the mRNA vaccines represent only the spike portion (S)of the full viral genome, which also included the envelope (E), membrane (M), and nucleocapsid (N) proteins, the vaccine should be significantly less problematic than the full viral challenge.

BTW, without the rest of the genomic sequence, the virus can't replicate.

Anyway, I intend to read your links further.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake


Thursday, September 2, 2021 3:34 AM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Well, the one thing that Chris Martenson was insistent on was that, if HCQ was an antiviral, you would have to take it EARLY in the course of the illness, either as a pre-exposure prophylatic or a post-exposure prophylactic. Very early in the course of the disease. Because once the virus had replicated everywhere in your body, it was kinda late to stop it.

Not sure that makes sense. I waited a month to take antivirals and they worked just fine. I didn't take HCQ though because of the dubiousness of studies. I took some herbals. Fucoidan was the most effective. Silymarin seemed to have some effect, and Hesperidin and Artemisinin. I also took EGCG, Boswellia and Berberine as anti-inflammatories. This overall seems to annihilate the covid19 in about a week, after getting nowhere for a month. I added a GcMAF to the mix to keep my low level immune response strong. I was specifically trying to defeat it that way to avoid the high level immune response that can lead to autoimmune disorders. I figured anything you could get from the spike in the vax you can get from the spike in the actual virus. I'm not sure it's gone yet, but I think it is, I'm going to keep taking my regimen for a while anyway just in case.


Just a little context on that. He looked at a lot of studies where doctors were administering high doses to people who were already on ventilators. By then it was far past the point of having any benefit and patients could only experience the long QT side effect that went with the doses that were 2000X (IIRC) the standard anti-malarial dose.

Yeah, I got why. I just think the length of illness isn't a factor. Respirator is the wrong response to this condition. It's endothelial inflammation, it really should be treated with anti-inflammatories first. Not only can you get more air into the lungs like this, you will also not need it. You can reduce the heart rate and increase the efficiency of the heart with a stronger pulse. There are so many variables between incoming air and distribution of blood oxygen and most of them are not even directly related to the lungs. The major inhibitory effect on o2 here is done by the silencing of vasoconstriction by the loss of ACE2 receptors.

I just think the people who came up with ventilators as a solution to covid were just, not the people who should have been on the problem. It's not that "you reach that stage" that just fails to understand how this disease progresses. 90% or more of the damage is inflammation, and 80% at least of that is cardiac and not pulmonary. All of this has the same effect of lowering o2 sat, but I think if you correct all the other factors and you still need a ventilator, with the way this virus does damage, your patient is already dead. But like Phil's dad. No way 3 days in the virus has done that might cellular damage layer by layer. It's inflammation causing that problem. What I did in my own case, I was definitely having serious trouble breathing, but I took a heart first approach, and an inflammation first approach, then once i had stabilized the o2 and HR I went researching on the antivirals.


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
FROM your Lew Rockwell link:

This is why it is important to understand that under this treaty gene-splicing and DNA manipulation used in the recent CRISPR technology and Covid-19 mRNA vaccines is illegal.

DNA manipulation using CRISPER technology is illegal, not bc of a bioweapons treaty but bc scientists have agreed that it is immoral. (However, a Chinese scientist DID perform genetic manipulation on two fetuses, leading to healthy births. Long story that nobody has followed up with.)

HOWEVER, I don't know that mRNA manipulation is "illegal". I tried searching on "mRNA contravene bioweapons treaty" and except for a lot of woo-woo consipracy theories, I couldn't find any reference to any treaty, law, or regulation concerning mRNA-work.

There are some, but Igor is wrong, I caught that, but I thought it was nitpicky. He's a russian writing about american dubious medical research, and he's not wrong that it was dubious. The NIH pulled its funding and the FBI was investigating, it got to the point where the companies fled to Wuhan to avoid an american smack down.

In the right circumstances, mRNA research would not be considered inappropriate, like the gene therapy treatments they do in brain cancer, where they're trying to restore a normal human gene functioning to cells which have lost that gene, in patients with a 0% survival chance without treatment. But this circumstance was not that circumstance, it was rampantly executing code written by a corporation on the global human genome, even if it's a one time execution of code, that's still not okay


I suppose it COULD be used to prompt the ribosomes to make problematic proteins, but since the virus (and most of its variants) have been fully sequenced, and the mRNA vaccines represent only the spike portion (S)of the full viral genome, which also included the envelope (E), membrane (M), and nucleocapsid (N) proteins, the vaccine should be significantly less problematic than the full viral challenge.

Oh, it could be incredibly bad. It could code lysogenic viruses or prions. In this case, the spike protein is bad enough, because it's Carpenters the Thing. If something attacks that, the patient is fucked. If nothing attacks it, the patient is fucked.


BTW, without the rest of the genomic sequence, the virus can't replicate.

um, i used to work in this field. I got that. the virus itself is not the main threat, the errant immune response to a spike that overlaps a number of human genes is the threat. Also there seems to be a problem with making normal human tissue generate the spike, which is that the immune system attacks that cell line. I'm willing to bet that this is what happened to Phil's dad, that the lung cells executed the mRNA instructions and made the spike, and then the immune system attacked the lung cells. I'm guessing this because I've seen a couple similar cases online already, one who had his liver destroyed in this fashion, and another who had non-organ related blood vessels that were attacked.

The main problem with all this technology is even if the scientists making the vaccine were not in on some evil Gates plot to reduce world population, a plot which i think exists, but a plan which doesn't work if everyone has to be in on it, because people wouldn't, but even well meaning scientists should not be doing this, because it's experimental tech which is then uploaded and run on the entire human race before it's been tested. Please let's see a hundred generations of mice go through this, see what happens.

I have the feeling if the answer is "the mouse's lungs exploded" there might be some pause and back to the drawing board before we tried it in humans. It was at the very best totally fucking irresponsible.


Thursday, September 2, 2021 5:36 AM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
(However, a Chinese scientist DID perform genetic manipulation on two fetuses, leading to healthy births. Long story that nobody has followed up with.)

A Chinese scientist CLAIMED to have successfully used CRISPER-Cas9 to modify embryos. Other experiments have shown that modifying an embryo very early in development - that you would need to do to have the genetic changes present in all cells in the adults - result in serious unintended DNA alterations, developmental problems in the embryo, and non-viable embryos.

As for the supposed letter it's so full of basic biological misstatements I don't even know where to begin to discuss it.


Thursday, September 2, 2021 7:25 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


(However, a Chinese scientist DID perform genetic manipulation on two fetuses, leading to healthy births. Long story that nobody has followed up with.)

KIKI: A Chinese scientist CLAIMED to have successfully used CRISPER-Cas9 to modify embryos. Other experiments have shown that modifying an embryo very early in development - that you would need to do to have the genetic changes present in all cells in the adults - result in serious unintended DNA alterations, developmental problems in the embryo, and non-viable embryos.

I guess that explains the lack of followup, then!

All I saw was the splashy headlines in the M$M.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake


Thursday, September 2, 2021 7:39 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

SIGNYM: FROM your Lew Rockwell link:


This is why it is important to understand that under this treaty gene-splicing and DNA manipulation used in the recent CRISPR technology and Covid-19 mRNA vaccines is illegal.
DNA manipulation using CRISPER technology is illegal, not bc of a bioweapons treaty but bc scientists have agreed that it is immoral. (However, a Chinese scientist DID perform genetic manipulation on two fetuses, leading to healthy births. Long story that nobody has followed up with.)

EDITED TO ADD: KIKI has pointed out that Chinese claims of direct DNA manipulation was debunked.

HOWEVER, I don't know that mRNA manipulation is "illegal". I tried searching on "mRNA contravene bioweapons treaty" and except for a lot of woo-woo consipracy theories, I couldn't find any reference to any treaty, law, or regulation concerning mRNA-work.
I suppose it COULD be used to prompt the ribosomes to make problematic proteins, but since the virus (and most of its variants) have been fully sequenced, and the mRNA vaccines represent only the spike portion (S)of the full viral genome, which also included the envelope (E), membrane (M), and nucleocapsid (N) proteins, the vaccine should be significantly less problematic than the full viral challenge.

BTW, without the rest of the genomic sequence, the virus can't replicate.
Anyway, I intend to read your links further.


So, continuing my careful readings of your links. RE the Lew Rockwell letter, Bioweapons Convention

forbids States Parties from developing, producing, stockpiling, or otherwise acquiring biological agents or toxins that have no justification for peaceful or defensive purposes;

forbids States Parties from developing, producing, stockpiling, or otherwise acquiring equipment to deliver biological agents or toxins for hostile purposes;...

... protects the rights of States Parties to exchange equipment, materials, and scientific and technological information for peaceful purposes in order to avoid hampering their economic and technological development;...

Nowhere does it prohibit gene or mRNA therapy.


From the Lew Rockwell link


In the nucleus, the proteins are made from the mRNA sequence in a process known as translation.
Proteins are assembled by RNA IN RIBOSOMES, NOT IN THE NUCLEUS.

The three roles of RNA

That fundamental misunderstanding colors everything that comes after. There is a CONSTANT conflation of RNA and DNA, which is being used to drive fears of "genetic modifications".


From the Lew Rockwell link


They also found the way to effectively hijack the body’s natural immune processes by producing overstimulation of the immune system through the “reprogramming”
Evidence-free claim.

of the human immune system responses to those manmade-modified external pathogens. The over stimulation of the body’s immune system was purposed to cause serious immunological reactions and remove the body’s responsibility to release antibodies
Antibodies are NOT cytokines. This has nothing to do with 'cytokine storm'

when the body decided to do so. Once the immune system was continuously in overdrive and self-exhausted (similar example of self-exhaust would be like a cancer patient whose immune system gets depleted from chemo-therapy), the body weakened and became susceptible to mild infections, like a cold, and could no longer fight off infections. For the Soviets, this breakthrough became important “silent warfare” for mass destruction.



And so, should we blindly trust them after knowing mRNA technology was initially developed and used by the Soviets to harm and destroy whole populations?
And so, should we trust this author who CLAIMS to know about Soviet biowarfare technology but makes fundamental errors about biology and countless baseless claims?



Do we ignore the fact Covid vaccine ingredients use aborted fetal cells which could potentially initiate cancer and autoimmune system shifts within the vaccinated?

They do not.

This is where I gave up reading carefully.
The author, some guy named "igor", constantly pounds on Soviet biowarfare to put us, the reader, into a paranoid frame of mind, then makes numerous errors about biology, unsubstantiated claims, if not outright lies, about mRNA vaccines.

Sorry, I wanted to go thru the letter in detail, but there is just too much ridiculousness, manipulation, and hyperventilation.

You say you used to work in this field, DT. If you did, you would have caught his basic errors. You also said you were a tomato farmer and that you descended from European nobility.

I respect your imagination bc unfettered imagination is a powerful force. OTOH I don't trust your opinions because unfettered imagination is untied from reality. Like everything else I read about, it has to be backed up by EVIDENCE. Absent that, it's just speculation.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake


Thursday, September 2, 2021 8:11 AM


All I know from this thread right now is that there are reams of information about the virus and the vaccine that not 0.001% of the dummies that got vaccinated have any clue about.


Vaccinated People: "You need to get muh vaccination shots that don't work because I got muh vaccination shots that don't work and I'm afraid of people that didn't get muh vaccination shots that don't work because muh vaccination shots that don't work don't work."


Thursday, September 2, 2021 8:21 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
All I know from this thread right now is that there are reams of MISinformation about the virus and the vaccine that not 0.001% of the dummies that got vaccinated have any clue about.


Vaccinated People: "You need to get muh vaccination shots that don't work because I got muh vaccination shots that don't work and I'm afraid of people that didn't get muh vaccination shots that don't work because muh vaccination shots that don't work don't work."


The frothing and hyperventilation about the vaccine is just like the frothing and hyperventilation about TRUMP!RUSSIA!

In fact, if you read the Lew Rockwell letter, you'll see more frothing about SOVIETS!RUSSIA! It's almost as if the author want to tag along on a previous disinformation campaign to bolster his own disinformation campaign.

I come back to what I've posted several times already: There are serious CONFLICTING national and commercial interests at play.

If J&J detected somethng hinky in the Pfizer/BNT vaccine, do you seriously think they would let it pass??? If China and Russia detected anything hinky in any western vaccine, do you seriously think they would let it pass??? (And yes, I DO read English-language versions of Russian and Chinese press.)


Oh, BTW, SIX - AFA gene sequencing is concerned. everything I know about it comes from what I read about the human genome sequencing project, way back when, when it was occuring. (Previous knowledge, untainted by current political controversies.)

The four nucleic acids that make up DNA are, for convenience, represented by letters: A, C, G, and T

These nucleic acids are in a (mostly) linear sequence, in which the order is meaningful. Here is a random example sequence


If you want to know the sequence, you break up the DNA, starting with (for example) and enzyme that breaks the TG bond, so you wind up with

You don't know what order these go in, so you then break up the DNA with an enzyme that breaks the AC bond



The challenge is writing software that can put all of these in order. There was a race between Craig Venter, who had formed a private company in 1998 because he wanted to patent the human genome, and a university-based effort, which relied on the programming efforts of one dedicated free software programmer.

Altho the discovery was declared a "tie", it was my impression at the time that the university-based effort had actually won the race. Here is a broad-brush history.

So, in a previous video by [some guy] who [claims to be the] [biggest underwriter of intagible assets around the world] he complains, at some point, that DNA information is "interleaved" and that we don't really know the sequence.

That problem has apparently been solved lo these many years ago.

Anyway, that's my understanding of the process. RNA is sequenced similarly, altho it is made of somehwat different building blocks.

The point being that all of this knowledge ...
the role of DNA and RNA in protein synthesis [DNA makes RNA and RNA makes protein was known 50 years ago],
how to sequence DNA and RNA,
where DNA and RNA are active, and where they are not.
"epigenetic" factors that turn DNA on and off, etc ...

were known long before Covid-19 reared its ugly head. That knowledge is not tainted by current political considerations. There is some basic knowledge that must be stipulated when discussing SARS-CoV2, and if not stipulated must be backed by evidence ["Extraordiary claims must be backed by extraordinary evidence"]

Show me the evidence.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake


Thursday, September 2, 2021 10:54 AM



In the nucleus, the proteins are made from the mRNA sequence in a process known as translation.
Proteins are assembled by RNA IN RIBOSOMES, NOT IN THE NUCLEUS.

Yes, obviously, so he's wrong. But why are you assassinating the russian? it's not an article about science, his point is that the work shows signs of being copied from a soviet bioweapons program. I mean, you don't need this article anyway to see that it's a bioweapon, I was just pointing out that it was known information that programming an overactive immune response to the point of being potentially fatal was a bioweapon tactic.


That fundamental misunderstanding colors everything that comes after. There is a CONSTANT conflation of RNA and DNA, which is being used to drive fears of "genetic modifications".

no, it doesn't. the authors claim is not that the person is being altered, it's that it's bioweaponry, which it is



They also found the way to effectively hijack the body’s natural immune processes by producing overstimulation of the immune system through the “reprogramming”

Evidence-free claim.

Why are you hating this russian guy. And don't pretend you didn't follow that logic, you can't know enough to post the rest of the things you posted here and not get the point that even the temporary execution of non-nucleic code to produce the toxic spike protein would cause the immune system to overreact, mistake other tissues for the spike protein, as that spike protein is designed to do, and additionally we know that the response is so overpowered the immune system attacks the specific tissue that is executing the mRNA code causing destruction of that tissue in an autoimmune fashion which is why Phil's dad's lungs exploded, it's why we have 800,000 reports of just this sort of attack in an official report I just posted from the industry itself.

We do know this already. You know this already. You're arguing semantics to shoot down a point that you already agree with by wrapping it in the collective misunderstanding that the vaccine rewrites your DNA which we all know it doesn't, but that doesn't mean the point is not true about the mRNA transcription in the cell of the vaccine code causing the toxic effect observed in the 800,000 reports because you already know that it does.


Antibodies are NOT cytokines. This has nothing to do with 'cytokine storm'

We all know how the immune system works. the cytokine storm brings the immune response that results in the dendrites et al collecting and creating the antibody reponse. If anyone here does not know how it works, here's a simple video


And so, should we trust this author who CLAIMS to know about Soviet biowarfare technology but makes fundamental errors about biology and countless baseless claims?

fair criticism, and this occurred to me, so he knows about the program but was not the scientist. I got that. Maybe he's making it up and Lew has been had.
I ran into the piece a few days ago and you had asked how this was related to bioweapons. It's how you do bioweapons. AIDS would make a terrible battlefield bioweapon. The common cold would be more effective in disabling the enemy troops. my only point was this is how bioweapons work, and I don't need argue it, we already know it was classified as bioweapons research when they were doing it here.


You say you used to work in this field, DT. If you did, you would have caught his basic errors. You also said you were a tomato farmer and that you descended from European nobility.

I did catch them. I haven't grown tomatoes in years. I think everyone is descended from european nobility. I don't know why that came up. They fuck a lot.

But your argument here is based on demonizing the opposition rather
than disproving the point because you know the point is correct. I think this offended russia is why you lashed out by saying the soviets had a bioweapons program which you know they did. IDK if Igor was in it or not, he claims to be. I'm not hinging anything on the credibility of igor, I only posted it to back up the idea that yes bioweapons can be designed to affect the immune response.

That was pointlessly exhausting. You already agree with every point and you just argued a ton of semantics with me.


Thursday, September 2, 2021 10:54 AM



the law is not a system of videogame rules. It's founded on a concept called "the spirit of the law" which is "what was the lawmakers' intent" when writing the law. I don't really specifically care whether a russian writing about a soviet bioweapons program offhandedly gets our law wrong, but we do have laws against bioterrorism, which the application of here had already reached the point where the team was spooked enough that they moved from chapel hill NC to wuhan china. So whether we, or the authorities, or some russian think that they were violating the law, the perpetrators themsevles were quite sure they were violating the law. look up the gain of function research also.

This vaccine was already patented before the outbreak occurred. research was done over 20 years, it's a SARS outbreak with a SARS vaccine made in early 2019, and the outbreak was almost certainly the intentional release of the pathogen. I'm sure the biden administration already knows this, which is why I posted the thread about Avril Haines, because her comments betray that we already know this.

The issue of the conspiracy theory is that since our team moved from chapel hill nc to wuhan china where the outbreak later occurred, and were working on the mrna vaccine and also the coronavirus gain of function, as soon as we had the patented vaccine, we released the virus ourselves. I'd say this is 99% likely.

So the technicals of where they were or weren't breaking the law is immaterial as they do damn well they were breaking the law, and violating international treaties. I don't think they'd be okay by Chinese law either, but they'd been here since 2002, and then they moved to China in 2018, so chinese authorities would have to have been more on to them in a year than americans in 20 years.


Thursday, September 2, 2021 11:27 AM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
All I know from this thread right now is that there are reams of MISinformation about the virus and the vaccine that not 0.001% of the dummies that got vaccinated have any clue about.


You didn't fix it.

Both statements are true.

How many people do you think that got the shot know 1/1000th of the information and/or misinformation that you do?


Vaccinated People: "You need to get muh vaccination shots that don't work because I got muh vaccination shots that don't work and I'm afraid of people that didn't get muh vaccination shots that don't work because muh vaccination shots that don't work don't work."


Thursday, September 2, 2021 11:47 AM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
All I know from this thread right now is that there are reams of information about the virus and the vaccine that not 0.001% of the dummies that got vaccinated have any clue about.


Vaccinated People: "You need to get muh vaccination shots that don't work because I got muh vaccination shots that don't work and I'm afraid of people that didn't get muh vaccination shots that don't work because muh vaccination shots that don't work don't work."

Basically. I mean that's why I called them vaxtards. They injected themselves with a bioweapon without first knowing what it was that they were injecting themselves with. Now I don't feel that's appropriate if they looked the information up and were lied to. But I think most people didn't. Tjey were like "doc, this stops the bad bad?" And doc said "yep kiddo, it stops the bad bad. now i gotta do the jab jab and they you go home"

Problem is,


you clearly have enough understanding of the topic to get my point and you're intentionally dodging it. which means that you're creating a disingenuous argument to dodge around debating facts that you know are true. So why argue against information you is true? At this point, I'm giving up. You get it, you know what's going on, and you just need to re-examine your own psychological investment as to why you're backing up corporations that you know to be corrupt who are conducting bioware, who you know to be conducting biowarfare, and that may endanger you and yours.

I didn't come here to win a debate for political gain, I posted this to save lives. You now have enough information to save yourself and others. If you choose not to do so, then that's on you.


Thursday, September 2, 2021 11:50 AM



Originally posted by DREAMTROVE:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
All I know from this thread right now is that there are reams of information about the virus and the vaccine that not 0.001% of the dummies that got vaccinated have any clue about.


Vaccinated People: "You need to get muh vaccination shots that don't work because I got muh vaccination shots that don't work and I'm afraid of people that didn't get muh vaccination shots that don't work because muh vaccination shots that don't work don't work."

Basically. I mean that's why I called them vaxtards. They injected themselves with a bioweapon without first knowing what it was that they were injecting themselves with. Now I don't feel that's appropriate if they looked the information up and were lied to. But I think most people didn't. Tjey were like "doc, this stops the bad bad?" And doc said "yep kiddo, it stops the bad bad. now i gotta do the jab jab and they you go home"

Problem is,


you clearly have enough understanding of the topic to get my point and you're intentionally dodging it. which means that you're creating a disingenuous argument to dodge around debating facts that you know are true. So why argue against information you is true? At this point, I'm giving up. You get it, you know what's going on, and you just need to re-examine your own psychological investment as to why you're backing up corporations that you know to be corrupt who are conducting bioware, who you know to be conducting biowarfare, and that may endanger you and yours.

I didn't come here to win a debate for political gain, I posted this to save lives. You now have enough information to save yourself and others. If you choose not to do so, then that's on you.

That's why I don't have to bother wasting any of my time reading anything about this virus or its vaccine.

It was made by liars, and pushed by liars to the people who get lied to every day of their lives.


Vaccinated People: "You need to get muh vaccination shots that don't work because I got muh vaccination shots that don't work and I'm afraid of people that didn't get muh vaccination shots that don't work because muh vaccination shots that don't work don't work."


Thursday, September 2, 2021 1:03 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by DREAMTROVESiggie
you clearly have enough understanding of the topic to get my point and you're intentionally dodging it. which means that you're creating a disingenuous argument to dodge around debating facts that you know are true.

So far, DREAMTROVE, you have not brought true facts about the vaccine to the board.

It is not transmissible.
It does not contain fetal cells.
It has not- so far- been shown to change DNA, and is unlikely to do so.
It has no overlap with syncytin.
No overlap with the human genome has been demonstrated, thus it is unlikely to cause autoimmune response.
NO institution - commercial or national- with a compelling competing interest has ever brought any criticism to the public about the fundamental nature of the vaccine.


YES, there was all kinds of research going on with SARS [and other viruses] long before SARS-Cov2. That is the nature of research!

YES, there is a cabal of extremely powerful psychopaths who want to rule - oh, and btw, depopulate- the world.

But intentions alone don't accomplish goals. If that were true, then Soros and Gates and Schwab would already have depopulated the world! As powerful as they are, they have to act in the real world, through real mechanisms, that leave real evidence. So as much as their intentions are evil ... and I will grant you that all day long and twice on Sunday that these people are evil megalomaniacs... they are not omnipotent. Their fantassies and desires don't come true automatically.

Again, please bring EVIDENCE to the board on how this vaccine is a "bioweapon". Show me HOW it is supposed to do what you claim.

Thank you!

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake


Thursday, September 2, 2021 1:08 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


the vax is not self-replicating (as well as not being transmissible)
you can't spray it from the air and expect people to be vaxed


Thursday, September 2, 2021 1:12 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


All I know from this thread right now is that there are reams of information about the virus and the vaccine that not 0.001% of the dummies that got vaccinated have any clue about.

DREAMTROVE: Basically. I mean that's why I called them vaxtards. They injected themselves with a bioweapon without first knowing what it was that they were injecting themselves with. Now I don't feel that's appropriate if they looked the information up and were lied to. But I think most people didn't. Tjey were like "doc, this stops the bad bad?" And doc said "yep kiddo, it stops the bad bad. now i gotta do the jab jab and they you go home"

Problem is,
you clearly have enough understanding of the topic to get my point and you're intentionally dodging it. which means that you're creating a disingenuous argument to dodge around debating facts that you know are true. So why argue against information you is true? At this point, I'm giving up. You get it, you know what's going on, and you just need to re-examine your own psychological investment as to why you're backing up corporations that you know to be corrupt who are conducting bioware, who you know to be conducting biowarfare, and that may endanger you and yours.

I didn't come here to win a debate for political gain, I posted this to save lives. You now have enough information to save yourself and others. If you choose not to do so, then that's on you.

SIX: That's why I don't have to bother wasting any of my time reading anything about this virus or its vaccine.

It was made by liars, and pushed by liars to the people who get lied to every day of their lives.

Well, SIX you also claime the virus is "nothing".

If so, then the vaccine is LESS THAN nothing.

I'm sure this was all started by some [possibly evil-intentioned] escaped experiment.
At this point, tho, governments (which have a somewhat different focus that the Davos crowd) are floundering on how to get a handle on this escapee which, being single-stranded RNA, mutates rather easily and has managed to evade all attempts at control.

It's a great money-maker for Big Pharma in the west.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake


Thursday, September 2, 2021 1:52 PM



I said I was done, and I'm done. Sorry

You clearly have enough facts to arrive at the conclusion. That's all I was here to do. You can choose not to admit the conclusion. But that doesn't mean you have not arrived there. You did arrive there. And you're just arguing for the sake of arguing. With two sockpuppets.


Originally posted by SIGNYM:

So far, DREAMTROVE, you have not brought true facts about the vaccine to the board.

It is not transmissible.
It does not contain fetal cells.
It has not- so far- been shown to change DNA, and is unlikely to do so.
It has no overlap with syncytin.
No overlap with the human genome has been demonstrated, thus it is unlikely to cause autoimmune response.
NO institution - commercial or national- with a compelling competing interest has ever brought any criticism to the public about the fundamental nature of the vaccine.

Okay, one at a time , but not debating this. This is an undead argument at this point.


It is not transmissible.

never said it was, this is your claim, not mine

It does not contain fetal cells.

again, your claim, not mine

It has not- so far- been shown to change DNA, and is unlikely to do so.
also not mine


It has no overlap with syncytin.

obviously it does. you can read the fact check written by morons for morons that belongs to the vaccine companies, or you can dig through all the science. or you can read a number of reports out there who say "not enough overlap" which would be true if the vax didn't cause dozens of separate immune attacks. Fact is, the vaxed have this problem. Guy came into my shop and said "no, it was fine, I got the vax, and nothing happened. That guy smells like a rotting corpse. Everyone else can smell it and can't stand to be near him now. But he doesn't smell it. He thinks he's fine. He's a fricking zombie.

fact check

fact check never says something's false unless it's already proven true

some science that doesn't contain arguments if you want to do the research yourself

I spent 5 minutes looking for this piece easlier that said "small overlap" and was on a pro-vax page, i think there is a lot of that about, i didn't find it, but i read at least two. The thing about small overlap is dozens of separate attacks creates the 20% i see in "one in five smells like old people" and then it all just makes intuitive sense for the love of god. So, if everyone gets their boosters, it'll be 100% eventually. Or 95% which is the kill ratio bill gates said he wanted

No overlap with the human genome has been demonstrated, thus it is unlikely to cause autoimmune response.

I just posted to you 800,000 such cases earlier in this thread. So it doesn't matter what it is or isn't theoretically, it's admitted reality but the industry's own data collection


NO institution - commercial or national- with a compelling competing interest has ever brought any criticism to the public about the fundamental nature of the vaccine.

not even sure what this claim is supposed to me. the US govt kicked them out. They're still banned in belarus. interestingly where that research was being done in theory.


YES, there was all kinds of research going on with SARS [and other viruses] long before SARS-Cov2. That is the nature of research!

YES, there is a cabal of extremely powerful psychopaths who want to rule - oh, and btw, depopulate- the world.

But intentions alone don't accomplish goals. If that were true, then Soros and Gates and Schwab would already have depopulated the world! As powerful as they are, they have to act in the real world, through real mechanisms, that leave real evidence. So as much as their intentions are evil ... and I will grant you that all day long and twice on Sunday that these people are evil megalomaniacs... they are not omnipotent. Their fantassies and desires don't come true automatically.

no, they only have to get to the point where they can trick you into doing it to yourself. and they have. sorry, you lost.


Again, please bring EVIDENCE to the board on how this vaccine is a "bioweapon". Show me HOW it is supposed to do what you claim.

Thank you!

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

this ended, i showed you many times, and it's in the videos and the transcript you posted. It's clear. these investigations caused themto move to wuhan. it's also circumstantial that all the people "fighting" this thing were also building the vax, and also building the virus, who also set up the event 201 simulation directly before the virus was release, and if you haven't watched that, watch it, the whole thing is 3 hours, and it's on their own website

just intuit how creepy the whole situation is. everything they do in this video in simulation, they later did in reality, including inventing the concept and campaign against "misinformation and disinformation" campaign which of course don't exist and have no reason to exist.

I'm done debating this now. I have overabundantly proven the point and you have gotten the point, and basically you already agree. You're just using bully tactics to keep your pride victory point so you can tally on the wall the siggie won the debate game points for the high score

It doesn't matter what the neckbeard pride says, it matters that people die

This vaccine took them 20 years like any normal vaccine, it's a pancorona vaccine that they developed to replace the flu shot no one was getting because no one was afraid of the flu, so they needed a new plague, so they kept releasing corona, as SARS, as MERS, and now as COVID so they could get the lemming sheeple to exterminate themselves for the glory of pa hitler

it's always been the plan. that's why they don't object to it. the ruling elites have been in on this plan since the 17th century

we just had to get dumb enough to fall for it

now wake the fuck up

i'm done


Thursday, September 2, 2021 3:26 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

I'm going to jump in right about now.


Originally posted by DREAMTROVE:
"It has no overlap with syncytin"
obviously it does.

No, it doesn't. I even posted the genetic sequences of both, along with the 3-d structures. There is no overlap.

which would be true if the vax didn't cause dozens of separate immune attacks
Such as? Links? BTW, the list of supposed vaccination problems was merely a list of things people noted after the vaccine.

"I got the vaccine, and I got a cold". Well I could link a bunch of things in time that have no cause-and-effect relation of one to the other. I got up, and I saw the sky was cloudy. He sneezed, and his car wouldn't start. They sang a song, and there was a small earthquake. Believe it of not, things happen in sequence over time that have no cause-and-effect relationship with each other, at all.

Guy came into my shop and said "no, it was fine, I got the vax, and nothing happened. That guy smells like a rotting corpse. Everyone else can smell it and can't stand to be near him now. But he doesn't smell it. He thinks he's fine. He's a fricking zombie.
For one thing, the 2-nonenal 'smell' you originally claimed came from the vaccine (or was it the virus?) smells nothing like a rotting corpse. And do you know what he normally smelled like, by any chance? Or do you think he might have just eaten eggs, or cheese, and needed to brush his teeth? I can think of a lot of reasons why someone might smell bad, either chronically or temporarily, that have nothing to do with 2-nonenal or a vaccine.

As to the links you posted that you seem to think indicate a relation between spike protein and syncytin ...
This link doesn't at all address any viral spike protein at all or SARS-CoV-2 at all. It addresses the envelope protein of non-specified viruses. So it fails to draw any relevance to syncytin and SARS-CoV-2 spike protein. Furthermore, you've fundamentally misunderstood that there are different proteins in SARS-CoV-2 by equating them. Spike proteins and envelope proteins are very different proteins. "The coronaviral genome contains four major structural proteins: the spike (S), membrane (M), envelope (E) and the nucleocapsid (N) protein"

This link actually denies any similarity between syncytin-1 and spike protein, it's stated right up front.

And this link talks about a potential similarity with a sodium protein channel IN SKIN and the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein, not with syncytin.

I don't know what you think you're proving with these links, but maybe you should look further, "if you want to do the research yourself ".

No overlap with the human genome has been demonstrated, thus it is unlikely to cause autoimmune response.
I just posted to you 800,000 such cases earlier in this thread.

See above.

NO institution - commercial or national- with a compelling competing interest has ever brought any criticism to the public about the fundamental nature of the vaccine.
not even sure what this claim is supposed to [be].

The argument is clear. The companies that are making vaccines are in hard economic competition with each other. For sure they're reverse-engineering the vaccines of their competitors. If any company found something suspicious about another vaccine, it would be in their economic interest to blow the whistle on that competing vaccine and torpedo it - thus, to be tedious but explicitly clear, reducing economic competition.

the US govt kicked them out. They're still banned in belarus. interestingly where that research was being done in theory.

But intentions alone don't accomplish goals. ... they have to act in the real world, through real mechanisms, that leave real evidence.
no, they only have to get to the point where they can trick you into doing it to yourself.

You're focusing on intentions, without evidencing the 'it' you claim. That's the point of Signy's post - your abundance of claims (hyperbole) and lack of evidence.

it's also circumstantial that all the people "fighting" this thing were also building the vax
Technically the Chinese were working on a virus - maybe, or maybe not, this virus.

I have overabundantly proven ...
Yet you claim to be posting hyperbole. ...

the point and you have gotten the point ...
Which point is that? You've made many shifting and often conflicting points even in this very post that I'm responding to (for example, the 2-nonenal smell is nothing like a rotting corpse smell and yet you claim they are the same ... or they both indicate COVID ... or maybe the vax ... or something).


This vaccine took them 20 years like any normal vaccine ...
You haven't been following the progress made in developing other new vaccines in a very short time then.

... it's a pancorona vaccine that they developed ...
Then they've cured the common cold! As proof of your claim, or hyperbole(bullshit), I should expect that the common cold is now mostly vanquished! I'll wait to see if that happens.






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