Elections; 2024

UPDATED: Wednesday, January 15, 2025 11:59
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Sunday, June 25, 2023 7:27 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

You'd be surprised, Theodore.

A lot of women, believe it or not, aren't on board with en masse murdering of babies.

If you elect Trump, you will get a national ban on abortion. No state will have legal abortion, no matter what the majority of that state wants. Such a Federal law would be upheld as Constitutional by the Republican-controlled Supreme Court.

Donald Trump marked the one-year anniversary of the end of Roe v. Wade by adopting new language and endorsing the idea of national abortion restrictions.

Trump, who has previously discussed abortion as more of a state issue, told the cheering members of the Faith and Freedom Coalition "I will fight for you like no president ever" on the abortion issue.

Why stop with banning abortion? Ban Disney. Make it a Federal law that climate change is a hoax. Declare war on Ukraine if it refuses to surrender to Putin. Trump said he could end that war in one day and that's the fastest way to do it.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Sunday, June 25, 2023 9:47 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Trump says Democrats are "executing babies after birth" in one of his wildest speeches


The ranting about “communism” from Trump and the right is unsettlingly familiar.

In 1945, Dönitz (Hitler's political successor) sounded exactly the same as the leaders of the Republican Party today. Here’s what Trump recently said again:

“At the end of the day, either the Communists destroy America, or we destroy the Communists.” (Trump is calling Democrats Communists)

And here are more of Dönitz’s words:

“It is my first task to save the German people from destruction by the Bolsheviks.”

It’s tough to know how exactly to feel about this. It may be the case that ultra-right wing political rhetoric always reaches this destination, but only occasionally explodes in a farrago of mass murder.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Sunday, June 25, 2023 6:49 PM



Originally posted by second:
Trump says Democrats are "executing babies after birth" in one of his wildest speeches

Where have you been. This extreme has actually happened. It's the reason you lost Roe v Wade in the first place.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Tuesday, June 27, 2023 9:21 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by second:
Trump says Democrats are "executing babies after birth" in one of his wildest speeches

Where have you been. This extreme has actually happened. It's the reason you lost Roe v Wade in the first place.

Trumptards' "reality" is fake all the way. But then that is expected since Trumptards want and need to be fooled:

The Con Artists Who Blame Ukraine Aid for America’s Social Problems

RFK Jr., Glenn Greenwald, and other Putin apologists are making disingenuous, pseudo-populist arguments against U.S. support for Ukraine.

A scene of squalor unfolds as the camera moves along a city street lined with apparent drug addicts to the soundtrack of Childish Gambino’s “This Is America.” A caption reads, “While American citizens live on the streets and take drugs not to feel the pain, the United States would rather finance a proxy war against Russia,” while a bar graph says the U.S. has sent $46.6 billion in military aid to Ukraine.

The video, on TikTok, is but one of the countless posts across social media that convey the same underlying message: By helping Ukraine defend itself from bloody subjugation by Russia, the U.S. is depriving its own citizens of critical aid. This pernicious narrative has spread in part thanks to fringe yet popular media and political figures who already had a history of littering the discourse with Kremlinesque talking points, and who now have weaponized and monetized the perception that the U.S. has been too generous to Ukraine and too stingy to its own people.

More at

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Tuesday, June 27, 2023 10:12 AM



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by second:
Trump says Democrats are "executing babies after birth" in one of his wildest speeches

Where have you been. This extreme has actually happened. It's the reason you lost Roe v Wade in the first place.


Invalid reply to the argument.

Try again.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Tuesday, June 27, 2023 10:37 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

The GOP Is Scrambled On Its Anti-Abortion Message

The right to abortion is only getting more popular among voters. The GOP candidates are only getting more extreme.

It was clear which candidate was being pressed to further specify his position on federal abortion legislation.

It’s Donald Trump. And to be blunt, it is hard to believe that Trump, on a personal level, gives a shit about abortion. (We’ll leave it to others to speculate about his personal history with the practice.)

And yet the former president has had a successful transactional relationship with the religious right. He nominated loads of judicial candidates, up to and through the Supreme Court, who’ve spent every waking moment of their lives dreaming of ending legal abortion. These judicial picks delivered the religious right the win that had been its central policy goal for 50 years: The overturning of Roe v. Wade, and the elimination of a constitutional right to an abortion.

Trump, of course, loves to take credit for delivering that victory.

“No president has ever fought for Christians as hard as I have,” Trump said in his own speech at the conference. “I got it done, and nobody thought it was even a possibility.”

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Tuesday, June 27, 2023 12:03 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Supreme Court strikes down chaos in election rules

The Supreme Court has backed away from madness:

The Supreme Court on Tuesday rejected the theory that state legislatures have almost unlimited power to decide the rules for federal elections and draw partisan congressional maps without interference from state courts.

....The “independent state legislature theory” holds that the U.S. Constitution gives that power to lawmakers even if it results in extreme partisan voting maps for congressional seats and violates voter protections enshrined in state constitutions.

The vote was 6-3, which is closer than it should have been for this wacky idea, but at least it went down in flames. The whole thing was based on a shiny new conservative theory that when the Constitution says election rules shall be "prescribed in each state by the legislature thereof," then by God that's exactly what it means: the legislature and nothing but the legislature. Governors can't veto election laws and courts can't overturn them, as they can for all normal laws. The Founders meant this by deliberately omitting "legislature and laws thereof," or some such, from the Elections Clause.

It was ridiculous from the start, but it's been gaining steam in right-wing circles ever since Florida courts intervened in Bush v. Gore two decades ago.

If today's Court had gone along, it would have meant, for example, that the Florida Republican legislature could have unilaterally decided the 2000 election. It would mean North Carolina could enact its most egregious gerrymandering fantasies with no judicial review. It would mean absolute authority to set rules for things like voter ID laws and absentee voting no matter how ridiculous or racially tinged.

So we dodged a bullet and 6 justices on the Supreme Court demonstrated some common sense and respect for 200 years of freely accepted precedent. But 3 justices went bonkers -- stark raving mad. Starting on page 39, Justice Thomas proves he is an idiot with a large vocabulary, using the word "moot" over and over to persuade readers that the other 6 justices are wrong, wrong, wrong.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Tuesday, June 27, 2023 12:31 PM


Jack Smith has email from top Trump aide calling stolen election claims 'BS'

Even Donald Trump’s inner circle didn’t buy the former president's claims that the 2020 election was rigged, according to a mountain of evidence built by Special Prosecutor Jack Smith.

Emails and interviews gathered from multiple members of Trump’s team suggest that many knew the election fraud claims were a lie even as they pushed them, a Washington Post report on Smith's investigation into efforts to overturn President Joe Biden's election revealed.



Tuesday, June 27, 2023 7:19 PM



Originally posted by THG:
Jack Smith has email from top Trump aide calling stolen election claims 'BS'

Even Donald Trump’s inner circle didn’t buy the former president's claims that the 2020 election was rigged, according to a mountain of evidence built by Special Prosecutor Jack Smith.

Emails and interviews gathered from multiple members of Trump’s team suggest that many knew the election fraud claims were a lie even as they pushed them, a Washington Post report on Smith's investigation into efforts to overturn President Joe Biden's election revealed.


It was rigged through en masse unsolicited mail in fraud ballots and ballot harvesting in blue and swing states.

You didn't close that loophole like I told you that you should have.

Republicans and Trump have now embraced it and are going to cheat better than you ever could.

Should have been on the right side of history and agreed with me when you had a chance, Ted.

I'm now looking forward to you spending 2025 whining about how unfair the elections of 2024 were.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Wednesday, June 28, 2023 7:10 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Republicans and Trump have now embraced it and are going to cheat better than you ever could.

Love your attitude about Trump's potential cheating, 6ix. How do you feel about Trump's potential incest?

Wed, Jun 28, 2023
Exclusive: Trump Made Shocking Comments About Ivanka, Says Ex-Staffer

"Aides said he talked about Ivanka Trump's breasts, her backside, and what it might be like to have sex with her," a new book by Miles Taylor says.

By Khaleda Rahman | Senior News Reporter

Taylor, a former chief of staff at the Department of Homeland Security, describes several incidents that made women in the Trump administration uncomfortable in his upcoming book 'Blowback: A Warning to Save Democracy from the Next Trump', an extract of which was obtained exclusively by Newsweek.

Once Trump is President, nothing can stop him from living out his sexual fantasy . . . A Vote For Trump Is A Vote To Live Shamelessly . . . And You Will Never Pay Taxes Again! (the other Trump fantasy)

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Wednesday, June 28, 2023 9:23 AM



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Republicans and Trump have now embraced it and are going to cheat better than you ever could.

Love your attitude about Trump's potential cheating, 6ix.

Yeah. He's going to cheat. Just like I've been saying for years that he was going to if Democrats didn't close up the cheating apparatus that they opened up for Covid. It's the only reason that Trump lost in 2020, and it's the only reason that Democrats did as well as they did in 2022.

You'll notice that none of the Republicans or Trump are calling to close them down anymore. Just like I told you they would when I was asking you two idiots who you think is going to actually be better at cheating once Republicans and Trump stopped fighting them and embraced them. Democrats legalized cheating in many blue and swing states.

Don't pretend like this is the first time I've talked about this. I have long walls of collections of dated posts where I was talking about this.

And I don't want to hear either of you bitching about it when it comes full circle and bites you in the ass either. Not one fucking word out of either of you.


How do you feel about Trump's potential incest?

The key word is Potential. The key element is the source.

Just throw that dumb shit on top of the pile of dumb shit you lunatics obsess over every day while your current Administration flushes America down the toilet.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Wednesday, June 28, 2023 9:33 AM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Republicans and Trump have now embraced it and are going to cheat better than you ever could.

Love your attitude about Trump's potential cheating, 6ix.

Yeah. He's going to cheat. Just like I've been saying for years that he was going to if Democrats didn't close up the cheating apparatus that they opened up for Covid. It's the only reason that Trump lost in 2020, and it's the only reason that Democrats did as well as they did in 2022.

You'll notice that none of the Republicans or Trump are calling to close them down anymore. Just like I told you they would when I was asking you two idiots who you think is going to actually be better at cheating once Republicans and Trump stopped fighting them and embraced them. Democrats legalized cheating in many blue and swing states.

Don't pretend like this is the first time I've talked about this. I have long walls of collections of dated posts where I was talking about this.

And I don't want to hear either of you bitching about it when it comes full circle and bites you in the ass either. Not one fucking word out of either of you.

Here you go...


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
November 14th, 2022 (From the Mid-Term Elections 2022 thread:


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by JAYNEZTOWN:
Steve Bannon claims a Maga Red Wave Trumper win is coming any moment now...and if not, if the MidTerms become a crap show then maybe blame North Korea or Jimmy Carter or someone else?

No. Blame GOP Neo-Con "leadership" and en masse mail-in fraud ballots.

This guy gets it:

Republicans need to figure out mail-in voting

It’s being used by Democrats to influence the course of elections


I raised the idea of outlawing mail-in voting with a canny friend. “The Dems would never allow it,” he said, comparing the practice to nuclear weapons. Once they exist, it is impossible to get rid of them. Maybe so, in which case it behooves Republicans to become experts in organizing and deploying mail-in voting for their own candidates.

If nothing else, a little competition in the mail-in ballot sweepstakes would counter the invitation to corruption that follows on the feeling that the fix is in. In the election just past, it seemed, despite media forecasts of a red wave, that a certain complacency was abroad in and about the headquarters of certain contentious races. Gretchen Whitmer never seemed particularly worried about Tudor Dixon, nor did John Fetterman seem worried about Dr. Oz. Of course, Fetterman is a special case. But the point is, I believe, they knew that the fix was in and therefore — to employ another common idiom — that the race was in the bag.

Let me break that down for you...

If you can't beat 'em, join 'em. ~Bugs Bunny

If they want to cheat, let 'em cheat. We're going to cheat better, and we're going to end up taking all the Democrat strongholds away from them co-opting the platform that they championed to allow widespread cheating and never let them cheat better than we will cheat.

We don't allow the cheating in Indiana, but I just might stay overnight at my Grandma's for a few weeks in 2024 and go door to door collecting thousands of ballots from people who would have otherwise been too lazy to vote. That's how they win. We can do it better. And it will all be legal because they made it legal.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.

November 17th, 2022 (From this thread):


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Oh... and P.S.

The Republicans are starting to say what I've been saying. If you can't beat them, join them.

Since we're never going to put the shit back in the horse and put an end to covid mail-in fraud ballots in the blue states, it's time for Republicans to start canvassing the streets and ballot harvesting like the Democrats do.

Here in Indiana I only have one vote; one voice. If I spend a week at my Grandma's house in Illinois though, I could have 2,500 votes; 2,500 voices, simply by using Democrat's method of legalizing cheating against them.

When Trump gets that memo what do you think your chances in 2024 are?

November 18th, 2022 (This thread):


How ballot harvesting could save elections

The states have chosen how the game is played; now Republicans need to start playing

Yup. If a guy living in the middle of flyover country who hasn't made any money since June of 2019 could figure this one out, how long did you think it would take the strategists making the big bucks to come around to the same conclusion?

I hope you're happy opening up the floodgates for cheating, now that they're open for everyone.

Who do you think is better at cheating? I mean, the answer to that question that you'd always give under any other circumstance probably has to have you terrified right about now, huh?

Hmmmm... Maybe 2,500 votes; 2,500 voices is far too low a goal for me. I did win a SONY Boombox back in middle school for out-selling every other student in the place with one of the fundraisers, despite the fact that very little of that money came from my family and nobody else helped me sell any of it.

Just door to door knocking every day after school for hours with my eye on the prize.

Yeah. I'd better wrap up my outside work in 2024 early, because I know what I'm going to be doing in October. And Trump doesn't even have to pay me any of that campaign money to do it.

You want to cheat, motherfuckers? Suit yourself. I guaranty you that I'm better at it than you are.

November 19th, 2022 (This thread):


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Oh. Just an FYI...

I would never do it, but the double-edged sword of legalizing ballot harvesting is that you can pretend whatever side you want to pretend to be while getting a read on your marks, and then decide after you have their mail-in ballots which ones you're going to put in the ballot box and which ones you put in your fire pit.

Go ahead dipshits. Keep telling me that what you did hasn't opened up the door for all sorts of cheating with no checks and balances in place.

Not only can you amplify the amount of voices and votes you have, but you can actually delete voices an votes from the other side during the process, and nobody is ever going to be able to verify or prove that this happened.

You dumb fucks have been doing EXACTLY this for two elections and you still lost the house and the popular vote by 3.5 Million votes last week.

What do you think happens to Blue States when Trump decides not to throw the money into TV ads and instead mobilizes and funds grassroots campaigns to canvas blue states for ballot harvesting that you made legal for him?

Do you get it now? Is this finally sinking in?

Especially YOU, Ted.

Fucking morons.

November 19th, 2022 (This thread):


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
All of that being said I would make a plea to TPTB that in every state, but especially the Blue States that now allow en masse election fraud, you have the ability to log into an account online that allows you to verify that your own personal vote was counted, and have it list exactly who and what you voted for.

This would still allow for your vote to be private information, but it would give you a means of making sure that somebody didn't fuck you.

November 20th, 2022 (This thread):



And now, we get to the point where I'm starting to get uncomfortable with the rhetoric being thrown around about this.

Not only is it going to happen, but some Republicans seem downright GLEEFUL that it will be the eventuality.

I shouldn't have to remind you dipshits, but I'm NOT a Republican and I've spent most of my life loathing the Republican Party until the Democrats went insane.

My desire was that the Republicans take back the blue and swing states in one or two elections by cheating better than Democrats cheat using their own rules against them and then STOP THE CHEATING APPARATUS you dumb shits set up for them, but now I have my doubts that this will ever happen.

Why give up that amount of power?

You want to save Democracy, Democrats? I mean REALLY SAVE DEMOCRACY?

You've got two months left to do it.

On a state level you need to put the shit back in the horse now and end all mail-in and dropbox voting before you lose the house. Put the Republicans, who are just fucking itching to cheat in 2024 using the rules you set up, in a position where they would have to change those rules back and explain to their base why they're doing it (making pure hypocrites out of them in the process).

Two months.

November 23rd, 2022:


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

A New Age of American Politics
It’s time to hit ballot harvesting hard or die trying.

Two months.

December 2nd, 2022:


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Republicans Need to Embrace Early Voting
Election Day matters less than it used to. Unless the GOP adapts, it is doomed to keep losing.

Once again, in other words... Republicans are going to cheat, and they're going to cheat better than Democrats do, using their own rules against them.

Why the fuck do Democrats insist on playing Checkers when everyone else around them is playing Chess?

I think I should probably create a thread about this so it doesn't keep getting buried under tons of other crap. I know that everybody is sick of elections right now and nobody is paying attention to my thoughts on this issue at the moment, but now you've got the WSJ weighing in on this today too.

I'm not joking, Democrats. You don't have a lot of time to close those COVID loopholes you created for mail-in voting, and you can be damn sure that just like the Ring of Sauron the Republicans won't give that up if it's still open by next election now that they're figuring out how best to exploit it.

You'd better close them up and put Republicans in the hypocritical spot of opening them back up for no damn good reason, or elections are never going to be the same again.

December 2nd, 2022:


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
You've been warned. Tick Tock.

Pennsylvania Republicans reconsider their war on mail voting

GOP officials in the state are coming to the belief that it’s better to work within the system than politically die by it.


“There’s no question in my mind that Republicans have to have a different mail-in strategy,” said Andy Reilly, a Republican National Committeeman in Pennsylvania. “When one party votes for 30 days and one party votes for one, you’re definitely going to lose.”



But, to a large degree, Republicans in the state seem poised to move forward with mail voting regardless of what Trump says. Many have concluded they can’t win otherwise. Charlie Gerow, the Pennsylvania-based vice chair of the Conservative Political Action Coalition, likened the GOP’s approach to mail-in voting to a basketball player who abstains from shooting from behind the three-point line because he doesn’t like the rule.

“You could play a game that way. And more times than not, you would lose,” he said. “Or you can say, ‘Hey, I don’t like the three-point line. But by gosh, I’m going to be the best three-point shooter you can find.’ And that’s what I think the Republicans have to be now.”

I'll ask the question again...

Who do you think is better at cheating? Democrats or Republicans?

December 4th, 2022:


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Easy to say all this now, Ted. He's the only one who announced that he's running and we're two years from an election. Anything the Republicans say about him now is simply damage control on the Election Fraud talk because they figured out that they can use the cheating mechanisms you set up post-covid to cheat better than you can and they don't like that Trump is going to keep that rhetoric in the news cycle for the next two years while they're planning on showing you how to really cheat.

December 5th, 2022:

If They Want To Win, Republicans Must Beat Democrats At Their Own Game


I know this is hard for some of you to hear, but as it happens, Republicans are quite capable of voting by mail too. And, as has been shown in several key California districts critical to the GOP taking over the House next month, they can also ballot harvest. It just takes a paradigm shift that has been a long time coming.

Attorney Harmeet Dhillon, who should be running the Republican National Committee instead of perpetual losers like Ronna McDaniel, suggested as much during an appearance on Fox News’ “The Ingraham Angle” last week. “We are not chasing ballots,” she said. “We are not doing what the Democrats do, which is making sure that we hunt down every Republican ballot and get it to the polls and get it in early.”

The Democrat Party's mail-in fraud grift is being co-opted.

You're running out of time to make sure that they can't cheat better than you can using the cheating apparatus you made for them going forward. Because spoiler alert... they can and apparently that's what they fully intend to do.

Just remember... When that time comes, YOUR Party did this.

Tick Tock

December 7th:


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by THG:
No cheating, the Republicans are beating themselves. They have no message other than crazy.


You say that now because you just won.

Hillary Clinton is a lot of things, but she isn't stupid. She's been saying that Republicans are going to cheat and win in 2024 since two months before the 2022 election.

What she didn't tell you was that they're going to cheat using the cheating apparatus that the Democrat party set up for them during Covid. The same cheating apparatus that saw Joe Biden* SHATTER any previous popular vote total for a President in history by over 10 MILLION VOTES, other than Trump's 74.2 Million in the same election which would have been the most popular votes for a President in history. This is because while Republicans all voted on one day, Democrats were canvassing streets and stuffing ballot boxes for at least a month before the election on top of whatever Democrats voted in person at the polling place on Election Day like we used to do before Covid.

In 2020, Democrats made these new rules and funded and organized the vast efforts to exploit those rules, completely fucking obliterating the off-guard Republicans.

In 2022, after two years of Republicans crying about it and powerless to change any of it in blue states and swing states where it was enabled, Democrats spent even more money and time exploiting those new rules while Republicans once again only spent one day voting, doomed to lose once again because of it. (The only exceptions being in parts of New York and California where Republicans DID spend time and money exploiting Democrat's new voting rules and won races they otherwise never would have won). IN OTHER WORDS... THE ONLY REASON THE REPUBLICANS REGAINED CONTROL OF THE HOUSE IN 2022 IS BECAUSE THEY CHEATED IN PARTS OF NEW YORK AND CALIFORNIA USING THE CHEATING APPARATUS DEMOCRATS MADE LEGALLY AVAILABLE TO THEM IN 2020 DURING COVID LOCKDOWNS.

Now that Republican politicians and strategists have acknowledged this and fully plan on embracing and exploiting it rather than trying to close it all back up, I don't want to hear you whining about it when it doesn't go your way, Ted.

You were warned.

December 17th:

GOP election strategy: Get smart about early voting or get used to losing

Without a massive early voting operation, Republicans will never win a national election again

In other words: Note to Republicans... You've got a year and a half to learn how to cheat like Democrats.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


I finished this up on December 17th of last year, stating the following:


In other words: Note to Republicans... You've got a year and a half to learn how to cheat like Democrats.

Guess who is finally on board with me...

The Wall Street Journal: Donald Trump Changes Tune on Mail-in Voting, Ballot Collection
After years of attacks on early voting, Trump follows other Republicans in suggesting party should embrace tactic


The 2024 presidential candidate remains critical of various forms of early voting, advisers say, but his campaign is nonetheless mounting an effort to pursue such votes after Democrats excelled at doing so in recent elections. His team is studying state laws governing absentee and mail-in voting as well as ballot collection, called “ballot harvesting” by critics, in which third parties gather and turn in votes, people familiar with the effort said.


Mr. Trump highlighted the move in a fundraising email this week, saying, “The radical Democrats have used ballot harvesting to cancel out YOUR vote and walk away with elections that they NEVER should have won. But I’m doing something HUGE to fight back.”

The email added, “Our path forward is to MASTER the Democrats’ own game of harvesting ballots in every state we can. But that also means we need to start laying the foundation for victory RIGHT NOW.”


As the Trump campaign reorients, so too are some GOP officials in 2024 battleground states. In Michigan, for instance, the leading candidate for state Republican chair has called for “the biggest ballot-harvesting program this state has ever seen.”

Many national Republicans also say the party needs to use whatever legal avenues are available to chase votes and not be so reliant on Election Day. The Republican National Committee is studying the issue as part of its post-midterm election analysis.

“We simply have to beat them at this,” Blake Masters, the Arizona GOP candidate who lost to Democratic Sen. Mark Kelly in a closely watched battleground race, said on Twitter in November.


“If you want to win races, you have to play by the rules that are given to you. You can cry all you want about what the rules are, but if you want to change them you’ve got to win elections,” said Jessica Millan Patterson, who has made a focus of her tenure as the chairwoman of the California Republican Party bolstering the party’s ballot-collection efforts.


Mr. DeSantis—who is widely expected to enter the 2024 presidential race after his state’s legislative session ends in May—also appeared at the event and had a similar message. During his re-election campaign last year he often urged voters to cast early ballots in case something happened on Election Day. He won by nearly 20 percentage points.


EVERYTHING these prominent Republican politicians including Trump is saying now is exactly the scenario I've been telling you was going to happen, as catalogued above.

You should have heeded my multiple warnings and rallied for your Democrat politicians to close these covid related ballot changes in blue states while you had a chance, but you didn't.

Now you're fucked.

And also let it be known that I was saying this FIRST. Before anybody in the news or political analysts wrote about it, even longer before Republican Politicians started embracing the idea, and certainly LOOOOOOONG before Donald Trump told everybody what his intentions going forward are.

I can't wait to hear you chucklefucks crying all day and all night long for 4 years after Donald J. Trump destroys the Democratic Party in 2024 using all of the legal loopholes you've created for cheating against you, and watching you hypocrites with memories of goldfish claiming that the election was stolen because of ballot harvesting cheating.

You won't be wrong when you do, but you're going to forget who served it up for Republicans to take advantage of. They WILL cheat better than you do. They are more organized and they aren't operating under the Oppression Umbrella, trying to serve every faction chronic whiners that isn't white and isn't male while forgetting that none of them like each other either, because they don't like anybody.

This is all your fault. And now you're going to get what you deserve.

I hope Biden*'s terrible 4 years in office was worth destroying and deligitimatizing the entire system of voting in America.

Because, SPOILER ALERT: Contrary to any claims otherwise right now, there won't be one goddamned Republican other than maybe Rand Paul and a few of the "alt right" politicians that are still going to be calling to close those loopholes after they get a taste of how easy it will be for them to win every election that matters going forward... Just like Ron DeSantis did in what is now Forever Red Florida.

APRIL 29TH, 2023:


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Yup. Campaign season hasn't even started. Same numbers can also be said about Biden* right now too.

None of those polls matter and will be much different once it's a rematch between Trump and Biden*, and it will be a rematch between Trump and Biden* unless Biden* loses the ability to talk by then.

It is NEVER TOO SOON for you to predict that Trump will win despite the Democrats' cheating.

Oh honey... That's not what I'm doing here.

I know the Democrats are going to cheat using the en masse unsolicited mail-in-fraud / ballot harvesting system they set up during Covid and exploited during the last two election cycles. EVERYBODY knows that the Democrats are going to cheat using the en masse unsolicited mail-in-fraud / ballot harvesting system they set up during Covid and exploited during the last two election cycles.

But now that you've set it up for him and Trump has finally embraced it, it's going to be jammed so far up your asses you'll be gargling on it.

You were warned. Now it's too late for you.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Wednesday, June 28, 2023 6:40 PM




Wednesday, June 28, 2023 6:43 PM




Wednesday, June 28, 2023 9:21 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:


How do you feel about Trump's potential incest?

The key word is Potential. The key element is the source.

Just throw that dumb shit on top of the pile of dumb shit you lunatics obsess over every day while your current Administration flushes America down the toilet.

My life is going fine in America. Look at your own life, drunkard, for why you got flushed down the toilet. Look at your drug-addled parents' life for why awfulness happened to you.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Wednesday, June 28, 2023 9:26 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

A warning the U.S. Army issued troops in 1945 rings true today

On March 25, 1945, the United States Army issued “Fact Sheet #64: Fascism!”

It is worth revisiting the Army’s warnings as Donald Trump and MAGA Republicans denounce legal due process and threaten civil war. The War Department warned:

"An American fascist seeking power would not proclaim that he is a fascist. Fascism always camouflages its plans and purposes . . . Any fascist attempt to gain power in America would not use the exact Hitler pattern. It would work under the guise of ‘super-patriotism’ and ‘super-American- ism’."

The War Department identified three attitudes and practices that fascists share in common.

Fascists pit “religious, racial, and economic groups against one another in order to break down national unity . . . In the United States, native fascists have often been anti-Catholic, anti-Jew, anti-Negro, anti-Labor, anti- foreign-born.”

Fascists also “deny the need for international cooperation” and that “all people — regardless of color, race, creed, or nationality have rights.” They “substitute a perverted sort of ultra-nationalism which tells their people that they are the only people in the world who count.”

Finally, for fascists, the “indiscriminate pinning of the label ‘Red’ on people and proposals which one opposes is a common political device.”

Learning to identify American fascists and detect their techniques was not going to be easy, but "it is vitally important to learn to spot them, even though they adopt names and slogans with popular appeal, drape themselves with the American flag, and attempt to carry out their program in the name of the democracy they are trying to destroy . . . In its bid for power, it is ready to drive wedges that will disunite the people and weaken the nation. It supplies the scapegoat — Catholics, Jews, Negroes, labor unions, big business — any group upon which the insecure and unemployed" are willing to blame.

"They become frightened, angry, desperate, confused. Many, in their misery, seek to find somebody to blame . . . The resentment may be directed against minorities — especially if undemocratic organizations with power and money can direct our emotions and thinking along these lines."

The goal of the fascist doctrine is to prevent “men from seeking the real cause and a democratic solution to the problem.”

Fascists may talk about freedom, but "freedom . . . involves being alert and on guard against the infringement not only of our own freedom but the freedom of every American. If we permit discrimination, prejudice, or hate to rob anyone of his democratic rights, our own freedom and all democracy is threatened."

Alan Singer is a historian and professor in the Hofstra University

More at

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Wednesday, June 28, 2023 11:55 PM



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:


How do you feel about Trump's potential incest?

The key word is Potential. The key element is the source.

Just throw that dumb shit on top of the pile of dumb shit you lunatics obsess over every day while your current Administration flushes America down the toilet.

My life is going fine in America. Look at your own life, drunkard, for why you got flushed down the toilet. Look at your drug-addled parents' life for why awfulness happened to you.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Awwwwww.... That's not very nice.

I'm sober over 6 1/2 years now. Neither of my parents do drugs or have done drugs, at least since I was alive.

I'm doing fine. Have fun at work tomorrow, bitch.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.


Friday, June 30, 2023 5:10 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Awwwwww.... That's not very nice.

I'm sober over 6 1/2 years now. Neither of my parents do drugs or have done drugs, at least since I was alive.

I'm doing fine. Have fun at work tomorrow, bitch.

I wonder why I find everything you write preposterous? Now I remember: you are full of bullshit and more than half crazy. But those parents of yours can take partial credit for your grand achievements. You ended up this way (unemployed, unmarried, obsessed with The Little Mermaid, giving "Heil Hitler" salutes to Trump, toothless smoker with a 450 lb brother, etc.) because of erratic parental guidance. Your mom and dad should have gotten you into the habit of brushing your teeth twice daily and visiting the dentist but they didn't want to interfere with your "freedom".

Democratic presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. told NewsNation that he was "proud" to have Donald Trump's support after the former president referred to him as a "common-sense guy." Trump said Monday that Kennedy was "a very smart guy," adding that the Democratic candidate has "been very nice to me."

The most expected news I have ever heard: RFK Jr. is surging only in polls among Republicans.

‘I can’t listen to myself’: RFK Jr. explains neurological disease. “I think it makes it problematical for people to listen to me. I cannot listen to myself on TV. … I feel sorry for you guys having to listen to me,” Kennedy said.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Sunday, July 2, 2023 6:42 PM




Sunday, July 2, 2023 9:13 PM



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Awwwwww.... That's not very nice.

I'm sober over 6 1/2 years now. Neither of my parents do drugs or have done drugs, at least since I was alive.

I'm doing fine. Have fun at work tomorrow, bitch.

I wonder why I find everything you write preposterous? Now I remember: you are full of bullshit and more than half crazy. But those parents of yours can take partial credit for your grand achievements. You ended up this way (unemployed, unmarried, obsessed with The Little Mermaid, giving "Heil Hitler" salutes to Trump, toothless smoker with a 450 lb brother, etc.) because of erratic parental guidance. Your mom and dad should have gotten you into the habit of brushing your teeth twice daily and visiting the dentist but they didn't want to interfere with your "freedom".

So... you didn't have fun at work then, did you?


How you do anything is how you do everything.


Thursday, July 6, 2023 9:12 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

What would America be like if Trump or a similarly fascist Republican were to take the White House in 2024? What would the dire warnings about American fascism, were they realized, mean in real life?

Most Americans, when they think of fascism, think of goosestepping Nazi soldiers and death camps, and believe that system of government was totally crushed by the Allies in 1945 at the end of World War II. But Spain was fascist right up until dictator Francisco Franco’s death in 1975 at the age of 82.

There are still many people here in Spain who regard the Franco time fondly; if you were on his side, supported his Falange party — later called simply “The Movement” — or were assiduously nonpolitical, life could be relatively normal.

If you spoke out against his fascist movement job opportunities vanished, you could be imprisoned, or even “disappeared,” as happened to tens of thousands. One of the people we spoke with here told us how the media was entirely in the bag for Franco with pro-fascist slogans and news shorts airing constantly, along with commentary praising him even interspersing music and programs on radio and TV.

Trump and his followers have given us numerous insights into how he’d transform American society to resemble something like Franco’s regime.

Trump has promised — most recently just a few weeks ago — that he would use the awesome police powers of the federal government to target his political enemies for persecution, imprisonment, and possibly even death.

Much more at

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Thursday, July 6, 2023 9:58 AM


The only fascists in this country are Democrats in power.



How you do anything is how you do everything.


Thursday, July 6, 2023 2:15 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

07/05/2023 Donald Trump’s Next Crazy Idea Has Arrived

Now that the FBI has raided Mar-a-Lago, and now that the DOJ seems to want to put him behind bars, it should come as no surprise that Donald Trump is calling for the two law enforcement agencies to be defunded.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Thursday, July 6, 2023 2:58 PM




Thursday, July 6, 2023 5:14 PM



Originally posted by second:
07/05/2023 Donald Trump’s Next Crazy Idea Has Arrived

Now that the FBI has raided Mar-a-Lago, and now that the DOJ seems to want to put him behind bars, it should come as no surprise that Donald Trump is calling for the two law enforcement agencies to be defunded.

Oh. He's been calling for that for a long time, honey.


How you do anything is how you do everything.


Thursday, July 6, 2023 5:15 PM



Originally posted by THG:
TYT: It's now illegal to feed the hungry.

No. It's not.


How you do anything is how you do everything.


Sunday, July 9, 2023 7:43 PM




Monday, July 10, 2023 7:49 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Only former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie has the kind of attitude that could be considered even vaguely Trumpian: He called Trump a “petulant child, ” “three-time loser,” and “a lonely, self-consumed, self-serving mirror hog.“ And we know at least one of those stung, because Trump responded by making fun of Christie for being fat. Infantile, yes, but exactly the kind of repartee GOP voters expect from their candidates these days.

So, here is my mostly sincere advice: Go low, Republican presidential hopefuls! Go very low! Mock Trump’s desperate, Norma Desmond-like refusal to part with the accumulated memorabilia of his fleeting fame, but double down on basic schoolyard taunting. Campaign on the way Trump looks, the way Trump sounds, the way Trump walks, the way Trump eats, his physical fitness. Basically, say the things about him that he says about other people.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Monday, July 10, 2023 8:22 AM


America Is Doing Just Fine

Every year, American colleges and universities dominate rankings of the best schools in the world. Maybe that’s why some of the most powerful political and business leaders across the globe keep sending their children to American colleges. They do so for the same reason many Republican politicians with Ivy League degrees worked hard to get admitted into Yale, Harvard, and the University of Pennsylvania years ago: because nobody in the world does higher education better than the United States of America.

All of this anti-American drivel coming from Trumpists can be tedious. But stay with me, because there’s much more to be said in America’s defense.

Childhood poverty has dropped to the lowest level on record; teenage pregnancy has done the same; the U.S. dollar has experienced generational highs over the past year; unemployment recently hit a 54-year low; the number of job openings this past year also hit record highs.

Overall, the U.S. economy continues to surge forward despite economists’ dire predictions. America’s GDP grew to $25 trillion last year; Texas has a bigger economy than Russia, and although California is routinely rebuked by right-wing critics, it has the fourth-strongest economy in the world—stronger than Britain’s, France’s, Canada’s, or India’s. The United States and its European allies collectively run an economic machine that doubles China’s stagnating output. Despite record debt levels, a stubborn case of inflation, and other structural challenges, American capitalism continues to drive and dominate the world economy.

All of this is not to say that the United States is free of challenges. Like any great power, we have our fair share of political and moral failings.

Our Declaration of Independence was written by a slaveholder, the government has yet to address what it owes to Native Americans, and the right of women to control their own bodies has been shattered by Supreme Court rulings and radical state legislation.

But it was American democracy that provided a swift political rebuke to the overturning of Roe v. Wade and led to right-wing defeats in red states such as Kansas, Kentucky, and Wisconsin. The political backlash to Roe’s demise has been so dramatic that even Ann Coulter and The Wall Street Journal editorial page now take exception to the GOP’s extreme abortion stance.

And when Abraham Lincoln emancipated millions of enslaved Americans in 1863, he was relying on the logic of that same Declaration of Independence, which Martin Luther King Jr. proclaimed “a promissory note” to all Americans.

James Madison, another slaveholder, wrote a Constitution that provided the checks and balances that led the same high court that overturned Roe to rebuff Donald Trump’s most autocratic plans. As politically disorienting as it may seem after the overturning of Roe and affirmative action, the Roberts Court also finally stopped Trump’s efforts to steal the 2020 presidential election, and is now allowing criminal cases against him to move forward.

So yes, it’s true that a fulsome defense of Uncle Sam often requires dialectical thinking. But remember this: Even with all of its failings, America has fed and freed more human beings than any other country in history. And despite the blather that cable-news hosts spit at you daily, your country is doing pretty damn well.

Yep, sorry jack, signym and jaynestown, despite all your bullshit, we're doing just fine.



Monday, July 10, 2023 10:02 AM



Originally posted by THG:
America Is Doing Just Fine

Every year, American colleges and universities dominate rankings of the best schools in the world. Maybe that’s why some of the most powerful political and business leaders across the globe keep sending their children to American colleges. They do so for the same reason many Republican politicians with Ivy League degrees worked hard to get admitted into Yale, Harvard, and the University of Pennsylvania years ago: because nobody in the world does higher education better than the United States of America.

All of this anti-American drivel coming from Trumpists can be tedious. But stay with me, because there’s much more to be said in America’s defense.

Childhood poverty has dropped to the lowest level on record; teenage pregnancy has done the same; the U.S. dollar has experienced generational highs over the past year; unemployment recently hit a 54-year low; the number of job openings this past year also hit record highs.

Overall, the U.S. economy continues to surge forward despite economists’ dire predictions. America’s GDP grew to $25 trillion last year; Texas has a bigger economy than Russia, and although California is routinely rebuked by right-wing critics, it has the fourth-strongest economy in the world—stronger than Britain’s, France’s, Canada’s, or India’s. The United States and its European allies collectively run an economic machine that doubles China’s stagnating output. Despite record debt levels, a stubborn case of inflation, and other structural challenges, American capitalism continues to drive and dominate the world economy.

All of this is not to say that the United States is free of challenges. Like any great power, we have our fair share of political and moral failings.

Our Declaration of Independence was written by a slaveholder, the government has yet to address what it owes to Native Americans, and the right of women to control their own bodies has been shattered by Supreme Court rulings and radical state legislation.

But it was American democracy that provided a swift political rebuke to the overturning of Roe v. Wade and led to right-wing defeats in red states such as Kansas, Kentucky, and Wisconsin. The political backlash to Roe’s demise has been so dramatic that even Ann Coulter and The Wall Street Journal editorial page now take exception to the GOP’s extreme abortion stance.

And when Abraham Lincoln emancipated millions of enslaved Americans in 1863, he was relying on the logic of that same Declaration of Independence, which Martin Luther King Jr. proclaimed “a promissory note” to all Americans.

James Madison, another slaveholder, wrote a Constitution that provided the checks and balances that led the same high court that overturned Roe to rebuff Donald Trump’s most autocratic plans. As politically disorienting as it may seem after the overturning of Roe and affirmative action, the Roberts Court also finally stopped Trump’s efforts to steal the 2020 presidential election, and is now allowing criminal cases against him to move forward.

So yes, it’s true that a fulsome defense of Uncle Sam often requires dialectical thinking. But remember this: Even with all of its failings, America has fed and freed more human beings than any other country in history. And despite the blather that cable-news hosts spit at you daily, your country is doing pretty damn well.

Yep, sorry jack, signym and jaynestown, despite all your bullshit, we're doing just fine.


Did you even read this woke ass trash article past the first paragraph? Written as an OPINION piece for woke ass trash rag The Atlantic, by the guy who raped and murdered his interns?

Get fucked, Ted.


How you do anything is how you do everything.


Monday, July 10, 2023 2:52 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Did you even read this woke ass trash article past the first paragraph? Written as an OPINION piece for woke ass trash rag The Atlantic, by the guy who raped and murdered his interns?

Get fucked, Ted.

We’ve had 46 Presidents.

They’ve been indicted on a total of 71 felony counts.

Here’s how it breaks down:

Presidents / # of Felony Counts

1-44 / 0

45 / 71

46 / 0


Felony Counts - 71
Sexual assault accusers - 26
Bankruptcies - 6
Hush money payments - 2 (known)
Losses to New York Attorney General - 2
Impeachments - 2
Divorces - 2
Arrests - 2
Former New York Assistant Attorney General

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Monday, July 10, 2023 3:10 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

John Kelly has some more choice words for his former White House boss

“He’s scared s---less,” said John Kelly, his former chief of staff. “This is the way he compensates for that. He gives people the appearance he doesn’t care by doing this. For the first time in his life, it looks like he’s being held accountable. Up until this point in his life, it’s like, ‘I’m not going to pay you; take me to court.’ He’s never been held accountable before.”

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Monday, July 10, 2023 3:17 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by THG:
America Is Doing Just Fine

Every year, American colleges and universities dominate rankings of the best schools in the world. Maybe that’s why some of the most powerful political and business leaders across the globe keep sending their children to American colleges. They do so for the same reason many Republican politicians with Ivy League degrees worked hard to get admitted into Yale, Harvard, and the University of Pennsylvania years ago: because nobody in the world does higher education better than the United States of America.

All of this anti-American drivel coming from Trumpists can be tedious. But stay with me, because there’s much more to be said in America’s defense.

Childhood poverty has dropped to the lowest level on record; teenage pregnancy has done the same; the U.S. dollar has experienced generational highs over the past year; unemployment recently hit a 54-year low; the number of job openings this past year also hit record highs.

Overall, the U.S. economy continues to surge forward despite economists’ dire predictions. America’s GDP grew to $25 trillion last year; Texas has a bigger economy than Russia, and although California is routinely rebuked by right-wing critics, it has the fourth-strongest economy in the world—stronger than Britain’s, France’s, Canada’s, or India’s. The United States and its European allies collectively run an economic machine that doubles China’s stagnating output. Despite record debt levels, a stubborn case of inflation, and other structural challenges, American capitalism continues to drive and dominate the world economy.

All of this is not to say that the United States is free of challenges. Like any great power, we have our fair share of political and moral failings.

Our Declaration of Independence was written by a slaveholder, the government has yet to address what it owes to Native Americans, and the right of women to control their own bodies has been shattered by Supreme Court rulings and radical state legislation.

But it was American democracy that provided a swift political rebuke to the overturning of Roe v. Wade and led to right-wing defeats in red states such as Kansas, Kentucky, and Wisconsin. The political backlash to Roe’s demise has been so dramatic that even Ann Coulter and The Wall Street Journal editorial page now take exception to the GOP’s extreme abortion stance.

And when Abraham Lincoln emancipated millions of enslaved Americans in 1863, he was relying on the logic of that same Declaration of Independence, which Martin Luther King Jr. proclaimed “a promissory note” to all Americans.

James Madison, another slaveholder, wrote a Constitution that provided the checks and balances that led the same high court that overturned Roe to rebuff Donald Trump’s most autocratic plans. As politically disorienting as it may seem after the overturning of Roe and affirmative action, the Roberts Court also finally stopped Trump’s efforts to steal the 2020 presidential election, and is now allowing criminal cases against him to move forward.

So yes, it’s true that a fulsome defense of Uncle Sam often requires dialectical thinking. But remember this: Even with all of its failings, America has fed and freed more human beings than any other country in history. And despite the blather that cable-news hosts spit at you daily, your country is doing pretty damn well.

Yep, sorry jack, signym and jaynestown, despite all your bullshit, we're doing just fine.


Did you even read this woke ass trash article past the first paragraph? Written as an OPINION piece for woke ass trash rag The Atlantic, by the guy who raped and murdered his interns?

Get fucked, Ted.

Wow you're so stupid. If you checked out the article online, you'd know what I posted is from the end not the beginning.

And more to the point, I'd remind you we know you to be an uneducated hack. You should reread your post, Jack. Once again, you've chosen to go the way of the lying pervert.



Monday, July 10, 2023 6:26 PM


First GOP Debate Shaping Up to Be an Embarrassing Fiasco

When the Republican National Committee announced their first presidential debate of the 2024 cycle would be in August in Milwaukee, officials dangled the prospect of making it a two-night affair if enough presidential contenders qualified. Now, just over a month later, the prospect of an overly crowded stage is no longer a serious concern. The central party committee is more likely staring down a dud: the frontrunner is threatening to counter-program it, and perhaps a majority of the rest of the field, even some with gold-caliber resumes, may not qualify for a spot on stage under the RNC’s rules.

OH, so sorry.



Tuesday, July 11, 2023 6:48 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

America’s power-hungry Christians need to face their own flaws

There’s a popular story in Christian circles that’s literally too good to be true. According to legend, in the early 1900s, The Times of London sent an inquiry to a number of writers asking the question, “What’s wrong with the world today?” The Christian apologist G.K. Chesterton responded succinctly and profoundly: “Dear Sirs, I am.”

The real story is just as profound, but less succinct. In 1905 Chesterton wrote a much longer letter to London’s Daily News, and that letter included these sentences: “In one sense, and that the eternal sense, the thing is plain. The answer to the question ‘What is Wrong?’ is, or should be, ‘I am wrong.’ Until a man can give that answer his idealism is only a hobby.”

I’ve thought about that Chesterton quote often during the age of Trump, especially as I’ve seen the “new” Christian right re-embrace the authoritarianism of previous American political eras. At the exact time when religious liberty is enjoying a historic winning streak at the Supreme Court, a cohort of Christians has increasingly decided that liberty isn’t enough. To restore the culture and protect our children, it’s necessary to exercise power to shape our national environment.

And so the conservative movement is changing. When I was a younger lawyer, conservatives fought speech codes that often inhibited religious and conservative discourse on campus. Now, red state legislatures are writing their own speech codes, hoping to limit discussion of the ideas they disfavor. When I was starting my career, my conservative colleagues and I rolled our eyes at the right-wing book purges of old, when angry parents tried to yank “dangerous” books off school library shelves. Well, now the purges are back, as parents are squaring off in school districts across the nation, arguing over the words children should be allowed to read.

Years ago, I laughed at claims that Christian conservatives were dominionists in disguise, that we didn’t just want religious freedom, we wanted religious authority. Yet now, such claims are hardly laughable. Arguments for a “Christian nationalism” are increasingly prominent, with factions ranging from Catholic integralists to reformed Protestants to prophetic Pentecostals all seeking a new American social compact, one that explicitly puts Christians in charge.

The motivating force behind this transformation is a powerful sense of threat — the idea that the left is “coming after” you and your family. This mind-set sees the Christian use of power as inherently protective, and the desire to censor as an attempt to save children from dangerous ideas. The threat to the goodness of the church and the virtue of its members, in other words, comes primarily from outside its walls, from a culture and a world that is seen as worse in virtually every way.

But there’s a contrary view, one that emanates from the idea of original sin, which Chesterton argued was “the only part of Christian theology which can really be proved.” The doctrine of original sin rejects the idea that we are intrinsically good and are corrupted only by the outside world. Instead, we enter life with our own profound and inherent flaws. We are all, in a word, fallen. To quote Jesus in the book of Mark, “There is nothing outside a person that by going into him can defile him, but the things that come out of a person are what defile him.” All manner of sin and evil comes “from within, out of the heart of man.”

Under this understanding of Scripture, we are all our own greatest enemy — Christians as fully as those who do not share our beliefs. We do not, either as individuals or as a religious movement, possess an inherent virtue that should entitle any of us to rule. We shun the will to power because we rightly fear our own sin, and we protect the liberty of others because we do not possess all wisdom and we need to hear their ideas.

Of course that is not to say that external voices and ideas can have no negative effect in our lives. We might be our own greatest enemy, but we’re not our only enemy. But if we are deeply flawed, then that realization has to profoundly impact how we approach politics. It has to temper our confidence that we either can control or should control the public square.

One of the best recent books about the American founding is “We the Fallen People: The Founders and American Democracy” by the Wheaton College professor Robert Tracy McKenzie. In it, he details at length the founders’ own reservations about human nature. As James Madison famously wrote in Federalist No. 51: “If men were angels, no government would be necessary. If angels were to govern men, neither external nor internal controls on government would be necessary.”

This proper skepticism about human virtue pervades the Constitution. At every turn, the power of government is hemmed in. Each branch checks the other. The people check the government, and the government checks the people. The Bill of Rights attempts to safeguard our most fundamental human rights from government overreach or the tyranny of the mob. No faction can be trusted with unchecked authority.

But, as Professor McKenzie argues, this understanding faced an early and serious challenge in a political movement that we’d recognize today — Jacksonian populism, the idea that “the people” were, in fact, righteous enough to rule. You see echoes today in the constant refrain from the Trumpist right that “we the people” represent the “real America,” the virtuous core that can save the nation from what they see as a decadent left.

The very concept was, and is, destructive to its core. The sense of virtue creates a sense of righteous entitlement. In Christian America, the belief that “we” are good leads to the conviction that the churches will suffer, our nation will suffer and our families will suffer unless “we” run things. It closes our hearts and minds to contrary voices and opposing ideas.

Putting aside for the moment the long history of religious misrule, recent events demonstrate the reach of Christian sin. In 2021 our nation suffered when many Christian activists, Christian members of Congress and Christian Trump aides participated in an attempt to overturn an American election and helped instigate a violent assault on the Capitol.

But one doesn’t have to look to national politics to see that threats can emanate from within the church as well as without. One of the most terrifying and poignant parts of the hit Amazon Prime documentary series “Shiny Happy People” was the story of Josh Duggar, a young man who was raised in a deeply religious family. He was protected from the corruption of the “outside world” in almost every way that could be devised. He was home-schooled and grew up in a house without a cable television and with limited access to media. And yet he was depraved enough to molest his own sisters.

My wife and I both grew up in a fundamentalist community that tried hard to protect the church from the world. Yet it turned out that my wife needed protection from the church. She’s a victim of child sex abuse. The perpetrator taught vacation Bible school.

This recent legacy of scandal and abuse should be more than enough evidence of the need for existential humility in any Christian political theology. This is not moral relativism. We still possess core convictions. But existential humility acknowledges the limits of our own wisdom and virtue. Existential humility renders liberty a necessity, not merely to safeguard our own beliefs but also to safeguard our access to other ideas and arguments that might help expose our own mistakes and shortcomings.

Who is wrong? I am wrong. We are wrong. Until the church can give that answer, its political idealism will meet a tragic and destructive end. The attempt to control others will not preserve our virtue, and it risks inflicting our own failures on the nation we seek to save.

David French is a New York Times Opinion columnist. He is a lawyer, writer and veteran of Operation Iraqi Freedom. He is a former constitutional litigator, and his most recent book is “Divided We Fall: America’s Secession Threat and How to Restore Our Nation.” @DavidAFrench

Download the book for free from the mirrors at

A version of this article appears in print on , Section A, Page 16 of the New York edition with the headline: Who Truly Threatens the Church?.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Tuesday, July 11, 2023 6:52 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

INTRODUCTION to David French’s book “Divided We Fall: America’s Secession Threat and How to Restore Our Nation.”

Download the book for free from the mirrors at

A House Divided

It’s time for Americans to wake up to a fundamental reality: the continued unity of the United States of America cannot be guaranteed. At this moment in history, there is not a single important cultural, religious, political, or social force that is pulling Americans together more than it is pushing us apart. We cannot assume that a continent-sized, multi-ethnic, multi-faith democracy can remain united forever, and it will not remain united if our political class cannot and will not adapt to an increasingly diverse and divided American public.

We lack a common popular culture. Depending on where we live and what we believe, we watch different kinds of television, we listen to different kinds of music, and we often even watch different sports.

We increasingly live separate from each other. The number of Americans who live in so-called landslide counties—counties where one presidential candidate wins by at least twenty points—is at an all-time high. The geography that a person calls their home, whether it be rural, exurban, suburban, or urban, is increasingly predictive of voting habits.

We increasingly believe different things. America is secularizing at a rapid rate, but it is still the most religious nation in the developed world, and is set to remain so for the indefinite future. While the “religious nones” (those with no particular religious affiliation) grow in number, many of America’s most religiously fervent denominations are growing as well, some rapidly. Moreover, America’s secular and religious citizens are increasingly concentrated in different parts of the country, supplementing geographic separation with religious separation.

We increasingly loathe our political opponents. The United States is in the grip of a phenomenon called “negative polarization.” In plain English this means that a person belongs to their political party not so much because they like their own party but because they hate and fear the other side. Republicans don’t embrace Republican policies so much as they despise Democrats and Democratic policies. Democrats don’t embrace Democratic policies as much as they vote to defend themselves from Republicans. At this point, huge majorities actively dislike their political opponents and significant minorities see them as possessing subhuman characteristics.

Moreover, each of these realities is set to get worse. Absent unforeseen developments, the present trends are self-reinforcing. Clustering is feeding extremism, extremism is feeding anger, and anger is feeding fear. The class of Americans who care the most about politics is, perversely enough, the class of Americans most likely to make negative misjudgments about their fellow citizens. Our political and cultural leaders are leading us apart.

Given this reality, why should we presume that our nation is immune from the same cultural and historical forces that have caused disunion in this nation before and in other nations countless times?

I’m writing this book from a unique position. For the first time in my life, I’m a man without a party. I have no “tribe.” And I must confess that it has opened my eyes. I see things differently than I used to, and I understand the perspective of my political opponents better than I did before.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Tuesday, July 11, 2023 7:36 AM


Sudden Jihad among Minnesota Democrats, the Somali vs Pakistani

At least two people were injured

1 person taken to the hospital

there was an emergency meeting of the party’s executive committee about what to do about the Sharia Law in-fighting.


Tuesday, July 11, 2023 11:58 AM



Originally posted by second:
INTRODUCTION to David French’s book “Divided We Fall: America’s Secession Threat and How to Restore Our Nation.”

Download the book for free from the mirrors at

A House Divided

It’s time for Americans to wake up to a fundamental reality: the continued unity of the United States of America cannot be guaranteed. At this moment in history, there is not a single important cultural, religious, political, or social force that is pulling Americans together more than it is pushing us apart. We cannot assume that a continent-sized, multi-ethnic, multi-faith democracy can remain united forever, and it will not remain united if our political class cannot and will not adapt to an increasingly diverse and divided American public.

We lack a common popular culture. Depending on where we live and what we believe, we watch different kinds of television, we listen to different kinds of music, and we often even watch different sports.

We increasingly live separate from each other. The number of Americans who live in so-called landslide counties—counties where one presidential candidate wins by at least twenty points—is at an all-time high. The geography that a person calls their home, whether it be rural, exurban, suburban, or urban, is increasingly predictive of voting habits.

We increasingly believe different things. America is secularizing at a rapid rate, but it is still the most religious nation in the developed world, and is set to remain so for the indefinite future. While the “religious nones” (those with no particular religious affiliation) grow in number, many of America’s most religiously fervent denominations are growing as well, some rapidly. Moreover, America’s secular and religious citizens are increasingly concentrated in different parts of the country, supplementing geographic separation with religious separation.

We increasingly loathe our political opponents. The United States is in the grip of a phenomenon called “negative polarization.” In plain English this means that a person belongs to their political party not so much because they like their own party but because they hate and fear the other side. Republicans don’t embrace Republican policies so much as they despise Democrats and Democratic policies. Democrats don’t embrace Democratic policies as much as they vote to defend themselves from Republicans. At this point, huge majorities actively dislike their political opponents and significant minorities see them as possessing subhuman characteristics.

Moreover, each of these realities is set to get worse. Absent unforeseen developments, the present trends are self-reinforcing. Clustering is feeding extremism, extremism is feeding anger, and anger is feeding fear. The class of Americans who care the most about politics is, perversely enough, the class of Americans most likely to make negative misjudgments about their fellow citizens. Our political and cultural leaders are leading us apart.

Given this reality, why should we presume that our nation is immune from the same cultural and historical forces that have caused disunion in this nation before and in other nations countless times?

I’m writing this book from a unique position. For the first time in my life, I’m a man without a party. I have no “tribe.” And I must confess that it has opened my eyes. I see things differently than I used to, and I understand the perspective of my political opponents better than I did before.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Good for David. Affiliating yourself with a political party is what assholes do.

I don't know exactly what he's arguing here though. The ruling class want diversity in EVERYTHING, except for diversity of thought.

He takes a long time to say it, but that appears to be what he's saying here too.


How you do anything is how you do everything.


Tuesday, July 11, 2023 12:23 PM


As for the Democrats in Minnesota, both the left and the right have nuts within their ranks. By what they did, they showed they have no understanding of what free and fair elections means. You have to win office; to do so you cannot bully others out of the race.

As for having a political affiliation, it gives you support, backing in an election. I am independent. I believe that even makes me affiliated with a party. The independence party, which allows me to vote based on principal.



Tuesday, July 11, 2023 1:41 PM



Christie on if Trump is a danger to the U.S.: I don't want him to be POTUS,


Tuesday, July 11, 2023 1:47 PM




Tuesday, July 11, 2023 1:49 PM




Tuesday, July 11, 2023 4:17 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by second:
INTRODUCTION to David French’s book “Divided We Fall: America’s Secession Threat and How to Restore Our Nation.”

Download the book for free from the mirrors at

A House Divided

Good for David. Affiliating yourself with a political party is what assholes do.

I don't know exactly what he's arguing here though. The ruling class want diversity in EVERYTHING, except for diversity of thought.

He takes a long time to say it, but that appears to be what he's saying here too.

Short version of the book that you refuse to read is as follows: It’s time for our warring tribes to understand a simple reality: that to embrace illiberalism and intolerance is to court dissolution. At the extremes, it even risks civil war. . . . Embracing pluralism means embracing the lessons of history and understanding that not even our great nation is immune to the forces that have fractured unions older than ours. Our nation’s angriest culture warriors need to know the cost of their conflict. As they seek to crush their political and cultural enemies, they may destroy the nation they seek to rule.

Meanwhile, Trump is threatening to go to war against the United States. Obviously, he didn't read the book.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Tuesday, July 11, 2023 6:25 PM



Originally posted by second:
Meanwhile, Trump is threatening to go to war against the United States.

No, he's not.

He's going to war FOR the United States.

You are the bad guys here. I don't think you read the book.


How you do anything is how you do everything.


Thursday, July 13, 2023 8:20 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by second:
Meanwhile, Trump is threatening to go to war against the United States.

No, he's not.

He's going to war FOR the United States.

You are the bad guys here. I don't think you read the book.

You still do not understand that I live around Trumptards. I've known your kind for decades. Your lives are hard and disappointing for you because of what you are, not because Democrats exist. But I have NEVER known even one Trumptard that could make the connection between what they are and what happens to them. Did they get fired? No comprehension of their incompetence was the cause. Instead, blame the Democrats. Did they get divorced? No comprehension that the wife can't tolerate their rotten behavior any longer. Instead, blame woman's liberation and the Democrats. 6ix, I am at work, making America go and fixing the screw-ups of my stupid Trumptard employees (fewer and fewer Trumptards all the time because they get fired for living their true selves) and you are asleep, but when you awake you will be bitching that the Democrats aren't making your life easier, you lazy drunken fool.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Thursday, July 13, 2023 8:22 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Journalists Need To Sound The Alarm, writes Mark Jacob. “It’s high time for news media to confront the rise of fascism.”

He asks why “journalists covering the biggest story of their career—the attempted overthrow of democracy—treat it like routine politics?”

And he offers four reasons.


Some journalists see the alarming fascist turn of the Republican Party as a temporary error in judgment, like a basically good dad staying out drinking with his pals all night. Except it’s been eight years and dad hasn’t come home yet. He may never come home.

“It’s time,” he concludes, “for journalists to panic responsibly.”

More at

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Thursday, July 13, 2023 8:56 AM



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by second:
Meanwhile, Trump is threatening to go to war against the United States.

No, he's not.

He's going to war FOR the United States.

You are the bad guys here. I don't think you read the book.

You still do not understand that I live around Trumptards. I've known your kind for decades. Your lives are hard and disappointing for you because of what you are, not because Democrats exist. But I have NEVER known even one Trumptard that could make the connection between what they are and what happens to them. Did they get fired? No comprehension of their incompetence was the cause. Instead, blame the Democrats. Did they get divorced? No comprehension that the wife can't tolerate their rotten behavior any longer. Instead, blame woman's liberation and the Democrats. 6ix, I am at work, making America go and fixing the screw-ups of my stupid Trumptard employees (fewer and fewer Trumptards all the time because they get fired for living their true selves) and you are asleep, but when you awake you will be bitching that the Democrats aren't making your life easier, you lazy drunken fool.

Just another tired old repeat of a post from a miserable little pile of shit.

Nobody cares about your problems dude. Get some help.


How you do anything is how you do everything.


Friday, July 14, 2023 6:25 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Donald Trump is promising to implement what he is describing as "Agenda 47" when he takes back the White House in the 2024 Election.

Agenda 47 would consist of an end to birthright citizenship, further criminalizing transgender people and the LGBTQI community more broadly, expanding censorship laws to end the teaching of "critical race theory" and to defeat "Woke" and "Black Lives Matter", attacking academic freedom and replacing it with "patriot education", implementing a national stop and frisk law, pardoning the Jan. 6 terrorists, putting homeless people in camps or some other designated area under threat of arrest, building high tech "freedom cities", ending the professional civil service and replacing it with political appointees and partisan agents, gutting the Department of Justice and other parts of the government that opposed Trump's attacks on democracy and the rule of law, executing drug dealers, starting a trade war with China, and making "peace" with Vladimir Putin by withdrawing support for Ukraine. In many ways, Agenda 47 is a continuation of the policies Trump put in place during his first regime but now made even more extreme and cruel.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Friday, July 14, 2023 8:53 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

This Was a Great Week for American Diplomacy but you might not know it from the headlines.

July 14, 2023

President Biden’s trip to Europe this week produced some of America’s biggest diplomatic triumphs in years. Yet news reports were mixed, with the harrumphing led by this New York Times headline: “Despite Successes at NATO Summit, Divisions Remain.”

This from a summit where Turkey finally (and, to most observers, surprisingly) relented to Sweden’s bid for NATO membership; the alliance members created a NATO-Ukraine Council, which President Volodymyr Zelensky attended; the G7 nations agreed to massive long-term security assistance to Kyiv; Germany and others swelled their lists of heavy weapons to be exported to the Ukraine army; and all the NATO nations revised their long-stated pledges to spend 2 percent of their GDP on defense from a “target” to a “minimum.”

No NATO summit in recent memory has accomplished so much and with almost no controversy. But if Trump had been there, it would have been a three-ring circus with Trump doing incredible acts. Trump would be the elephants doing headstands and the snarling lions and the prancing ponies and the trained dogs barking in the circus rings as Trump does his trick: Look at me, the most important person in the Universe! as Trump loves to remind his Trumptards.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Friday, July 14, 2023 4:40 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Report: Top Democrats Know Biden Is NOT Running For 2nd Term

“Multiple big donors aren’t locking in”
14 July, 2023
Steve Watson

According to a CNN report (make of that what you will) leading Democrats have begun reaching out to “possible replacements” for Joe Biden because they know that the 80 year old president will not run for a second term.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Loving America is like loving an addicted spouse - SIGNYM






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