Elections; 2024

UPDATED: Thursday, October 17, 2024 22:56
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Friday, December 29, 2023 6:47 AM



Originally posted by THG: Sunday, July 2, 2023 6:42 PM




Friday, December 29, 2023 6:49 AM



Trump removed from Maine's 2024 ballot


Friday, December 29, 2023 12:57 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Maine Secretary of State Shenna Bellows decided Thursday to remove Donald Trump from the state’s presidential ballot.
Maine’s Shenna Bellows.

Jared Golden, a Democratic congressman from Lewiston who voted to impeach Trump over the January 6th riots, quickly issued a statement:

We are a nation of laws, therefore until he is actually found guilty of the crime of insurrection, he should be allowed on the ballot. ... Is there any way this ends well? - Matt Taibbi

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Loving America is like loving an addicted spouse - SIGNYM


Friday, December 29, 2023 1:40 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Maine Secretary of State Shenna Bellows decided Thursday to remove Donald Trump from the state’s presidential ballot.
Maine’s Shenna Bellows.

Jared Golden, a Democratic congressman from Lewiston who voted to impeach Trump over the January 6th riots, quickly issued a statement:

We are a nation of laws, therefore until he is actually found guilty of the crime of insurrection, he should be allowed on the ballot. ... Is there any way this ends well? - Matt Taibbi

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Loving America is like loving an addicted spouse - SIGNYM

Signym, you know that the 14th Amendment did NOT require a guilty verdict for any Confederate Rebel to keep all those asshole Rebels out of Congress, the White House, and the Supreme Court. Nobody had to convince a jury that a Confederate rebel was, beyond a reasonable doubt, guilty of being an asshole and there is still no Constitutional requirement to convince a jury that Trump is an asshole. In other words, people who support Trump are adding words to the Constitution that are not in the 14th Amendment so that they can show they support Trump.

Trump is now 2-2 in the Insurrection Bowl
Maine and Colorado say Trump can't run for president while Michigan and California say he can. It needs a definitive national answer. Supreme Court, here we come.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Friday, December 29, 2023 6:09 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Maine Secretary of State Shenna Bellows decided Thursday to remove Donald Trump from the state’s presidential ballot.
Maine’s Shenna Bellows.

Jared Golden, a Democratic congressman from Lewiston who voted to impeach Trump over the January 6th riots, quickly issued a statement:

We are a nation of laws, therefore until he is actually found guilty of the crime of insurrection, he should be allowed on the ballot. ... Is there any way this ends well? - Matt Taibbi


There is nothing in the constitution that even suggests he has to be convicted first. That said, the Colorado courts found he did incite an insurrection.



Friday, December 29, 2023 10:52 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Maine Secretary of State Shenna Bellows decided Thursday to remove Donald Trump from the state’s presidential ballot.
Maine’s Shenna Bellows.

Jared Golden, a Democratic congressman from Lewiston who voted to impeach Trump over the January 6th riots, quickly issued a statement:

We are a nation of laws, therefore until he is actually found guilty of the crime of insurrection, he should be allowed on the ballot. ... Is there any way this ends well? - Matt Taibbi

THUGR: There is nothing in the constitution that even suggests he has to be convicted first.

There's something in our Constitution... perhaps you're not familiar with it, seeing as you apparently hate freedom ... that's called "due process". It's in the Fifth Amendment.


The term "innocent until proven guilty" is not in the U.S. Constitution.
The presumption of innocence is recognized as a due process right under the Fifth Amendment.
The prosecutor has the burden of proof to show you are guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.

You CLAIM to love America but you'd trample the freedoms that make my country so great.


That said, the Colorado courts found he did incite an insurrection.

The Chief Justice and two other Democrat judges found that Trump's Constitutional rights had been violated.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Loving America is like loving an addicted spouse - SIGNYM


Friday, December 29, 2023 11:04 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by THG:

There is nothing in the constitution that even suggests he has to be convicted first. That said, the Colorado courts found he did incite an insurrection.


There is a 126-page article about how that part of the Constitution works. Here are two pages:

The Sweep and Force of Section Three

University of Pennsylvania Law Review, Vol. 172, Forthcoming

126 Pages Posted: 14 Aug 2023 Last revised: 19 Sep 2023

By William Baude, University of Chicago - Law School
Michael Stokes Paulsen, University of St. Thomas School of Law

To be sure, Section Three clearly bears the hallmarks of its historical context. It is, for one thing, a radical rule. The sheer sweep of the disqualification from offices that it imposed on former Southern officeholders-turned-rebels was dramatic. Its operation was hugely disruptive of antebellum patterns of elite political leadership, apparently indifferent to inconvenience, and seemingly rather punitive in its consequences. Section Three is harsh. It is categorical. It is insistent. It seems to have been deliberately designed to turn the prior Southern political order upside down. As Eric Foner puts it, "Section 3 aimed to promote a sweeping transformation of Southern public life.”7

In these respects, the disqualification reflects and embodies the distinctive political impulses of the so-called Radical Republican Congress that proposed the Fourteenth Amendment in 1866. If its disqualification had radical policy consequences for the South, so be it.8 It was more important to strip insurrectionists and rebels of governing power completely, to remake Southern political society thoroughly, and to prevent Southern backsliding from the full consequences of Union victory entirely, than to be concerned about such things as seeming harshness, impracticality, or disruptiveness. Section Three is very much a creation and creature of its day.

Yet it is (or should be) basic constitutional law that it is the enduring text of the Constitution that supplies the governing rule, not the ostensible "purpose” or specific historical situation for which the text was written. Constitutional provisions, written into our fundamental law, live beyond the circumstances that prompted their adoption. And many such constitutional provisions are written in broad, or general, terms that obviously extend beyond the specific situation or situations that led to their enactment. Sometimes this is by design: the text’s drafters wrote a general rule, applicable to a broad class of circumstances, as a more general, "neutral,” way of addressing a class of situations of which the specific problem motivating the writing of the text might be just one instance. The thinking might be that if the principle giving rise to the text is a correct one, it should be correct in like circumstances, not just the one situation that provoked the rule’s adoption. And sometimes a text’s breadth and generality might not reflect conscious design: the text’s drafters wrote a general rule that unintentionally went further than the problem they had in mind. Put colloquially, the text sometimes “overshoots” its drafters’ intended purposes. (A text might undershoot the problem its framers had in mind to address, too—or achieve only part of its intended purpose, perhaps because of political compromise.)

The reason does not really matter. It is the rule as drafted and enacted in the written text that counts, whether it goes further than the purposes supposed to have inspired its adoption, or even whether it falls short of fully achieving those purposes. While evidence of intention, usage, purpose, and political context can assist in ascertaining the meaning of the enactment, it is that objective meaning that constitutes the law, not the ostensible purposes or motivations that supposedly lay behind it. This is “originalism,” our system’s basic method for interpreting the Constitution and its amendments.9

Consider, for example, Section One of the same Fourteenth Amendment. As a matter of historical purpose, the specific mischief the framers of Section One had in mind was the enactment of “Black Codes” in Southern States that discriminated against the newly freed former slaves. But the words chosen by the drafters to enact the rule embodied in the text command, in general terms, that no state shall abridge the “privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States” nor deny to any “person” within its jurisdiction the “equal protection of the laws”—rules not cast in racial terms at all. let alone limited to the immediate situation of former enslaved persons. The rules enacted apply to all persons irrespective of race. So it was entirely plausible for lawyers to argue that Section One also barred the same kind of discrimination against women citizens that it barred against black citizens. It doesn’t matter that the draftsmen of the amendment might not have had women “in mind” if women are covered by the meaning of the words they actually wrote and ratified.10 Similarly, it was entirely plausible to argue that Section One went so far as to ban racially segregated schools.11 The answers to each of these questions turn on the objective, original meaning of “privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States” and “equal protection of the laws,” not whether the 1866 Congress and subsequent ratifiers had thought through the possible radical implications of their own work. If the meaning of the Fourteenth Amendment’s terms forbade racially discriminatory classifications of any and all kinds, as a matter of the rules of late-1860s language and usage, it doesn’t matter one way or the other whether it was intended or expected that governments could enforce certain types of racial discrimination, like enforced racial segregation. The rule as adopted might overshoot the purposes, expectations, or desires of those who voted for it. But the rule is the rule; the text’s meaning is the text’s meaning.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Saturday, December 30, 2023 6:54 AM


Russian egg crisis: What’s behind price hikes?

In a recent Q&A session with Russian President Vladimir Putin at his end-of-year news conference, a woman had a simple request for the government: Bring down the price of eggs.

Her criticism prompted an apology from Putin, who said it was a “failure of the government’s work” that egg prices have soared 40% in 2023.



Saturday, December 30, 2023 7:00 AM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:


Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Maine Secretary of State Shenna Bellows decided Thursday to remove Donald Trump from the state’s presidential ballot.
Maine’s Shenna Bellows.

Jared Golden, a Democratic congressman from Lewiston who voted to impeach Trump over the January 6th riots, quickly issued a statement:

We are a nation of laws, therefore until he is actually found guilty of the crime of insurrection, he should be allowed on the ballot. ... Is there any way this ends well? - Matt Taibbi

THUGR: There is nothing in the constitution that even suggests he has to be convicted first.

There's something in our Constitution... perhaps you're not familiar with it, seeing as you apparently hate freedom ... that's called "due process". It's in the Fifth Amendment.


The term "innocent until proven guilty" is not in the U.S. Constitution.
The presumption of innocence is recognized as a due process right under the Fifth Amendment.
The prosecutor has the burden of proof to show you are guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.

You CLAIM to love America but you'd trample the freedoms that make my country so great.


That said, the Colorado courts found he did incite an insurrection.

The Chief Justice and two other Democrat judges found that Trump's Constitutional rights had been violated.


Quotes that reference your claims about the chief justice and others are needed comrade. They did not argue Trump did not incite an insurrection. So they agreed he did. They just said they did not know if they had the power to remove him from the ballet. Nothing about his rights being violated.



Saturday, December 30, 2023 7:43 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Why Was It So Hard for Nikki Haley to Say ‘Slavery’? History Has the Answer

The presidential candidate’s recent comments about the Civil War helped spread a myth that has warped American history for over a century.

In William Faulkner’s novel, Sartoris, someone asks the title character, Colonel John Sartoris, why he had fought for the Confederacy so many decades before. “Damned if I ever did know,” replied the aging veteran, now a pillar of his community in fictional Yoknapatawpha County, Mississippi.

Of course, we know why Colonel Sartoris raised arms against the United States. So does anyone with a high school diploma — assuming they used up-to-date textbooks. And so did Alexander Stephens, the vice president of the Confederacy, who in 1861 famously asserted that the “cornerstone” of the new Southern nation rested “upon the great truth that the negro is not equal to the white man; that slavery, subordination to the superior race, is his natural and normal condition. This, our new government, is the first, in the history of the world, based upon this great physical, philosophical, and moral truth.”

All of which makes it disappointing, though not surprising, that at this late date — almost 160 years after the Civil War — Nikki Haley, a leading contender for the GOP presidential nomination, shares Colonel Sartoris’ selective amnesia on the topic. When asked a softball question this week about the causes of the Civil War, Haley, a former South Carolina governor, flubbed the answer, calling it a “difficult” question and mumbling on about “basically how government was going to run — the freedoms and what people could and couldn’t do.”

As Haley must know — after all, as governor of South Carolina, she presided over the removal of Confederate flags from the Statehouse — many Americans do question the fundamental fact that slavery precipitated the Civil War, and her equivocation played into a long-standing agenda to rewrite American history. Haley was effectively parroting the Lost Cause mythology, a revisionist school of thought born in the war’s immediate aftermath, which whitewashed the Confederacy’s cornerstone interest in raising arms to preserve slavery. Instead, a generation of Lost Cause mythologists chalked the war up to a battle over political abstractions like states’ rights.

With red states doing battle with American history, seeking to erase the legacy of violence and inequality that counterbalance the great good also inherent in our national story, it’s worth revisiting the rise of the Lost Cause, not just to remember how damaging it was, but to confront just how damaging it still is.

The Lost Cause painted a picture of Southern chivalry — mint juleps, magnolias and moonlight — that stood in sharp contrast with the North, a region marked by avarice, grinding capitalism and poverty. The rebellion, by this rendering, had been a legal response to the North’s assault on states’ rights — not a violent insurrection to preserve chattel slavery. Even Confederate veterans like Hunter McGuire knew that to admit the war had been about slavery would “hold us degraded rather than worthy of honor … our children, instead of revering their fathers will be secretly, if not openly, ashamed.”

More at

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Saturday, December 30, 2023 8:15 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Trump supporters are nothing but fundamentalists

The congenital braggart who embodies what Christianity has traditionally called the seven deadly sins has come to seem the totem of faith for millions of Republican evangelicals.

By Gene Lyons | Dec 29, 2023, 6:00am CST

Donald Trump’s MAGA movement is fundamentalist at its core — with fundamentalism being understood as a psychological rather than a religious concept.

Pretty much every large-scale public movement, secular or sacred, has its share of extremists, and as the religious columnist Paul Prather has argued: “Remove the labels, close your eyes and quickly the fundamentalists in one group start sounding uncannily like the fundamentalists in all other groups, as if they were reading from the same script.”

It’s another word for fanatic.

Most Trumpists call themselves “conservative,” which used to signify a belief in limited government, low taxes, free trade and freedom of conscience but which under Trump signals tribal loyalty and revenge.

This explains what some see as the central paradox of the MAGA movement: that a congenital braggart who embodies what Christianity has traditionally called the seven deadly sins — greed, lust, envy, sloth, gluttony, pride and wrath — has come to seem the totem of faith for millions of Republican evangelicals.

Trump spent Christmas Day typing up and posting laments and threats in ALL CAPS on his Truth Social, targeting “JOE BIDEN’S MISFITS & THUGS, LIKE DERANGED JACK SMITH.” They’re “COMING AFTER ME,” he warned, “AT LEVELS OF PERSECUTION NEVER SEEN BEFORE IN OUR COUNTRY??? ... looking to destroy our once great USA. MAY THEY ROT IN HELL. AGAIN, MERRY CHRISTMAS!”

A bit lacking in the spirit of the holiday, some would say.

Not to mention he’s the world’s biggest crybaby.

But they would be wrong, the MAGA faithful would insist. George Orwell captured the essence of the whiny strongman in reviewing the British edition of Adolf Hitler’s “Mein Kampf” way back in 1940, after the German dictator had driven Germany to war, but before it was clear he had doomed his country to catastrophe.

Hitler, Orwell wrote, “knows that human beings don’t only want comfort, safety, [and] short working-hours ... they also, at least intermittently, want struggle and self-sacrifice, not to mention drums, flags and loyalty-parades.”

Orwell understood fascism’s appeal to an aggrieved population. While European and North American democracies, he wrote, told people in effect that “‘I offer you a good time,’ Hitler has said to them, ‘I offer you struggle, danger and death,’ and as a result a whole nation flings itself at his feet.”

Orwell also understood the personal psychology of the crybaby conqueror: “The initial, personal cause of [Hitler’s] grievance against the universe can only be guessed at; but at any rate the grievance is here. He is the martyr, the victim, Prometheus chained to the rock, the self-sacrificing hero who fights single-handed against impossible odds. If he were killing a mouse he would know how to make it seem like a dragon.”

Sound like anybody we know?

That said, I do believe Trump when he says he never read “Mein Kampf.” Too long, too many big words. Trump never learned anything from a book. He stole his whole act from 1950s professional wrestlers at Sunnyside Gardens in Queens, specifically from Dr. Jerry Graham, who swaggered around boasting that “I have the body men fear and women adore.”

The hairstyle, too — a bleached blond pompadour that taught a generation of wrestling fans how a “heel” behaved — that is, basically like a cartoon Nazi. Graham was a masterful showman who aroused thousands to frenzy with balsa wood chairs and fake blood capsules. He was as fat as Trump, too, although there was muscle under the lard.

Likewise, Trump needed no books to absorb the lesson that nonwhite immigrants are “vermin” poisoning the nation’s blood, or that (white) people in Minnesota, as he assured an audience there the other day, are genetically superior.

He learned those things at his slumlord father’s knee. Fred Trump was arrested at a Ku Klux Klan march through Queens some years before The Donald was born. This business about racehorse genes is straight KKK dogma. It’s always appealed to people who fear outsiders.

But back to the great man’s hypnotized fanbase. Prather credits David French with defining fundamentalism’s essential nature. French argues that whether religious or political, all fundamentalist cultures exhibit “three key traits: certainty, ferocity and solidarity.” He says certainty is the key to the other two traits.

“The fundamentalist mind isn’t clouded by doubt,” French has written. “In fact, when people are fully captured by the fundamentalist mind-set, they often can’t even conceive of good-faith disagreement. To fundamentalists, their opponents aren’t just wrong but evil. Critics are derided as weak or cowards or grifters. Only a grave moral defect can explain the failure to agree.”

Doubters should see this column’s e-mail feed, although I must say the Trumpist faction has been relatively restrained of late. Maybe they’ve given up on me or maybe reality has begun to creep in at the edges.

One way or another, fundamentalist cults always implode, often violently, but sometimes not.

Gene Lyons is a National Magazine Award winner and co-author of “The Hunting of the President.”

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Saturday, December 30, 2023 5:20 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Maine Secretary of State Shenna Bellows decided Thursday to remove Donald Trump from the state’s presidential ballot.
Maine’s Shenna Bellows.

Jared Golden, a Democratic congressman from Lewiston who voted to impeach Trump over the January 6th riots, quickly issued a statement:

We are a nation of laws, therefore until he is actually found guilty of the crime of insurrection, he should be allowed on the ballot. ... Is there any way this ends well? - Matt Taibbi

THUGR: There is nothing in the constitution that even suggests he has to be convicted first.

SIGNYM: There's something in our Constitution... perhaps you're not familiar with it, seeing as you apparently hate freedom ... that's called "due process". It's in the Fifth Amendment.


The term "innocent until proven guilty" is not in the U.S. Constitution.
The presumption of innocence is recognized as a due process right under the Fifth Amendment.
The prosecutor has the burden of proof to show you are guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.

You CLAIM to love America but you'd trample the freedoms that make my country so great.

THUGR: That said, the Colorado courts found he did incite an insurrection.

SIGNY: The Chief Justice and two other Democrat judges found that Trump's Constitutional rights had been violated.

THUGR: Quotes that reference your claims about the chief justice and others are needed comrade. They did not argue Trump did not incite an insurrection. So they agreed he did. They just said they did not know if they had the power to remove him from the ballet. Nothing about his rights being violated.

Says the guy who didn't provide a quote!
Or even a link.

If they don't have "the power", that is, the LEGAL AUTHORITY to remove him from the ballot, that means they acted outside of DUE PROCESS.


Dem-appointed Colorado justice says Trump ballot ban undermines 'bedrock' of America in fiery dissent

The Colorado Supreme Court's decision to ban former President Trump from the state's primary ballot undermines a "bedrock principle" of American democracy, one of the court's Democrat-appointed justices wrote in a fiery dissent.

Justices Carlos Samour, Maria Berkenkotter and Chief Justice Brian D. Boatright all dissented, but Samour was particularly critical of the 4-3 ruling. Samour and Boatright were each appointed by Democratic former Gov. John Hickenlooper, while Berkenkotter was appointed by current Gov. Jared Polis, also a Democrat.

"The decision to bar former President Donald J. Trump — by all accounts the current leading Republican presidential candidate (and reportedly the current leading overall presidential candidate) — from Colorado's presidential primary ballot flies in the face of the DUE PROCESS doctrine," Samour wrote.

"Even IF we are convinced that a candidate committed horrible acts in the past — dare I say, engaged in insurrection — there must be procedural due process before we can declare that individual disqualified from holding public office," he wrote.

a) The dissenting justices aren't convinced Trump was guilty
b) And they're convinced the court acted outside of its legal authority.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Loving America is like loving an addicted spouse - SIGNYM


Saturday, December 30, 2023 8:47 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

So, THUGR, I'm no Constitutional lawyer, but even I could see there's a big gaping hole in the Colorado decison, and it's all based on EXCESS PARTISANSHIP.

Try to shed your excesses, son. You'll be a better American.

Oh, and next time you claim to post "facts", insinuate - or say outright - that I post "lies", or that I'm a "Russian troll", or bray that you "love America/freedom" ... remember this post where you went down in flames on all four counts.

Oh, and your knowledge of what makes America "America"?
Maybe you should take a citizenship class!

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Loving America is like loving an addicted spouse - SIGNYM


Sunday, December 31, 2023 6:29 AM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

So, THUGR, I'm no Constitutional lawyer, but even I could see there's a big gaping hole in the Colorado decison, and it's all based on EXCESS PARTISANSHIP.

Try to shed your excesses, son. You'll be a better American.

Oh, and next time you claim to post "facts", insinuate - or say outright - that I post "lies", or that I'm a "Russian troll", or bray that you "love America/freedom" ... remember this post where you went down in flames on all four counts.

Oh, and your knowledge of what makes America "America"?
Maybe you should take a citizenship class!


Always wrong signym is at it again.

too funny...


Legal experts argue this is why Trump can't hold office again


Sunday, December 31, 2023 10:48 AM


Trump will be fine. He will also be your next President.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Sunday, December 31, 2023 11:34 AM




Sunday, December 31, 2023 4:05 PM


'Wake the hell up': Conservative goes on furious rant about the state of the GOP

During an appearance on MSNBC on Sunday, former Rep. Joe Walsh (R-IL) expressed his extreme dismay with the state of the Republican Party that he has abandoned as he fretted that Donald Trump may once again be elected.

Speaking with host Charles Coleman Jr, the conservative commentator finally exploded with, Wake the hell up, America!"



Sunday, December 31, 2023 10:10 PM


The GOP has moved away from you Bushite Neocon trash.

Good riddance to Joe Walsh.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Monday, January 1, 2024 5:43 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

We Did It, Joe! Monthly Migrant Encounters Exceed 300,000 For First Time In US History

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Loving America is like loving an addicted spouse - SIGNYM


Monday, January 1, 2024 5:55 PM


MSNBC just giving Ted all the bad news for New Years.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Thursday, January 4, 2024 6:30 AM



My Unbiased Search for Voter Fraud for the Trump Campaign, the Data that Shows Why He Lost, and How We Can Improve Our Elections

By Ken Block



Thursday, January 4, 2024 7:02 AM



Originally posted by THG:

Nothing has been disproven.

En masse unsolicited mail-in fraud ballots are fraud.

Ballot harvesting and drop boxes with no checks is fraud.

How many people collecting thousands of ballots door to door do you suppose turned in all the Biden* fraud ballots and then spent the night having a bonfire at home burning all the Trump ballots they collected?

Now admit quietly to yourself that not only did that happen but that it's going to happen just as much the other way in the states that de-legitimatized the US voting system with "temporary" Covid rules and shit your panties.

I warned you to close that cheating apparatus. You didn't listen. Now it will be used against you just like I've been telling you that it would be.

At least in states that didn't require photo ID to vote it used to still take an effort to cheat. Now it's virtually effortless and practically impossible to get caught.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Thursday, January 4, 2024 7:50 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

A Far-Right Court Just Admitted a Truth That Abortion Foes Want to Hide

By Mark Joseph Stern | Jan 03, 2024, 3:14 PM

When the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, it claimed to be removing the judiciary from the abortion debate. In reality, it simply gave the courts a macabre new task: deciding how far states can push a patient toward death before allowing her to undergo an emergency abortion. On Tuesday, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit offered its own answer, declaring that Texas may prohibit hospitals from providing “stabilizing treatment” to pregnant patients by performing an abortion—withholding the procedure until their condition deteriorates to the point of grievous injury or near-certain death. The ruling proves what we already know: Roe’s demise has transformed the judiciary into a kind of death panel that holds the power to elevate the potential life of a fetus over the actual life of a patient.

If that description seems hyperbolic, consider the facts of Tuesday’s decision, Texas v. Becerra. It involves a clash between a federal law and Texas’ stringent abortion ban. Texas law reflects the anti-abortion movement’s fundamental hostility toward any health exceptions; it permits emergency abortions only when a patient is “at risk of death” or “substantial impairment of a major bodily function.” Any doctor who terminates a pregnancy before this point is subject to a 99-year prison term. The Texas Supreme Court affirmed the narrow scope of this exception last month when it forbade Kate Cox from terminating her pregnancy. Cox suffered “severe cramps, leaking fluid and elevated vital signs” due to an abnormality that rendered the fetus incompatible with life. Yet the court unanimously decreed that, until her symptoms grew considerably more dire, Cox was legally obligated to continue the failing pregnancy.

This draconian ban, and others like it, conflicts with a federal statute, the Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act, or EMTALA. That law compels federally funded hospitals to provide “necessary stabilizing treatment” to any patient experiencing an “emergency medical condition.” It defines the term as any condition that “could reasonably be expected” to seriously jeopardize a patient’s health, bodily functions, or organs. In July 2022, President Joe Biden’s Department of Health and Human Services issued guidance noting that EMTALA applies when a pregnant patient requires an abortion for “stabilizing” care. It clarified that any stricter abortion laws must yield to EMTALA, granting red-state doctors permission to terminate a pregnancy well before a patient is dying.

Texas promptly attacked the Biden administration’s guidance
, filing a lawsuit in a division that ensured the case would land in front of one of conservatives’ favorite judges: James Wesley Hendrix, a far-right Trump appointee. The state argued that it has the right to force patients into more extreme medical distress before allowing them to terminate a pregnancy, and that EMTALA’s “stabilizing” standard does not apply to abortion. Predictably, Hendrix agreed.

More at

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Thursday, January 4, 2024 9:18 AM


You've abused the term "far-right" so much that it doesn't mean anything to anybody anymore. considers anybody right of Obama as far-right.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Thursday, January 4, 2024 11:48 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

You've abused the term "far-right" so much that it doesn't mean anything to anybody anymore. considers anybody right of Obama as far-right.

Have you ever heard of the word "cult"? How about the "Jonestown Massacre"? You are in a cult, 6ix. Your cult leader is named Trump rather than Jones.

Retiring California lawmaker reflects on Jonestown and Trump

When Jackie Speier was a lawmaker in Sacramento, before mass shootings became a sad and sick part of everyday life, she helped push through the first state ban on military-style assault weapons.

During a scorching debate, an opponent challenged her, wondering whether she’d ever fired one of the weapons targeted for extinction.

Her response was swift and sharp: “No. But have you ever been shot by an assault weapon?”

She was at the Jonestown massacre in 1978 and on the floor of the House — literally — in 2021.

Jones, she noted, convinced hundreds of true believers “to follow him into the jungle of Guyana. Once there, they became somewhat enslaved by him, and in the end, they didn’t commit suicide. They were murdered.”

Trump, she said, “created this cult of personality that allowed him to then telegraph to his supporters to do things that were illegal, destructive, personally harmful.”

Speier was in the House chamber on Jan. 6, 2021, when it was overrun by violent, jacked-up Trump supporters seeking to overturn the 2020 election.

“I remember pressing my cheek to the floor and feeling how cold it was and this whole sense of resignation kind of came over me,” she said. “I thought, ‘This is it. I’m going to die here in what we think is this sanctuary of democracy’” after surviving Jonestown.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Thursday, January 4, 2024 4:17 PM



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

You've abused the term "far-right" so much that it doesn't mean anything to anybody anymore. considers anybody right of Obama as far-right.

Have you ever heard of the word "cult"? How about the "Jonestown Massacre"?

Yup. You are a cult member.

It's hard to tell exactly when you're directly plagiarizing somebody else or not when you write because you all say the same goddamned 10 things all the time.

You're just a piss-poor writer though, and when it appears that somebody beyond a 9th grade reading level wrote a post coming from your handle that's usually the tell.

I didn't read beyond those first two sentences, by the way.

Nobody gives a shit about your diseased cult's opinions anyhow.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Thursday, January 4, 2024 10:44 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

I didn't read beyond those first two sentences, by the way.

Two bullets in the back of your Nazi skull are understandable without a word to read, by the way.
Are Nazi Trumptards ready to die for what they believe in? The ones I know aren't:

Banality of Evil
The Polls Prove It: Many Republicans Love Fascism

By Brynn Tannehill | January 3, 2024

One party is dedicated to bringing about a dictatorship that plans to seize power for “a generation or two,” purging society of the enemies that are purportedly destroying the nation from within. The other party is a vaguely center-left coalition, too weak to bring about effective change because the country’s Constitution and societal fragmentation make it politically and legally impossible.

As bad as this is, I haven’t even gotten to the really depressing part. Most people assume that if fascism came to America, we would recognize it as individuals and refuse to go along with it. In reality, very few people are directly affected by living in an authoritarian country; life is mostly “boring and tolerable” for the majority. “Yes,” most people would say, “but if asked to do things I know were wrong, I would refuse to comply. Because I’m an American, and I know better.”

Except, we’re already testing this every day in red states, and failing miserably. Let’s discuss a scenario that is already happening frequently.

A woman goes into the E.R. She’s 18 weeks pregnant, her water broke, and she’s miscarrying. There’s no way to save the fetus. She’s likely to either bleed out or die of sepsis if left untreated. A doctor assesses her and quickly reaches this conclusion. But because there’s a heartbeat (for now), he can do nothing. The doctor calls hospital administrators. They pass it along to general counsel. Counsel comes back with the determination that there are greater civil and criminal liability risks if they perform a D&C than if the woman dies from lack of treatment. This is passed to the administrators, who passes it to the doctor, who tells the woman to go wait in the car until she’s nearly dead and then maybe he can treat her, if there isn’t a fetal heartbeat.

The doctor knows this is wrong at a fundamental level. The hospital administrators probably do as well. The woman is very likely to die, painfully and slowly, from gross neglect. But the doctor is just following orders from the administrators. The administrators are just following orders from counsel. Counsel is acting on the raw calculus that the state attorney general will never grant a life of the mother exception, and that there’s less risk if she dies in the parking lot than if she’s alive in the hospital. Neither the state legislators nor the attorney general can be held criminally or civilly liable for the suffering and death that they cause. Nor can the legislators ever be removed from office, because of gerrymandering.

Ultimately, when the power of the state comes to bear on people, including Americans, the vast majority will not do the right thing. Most (sane) people admire Martin Niemöller, but when confronted with the reality of how fascism corrupts ordinary men, almost no one emulates his willingness to do the right thing by defying the state. When Trump takes power and turns the full might of the government against anyone who might resist, the guardrails of individual conscience will evaporate faster than a snow flurry in hell.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Friday, January 5, 2024 1:42 AM



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

I didn't read beyond those first two sentences, by the way.

Two bullets in the back of your Nazi skull are understandable without a word to read, by the way.
Are Nazi Trumptards ready to die for what they believe in?

Are you?

I think a little soy filled pussy bitch like you speaks a huge game online when I'd knock you flat on your ass with an open fisted slap just for looking at me the wrong way in real life.

Careful there buddy. Your Reaverfan handle is bleeding into this one.

Don't make me get the rest of you banned from


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Friday, January 5, 2024 4:11 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

I don't know how you do it SIX, but you REALLY get under SECOND'S skin. It must be a talent!

He's such douche. What will he do when NATO loses and Trump is elected? He's willing to threaten people with death. So, will he threaten suicide?

Goose sauce = gander sauce.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Loving America is like loving an addicted spouse - SIGNYM


Friday, January 5, 2024 7:15 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
I don't know how you do it SIX, but you REALLY get under SECOND'S skin. It must be a talent!

He's such douche. What will he do when NATO loses and Trump is elected? He's willing to threaten people with death. So, will he threaten suicide?

Goose sauce = gander sauce.

Signym, I have always prospered regardless of what happens in the news. I have nothing to fear. I do not crave a strong leader such as Putin/Trump to protect me.

Here's another story that will get the usual response from 6ix: ("Trump will be fine") 6ix needs der Führer Trump to win. I don't need Biden to win but I do prefer seeing Nazis like Trump suffer and die in prison.

James Comer searched for China link to Biden — but Oversight found Trump instead

By Sarah K. Burris | January 4, 2024 12:55PM ET

The House Oversight and Reform Committee, under Rep. James Comer's (R-KY) leadership, has searched through the finances of President Joe Biden and the rest of his family looking for incriminating links to foreign entities. Now it turns out it was Donald Trump who had international business dealings while sitting in the White House.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Friday, January 5, 2024 7:32 AM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
I don't know how you do it SIX, but you REALLY get under SECOND'S skin. It must be a talent!

He's such douche. What will he do when NATO loses and Trump is elected? He's willing to threaten people with death. So, will he threaten suicide?

Goose sauce = gander sauce.

And he didn't even reply to me, hiding behind you instead.

I get the feeling that in his real life his mommy has never let anybody get away with talking to him the way that I talk to him.

I understand the sentiment. His malignant personality is repulsive, and I've never let anybody get away with saying anything 10% as nasty to me as the crap that comes from his little piggy brain.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Friday, January 5, 2024 11:58 AM



Originally posted by THG: Tuesday, August 22, 2023 10:00 PM



Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

Get ready for it Jack. Some attorneys Generals are going to block Trump from getting on the ballets in their states. According to the constitution, he is automatically disqualified from running after trying to overturn an election. He is also on video suggesting we suspend the constitution. Something he was sworn to protect.

tick tock tick tock


Guess I was right Jack. Look at the date I predicted this.



Friday, January 5, 2024 12:42 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

I think this, and a few quotes from a thread that belongs here, back from when I cared what the M$M was publishing


The most serious and coordinated attempt was trying to smear Trump with some sort of Russian collusion charge. This went all the way back to MI6 and Christopher Steele, who wrote a fairy tale about "golden showers" and "kompromat" in order to surveill the Trump campaign. These (false) allegations were leaked to the press by our deep state, and recycled ad nuaseum thru the M$M and the Mueller "investigation" (who btw failed to interview any of the key players, like Assange, Steele, Mifsud etc). Let's not lose sight that this was precipitated by Hillary and Obama. Well, that failed (altho to this day there are still people who're suffering from paranoid PTSD because of this disinformation campaign)

And then there was the "Trump is a racist" campaign because he wanted to block people from wartorn jihadist-ridden nations, which couldn't validate identitification documents if their lives depended on it (which, often, it did). I think most people saw this step as a reasonable security measure, tho, so this died a quiet death.

The "racist" campaign was recycled ad naseum because Trump wanted to build a border wall, and the "resistance" was so overwrought about this issue they wound up supporting the "rights" of illegal immigrants over the rights of American citizens. Since most people really don't want to extend benefits (like free health care) to a flood of illegal migrants when all Americans don't have health care, this too died a quiet death.

Let's interpolate the Kavanuagh hearing, which may have started with a grain of truth (Kavanaugh got drunk when he was a student) but was whipped up into a froth of 99.9% hysteria. Also, let's interpolate the "Covington students assault native American" fiction, which got several M$M outlets sued.

Ukrainegate. The latest attempt to remove Trump. Like the Mueller "investigation" the House failed to interview ... or indeed, find .... any relevant eyewitnesses who could say the magic words "Trump told me". They managed to not even interview the person who started this all ... Eric Ciamarella ... but instead clung to the fiction that he deserves some sort of anonymity because ... whatever. Meanwhile, the transcript shows nothing like a "quid pro quo" and even the presumed victim -Zelenskiy - says there was no pressure. Altho I believe that the whole event, including the issues of Hunter Biden being part of a protection racket and Joe Biden getting Ukraine's Chief Procurator fired, deserves to be thoroughly investigated, this, too will die an ignominious death.

The deep state's/ globalists' biggest and best-organized plan (RUSSIA!RUSSIA!) failed, and the rest amounts to nothing more than picking up adventitious clods of shit and throwing them against the wall to see what sticks. But FOR SURE they won't give up, now that campaign season is open for Trump.

So, what next?


I don't believe that Trump has been successful. What he is is sand in the gears of the transnationals and the globalist elites. He's been able to thwart their rapacious one-worldism and has (so far) kept us out of any NEW wars, but he has not been able to reverse the interventionist efforts, and will not be able to remake the American economy.

Also, not a huge fan of his support for Israel and his visceral hatred of Iran, or his constantly appointing deep-staters, liberal interventionists, and neconons to his security team. People (here) often mistake my refusal to get on their anti-Trump crazy-train as support for Trump. For me, Trump was a PROTEST VOTE. I was hoping he would do a few things (so far about 50% accomplished) but if all he is is a loose cannon and a vengeful poke in the eye of the globalists, I'm happy.


Still ... what next? When the RUSSIA!RUSSIA! disinformation campaign failed, it was easy to predict that they would do something next, or something in parallel. Remember, these people have no moral or ethical boundaries to cross. Truth, democracy, patriotism, human lives mean nothing to them.

So, sure as night follows day, there will be more attempts to discredit, derail, or disable Trump. What comes next? "Unfit for office?" Lethal flu infection?


God, SECOND really has a stick up his ass about taxes, doesn't he?

I hate to tell you this, SECOND, but most Americans know that ALL of the rich and the corporations have been screwing us on their taxes, and that tax avoidance has been going on since taxes were first imposed. (And no, I don't mean "in America", I mean "in history").

Maybe if you were to propose some meaningful tax reform it might interest people, but going after one politically covenient guy with hammer and tongs over his taxes is just a big soozefest. Most people would see it as meaningless partisan theater, and they'd be correct.


Oooooh! Oooooooh!
They're going to claim "election hacking" and cancel the results!!
(But only if Trump wins.)


[TO SECOND] Oh, I understand that tax cheating is a crime, alright. I also know that there are international law firms, like Mossack Fonseca (associated with Hillary Clinton) that help the wealthy stash their money into instant foundations, shell corporations, and offshore accounts. That's a lot worse ... and involves a lot more money ... than just fudging the figures on a tax form.

When you go after one individual while others are doing the same - or a lot worse- it's called selective enforcement. In this case, I would call it blatant election meddling. Or maybe partisan hypocrisy. Or, in your case , Trump Derangement Syndrome

Instead of constantly ... and I mean constantly... obssessing about Trump (Trump this! Trump that! Trump something else!) ... why don't you propose a way to solve the problem? People might at least be willing to listen.

But I know you won't, just like CC will never discuss What are Americans' interests?. You hate America, and Americans, far too much to engage in anything positive.

You really, REALLY, need a new hobby!

SECOND: "Russian troll ... blah blah blah" [Libel and insult is what SECOND resorts to when he has no credible response]

If you were a patriotic American (are you?) you'd know that there is such as thing as innocent until proven guilty. YOU have been relentlessly hounding Trump over one made-up-"crime" after another, most of which have been determined to be as full of hot air as you are.

You'd also know that there is such a thing as equal protection under the law which means ... among other things ... no selective prosecution.

You'd also know that Trump won the election fair and square, under Electoral College procedures determined by the Constitution.

Also, that he and his staff have fourth amendment rights, which appear to have been violated by the FBI in their application to the FISA Court.

Why do you hate America so much, SECOND? Are you willing to overturn our Constitutional protections, our electoral procedures, our free speech, and our democracy in order to assuage your hate?

Nothing has changed. Now they're willing to tear down democracy too


Ballot Cleansing: Democrats Are Moving To Bar Republicans From Ballots Nationwide

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Loving America is like loving an addicted spouse - SIGNYM


Friday, January 5, 2024 4:57 PM



Originally posted by THG:

Originally posted by THG: Tuesday, August 22, 2023 10:00 PM



Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

Get ready for it Jack. Some attorneys Generals are going to block Trump from getting on the ballets in their states. According to the constitution, he is automatically disqualified from running after trying to overturn an election. He is also on video suggesting we suspend the constitution. Something he was sworn to protect.

tick tock tick tock


Guess I was right Jack. Look at the date I predicted this.


Nobody cares about your TDS dude. And let's not kid ourselves here. YOU didn't come up with anything. That's what Mika and Morning Joe told you to think.

While you're busy checking dates, when you said this bullshit was going to happen, I begged for it to happen.

Then you dumbshit brainlets actually destroyed Democracy by trying it, all in states that no Republican was ever going to win in the first place.

Personally, I hope it doesn't go to the Supreme Court and 10 dogshit deep blue states like New York, Illinois and California all ban Trump from the ballot and you still get to watch as Trump wins the electoral college in November in a landslide.

Hopefully then you'll all finally make good on your promises and secede from the Union and you can all go broke and turn into 3rd world countries on your own dime. Make sure to take in as many million illegal alien invaders as you'd like when that happens too.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Friday, January 5, 2024 5:49 PM


The Supreme Court will decide if Donald Trump can be kept off 2024 presidential ballots

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Supreme Court said Friday it will decide whether former President Donald Trump can be kept off the ballot because of his efforts to overturn his 2020 election loss, inserting the court squarely in the 2024 presidential campaign.

The justices acknowledged the need to reach a decision quickly, as voters will soon begin casting presidential primary ballots across the country. The court agreed to take up Trump's appeal of a case from Colorado stemming from his role in the events that culminated in the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol.

tick tock



Friday, January 5, 2024 6:11 PM



Originally posted by THG:
The Supreme Court will decide if Donald Trump can be kept off 2024 presidential ballots

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Supreme Court said Friday it will decide whether former President Donald Trump can be kept off the ballot because of his efforts to overturn his 2020 election loss, inserting the court squarely in the 2024 presidential campaign.

The justices acknowledged the need to reach a decision quickly, as voters will soon begin casting presidential primary ballots across the country. The court agreed to take up Trump's appeal of a case from Colorado stemming from his role in the events that culminated in the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol.

tick tock



Tick Tock, indeed.

Once it goes to the Supreme Court they're going to overturn it, dummy.

The reason I didn't want this to happen is because all you fucking babies do is cry when you don't get your way and the ONLY outcome to this is that Trump gets reinstated on all the ballots and then I get to sit and listen to you bitch and moan about how our Supreme Court is not legitimate.

Don't believe me? Take a step outside of yourself for 5 minutes come February when you find yourself doing exactly what I just said you were going to do after you let the Media fill your head with that nonsense.

The only way that gets avoided is if all 9 Justices do the right thing and vote to overturn it, but that ain't never happening with Diversity Hire Wakanda Forever who can't tell you what a woman is without a Biologist present.

You just lost this one, dumbfuck.

What's next on your Anti-Democratic agenda?

Think fast. Time is running out.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Friday, January 5, 2024 6:19 PM


Oh... and while you're doing that, I want you to think LONG and HARD about this one thing...

We know that YOU personally believe that Trump is guilty of insurrection, but in a parallel universe where our Supreme Court allowed states to take anybody they wanted off ballots on a partisan basis for alleged crimes that they've never actually been convicted of in any court of law in the United States, let alone tried for, how long do you think it would take for them to just decide the guy who you were going to vote for was a criminal without a trial and prevent you from voting for them?

Shut the rest of the fucking noise in the world out and just sit with that question in your brain tonight and really think deep on it, and think about whether an America that allows this is even the America you thought you knew and loved.

My hope is that you finally come to your senses and start demanding better of your Party Affiliation. They've skated by for the last 3 horrible years because you hate Trump so much you'll let them get away with anything. There is currently ZERO LIMITS on what you'll allow them to do or not do.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Saturday, January 6, 2024 12:47 PM


An abortion rights petition had more than a hundred thousand signatures than it needed to get onto the ballot in Florida. So, It will be on the ballet.

tick tock tick tock



Saturday, January 6, 2024 1:00 PM



Originally posted by THG:
An abortion rights petition had more than a hundred thousand signatures than it needed to get onto the ballot in Florida. So, It will be on the ballet.

tick tock...


If I haven't already made myself VERY clear, Theodore, allow me to do it now.


It is not an important issue in the 2020s, and certainly nothing to be losing elections over.

The single reason that Democrats have never and will never pass laws to make sure that abortion is always a right for selfish sluts is because it is always their reliable go-to issue when they have absolutely nothing else to campaign on.

Let it go, Republicans. I know that most of you Baphomet worshiping Satanists don't really give one single fuck about babies being murdered anyhow.

And to all you Christians (or any other religions out there) that believe in God or whatever, if God doesn't approve, they'll all get what they deserve eventually. Get off your crosses and let God sort 'em out.

Shut the fuck up. Let the Democrats have this one once and for all and we never have to hear about it again.

If it weren't for the abortion issue, the only thing Democrats can run on is a 7-year cultivated collective hatered for Trump and anyone who votes for him.

They have no record to run on. Nobody beleives anything they have to say about how great everything is right now when everything in their lives tells them the exact opposite of what the Democrat party and the media says. So they hardly even bother to lie to us anymore.

Fuck the Pro Life movement. Burn it to the ground.

We've got far more important shit to deal with at the moment.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Saturday, January 6, 2024 2:48 PM



Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

Originally posted by THG:

An abortion rights petition had more than a hundred thousand signatures than it needed to get onto the ballot in Florida. So, It will be on the ballet.

tick tock...


If I haven't already made myself VERY clear, Theodore, allow me to do it now.


They can't and so they won't. And everyplace it made it to the ballet, it destroyed the Republicans. Even in the reddest states.



Saturday, January 6, 2024 3:27 PM


'More time fighting than governing': House Republicans are 'quitting in droves'

On Friday, January 5, the news broke that yet another Republican is leaving the U.S. House of Representatives: Rep. Doug Lamborn (R-Colorado). The Denver Post's Seth Klamann tweeted that Lamborn is "not running for reelection," and that "all three Republican-held Colorado congressional seats will all be up for grabs in November."

tick tock



Saturday, January 6, 2024 3:39 PM


It's Colorado. It's moot.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Sunday, January 7, 2024 7:57 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Trump Claims Civil War Could Have Been ‘Negotiated’ Instead Of Fought—But Doesn’t Explain How

By James Farrell | Jan 6, 2024, 05:00pm EST

Topline: Former President Donald Trump said that negotiations could have prevented the Civil War while speaking at a campaign event in Iowa on Saturday, as the more than 150-year-old conflict remains an unexpected talking point along the Republican primary campaign trail. He claimed that had it been negotiated, “you probably wouldn’t know who Abraham Lincoln was,” but “that would’ve been OK.”

Crucial Quote

“I know it very well, I know the whole process that they went through and they just couldn’t get along,” Trump said. “That would have been something that could have been negotiated and they wouldn’t have had that problem. But it was a hell of a time.”


Trump also mentioned President Xi Jinping of China during the speech, saying: “He controls 1.4 billion people ruthlessly. Ruthlessly. No games, right? They said, ‘is President Xi of China a brilliant man?’ I said, ‘yes he is.’ He’s a brilliant man.”

I really despise guys who think they can solve problems ("Only I can fix it." - D. Trump) by running their mouths nonstop.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Sunday, January 7, 2024 8:23 AM



Originally posted by second:

Trump also mentioned President Xi Jinping of China during the speech, saying: “He controls 1.4 billion people ruthlessly. Ruthlessly. No games, right? They said, ‘is President Xi of China a brilliant man?’ I said, ‘yes he is.’ He’s a brilliant man.”

Hannibal Lecter was a brilliant man too.

I'm sure nobody would want him babysitting their kids though.

I know it's hard, but even when you're going to just consume everything the media prints out of context to frame their narrative, try to use some critical thinking. Everybody knows that Xi is a lot of things, but being a dummy isn't one of them.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Sunday, January 7, 2024 9:50 AM


USA TODAY: Polls show Latinos back Trump over Biden in 2024. And immigration isn't the reason.

Uh oh! Lefty USA Today admitting that in their recent polling and CNBC's lefty polling that Trump has a 5 point lead with Latinos.

That didn't work out as planned, huh Democrats?

You thought that was bad, Ted? Look at what the freakin' Daily Beast says today...

DAILY BEAST: How Mass Immigration Hurts Black Americans

I guess the Daily Beast is a bunch of Nazis now, huh?

It must be true since you called me a Nazi for saying the exact same things that they're saying right now.

Your party in its current state is a failure. They will be purged in November.

Tick Tock


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Sunday, January 7, 2024 11:47 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

Originally posted by second:

Trump also mentioned President Xi Jinping of China during the speech, saying: “He controls 1.4 billion people ruthlessly. Ruthlessly. No games, right? They said, ‘is President Xi of China a brilliant man?’ I said, ‘yes he is.’ He’s a brilliant man.”

Hannibal Lecter was a brilliant man too.

I'm sure nobody would want him babysitting their kids though.

I know it's hard, but even when you're going to just consume everything the media prints out of context to frame their narrative, try to use some critical thinking. Everybody knows that Xi is a lot of things, but being a dummy isn't one of them.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.

6ix, you are selling a fantasy. Trump's true life history has given the world warning about what he will do but his Trumptards are reinterpreting reality and Trump's words and deeds in the most imaginary ways to make Trump appear good. Sorrowfully for Trumptards, it will end badly for Trump and them, but it is kind of like the long delay between smoking cigarettes and death. The package warns that "Smoking Kills" but since it does not kill instantaneously, they optimistically ignore the warnings about tobacco, Trump, everything. They want to be free and they can't exercise their unlimited freedumb if they heed warnings. Instead, they ignore the warnings, live free, die young and poor. It's not a wise way to live, but that's how more than half carry on in life.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Sunday, January 7, 2024 1:37 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

The more I hear of Vivek, the better I like him.

Except his prejudice towards Israel and against Muslims.

Oh well.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Loving America is like loving an addicted spouse - SIGNYM


Sunday, January 7, 2024 3:54 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

The more I hear of Vivek, the better I like him.

Except his prejudice towards Israel and against Muslims.

Oh well.


Who would have figured, signym likes the shyster.

Too funny...



Sunday, January 7, 2024 4:10 PM




Monday, January 8, 2024 1:19 AM



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

Originally posted by second:

Trump also mentioned President Xi Jinping of China during the speech, saying: “He controls 1.4 billion people ruthlessly. Ruthlessly. No games, right? They said, ‘is President Xi of China a brilliant man?’ I said, ‘yes he is.’ He’s a brilliant man.”

Hannibal Lecter was a brilliant man too.

I'm sure nobody would want him babysitting their kids though.

I know it's hard, but even when you're going to just consume everything the media prints out of context to frame their narrative, try to use some critical thinking. Everybody knows that Xi is a lot of things, but being a dummy isn't one of them.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.

6ix, you are selling a fantasy. Trump's true life history has given the world warning about what he will do but his Trumptards are reinterpreting reality and Trump's words and deeds in the most imaginary ways to make Trump appear good. Sorrowfully for Trumptards, it will end badly for Trump and them, but it is kind of like the long delay between smoking cigarettes and death. The package warns that "Smoking Kills" but since it does not kill instantaneously, they optimistically ignore the warnings about tobacco, Trump, everything. They want to be free and they can't exercise their unlimited freedumb if they heed warnings. Instead, they ignore the warnings, live free, die young and poor. It's not a wise way to live, but that's how more than half carry on in life.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Biden* and the Democrats are done in November.

Why don't you just sit back and try to enjoy the next 11 months before they slip away from you instead of taking shots at me everyday.

You're so full of hate.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.




THG 10.17 13:44
6ixStringJack 10.17 14:36
6ixStringJack 10.17 14:37
6ixStringJack 10.17 14:41
THG 10.17 16:54
6ixStringJack 10.17 17:26
SIGNYM 10.17 17:33
THG 10.17 17:56
SIGNYM 10.17 18:22
THG 10.17 18:47
6ixStringJack 10.17 19:09
THG 10.17 19:19
6ixStringJack 10.17 19:22
6ixStringJack 10.17 19:25
THG 10.17 19:27
SECOND 10.17 19:49
6ixStringJack 10.17 20:27
SECOND 10.17 20:50
6ixStringJack 10.17 21:24
SIGNYM 10.17 22:05
SIGNYM 10.17 22:56


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