In the garden, and RAIN!!! (2)

UPDATED: Thursday, October 17, 2024 23:46
VIEWED: 61592
PAGE 92 of 92

Sunday, October 6, 2024 1:42 PM


Sunday, Sunday. Not doing much today. Last Sunday which was my birthday I was on and off the phone with friends in Alberta. Made for an interesting morning.


Sunday, October 6, 2024 3:15 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Er, I looked into most people say its a website that can hijack your device.

Nah. It's just an image hosting site. I've been using it for years to post pictures on various platforms after imagebucket was defunct. Since I've always used ad-blockers I wasn't even aware of the various redirects that people are complaining about. It's always been as simple as uploading the pictures there and posting the links somewhere else. If I post an image here, you're seeing that image hosted on IBB. I suppose that if you were using the site to upload at one point and you didn't have a good browser or an ad blocker installed, it was possible that you would get pop up tabs from ads that lead to bad sites.

In any event, you can't get a virus by putting one of those images in your signature here. If that were possible, you'd have already gotten those viruses any time you've ever opened a thread here where I posted an image.

It's not as big a deal these days, but those image hosting sites had a huge value during the earlier days of the internet when bandwidth was limited. People would just link directly to an image, and then any time that image popped up for somebody in a forum it would pull it from their servers. So a pretty hilarious thing that people would do to get people to stop doing that would be to change the image that people had linked to something like gotsea or worse, so whoever linked to that image all of the sudden had horrible shit showing up in those pictures in whatever forum they were on. If memory serves, that made for some pretty hilarious discussion here many years back, but I've been on so many forums I couldn't say for sure I saw it here or not.

These days I'd just rather not be linking to various images from various news sources and having a trail that leads back here every time somebody opens up the thread. When I put them up on IBB we're not pulling those images from the NYT or MSNBC when they show up here. This is also somewhat future proofing the images since a news agency could just remove an article or the pictures in it and then they're gone. But since image hosting sites that I've used in the past before have shut down, I doubt ibb will be around forever and all those pictures I've uploaded there over the years will be lost one day too.


Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.


Monday, October 7, 2024 4:18 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

I hope that you still have the originals, SIX. It would be a shame to lose them for good.

At some point I'd like to post pix, when more progress is being made.

What I think I read is that ibb is used for advertising, and that some of the links in those images have malicious code in it if you click on it. Sends you to sites you might not otherwise go to.

That doesn't make sense to me that it would affect linux bc as I inderstand it linux won't run code from an internet file unless you enable it. (Unfortunately there are a lot of unsecure scripts, including javascript that you HAVE to run for sites to work.)

But Windows?? It'll run ANYTHING from your email: Spreadsheets! Editors! Malware! I suppose they cleaned that up, a lot, but our agency was an MS shop and every few years our IT dept had to play whack-a-mole with something that propagated thru Outlook.

No idea how secure Android is. I have permissions fairly restricted, and NoScript loaded, and one thing it can't do is "download unknown apps". I suppose the rule of thumb is the same: Don't click on any links you don't recognize. So I guess wandering around ibb and randomly sampling files is probably not a good idea.

But yours are ok.

What prob for news images being tracked here? Copyright?

Gotsea. Ah yes, I remember tubgirl. Fun times!

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger



Monday, October 7, 2024 4:27 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by Brenda:
Sunday, Sunday. Not doing much today. Last Sunday which was my birthday I was on and off the phone with friends in Alberta. Made for an interesting morning.

I hope you had a nice time BRENDA.
Do you like birthday parties? I never did. Not even mine. Too shy I guess.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger



Monday, October 7, 2024 1:43 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Originally posted by Brenda:
Sunday, Sunday. Not doing much today. Last Sunday which was my birthday I was on and off the phone with friends in Alberta. Made for an interesting morning.

I hope you had a nice time BRENDA.
Do you like birthday parties? I never did. Not even mine. Too shy I guess.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger


My friend and I in Alberta had a great talk. She called me and we talked for a bit then she had to hang up and attend to some family thing, so I thought I'd hop in the shower then she called me back as I was getting soap out of my hair. I wrapped a towel around me but she had hung up, so I tried calling her back and couldn't get through. I went and started to get dressed as she called me back. Answered the phone in my underwear. I had my shirt with me and had to put her down so I could get it on. Then we talked for another 15 minutes or half an hour. Usually we talk for 2 hours as we don't speak very often. She has a lot of family stuff going on around her.

Nah, tried birthday parties when I was in elementary school but was never fond of them. Part my idea and part my mom's. I stopped in high school. Would just have school friends go out then some friend's of my mom's another time. Still sort of do that today when I actually see someone.


Monday, October 7, 2024 1:44 PM


Out for my walk in a bit. Couple of things to do.


Monday, October 7, 2024 5:28 PM


Back and done for today.


Tuesday, October 8, 2024 12:56 PM


Out soon to vampires and library and a couple of other things.


Tuesday, October 8, 2024 5:07 PM


Vampires taken care of and other things done.


Tuesday, October 8, 2024 11:29 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
I hope that you still have the originals, SIX. It would be a shame to lose them for good.

At some point I'd like to post pix, when more progress is being made.

I might not have them actually. A lot of times I just use IBB to pull an image directly from the source on the web. In fact, if it's not pictures I took of work around my house I do that intentionally and only resort to downloading the pic first if ibb has problems with the online link.

I originally thought you meant originals of the two flag pictures, but I'm thinking now that you meant of the work on my house. Yeah. All of that is backed up in several spots, and there's thousands of photos in there you haven't seen. I never signed up for an account at ibb, so if I upload something there and lose the link to it it's gone forever. It will still up here or anywhere I linked it, but I don't have on-demand ability to repost it anywhere if I don't go out of my way to make a list of pictures I've uploaded there, which I gather you would if you create (and maybe pay) for an account.


What I think I read is that ibb is used for advertising, and that some of the links in those images have malicious code in it if you click on it. Sends you to sites you might not otherwise go to.

Eh... maybe. That's probably if you use one of the "sharing" options they give you once a file is uploaded. Maybe they inject code into those links that make popups to questionable content open in a new tab if you use those links.

I don't use any of those links. First I open the image(s) in new tabs by clicking on them after the upload, then I right click on the images in those links in a new tab by using the right-click context menu and it gives me the raw link to nothing but the image. That's what I've done for every single photo or meme I've put on this site for at least the last 5 or 6 years.

Long story short, if you use the links I put for those flags in the signature of your post they'll show up just like that without any malicious code in them.


That doesn't make sense to me that it would affect linux bc as I inderstand it linux won't run code from an internet file unless you enable it. (Unfortunately there are a lot of unsecure scripts, including javascript that you HAVE to run for sites to work.)

But Windows?? It'll run ANYTHING from your email: Spreadsheets! Editors! Malware! I suppose they cleaned that up, a lot, but our agency was an MS shop and every few years our IT dept had to play whack-a-mole with something that propagated thru Outlook.

No idea how secure Android is. I have permissions fairly restricted, and NoScript loaded, and one thing it can't do is "download unknown apps". I suppose the rule of thumb is the same: Don't click on any links you don't recognize. So I guess wandering around ibb and randomly sampling files is probably not a good idea.

But yours are ok.

I've got a lot more faith in our browsers and operating systems with security compared to how they were only 10 years ago. I do what I can to protect myself and I've got a lot of common sense procedures in place, but we're a far cry from the days where I'd wipe my harddrive and reinstall Windows from scratch because it caught a bug.

And besides... If I was going to worry about little things like criminal enterprises trying to steal money that I haven't got, it would drive me crazy knowing that the NSA has the keys to the back door to any computer that is online and probably has a backup of everything we've ever connected to our router on their servers.


What prob for news images being tracked here? Copyright?

Nah. Don't care about copyright claims on images. But leaving images here directly from a news site's source makes it pull that image from their servers every time somebody loads the page. It's just an unnecessary trail of breadcrumbs left out there, IMO. Something that no one will probably ever notice and the likelihood somebody did it wouldn't ever matter. It's just how my brain works about these things.


Gotsea. Ah yes, I remember tubgirl. Fun times!

I think I kind of assumed you wouldn't get the Gotsea reference.

I sure do miss the wild west days of the internet.

ETA: It dawns on me how many unconventional ways I do things in real life, and how it's no more apparent than how I manipulate data. Ever since the early days of using the internet I've almost always been disappointed with how the creators of things decided the way our hardware and software should work. And even though things have been somewhat standardized over the years, there's still a lot to be desired. Throw copyright and law into the mix and then you have plenty of tech that is intentionally gimped from its maximum performance for one legal reason or another. It turns out that usually fixing any shitty behavior on devices or websites, accidental or intentional, is something that somebody else already figured out how to do, and they've detailed out intricate step-by-step instructions how to get the desired behavior out of the things you've purchased.

I have plenty of things I do both online and in local data explorations that go against conventional means for one reason or another. Probably the most common is just annoyance that an otherwise perfectly good program can't do one simple thing that would make what I'm trying to do much easier. When you're the type of person who is always looking for the way to do something that is the most optimal mix of speed and quality, you're always tweaking one thing or another and finding different ways of doing things if the tools made available to you don't cut it.

My first experience with that, at least online, was figuring out how a lot of the shortcut hotkeys work on a computer. You'd be amazed how much extra work you do with your mouse that would be so much more efficiently done with existing hotkeys. But even when most circumstances might benefit from using the hotkey command, there's always times that pop up when the mouse and context menu gets it done faster than the time it takes to pull your hand off the mouse and reposition your bad hand over the keyboard. I think that training your brain beyond just basic typing and training it to make all of those decisions about the multiple ways you can carry out a mundane task automatically and involuntary, faster and faster with each repetition kind of opens the brain up to consciously making efforts to find other and better ways to get the same high quality work done more efficiently outside of the computer. You're probably learning somewhat similar skills and doing some low-level behavioral changing by becoming really efficient with a keyboard as a high-skilled musician does by mastering their instruments.

I'm sure that figuring out how to link those pictures from IBB the way that I've done them for years was just automatic. I probably dicked around with their share options for about a minute max and decided I didn't like their preferred way of doing things and just took those other steps on my own and made that an automatic process. I have no memory of the first time I ever did it. All I know is I've been doing it for years.

And honestly, I'd never even heard of any potential problems at ibb over the years and only looked into it after you mentioned it. I never even thought to look into it or suspect there was anybody complaining at all just because of the way that I use the site. No sign up. Several ad block programs installed. A unconventional way of ripping out the raw image links that they don't appear to want to give away without making you work for them.

I guess I made IBB my bitch all these years and didn't even know about it until tonight.


Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.


Wednesday, October 9, 2024 1:37 PM


Out on a sunny day. Small things to do today.


Wednesday, October 9, 2024 5:51 PM


Back and done and as you can see no pick up game of mah jong for me today.

Phone call from the building repair guy that the plumber is coming back tomorrow to finish in the bathroom. It will be nice to have a bathroom sink working again. Should mention that plumber is coming at 8:30 am. Good thing I have to be up as it is my regular mah jong day.

Sunny day out and not too cold.


Wednesday, October 9, 2024 11:31 PM


Regular mah jong game for me tomorrow.


Thursday, October 10, 2024 5:58 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by Brenda:
Regular mah jong game for me tomorrow.

I hope your drain got cleared and your game went well.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger



Thursday, October 10, 2024 6:11 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Originally posted by Brenda:
Regular mah jong game for me tomorrow.

I hope your drain got cleared and your game went well.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger


The plumber does a good job and the bathroom sink is now functioning again. Yay!

But no luck at mah jong.


Thursday, October 10, 2024 6:26 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Hubby and I are of an age where we both have potentially serious medical problems, and sometimes at the same time.
So hubby's problem was emerging while mine was still up in the air. Fortunately, we got his problem addressed ... not resolved, just beginning that process... but I got very good news about my kidneys. Altho they're not great, at least they remain unchanged. That was despite the flare up of an unusual rash which COULD have meant that I had inflamed kidneys.

I'm still waiting for a second opinion on that GPA dx before starting Rituxamab, which is a bad diagnosis and a potent, potentially harmful treatment.
It's that whole risk of doing nothing (kidney failure, death) v the risk of doing something (possible permanent immune system disablement, sepsis, and death).

I'm being a very bad patient, and I'm so sure my current rheumatologist is tearing her hair out. And I'll be the first to admit that I know next to nothing about the immune system, and who am I to prioritize my doubts over her judgement??? But previous results (pathology, ANCA marker) were both equivocal for GPA. And UCLA'S most recent results indicate I may not have GPA at all, since the ANCA marker disappeared.
So gonna ride out the week and toss this whole thing into an "expert's" lap for the deciding vote.

BTW SIX, in perusing my records I see someone thinks I have Type 1.5 diabetes. Not sure about that dx either!!!

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger



Friday, October 11, 2024 1:15 PM


Out and about in a bit. Things to do.


Friday, October 11, 2024 4:35 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Hope your weather is good!

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger



Friday, October 11, 2024 4:36 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

I don't know what happened but I actually slept really really well last night.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger



Friday, October 11, 2024 6:13 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Hope your weather is good!

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger


Weather is decent today and for tomorrow as well. Doesn't start to turn until Monday which in Canada is Turkey Day.


Friday, October 11, 2024 6:13 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
I don't know what happened but I actually slept really really well last night.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger


That's fantastic SIG.


Friday, October 11, 2024 6:14 PM


Back and done for today. Also got a massive amount of vacuuming done in the living room. Before I use the vac again it will have to be emptied.


Friday, October 11, 2024 7:06 PM


I really hope you and your husband get those things figured out Sigs. Don't worry about being a "bad patient". The medical industry is a big machine and nobody cares about actually fixing anybody. It's all garbage in garbage out if you allow that. Keep doing what you're doing.


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
BTW SIX, in perusing my records I see someone thinks I have Type 1.5 diabetes. Not sure about that dx either!!!

1.5, huh? Is that LADA then?

I'd hate to see you get that too on top of everything else, but I can assure you from experience it's not the end of the world. I would just hope that your insurance covers the CGM at least, if not the pods as well. The pods certainly were a quality of life improvement, but with some negatives attached to them as they're still pretty rudimentary compared to what I'm sure we'll be using 10 years from now. But for a Diabetic the CGM is the real game-changer. You really don't need any automation if you have knowledge, and the CGM is knowledge.

I think that 20 years ago a LADA diagnosis would have been much harder to live with than it is today. I hope they continue to improve the tech behind handling it. They might not ever actually cure diabetes, in fact I'd guess that they'd never want to cure it in a million years actually.... But as long as diabetics are enslaved to the system for life, at least it could hopefully one day be handled in a way where you barely ever need to think about it from day to day.


Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.


Friday, October 11, 2024 8:31 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Yeah, they categorize LADA as Type 1.5.

But except for the fact that I have some deep, as yet (IMHO) undxed autoimmune disorder(s) and I have mild diabetes, I seem to have nothing in common with LADA.

I think I got my diabetes the old fashioned way: being fat and getting old.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger



Friday, October 11, 2024 9:22 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Yeah, they categorize LADA as Type 1.5.

But except for the fact that I have some deep, as yet (IMHO) undxed autoimmune disorder(s) and I have mild diabetes, I seem to have nothing in common with LADA.

I think I got my diabetes the old fashioned way: being fat and getting old.

So "mild" diabetes is something you have lived with for a while or at least suspected you've lived with then? I don't remember you talking about this before. If you suspect that, you should at least get the A1C and try to figure out if it's pre-diabetes or Type II. You can back your way out of being a prediabetic. But even if it is full-blow type II, it's much more easy to manage than LADA/I. A little change in diet, a little more physical action on a daily basis even on days that you aren't doing physical work on your house or garden... at worst probably remembering to take a pill of Metformin and Glipizide or two every day.

I know you're bogged down with tons of other medical crap at the moment, but it would be worth figuring this part out sooner than later and know what you'd be dealing with or even the possibility that you're catching something early that can be fixed.

I never thought of you as a big gal before. You're always so busy and getting so much stuff done, I always imagined you like my mom's mom who was always energetic never really put on the weight in her later years. If you're big enough to have a concern that your weight contributed to a possibly diabetes diagnosis, I find it even more impressive you get everything that you do done on top of the amount of time you spend every day taking care of other people too.

I've probably said some hurtful things over the years because I don't hold back when I talk about being fat. I'm sorry if I ever offended you, and I also appreciate that you either understood where it was coming from and/or you just never made an issue of it.

Jesus Christ.... I've always imagined Brenda as a skinny little thing too. Now I have to apologize to you too if my imagined version of Brenda was not at all reality and if you're reading this Brenda.

I just had some people I care about die because of their weight issues, and others I care about that I'm worried about their current quality of living and their longevity because of their weight issues. I wasn't ever a prick about being fat before, but years of the Lefty Media and Pop Culture Media trying to promote being fat as something great and "you just go out and be you" really got me agonized and antagonized on the issue.

I get it. People are fat, and most of them are never going to do what needs to be done to fix that. Facts are facts. And the fact is that many of the reasons that people suffer with weight issues really aren't all that different than my struggle with alcohol was and my relationship with cigarettes continues to be today. And because of my own struggles I completely empathize with the obese. If being skinny and healthy were easy, everybody would do it, just as if having a healthy relationship with alcohol and mind altering drugs were easy there never would have been alcoholics or drug addicts or even those no-good "smokers".

And it doesn't feel good to be shamed for anything Maybe we shouldn't go out of our way to shame people for being overweight. But I draw the line on telling people that it's perfectly acceptable to be fat if that's who you are and there are no health consequences for making that decision to just live like that and never consider taking on the hard task of getting back into shape when that's just so obviously the opposite of reality.

It's one thing to dive right into our addiction of choice, but it's another to lie to ourselves about it and reason things away. I have no disillusions that these cigarettes aren't going to kill me if I don't quit them. Anybody who is overweight should at least be taught as much as I was about the negative effects of their personal choices as I was as a smoker. I was told nearly every day either on TV or at school what smoking was going to do to me if I made that choice to start the habit, and because of that I also knowing full well how hard it would be to quit if I ever did. And it just REALLY gets me mad when people online, especially in the media try to classify being overweight as not being as bad for you as smoking or excessive drinking is. And I'm sure the way that schools are run today that those kids never get told any of this. It's a tragedy that an entire generation of American kids have now grown up never being told how important keeping in good shape is all their lives, let alone not having that truth hammered into them during their formative years.

Anyway... This whole weight issue is one of my lesser pet peeves when it comes to the lies we're being told everyday in our current reality. It shouldn't be too difficult I would think to not talk about it. I'll try to make a point not to bring it up ever again, in the garden our out of it if it bothers anybody. And this will be the last time that I make a general apology about it.

I hope you get all these things sorted out and that you're not really diabetic Sigs.


Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.


Saturday, October 12, 2024 12:02 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

If I watch my diet, without meds I qualify as "prediabetic" or mildly diabetic. But given the state of my kidneys and the fact that one of my cancer meds can deteriorate heart muscle, I've been put on Jardiance, an oral med. (I could do with metformin but supposedly Jardiance shows more benefit for kidneys and heart.)

It's not something I think a whole lot about. I take my pill, keep my carbs and sugar under reasonable control, and so far it's all been OK. Altho, given I've been on and off Prednisone for the past six months, I expect my A1C will be higher!

It's hubby I pay more attention to. His blood sugar is too high even on 3 meds. I cook very diabetes friendly meals. For example, salad with a serving of meat and a half cup of beans for bfast. Nuts for snacks. No starches with dinner. But he eats what he shouldn't.

AFA weight... well that's on me. I put on weight when I was terribly terribly sleepy deprived. Once when our daughter was sinking into epileptic dementia, and I was preparing her medically- supervised ketogenic meals (3 grams total carbs per day, 12 grams of protein) and had to weigh her food to the nearest gram, while working a full time job and taking care of MIL. Between the sleeplessness, stress, and anguish, those years probably took 10 years off my life.

The second time, I had (yet another) sinus infection which was asymptomatic except for losing my sense of smell and really really bad sleep apnea. Which I didn't know about. But that accounted for why I was falling asleep at stoplights and stress eating.

That happened over a few years each time, separated by a few decades. But with all the stress in my life, I never got my act together enough, and it was only when I had my sinuses roto-rootered that I was able to make progress.

No worries.

It is what it is, and I'm so old and have so many other things going on with me and family, being sensitive about it is not on my to- do list!

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger



Saturday, October 12, 2024 12:03 AM



Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Yeah, they categorize LADA as Type 1.5.

But except for the fact that I have some deep, as yet (IMHO) undxed autoimmune disorder(s) and I have mild diabetes, I seem to have nothing in common with LADA.

I think I got my diabetes the old fashioned way: being fat and getting old.

So "mild" diabetes is something you have lived with for a while or at least suspected you've lived with then? I don't remember you talking about this before. If you suspect that, you should at least get the A1C and try to figure out if it's pre-diabetes or Type II. You can back your way out of being a prediabetic. But even if it is full-blow type II, it's much more easy to manage than LADA/I. A little change in diet, a little more physical action on a daily basis even on days that you aren't doing physical work on your house or garden... at worst probably remembering to take a pill of Metformin and Glipizide or two every day.

I know you're bogged down with tons of other medical crap at the moment, but it would be worth figuring this part out sooner than later and know what you'd be dealing with or even the possibility that you're catching something early that can be fixed.

I never thought of you as a big gal before. You're always so busy and getting so much stuff done, I always imagined you like my mom's mom who was always energetic never really put on the weight in her later years. If you're big enough to have a concern that your weight contributed to a possibly diabetes diagnosis, I find it even more impressive you get everything that you do done on top of the amount of time you spend every day taking care of other people too.

I've probably said some hurtful things over the years because I don't hold back when I talk about being fat. I'm sorry if I ever offended you, and I also appreciate that you either understood where it was coming from and/or you just never made an issue of it.

Jesus Christ.... I've always imagined Brenda as a skinny little thing too. Now I have to apologize to you too if my imagined version of Brenda was not at all reality and if you're reading this Brenda.

I just had some people I care about die because of their weight issues, and others I care about that I'm worried about their current quality of living and their longevity because of their weight issues. I wasn't ever a prick about being fat before, but years of the Lefty Media and Pop Culture Media trying to promote being fat as something great and "you just go out and be you" really got me agonized and antagonized on the issue.

I get it. People are fat, and most of them are never going to do what needs to be done to fix that. Facts are facts. And the fact is that many of the reasons that people suffer with weight issues really aren't all that different than my struggle with alcohol was and my relationship with cigarettes continues to be today. And because of my own struggles I completely empathize with the obese. If being skinny and healthy were easy, everybody would do it, just as if having a healthy relationship with alcohol and mind altering drugs were easy there never would have been alcoholics or drug addicts or even those no-good "smokers".

And it doesn't feel good to be shamed for anything Maybe we shouldn't go out of our way to shame people for being overweight. But I draw the line on telling people that it's perfectly acceptable to be fat if that's who you are and there are no health consequences for making that decision to just live like that and never consider taking on the hard task of getting back into shape when that's just so obviously the opposite of reality.

It's one thing to dive right into our addiction of choice, but it's another to lie to ourselves about it and reason things away. I have no disillusions that these cigarettes aren't going to kill me if I don't quit them. Anybody who is overweight should at least be taught as much as I was about the negative effects of their personal choices as I was as a smoker. I was told nearly every day either on TV or at school what smoking was going to do to me if I made that choice to start the habit, and because of that I also knowing full well how hard it would be to quit if I ever did. And it just REALLY gets me mad when people online, especially in the media try to classify being overweight as not being as bad for you as smoking or excessive drinking is. And I'm sure the way that schools are run today that those kids never get told any of this. It's a tragedy that an entire generation of American kids have now grown up never being told how important keeping in good shape is all their lives, let alone not having that truth hammered into them during their formative years.

Anyway... This whole weight issue is one of my lesser pet peeves when it comes to the lies we're being told everyday in our current reality. It shouldn't be too difficult I would think to not talk about it. I'll try to make a point not to bring it up ever again, in the garden our out of it if it bothers anybody. And this will be the last time that I make a general apology about it.

I hope you get all these things sorted out and that you're not really diabetic Sigs.


Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.

Nothing to apologize to me for, SIX. As I am a probably only a little over 100 pounds.

I remember those pictures of lung cancer I was shown in elementary school. Went home and told my dad about them as he was a smoker. No affect on him. Think he might have been able to quite if he wanted to but he didn't see the point.


Saturday, October 12, 2024 1:07 PM


Out to get my laundry done then a walk in the sunshine. Forgot a couple of small things yesterday and I will get some supper for Turkey Day which is Monday, incase I am on my own.


Saturday, October 12, 2024 1:09 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
If I watch my diet, without meds I qualify as "prediabetic" or mildly diabetic. But given the state of my kidneys and the fact that one of my cancer meds can deteriorate heart muscle, I've been put on Jardiance, an oral med. (I could do with metformin but supposedly Jardiance shows more benefit for kidneys and heart.)

It's not something I think a whole lot about. I take my pill, keep my carbs and sugar under reasonable control, and so far it's all been OK. Altho, given I've been on and off Prednisone for the past six months, I expect my A1C will be higher!

It's hubby I pay more attention to. His blood sugar is too high even on 3 meds. I cook very diabetes friendly meals. For example, salad with a serving of meat and a half cup of beans for bfast. Nuts for snacks. No starches with dinner. But he eats what he shouldn't.

AFA weight... well that's on me. I put on weight when I was terribly terribly sleepy deprived. Once when our daughter was sinking into epileptic dementia, and I was preparing her medically- supervised ketogenic meals (3 grams total carbs per day, 12 grams of protein) and had to weigh her food to the nearest gram, while working a full time job and taking care of MIL. Between the sleeplessness, stress, and anguish, those years probably took 10 years off my life.

The second time, I had (yet another) sinus infection which was asymptomatic except for losing my sense of smell and really really bad sleep apnea. Which I didn't know about. But that accounted for why I was falling asleep at stoplights and stress eating.

That happened over a few years each time, separated by a few decades. But with all the stress in my life, I never got my act together enough, and it was only when I had my sinuses roto-rootered that I was able to make progress.

No worries.

It is what it is, and I'm so old and have so many other things going on with me and family, being sensitive about it is not on my to- do list!

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger


I gave myself acid reflux looking after my mom. It went away for a bit then came back. Seems to be gone now.


Saturday, October 12, 2024 5:21 PM


Back and done for today.


Sunday, October 13, 2024 1:23 PM


Just a quiet Sunday around me.


Sunday, October 13, 2024 7:15 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
If I watch my diet, without meds I qualify as "prediabetic" or mildly diabetic. But given the state of my kidneys and the fact that one of my cancer meds can deteriorate heart muscle, I've been put on Jardiance, an oral med. (I could do with metformin but supposedly Jardiance shows more benefit for kidneys and heart.)

It's not something I think a whole lot about. I take my pill, keep my carbs and sugar under reasonable control, and so far it's all been OK. Altho, given I've been on and off Prednisone for the past six months, I expect my A1C will be higher!

It's hubby I pay more attention to. His blood sugar is too high even on 3 meds. I cook very diabetes friendly meals. For example, salad with a serving of meat and a half cup of beans for bfast. Nuts for snacks. No starches with dinner. But he eats what he shouldn't.

AFA weight... well that's on me. I put on weight when I was terribly terribly sleepy deprived. Once when our daughter was sinking into epileptic dementia, and I was preparing her medically- supervised ketogenic meals (3 grams total carbs per day, 12 grams of protein) and had to weigh her food to the nearest gram, while working a full time job and taking care of MIL. Between the sleeplessness, stress, and anguish, those years probably took 10 years off my life.

The second time, I had (yet another) sinus infection which was asymptomatic except for losing my sense of smell and really really bad sleep apnea. Which I didn't know about. But that accounted for why I was falling asleep at stoplights and stress eating.

That happened over a few years each time, separated by a few decades. But with all the stress in my life, I never got my act together enough, and it was only when I had my sinuses roto-rootered that I was able to make progress.

No worries.

It is what it is, and I'm so old and have so many other things going on with me and family, being sensitive about it is not on my to- do list!

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger


I don't mean to put you on a bad path or make any unfound accusations, but I wonder if maybe your husband isn't sneaking snacks on the side and making things more difficult? I only bring this up because my uncle was doing that when my aunt was trying to get him on a diet (probably 25 years ago now). He had a whole stash of shit food in the trunk of his car that he'd sneak whenever he could get away with it, and who knows how much he was eating when he went to work everyday. I don't remember the story about how he got caught or even why I was privy to this information.

I'm not surprised that you put on the weight in times of real stress too. I totally understand that eating can be just as much of a psychological coping mechanism as alcohol or any number of drugs. It's an easier choice to make too since you maintain control of your faculties and it's certainly far less destructive in the short term than binge drinking or falling prey to a new drug addiction to cope would be.

I wish I could offer you more than just support. In all the years I've ever tried giving any advice to anyone about weight there's only one person who ever tried something and stuck with it. My aunt would be two if she's really sticking with her new plan, but I'm not there 24/7 to see if she really is or not... That A1C test next year will tell the truth. And you're probably much better read up on it than I am anyhow.


Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.


Sunday, October 13, 2024 7:20 PM



Originally posted by Brenda:
Nothing to apologize to me for, SIX. As I am a probably only a little over 100 pounds.


At least I got 1 out of 2 right.


I remember those pictures of lung cancer I was shown in elementary school. Went home and told my dad about them as he was a smoker. No affect on him. Think he might have been able to quite if he wanted to but he didn't see the point.

OMG... Those things were TERRIBLE!

I remember one day when I was in 2nd grade the 6th grade class was showing off their anti-smoking project and we walked down one of the hallways and through the two 6th grade classes where they had all their demonstrations set up.

The one that I can still picture in my head is a picture of some guy who looks like he vomited blood up all over himself (but it looked like it was just sloppy joe). They were telling us that if you smoked cigarettes that you would eventually destroy your lungs and die after vomiting up your destroyed lungs.

I started crying and I couldn't do the rest of the thing. Both my parents smoked and I was terrified the rest of the day that I'd go home and find my mom dead with her lungs vomited up.

And despite that story, it still didn't work on me in the long run.


Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.


Sunday, October 13, 2024 11:47 PM



Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

Originally posted by Brenda:
Nothing to apologize to me for, SIX. As I am a probably only a little over 100 pounds.


At least I got 1 out of 2 right.


I remember those pictures of lung cancer I was shown in elementary school. Went home and told my dad about them as he was a smoker. No affect on him. Think he might have been able to quite if he wanted to but he didn't see the point.

OMG... Those things were TERRIBLE!

I remember one day when I was in 2nd grade the 6th grade class was showing off their anti-smoking project and we walked down one of the hallways and through the two 6th grade classes where they had all their demonstrations set up.

The one that I can still picture in my head is a picture of some guy who looks like he vomited blood up all over himself (but it looked like it was just sloppy joe). They were telling us that if you smoked cigarettes that you would eventually destroy your lungs and die after vomiting up your destroyed lungs.

I started crying and I couldn't do the rest of the thing. Both my parents smoked and I was terrified the rest of the day that I'd go home and find my mom dead with her lungs vomited up.

And despite that story, it still didn't work on me in the long run.


Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.

Actually you are 2 for 2. I am just under 5 feet tall.

I can't remember what grade I was in when the pictures were shown. What my school was shown were pictures of black, shriveled up lungs.

Funny thing is I have never smoked a day in my life. My dad was the only one who smoked. My mom would take the odd cigarette from him and smoke most of it then put it out. She never had the habit. After he died my mom never touched another cigarette in her life.


Sunday, October 13, 2024 11:49 PM


Out to work tomorrow and on Turkey day no less. Boss called me Saturday. Good thing I got groceries on Saturday as I will be home by suppertime.


Tuesday, October 15, 2024 1:53 AM


Jeepers creepers. Took about 3 hours for this thread to come up. Had to leave and come back and leave again.


Tuesday, October 15, 2024 1:54 AM


Got back around 4pm today. Had turkey day lunch at work and something my boss cooked to. Nice though.


Tuesday, October 15, 2024 1:24 PM


Out for my walk soon. Couple of things to do. Meds to check up on.


Tuesday, October 15, 2024 5:59 PM


Back and done for today. All prescriptions topped up. Thyroid good.


Tuesday, October 15, 2024 8:12 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Belated Happy T-day, BRENDA!

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger



Tuesday, October 15, 2024 11:27 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Belated Happy T-day, BRENDA!

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger


Thanks SIG.


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 1:28 PM


Out for my walk. Suppose to rain today. Have to see.


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 5:56 PM


Back and done for today and so far no rain.


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 11:44 PM


Mah jong for me in the morning then errands.


Thursday, October 17, 2024 5:48 PM


Back and done for today. No luck at mah jong.


Thursday, October 17, 2024 10:25 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by Brenda:
Back and done for today. No luck at mah jong.

Better luck next time, BRENDA!

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger



Thursday, October 17, 2024 10:28 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Well, I found a handyman who's good with plumbing type stuff, and he replaced the first five automatic sprinkler valves with ball valves. Looks like a great job.

I've been so busy I haven't had a chance to test them out yet, but tomorrow looks like I'll have some time. This will give me a chance to not only test the valves but also find all the broken/ blocked sprinkler heads.

Looking forward to it!

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger



Thursday, October 17, 2024 11:43 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Originally posted by Brenda:
Back and done for today. No luck at mah jong.

Better luck next time, BRENDA!

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger


Yup, I managed to go out once and then just missed all 4 flowers.


Thursday, October 17, 2024 11:46 PM


My province has an atmospheric river moving in. Vancouver Island will get a good soaking. A northern corner of the province will be getting snow and there will be rain in the Valley. There are small warnings coming with this rain. Flood watches, possible mud slides and power outages from wind.




Brenda 10.17 23:43
Brenda 10.17 23:46


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