Pass left you bogarts!

UPDATED: Sunday, September 13, 2009 11:39
VIEWED: 1540
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Saturday, September 12, 2009 5:38 AM


More Americans over age 50 are smoking marijuana than ever before.

"I like to smoke at home and just relax," she says. "Sometimes I'll get on my treadmill; sometimes I'll get out my guitar; sometimes I'll just watch Desperate Housewives and giggle."



Saturday, September 12, 2009 6:43 AM


No sociological change here: hippies getting older.


Saturday, September 12, 2009 10:14 AM


It just got real expensive for a while because dealers could make more money selling crack and meth. Now it is getting popular again.

Old hippies never die. They just wear faded jeans.


Saturday, September 12, 2009 10:57 AM


hey Traveler,

that dude has worn those jeans waaay too thin


Saturday, September 12, 2009 11:06 AM


As long as the zipper still works their good.


Saturday, September 12, 2009 1:31 PM


Keep the Shiny side up

Older and retired, you're not likely to get busted, and if you do you aren't gonna lose your job and pension. Smoke 'em if ya got 'em.

"Keep the Shiny side up"


Saturday, September 12, 2009 1:35 PM



Originally posted by Fremdfirma:


Frem; love the jpg.

As for the article, I've been saying for a long time that it would be interesting to see stats on how many members of AARP are also members of NORML. If the former weren't a wholly owned subsidiary of the American Pharmaceutical industry, its membership would have probably come out for medicinal use a long time ago.

Also interesting to note that these "puff dadies & pot mammas",(great term that!} were somehow able to combine earning a living and raising a family responsibly alongside past and occasional recreational use of the dreaded Mary-Jew-Wanna,"Killer Weed With Roots in Hell!". So much for multiple generations of Reefer Madness propaganda.

"There are 100,000 total marijuana smokers in the US, and most are Negroes, Hispanics, Filipinos and entertainers. Their Satanic music, jazz and swing, result from marijuana usage. This marijuana causes white women to seek sexual relations with Negroes, entertainers and any others." -- Harry J. Anslinger, Federal Bureau of Narcotics Commissioner for 32 years, testimony to Congress, 1938

"If the words 'life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness' don't include the right to experiment with your own consciousness, then the Declaration of Independence isn't worth the hemp it was written on." -- Terence McKenna

"Rrrrrrrrroooooll another one/Just like the other one/You've been holding on to it/And I sure would like a hit"
-- Little Feat


Saturday, September 12, 2009 2:32 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

I crushed and destroyed my ancient unused tobacco pipe, in preperation for home invasion by police state death squads this week, after a Kosher judge ordered the district attorney general to investigate charges against me yesterday, for daring to appear in court to report on a trial of police corruption.

Illegal and legal drugs are a tool for the Nazi Commie Slave Plantation Industrial Complex.


Now if those 50-million dopers and drinkers would get off their lazy butts and defend every arrest with the Constitutions, problem solved. Just say NO to the Police State.

Note the German Nazi helmet

The only purpose of police is to protect the criminals from being lynched by We The People.

"Shit's gettin way too complicated for me. There are white folks, and then there are ignorant mutherfuckers like you! You can put lipstick on a pig. Sorry ass mutherfucker's got nuttin on me. I inhaled frequently - that was the point. Pot helped, and booze. A little blow when you could afford it. Junkie, pothead. That's where I'd been headed. You ain't my bitch nigger, git your own damn fries!"
-Barack Hussein Obama Soetoro, Dreams From My Father MP3

Foreign exCHANGE student and coke dealer Barry Soetoro aka Hussein Obama smoking dope in college
now in charge of arresting, robbing and killing YOU and your family in the Drug War


Sunday, September 13, 2009 6:21 AM



Sunday, September 13, 2009 7:03 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Wulf, I know you got a grotch hippies. But, seriously dude, you're painting everyone with the same brush. Worse, you're painting every IDEAL of that generation with the same brush, and you're in serious jeopardy of throwing the baby out with the bathwater.

So, from a hippie of that generation, let me tell you what I and a lot of my friends were for and against:

Drugs: Marijuana was OK. The hard stuff would mess you up. We had enough problems with reality as it was. Getting fucked up on drugs was not the answer. True then, still true now.

Free love: It was all good until someone got pregnant. A LOT of women I know saw the "free love" movement as just an excuse for some guy to get into our pants, but SOMEBODY has to take responsibility for any child conceived. True then, still true now.

War: The war in Vietnam was a feckless destruction of human life on both sides, foisted by out-of-touch powermongers on the young who were too young to vote- but not too young to be drafted! The best thing was the get the hell out. True then, and still true now.

Environment: If we don't take care of the earth, it won't take care of us. True then, and still true now.

The women's movement: System was set up for the convenience of men, and to suck free labor out of women for the betterment of capitalism. True then, and still true now.

Inequality along ANY lines: To be gotten rid of. True then, still true now.

The coolest people we knew simply did not buy into the meaningless hypercompetitive, droid-like followership that was the paradigm of the day. Yanno what? They still don't.


Sunday, September 13, 2009 7:07 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

As to dope...

No sociological change here: hippies getting older.
No surprise those over 50 smoke it; it was our generation, we all started smoking it about the same time; it's less harmless than booze, why quit?

FEW of us found it a precursor to the harder stuff. AND WE WEREN'T ALL HIPPIES!! That quote is right on:

"I like to smoke at home and just relax," she says. "Sometimes I'll get on my treadmill; sometimes I'll get out my guitar; sometimes I'll just watch Desperate Housewives and giggle."
except it leaves out "and get the munchies"!

Damn straight, Geezer:

Older and retired, you're not likely to get busted, and if you do you aren't gonna lose your job and pension. Smoke 'em if ya got 'em.
Back then, you did jail time--HEAVY jail time! Now practically nobody cares. Here in the Bay Area, you can practically walk past a cop smoking and he'll ignore you. Too much trouble; they've got much more serious things to deal with.

I get mine "legally" (I know, "illegally legally" here in CA)--medicinal marijuana. I rarely smoke anymore, and when I do, it's maybe a puff or two an evening.

You see, Maryjane is more a psychological drug than anything else. Smoke it long enough, one toke will get you high...some people even learned to do it without dope. And today's dope is MANY times stronger than the old $10 lid we bought.

“The potency of marijuana in the United States has doubled since the mid-1980s,” said Rafael Lemaitre, spokesperson for ONDCP.

In 1983 the THC level was just under four percent, but Lemaitre said the current samples indicate the level has swollen to 9.6 percent.

According to their most recent quarterly report, the University of Mississippi used marijuana samples obtained by law enforcement in the confiscation process. In one sample, the THC level registered 37.2 percent.
Of course, you can also find

Newspapers around the US have pointed out that the strength of marijuana went from 4.78% THC to 10.54% THC, a massive increase, more than doubling potency. Did marijuana growers get twice as good at growing marijuana over the last year?

What no newspaper mentioned was that the number of seizures analysed by the laboratory went from 852 in 2007 to 12 in 2008; did drug busts suffer a 99.98% decrease over the past year, or is the DEA picking and choosing samples?

Of the 12 samples, 10 were described as sinsemilla buds, typically, for every other year, ditch weed and seeded bud made up much larger portions of seizures. The conclusion to be drawn from this study is that the DEA and NIDA data has been manipulated with cherry picked data and very low sample size.

Take your pick. Fact is, stronger marijuana is MORE AVAILABLE than it was in our day; medical marijuana (which is a gas, it's like a candy store, even got dope biscotti of course brownies and cookies and other unimaginable things, different strengths, etc.) is availble at pretty hefty strengths. Sensimillia buds didn't even EXIST back in my day--at least we never saw 'em. I sold $10 lids out of a hollowed-out book at college.

So. After about 40 years of smoking dope every single day (it was my intention to smoke it every day until I died, then donate my brain to science), I'm still alive, no less sane than I was when I started, and I'd still be smoking it nightly if the last batch I got wasn't too strong for me...makes me dizzy.

I'll get more of the mellower variety, but it costs me a trip to the doc's for an "official" rx, $135 a year to the damned state of CA for an "official okey-dokey", then the cost of the dope. My okey-dokey has expired; eventually I'll re-up it and get more. But you see, it's just not that important.

And I've deliberately quit several times since I stopped nightly imbibing--never craved it; TRIED to quit the cigs more times than I can count; the withdrawals about kill me!

If the former weren't a wholly owned subsidiary of the American Pharmaceutical industry, its membership would have probably come out for medicinal use a long time ago.

Also interesting to note that these "puff dadies & pot mammas",(great term that!} were somehow able to combine earning a living and raising a family responsibly alongside past and occasional recreational use of the dreaded Mary-Jew-Wanna,"Killer Weed With Roots in Hell!". So much for multiple generations of Reefer Madness propaganda.

Right on. I've got the DVD "Marijuana, Assassin of Youth"'s a giggle. But things like that DID give rise in part to my generation's unwillingness to buy whatever we were told about many thing by our government, by the way...

Re: Woodstock. As far as I knew at the time, all five of those things are correct. They were all reported in the news--especially about the mess, the porta-potty disasters, the rain, etc. And they're not things we "don't want you to know"...they're the REALITY, not the fancy dream every pseudo-hippie and following generation wants to paint.

Woodstock was a horrible disaster, a complete mess, and yet nobody killed anybody deliberately, which says all that has to be said of that huge a crowd, and it was majorly peaceful. Let's see THIS generation do as good! You might note that on the faces of the majority of those in photos, they're smiling. Sure, drugs had something to do with it, but despite everything else, it was a mass high that most of them reveled in.

Jeez, what is it with folks and Woodstock, hippies, etc.? It was an amazing time, yes, Woodstock was a one-of-a-kind thing which never happened before and will never happen again. But nobody of that generation who's honest has any illusions about the reality, period! Go pick on another generation, already (loved the Yoda thing, tho', gotta admit!)

Together we are greater than the sum of our parts


Sunday, September 13, 2009 7:20 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Ooops, was typing when you posted, SG. I agree with every word: right on!

Difference for my group, tho', was yes, we did other stuff. Not the hard stuff, coke/heroin/etc., tho' some uppers and downers, but mostly the psychedellics. Psyllocibyn and Mescaline were my favorites; few of us did LSD. Color trips, and oh, my, were they wonderful. We'd stay up all night discussing heavy topics--I have no idea what the hell we said, but we solved all the problems of the world, we were convinced!

The vast majority dropped to just dope once we grew up--can't function on the rest, and too hard on the bod. I shot speed one Summer--the Dream Drug of Bipolarity--thank gawd I got off, I ache for those who kept going.

But everything we did was recreational, and aside from dope, infrequently. With a group, at home, or trippin' in the City., and it didn't last long. Dope wasn't no "gateway drug" like they still keep trying to convince everyone, 99% of us never even bothered with anything stronger, just like you said.

Together we are greater than the sum of our parts


Sunday, September 13, 2009 7:34 AM


Never needed recreational drugs, never wanted them. Situational awareness and concentration are not something I can afford to lose.

But to each their own. I wouldn't stand in the way of people making choices so long as they don't hurt anyone else. Families and friends can generally be counted on to try to intervene if use becomes problematic.


Sunday, September 13, 2009 7:35 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

what I wonder, Wulf is... When you're arguing against "hippies", what are you arguing FOR?

Inequality? Women trapped in abusive marriages because they have no place else to go? Dog-eat-dogism? Stupid wars? Profiteering? Environmental collapse?

If not... what's your point? Try separating out what you REALLY dislike about "hippies" (or what you think they were, which is prolly not the reality. But that's OK, you weren't there. All you have to go on is second-hand reports.) from the ancillary stuff. Come back and make a cleaner case.


Sunday, September 13, 2009 8:05 AM


The funny thing is that he's yet to make the connection.

Most hippies were not Socialists, they were (and are) Anarchists - they might have thought it a decent concept, but there's no way to keep it clean cause the power by default concentrates into the hands of those who should not have it.

With Anarchism, ain't no power TO concentrate, best you can do is threaten every Anarchist within physical reach, and then GOOD LUCK trying to herd angry, individual, obstructionist cats who are just gonna wait for you to slip up or fall asleep.

As far as weed goes, well, that's what we DO, scratch an americans family tree and you'll find a buncha farmers in there somewhere!

Good heavens, if we can drive the DEA batshit with what we can grow in a residential basement, we could feed the whole goddamn planet quite easily if we really put our mind to it.

Damn the revenooers anyways, my family line hails from west virgnia, we had other uses for OUR crop!

*sings John Barley Corn Must Die*



Sunday, September 13, 2009 8:14 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Said before: in case of an upcoming collapse, there are certain things you want to be growing in your backyard. Food is part of it.


Sunday, September 13, 2009 11:39 AM


Marijuana was never safe, it clogs memory receptors, takes decades to replace the dead receptors. The idea that pot today is stronger than it was in your day old man is one which has been floated since pot smoking began, but there's no evidence for it: Some pot is stronger than others, but IIRC there's not a trend over time here.


War: The war in Vietnam was a feckless destruction of human life on both sides, foisted by out-of-touch powermongers on the young who were too young to vote- but not too young to be drafted! The best thing was the get the hell out. True then, and still true now.

And yet now not so much resistance. Is it the sedated populous or the lack of a draft?


The women's movement: System was set up for the convenience of men, and to suck free labor out of women for the betterment of capitalism. True then, and still true now.

Huh. Someone actually noticed. I want to add an "ahem" to that: Corporations and govt, ie. employers benefit, not men in general. I think in general, both genders do an equal amount of home labor, if unemployed: men chop the wood, women was the dishes, etc. Some divisions of labor just make sense. But when men were working all day to pay bills, they did less housework than women because they weren't home. If a man answered that he's rather be at work than at home, there was something deeply wrong with his home life. Work has always been a pain in the ass.

But you're absolutely right. It's dubious if any "rights" were gained, women were dragged into the labor pool to decrease the cost of labor.

This is not unique to capitalism: You'll notice that every communist society on earth and almost all forms of socialism did this immediately and by law, for the same reason, to increase the workforce.

Added side benefit: If no one is home raising the kids, then the media run state can do it: public school, followed by television, kids what to believe.






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