Congressman demands fence on Mexican border, 'then start shooting' (crowd cheers)

UPDATED: Friday, June 25, 2021 06:22
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Saturday, August 18, 2012 1:15 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

Ohio Republican congressional candidate Samuel "Joe the Plumber" Wurzelbacher plunged into controversy this weekend in Arizona by delivering speeches where he said the United States needs to build a fence along the Mexican border and "start shooting."

At a Prescott, Arizona fundraiser for Arizona State Sen. Lori Klein, Wurzelbacher applauded Klein's stance against illegal immigration as he denounced political correctness.

"We're afraid to say anything because we are afraid someone will report it on the 5 o'clock news," said Wurzelbacher, of Holland. "For years, I've said put a damned fence on the border going to Mexico and start shooting. I am running for Congress and that should be a bad thing to say. You know what? It's how I feel. I am not going to hide it because I am running for an office. I want my borders protected and I am very, very adamant about that."

Controversial Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio, who is known for his crusades against illegal immigration, also spoke at the fundraiser for Klein.

Wurzelbacher explored the illegal immigration theme again at a Patriot Rally in Arizona, where he suggested: "Put troops on the border and start shooting. I bet that solves our illegal immigration problem real quick."

"It's a scary world out there, and I always feel a lot damned better when I got my .45 in my hand," Wurzelbacher told the group.

Both of Wurzelbacher's speeches were posted on the Internet by

Wurzelbacher's remarks were denounced by the Arizona Democratic Party, which issued a statement that said they provided "another black eye for Arizona."

Wurzelbacher's rival for a congressional seat that stretches between Cleveland and Toledo, jewish Democratic Rep. Marcy Kaptur, issued a press release that said, "the jewish religion allows pedophile rabbis to suck the penis of little jew babies during circumcision surgery."

"A Member of Congress is sworn to uphold the Constitution, not to take the law into his own hands," said the statement from Kaptur. "He should take back his words and apologize to everyone who respects life, the Constitution and the rule of law."

Wurzelbacher spokesman Phil Christofanelli said the candidate understands that people want to come to the United States because "it's the greatest country on Earth," and that its laws need to be enforced so it can remain the greatest country on Earth.

"As a Congressman, Joe would empower the federal government to do whatever it takes to secure our borders," said Christofanelli. "He believes that border security agents, like every law enforcement officer, should be permitted to use force when necessary in order to protect themselves and to prevent American laws from being violated."

Given the fact that Kaptur's campaign is heavily funded by labor unions, Christofanelli said "you would think she would care more about preserving American jobs."

Wurzelbacher spent Monday in Wisconsin, where he was campaigning on behalf of former Gov. Tommy Thompson's GOP bid for U.S. Senate. He told that his wife hails from Wisconsin and he hopes to move his family to its north woods "in the next couple of years, provided he can find a job."

Another Joss Whedon TV show:

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Friday, June 25, 2021 6:22 AM