Elections; 2024

UPDATED: Thursday, October 17, 2024 23:38
VIEWED: 54390
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Sunday, October 6, 2024 6:38 AM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

690,000 people without power.
FEMA is out of $$ while we're throwing another $8 billion to Ukraine.


Lies comrade, lies.


Trump's politicized lies about Helene recovery calls to mind his abysmal record handling disasters


Sunday, October 6, 2024 6:39 AM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

I read, and I can't where, that FEMA is deliberately bolluxing local rescue efforts in order to interfere with the vote come November. The thought is that people in metro areas will be able to vote, while those in the hinterlands, where rescue efforts are being thwarted, will be too preoccupied just getting their feet under them to vote.

It would be the equivalent of trying to hold a vote in LA after a major earthquake.

You read my ass. How about some sites on those claims? I know, why don't you checkout the governor debunking the bullshit you spew? He says Biden and FEMA have offered all they've asked for.

Do you know the last time NC suffered a crisis Trump only gave them 1% of what they asked for. Did you know that? You're such a moron. People like you who spread bullshit cause a lot more pain for those already suffering.



Sunday, October 6, 2024 7:06 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

FEMA doesn't have money for hurricanes because it just spent $1.4 Billion transporting, housing, clothing and feeding illegals that it shipped in.

Do you need me to repost the DHS and FEMA articles from their government websites stating these facts again?


Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.

Do it. I want to see it. Geoff Duncan, the Republican former lieutenant governor of Georgia, said that Trump's false hurricane claims acted as evidence pertaining to the state of his party.

"It's a sobering reminder of where the Republican Party is at right now, and how deep in the gutter we truly are," Duncan said. "To think that we're going to use this platform to politicize one of the worst storms to hit this region ever."

"Donald Trump is down in Georgia today only because he cares about trying to win Georgia," he added. "Because he's realized that if he loses Georgia, he's probably going to end up going to jail."

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Sunday, October 6, 2024 7:10 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Originally posted by second:
BLUE VOTER GUIDE — How Did I Not Know About This?!

By Andrew Tobias | October 5, 2024

I voted today...
I knew my choice for president, of course. But state tax collector? Which judges to vote to retain?

So here’s all you do:

1. Click BlueVoterGuide.

2. Enter your address.*

3. Make your choices.

Try it — even right now, if you have a few minutes.

Do I need anything more to tell me that libtards are low information voters who need to be told how to vote, who to vote for, how to think, and how to pee?

No. Because I see it every day here on So now we have stupid, corrupt politicians telling stupid voters to vote for them, and voters stupid enough to do it.


"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger


Signym, you and every Trumptard needs this information:

TRUMP’S HEIST: The President Who Wouldn't Lose

The astonishing inside story of how, in the wake of his 2020 election defeat, Donald Trump and his loyalists set out to engineer victory

Alternatively, download Trump’s Heist via a bittorrent using qBittorrent
(free at )

and this torrent link: 6E085ECF7F5DC9C2E14D92BE426DEBBAB5972286

Trump’s Heist: The President Who Wouldn’t Lose — sinister barely covers it

This troubling series raises the prospect of more social unrest should Kamala Harris win in November

By James Jackson | Tuesday September 17 2024, 10.00pm BST, The Times

You can throw all the outrage you like at Donald Trump, but you can’t say he doesn’t warn us. Back in 2020, some weeks before he lost the election and began his petulant campaign to discredit American democracy — essentially, him crossing his arms, sticking out his bottom lip and stamping his feet like a giant and hideous orange toddler — Trump was declaring on camera, “I’m not a good loser. I don’t like to lose” and, on another occasion, “Losing isn’t easy — not for me.”

Few, however, would have anticipated quite how badly he doesn’t like losing. Indeed, has there ever been as bad a loser in politics, or in any area of public life? Edward Heath’s “longest sulk in history” after losing the Conservative leadership to Margaret Thatcher in 1975 was sullen to behold, but he didn’t immediately react to losing by telling his supporters, “This is a fraud … frankly, we did win this! We will win this!”, as we saw Trump declaring in part one of Dan Reed’s propulsive, alarming documentary Trump’s Heist: The President Who Wouldn’t Lose (Channel 4). The unprecedented election-fraud conspiracy had begun.

This programme was frightening for showing the spiralling madness when a president systematically abuses his power to seemingly mount a coup, and how close things came to anarchy. Whipping up a mob on social media is one thing, but particularly sinister was the pressure Trump and his gang of yes-men attorneys put on those who managed the election in Arizona. When the Speaker there, Rusty Bowers, a Republican, bravely refused to reject votes that gave victory to Joe Biden, he was sent thousands of emails (presumably from Trump supporters) containing threats to his life and his family’s safety. “I thought many times, this is my side,” he said. “My side is coming after me.”

Most conspicuous here among Trump’s newly hired cronies were Rudy Giuliani — the footage of his head visibly melting (or rather his hair dye) no longer seeming so funny — and the lawyer Sidney Powell, who declared: “I’m going to release a kraken.” Recalling the limbo period after the election result, the former US attorney-general Bill Barr (disgusted at what happened) compared the scene at the Oval Office to the cantina in Star Wars, what with all the motley outsiders suddenly hanging about.

Conspiracy theories were soon spreading like a Texas wildfire. First the cry of “count the legal votes!” insinuated its way into Trump’s support base (“liberals working the elections” were filling in empty ballots); then it was the “fact” that thousands of dead people were voting (ballots of the deceased were being mailed by Biden-supporting relatives); then it was “Sharpie-gate” (Republican ballots filled in with Sharpies weren’t being read by the vote-scanning machines). Soon Trump was burbling about Dominion voting machines being rigged — “all you have to do is play with the chip”.

Being a Channel 4 production that made Giuliani look like a moron and the phalanx of Trump lawyers seem like a gang of bullies and cranks, the programme was, the Maga-minded might say, somewhat biased. But there was balance. Because speaking up for Trump’s side of things was the “QAnon Shaman” — that horned lunatic from the Capitol Hill riot. And there were a couple of other conspiracy theorists, saying such things as: “Big business, big tech, big media all colluded to keep Trump from being re-elected — it’s that simple.” I’d like to hear that unpacked, because it doesn’t sound simple.

This really is a troubling series. How will Trump react if he loses the election race this time? What kind of impunity will he assume if he wins?

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Sunday, October 6, 2024 7:29 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

CNN’s Michael Smerconish asked presidential historian Allan Lichtman about the October surprise and if it ever impacts his prediction for who will win the race for the White House.

"One of the greatest myths of American politics is the October surprise. I have never changed my prediction in response to an October surprise... because the keys gauged the big picture of incumbent governance in strength and don't sway by the events of the campaign."
Allan Lichtman Co-Founder of the "13 Keys to the White House"

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Sunday, October 6, 2024 8:54 AM



Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by SIGNYM:
690,000 people without power.
FEMA is out of $$ while we're throwing another $8 billion to Ukraine.


"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger


Republican senator and vice presidential candidate JD Vance called the Federal Emergency Management Agency's spending actions a "disgrace" roughly a week after he skipped the vote that would have provided the agency with more funds.

True Americans (Trumptards are untrue) would not support a tax-cheater. Trump doesn't pay his taxes and so FEMA doesn't have money for hurricanes.

By the way, Signym, in past days, America has spent tens of trillions of dollars to stop Russia from taking over the world. And so America spends a few billion in the present day to stop Russia from taking over a little corner of the world in Ukraine.

Between 1940 and 1996, the U.S. spent at least $11.3 trillion in present-day terms on nuclear weapons development. Over half was spent on building delivery mechanisms for the weapon. $709 billion in present-day terms was spent on nuclear waste management and environmental remediation.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

FEMA doesn't have money for hurricanes because it just spent $1.4 Billion transporting, housing, clothing and feeding illegals that it shipped in.

Do you need me to repost the DHS and FEMA articles from their government websites stating these facts again?


Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.

'Shameful!' Johnson slammed for saying Congress won’t cut recess short to pass disaster relief aid

Wow you guys are lying clowns. Year after year it's nothing but lies and stupidity from you Jack and signym. Most everything you two post is easily debunked.



Sunday, October 6, 2024 10:31 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Just a reminder....
Trump is not arguing that he’s innocent, he’s arguing that he has a right to be a criminal…

Supreme Court appears likely to side with Trump on some presidential immunity

By Amy Howe | Apr 25, 2024 at 5:35 pm

The Supreme Court on Thursday appeared skeptical of a ruling by a federal appeals court that rejected former President Donald Trump’s claim that he has absolute immunity from criminal charges . . .

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Sunday, October 6, 2024 1:13 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by second:
BLUE VOTER GUIDE — How Did I Not Know About This?!

By Andrew Tobias | October 5, 2024

I voted today...
I knew my choice for president, of course. But state tax collector? Which judges to vote to retain?

So here’s all you do:
1. Click BlueVoterGuide.
2. Enter your address.*
3. Make your choices.
Try it — even right now, if you have a few minutes....

SIGNYM: Do I need anything more to tell me that libtards are low information voters who need to be told how to vote, who to vote for, how to think, and how to pee?

No. Because I see it every day here on So now we have stupid, corrupt politicians telling stupid voters to vote for them, and voters stupid enough to do it.


SECOND: Signym, you and every Trumptard needs this information:


TRUMP’S HEIST: The President Who Wouldn't Lose

The astonishing inside story of how, in the wake of his 2020 election defeat, Donald Trump and his loyalists set out to engineer victory blah blah blah ...

My INDEPENDENT assessment is that the results were hinky and late in coming, and that in Libtard states the voting procedure was so loose it could have, and probably did, lead to ballot box stuffing.

That many libtard county votes needed to be FORENSICALLY AUDITED, but that these audits were blocked by the courts for technical reasons, not because they weren't justified.

And that the only county that was forensically audited was Mariposa. And the only votr counting center that was cleared of specific wrongdoing was in Fulton County.

I'm still a scientist even tho I retired. We analyzed samples in a legally challengable mileu. Our results were regularly challenged, and our lab routinely audited in the minutest detail by guys with clipboards and an agenda, backed by international industries like ExxonMobil and nationwide retail chains like Home Depot.

I know that in order to make good decisions you must be able to produce high quality data that can withstand the highest scrutiny.


None of our elections since 2000 have met any legally defensible standard.

I started agitating for better voting procedures ever since the 2000 Florida "vote" was decided by the Supreme Court, and a subsequent stateeide recount revealed that conservative- leaning counties with electronic voting machines undercounted the Gore vote by enough to have swung the election. (Black Box Voting)

And that the 2004 vote revealed the same electronic anomalies except this time across six-states.


I have been agitating for hand marked, hand counted ballots ever since, and with this latest fiasco of mail-in ballots, with vote harvesting and apparent ballot stuffing, where many jurisdictions didn't even TRY to match the signature on the envelope with the signature on file ...

The 2020 vote, IMHO, should not have been certified until all significant doubts were resolved. Only THAT would have produced a vote that could be trusted.

Even at this late date, it would be good to audit those counties where the votes seemed most anomalous, whether the result was for Trump or Biden*. What is stopping us?

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger



Sunday, October 6, 2024 1:26 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Oh BTW THGR, about your little dig "let this be a lesson to you", I figured out what went wrong. The link in my signature somehow got corrupted and was returning an error message.

As a courtesy, I will replace it with a smaller flag that doesn't take up so much page space, but I'll still be posting a flag.

Because as Americans we should support America and IMHO try to fix our problems and make us a better, stronger, more independent, more durable nation.

Don't you agree?

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger



Sunday, October 6, 2024 1:51 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Oh BTW THGR, about your little dig "let this be a lesson to you", I figured out what went wrong. The link in my signature somehow got corrupted and was returning an error message.

As a courtesy, I will replace it with a smaller flag that doesn't take up so much page space, but I'll still be posting a flag.

Because as Americans we should support America and IMHO try to fix our problems and make us a better, stronger, more independent, more durable nation.

Don't you agree?

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger


Patriotism having become one of our topics, Johnson suddenly uttered, in a strong determined tone, an aphorism, at which many will start: ‘Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel.’ But let it be considered, that he did not mean a real and generous love of our country, but that pretended patriotism which so many, in all ages and countries, have made a cloak for self-interest.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Sunday, October 6, 2024 1:52 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Six days of Trump lies about the Hurricane Helene response

By Daniel Dale | Sun October 6, 2024

Former President Donald Trump has delivered a barrage of lies and distortions about the federal response to Hurricane Helene.

While various misinformation about the response has spread widely without Trump’s involvement, the Republican presidential nominee has been one of the country’s leading deceivers on the subject. Over a span of six days, in public comments and social media posts, Trump has used his powerful megaphone to endorse or invent false or unsubstantiated claims.

The chief targets of his hurricane-related dishonesty have been Vice President Kamala Harris, his opponent in the November presidential election, and President Joe Biden.

Monday: Trump falsely claims Biden hasn’t answered calls from Georgia’s governor

During a visit to Georgia on Monday, Trump said of Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp: “He’s been calling the president, hasn’t been able to get him.”

It was immediately clear that Trump’s claim was false. Kemp, a Republican, told reporters earlier Monday that he had spoken with Biden the day prior — and that it was Kemp who had initially missed a call from Biden, not the other way around.

Kemp told reporters that he had successfully called Biden right back. Kemp added: “He just said, ‘Hey, what do you need?’ And I told him, you know, ‘We got what we need. We’ll work through the federal process.’ He offered that if there’s other things we need, just to call him directly, which — I appreciate that. But we’ve had FEMA embedded with us since a day or two before the storm hit in our state operations center in Atlanta; we’ve got a great relationship with them.”

Monday: Trump cites baseless ‘reports’ about anti-Republican bias in the North Carolina response

In a social media post on Monday, Trump said of North Carolina: “I’ll be there shortly, but don’t like the reports that I’m getting about the Federal Government, and the Democrat Governor of the State, going out of their way to not help people in Republican areas.”

It’s unclear what “reports” Trump might have been getting, but there was no apparent basis for the underlying claim that the Biden administration and North Carolina Gov. Roy Cooper were maliciously abandoning certain communities out of partisan bias.

Trump provided no evidence when a reporter pressed him later in the day.

Thursday: Trump falsely claims the Biden-Harris response had received ‘universally’ negative reviews

Trump wrote in a social media post on Thursday that Biden and Harris “are universally being given POOR GRADES for the way that they are handling the Hurricane, especially in North Carolina.”

That wasn’t even close to accurate. Though the Biden administration’s response had certainly received criticism, it had also been praised by various state and local leaders — including the Republican governors of some of the affected states and the Democratic governor of North Carolina, plus local leaders including the Democratic mayor of the hard-hit North Carolina city of Asheville.

For example, Republican South Carolina Gov. Henry McMaster said at a Tuesday press conference that federal assistance had “been superb,” noting that Biden and Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg had both called and told him to let them know whatever the state needed. McMaster also said FEMA Administrator Deanne Criswell had called.

Thursday: Trump falsely claims Harris spent ‘all her FEMA money’ on housing illegal migrants

At a campaign rally in Michigan on Thursday, Trump claimed that “Kamala spent all her FEMA money, billions of dollars, on housing for illegal migrants, many of whom should not be in our country.” He added in an election-related conspiracy theory, saying, “They stole the FEMA money, just like they stole it from a bank, so they could give it to their illegal immigrants that they want to have vote for them this season.”

This is false.

First, there is zero basis for Trump’s suggestion that the Biden administration is running some sort of scheme to get undocumented immigrants to vote illegally in the 2024 election. Voting by noncitizens is a felony.

Second, there is zero basis for claiming that FEMA disaster assistance money was stolen — by anyone, let alone Harris personally — for the housing of migrants.

Congress appropriated $650 million in the 2024 fiscal year to fund a program that helps state and local governments house migrants — and instructed US Customs and Border Protection to transfer that $650 million to FEMA to administer the program. But this $650 million pot is entirely distinct from FEMA’s pot of disaster relief funds; as the Department of Homeland Security, the White House and independent observers noted this week, they’re just two separate things funded separately by Congress.

Congress appropriated more than $35 billion in disaster relief funds for fiscal 2024, according to official FEMA statistics.

Friday: Trump falsely claims $1 billion was ‘stolen’ from FEMA for migrants and has gone ‘missing’

Though Trump’s Thursday claim about FEMA money and migrants had already been debunked by Friday, Trump repeated the claim to reporters at least twice on Friday — and then said it again at a Friday night town hall event in North Carolina.

Saturday: Trump falsely claims the federal government is only giving $750 to people who lost their homes

At a campaign rally in Pennsylvania on Saturday, Trump strongly suggested that Americans who lost their homes in the hurricane were only being offered $750 in federal aid.

“They’re offering them $750, to people whose homes have been washed away. And yet we send tens of billions of dollars to foreign countries that most people have never heard of. They’re offering them $750. They’ve been destroyed, these people have been destroyed,” Trump said. He added, “Think of it: We give foreign countries hundreds of billions of dollars and we’re handing North Carolina $750.”

Trump’s claim is wrong. As FEMA explained earlier in the week on social media and on a web page it created to combat misinformation about the response, $750 is merely the immediate, upfront aid survivors can get to cover basic, pressing needs like food, water, baby formula and emergency supplies. Survivors are also eligible to apply for additional forms of assistance, such as to pay for temporary housing and home repairs, that can be worth thousands of dollars; the current maximum amount for home repair assistance, for example, is $42,500.

During Harris’ visit to Georgia on Wednesday, she said, “And the federal relief and assistance that we have been providing has included FEMA providing $750 for folks who need immediate needs being met, such as food, baby formula, and the like. And you can apply now.” But she added just moments later, “FEMA is also providing tens of thousands more dollars for folks to help them be able to deal with home repair, to be able to cover a deductible when and if they have insurance, and also hotel costs.”

It’s also worth noting that this hurricane-related assistance to individual residents is separate from the hurricane-related assistance the federal government will provide to state governments. For example, the federal transportation department announced Saturday that it was immediately providing $100 million to North Carolina’s transportation department “to help pay for the costs of immediate emergency work resulting from Hurricane Helene flood damage.” Buttigieg added that this emergency funding “will be followed by additional federal resources.”

Saturday: Trump falsely claims there are ‘no helicopters, no rescue’ in North Carolina

Trump, criticizing Harris for participating in a political fundraising event in California the last weekend of September, said at the Saturday rally in Pennsylvania: “Kamala wined and dined in San Francisco, and all of the people in North Carolina — no helicopters, no rescue — it’s just — what’s happened there is very bad.”

This claim about North Carolina is false. There have been numerous government and private helicopters and other aircraft involved in rescue and aid efforts in North Carolina, though some residents died before they could be rescued and a significant number of residents have remained missing or stranded for days.

The North Carolina National Guard announced Thursday that its own air assets had “completed 146 flight missions, resulting in the rescue of 538 people and 150 pets.” The Washington Post reported Friday: “The drone of helicopters has become routine across western North Carolina in the wake of Helene. National Guard and civilian aircraft now crisscross the skies of a region where roads and bridges have been destroyed and people are trapped. The helicopters are delivering supplies, picking up people who need rescuing, dropping off firefighters and search-and-rescue crews and radioing for assistance for others who can be more easily accessed from the ground.“

CNN reported Saturday that air traffic over western North Carolina had increased 300% over the past seven days due to hurricane relief efforts, according to Becca Gallas, director of North Carolina’s Division of Aviation. The state said in an official update Saturday: “A total of 53 search and rescue teams from North Carolina and beyond, consisting of more than 1,600 personnel have conducted search and rescue operations during this event. Search and rescue teams have interacted with over 5,400 people, including assists, evacuations and rescues.”

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Sunday, October 6, 2024 2:40 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Oh BTW THGR, about your little dig "let this be a lesson to you", I figured out what went wrong. The link in my signature somehow got corrupted and was returning an error message.
As a courtesy, I will replace it with a smaller flag that doesn't take up so much page space, but I'll still be posting a flag.
Because as Americans we should support America and IMHO try to fix our problems and make us a better, stronger, more independent, more durable nation.
Don't you agree?

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger


Patriotism having become one of our topics, Johnson suddenly uttered, in a strong determined tone, an aphorism, at which many will start: ‘Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel.’ But let it be considered, that he did not mean a real and generous love of our country, but that pretended patriotism which so many, in all ages and countries, have made a cloak for self-interest...

And this is where it becomes necessary to determine what agenda is being called for under the guise of patriotism.

Or, I could add, "saving democracy (here)", "promoting democracy (abroad)", "protecting freedom", "human rights`, "saving Ukraine", "the poor immigrants", "BLM/LGBTQX123", "helping the poor", or any other noble sounding cause.

Because NO corrupt politician or bureaucrat or businessman is going to tell you, outright, that they're going to steal your money ot take away your freedoms and remove yuur agency.

hey are going to cloak their true purpose with "noble causes".

Which is why it takes more than low-information voters who mindlessly click wherever they're told.

And the FIRST THING you have to do, FOR YOURSELF, is answer the question " WHAT ARE AMERICA'S INTERESTS?"

Not Ukraine's.
Not Israel's.
Not "the poor people of the world".
Not our ruling or corporate elite's.
Not the myriad self- identified internal victim groups.

American citizens.

And in order to do that, you have to decide WHAT DO I WANT AMERICA TO BE?

The fact that neither you nor THGR have answered that question over YEARS tells me that you both have hidden agendas.

I've been very open about what I hope for America, and what I believe we are capable of

Independent (of China for mfr, of the ME for oil, and of the world accepting our endless debt issuance)
Rugged (resistant to shocks and disasters)
Fair minded
Helpful to the young, the old, the sick, the disabled, and temporarily out of luck.
Enjoying our Consitutional freedoms

What about you?

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger



Sunday, October 6, 2024 3:48 PM


August 12th:


Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
Oh boy, oh boy! Kamala is up 0.4 points in the aggregate after 3 weeks of gaslighting without any real interviews or a debate!

On this day in 2020: Biden +7.5

On this day in 2016: Clinton +6.3

Biden won that popularity contest by less than 4 points, and we all know what happened in 2016.

Harris will NEVER rise above 1 or 2 points in the aggregate on Trump, even with the gaslighting. She's peaked. This is her plateau.

Once they can't hide her anymore and everybody gets to see how dumb she is and how toxic her policies are for our country, it's all over for you.

Maybe some of you will finally stop blindly believing everything MSNBC tells you once this happens.

Hope you're really enjoying yourselves in the meantime.

September 8th:


Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
Repost from last night because it got buried on the previous page after Second's bout of TDS this morning.

1.9 points. 1.9 points was Harris' peak.

She hit 1.7 points on August 21st and has now floundered between 1.5 points and 1.9 points for the 17 days since.

The DNC was August 19th through the 22nd. RFK dropped out of the race on August 23rd.

Both of these events are now baked into the polls.

Morning Consult's most recent poll put Harris at +3 when its previous poll had her at +4. Outside of Rasmussen Reports, any polls that have Harris higher than the last time they polled were a LONG time ago and predated the DNC.

On this day in history Biden was up +7.1 and Clinton was up +3.1 in the meaningless Popular Vote. Harris is only up 1.8 points.

September 20th:


Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
Harris leads Trump +1.9 in the meaningless Popularity Contest polling aggregate. Harris briefly hit +2.0 for two days this week. If she doesn't rise to 2.1 on Saturday that's a 40 day streak on the initial prediction she would not rise above 2.

On this day in history, Joe Biden lead by +6.5 and Hilary Clinton lead by +1.3.

Don't worry though. This was damage that Clinton did by calling half the country deplorable. The Legacy Media did a great job killing discussion on that and slowly gaslit everyone into believing she was up +6.7 by the middle of October.

September 23rd:


Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
40 Days. That's what I got. Kamala rose to 2.2 in the RCP aggregate for the Popularity Contest on Sunday, 41 days after I said she would not rise above 2.

So she has.

Not sure how, seeing how many black people and union members are not going to vote Democrat this cycle.

Clinton began her upswing that saw her once again peak at +6.7 on October 17th this weekend. In only 2 days she'd risen from +1.3 to +2.6 today.

Kamala is now at 2.2. If the election were held tomorrow and the polls were as skewed in favor of Democrats as they have been the last 2 elections, Trump still wins the popular vote.

October 1st:


Kamala remained over 2 points for 4 days. 2.1 on September 20th, 2.2 on the 21st and 22nd, and 2.1 on the 23rd. After that 2.0 and back down to 1.8 over the weekend.

You've got 35 days left, and right now it looks like Trump is going to win the Popular Vote.

I made this prediction that she wouldn't rise above 1 or 2 points on the aggregate exactly 50 days ago from today. In that time she only rose .2 points above that for only 4 of those 50 days because of a few outlier polls giving her +5 and +6, and now she's on her way back down.

On this day in History, October 6th:

National00000000Harris +2.2000Biden +9.00000Clinton +4.1
Wisconsin0000000Harris +0.8000Biden +5.60000Clinton +5.5
Pennsylvania0000Trump0 +0.0000Biden +6.50000Clinton +7.5
Ohio000000000000Trump0 +8.0000Biden +1.20000Trump00 +1.2
Michigan00000000Harris +0.7000Biden +6.20000Clinton +6.8
Arizona000000000Trump0 +1.4000Biden +3.40000Trump00 +0.7
Nevada0000000000Harris +1.1000Biden +5.30000Clinton +1.2
North Carolina00Trump0 +0.6000Biden +1.40000Clinton +2.2
Georgia000000000Trump0 +1.5000Biden +0.30000Trump00 +4.7
Florida000000000Trump0 +6.0000Biden +3.50000Clinton +3.2

P.S. Don't forget that 22 days before election, Hillary Clinton rose to +7.1 against Trump in the aggregate from her +4.1 today, and +7.1 isn't even CLOSE to her peak of +11.4 against Trump in 2016. Harris will see no such surge, and you are going to go into election day with the smallest polling advantage of any Democrat hopeful in the last 3 election cycles. So small, in fact, that if the same biases exist in the polls that were there in the last few election cycles, Trump is going to win the Popular Vote by a large margin.


Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.


Sunday, October 6, 2024 6:03 PM


Shut up sigman you stupid Russian troll.


North Carolina’s second-largest newspaper condemns Trump for ‘ridiculous’ Helene response ‘falsehoods’

Donald Trump is now facing condemnation from the editorial board of North Carolina’s second-largest newspaper as he continues to take criticism for politicizing the response to Hurricane Helene across the US southeast.


Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Oh BTW THGR, about your little dig "let this be a lesson to you", I figured out what went wrong. The link in my signature somehow got corrupted and was returning an error message.
As a courtesy, I will replace it with a smaller flag that doesn't take up so much page space, but I'll still be posting a flag.
Because as Americans we should support America and IMHO try to fix our problems and make us a better, stronger, more independent, more durable nation.
Don't you agree?

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger


Patriotism having become one of our topics, Johnson suddenly uttered, in a strong determined tone, an aphorism, at which many will start: ‘Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel.’ But let it be considered, that he did not mean a real and generous love of our country, but that pretended patriotism which so many, in all ages and countries, have made a cloak for self-interest...

And this is where it becomes necessary to determine what agenda is being called for under the guise of patriotism.

Or, I could add, "saving democracy (here)", "promoting democracy (abroad)", "protecting freedom", "human rights`, "saving Ukraine", "the poor immigrants", "BLM/LGBTQX123", "helping the poor", or any other noble sounding cause.

Because NO corrupt politician or bureaucrat or businessman is going to tell you, outright, that they're going to steal your money ot take away your freedoms and remove yuur agency.

hey are going to cloak their true purpose with "noble causes".

Which is why it takes more than low-information voters who mindlessly click wherever they're told.

And the FIRST THING you have to do, FOR YOURSELF, is answer the question " WHAT ARE AMERICA'S INTERESTS?"

Not Ukraine's.
Not Israel's.
Not "the poor people of the world".
Not our ruling or corporate elite's.
Not the myriad self- identified internal victim groups.

American citizens.

And in order to do that, you have to decide WHAT DO I WANT AMERICA TO BE?

The fact that neither you nor THGR have answered that question over YEARS tells me that you both have hidden agendas.

I've been very open about what I hope for America, and what I believe we are capable of

Independent (of China for mfr, of the ME for oil, and of the world accepting our endless debt issuance)
Rugged (resistant to shocks and disasters)
Fair minded
Helpful to the young, the old, the sick, the disabled, and temporarily out of luck.
Enjoying our Consitutional freedoms

What about you?


Sunday, October 6, 2024 6:22 PM


North Carolina Lieutenant Governor Mark Robinson is trailing his opponent by 17 points in the state’s gubernatorial race, according to a new poll.

Robinson faces an uphill battle as Josh Stein, North Carolina Attorney General, has 51 percent support of voters compared to the Republican’s 34 percent, the High Point University poll revealed.



Sunday, October 6, 2024 6:36 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Oh BTW THGR, about your little dig "let this be a lesson to you", I figured out what went wrong. The link in my signature somehow got corrupted and was returning an error message.
As a courtesy, I will replace it with a smaller flag that doesn't take up so much page space, but I'll still be posting a flag.
Because as Americans we should support America and IMHO try to fix our problems and make us a better, stronger, more independent, more durable nation.
Don't you agree?

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger


Patriotism having become one of our topics, Johnson suddenly uttered, in a strong determined tone, an aphorism, at which many will start: ‘Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel.’ But let it be considered, that he did not mean a real and generous love of our country, but that pretended patriotism which so many, in all ages and countries, have made a cloak for self-interest...

And this is where it becomes necessary to determine what agenda is being called for under the guise of patriotism.

Or, I could add, "saving democracy (here)", "promoting democracy (abroad)", "protecting freedom", "human rights`, "saving Ukraine", "the poor immigrants", "BLM/LGBTQX123", "helping the poor", or any other noble sounding cause.

Because NO corrupt politician or bureaucrat or businessman is going to tell you, outright, that they're going to steal your money ot take away your freedoms and remove yuur agency.

hey are going to cloak their true purpose with "noble causes".

Which is why it takes more than low-information voters who mindlessly click wherever they're told.

And the FIRST THING you have to do, FOR YOURSELF, is answer the question " WHAT ARE AMERICA'S INTERESTS?"

Not Ukraine's.
Not Israel's.
Not "the poor people of the world".
Not our ruling or corporate elite's.
Not the myriad self- identified internal victim groups.

American citizens.

And in order to do that, you have to decide WHAT DO I WANT AMERICA TO BE?

The fact that neither you nor THGR have answered that question over YEARS tells me that you both have hidden agendas.

I've been very open about what I hope for America, and what I believe we are capable of

Independent (of China for mfr, of the ME for oil, and of the world accepting our endless debt issuance)
Rugged (resistant to shocks and disasters)
Fair minded
Helpful to the young, the old, the sick, the disabled, and temporarily out of luck.
Enjoying our Consitutional freedoms

What about you?

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger


I will be as blunt as possible based on a lifetime of interaction with the people who have voted for Trump and will again. Trumptards are rotten people, same as Trump. I don't see that Trumptards have any purpose in life other than to get high, cheat, lie and accomplish as little as the boss will allow. They are mini-versions of Trump. Trumptards are human zeros, same as Trump.

Trumptards excel at creating justifications for doing nothing, for stopping, for resting, for avoiding responsibility all while claiming they are doing the exact opposite of what they actually do, which is next to nothing. This is why Trump is a fire-hose of lies. He has to pretend to be the opposite of what he is and the most effortless way to pretend is to run his mouth and lie constantly. Words are as easy as breathing. Trump is breaking contracts, breaking marriage vows, cheating on taxes because it is far easier than following the exact requirements in a contract, not sleeping with every stray woman, paying all taxes.

A Trumptard-like criticism of WWII would be simple and persuasive to humans with zero values:
Nobody would have died at Pearl Harbor if America had stayed out of the Pacific. Hawaii isn’t even a state. Why are Americans there? Pineapples grown in Hawaii are not a good enough reason. Leave the Philippines to the Japanese who want it. Britain is manipulating America into protecting Singapore, Burma, India. Let the British Commonwealth of Nations protect the Pacific. What next? The British will be wanting Americans to fight the Germans!

As an exercise, the Trumptards reading this can make their own version for Ukraine v Russia to justify doing nothing.

I was amused by the ironic 60 second long video which summarizes the interior dialogue of many Americans, not just Trump and his Trumptards:

I finally made up my mind...
I’m tired of having goals
I’m sick of improving personally and professionally
Accomplishing anything is massively overrated
I’m exhausted of being held to any standard whatsoever
I’m at peace with never reaching full optimization
I’m ready to retire after accomplishing almost nothing and saving very little
I don’t wanna hit metrics or milestones
I don’t wanna look back at how far I have come
I don’t wanna overcome adversity and emerge as a better person
The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step and I don’t wanna take it
I wanna aimlessly meander until I wander off a cliff
I wanna lay down in the forest and slowly be consumed by vines
I wanna murder my calendar and leap into a sinkhole
Learning and growing suck
This is who I am
Any improvement is purely accidental
I’m being pulverized by the crushing weight of daily structures
Life is chaos and so many things are outside my controlled
No thing brings me happiness – it only comes from within

Vote for Trump. Only he can fix it. Not you. Don't try. You will fail.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Sunday, October 6, 2024 7:03 PM


On this day in History, October 6th:

National00000000Harris +2.2000Biden +9.00000Clinton +4.1
Wisconsin0000000Harris +0.8000Biden +5.60000Clinton +5.5
Pennsylvania0000Trump0 +0.0000Biden +6.50000Clinton +7.5
Ohio000000000000Trump0 +8.0000Biden +1.20000Trump00 +1.2
Michigan00000000Harris +0.7000Biden +6.20000Clinton +6.8
Arizona000000000Trump0 +1.4000Biden +3.40000Trump00 +0.7
Nevada0000000000Harris +1.1000Biden +5.30000Clinton +1.2
North Carolina00Trump0 +0.6000Biden +1.40000Clinton +2.2
Georgia000000000Trump0 +1.5000Biden +0.30000Trump00 +4.7
Florida000000000Trump0 +6.0000Biden +3.50000Clinton +3.2

P.S. Don't forget that 22 days before election, Hillary Clinton rose to +7.1 against Trump in the aggregate from her +4.1 today, and +7.1 isn't even CLOSE to her peak of +11.4 against Trump in 2016. Harris will see no such surge, and you are going to go into election day with the smallest polling advantage of any Democrat hopeful in the last 3 election cycles. So small, in fact, that if the same biases exist in the polls that were there in the last few election cycles, Trump is going to win the Popular Vote by a large margin.


Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.


Sunday, October 6, 2024 7:19 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Autocracy will bring poverty

Joel Eissenberg | October 6, 2024 10:47 am

Think about the politicians Trump idolizes, Vladimir Putin in Russia and Viktor Orbán in Hungary. The first undid a democracy through fake emergencies, the second through persistent constitutional abuse. It is not hard to see why Trump likes them.

Now consider the Russian and Hungarian economies. Russia sits on hugely valuable natural resources, and yet is a poor country. The profits from its oil and gas are in the hands of a few oligarchs. Hungary sits in the middle of the European Union, the most successful trade project of all time. And yet Hungarians are poorer than their neighbors, in part because the Orbán regime corruptly channels EU resources to friendly oligarchs.

The lesson is clear. Democracy is a method of checking corrupt rulers. When there is no functioning democracy, corruption is unchecked.

And democracy is an element of a more fundamental guarantor of prosperity, the rule of law. In Hungary and Russia, the rule of law has been bent and broken, to the benefit of the few, and to the detriment of the many.

Ending the rule of law is the Trump-Vance platform.

Trump is running as a candidate who has attempted a coup against constitutional rule. Vance has already said, multiple times, that law does not govern who leads the country, and that he would have supported Trump’s coup attempt.

The rule of law begins from the principle that we are all equally subject to to it. Trump promises to weaponize the law to immunize himself and his supporters and to pursue his political opponents. Those who worked with him in the White House believe him.

Laws are executed by trained civil servants. Trump and Vance back a plan to fire the forty thousand federal employees who now execute the law and replace them with forty thousand loyalist hacks. That is Project 2025.

It doesn’t take much imagination to see where this leads. Here are five quick examples.

1. The very rich will not be taxed, but you will be taxed more. The hardest thing the IRS does is to tax the wealthy. In an atmosphere of lawlessness and favoritism, this will become impossible. Insofar as the federal government runs at all, it will be by taxing the middle class.

2. The banks can collapse. As we saw in 2008, our financial system is held together by a very thin tissue of regulation. Unless laws are enforced, as they won’t be under a Trump-Vance administration, the overadventurous will very likely draw us all into another financial disaster. The bailout will be paid for by the average taxpayer because the rich won’t be taxed (see number 1).

3. Americans will be at risk of losing their benefits. Social Security and all the rest depend upon a functioning federal bureaucracy, which is exactly what Project 2025 guarantees that we will not have. Americans take for granted federal institutions, from VA Hospitals to the insurance of bank accounts (see number 2).

4. The stock market can crash. It depends upon the laws that prevent insider trading and other abuses. If these laws are applied selectively, and if the people who used to enforce them have been fired, then corrupt investors will win while others lose out. After a time, the stock market loses its prestige, investors go elsewhere, and everyone loses. (And those who were treating their investments as cushioning to their retirement benefits are now poor: see number 3).

5. Businesses will get stuck. Doing business depends upon all sorts of interactions with the federal government. When the federal government loses its civil servants, much of this will stop happening. Or, worse, companies with personal connections will be able to continue functioning without following any rules, while others will grind to a halt. This means millions of people losing their jobs. (And it is now hard for businesses to raise money: see number 4).

This list could go on. The collapse of the economy is not a bug of autocracy, but a feature.

There is an autocratic logic to economic failure. When nothing works, when law does not matter, when elections are irrelevant, the only way Americans will be able to get anything done is by appealing to those who have power. We will have to give bribes to the corrupt and hope for favors from the top.

Once we behave like this, we get used to the idea that only The Leader can fix things, which is of course what Trump likes to say. And so the circle closes and the new regime is installed.

The new autocracy is confirmed by our new poverty. That is, in any event, the Trump-Vance plan.

They are talented politicians, and they have an alternative to democracy and prosperity, which is autocracy and poverty. Whether they bring America this new regime is up to us.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Sunday, October 6, 2024 7:21 PM



Originally posted by second:
Autocracy will bring poverty

Indeed it has. The Harris/Biden* administration has been a shit show.

That's why you're going to see record black and Hispanic turnout for Trump in November as well as record Union turnout for Trump.

It's really just you brainfucked college "educated" white people and the NeoCons voting for Harris this time around.

Good luck!


Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.


Sunday, October 6, 2024 7:23 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
On this day in History, October 6th:

Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.

You are absolutely unprepared for Trump's defeat. What will you do?

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Sunday, October 6, 2024 7:28 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

Originally posted by second:
Autocracy will bring poverty

Indeed it has. The Harris/Biden* administration has been a shit show.

That's why you're going to see record black and Hispanic turnout for Trump in November as well as record Union turnout for Trump.

It's really just you brainfucked college "educated" white people and the NeoCons voting for Harris this time around.

Good luck!


Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.

All the Trumptards I know say the same thing. They should. They are all a bunch of fucking failures completely maladjusted to America. They should find another country (Russia needs you! Steven Seagal lives in Moscow and is a Trumptard. Follow his example.) or kill yourselves, doing everybody a favor. But instead, they want to drag America down to their level of stupidity, laziness and dishonesty by installing Trump.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Sunday, October 6, 2024 7:31 PM



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
On this day in History, October 6th:

National00000000Harris +2.2000Biden +9.00000Clinton +4.1
Wisconsin0000000Harris +0.8000Biden +5.60000Clinton +5.5
Pennsylvania0000Trump0 +0.0000Biden +6.50000Clinton +7.5
Ohio000000000000Trump0 +8.0000Biden +1.20000Trump00 +1.2
Michigan00000000Harris +0.7000Biden +6.20000Clinton +6.8
Arizona000000000Trump0 +1.4000Biden +3.40000Trump00 +0.7
Nevada0000000000Harris +1.1000Biden +5.30000Clinton +1.2
North Carolina00Trump0 +0.6000Biden +1.40000Clinton +2.2
Georgia000000000Trump0 +1.5000Biden +0.30000Trump00 +4.7
Florida000000000Trump0 +6.0000Biden +3.50000Clinton +3.2

P.S. Don't forget that 22 days before election, Hillary Clinton rose to +7.1 against Trump in the aggregate from her +4.1 today, and +7.1 isn't even CLOSE to her peak of +11.4 against Trump in 2016. Harris will see no such surge, and you are going to go into election day with the smallest polling advantage of any Democrat hopeful in the last 3 election cycles. So small, in fact, that if the same biases exist in the polls that were there in the last few election cycles, Trump is going to win the Popular Vote by a large margin.

You are absolutely unprepared for Trump's defeat. What will you do?

I don't understand the question.

I've lived easily through 4 years of your autocracy while you've done nothing but talk about Russia and scream Trump's name several dozen times per day.

I'll just keep doing what I did the last 4 years. Everything I've got is bought and paid for and I'm always fully stocked up on necessities.

Don't worry about me. You're the one who's about to fall off the cliff either way.


Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.


Sunday, October 6, 2024 7:38 PM



Originally posted by second:
All the Trumptards I know say the same thing. They should. They are all a bunch of fucking failures completely maladjusted to America. They should find another country (Russia needs you! Steven Seagal lives in Moscow and is a Trumptard. Follow his example.) or kill yourselves, doing everybody a favor. But instead, they want to drag America down to their level of stupidity, laziness and dishonesty by installing Trump.

Boy. You and Ted are both being particularly nasty today.

I think that means that even a couple of morons like you are finally figuring out what your chances are next month. I know it's why after two years of meaningless tick tock to nothing threads our boy Ted has been hoping and praying all week that Jack Smith is going to swoop in last minute and save him from Trump.

Tick Tock

P.S. It's too bad you wasted another entire weekend being in a bad mood now that you've got to go to bed to get ready for work tomorrow. Maybe one day you'll finally figure out not to do that to yourself all the time.


Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.


Sunday, October 6, 2024 9:23 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

P.S. It's too bad you wasted another entire weekend being in a bad mood now that you've got to go to bed to get ready for work tomorrow. Maybe one day you'll finally figure out not to do that to yourself all the time.


Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.

6ixStringJack, you refuse to wake up to being poor, mentally and physically ill, and a guaranteed early death. It is your fault for being stupid about politics and your life.

To the editor: Your article on former President Trump's incoherence states, "Before Biden and Trump, the media tended to treat the mental fitness of would-be presidents gingerly."

Going back all the way to 1960, I cannot recall any presidential candidate with such blatant mental pathologies on full display as shown by Trump. Unlike the days of 1964 and Barry Goldwater, psychiatrists and psychologists today have more than eight years of easily accessible material on Trump, including speeches, public behavior, social media posts, news reports and interviews with numerous people who have worked closely with the former president. His thousands of lies have been documented and counted.

The exact diagnosis is less important than the main issue, which is mental fitness for office. Numerous mental health experts who have closely watched him says there are gigantic red flags.

Should Americans pay attention to all of the warnings issued by medical experts, or should they just roll the dice and hope that maybe Trump is a "sheer genius"? What could go wrong?

Paul Banta, MD, Walnut Creek

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Monday, October 7, 2024 12:07 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Unspecified red flags about unspecified mental problems.
Gee, could they possibly be any more vague and scaremonger-y?

And, not to be too facetious but ... no comments about Biden, who is CLEARLY compromised and is supposed to be President?

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger



Monday, October 7, 2024 12:31 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Oh BTW THGR, about your little dig "let this be a lesson to you", I figured out what went wrong. The link in my signature somehow got corrupted and was returning an error message.
As a courtesy, I will replace it with a smaller flag that doesn't take up so much page space, but I'll still be posting a flag.
Because as Americans we should support America and IMHO try to fix our problems and make us a better, stronger, more independent, more durable nation.
Don't you agree?


SECOND: Patriotism having become one of our topics, Johnson suddenly uttered, in a strong determined tone, an aphorism, at which many will start: ‘Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel.’ But let it be considered, that he did not mean a real and generous love of our country, but that pretended patriotism which so many, in all ages and countries, have made a cloak for self-interest...


SIGNY: And this is where it becomes necessary to determine what agenda is being called for under the guise of patriotism.

Or, I could add, "saving democracy (here)", "promoting democracy (abroad)", "protecting freedom", "human rights`, "saving Ukraine", "the poor immigrants", "BLM/LGBTQX123", "helping the poor", or any other noble sounding cause.

Because NO corrupt politician or bureaucrat or businessman is going to tell you, outright, that they're going to steal your money ot take away your freedoms and remove yuur agency.

hey are going to cloak their true purpose with "noble causes".

Which is why it takes more than low-information voters who mindlessly click wherever they're told.

And the FIRST THING you have to do, FOR YOURSELF, is answer the question " WHAT ARE AMERICA'S INTERESTS?"

Not Ukraine's.
Not Israel's.
Not "the poor people of the world".
Not our ruling or corporate elite's.
Not the myriad self- identified internal victim groups.

American citizens.

And in order to do that, you have to decide WHAT DO I WANT AMERICA TO BE?

The fact that neither you nor THGR have answered that question over YEARS tells me that you both have hidden agendas.

I've been very open about what I hope for America, and what I believe we are capable of

Independent (of China for mfr, of the ME for oil, and of the world accepting our endless debt issuance)
Rugged (resistant to shocks and disasters)
Fair minded
Helpful to the young, the old, the sick, the disabled, and temporarily out of luck.
Enjoying our Consitutional freedoms

What about you?

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger


SECOND: I will be as blunt as possible based on a lifetime of interaction with the people who have voted for Trump and will again. Trumptards ... BLAH BLAH BLAH

You're so full of shit, SECOND.
AND you're stupid.

I didn't mean just Americans, I meant America. Not just the people, the system
It's not like I haven't explained this a couple dozen times already.

Do you know what they used to say at the various places where I worked?
The person who works gets rewarded with more work. Not more pay! Just more work!
The person who screws up gets avoided.

Who benefits from continual self-improvement and working 12 hours a day? Unless you own your own business, not you. Not even really the boss. The stock speculators, or private owners. The bank that loaned the business money. Anybody but the smear at the bottom.

And people don't even necessarily want more money, altho for a lot of jobs more money is a necessity. They want more control over their work. Recognition for what they do, not just being a cog in a profit making machine.

If you want to change behavior, change the reward structure.

I mean, if I worked for a boss like you, with you dripping disdain on everyone, I'd probably sabotage your business deliberately. And you wouldn't find out until long after I had quit.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger



Monday, October 7, 2024 1:22 AM


I think second puts such a high value on longevity because he hasn't accomplished anything in life that he wanted to and he's still miserable everyday. Maybe if he lives just one more extra year he'll finally do something that makes him feel good about himself.


Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.


Monday, October 7, 2024 5:57 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
I think second puts such a high value on longevity because he hasn't accomplished anything in life that he wanted to and he's still miserable everyday. Maybe if he lives just one more extra year he'll finally do something that makes him feel good about himself.


Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.

I swear to God, 6ix, you are such a worthless asshole. But then, so are all the Trumptards I know:

"The Apprentice" is an accurate origin story of Donald Trump's "wannabe fascism": historians

To truly understand Donald Trump requires learning about Roy Cohn

By Matthew Rozsa | October 6, 2024 5:45AM (EDT)

"The Apprentice" is the movie that Donald Trump does not want you to see, and it is easy to understand why. Despite taking creative liberties with the source material, historians tell Salon the new film that documents Trump's rise to political celebrity is accurate in its most important assertion: Trump was groomed for power by Roy Cohn, one of the most sinister lawyers in our nation's history.

The notion that legality and ethics are irrelevant and that the raw power wielded by society's status quo should alone determine who wins and loses has always been fundamental to far-right politics. Both in real life and in the film, Cohn summed up the most effective way to implement this philosophy with three rules for succeeding in politics, business and the law: (1) Attack, attack, attack, (2) Admit nothing, deny everything and (3) Always claim victory.

"Like Trump, Roy Cohn delighted in flouting the law and getting away with it."

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Monday, October 7, 2024 6:05 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by SIGNYM:

You're so full of shit, SECOND.
AND you're stupid.

I didn't mean just Americans, I meant America. Not just the people, the system
It's not like I haven't explained this a couple dozen times already.

Do you know what they used to say at the various places where I worked?
The person who works gets rewarded with more work. Not more pay! Just more work!
The person who screws up gets avoided.

Who benefits from continual self-improvement and working 12 hours a day? Unless you own your own business, not you. Not even really the boss. The stock speculators, or private owners. The bank that loaned the business money. Anybody but the smear at the bottom.

And people don't even necessarily want more money, altho for a lot of jobs more money is a necessity. They want more control over their work. Recognition for what they do, not just being a cog in a profit making machine.

If you want to change behavior, change the reward structure.

I mean, if I worked for a boss like you, with you dripping disdain on everyone, I'd probably sabotage your business deliberately. And you wouldn't find out until long after I had quit.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger


Signym, like every Trumptard I have dug into their background, you make it obvious why America hasn't blessed you. But it wasn't obvious to them and it isn't to you. Signym, may I suggest, without digging into your history, that your obliviousness is caused by brain malfunction? You want the system to cater to your disabilities and peculiarities. That will not happen. You have to adjust to it or else suffer. The more inflexible, lazy and odd you are, the less well you will do in America. Trump comforts you because he hasn't adjusted at all, and yet he is a "big American success story". NOT.

How Trump’s Speeches Are a Red Flag for Mental Decline: Experts


“I can’t tell you how staggering this is,” a social psychologist previously told Stat News. “He does not think in a complex way at all.”

By Sean Craig | Oct. 06, 2024 2:51 PM EDT

An increasingly incoherent and profane former president Donald Trump, 78, is rambling at his rallies at previously unheard-of lengths and showing signs of confusion that could indicate mental decline, according to a New York Times analysis.

An average rally speech by the elderly Republican nominee for president — who has promised to release his medical records and cognitive tests and then refused to do so — lasts 82 minutes this election cycle, nearly double the 45 minutes he averaged in 2016, a computer analysis by the newspaper found.

In addition to Trump’s well documented rambling, repetitive and winding addresses—punctuated with strange asides about things like his “beautiful” body—among the potential signs of cognitive change are that he curses 69 percent more in speeches than he did in 2016. That could be a sign of disinhibition, a kind of impulsivity that is sometimes attributed to mental decline in old age, the Times said.

The newspaper also said its analysis found Trump used negative words 32 percent more than positive ones, up considerably from 21 percent in 2016, another potential indicator of cognitive change.

He also uses 13 percent more “all-or-nothing” terms such as “always” or “never” compared to 2016, another potential sign of advanced age.

Meanwhile, Trump’s seeming obsession with the past—his ramblings have been dotted with stale cultural references to Silence of the Lambs, Johnny Carson, Michael Jackson, Cary Grant, and Charles Lindburgh—have not only dated him, but earned a raised eyebrow from one expert in August.

James Pennebaker, a social psychologist at the University of Texas at Austin, analyzed 35 Trump interviews from 2015 to 2024 for Stat News and found a 44% increase in sentences focused on the past, which surprised him since presidential candidates ought typically focus on the future.

On the other hand, Pennebaker said Trump has relied on unusually simple words and sentence structures going back to the days before he was president, suggesting he has simply always been an incredibly simplistic thinker.

One analytic metric he used—which tends to place presidential candidates in the 60 to 70 range—placed Trump speeches at 10 to 24.

“I can’t tell you how staggering this is,” he told Stat News. “He does not think in a complex way at all.”

The Times analysis similarly found that Trump speaks at a fourth-grade level, well below the eighth grade average for modern presidents.

Trump has attacked the notion that he is experiencing decline and blamed the media for distorting any seeming errors he makes to attack him: “I go for two hours without teleprompters, and if I say one word slightly out, they say, ‘He’s cognitively impaired.’”

Dr. Bradford Dickerson, a neurologist at Harvard Medical School, told the Times a person’s speaking style can simply “change with normal aging,” though added “if you see a change relative to a person’s base line in that type of speaking ability over the course of just a few years, I think it raises some real red flags.”

Two of Trump’s former allies—who have gone on to endorse his Democratic rival Vice President Kamala Harris—asserted to the newspaper that the former president has shown some form of precipitous decline since he first ran for office.

“He’s lost an ability to put powerful sentences together,” Anthony Scaramucci, the former White House Communications director under Trump, said. “You can like Trump or hate Trump, but he’s been a very effective communicator. The word salad buffet on the Trump campaign is [now] being offered at a discount. You can eat all you can eat, but it’s at a discount.”

“I don’t think anyone would ever say that Trump is the most polished speaker, but his more recent speeches do seem to be more incoherent, and he’s rambling even more so and he’s had some pretty noticeable moments of confusion,” Sarah Matthews, Trump’s former deputy press secretary who is now a Harris supporter, told the Times. “When he was running against Biden, maybe it didn’t stand out as much.”

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Monday, October 7, 2024 7:25 AM



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
I think second puts such a high value on longevity because he hasn't accomplished anything in life that he wanted to and he's still miserable everyday. Maybe if he lives just one more extra year he'll finally do something that makes him feel good about himself.


Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.

I swear to God, 6ix, you are such a worthless asshole.


Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.


Monday, October 7, 2024 2:12 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Behold our once and future president:

Republicans backing Donald Trump are threatening Deloitte, a consulting firm that is one of the federal government’s largest business partners, with the loss of billions of dollars in contracts because an employee shared messages from 2020 in which JD Vance, now the GOP vice-presidential nominee, criticized the then-president’s record.

Some guy who works for Deloitte embarrassed the Trump campaign. Result: let's make sure Deloitte never gets another federal contract.

Trump's endless threats against anyone who displeases him make him unfit for the presidency. How long is it going to take for 50% of the electorate to figure this out?

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Monday, October 7, 2024 3:20 PM



Originally posted by second:
Behold our once and future president:

Republicans backing Donald Trump are threatening Deloitte, a consulting firm that is one of the federal government’s largest business partners, with the loss of billions of dollars in contracts because an employee shared messages from 2020 in which JD Vance, now the GOP vice-presidential nominee, criticized the then-president’s record.

Some guy who works for Deloitte embarrassed the Trump campaign. Result: let's make sure Deloitte never gets another federal contract.

Trump's endless threats against anyone who displeases him make him unfit for the presidency. How long is it going to take for 50% of the electorate to figure this out?

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Save it.

After more than a decade of Alt-Left potbelly vampire goblins on Twitter cancelling anybody for anything they said that was against the narrative nobody is listening to this bullshit now.


Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.


Monday, October 7, 2024 4:19 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Unspecified red flags about unspecified mental problems.
Gee, could they possibly be any more vague and scaremonger-y?

And, not to be too facetious but ... no comments about Biden, who is CLEARLY compromised and is supposed to be President?

In case it isn't clear, they have been indicted.


How Russia's destabilizes us on the cheap


Monday, October 7, 2024 6:23 PM


On this day in History, October 7th:

National00000000Harris +2.1000Biden +8.50000Clinton +4.7
Wisconsin0000000Harris +0.8000Biden +5.50000Clinton +5.7
Pennsylvania0000Trump0 +0.0000Biden +7.10000Clinton +7.5
Ohio000000000000Trump0 +8.0000Biden +0.60000Trump00 +1.2
Michigan00000000Harris +0.7000Biden +6.20000Clinton +6.8
Arizona000000000Trump0 +1.4000Biden +3.40000Trump00 +0.7
Nevada0000000000Harris +1.1000Biden +6.00000Clinton +1.2
North Carolina00Trump0 +0.6000Biden +1.40000Clinton +2.6
Georgia000000000Trump0 +1.5000Biden +0.30000Trump00 +4.7
Florida000000000Trump0 +6.0000Biden +4.50000Clinton +3.0

P.S. Don't forget that 22 days before election, Hillary Clinton rose to +7.1 against Trump in the aggregate from her +4.1 today, and +7.1 isn't even CLOSE to her peak of +11.4 against Trump in 2016. Harris will see no such surge, and you are going to go into election day with the smallest polling advantage of any Democrat hopeful in the last 3 election cycles. So small, in fact, that if the same biases exist in the polls that were there in the last few election cycles, Trump is going to win the Popular Vote by a large margin.

Also in the news today...

Yahoo "News" poll shows Harris at +1 for 10/2-10/4. Last poll they had for 9/11-9/13 had Harris up +4.

The last Emerson poll as previously mentioned was +1 when they had Harris up +4 on 8/12-8/14 as well.

The I&I/TIPP poll still has Harris at +3 for like they did on 8/28-8/30.

Two out of the last 3 polls are quite a bit lower for Harris than they were a month ago.


Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.


Tuesday, October 8, 2024 6:53 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

I'm Behind the Trump-Russia Dossier. We Gave the FBI More Than People Know

By Christopher Steele | Oct 08, 2024 at 4:30 AM EDT

We are fully aware that were someone like Trump in office, and particularly him, then there would be a lot more declassification activity that is purely partisan and political in its nature. . . .

I haven't been back to the U.S. since 2016. But I'll be there to promote my new book. There's no sensible reason I shouldn't enter the U.S. My ESTA—a U.S. entry visa—was approved.

But that would change were Trump to be re-elected. I think it would be unwise for me to go back to America for all sorts of reasons. At the moment, though, it's perfectly okay, and I'm looking forward to it.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Tuesday, October 8, 2024 7:09 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Dangerous Trump falsehoods hampering Helene response

Misinformation spread by Trump, his supporters and others about the hurricane has shrouded recovery efforts

A slew of falsehoods about Hurricane Helene, including claims of funds diverted from storm survivors to migrants and even that Democrats somehow directed the hurricane itself, have hampered the response to one of the deadliest hurricanes to ever hit the US, the nation’s top emergency official has warned.

Misinformation spread by Donald Trump, his supporters and others about the hurricane has shrouded the recovery effort for communities shattered by Helene, which tore through five states causing at least 230 deaths and tens of billions of dollars of damage. Many places, such as in western North Carolina, are still without a water supply, electricity, navigable roads or vital supplies.

“It’s frankly disappointing we are having to deal with this narrative, the fact there are a few leaders having a hard time telling the difference between fact and fiction is creating an impedance to our ability to actually get people the help they need,” Deanne Criswell, administrator of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (Fema), told MSNBC on Monday.

Marjorie Taylor Greene condemned over Helene weather conspiracy theory
Read more

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Tuesday, October 8, 2024 4:38 PM


Hey TWO, what do ya think?


Adult entertainment industry launches campaign against Project 2025


Tuesday, October 8, 2024 5:18 PM


On this day in History, October 8th:

National00000000Harris +2.0000Biden +9.80000Clinton +4.6
Wisconsin0000000Harris +0.8000Biden +5.50000Clinton +5.7
Pennsylvania0000Trump0 +0.2000Biden +7.10000Clinton +9.0
Ohio000000000000Trump0 +8.0000Biden +0.60000Trump00 +0.3
Michigan00000000Harris +0.7000Biden +6.70000Clinton +6.8
Arizona000000000Trump0 +1.4000Biden +3.10000Trump00 +0.7
Nevada0000000000Harris +1.1000Biden +6.00000Clinton +1.2
North Carolina00Trump0 +0.6000Biden +1.80000Clinton +2.6
Georgia000000000Trump0 +1.5000Biden +0.30000Trump00 +4.7
Florida000000000Trump0 +6.7000Biden +3.70000Clinton +3.0

P.S. Don't forget that 22 days before election, Hillary Clinton rose to +7.1 against Trump in the aggregate from her +4.6 today, and +7.1 isn't even CLOSE to her peak of +11.4 against Trump in 2016. Harris will see no such surge, and you are going to go into election day with the smallest polling advantage of any Democrat hopeful in the last 3 election cycles. So small, in fact, that if the same biases exist in the polls that were there in the last few election cycles, Trump is going to win the Popular Vote by a large margin.

Also in the news today...

Reuters/Ipsos' new poll for 10/4-10/7 shows Harris up by +2. The last poll they had for 9/21-9/23 had Harris up by +6.

The newest Yahoo "News" poll shows Harris at +1 for 10/2-10/4. Last poll they had for 9/11-9/13 had Harris up +4.

The newest Emerson poll as previously mentioned was +1 when they had Harris up +4 on 8/12-8/14 as well.

The I&I/TIPP poll still has Harris at +3 for like they did on 8/28-8/30.

Three out of the last 4 polls are quite a bit lower for Harris than they were a month ago.


Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.


Tuesday, October 8, 2024 10:46 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

The hurricane conspiracy theories Greene, Trump, and Musk are pushing do not bode well for the election.

By Jim Newell | Oct 08, 2024 5:35 PM

The grandaddy of all the conspiracy theories going around would have to be one promoted by Georgia Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene. According to Greene, an undefined “they”—who, if we’re being generous, is meant to be the Democrats, the deep state, or the “establishment”—“can control the weather.” In other words, “they” are actively working to crush communities with historic storms.

Despite backlash from basically every possible corner, she continues, still, to push this idea that the government can enhance and steer hurricanes on a path that does the most destruction to red America, ostensibly to create a mess in swing states that can’t be restored in time for voting. I’ve covered Congress for a while, so I don’t say this lightly: I’m not sure I’ve ever heard a member say something this disassociated with reality. But there are people who will believe it.

The pattern and spread of misinformation that’s emerged following Hurricane Helene does not give me confidence that the aftermath of the 2024 election, in the event of a narrow Kamala Harris victory, will go more smoothly than that of 2020. It almost feels like a dry run ahead of the election to test that the systems of deceit are still operable. They sure seem to be—only this time, Elon Musk owns the social media platform that dictates the pace of “news.”

Much more at

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Tuesday, October 8, 2024 11:05 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by THG:
Hey TWO, what do ya think?


Adult entertainment industry launches campaign against Project 2025
I think all advertisements for political positions are worthless.

Great line from Vontra, an antagonist in the #TheWildRobotMovie :

"Despite my cheery demeanor, I am unfeeling, inflexible, and morally neutral."

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Tuesday, October 8, 2024 11:15 PM



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by THG:
Hey TWO, what do ya think?


Adult entertainment industry launches campaign against Project 2025
I think all advertisements for political positions are worthless.

Great line from Vontra, an antagonist in the #TheWildRobotMovie :

"Despite my cheery demeanor, I am unfeeling, inflexible, and morally neutral."

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

The irony on display here just can't go without being commented on...

What might be the 3rd time I have ever seen Second reply directly to Ted about anything is in direct contrast of his normally morally grey, inflexible and unfeeling way he usually carries himself.

He still made no effort to address Ted as another person at all in his post, but in a rare real moment between the two of them Second actually showed somebody else a small kernel of his actual real life personality.

How about that?

I'd thought at 45 years old I couldn't be surprised anymore.


Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.


Wednesday, October 9, 2024 7:11 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

The hurricane conspiracy theories Greene, Trump, and Musk are pushing do not bode well for the election.

By Jim Newell | Oct 08, 2024 5:35 PM

The grandaddy of all the conspiracy theories going around would have to be one promoted by Georgia Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene. According to Greene, an undefined “they”—who, if we’re being generous, is meant to be the Democrats, the deep state, or the “establishment”—“can control the weather.” In other words, “they” are actively working to crush communities with historic storms.

Despite backlash from basically every possible corner, she continues, still, to push this idea that the government can enhance and steer hurricanes on a path that does the most destruction to red America, ostensibly to create a mess in swing states that can’t be restored in time for voting. I’ve covered Congress for a while, so I don’t say this lightly: I’m not sure I’ve ever heard a member say something this disassociated with reality. But there are people who will believe it.

The pattern and spread of misinformation that’s emerged following Hurricane Helene does not give me confidence that the aftermath of the 2024 election, in the event of a narrow Kamala Harris victory, will go more smoothly than that of 2020. It almost feels like a dry run ahead of the election to test that the systems of deceit are still operable. They sure seem to be—only this time, Elon Musk owns the social media platform that dictates the pace of “news.”

Much more at

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Wednesday, October 9, 2024 7:11 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

JD Vance’s Shifting Stance on Donald Trump | The VP Choice

The documentary delves into the formative role of Vance’s time at Yale Law School, and tracks his evolution from a “never-Trumper” to a leading figure of the “New Right” movement and Donald Trump’s running mate.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Wednesday, October 9, 2024 7:32 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

How about that?

I'd thought at 45 years old I couldn't be surprised anymore.


Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.

I've have always been able to work with and get the best out of Trumptards because of my moral neutrality toward their foolish, often evil, ways of life.

Drunks, cheaters, thieves, wife-beaters, liars, incompetent workers, the kind of behavior Trump displays. But there are occasions when a Trumptard has to be sent away because their natural stupidity, lack of self-control, and fundamental dishonesty can't be tolerated in a particular position when their faulty nature is ruining a project of mine. They are sinners, born to be evil, living silly and meaningless lives. And totally unaware, completely oblivious, to what they and Trump are.

I have never been surprised by a Trumptard. They are assholes. They can't help themselves.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Wednesday, October 9, 2024 9:49 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Trump promotes vaccine resistance

By Joel Eissenberg | October 8, 2024 8:25 am

Vaccines are an unalloyed triumph of public health. That Donald Trump is attacking vaccines — any vaccines — is obscene.

“ . . . on at least 17 occasions this year, Trump has promised to cut funding to schools that mandate vaccines. Campaign spokespeople have previously said that pledge would apply only to schools with COVID mandates. But speeches reviewed by KFF Health News included no such distinction — raising the possibility Trump would also target vaccination rules for common, potentially lethal childhood diseases like polio and measles.

“The Trump campaign did not respond to requests for comment on this article.
Trump has presided over a landslide shift in his party’s views on vaccines, reflected this campaign season in false claims by Republican candidates during the primaries and puzzling conspiracies from prominent conservative voices. Republicans increasingly express worry about the risks of vaccines. A September 2023 from Politico and Morning Consult showed a narrow majority of those voters cared more about the risks than the benefits of getting inoculated.

“A surge in anti-vaccine policy in statehouses has followed the rhetoric. Boston University political scientist Matt Motta, PhD, who tracks public health policy, said preliminary data shows that states enacted at least 42 anti-vaccine bills in 2023 — nearly a ninefold surge since 2019.

“In some states, it has the look of a crusade: The 2024 Texas GOP platform, for example, proposes a ban on mRNA technology, the innovation behind some COVID-19 vaccines that scientists believe could have significant applications for cancer care.

“Last month, Trump made an appeal to anti-vaccine voters by landing the endorsement of Robert F. Kennedy Jr., one of the nation’s most prominent vaccine skeptics — and appointing him to his transition team. In a recent tour with former Fox News broadcaster Tucker Carlson, Kennedy said he was “going to be deeply involved in helping to choose the people who run FDA, NIH, and CDC.””

What has happened to America that a political grifter with zero public health experience can persuade tens of millions of people that facts and evidence don’t matter and they should rather suffer and die based on the ruminations of Dear Leader?

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Wednesday, October 9, 2024 10:26 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Chief Justice John Roberts doesn't understand why people were upset about his presidential immunity ruling earlier this year:

Roberts was shaken by the adverse public reaction to his decision affording Trump substantial immunity from criminal prosecution. His protestations that the case concerned the presidency, not Trump, held little currency.

Is Roberts serious? He invented a sweeping presidential immunity out of whole cloth. It has no basis in either the text of the Constitution, statutory law, or our nation's history. It has never been applied to any of our previous 44 presidents. Every lower court rejected it. Roberts's ruling is so preposterous that it forbids prosecutors from even mentioning conversations a president might have had about committing crimes. And all of this was plainly the work of justices who had bought into right-wing grievances about Democratic "lawfare" against a Republican president.

But Roberts is upset that people don't realize it was actually just a modest little ruling that affects all presidents equally? You've got to be kidding me.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Wednesday, October 9, 2024 11:39 AM


Can you say Trump is dumb as a rock. I can, I can say it.


What Trump thinks about climate change


Wednesday, October 9, 2024 12:05 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by THG:
Can you say Trump is dumb as a rock. I can, I can say it.


What Trump thinks about climate change

Trump is paid to perform. He is the singing/dancing frontman working for the oil & gas executives. He doesn't have to understand the lyrics of the songs he sings. His audience does not understand the meaning of the words any more than he does. The music and sound of Trump's voice calm his audience. It is the executives who know perfectly well what they are doing, what it means to sell fuel, not the zonked-out-of-their-minds customers buying the fuel or chatty Trump selling it to them.

Most oil companies acknowledge that climate change is real. Yet they also argue strongly for the world's continued use of massive quantities of fossil fuels, which power both the global economy and their profits. Dec 5, 2023

How oil firms talk about climate change — and how to decode it

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Wednesday, October 9, 2024 2:30 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

The Trump Believability Gap

Voters detest the things that Trump wants to do. But they just don’t believe he’ll follow through.

By David A. Graham | October 9, 2024, 10:46 AM ET

The paradox of running a campaign against Donald Trump is that you have to convince voters that he is both a liar and deadly serious.

On the one hand, much of what the Republican presidential nominee says is patently false. Haitian immigrants in Springfield, Ohio, are not eating cats and dogs; President Joe Biden is not dodging calls from the governor of hurricane-stricken Georgia; crime is not, in fact, on the rise.

And yet, on the other hand, Trump is not bluffing when it comes to his plans to radically shift the federal government and change the fabric of American life. These include a huge expansion in political-patronage jobs, campaigns of retribution against political adversaries, and mass deportation of undocumented immigrants—all things that Trump has placed at the center of his campaign and that he tried to do in his first term. Trump’s critics talk about these plans not just because of an abstract commitment to democracy—it’s also good politics. Many of these ideas are deeply unpopular, and will motivate voters to oppose Trump.

That’s the theory, at least. But Trump exists in a strange zone where voters hear what he’s saying and then largely discount it, perhaps as a result of his past dissembling, or perhaps because the ideas just seem too extreme to be real. Amanda Carpenter, a former GOP staffer turned Trump critic who now works for the nonprofit Protect Democracy, has dubbed this the “believability gap.”

“[These ideas] are out in public. They’re on video. They’re very easy to see and understand,” she told me. “What a lot of people are failing to comprehend is how he would turn that rhetoric into a reality.”

One way to think about the believability gap is to consider Project 2025, the Heritage Foundation–coordinated blueprint for a second Trump term. Such external planning documents are not unusual, I noted in August, and even given that many of the details in this one are far out of the mainstream, Democrats’ success in turning Project 2025 into a campaign liability is surprising. An NBC News poll late last month found that 57 percent of voters viewed Project 2025 negatively; almost all of this group viewed it very negatively. Even a third of Republicans dislike it. A recent survey from the progressive pollster Navigator found 50 percent disapproval and just 9 percent approval for Project 2025.

But the trick is that even though Project 2025 is deeply unpopular, Trump is somewhat immune to the effects if people think he won’t really do the things in it. Lake Research Partners (LRP), a Democratic firm, recently polled swing-state voters about Project 2025. When respondents were asked about specific policies within the document, an important split emerged between how they felt about each idea versus how likely they thought it was to happen. For example, 57 percent were very concerned about cutting programs such as Medicaid, Medicare, and Social Security, but only 33 percent thought that was very likely. Similarly, 46 percent would be very concerned about Trump deploying troops against American citizens, yet only a quarter thought Trump would ever do such a thing—even though Trump showed enthusiasm for doing just that in 2020, including in public statements.

But the believability gap nearly disappears when it comes to two of the most traditional GOP policy priorities. Even though Trump in 2024 is the most aberrant major-party nominee in American history—outdoing even earlier Trump iterations—the LRP polling finds that voters are very concerned about tax cuts for the wealthy and restrictions on abortion, contraception, and infertility treatments and also think Trump would be very likely to implement those policies.

Voters’ dismissal of the likelihood of Trump pursuing his most extreme ideas, Carpenter told me, represents “a failure of imagination and inability to think about how his words could really become operable with the right people around him. It’s sort of unfathomable to a lot of Americans that that’s not exaggerated rhetoric.”

For the Kamala Harris campaign, the believability gap is a challenge: Get people to believe that Trump will pursue the ideas that the public hates. The evidence available to them is substantial. Some of the most extreme ideas in Project 2025, such as liquidating much of the civil service and politicizing the federal government, are things that Trump has already tried to do. As president, he attempted to use the Justice Department to punish political adversaries, closed down investigations into allies, and sought to punish Amazon for negative coverage in The Washington Post, owned by Amazon Executive Chairman Jeff Bezos. (Carpenter has also pointed to actions taken by Republican state governments as proof of what Trump could achieve.)

That helps explain a major shift in Democratic campaign strategy that has become apparent in recent months. When President Joe Biden was the party’s nominee, he frequently spoke about the election as an existential threat to democracy, using high-flown rhetoric. Since replacing him atop the ticket, Vice President Kamala Harris has not stopped talking about democracy, but she’s made it much less of a focus, instead emphasizing issues such as abortion and tax cuts—and, yes, Project 2025. People already hate it. The Harris campaign needs them to believe it.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Wednesday, October 9, 2024 2:30 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Trump Will Follow Through on His Threats

By David A. Graham

Trump Isn’t Bluffing

We’ve become inured to his rhetoric, but his message has grown darker.

“We pledge to you that we will root out the Communists, Marxists, fascists, and the radical-left thugs that live like vermin within the confines of our country, that lie and steal and cheat on elections,” Donald Trump said this past November, in a campaign speech that was ostensibly honoring Veterans Day. “The real threat is not from the radical right; the real threat is from the radical left … The threat from outside forces is far less sinister, dangerous, and grave than the threat from within. Our threat is from within.”

What immediately leaps out here is the word vermin, with its echoes of Hitler and Mussolini. But Trump’s inflammatory language can overshadow and distract from the substance of what he’s saying—in this case, appearing to promise a purge or repression of those who disagree with him politically.

This sort of language isn’t entirely new. Trump spoke in Manichaean terms throughout his first campaign and term, encouraging chants to lock up Hillary Clinton in 2016, and in 2018 referring to undocumented immigrants as “animals” who would “infest our country.” Over time, the shock of Trump’s rhetoric has worn off, making it easy to miss the fact that his message has grown even darker.

Trump himself has changed, too—the old Trump seemed to be running for office partly for fun and partly in service of his signature views, such as opposition to immigration and support for protectionism. Today’s Trump is different. His fury over his 2020 election defeat, the legal cases against him, and a desire for revenge against political opponents have come to eclipse everything else.

In the past few months, the former president has described himself as a “very proud election denier.” He has repeatedly threatened and intimidated judges, witnesses, prosecutors, and even the family of prosecutors involved in the cases against him, going so far as to say that his legal opponents will be consigned to mental asylums if he’s reelected. He has suggested that the man he picked for chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff deserves to be executed on grounds of treason. He’s called for investigating NBC and possibly yanking the network off the air, also on grounds of treason—one of his most direct attacks on the First Amendment. And he’s vowed to arrest and indict President Joe Biden and other political opponents for no apparent reason other than that they oppose him.

The fact that Trump’s ideas have become more authoritarian is not yet fully appreciated. One reason is people have heard Trump say outlandish things for so long that they can’t identify what’s new, or they’ve become numb. Another is venue: Once Trump left the White House and stopped tweeting, his vitriol became less noticeable to anyone who didn’t attend his rallies, seek out videos of them, or join Trump’s own Truth Social network.

Even when a comment is so extreme that it does break into the mainstream, what happens next is predictable. The first time Trump says something, people react with shock and compare him to Hitler. The second time, people say Trump is at it again. By the third time, it becomes background noise—an appalling but familiar part of the Trump shtick.

This is just the sort of “normalization” that Trump’s critics warned against from the start, but it’s also a natural human response to repeated exposure. The result is that Trump has been able to acclimate the nation to authoritarianism by introducing it early and often. When a second-term President Trump directs the Justice Department to lock up Democratic politicians or generals or reporters or activists on flimsy or no grounds at all, people will wring their hands, but they’ll also shrug and wonder why he didn’t do it sooner. After all, he’s been promising to do it forever, right?

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at






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