Lost - Season Finale - What Did You Think?

UPDATED: Thursday, June 2, 2005 18:42
VIEWED: 9542
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Thursday, May 26, 2005 3:37 AM


The Man They Call Soul...

Do not read this thread if you have not seen the episode and do not want to be spoiled!!!!

Okay, I think that's enough.

Arzt died. That pissed me off. In the same aspect, though, it was a brilliant move.

Hurley: "That was just wrong."

Hurley (to Jack): "You've got a bit of Arzt on your shoulder."

The big "monster". The "security system" as Danielle called it. Tell me that it doesn't sound mechanical? Like there was a chain clinking when Locke was getting pulled along.

And what was up with the black smoke?!?

My father had it figured out long before: when Danielle said that the Others were coming for the boy, and then they weren't at the fire to take the Claire's baby from Danielle, my dad said "They want Walt!" Sure enough, they took Walt.

And the final question: what is down that ladder in the hatch?

So, what did you all think?


Soul, Security Chief of the Sereni-Tree

Mantichorus: "So is there a reason they call you 'Soul'?"
Soul (after a long pause): "Yeah. Because I have one."


Thursday, May 26, 2005 3:54 AM


cant get into detail but i loved it!
poor walt.

"Hamsters is nice."


Thursday, May 26, 2005 4:01 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.


Originally posted by SoulOfSerenity:
Do not read this thread if you have not seen the episode and do not want to be spoiled!!!!

Okay, I think that's enough.

Arzt died. That pissed me off. In the same aspect, though, it was a brilliant move.

I might have felt that way if Arzt hadn't gone all obnoxious & preachy on Hurley and the others. By the time his little self pitying rant was over I was hoping the monster would come along and eat him.

I actually busted out laughing when he blew up. How can you be so supposedly more knowledgable of dynamite & not know to pick up the ones w/ the least amount of nitro crusting up on the outside?!? Even I said it to my wife when he grabbed it. Locke knew more about it than Arzt did.


The big "monster". The "security system" as Danielle called it. Tell me that it doesn't sound mechanical? Like there was a chain clinking when Locke was getting pulled along.

And what was up with the black smoke?!?.

I heard the mechanical noises too. So did the wife. We figured that it must be some sort of mechanical element to the island or something to knock over the trees, and pull Locke along by a chain using a wench or something.


My father had it figured out long before: when Danielle said that the Others were coming for the boy, and then they weren't at the fire to take the Claire's baby from Danielle, my dad said "They want Walt!" Sure enough, they took Walt.

My wife & I figured it was Walt too when Danielle mentioned that the voices said the others were coming for the boy. No real surprise to us when the pirate looking guys said they were taking him.


And the final question: what is down that ladder in the hatch?

Not sure. Some sort of room or lab? Perhaps something to do w/ the mechanical noises we heard when Locke was being pulled along by whatever had him.

With all but the first few feet of the ladder missing it will be interesting to see how they get down there and what waits for them.

And why were Hurley's #s on the side of the hatch?!?


"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Fans:


Thursday, May 26, 2005 4:18 AM


I thought it was a great season finale. The really great thing about this show is that the mystery of the island seems to deepen the more we know about it. In other words, when we get answers to some of the questions we have, they only lead to more questions. That's really good writing.

Apathy on the Rise. No One Cares.


Thursday, May 26, 2005 4:20 AM


i DO aim to misbehave


Originally posted by SoulOfSerenity:
So, what did you all think?

I did my absolute level best to not get sucked in by this show. I'm in school, and the amount of TV I tape right now is embarassing - I didn't want to add one more, so I resisted. I told myself it was "Survivor" fictionalized and I set my feet and resisted.

Last night was spent at the drawing board, and since there's a TV in the basement, I had it on for company. However, it's not hooked up to cable, so I had only local channels to choose from. And what did I choose? Yup... you guessed it.

I think now I have to go find out who these people are. And I need to start taping episodes (helpful that Smallville is in a new time slot) and catch up. Same thing happened when I first encountered Buffy, actually... that's actually kind of how I ended up here.

I draw...therefore I am.
Live in Minnesota? Join the Group! Yahoo Group, that is...


Thursday, May 26, 2005 4:23 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.


Originally posted by bikisdad:
I thought it was a great season finale. The really great thing about this show is that the mystery of the island seems to deepen the more we know about it. In other words, when we get answers to some of the questions we have, they only lead to more questions. That's really good writing.

Isn't that the truth! The more background on characters we get and the more questions that get answered, the more questions we are left w/ at the end of an episode.

Excellent writing and plot twists.


"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Fans:


Thursday, May 26, 2005 4:24 AM



.Arzt died. That pissed me off. In the same aspect, though, it was a brilliant move.

He failed his Saving Throw. I laughed.


.The big "monster". The "security system" as Danielle called it. Tell me that it doesn't sound mechanical? Like there was a chain clinking when Locke was getting pulled along.

very mechanical
Huh, Iron Golem.


.And what was up with the black smoke?!?

Not sure yet, but it was alive. or seemed to be.


.And the final question: what is down that ladder in the hatch?

Ummmmm....Undermountain? "Ok, who all bought 50 ft. of silk rope?"

Yeah, the whole episode felt like a D&D game to me.

Visit WWW.Marillion.Com for a better way to live


Thursday, May 26, 2005 4:47 AM


I thought the episode was okay, but I was really hoping more would be revealed. Instead we just got the old string-along again.

Star Pilot Grainger
"Remember, the enemy's gate is down."
LJ: (real) (fictional, travelling through another world)
Unreachable Star: - Comics & SF News/Reviews/Opinions


Thursday, May 26, 2005 4:51 AM


i DO aim to misbehave


Originally posted by StarPilotGrainger:
I thought the episode was okay, but I was really hoping more would be revealed. Instead we just got the old string-along again.

The same sort of thing used to be said about X-Files. Then they did start revealing more and I lost interest.

They do have to leave themselves enough to get through another season too, after all.

I draw...therefore I am.
Live in Minnesota? Join the Group! Yahoo Group, that is...


Thursday, May 26, 2005 4:56 AM



Originally posted by Channain:

Originally posted by StarPilotGrainger:
I thought the episode was okay, but I was really hoping more would be revealed. Instead we just got the old string-along again.

The same sort of thing used to be said about X-Files. Then they did start revealing more and I lost interest.

They do have to leave themselves enough to get through another season too, after all.

With the X-files I think the problem was that even the writers didn't know where they were going, and so when they started revealing stuff, that became obvious. If Lost is the same way, I'd rather know now.

I'm not saying they had to reveal everything, but I can't think of anything even remotely big they revealed in that last episode. The biggest I could find was 'where did the comic come from?'

Star Pilot Grainger
"Remember, the enemy's gate is down."
LJ: (real) (fictional, travelling through another world)
Unreachable Star: - Comics & SF News/Reviews/Opinions


Thursday, May 26, 2005 5:39 AM


My thoughts on the episode:

1) Security System - I had figured that the security system was mechanical. But I had thought it was a mecha stomping around the island. Not true... the mechanical parts are IN the island.

2) The Black Smoke - My guess is that the security system is part mechanical, and part living. The mechanical part is the stuff in the ground that grabs and hoots and throws stuff around. But it is just a machine (like a crane or a backhoe)... it needs a driver. The black smoke is the driver (Jack and Kate saw it slipping around just before all hell broke loose... the black smoke was slipping into the driver's seat for the local defense mechanics). But what what is the nature of that driver? Undefined. Clearly not life as we know it. So I'm thinking it is life as we don't know it.

3) The Hatch - This seems to strengthen my personal belief that the island is host to an extensive, fairly technological facility (apparently underground). The facility appears to be somewhat abandoned, but not entirely shut down (witness the working radio, the functioning security system, etc.). I think that the facility may have been biowar research (as evidenced by Danielle's statements in an earlier episode that the Others were carriers and her companions all got sick after the Others met them coming back from the Black Rock and she had to kill her companions before they left the island because she couldn't let them get back to the rest of the world could she?...)

4) The Others - I think that the facility had some kind of serious contamination or leak of some kind. The sponsoring country cut the facility loose and covered up. The Others are abandoned staff... infected with something that makes them Not Good.

5) The Child - The Others stole Danielle's daughter Alex. They tried to steal Claire's child by taking Claire. They've stolen Walt. Could it be that the contamination from the facility has made them sterile? Do they need something from children to fight their infection? Or to do something that their infection prevents them from doing? Not enough information.

6) The Number, the Island's ability to manipulate reality - How was the plane brought down? How could ANYONE survive a breakup at 35K feet? Why did the number confer such good/bad luck on Hurley? How was Locke healed? Not enough information...

Tentative conclusions - I think that there are two forces at work. One is the abandoned facility, its abandoned staff, their infection, and the staff's survival goals. The other is the supernatural force that can bring things to the island, heal miraculously, twist probabilities to make improbable things happen (like Hurley's lottery win and the incredible run of coincidences that made him a multimillionaire). This supernatural force might be the black smoke that sits in the driver's seat of the island's unmanned defenses.

Perhaps the supernatural force is something that can bend the rules of quantum physics to make the improbable probable?

I'm talked out.


Thursday, May 26, 2005 5:46 AM


I can poke holes in my own reasoning...

If there is a supernatural force separate from the abandoned facility, then why is its number stamped in the entrance to the facility? That fact would indicate that the supernatural force is linked to or part of the original purpose of the facility.

And yet, the supernatural force was bringing ships to the island as far back as the 1800s. Perhaps the supernatural force has existed onthe island for a long long time. And in more modern times, it manipulated the sponsoring country to install the facility on the island to provide a steady supply of the humans it needs/wants for its mysterious purposes?


Thursday, May 26, 2005 6:27 AM


I absolutely loved it. Don't want to speculate just pointin out some of my fav moments. I'm quite a fan of the Sawyer story. It's very redemptive. "Who the he** is Hugo & why is he leaving his mother $__________million " - I loved that!!

I'm curious to see what's gonna play out with Charlie. I knew it would come back to haunt him when we first saw the other plane.

I'm even warming up to Shannon a bit.

It's just such a great story. Did anybody see the clip on Good Morning America??? I haven't yet.

Check out my shop! Firefly & LOST products.

"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I took the road less traveled by and they CANCELLED MY FRIKKIN' SHOW. I totally shoulda took the road that had all those people on it. Damn." --Joss


Thursday, May 26, 2005 6:38 AM


Maybe the Island is alive or something. And maybe it's just me but I'm kinda glad they took Walt, that is one badass lil boy. Poor Sawyer, he got shot, so I'm excited to see what happens when they are 15 miles from shore. As for the the school teacher, that was just...funny. He had to pick up the most exposed piece of dynamite. Wasn't a smart move in my opinion. All in all I loved the season finale and I'm eager for next season. On a side note, I would like to think that I'd be used to cliffhangers by now, but damnit, sometimes they still bite me in the ass.

Later Days


Thursday, May 26, 2005 6:43 AM


I thought it was definitely a good episode (or, rather, two episodes), but not a great finale. Maybe Abrams just talked it up too much by calling it "mindblowing", but I didn't think there were any great surprises.

The only real twist was Walt being abducted, and that certainly wasn't "mindblowing" to me.

There was also a lot of talk that, based on the finale, most of the cast are uncertain as to their fates. Well, seems to me there's, like, 3 folks who that applies to, and everyone else is sitting pretty.

Good stuff, but not up to the hype.


Thursday, May 26, 2005 6:55 AM



..5) The Child - The Others stole Danielle's daughter Alex. They tried to steal Claire's child by taking Claire. They've stolen Walt. Could it be that the contamination from the facility has made them sterile? Do they need something from children to fight their infection? Or to do something that their infection prevents them from doing? Not enough information.

I thought Danielle took Claire. The scratches on the arm[Danielle's] were made by Claire when see escaped. as revealed, Danielle was hopeing to trade for her child.

Visit WWW.Marillion.Com for a better way to live


Thursday, May 26, 2005 7:00 AM



Originally posted by StarPilotGrainger:
With the X-files I think the problem was that even the writers didn't know where they were going, and so when they started revealing stuff, that became obvious. If Lost is the same way, I'd rather know now.

I've read that the creators expressly don't want to pull a "X-Files". They said they do have it figured out and will slowly reveal the mystery. They've also said it was nothing 'weird', like the afterlife or UFOs.

Danfan, really like your theories. I was the island is a long-time smugglers (drugs, slaves, etc) base and the "others" were nefarious sorts.

Definately have been hearing mechanical sounds from the guardian from the beginning, and especially last night. Weird since black, wispy non-corporeal beings and machinery don't really go well together. I agree with the assumption that the machinery is underground. Also, I believe the guardian is not in cahoots with the others, and may be working against them. Notice the way it came and checked them out the first night, and then left them alone (after it found out they weren't smugglers). Also, could it be attracted to smoke, and the fire on the other side of the island was a lure? Maybe they want Walt (and his ability to cause death and breakages (think rudder and batteries from last night) to stop the guardian.

As to Arnst, remember even though he knew about TNT, it was his first time handling it. He is a teacher, and when explaining things it helps to use your arms a bit. He just forgot where he was.

"Don't say 'ka' until you've tried it." Daniel Jackson


Thursday, May 26, 2005 7:05 AM



Originally posted by Jadehand:
I thought Danielle took Claire. The scratches on the arm[Danielle's] were made by Claire when see escaped. as revealed, Danielle was hopeing to trade for her child.

Sorry, Jadehand, I disagree. We know Claire was taken by Ethan, and I just don't see Ethan and Danielle working together. I think the plot to offer the baby just occurred to her while looking at the baby, and the scratches may have been if Danielle helped Claire to get away. We still don't know how or why that was....

"Don't say 'ka' until you've tried it." Daniel Jackson


Thursday, May 26, 2005 7:43 AM


Claire was remembering back to when (she claimed) someone try to steal her baby when she was still pregnant. She remembered clawing at the attacker when she saw the scratches on Danielle's arm.

Jayne, your mouth is talkin. Might want to look into that.


Thursday, May 26, 2005 9:23 AM


And another interesting clue I think the writers dropped for us...

As Michael, Walt, Jin, and Sawyer were leaving the island, Michael looked back and said "How could something so big go undiscovered?"

He's right. I think the "supernatural" force on the island that manipulates reality is masking its existence from the world as a whole, while bringing select people to the island for whatever reason it needs them.

The same force that could bring a wooden slaving ship into the middle of the island could levitate pieces of an aircraft to a reasonably soft impact that would allow 40 people to survive.

I agree with what one of the other posters said... I don't think that the Force and the Others are necessarily working to the same ends. They are just on the same island.


Thursday, May 26, 2005 10:02 AM


Both Danielle AND Ethan have tried to take Turniphead separately, it would seem, when Claire was pregnant.

I could be mistaken, but I don't think there's any actual evidence that The Others made any attempt to get the baby or that Ethan was one of The Others.


Thursday, May 26, 2005 10:19 AM



Originally posted by Sickdude:

Definately have been hearing mechanical sounds from the guardian from the beginning, and especially last night. Weird since black, wispy non-corporeal beings and machinery don't really go well together. I agree with the assumption that the machinery is underground.

The first thing that popped into my head when I saw the black smoke accompanying the machine sounds was "diesel exhaust!" It may be a mundane explanation, but it's certainly a very plausible explanation. Which reminds me.... Where did "The Others" get a boat and gasoline to run it....huh?

Have fun tonight, you lucky people who managed to score tickets...!

Apathy on the Rise. No One Cares.


Thursday, May 26, 2005 10:30 AM


My thoughts.

Lost finale was great!
Even though I saw the whole Walt being taken thing coming a mile was still really good.

The flashback looked eerie, I believe Danielle heard voices about the kidnapping and helped free her from Ethan's hold. She has survived for 16 years on her own - so I am sure the Others do not want to f* with her.

The boat was driven by a female, could or could not be Alex. We no nothing of the Others, except they came from the same ship as Danielle. Its easy to see that their boat used to kidnap Walt was likely a small transport boat used by the researches for shallower waters-transporting to beaches-etc.

My theory is that prior to the sickness Danielle talks about, they salvaged all they could. Meaning the small boat, gasoline/diesel, batteries etc. Danielle likely took the battery's after one of her fights with the Others. As she is solo and they are a group they likely held on to the boat and diesel.

Not sure if the Other's know about Black Rock? Otherwise why haven't they raided it themselves. Black Rock looked to be a prisoner ship from England heading to Austrailia. Its shape shows to be older than that period of time, but likely it just like owning an old caddy now (classic are in use until they are in-disrepair).

Sorry for the rant but one more point.
The security system is likely a machine...the smoke that Jack saw was the exhaust coming out as it steamed off. Locke obviously got a look at something, meaning that it camoflauges itself with the scenery but not the sky (as he was looking up at it?) There was a chain around his left leg pulling him into the hole. the hole appeared out of no where, logically this could easily be associated with the buried container they openened at the end.

firefly playa-haters


Thursday, May 26, 2005 11:08 AM


Do we know that The Others are from Rosseau's group? I thought she said that all of her group died, leading me to believe that The Others are a totally different faction.

Also, I could be mistaken, but everyone on the boat looked kind of old, so none of them are Alex (who would be 16, unless there's something mucking with passage of time).

I really don't have a legitimate guess as to what's going on, but I think that Walt, Hurley, and fatherood are key elements.

Most of the characters either have issues with their fathers (Jack, Kate, Sawyer, Walt, Locke, Jin, Sun), absent fathers (Hurley, Boone, Shannon, Claire, and Aaron), or both. We don't know about Sayid, Charlie and Michael. Not sure what that means exactly, but I think it might be important.

Clearly, Walt's got something psychic going on, and I wouldn't be surprised if there's a connection with both Locke and Hurley. Not only do Locke and Walt bond, but Locke's mother uses some of the same phrases to describe him that are used for Walt. With Hurley, we have a guy who was in an insane asylum, which, anyone who watches X-files and the like knows, is where all the good psychics wind up.

I think the exchange between Hurley and Walt on the place is significant, as is the Flash comic passing hands. I feel almost like Hurley WAS somehow responsible for the crash, but Walt is responsible for some of the island wackiness.

I know some folks have suggested that the island is basically a test environment. If that's the case, perhaps the The Others removed Walt because they figured he might mess with the experiment? That wouldn't explain why they wanted Aaron, but, as I said, I don't know that they really DID want Aaron, or if that was just what folks assumed.

Just a little babbling as I try to make things make sense for myself.


Thursday, May 26, 2005 1:27 PM



Originally posted by placidity:
We no nothing of the Others, except they came from the same ship as Danielle.

I disagree with this. In the episode where Danielle was introduced, as she was babbling to Sayid about how she and her shipmates were returning from the Black Rock when "the Others came" and then her shipmates got sick. "The Others must have been carriers." I think Danielle's group was castaways like the survivors of Flight 815. I think the Others preyed on her group just like they have preyed on the new crop of survivors.


Originally posted by placidity:
Not sure if the Other's know about Black Rock? Otherwise why haven't they raided it themselves. Black Rock looked to be a prisoner ship from England heading to Austrailia. Its shape shows to be older than that period of time, but likely it just like owning an old caddy now (classic are in use until they are in-disrepair).

In last night's episode, one of the characters (Locke?) said that the Black Rock looked like a slaver ship from Africa. I suppose it could have been a mistake on the part of the character. But if it was intended as misdirection, why bother? They could have said nothing and left the audience in the dark. Hence I tend to believe what the character said.


Friday, May 27, 2005 2:23 AM



Originally posted by StarPilotGrainger:

Originally posted by Channain:

Originally posted by StarPilotGrainger:
I thought the episode was okay, but I was really hoping more would be revealed. Instead we just got the old string-along again.

The same sort of thing used to be said about X-Files. Then they did start revealing more and I lost interest.

They do have to leave themselves enough to get through another season too, after all.

With the X-files I think the problem was that even the writers didn't know where they were going, and so when they started revealing stuff, that became obvious. If Lost is the same way, I'd rather know now.

I'm not saying they had to reveal everything, but I can't think of anything even remotely big they revealed in that last episode. The biggest I could find was 'where did the comic come from?'

Star Pilot Grainger
"Remember, the enemy's gate is down."
LJ: (real) (fictional, travelling through another world)
Unreachable Star: - Comics & SF News/Reviews/Opinions

In the end this finale really pissed me off. I admit, I'm not a fan of the ole stringalong. I like to feel at least closure on something at the end of a season. It really annoyed me that we went through the entire season grasping for the next clue only to be left with more questions than ever without really learning anything significant at all.
I find the X-Files comparison interesting. One of the things that I always thought was good about the x-files was that while there was an on-going mystery to be revealed, all-in-all the episodes stood on their own and told a story. The ongoing story was not the focus, so the episodes still felt complete and satisfying even if nothing but new questions were presented.
At this point in Lost however, I'm starting to just feel strung along from episode to episode without any kind of completion at all. The two hour finale could have just as easily been two one-hour episodes and would have been completely in fitting with the rest of the season.
Still, I gues as finale's to a season go the cliff-hanger is the norm. But with a season like this, where the entire season is driving a single storyline, not really episodic at all, the implication was that everything was pushing towards the season finale. Instead, it just appears that we're being dragged until the series finale and that if we want to really learn anything at all that's when it will be. I'm just not sure I can keep my interest that long. Next season I may just wait for the DVD.

- Leto_V

"Well, my days of not taking you
seriously are certainly coming to
a middle." - Mal


Friday, May 27, 2005 3:34 AM


I sort of assumed that the Black Rock (who names a ship Black ROCK?) was there to underscore that these are not the first folks who've ended up on the island under unusual circumstances.

So far, we have at least four groups of people who appear to have come to the island NOT under their own power (our heroes, Danielle's crew, the crew of the Black Rock, and the heroine smugglers).

My guess is that the mention of slavery was to point out to the general viewing audience "this--whatever this is--has been going on for a long time."


Saturday, May 28, 2005 11:45 AM


Did any one else notice the comic book the fat guy was reading after he got on the plane (during his flashback)?

Select to view spoiler:

On the back there was a big angry polar bear!

Combine that with the numbers on the hatch I think the whole island and the people on it are just a dream, like the ending to St. Elsewere. The plane crashed and the dreamer (and only survivor) is in a coma.

The real-life box droppin', man-ape gone wrong thing, now without the pesky falling boxes


Sunday, May 29, 2005 3:31 AM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.

I find that suggestion highly unlikely. If so, then almost all the scenes would have that person as the focal point, and we know that is not the case.

wo men ren ran zai fei xing.


Monday, May 30, 2005 11:14 AM



Originally posted by danfan:
My thoughts on the episode:

6) The Number, the Island's ability to manipulate reality - How was the plane brought down? How could ANYONE survive a breakup at 35K feet? Why did the number confer such good/bad luck on Hurley? How was Locke healed? Not enough information...

Tentative conclusions - I think that there are two forces at work. One is the abandoned facility, its abandoned staff, their infection, and the staff's survival goals. The other is the supernatural force that can bring things to the island, heal miraculously, twist probabilities to make improbable things happen (like Hurley's lottery win and the incredible run of coincidences that made him a multimillionaire). This supernatural force might be the black smoke that sits in the driver's seat of the island's unmanned defenses.

Is anyone even sure yet that Locke has been healed supernaturally? We have yet to see WHY he is confined to a wheelchair? Is it really something physical, or is it psychosomatic? Has something in Locke's life (and the entire incident with his father and donating a kidney only to be treated like garbage again afterward could be a major contributing factor) caused him to lose the ability to walk, and the crash removed that psychological block?

Also DANFAN posted…


In last night's episode, one of the characters (Locke?) said that the Black Rock looked like a slaver ship from Africa. I suppose it could have been a mistake on the part of the character. But if it was intended as misdirection, why bother? They could have said nothing and left the audience in the dark. Hence I tend to believe what the character said.

I'm pretty sure the ship had to be a slaver from Africa, because it seems a LOT of stuff on the island has some sort of connection to Africa. Look at the drug smuggling plane with the Nigerian maps and money? And the creators always appear to do stuff on purpose.

As for the 'security system,' I have to admit that in the finale it sounded a lot more mechanical (like the chain that pulls a rollar coaster up the first hill) than any previous episode. And the black smoke seemed to me less something non-corporeal than something half-glimpsed, like a being/creature/person who was slightly out of phase with reality.

Captain Pete


Monday, May 30, 2005 11:21 AM



Originally posted by danfan:
My thoughts on the episode:

6) The Number, the Island's ability to manipulate reality - How was the plane brought down? How could ANYONE survive a breakup at 35K feet? Why did the number confer such good/bad luck on Hurley? How was Locke healed? Not enough information...

My daughter keeps pushing me to actually play the lottery with Hurley's numbers. Truthfully, I haven't done it because I'm afraid I might win!

Captain Pete


Monday, May 30, 2005 5:41 PM


I liked the finale and thought it was a pretty solid episode but felt it didn't quite live up to the hype - I think they promised too much (if your show is a hit there is no need to go around telling everyone how mindblowing the finale is, it should be able to stand for itself).

I figured Arzt was going to die (it reminded me of the extra crew members on Star Trek who always die on away missions, it was a bit too convenient) and he didn't seem like enough of a main character to warrant all of the 'someone is going to die!' hype.

I did like the way the finale flashbacked to more than one character, and showed them on the plane before the flight.

There was a lot left to be explained, and I'll watch the show next season, but I'm not in a hurry to see it.

Alias on the other hand...

Select to view spoiler:

My name isn't Michael Vaughan *crash*

I actually went back and am re-watching the series from the beginning to see if there are any hints. But after last season's finale, almost anything would have been an improvement.

If nothing we do matters, then all that matters is what we do. -"Angel"

Browncoat? Canadian? Join us:


Monday, May 30, 2005 7:41 PM



Originally posted by SubGuy:
Is anyone even sure yet that Locke has been healed supernaturally? We have yet to see WHY he is confined to a wheelchair? Is it really something physical, or is it psychosomatic? Has something in Locke's life (and the entire incident with his father and donating a kidney only to be treated like garbage again afterward could be a major contributing factor) caused him to lose the ability to walk, and the crash removed that psychological block?
Captain Pete

No reason to believe he WASN'T healed supernaturally. Besides, walking is one of those physical tasks that wouldn't be impeded by a mental block (barring extreme trauma to the brain, such as a stroke) because it's so ingrained in us. It's automatic, kind of like reading. You can't un-learn to read, just as you can't unlearn to walk.

Call me morbid, but I laughed out loud at Arzt blowing up like that. His last line about nitro being "tempramental" was ironic. I thought it was HI-LARIOUS.

With regards to the finale itself, I agree that it didn't really reveal anything earth-shattering, except for piquing my curiousity to find out what the heck is at the bottom of that gorram hatch.

I myself like the theory that all the characters are actually dead and that the island is a sort of purgatory. Locke's story is my favorite, with the Sun/Jin story a close second.

"Mwah ha ha ha...mine is an evil laugh. Now die."


Monday, May 30, 2005 10:02 PM


I really like this show. It's well written and looks fantastic in High-Def (thank you ABC). That being said if your just looking for some jaw dropping, life changing, mind blowing answer to what's really going on you should just start watching ...well ... uhh...there really aren't any shows that do that.

Being a big fan of Alias and loving the whole Rambaldi thing, I came to realize that the best part of it was the writing and the character development. While the conclusion, much like the X-Files was a bit of a let down.

But don't let that deter you. This is an excellent show and we as the viewers are in the midst of the best part. The speculation and the drama of the characters is first rate and I for one can't wait till next season.

Remember... it's not the kill, it's the thrill of the chase.


Tuesday, May 31, 2005 1:23 AM



Originally posted by BlueBomber:
Call me morbid, but I laughed out loud at Arzt blowing up like that. His last line about nitro being "tempramental" was ironic. I thought it was HI-LARIOUS.

Even more hi-larious was my fiancee's reaction when Arzt exploded. I thought she was going to hit the ceiling.


I myself like the theory that all the characters are actually dead and that the island is a sort of purgatory. Locke's story is my favorite, with the Sun/Jin story a close second.

I forget where I read it (Entertainment Weekly I think, but I could be wrong) but one interview with LOST's creator has said they don't plan on going the dead/purgatory route because it would be too much a letdown on the fans, who might try and lynch the writers/creators.

There is one new theory that I believe was mentioned earlier on in this thread that upon reflection I have come to sorta like. That the entire show sounds like a big D&D game. Could the whole series be this simple? A big imaginary role-playing game going on in some nerd's basement? Would the fans start building the gallows if that were revealed?

Captain Pete


Tuesday, May 31, 2005 1:30 AM


One question sticks out in my mind right now. In the episode where Locke and Boone find the drug smuggling plane, Boone manages to get out a Mayday and hears a response.

A friend of mine who watches LOST with closed captioning told me the reply was "There were no survivoirs of Oceanic 815."

In a recent news article in the Boston Herald, the reporter claims the response was, "WE are the survivors of Oceanic 815," leading to the theory that next season we would find other survivors on the island from the plane's tail section. (The reporter bolstered his/her theory by claiming the show did not hire someone to play the girl Jack meets in the airport bar to appear for just 5 minutes, and she loud and often complained during those 5 minutes of screen time that she was seated in the rear of the plane.)

Also, has anyone figured out exactly what kind of plane Oceanic 815 was supposed to be? The wreckage used and the little plane mobile in Claire's dream were both L-1011's, yet my friend claims the view out the window in the first episode showed 2 engines on the wing (like a 747) and in the season finale there was definitely not a third engine under the tail when you could see out the airport concourse window.

Captain Pete


Tuesday, May 31, 2005 7:17 AM


Just read in TV Guide that the quote was "We are the survivors of Oceanic 815" (according to show creators). It's also possible it was a radio echo, or a "dumb" person/monster repeating what it heard.

Notice the flight number? 8-15. And the departure gate was 23.

"Don't say 'ka' until you've tried it." Daniel Jackson


Tuesday, May 31, 2005 11:33 AM



Originally posted by Sickdude:
Notice the flight number? 8-15. And the departure gate was 23.

Numbers play a big part in the overall mystery of LOST. Notice two of the numbers of Hurley's lottery/the hatch were 8 & 15? Plus the number 4 comes up quite often (First number on the hatch, four 'others' in the boat, Boone often wore a t-shirt with 4 aces...)

Someday, perhaps, it will all be clear?

Either way, darn good show.

Captain Pete


Wednesday, June 1, 2005 12:56 AM


I don't exactly know but Lost season final reminded me alot of Stephen Kings Dark Tower books espeically book 3 the wasteLands..does anyone else agree with the comparison


Thursday, June 2, 2005 9:44 AM



Originally posted by piratejenny:
I don't exactly know but Lost season final reminded me alot of Stephen Kings Dark Tower books espeically book 3 the wasteLands..does anyone else agree with the comparison

Exactly! I was thinking the same thing! That the monster/security system is comparable to Shardik the Guardian.


"Let's go be bad guys."


Thursday, June 2, 2005 10:11 AM



Originally posted by Kellaina:
I liked the finale and thought it was a pretty solid episode but felt it didn't quite live up to the hype - I think they promised too much (if your show is a hit there is no need to go around telling everyone how mindblowing the finale is, it should be able to stand for itself).

I figured Arzt was going to die (it reminded me of the extra crew members on Star Trek who always die on away missions, it was a bit too convenient) and he didn't seem like enough of a main character to warrant all of the 'someone is going to die!' hype.

I did like the way the finale flashbacked to more than one character, and showed them on the plane before the flight.

There was a lot left to be explained, and I'll watch the show next season, but I'm not in a hurry to see it.

Alias on the other hand...

Select to view spoiler:

My name isn't Michael Vaughan *crash*

I actually went back and am re-watching the series from the beginning to see if there are any hints. But after last season's finale, almost anything would have been an improvement.

If nothing we do matters, then all that matters is what we do. -"Angel"

Browncoat? Canadian? Join us:

yeah the ending for Alias threw me for a loop

Select to view spoiler:

didnt vaughn just go crazy trying to find out if his dad is alive? why would he do that if he really isnt vaughn.
secondly, i think sid's mom placed vaughn at the cia and he ultimately works for her....
just a thought

respond if you dare lol

firefly playa-haters


Thursday, June 2, 2005 10:27 AM


Hey Chan,
I believe Damon has them all downloaded on his computer. We could probably get them to you.

ooo Becki

Kaylee: Wash, tell me I'm pretty
Wash: Were I unwed I would take you in a manly fashion
Kaylee: 'Cause I'm pretty?
Wash: 'Cause you're pretty


Thursday, June 2, 2005 6:10 PM


Select to view spoiler:

June 02, 2005

Abrams KROQ Interview

During a radio interview for L.A. rock station KROQ, Lost creator J.J. Abrams said that the network and one of the actors on the show couldn't agree to terms on a new contract and therefore the actor will be payed his desired rate for one or two episodes and then he said the actor will be killed off the show and won't be featured in any flashback sequences. Abrams also talked a little bit about the Ana-Lucia character and he confirmed that Michelle Rodriguez would be a full time castmember in season two. He said a writer named Carlton Cuse was researching Che Guevara because of Ana-Lucia's leadership storyline. The only other thing he mentioned was that the characters on the raft eventually return to the island but it's not the part of the island they were hoping for.

I want to know who.


Go sign my Guest Book,
Then download Serenity,
And remember, Roni's watching you.

And So Are They.


Thursday, June 2, 2005 6:42 PM



Originally posted by placidity:
yeah the ending for Alias threw me for a loop

Select to view spoiler:

didnt vaughn just go crazy trying to find out if his dad is alive? why would he do that if he really isnt vaughn.
secondly, i think sid's mom placed vaughn at the cia and he ultimately works for her....
just a thought

Select to view spoiler:

Well, Vaughan may have pretended to get worked up about finding his father, so everyone would think he was Vaughan (it may have been a bit suspicious if he had ignored it).

Maybe Vaughan's father wasn't who he appeared to be either? Maybe Irina didn't kill him, she just helped him disappear like she did.

I don't know about Vaughan actually working for Irina though - he seemed surprised that she knew his secret.

I'm wondering if he's a double (apparently there's a theory that he's actually Danny, Syd's first fiance.)

It must be a pretty deep cover though, if he's working for the CIA.

I wonder if Lauren knew his secret...

If nothing we do matters, then all that matters is what we do. -"Angel"

Browncoat? Canadian? Join us:






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