Has anyone read the comic book ?(spoilers?)

UPDATED: Friday, July 15, 2005 06:47
VIEWED: 7414
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Wednesday, July 13, 2005 6:12 AM


I will pick it up after work---feel free to let us know how the first ish is,but for peeps who don't want to read spoilers put it in inviso-text.One spoiler I have to mention is---River is really made of chocolate!Amazing!

"Hamsters is nice."


Wednesday, July 13, 2005 8:17 AM


I'm supposed to be getting a call from the comic store I pre-orded at when they come in, but I haven't heard from them yet. It's making me a little nervous. Anybody else get their copies yet?


Wednesday, July 13, 2005 9:20 AM


I got my hands on issue #1 and although it was nice to see the BDH in action again, i was a tad underwhelmed by it.

oh well heres to issue 2.


Wednesday, July 13, 2005 10:16 AM


I just got in with my three copies, and read the first issue. As has been said, good to see the BDHs again, though the art is lacking at times.

first, the comic only..

Select to view spoiler:

mostly a heist gone wrong, but a good "act I" with only 3 issues, I expect the 3 together to come off like an episode. Special appearance in the book by 2X2 HOB. looks like the BDHs have been tracked to Whitefall.

The following relates to the movie as well, so maybe if you don't want to be spoiled for that, you can not look.

Select to view spoiler:

Questions were raised about some attitude changes in crew,in the movie, specifically Jayne being more angry and confrontational with Mal. Also who isn't on board at the start of the film, it looks like this will fill in those gaps.

Visit WWW.Marillion.Com for a better way to live
Visit and see Tim Minear's show Weds. 9:00pm EST.....ah FUX nevermind.


Wednesday, July 13, 2005 10:27 AM


Just wanted to let you know that my fellow coworker and Browncoat called the local comic stores earlier today and all copies are SOLD OUT! We're in Nashville so why in heck don't I ever see any Nashville Browncoats online???


Wednesday, July 13, 2005 10:36 AM


I got it, review on my site, but in short, a bit disappointed. Didn't have the same spark as the series. Still getting the rest though.

Star Pilot Grainger
"Remember, the enemy's gate is down."
LJ: (real) (fictional, travelling through another world)
Unreachable Star: - Comics & SF News/Reviews/Opinions
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Wednesday, July 13, 2005 10:43 AM



Originally posted by DucesTecum:
Just wanted to let you know that my fellow coworker and Browncoat called the local comic stores earlier today and all copies are SOLD OUT! We're in Nashville so why in heck don't I ever see any Nashville Browncoats online???

If that was the The Great Escape on Broadway. Sorry about that. My bad. And you don't see me online, because I never have anything to say.


Wednesday, July 13, 2005 10:44 AM


I wish I could read it today. I just went to TFAW, where I preordered this month's set and it now says as the ship date, July 20th. Ain't I just a happy Browncoat?

"Well, other than being shot at by the Electric Mayhem, I'm fantastic."


Wednesday, July 13, 2005 11:31 AM



Originally posted by frscpe1:
I wish I could read it today. I just went to TFAW, where I preordered this month's set and it now says as the ship date, July 20th. Ain't I just a happy Browncoat?

"Well, other than being shot at by the Electric Mayhem, I'm fantastic."

Um, how come other people are reading their copies and TFAW is telling me another week? I'm with you, kinda

"That's the buffet table....."


Wednesday, July 13, 2005 12:15 PM


I picked it up today at my local comic shop. I was excited to get it I read it in my car in the parking lot. Was generally pleased with it. I know it's only the set-up ish, and it works very well.

Was surprised that the first frame of Simon was from the POV of a camera. For a brief second, I was thinking, "Did they read my fanfic?" Never thought of Kaylee as a shutterbug. But it works perfectly.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

And wow! Hey! What's this thing suddenly coming towards me very fast? Very very fast. So big and flat and round, it needs a big wide sounding name like ... ow ... ound ... round ... ground! That's it! That's a good name - ground! I wonder if it will be friends with me?


Wednesday, July 13, 2005 12:54 PM


Well having no knowledge of comics I ordered mine online. The company had a minimum order of £5 so I ordered all 3 comics together. The short-straw is that they are all going to be shipped together. Which means all 3 issues will arrive together in September.

Which means I have a couple of months on my own in the corner weeping.


Wednesday, July 13, 2005 12:59 PM


If that was the The Great Escape on Broadway. Sorry about that. My bad. And you don't see me online, because I never have anything to say.

I'm confused...


Wednesday, July 13, 2005 1:23 PM



Originally posted by DucesTecum:

If that was the The Great Escape on Broadway. Sorry about that. My bad. And you don't see me online, because I never have anything to say.

I'm confused...

If you called the Great Escape, then the Serenity comics I bought were the last ones they had. In my defense, I bought them at 11 am, so it looks like they didn't order enough to me. If GE isn't the comic shop, then...ummm...never mind.


Wednesday, July 13, 2005 1:51 PM


I'm going to second the "not bad, but underwhelming," comment. I think it was done as well as could be but I think comics adaptations of movies and TV are very hard to pull off. They almost always seem a little pale in comparison.

It was well done, though. I'll stick around for more.

History repeats the old conceits
Updated! Improved! Shiny!


Wednesday, July 13, 2005 2:42 PM


wow,it wasn't great,but really good and how cool is it to read new adventures of our BDH's!?! Shiny! I can't wait for ish 2-----and 3------and e-mail dark horse telling them we want a regular gorram series!!!!!!!!!!!

"Hamsters is nice."


Wednesday, July 13, 2005 3:51 PM


I preordered all three covers at my local shop. They called me today and said they're in, boarded and bagged and waiting for me.

Had a nice conversation with the girl on the phone. She didn't realize the comics were coming out and grabbed a copy for herself. Said she cried when Firefly was cancelled and that she'd heard that some big studio was making a movie.

Then I dropped the bomb on her that I'd seen it twice already ... she told me she hated me and then laughed. I told her that the movie gorram rocks and she's not going to be disappointed come Sept 30.

I hope she's working when I go in to get them tomorrow afternoon.


Wednesday, July 13, 2005 4:21 PM


I've never seen, read, or bought a comic before... could someone tell me where I could get just one, online, or.. would barnes & noble have it or something?

"Some people juggle geese!" -Ancient Chinese proverb.


Wednesday, July 13, 2005 4:37 PM


Well I'm on vacation so I went to my local comic shop and picked up my order. I've got myself all three covers and one for my friend. I thought it was a good intro to comic form. Did Shepard know he was helping... helping? We're off to a good start.


Wednesday, July 13, 2005 8:18 PM



Did Shepard know he was helping... helping?

I don't think so, hence the patented Book Look on page 18 panel 4.
And that is not a spoiler, he gives Mal that look in nearly every episode.


Wednesday, July 13, 2005 9:17 PM


In response to you, Whitefall, I don't think Borders will be carrying Serenity, but I have no garuntee. You can buy it off or try to scope out a local comic book shop. I got mine today, same day they arrived at the store. Some of the artwork is awesome, but my girlfriend and I both agree that Mal is not resembling our Captain Tightpants from the screen very well at all.

Overall it was good. Not OMFG like the show or what I expect the movie to be, but I definately enjoyed it. Wish they'd put the mandarin in english characters so we could find translations for it. Now I have to find someone that reads conji. Heh heh heh. All in all not too bad. I'll be grabbing #2 as soon as it hits the store.

you can't take the sky from me


Wednesday, July 13, 2005 10:31 PM


Mal? I think Mal looks perfect. Book is also spot-on, Kaylee looks good, and everybody else is good enough except for Wash. He just doesn't look right.

I completely agree that this is analogous to a first act and the three together will be like an episode. An extra episode of Firefly is nothing to sneeze at, even if it comes in comic book form.

I really liked it on my first pass. Didn't think too much about its quality per se, when its mere existence causes me to tingle with joy. Perhaps I will be more contemplative after reading it again.

The main impression it left me with, though, was of overwhelming shortness. I always forget that about single issues of comic books... they're so short!

Yah, I'm really looking forward to #2 and starting to wonder how many media this story will be spread over by the time it's through. We've already got TV, comics, and a movie telling discrete parts of an overarching story, and that's awesome. What's next? Novels? Radio dramas? Interpretive dance?

Is it September yet?


Thursday, July 14, 2005 12:32 AM



Originally posted by SuicidalDuckling:

Originally posted by DucesTecum:

If that was the The Great Escape on Broadway. Sorry about that. My bad. And you don't see me online, because I never have anything to say.

I'm confused...

If you called the Great Escape, then the Serenity comics I bought were the last ones they had. In my defense, I bought them at 11 am, so it looks like they didn't order enough to me. If GE isn't the comic shop, then...ummm...never mind.

OH! Now I get it (sometimes you have to paint me a picture).

But in this case, I'm the stupid one.

I don't know what store my buddy called about the comics (I'm a little old for comics and therefore would not know where to find one) but I'm buying these because they are FIREFLY!!! One is never too old for Firefly. Anyway, nice to know there are other Nashville Browncoats around. Will you be attending the opening night of Serenity? My buddy and I were trying to figure out what kind of costume we might wear and I said I'm too fat to be any of the characters and he said I could go as a companion and of course I laughed and said Yeah did ya ever see a FAT companion?

"And I'm thinking you weren't burdened with an over-abundance of schooling." Mal, Train Job


Thursday, July 14, 2005 3:31 AM


Thought the comic was decent, but was hoping for a little more, I guess. I agree with the folks who said that the mini-series will be the equivalent of an episode, and I guess I was sort of hoping, on some level, that each ISSUE would be equivalent to an episode.

Having said that, the characterization was great. I could hear the actors speaking when I read it. All in all, it reminded me a little of the Train Job: decent set-up, mediocre plot, but excellent characters and dialogue.


Thursday, July 14, 2005 4:38 AM


It would be impossible to fit an entire episode into a single issue of a staderd format comic book. In most comics an "episode" is typically 3-6 issues long, so it is reasonable to assume that the 3 issues together will constitute one episode. Overall, I thought it was quite good as an introductory issue, a d am looking forward to the next one.

- lucyfersam


Thursday, July 14, 2005 5:00 AM



Originally posted by lucyfersam:
It would be impossible to fit an entire episode into a single issue of a staderd format comic book. In most comics an "episode" is typically 3-6 issues long, so it is reasonable to assume that the 3 issues together will constitute one episode. Overall, I thought it was quite good as an introductory issue, a d am looking forward to the next one.

Agreed... plus, did anyone notice one of the voiceover show introductions on the inside cover? How cool is that?

"Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government."


Thursday, July 14, 2005 5:20 AM


Logic be damned! It's been so long since we've had new Firefly material that I wanted more! More, more, more!


Thursday, July 14, 2005 5:23 AM


And, for the record, a movie adaptation is typically 4-6 issues. Since a movie is roughly 3 times the length of an individual TV episode, it would be quite possible to squeeze an episode into a single issue (particularly if it were a longer issue).

Before the age of the mini-series and graphic novel, they fit whole, complete stories into a single 22-page issue all the time!


Thursday, July 14, 2005 6:31 AM


I read an interesting article about a week or so ago about how the comic book industry continues to struggle even though the comic moves (a-la Spidey, Batman, Fantastic Four) are doing well.

Interestingly enough, they traced it back to the early 80's when Marvel, in all their wisdom, decided to make a few of their books Direct Only — meaning if you didn't subscribe to it, you'd have to visit your friendly neighborhood comic specialty shop to buy it.

I remember this move well, as I was a big fanboy of Moon Knight. They went Direct Only at about issue #17, and I had to subscribe because there were no comic shops in my rural community.

Anyhow, the article said the move began the transition making comics not available to the mass market, hence kids began losing interest and they haven't been able to recover. It's been a while since I last read a comic book, probably 5-6 years. Every once in a while I'll pick one up just to see what's happening in the market, but the stories...the stories have been lacking.

Which goes back to your point of a single story being told in an issue. My POV is that the whole market has become a soap opera. Tell your story in an issue or two, maybe introducing some elements for later issues, and move on. Werewolf By Night #'s32-33 are still some of my favorite books.

I haven't picked up the FF books, but maybe I'll do that soon. Three issues ain't so bad.

"You made a time machine ... out of a DeLorean?"


Thursday, July 14, 2005 7:16 AM


First, I must preface this by saying that I am a comic book geek. (I blame my brother.) Skip this post if you don't wanna read me babble....

I was really looking forward to the Serenity comics, not only cuz I love Firefly, but also because I've read other comics Joss has written (Astonishing X-Men, Fray, Tales of the Vampire, etc.) and really enjoyed them. The first issue of Serenity, however, paled in comparison to his other work (it also paled in comparison to more prolific comic industry writers like Bendis, etc.). This is most likely because Joss didn't write it. I did take that into account, though, as I read it. It seemed a little awkward and disconnected at times, and the use of Chinese - while cute and novel to Firefly fans and old skool kids who enjoy reading jibberish as alien speke - was a little irksome. (I'm going to have to bring the comic to work to get it translated... heh....)

If I wasn't a fan of his or of the show, I wouldn't bother with the second issue, but maybe I just need to read it again when I'm in a better mood.

Don't be impressed if you hear that it sold out in comic shops. This is the first issue of a new mini-series, and even though Joss was invoved, these sorts of things aren't typically ordered in any large quantities because the store owners don't want to end up eating the cost of the left overs. Because of this, I strongly recommend that if you haven't pre-ordered issue #2 or #3 from either a website or a comic shop, you do so now; the second issues of new books are horribly under-ordered and therefore under-printed.

Originally posted by lucyfersam:
It would be impossible to fit an entire episode into a single issue of a staderd format comic book. In most comics an "episode" is typically 3-6 issues long, so it is reasonable to assume that the 3 issues together will constitute one episode.

You've apparently never read Global Frequency or 100 Bullets or any of the other one-issues-is-a-complete-story comic books. Just as an example, the WB Global Frequency pilot was based pretty much on just the first single issue of the 12-issue run. (Not that I'm trying to plug that comic or pilot, but it was one hell of a series and show that I highly recommend buying (comics) and watching (unaired pilot). Hint, hint.) So, impossible it is not. It's just not typically the best business move; one of the main ideas in the industry is to have a multi-issue story arc in order to keep the readers coming back next month. And now that I re-read this, maybe I misunderstood you. Did you mean that you can't fit one TV episode into one comic issue, or that you couldn't get one TV episode out of one comic issue? Cuz if it's the former, then... nevermind...!

Originally posted by BlackoutNights:
I read an interesting article about a week or so ago about how the comic book industry continues to struggle even though the comic moves (a-la Spidey, Batman, Fantastic Four) are doing well.

Interestingly enough, they traced it back to the early 80's when Marvel, in all their wisdom, decided to make a few of their books Direct Only — meaning if you didn't subscribe to it, you'd have to visit your friendly neighborhood comic specialty shop to buy it.

The comics industry has pretty much always struggled. I don't wanna continue to bore you with the industry tales of woe, so suffice it to say that the exceedingly narrow market does not support operations costs and publishing costs, not to mention talent costs. This is part of the reason comics pulled out of mainstream stores - they simply couldn't sell enough to justify the cost. They limited distribution / availability in such a way that the majority of their market would still have access to the stuff (comic shops and some book stores).

Um. That's all. I think I'm gonna go try to find a life now...

无 党派 人士


Thursday, July 14, 2005 8:01 AM



]You've apparently never read Global Frequency or 100 Bullets or any of the other one-issues-is-a-complete-story comic books. Just as an example, the WB Global Frequency pilot was based pretty much on just the first single issue of the 12-issue run. (Not that I'm trying to plug that comic or pilot, but it was one hell of a series and show that I highly recommend buying (comics) and watching (unaired pilot). Hint, hint.)

Actually I've read both of those and watched said unaired pilot (I absolutely love Global Frequency and desprately wish they would air the pilot and do a full series, but for the time being recomend anyone to go find a bittorrent of the pilot and watch it). However, you may notice that there is a lot in the pilot that is not in the first issue it was based on, because there is more space to work with in the hour long pilot than in a single 22 page issue. The Serenity comic is trying to match the pacing and content of an episode of the series rather than pack an entire story into one issue. It is possible to pack the story from an episode into on 22 page issue, but not the whole epsiode. It seems to be a strong point of argument in some comic circles wether the slower pacing in books such as this is good or bad, I like both styles but feel Serenity is better served by the slower pacing than packing it all into on issue. You may wish there was more content per issue, but if there was there would undoubtably be complaints about not enough character time, not enough depth, etc.

- lucyfersam


Thursday, July 14, 2005 11:29 AM



Originally posted by lucyfersam:
Actually I've read both of those and watched said unaired pilot (I absolutely love Global Frequency and desprately wish they would air the pilot and do a full series, but for the time being recomend anyone to go find a bittorrent of the pilot and watch it). However, you may notice that there is a lot in the pilot that is not in the first issue it was based on, because there is more space to work with in the hour long pilot than in a single 22 page issue.

Yeah... as I mentioned and the end of my babbling... after re-reading what you said, I figured I misunderstood you. Sure enough, I did and you are correct.

However, I must admonish you for condoning the act of piracy. Bit Torrents are wrong. Watching an excellent piece of work that was cancelled prematurely and never made officially public is wrong. Shame... shame, I say! I hope these fine, upstanding Brown Coats disregard your recommendation and don't go to such places as and don't look for the unaired "Global Frequency" TV pilot / screener. Because that would be wrong.

无 党派 人士


Thursday, July 14, 2005 11:53 AM



Originally posted by DucesTecum:
OH! Now I get it (sometimes you have to paint me a picture).

But in this case, I'm the stupid one.

I don't know what store my buddy called about the comics (I'm a little old for comics and therefore would not know where to find one) but I'm buying these because they are FIREFLY!!! One is never too old for Firefly. Anyway, nice to know there are other Nashville Browncoats around. Will you be attending the opening night of Serenity? My buddy and I were trying to figure out what kind of costume we might wear and I said I'm too fat to be any of the characters and he said I could go as a companion and of course I laughed and said Yeah did ya ever see a FAT companion?

"And I'm thinking you weren't burdened with an over-abundance of schooling." Mal, Train Job

One can never be too old for comics. *cough* *cough* Not sure when i'll see the movie, but i'm sure i'll see it lots of times during the opening weekend. i'm not a big costume person myself and when i saw the pre-screening in Memphis, there were only a handful of costumes, so just wearing a brown coat would probably make you more costume-y than most.


Friday, July 15, 2005 6:47 AM



Originally posted by SuicidalDuckling:

Originally posted by DucesTecum:
OH! Now I get it (sometimes you have to paint me a picture).

But in this case, I'm the stupid one.

I don't know what store my buddy called about the comics (I'm a little old for comics and therefore would not know where to find one) but I'm buying these because they are FIREFLY!!! One is never too old for Firefly. Anyway, nice to know there are other Nashville Browncoats around. Will you be attending the opening night of Serenity? My buddy and I were trying to figure out what kind of costume we might wear and I said I'm too fat to be any of the characters and he said I could go as a companion and of course I laughed and said Yeah did ya ever see a FAT companion?

"And I'm thinking you weren't burdened with an over-abundance of schooling." Mal, Train Job

One can never be too old for comics. *cough* *cough* Not sure when i'll see the movie, but i'm sure i'll see it lots of times during the opening weekend. i'm not a big costume person myself and when i saw the pre-screening in Memphis, there were only a handful of costumes, so just wearing a brown coat would probably make you more costume-y than most.

Apparently I haven't been paying attention! I did'nt know there was a prescreening in Memphis! Anyway, we're getting a group of Browncoats together to attend the premier so if you should change your mind, let me know.






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