Jayne and Kaylee

UPDATED: Sunday, April 23, 2006 08:15
VIEWED: 26864
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Thursday, March 23, 2006 10:17 AM


Ok, I've tried to ask this before and people get all defensive and think I'm trying to start a fight, but I would really like to know.

It's no secret I definitely prefer cannon pairings, but, the curiosity is just killing me, hence the reason I'm asking this question.

Is there something I missed in the episodes or the movie that gives anyone any indication that Kaylee and Jayne would be a couple? If there is, someone please point it out to me?

Or is it just something fans would like to see?

Nothing wrong with it, as everyone has their interests, I'm just curious.

And, for gods sakes, I'm not trying to start some kind of war here so please keep responses civil. Besides, point me to something that indicates there is a possibility, maybe ya can turn my opinion :)

"A government is a body of people usually notably ungoverned."


Thursday, March 23, 2006 10:52 AM


Hey Leiasky!

I'm not strongly opinionated on this, since Mal/Inara is my fave, but I do like Jaylee just because I think there is depth in Jayne that only a really pure, happy soul like Kaylee could get to. And I do see her being attracted to him because once she finds the softer, squishier side of him he would be absolutely devoted to her.

For me, I just like Jayne as a character more than Simon, and I want to see him developed romantically. But there's no one else who partners him well.

Maybe River could have, eventually, in like the 6th or 7th season, when she got much older. Over the long haul, she'd sneak in under his defenses. But since we don't get all those seasons, Kaylee is the best option.

Don't get me wrong, I got nothing against S/K!!

I'm the president. I don't need to listen.


Thursday, March 23, 2006 10:58 AM


while i don't believe there was anything solid there, there was definately potential. but it's all the way you interpret it. Jayne could have only cared for Kaylee as a little sister type, but those feeling could have also easily evolved. You can tell in the series that he is protective of her. and they do tease around with each other. Like in Bushwhacked where they're playing ball at the beginning and Jayne jokes to Kaylee saying, "Little Kaylee is always one man short." and then Kaylee playfully punches him. There are all sorts of little things here and there. Nothing that ever really once shows that the two have sexual feelings for each other, but they definately could have turned to that in my opinion. and like the other poster said, I think Kaylee could have tapped into Jayne's sweet side, and once she did that, Jayne would probably be real sweet to her and protective of her. a bit of a brute at times, but really always having good intentions towards her in mind.


Thursday, March 23, 2006 11:05 AM


There is sign of "other than sisterly" feelings in the BDM... the part where Kaylee is complanin' that there hadn't been anything betwixt her nethers what were't run on batteries. Mal says, "Oh god. I can't know that!" Jayne snickers and says, "I could stand to hear a little more."

He's being a pig, but interest is interest.

I look out for me and mine... that don't include you 'less I conjure it does.


Thursday, March 23, 2006 11:20 AM


I don't see it, but Kaylee and River, that is so much better, on so many different lvls.

Keep it in the family!


Tee Hee


Thursday, March 23, 2006 11:24 AM


The most significant thing I've seen is in Serenity (the TV show episode not the BDM). When Kaylee is shot Jayne is ready to rip that fed's head off and almost gets into it with Book over it.

Later when Simon is operating on her you see a shot of Jayne looking into the infirmary looking extremely concerned, rocking back and forth.

I think he cares quite a bit about her.

"These are stone killers, little man. They ain't cuddly like me."


Thursday, March 23, 2006 11:29 AM


Yeah, and I think in the commentary Joss says something about him having a little crush on Kaylee. I'm not certain but I think that's what he says.


Thursday, March 23, 2006 2:54 PM


I'm not the biggest fan of Jaylees, but I do like the idea of unlikely pairings. The only reason I don't see Jayne and Kaylee working is that they seem too much like the cute little sister/annoying older brother. However, there are some scenes in the series and BDM that might point to a Jaylee pairing, the most obvious being when Kaylee is referring to her nethers in the Maidenhead.

At last.
We can retire and give up
this life of crime.


Thursday, March 23, 2006 5:26 PM


There is definitely emotion between them... His concern for her is more obvious than he would admit. It's more of a little sister/big brother thing, though I think.


Thursday, March 23, 2006 5:56 PM


The whole Jaylee premise stems primarily from Joss's commentary on the Pilot eps - that Jayne has a crush on Kaylee. This is combined with the scene at the dining table, where he is jealous of her obvious attraction to Simon (and blurts out the infamous 'gynaecologist' remark), and the scene of him crouched by the window watching her operation. He was very concerned about her, and REALLY wanted Dobson dead (notice his brooding during Simon's speech about River, and his grin when Mal finally does shoot the Fed).

Many Jaylee fans are of the belief that had the show continued to air, Joss would have expanded on that crush and used it to play up a Kaylee/Simon/Jayne triangle. He's known for doing things like that on his other shows, especially as a catalyst for further tension. For example, Jayne's betrayal of the Tams at Ariel could be used against him by Simon - and that's only one possible storyline.

I'm a definite Jaylee fan, and I treat it as a canon pairing.



Thursday, March 23, 2006 6:21 PM


It's no secret that I'm a Jaylee shipper.

Personally, I think the Jayne/Kaylee relationship would work on many levels and for many reasons.

Firstly, they're very much alike in background, beliefs, attitudes, humour and everything that counts. And yes, it does count. You may be able to ignore or build over differences in the beginning of a relationship, but those things will eat at you over time.

Secondly, there is genuine affection between them. Both of them. It's obvious. They joke around a lot, teasing each other in ways that only people comfortable with each other can do.

Whenever Kaylee is hurt, threatened, or in danger, Jayne is ready to kill. In "Serenity (the pilot)", when Kaylee is shot, Jayne goes into overdrive, ready to kill Dobson without blinking. Then he crouches by the infirmary window and watches, biting his nails, without moving until he knows Kaylee is safe. I doubt he would have done that for anyone else. And later, when the Reaver ship is chasing them, Jayne carries her with such care and gentleness, overriding his own fears of the monsters.

In "Shindig" it is the sight of Kaylee surrounded by guns that stops Jayne rising up against Badger. (And Zoe, it has to be noted, knows this).

In "The Message", when Tracey grabs Kaylee, Jayne is ready with a gun again. Yes, Zoe and Mal were there, too, I realise this, but it is Kaylee that he is there for, he moves to her side and she's the one he stands in front of as soon as she gets free of Tracey.

It's not just Jayne, either.

Whenever Jayne is hurt, it is Kaylee that goes to him, Kaylee that makes sure he's okay. In "The Train Job", it's Kaylee that stands next to him while Simon operates, Kaylee that keeps reassuring him and touching him.

In "Ariel", Kaylee goes to check on Jayne's injuries before she checks on River. That's noteworthy.

They work together, too, quite often and quite easily. In "Bushwhacked" she climbs on his shoulders and they score a goal. This isn't something that happened on the spur of the moment. That's a move that had to be practiced, they had to have done that before. It shows how well they work together. Same as in "Trash", when they're fixing the compactor thing.

They're much more comfortable just sitting and talking with each other, as seen in "Shindig" when they're playing cards, than Simon and Kaylee ever are.

And, yes, this is where I bring Simon into it. I love Simon, I do, but Kaylee never will be first in his life. It's a simple fact, a true one, and one that nobody blames him for. He has to look after River and that's a very noble thing. But Kaylee deserves better than to be always second.

To be always dismissed for someone else.

There's also the class thing. Simon is core and he will never be able to forget that. He doesn't even know he's doing it when he talks down to Kaylee, when he belittles everything she takes pleasure in. She hides it well, but she HURTS when he does that. Kaylee will never feel good enough for Simon, even if Simon doesn't ever consciously understand that. That alone will slowly poison Kaylee from the inside out.

Jayne, on the otherhand, he may be a simple man, but he is fiercely protective of the things he loves. He loves his Ma, the way he proudly wore that ugly knitted hat with pride clearly showed that.

If he and Kaylee ever got in a relationship, he would give her EVERYTHING.

He has serious self esteem issues, with how he sees himself and how he believes everyone else sees him, so he will always believe Kaylee is TOO GOOD for him and he will always treat her as someone precious. And Kaylee would flourish under that.

I don't think that either of them see how well they work together, not in the series. Kaylee, for all that she knows, is still very young and she's caught up in Simon, she sees him as someone 'pretty' and 'swai' and so very shiny that she doesn't acknowledge all his faults. She sees something she wants and doesn't always see something she needs.

Jayne is still too insecure to really acknowledge what he wants and why he wants it. Even if it's obvious to everyone else.

He's not subtle in his jealousy of Kaylee and Simon. Not one bit. Jayne is always and only mean to Simon after Kaylee has been flirting with him.

If Simon and River had never boarded Serenity, the relationship between them would surely have developed beyond what it became.

Sorry to take over your post, but you asked and that is what I see between them, that is why I 'ship Jaylee.

"He's hurting a woman, he really *is* a bad guy... and I wouldn't call him a gentleman."
- Kyle, 9, watching 'Serenity'.


Thursday, March 23, 2006 6:45 PM


I thought I'd summed it up, but Jacqui just does it so much better. So, yeah. What she said - that's what I meant.

There's tons of little moments that add up. Watch for 'em. We're not making this stuff up, promise.



Thursday, March 23, 2006 7:02 PM


And that is why I love your writing-good job.

"dong ma"


Friday, March 24, 2006 3:11 AM


I was just waiting for Jacqui to post so I could say "yeah, what she said."

Before I started reading fanfic (and I'm a Jaylee shipper almost exclusively) I didn't see Jayne and Kaylee together at all. It always seemed like brother/sister to me. Sometimes Jayne is just plain nasty to her (aside from the gynecologist remark - I didn't notice until the umpteenth viewing of the Train Job that he tells her to 'shut it' just before he 'goes crazy and falls asleep'. I hated the tone in his voice. For her part, I don't think Kaylee even flinched, but I never liked that he would talk to her like that.)

Anyway, since enjoying all the Jaylee fics out there I watch the DVD and movie with Jaylee in mind and while I still have a hard time seeing it sometimes, I agree that if the series had continued it would have been a possible plot thread.

I can't get enough of the writing. The Jaylee writers out there are fantastic, even if you don't get it. They write so well and weave wonderful stories about my two favorite characters!


Friday, March 24, 2006 4:37 AM


I think they'd make an interesting couple considering the contrast between the two. The only unrealistic side is that Jayne is quite a bit older than Kaylee which would make it kinda strange to see them as a couple. But it does seem like they may have a little sister/ big brother kind of relationship in a way. At least when Kaylee was shot he seemed concerned. I think that Jayne likes her and thinks she's attractive but I don't think he's willing to go further than joking. Although I could be wrong.

The Bible's a bit fuzzy on the subject of kneecaps.


Friday, March 24, 2006 4:44 AM


Well, I'm gonna say it straight up: I'm a Rayne shipper. There.

I definately see the argument for Jayne/Kaylee though, there's piles of evidence to support that Jayne has a crush on Kaylee - along with Joss admitting it.

I found it really interesting though that Adam Baldwin actually sees Inara as the perfect girl for Jayne. She's beautiful, exotic etc. He mentioned in an interview that he sees Jayne and Kaylee's relationship to be purely brother and sister and he always tried to play it that way - and play that he was attracted to Inara. This is of course the actors point of view - and if I remember the interview right, Adam said that Joss didn't like the idea :)

In the unfilmed script - forgotten what it's called - we definately see that Jayne has a soft spot for Kaylee ("bastards singed my turtle" - best quote EVER). But then I was seeing some kinda sparks between Simon and Inara. Of course then you get the Jayne likes Kaylee, Kaylee likes Simon, Simon likes Inara, Inara likes Mal ... but this theory gets blown out of the water with the movie :)

Anyway, back to Rayne. Joss likes his couples to be dark and twisted IMO and could you get more twisted than that couple :D There are some incredible fics out there about these two!

"It's just an object. It doesn't mean what you think."


Friday, March 24, 2006 5:34 AM


Well, I was never much enamored of the whole Jaylee thing, but these posts make some interesting arguments. Certainly the moment when Jayne watches while she is in sickbay is quite moving.

I still think much of the "evidence" can be explained away by his boorishness, brotherly fondness and a us - them thing, not jealousy - thinking she is not in Simon's social circle and not believing Simon is one of the crew.

I do disagree with one part of Jacqui's otherwise logical and sound post - and that is the statement that they share beliefs and attitudes. Kaylee sees the good in everything, this is central to her character, on the other hand, Jayne does not share this view, particulary about people.

I guess folks are looking for something squishy deep inside of him that paints toenails and haltingly reads letters from mom. And that is, certainly, hinted at, but to say they share beliefs and attitudes seems, to me, a stretch.

See how I'm not punching him, I think I've grown!


Friday, March 24, 2006 8:24 AM


I dont know, it might work... Then again, maybe not. Jayne is bound to have some intimacy issues 'cause he's always expectin' to be killed on the job. Then there's his whole "never kiss 'em on the mouth" thing (hi-larious, but maybe a symptom of his issues?). I think he and Mal have got the same attitude about it: that its better to not love at all then to have loved and lost. Just my thoughts on the matter.

"We're gonna explode? I don' wanna explode!"


Friday, March 24, 2006 9:03 AM



Originally posted by Jacqui:
Whenever Jayne is hurt, it is Kaylee that goes to him, Kaylee that makes sure he's okay.

In the BDM after the reavers chase the mule back into the cargo bay Jayne is sitting on the steps still hurting from that harpoon which impaled his leg. Instead of tending to him Kaylee pushes him aside to see if Simon is all right.

Of course followed by the great Mal line, "Is he alright?!"


We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of black seas of infinity, and it was not meant that we should voyage far.


Friday, March 24, 2006 9:26 AM


Aren't we forgetting some of the recurring characters? I'm thinking Saffron myself... Saffron & Jayne. Hmmm... It'd be just the kind of weird pairing that Joss is good at.

I mean, look at Buffy & Spike, or Xander & Faith on Buffy, or Fred and, well, EVERYBODY on Angel...

Joss is fond of redeeming 'evil' characters and making them one of the good guys (Spike being the most blatant turn-around). Saffron could be Miss Right for Jayne... or more likely Miss 'Right Now' (heh-heh)...

Just an odd take on the Jayne lovelife subject...

"I am a leaf on the wind..."


Friday, March 24, 2006 9:59 AM



Originally posted by Burkesongs:
Aren't we forgetting some of the recurring characters? I'm thinking Saffron myself... Saffron & Jayne. Hmmm... It'd be just the kind of weird pairing that Joss is good at.

I mean, look at Buffy & Spike, or Xander & Faith on Buffy, or Fred and, well, EVERYBODY on Angel...

Joss is fond of redeeming 'evil' characters and making them one of the good guys (Spike being the most blatant turn-around). Saffron could be Miss Right for Jayne... or more likely Miss 'Right Now' (heh-heh)...

Just an odd take on the Jayne lovelife subject...

"I am a leaf on the wind..."

Hmmm, very interesting. There wasn't much Jayne/Saffron interplay in the series, but I could totally see it happening eventually...

good one!

I'm the president. I don't need to listen.


Friday, March 24, 2006 12:46 PM


Very interesting reading everyone's comments! Thanks for taking the time. I suppose I could post about how I see Jayne, as it is quite a contrast from how the jaylee shippers see him.

I'll refrain from commenting about Simon, because I don't want this to become a 'whose better' thread.

I just don't see anything but a brother/sister type relationship between Jayne and Kaylee. The 'wishes you was a gynecologist' comment strikes me more as something an older brother would say to a little sister to rile her up. Not as jealousy that she's so interested in someone new.

Mal and Jayne seem to me to exhibit the same attitude toward Kaylee. Protective because she could be easily taken advantage of. She's young, she's innocent and not 'worldly' like they are.

Someone mentioned the basketball thing and the familiarity and trust in climbing up on Jayne's shoulders. I see that just as two friends/siblings playing a game.

>In "Ariel", Kaylee goes to check on Jayne's injuries before she checks on River. That's noteworthy.

Wonder how Kaylee would feel when/if she learned Jayne turned Simon and River in.

"A government is a body of people usually notably ungoverned."


Friday, March 24, 2006 12:55 PM


Oh, Jayne's definitely got a wee bit of a crush on Kaylee, but Kaylee does not have a wee bit of a crush on Jayne.


Friday, March 24, 2006 2:13 PM


While I like Jayne, I think he is a wonderful comic foil that has deeper emotions than he lets on, I just don't see the Jaylee connection. Though it was admitted that Jayne may have a little crush on Kaylee, there was no part in the series that I saw as it being recipricated by Kaylee. They definitely had a brother/sister relationship, and maybe Jayne felt a little more, but not all crushes come to fruition. Not only that, I think Kaylee would be very upset with Jayne if she did find out about him turning in River and Simon on Ariel. Not that she doesn't have a forgiving heart, but it could cloud her opinion of Jayne just a bit. Kaylee is nothing if not fiercely loyal. There's also something of an age difference between them, about twenty years or so. Not that that is a large determining factor but I think Jayne may need some one with a bit more years and a lot more attitude to keep him in check. It's no secret that I am a Simon/Kaylee shipper, their romantic entanglements are something that could have been explored more in depth on the series. Who knows, Jayne may have been a factor in some complications with their relationship, but no one ever has a happy ending in Jossland. So while I can admit there could have been other pairings, like maybe even Simon and Inara (Mal is quite the stubborn fool and I did see some inklings of at least a little crush on Inara from Simon), I feel like we can only guess at what could have been. For my part, I like Jayne and Kaylee in the brother/sister relatoinship, it's what holds true for me from the series and movie.:D


Friday, March 24, 2006 3:04 PM



Originally posted by Leiasky:
Wonder how Kaylee would feel when/if she learned Jayne turned Simon and River in.

And *that* would have been a very interesting story to see! It's also something that Jaylee fanfic writers have dealt with in their work. It's interesting to see how each handles it a bit differently, particularly the ones who describe Kaylee understanding why Jayne did it even better than Jayne himself knows (which is quite plausible).

I'll admit to being a big Jaylee fan. I watched the series when it originally aired, and without the benefit of commentaries from Joss or even any input from sites like this, I saw that there might have been something there. I'll also admit that I have no problem with canon pairings, but I personally don't think Kaylee and Simon would last (agree with Jacqui above, especially about the class differences). Now Kaylee and Jayne aren't the perfect couple either, but that can make for a good story.

The thing I love about fanfic is that a good author can draw you in and make you believe in a pairing that you had never thought of before. Right at the moment Kaynara has me completely convinced of Kaylee/Simon and Jacqui has me completely convinced of Kaylee/Jayne. Heck, I even read a Simon/Jayne fic once that was completely believable, and I can't imagine two more unlikely people in a relationship! The thing is to read the fic with an open mind and if you ultimately don't like it, it's okay, but it is the author's right to work in whatever manner they wish and as they are putting their creative spirits on the line (so to speak), they shouldn't be criticized for that. (Okay except for the crazy space incest stuff, I just don't get that! Except, I guess, as a literary exercise, but still...).

Of course ultimately, it's hard to tell what Joss would have done with this motley crew in a series format (I mean other than torture their souls and kill them off one at a time).

Just my two cents,


Saturday, March 25, 2006 7:48 AM


I would never want to see that lol, it's just not right. I think somebody in here said it would bring out the softer side of jayne, I don't want jayne to have a softer side lol, I like him just the way he is.

"Haha, mine is an evil laugh."


Saturday, March 25, 2006 10:37 AM


TBH I've never thought about the prospect of a Jayne/Kaylee get-together. They are too comfortable with each other for there to be any attraction, they really are like brother and sister or too close to even think about the other in that way.

I will go and check out some of the aforementioned fanfics though.

Mal: Wheel never stops turning, Badger.
Badger: That only matters to the people on the rim.


Saturday, March 25, 2006 11:08 AM



Originally posted by Persephone736:
Yeah, and I think in the commentary Joss says something about him having a little crush on Kaylee. I'm not certain but I think that's what he says.

Maybe thats why he dislikes Simon so much..jealousy


Saturday, March 25, 2006 5:13 PM


A note on the Anara/Simon thing. I think in Out Of Gas commentary director Tim Minear hints at something like this when Anara and Simon are talking about how they thought they were going to die. Also this wasn't necessarily ruined by the movie. I think it would be interesting to find out that the only reason Simon went to Kaylee was because Anara left. Even though she was back it was only supposed to be for a short time and he just moved on. If she were to stay that could create some interesting tension and reopen all the other possibilities like Jayne and Kaylee.


Saturday, March 25, 2006 6:10 PM


Yea, i had never really thought about Jayne and Kaylee together before this thread..

You've got me athinkn' I really do like that idea. Simon and Kaylee always seemed "too right" if that's possible. They seem the obvious choice.

Thanks for opening my eyes to the world of Jaylee.



Saturday, March 25, 2006 6:25 PM


I'm personally a Simon/Kaylee shipper (mostly 'cause I'm lazy and have little imagination), but I believe that Jaylee should get bonus points, based soley on its name. (Brilliant! It meshes so perfectly. A little too perfectly...) Much better than Silee (What's up with that?)

But I'm glad Leiasky started this thread, 'cause I too have never quite understood where Jaylee is coming from (I find it a mite unsettling, myself). So I'm glad that I've heard (ie. read) the thoughts behind it. I don't necessarily agree with these thoughts, but I will fight to the death for your rights to think them.

Yay, tolerance.

Could you please just make it stranger? Just stranger. Odder. Could be weirder. More bizarre. How about uncanny?
~Joss Whedon


Sunday, March 26, 2006 10:03 AM


UPDATE: Ok, read some of the fanfic. I'm converted. I'm a Jaylee shipper

Simon/Kaylee is too safe/obvious - Jaylee just fits better. Kaylee deserves someone who will protect her, and she would bring out Jayne's already hinted at softer side.

Mal: Wheel never stops turning, Badger.
Badger: That only matters to the people on the rim.


Monday, March 27, 2006 6:11 AM


Yup, what Jacqui said.


Monday, March 27, 2006 7:02 AM


Jacqui, I have to hand it to you. Before your post, I had never understood what anyone would see in a Jaylee relationship. Now I'm itching to go home and watch my DVDs again!


Monday, March 27, 2006 7:49 AM


>Jacqui, I have to hand it to you. Before your post, I had never understood what anyone would see in a Jaylee relationship. Now I'm itching to go home and watch my DVDs again!

I did the same thing last night. Watched the first disc but I just absolutely don't see it. Not a damn thing that would hint at Kaylee having the least bit of anything but a little sister relationship with Jayne. And his protectiveness toward her just doesn't seem like anything more than an older brother protecting a little sister.

Jacqui is the ONLY Jaylee writer that has ever been able to come CLOSE to convincing me that a K/J relationship might work (but even then I still cringe at the pairing - not the writing, which is excellent). If people are interested in that pairing, I would recomend people read her stuff.

"A government is a body of people usually notably ungoverned."


Tuesday, April 4, 2006 6:28 AM



Originally posted by JynnanTonnyx:

In the unfilmed script - forgotten what it's called - we definately see that Jayne has a soft spot for Kaylee ("bastards singed my turtle" - best quote EVER).

...Unfilmed script? Where can I find it?? Also, where is the interview with Adam Baldwin that has all his musings on Jayne?

How could I have missed these things? *shakes head in woe*


Some people juggle geese.


Tuesday, April 4, 2006 7:06 AM


in the audio commentary of serenity the episode, when jayne is looking into the infirmary from the stairs joss says "and jayne obviously has a crush on kaylee"


Tuesday, April 4, 2006 9:44 AM


>and jayne obviously has a crush on kaylee"

Yet he doesn't say this was in any way reciprocated.

Jayne is more suited for the whores he seeks out regularly rather than sweet, little Kaylee. :)

"A government is a body of people usually notably ungoverned."


Tuesday, April 4, 2006 9:45 AM


>Unfilmed script? Where can I find it??

It's called 'Dead or Alive' and I think you can find it here on these forums.

"A government is a body of people usually notably ungoverned."


Tuesday, April 4, 2006 12:52 PM


Ooh. No sign of it so far in my search. Got a link?


I am a leaf on the wind. Watch how I soar...


Tuesday, April 4, 2006 12:56 PM



Could you please just make it stranger? Just stranger. Odder. Could be weirder. More bizarre. How about uncanny?
~Joss Whedon


Tuesday, April 4, 2006 2:39 PM


In my opion I think that Kaylee could be with anyone because she seeks the good in everything and doesnt get blown over or turn sour because of others bad judgements

Someday the verse will spit in your soup but at least they gave you soup.


Tuesday, April 4, 2006 3:01 PM


Here's a civil response to Leiasky's question about Jayne and Kaylee, becasue I've wondered this too. The only things I can think of are:

1) Jayne and Kaylee are the only two on the ship without someone to hook up with - Zoe's with Wash, Cap'n & Inara are hot for eachother, Book is celibate, and Simon is too busy with River.

2) Jayne continually makes sexual remarks about Kaylee - getting "lubed up" over Simon and wishing he was a gynecologist in the pilot, wanting to hear more about her B.O.B "twitching her nethers" in Serenity, plus a few others at various points in the series.

3) Before Simon came on Jayne was the only option Kaylee had.

Miss Kitty 34


Tuesday, April 4, 2006 3:02 PM


> Before Simon came on Jayne was the only option Kaylee had

Very true!

And they still didn't get together even with no Simon in the picture :)

"A government is a body of people usually notably ungoverned."


Tuesday, April 4, 2006 3:11 PM



Originally posted by MissKitty34:
"twitching her nethers"

That's classic!


Tuesday, April 4, 2006 3:31 PM


I have to agree with Leiasky's post above, Jayne was the only viable option on the ship and they still didn't get together. It has also been pointed out that Jayne and Kaylee have similar backgrounds. That's all good and well but I think that's part of the attraction between Simon and Kaylee, that they are so different. It's not a recipe for disaster, I know plenty of couples that are completely different, from different parts of the country, different backgrounds, all that stuff, and they are still together. My one friend went to boarding school, attended Ivy League, is working on her masters and her boyfriend is from a small town and worked his way up through his company with minimal education. They've been together for four years now (hopefully he will get off his ass and ask her to marry him-we all have our fingers crossed!). That argument just doesn't hold weight for me, I mean, I've dated Republicans ( which is inevitable where I live!). Just my thoughts on that one particular issue.


Wednesday, April 5, 2006 7:27 PM


>Yet he doesn't say this was in any way reciprocated.

It's Joss's verse, like he's really going to let a couple be happy? do we need to review all the ruined couples that lay in this man's wake? Buffy/Angel Zander/Cordy Willow/Oz Buffy/Riley Willow/Tara Zander/Anya Buffy/Spike Angel/Cordy Fred/Gunn Weasley/Cordy Weasly/and the one chick who's name I can't remember but she worked for Wolfram and Hart. Weasly/Fred (oh that one killed me, I honest to goodness cried) That one reminds me the most. The Weasley/Fred/Gunn triangle is so similar of the Simon/Kaylee/Jayne. He was just laying the foundation to screw with all of the charaters and probably (again,for examples of this look at his body of work) just kill them off.


Friday, April 7, 2006 6:06 AM



Originally posted by Jana:

Originally posted by JynnanTonnyx:

In the unfilmed script - forgotten what it's called - we definately see that Jayne has a soft spot for Kaylee ("bastards singed my turtle" - best quote EVER).

...Unfilmed script? Where can I find it?? Also, where is the interview with Adam Baldwin that has all his musings on Jayne?

How could I have missed these things? *shakes head in woe*


Some people juggle geese.

Sorry I didn't see that earlier it looks like someone gave you the link to the "Dead or Alive" script. I wouldn't say that it's further evidence towards Jaylee, just more evidence that Jayne has a little crush (in Joss's words too). I'm really not a Jaylee shipper - I like my ships dark, painful and full of redemption which is why I ship Rayne *woo*

You're really gonna make me find that interview aren't you? *sigh* It's gonna take a while coz I have no idea when or where I saw it. Watch this space

"It's just an object. It doesn't mean what you think."


Friday, April 7, 2006 7:38 AM


I watched the series and the movies before finding this site, or fanfic of any kind. It wasn't until I started reading fanfic that the Jaylee concept even occurred to me.

That said, I can totally see a Jayne/Kaylee hook-up. Still, I think some of the arguements made by the Jaylee shippers are a little stretched (easy to do when you want to see something).

If anyone is interested in how it would sound/work, I highly reccomend Jacqui's work. Start with one shot pieces like "Whiskey Bears" or "Sometimes." You'll get the idea soon enough. She captuers ALL the character's voices very well.

Plus, I've been a Joss Whedon fan for a loooong time. He is very, very good at laying the groundwork in one season for things that happen with characters two or three seasons down the road. Though I don't see a whole lot between Jayne and Kaylee yet (beyond caring, comfortable friendship), I think the way Joss played it definately set things up for future drama. Furthermore, I've heard he came out and said as much...that a love triangle was in the works for down the road.

Now that I've been exposed to the Jaylee concept, I can't see it any other way. In my opinion, they would make the most adorable couple in the verse.


Friday, April 7, 2006 7:43 AM


>You're really gonna make me find that interview aren't you? *sigh* It's gonna take a while coz I have no idea when or where I saw it.

What interview?

There is a Q&A with Joss on the Australian DVD of Serenity where someone actually comes out and pointedly asks him if S/K would stay together.

I've only seen it once, but I believe Joss' response was 'I think they have a good chance', after hemming and hawing a bit over the answer. Anyone else see it?

While I know people like to compare the love triangle stuff with his previous shows, Firefly is nothing like Buffy/Angel, and I just don't believe he'd take the relationships with these characters to the extents he took those.

"A government is a body of people usually notably ungoverned."






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