If Firefly was treated like Star Trek...

UPDATED: Sunday, August 6, 2006 13:31
VIEWED: 9735
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Thursday, August 3, 2006 1:46 PM


Can you imagine? Six TV series and ten films?!?

Five TV series (with names slightly altered for Firefly):

Firefly: The Animated Series
Firefly: The Next Generation
Firefly: Deep Space Niska (Niska's space station)
Firefly: Voyager
Firefly: Serenity

Ten films (ditto to above):

Serenity: The Motion Picture
Serenity II: The Wrath of Early
Serenity III: The Search for Wash


Thursday, August 3, 2006 1:52 PM


Worse yet. 'Coats would be defined as a class of folk too geeky to be defined. No offense to the Broncoat/Trekkies out there. Would just hate for 'coats to be wrongly classified. Browncoats are so diverse it is painful to try rememberin' where everyone comes from. Makes us more like family.


Thursday, August 3, 2006 1:56 PM


That would be nice. Except i don't know if i could really get into a Firefly series without Mal, Zoe, Simon, Kaylee, River, Jayne, or Inara (seeing as how Book and Wash are gone now). Or some or even one of those characters. But then again, that's probably what Trekkies said. lol


Thursday, August 3, 2006 2:21 PM


if Firefly were treated like Star Trek then...

the first movie wouldn't have come until ten years after the cancelation of the TV show

and the spin-off sequel TV show would come another 5-7 years after that movie...

I'm thinking we won't have to wait that long! LOL

River Dancing on River's Dream images at Cafe Press:


Thursday, August 3, 2006 2:23 PM


Yeah... I just don't like much of Star Trek outside of TOS... and TNG... and.... DS9... Alright! I'm not very discriminate in my Star Trek. Sorry.

But, if we had Wrath of Khan, Search for Spock scenario, one of our characters would have to have kids, and yell at "Khan" for killing them... I mean, come on. We are about the original storylines of the Joss. I look at Star Trek when I want one of the most successful Sci-fi Series-ss-es-s ever. I look at Firefly, I want Firefly. Which means I want our BDH. If Firefly and Star Trek aired at the same times on different channels, I would have to TiVo Firefly and watch Star Trek, because my family wouldn't let me do the reverse.

Don't call me a bad Browncoat, please? I just have what I've been exposed to much more firmly, and what I watched because I think I saw the wrong mix of Sci-fi teasers. (Heheh... that's what happens when I think it's a vampire pyro flick... it took me a few episodes before I realized it was Whedon...)

May not be smart, and it may not please you, but you're definitely gonna see what I have to say.


Thursday, August 3, 2006 2:41 PM


Can you imagine Mal saying "Make it so."

Or Kaylee telling Mal that if you hook the thingy to the watchamacallit we can pass through the portal without creating an adverse vortex.

Yes. I do enjoy Star Trek. It has a place in my heart, but never mix these two. I'm am shaking just typing this.

Can you imagine Wash saying, "You presume I have feelings to hurt." This would rip a hole in the fabric of time and space.

Give me Kaylee's "I love my captain." or Jayne's "I'll be in my bunk."

Can you imagine Pecard yelling about space monkeys.

I will admit Gina Torres would look fine in those tight outfits they always seem to find for the ladies on Star Trek shows. No frumpy uniforms for their women. Sometimes I think they spray painted Seven of Nine's outfits on her. Yes I could see Gina in something like that. I'm sure Wash wouldn't mind. Good way to end this post with that thought in my mind.

I'll be in my bunk.


Thursday, August 3, 2006 2:51 PM


Well, i think the OP meant having that many films or series. Not "make it so" and whatnot.

And you are absolutely right, that would not be a good mix.


Thursday, August 3, 2006 3:01 PM


How wonderful would it be not only to have episodes we could judge as completely awful, but ENTIRE SERIES!

I would totally risk a few Voyagers and Enterprises for a Next Gen and DS9. I'd even be fairly comfortable with an ep where Mal's brain is removed and used to run a small planet.

I'm very new to this 'verse but I don't think I'll ever be able to comprehend why some tv shows have been on for years, yet Firefly (and a few others) got killed after such a short time. (Hell, I'm still reeling over the cancellation of Lou Grant! ;)

It has to happen. There's some network out there that knows this. They have to. Right?

Walk tall, or don't walk at all...


Thursday, August 3, 2006 3:02 PM


Sorry for the double post - an error page after I clicked submit punked me.


Thursday, August 3, 2006 3:33 PM


I'd love it if we could get that much Firefly.

If Firefly was treated like Star Trek, they'd name the CEV "Serenity"!

(CEV is the Space Shuttle replacement.)

Also, Doctor Demento would play songs about it. Does anyone else remember "Star Trekkin'"?

Star Trekkin' across the Universe/
Always going forward cuz we can't find reverse/
I have to say he's dead, Jim/
Dead, Jim/
Dead, Jim/
I have to say he's dead, Jim/
Dead, Jim/

Of course, if Firefly were more like Star Trek, there would also be spoofs - oh wait there is - Mosquito!



Thursday, August 3, 2006 3:48 PM


Trek and Firefly are two different animals. Done right, it could work.

A non-Starfleet crew. A civillian captain with issues about Starfleet (perhaps he was rejected by the Academy, or maybe he had a close encounter with Section 31, or he's a former Maquis. . . Yeah, the former Maquis angle would work perfect). Assorted non-fleet characters (there's gotta be a Jayne-like Klingon out there somewhere, they can't all by high-bred warrior-poets), a girl with a secret (and there're plenty to go around).

Mal: human, ex-Maquis. His people were abandoned by the Federation, his home bombed by the Cardassians, his fellow rebels massacred by the Jem'Hadar, then he was denied shelter by the Bajorans 'cause he wasn't one of them (they took in some Maquis survivors after the war).
Zoe: also ex-Maquis (so likely either human or Bajoran, or maybe Vulcan or Andorian). Part of Mal's cell, and the only other survivor. She'll follow him to Hell and back.
Wash: ace pilot, any species, washed out of Starfleet Academy for discipline problems.
Jayne: renegade Klingon. Low birth, low education. Honor's for soldiers, he's just lookin' to get paid, drunk, and sexed.
Kaylee: any species (likely human or Bolian). A gifted tech, but from a border world --too far away from the Federation core to have any chance of getting to the Academy.
Inara: a Deltan prostitute, but with a mysterious past.
Book: a Bajoran Prylar. His mystrious past isn't; pretty much every Bajoran alive was involved in the Resistance in some way. He's planted his fair share of homemade bombs and stolen his share of military ordnance. Mal doesn't like him much, but develops a grudging respect --the Prylar isn't the one who left him out in the black.
Simon: River's brother. He rescued her from Section 31. They're on the run now, not knowing who to trust or how far the conspiracy extends. For all they know, all of Starfleet could be in on it.
River: a broken, panicked human girl. She was part of a Section 31 experiment to create a super-soldier capable of going toe-to-toe with Jem'Hadar. Like all after-birth genemods, she's mentally unstable. She also has a full range of Augment abilities, unmatched since Khan's heyday.

The Federation isn't a Communism (most people think that based on the shows, which aren't about the Federation, they're about Starfleet, which is a military-styled organization), but it is a cash-free economy. Thanks to replicators, every citizen has effectively unlimited buying power. Trouble is, Replicators can make parts, not power, and not large objects. They also need a supply of matter to work from (can't build something atom-by-atom without, y'know, atoms).

'Course, not everybody has replicators, 'specially out on the frontier and after the Dominion War. So we deal in latinum, or dilithium, or favours, or parts. Cashy money and services rendered. There's a lot of salvage out here since the War, but a lot of Official-type people don't want us civillians getting our grubby mits on it.

Our warp drive doesn't go over warp 4.6 (it was fourth-hand when we got the ship), and we can't recrystalize dilithium like those fancy line ships. We've also had to eject two anti-matter pods after starting to lose containment, and anti-matter's the most expensive and controlled substance in space. With two fugitives aboard, we've had to start siphoning anti-matter from derelicts or. . . people with too much money and not enough sense.

With the heat on our trail and no one in Starfleet we can trust, only place left is the place the captain refuses to set foot --what used to be Cardassian space. Of course, there is money to be made, if one doesn't mind contributing to the spoon-heads' reconstruction.

Maybe we should try the wormhole, but that'd risk running us into Jem'Hadar, Vorta, Changelings, and Prophets only know what else.

The Bluehands: Section 31 agents. Or Tal Shiar agents. Or leftover Obsidian Order agents.

Reavers: Take your pick. Borg, renegade Jem'Hadar, Cardassian rebels, Breen, neural parasites, the Orion Syndicate.

Alliance: Any big government. The Federation's Starfleet, the Klingon Empire, the Bajoran home guard, the Cardassian navy.

Badger: Quark.

Monty: Morn.

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


Thursday, August 3, 2006 3:49 PM



Originally posted by CarolJude:
Mal's brain is removed and used to run a small planet.

God help whoever tries that plan.

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


Thursday, August 3, 2006 3:51 PM


It would be awesome IMO, if we had that much media to watch. Six TV series and ten films of Firefly?!?

*has nerdgasm*


Thursday, August 3, 2006 4:11 PM



Don't worry about the double post. I have done it several times. A double post is better than no post at all. I beleave you may still find a thread where someone ended up with over 800. Yes 800 of them. I'm sure it was a what I call a *"glich" in the system, but if you can break that record more power to you.

*High Tech Lingo.

In truth my last post was just me having fun.

I know no one would cross these two programs.

But the image of Mal dressed up like Pecard made me laugh. Than an image of Kaylee in coveralls and grease on her face and saying to Spock "I'm pointing right at it."

Well I had to share.


Thursday, August 3, 2006 4:34 PM


Traveler, do you know what topic that was? I want to find it. Just to see it.


Thursday, August 3, 2006 4:36 PM


I sure would love to hear Jayne say "Bonk Bonk on the head!"

Walk tall, or don't walk at all...


Thursday, August 3, 2006 5:13 PM


I should have wrote that one down. Had something to do with a convention out east. I know. Not much help. I almost wanted to start something crazy with it but the guy felt so bad I couldn't do it.

These cursed computers can really bit you sometimes. I firmly beleave HAL is alive and well in the system and playing games with us.

"Scotty. Need. Help. Now."

"Captain, I can't beam you up. Transporter is clogged with 800 posts."


Friday, August 4, 2006 3:28 AM


One of the reasons that Star Trek increased in popularity after being cancelled was due to the number of times it was rerun on TV. At the time, the networks wouldn't rerun a series unless it had so many episodes (I think that it was somewhere around 60 but I'm not sure) and the original Star Trek had a few (one or two) more than the minimum. It was cheap to rerun, so it saw a lot of airtime late at night when the networks weren't showing new stuff and gained a new following because of it.

With cable and satellite TV, this isn't as much of an issue anymore but its an interesting piece of trivia that just farther to show my nerd-ishness. Oh well.


Friday, August 4, 2006 4:28 AM


Okay, whoever brought up Star Trekkin'... it's a song that would probably make much more sense high. And if it was quoted properly.

Star Trekkin' across the Universe
On the Starship Enterprise
Under Captain Kirk
Star Trekkin' across the Universe
Boldly going forwards cause we can't find reverse

Lieutenant Uhura, Report.

There's Klingons on the starboard bow, starboard bow, starboard bow,
There's Klingons on the starboard bow, starboard bow, Jim.

Analysis, Mr. Spock.

It's life, Jim, but not as we know it, but not as we know it, but not as we know it,
It's life, Jim, but not as we know it, not as we know it, Captain.

There's Klingons on the starboard bow, starboard bow, starboard bow,
There's Klingons on the starboard bow, starboard bow, Jim.

Star Trekkin' across the Universe
On the Starship Enterprise,
under Captain Kirk
Star Trekkin' across the Universe,
Boldly going forwards,
Still can't find reverse.

Medical update, Doctor McCoy

It's worse than that, he's dead, Jim, dead, Jim, dead, Jim,
It's worse than that, he's dead, Jim, dead, Jim, dead.

Starship Captain James T. Kirk

WE come in peace, shoot to kill, shoot to kill, shoot to kill,
We come in peace, shoot to kill, shoot to kill, shoot to kill, men.

McCoy, Spock

There's Klingons on the starboard bow, starbard bow, starboard bow,
There's Klingons on the starboard bow, scrape 'em off, Jim!

Star Trekkin' across the Universe
On the Starship Enterprise,
Under Captain Kirk,
Star Trekkin' across the Universe
Boldly going forwards, and things are getting worse.

Engine Room, Mr. Scott.

Ye cannae change the laws of physics, laws of physics, laws of physics,
Ye cannae change the laws of physics, laws of physics, Jim!

Kirk, McCoy, Spock, Uhura

Ye cannae change the script, Jim,
och, see it Jimmy?

It's worse than that, it's physics Jim!

Bridge to Engine Room, warp factor nine!

I cannae give her anymore or she'll blow Captain!

Red alert, red alert alert alert

Star Trekkin' across the Universe
On the Starship Enterprise,
Under Captain Kirk
Star Trekkin' across the Universe
Boldly going forwards cause we can't find reverse

Star Trekkin' across the Universe
On the Starship Enterprise,
Under Captain Kirk,
Star Trekkin' across the Universe
Boldly going forwards cause we can't find reverse.

I will eventually adapt this to Firefly, but it will take time. And my name, Fizzix? Yeah, it's said like Physics. Actually, it is Physics, but cooler.

May not be smart, and it may not please you, but you're definitely gonna see what I have to say.


Friday, August 4, 2006 5:26 AM


Ah hell, now I have a picture in my head of Jayne confronting a bowl of Klingon cooking...

First fic, I named two of my expendable characters 'red tunic' in chinese (the arsonist was called 'dangerous smoke') Sad on so many levels.

And now I am going to have to write something that has River saying, 'illogical, Captain'...


Friday, August 4, 2006 5:57 AM



Originally posted by Fizzix:
Okay, whoever brought up Star Trekkin'... it's a song that would probably make much more sense high. And if it was quoted properly.

Hey, it's on Youtube:


Friday, August 4, 2006 6:04 AM


And I thought the song was scary on its own.... I didn't know there was a video...... *shudders*

May not be smart, and it may not please you, but you're definitely gonna see what I have to say.


Friday, August 4, 2006 6:20 AM



Yes. I do enjoy Star Trek. It has a place in my heart, but never mix these two. I'm am shaking just typing this.

Oh, it would work wunderfully! Could you just imagine Jayne walking through the enterprise with Vera in his arms?

Or Ryker becoming all interested in Inara and Mals reaction to it?

Or Mal shooting an old, dying friend, who had just been half-eaten by reavers, and Dr. Crusher becoming all upset about that?

You might be able to tell, I'm writing on a crossover fanfic at the moment, and it's just so much fun to have these two worlds collide.


My lessons learned from Firefly (no. 12):
If you're floating in space all alone, your chances are one in about... a very big number. (well… here I am)


Friday, August 4, 2006 7:43 AM



Originally posted by nvghostrider:
Worse yet. 'Coats would be defined as a class of folk too geeky to be defined. No offense to the Broncoat/Trekkies out there. Would just hate for 'coats to be wrongly classified. Browncoats are so diverse it is painful to try rememberin' where everyone comes from. Makes us more like family.

I hate to tell you but, as a Trek fan of over 30 years, the one group of fans who most remind me of Trekkies are Browncoats - and there's nothing wrong with that. Sure, Trekkies are seen as geeks but, in case you didn't know, so are all Sci-Fi fans be they SG-1 fans, Star Wars fans, Browncoats or whoever. The general public will put us all in together, even though we're from every walk of life - I'm a Catholic priest for example. I know there will be rivalry between fans but there shouldn't be any snobbery. We're die-hard fans and that's what makes us mighty, that's what ensures that the Force is with us and that's what makes sure that we'll all Live Long and Prosper!


Friday, August 4, 2006 8:14 AM


I just keep it these images in my mind. What if the brain of Jayne from Firefly was switched with the Jane from Voyager be evil aliens. I say evil because this would obviously be evil.

Jayne would be "Where are my man parts?"

Jane would be "Got to try this out."

Must leave this thread. Run to nearest airlock. Or if on Enterprize, nearest transporter.


Friday, August 4, 2006 8:54 AM


I think you`ve just written the background for the next Star Trek series, if it ever gets made.


Flight Instructor: Son, know what the first rule of flying is?
Me: Don`t crash?


Friday, August 4, 2006 9:41 AM


Sadly it wouldn't work.

When they made TNG (and Roddenberry realized that he had a franchise on his hands), he created a "franchise bible." It's like a series bible, except that it deals with all subsequent TV series. His rules were thus:

-All Star Trek series must centre on a Starfleet crew.
-The central character of any Trek series (which usually works out to be the Captain) must be human. (This is because Trek is an allegory, and regardless of how many aliens there are, it must be "about" humans.)

(There are nonhuman captains in Starfleet, of course, but none of them can ever be allowed to carry a series.)

DS9 played fast and loose with this (Starfleet crew, but a whole passel of civillian characters. Human captain, but he effectively became a Bajoran citizen), but all other series must either follow these rules (and alienate the fandom that wants something new and creative) or throw out Roddenberry's "Creative Vision" (and alienate the fandom that considers TOS to be Gospel and Roddenberry to be God).

The only loophole is through the novels (alien captains, non-Starfleet crews, civillian life). . .

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


Friday, August 4, 2006 3:27 PM



Originally posted by goat:
One of the reasons that Star Trek increased in popularity after being cancelled was due to the number of times it was rerun on TV. At the time, the networks wouldn't rerun a series unless it had so many episodes (I think that it was somewhere around 60 but I'm not sure) and the original Star Trek had a few (one or two) more than the minimum. It was cheap to rerun, so it saw a lot of airtime late at night when the networks weren't showing new stuff and gained a new following because of it.

With cable and satellite TV, this isn't as much of an issue anymore but its an interesting piece of trivia that just farther to show my nerd-ishness. Oh well.

My poor mom... for quite a long time, dinner was eaten promptly at 6pm, off a tv tray, with good old Channel 11 (NY) in the place of honor. Wanna hear geek to the nth degree? I used to TAPE them on one of those 5lb metal push-button tape recorders (rectangular with a handle on one end, remember, old people?) then either play them to fall asleep by or bring the tapes to misfit-artsy-kid daycamp the next day, so we could all listen. It was a primitive version of portable DVD players, lol!

I think there were 78 episodes plus the pilot? It's hard to even imagine - 78 episodes spread over only 3 years. Boggles the mind, doesn't it? Back then, it was normal. Sigh.

Walk tall, or don't walk at all...


Friday, August 4, 2006 10:53 PM


Since the current situation with Star Trek seems to be that the franchise is all but dead, Paramount appears to be be in the process of selling off props and breaking up sets. It seems likely to me that if Star Trek is to continue in some form then its likely that whoever is now in charge will decide to throw away the bible and take it in a new direction.
Since new ideas in Hollywood are about as rare as finding a grass lawn in the Sahara then its likely that they will `borrow` from other series.
As Firefly, despite its short run and initial apparent failure now has a growing fanbase, has been well received in the SF community generally and has already had some influence on subsequent series its a prime candidate for being mined for ideas.


Flight Instructor: Son, know what the first rule of flying is?
Me: Don`t crash?


Saturday, August 5, 2006 2:13 AM


I heard tell that J.J. Abrams, creator of Lost and Mission: Impossible 3, is set to direct the next Star Trek movie once he's finished with Lost, and that it's gonna be focusing on a young Kirk and Spock in the Starfleet academy, if anyones interested.

"The patients were cynical and not responding."


Saturday, August 5, 2006 6:36 AM


Anyone here seen this?



Saturday, August 5, 2006 6:44 AM


Oh, the Young Kirk Young Spock rumor's been about for forever and a half.... I wouldn't take too much stock in what you don't know for a fact. Which is odd, because I see Star Trek timeline as real. WE all just SLEPT through the Eugenics wars...

May not be smart, and it may not please you, but you're definitely gonna see what I have to say.


Saturday, August 5, 2006 7:55 AM


Firefly: The Animated Series (Seranime)
Firefly: The Next Generation

Firefly: Deep Space Niska (Niska's space station)
Firefly: Voyager
Lost in the Yucatan Delta with out a map (or a paddle).
Firefly: Serenity
Set a hundred years in the past with a ship far more advanced than the original.

Serenity: The Motion Picture
Serenity II: The Wrath of Early
"I'll chase him round the verse before I give him up, does that seem right to you?"
Serenity III: The Search for Wash
When River tells Mal that she's carrying Wash's soul (which explains how she is suddenly able to fly the ship) he decides to reunite soul with body. Forgetting that the Wash is decomposed and Rivers schizophrenic.
Serenity IV: The Voyeur at Home
Mal desperate for Inara's affections drills a 'dirty hole' in the side of her shuttle, hilarity ensues.
Serenity V: Family Frontier
Finally getting together Mal and Inara are expecting children. Not everything goes to plan when the Quintuplets are born...
Serenity VI: The Undiscovered Courtesan
What is Kaylee doing sneaking away at night?

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
No one can see their reflection in running water. It is only in still water that we can see.


Saturday, August 5, 2006 8:03 AM


EEEAGGH! My eyes, my eyes!!!

You unspeakable fiend. I shall now have nightmares.

Mind you, animated Firefly could work if they got the folks as did the Matriculation chapter of the Animatrix on it...


Saturday, August 5, 2006 8:57 AM



Originally posted by Fizzix:
WE all just SLEPT through the Eugenics wars...

You'll want to check out Greg Cox's Eugenics Wars trilogy. Star Trek meets X-Files, meets the unproduced Gary Seven spin-off (of which Assignment Earth was supposed to be the pilot).

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


Saturday, August 5, 2006 11:00 AM


When I read the title I thought, "If Firefly was treated like Star Trek, it wouldn't be Firefly!" Then I actually thought about it and realized I could live with it.

JOSSIS(Most Definitely)AGOD

Self appointed Forsaken! Been on the list for a while now!
98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature.
"Look at me, I'm STUPID!" The Doctor.


Saturday, August 5, 2006 12:47 PM


...then The BDM would have been made years after the fact, when the cast were all decrepit (although I believe the heroes will look better older than the cast of Star Trek ever did), and the film would have been rubbish.

ST:The Motion Picture was a dumb and, as it transpired, wholly misleading title. I applied the cortical electrodes, but I couldn't see anything resembing movement.

Then loads of films would be made.

A sickening contrast with Serenity, although in a completely different league as far as quality goes, left languishing.



Saturday, August 5, 2006 1:30 PM



Originally posted by nanite1018:
Traveler, do you know what topic that was? I want to find it. Just to see it.

'Twas the legendary minime:

And according to my word processor, her post showed up exactly 806 times.

Sliders: Gate Haven -


Saturday, August 5, 2006 2:12 PM


Okay, that was amazing! lol.


Saturday, August 5, 2006 9:39 PM


That would be horrible for one single reason...

Matt Damon as Malcolm Reynolds.


Saturday, August 5, 2006 10:05 PM


"No power in the 'verse can stop me!"

"I love my Captain!"


Saturday, August 5, 2006 10:15 PM


"No power in the 'verse can stop me!"


Originally posted by Cybersnark:
Trek and Firefly are two different animals. Done right, it could work.

A non-Starfleet crew. A civillian captain with issues about Starfleet (perhaps he was rejected by the Academy, or maybe he had a close encounter with Section 31, or he's a former Maquis. . . Yeah, the former Maquis angle would work perfect). Assorted non-fleet characters (there's gotta be a Jayne-like Klingon out there somewhere, they can't all by high-bred warrior-poets), a girl with a secret (and there're plenty to go around).

Mal: human, ex-Maquis. His people were abandoned by the Federation, his home bombed by the Cardassians, his fellow rebels massacred by the Jem'Hadar, then he was denied shelter by the Bajorans 'cause he wasn't one of them (they took in some Maquis survivors after the war).
Zoe: also ex-Maquis (so likely either human or Bajoran, or maybe Vulcan or Andorian). Part of Mal's cell, and the only other survivor. She'll follow him to Hell and back.
Wash: ace pilot, any species, washed out of Starfleet Academy for discipline problems.
Jayne: renegade Klingon. Low birth, low education. Honor's for soldiers, he's just lookin' to get paid, drunk, and sexed.
Kaylee: any species (likely human or Bolian). A gifted tech, but from a border world --too far away from the Federation core to have any chance of getting to the Academy.
Inara: a Deltan prostitute, but with a mysterious past.
Book: a Bajoran Prylar. His mystrious past isn't; pretty much every Bajoran alive was involved in the Resistance in some way. He's planted his fair share of homemade bombs and stolen his share of military ordnance. Mal doesn't like him much, but develops a grudging respect --the Prylar isn't the one who left him out in the black.
Simon: River's brother. He rescued her from Section 31. They're on the run now, not knowing who to trust or how far the conspiracy extends. For all they know, all of Starfleet could be in on it.
River: a broken, panicked human girl. She was part of a Section 31 experiment to create a super-soldier capable of going toe-to-toe with Jem'Hadar. Like all after-birth genemods, she's mentally unstable. She also has a full range of Augment abilities, unmatched since Khan's heyday.

Didn't they make this one... I'm sure they did! They called it 'Star Trek:Voyager' - Only Capt Jane wasn't originally Marquis - she just invited them on board... gave them positions of trust...

Wash was renamed Tom Paris... yes that's his profile exactly!!

Jayne and Kaylee were combined into one character - ever fiesty and ready to go into battle, but brilliant with a thingamy-divett and a coupling-whatsit.... and I think Inara was that cute little alien who was in love with Tom Paris but couldn't committ, esp as her life-span would be less than the entire season! (5 or 7 years???)

Yeah - it's coming back to me now... I never did get into Voyager like I was into ST:TNG or DS9 - DS9 was my favourite!

"I love my Captain!"


Saturday, August 5, 2006 11:19 PM


I have been sick and got to watch this whole firefly series, ONLY ONE series, in Oz, we don't get a lot of Sci Fi series, hey, we made 'Farscape' and it got canceled.
The stories were interesting, and the people really clicked. sex in any star trek I've seen (not a real fan), and this had me checking that it was not a european production there was ...well... xes, and a grown up sort, not teenage.... but I loved the costumes, the chinese (as an applied linguist, I've pondered this, and it will be Spanlish, more Spanish with English rules and Please Please, Spanish spelling, then thrown in a little Chinese, like the numbers, and a few ideograms in leiu of icons) I loved the costumes too. Where can I write a fan story for it?



Sunday, August 6, 2006 7:44 AM




Sunday, August 6, 2006 7:54 AM


I did really enjoy Trek and Next Gen, but Firefly absolutely blows them out of the water. I think Babylon 5 is much closer to Firefly than Trek is. Which may be why they barely managed to get their five years and then had their spinoff cancelled after a couple of episodes.

Oh ... and Firefly stills blows it out of the water


Sunday, August 6, 2006 8:41 AM



Originally posted by magdalena:
Didn't they make this one... I'm sure they did! They called it 'Star Trek:Voyager' - Only Capt Jane wasn't originally Marquis - she just invited them on board... gave them positions of trust...

Wash was renamed Tom Paris... yes that's his profile exactly!!

Jayne and Kaylee were combined into one character - ever fiesty and ready to go into battle, but brilliant with a thingamy-divett and a coupling-whatsit.... and I think Inara was that cute little alien who was in love with Tom Paris but couldn't committ, esp as her life-span would be less than the entire season! (5 or 7 years???)

Ah, but Janeway ensured that Voyager remained a Starfleet ship, with a predominantly Starfleet crew (even if Chakotay's entire cell had survived the Caretaker's abduction, they'd still only be able to make up less than a third of Voyager's complement). Even Chakotay himself was a former Starfleet officer, as was B'elanna (well, B'elanna was at the Academy. Don't know if she actually graduated before getting kicked out).

Tom Paris wasn't as much of a funnyman as Wash --plus he had all his unresolved father issues (trying to live up to dad's impossible/unreasonable standards, in a career Tom didn't even get to choose). And technically, Tom didn't wash out, he quit to join the Maquis, then quit the Maquis and got himself arrested. Tom's arc (from womanizing rebel and layabout to respectible officer, husband, and father-to-be) was one of the series' high points.

And there's nothing Kaylee-like about B'elanna Torres --she's pretty much exactly what you'd expect a half-Klingon Starfleet-trained rebel engineer to be. Torres' technical aptitude isn't instinctual, but the result of training and years of having to make do with whatever she could beg, borrow, steal, or scavenge.

Kes is about as unlike Inara as could be --she's actually more like Kaylee or River. And she was never romantically linked to Tom (though he and Neelix did fight over her). She first appeared as Neelix's (wholly-dedicated) lover, then grew apart from him as she explored her psychic powers (she was kept as a slave by the Kazon before Neelix rescued her, and she needed to learn to stand on her own strengths and not as someone's appendage --however compassionate and supportive that someone may have been). Neelix's feud with Tom was what finally broke them up (he was getting possessive, and she had to make a clean break), though they remained friends until Kes "Ascended."

Aside from the Borg and the last episode, Voyager was actually pretty good. Nowhere near as good as DS9, of course, but it doesn't really deserve the rep it had when it was on the air.

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


Sunday, August 6, 2006 1:31 PM


Sloe gin and pop rocks used in your target are dangerous when hit with the accelerator beam.
Do not try this at home, the facility and faculty will not be amused.






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