Catch phrases that you use in everyday speech

UPDATED: Wednesday, August 23, 2006 05:45
VIEWED: 11377
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Tuesday, August 22, 2006 4:36 AM


I have noticed on this board that people are very fond of using slang from Firefly as part of their everyday vernacular. I was wondering what catchy phrases from movies or TV shows that people use in their daily lives?

I tend to use the ubiquitous "D'oh" from The Simpsons as I imagine many people do. I also use variations of the phrase "getting all bendy" from Firefly when I am referring to getting upset or out of sorts.


Tuesday, August 22, 2006 4:53 AM


My wife really gets tired of all the movie lines I use all the time. Especially from Firefly, and from The Princess Bride. And some from Toy Story. A lot of others come out at random too.

Yesterday in programming the teacher was trying to type dbl (double). Well, he put bbl. Somebody told him he typed bubble, and I couldn't help it. "The Bubbles!" Then somebody else - "My Bubbles."

"We may experience some slight turbulence, and then... explode."


Tuesday, August 22, 2006 5:00 AM


"No power in the 'verse can stop me!"

A friend and I almost got the giggles at a funeral when someone mispronounced eulogy - we both love watching and quoting Zooliander so all we could think of was Eu-goo-goolizing... not good timeing though...

Bubbles get mentioned quite a bit in the household where I nanny! When ever I make them wash their hands with soap I hover over the sink and say 'my bubbles'

Same friend (Zoolander) and I say 'He-llo' in the spaced out way of the alcoholic who pretends to be Goldie Hawn's mother in 'House-sitter'

I also like to say 'Are you makin' fun of me Riz?' like Sandra D in Grease...

Oh there are so many!


Tuesday, August 22, 2006 5:07 AM


"Not so much" from Firefly.

(Few months back, MuchMusic announced their new season lineup --heavy on the talk shows, reality TV, and newsmags. One of my friends complained that it was going the way of MTV in the 90s, and I agreed, calling it Not-So-MuchMusic. Took me a full minute to realize why that sounded familiar. )

I've let slip a few deadpan "Because I do that" comebacks (from Webb on The Inside), when people accuse me of doing something they should know full well I never do.

Teal'c's "Indeed" is useful for so many situations, especially when one is surrounded by morons but doesn't care enough to argue with them when they say something completely wrong.

"By your command" is for when someone gives me orders (especially when said order endangers my well-being for their benefit). Of course, there is exactly one other person in this town who knows anything about sci-fi, so most people just assume I'm being rude.

I've quoted Andromeda's Harper a few times ("Lucky for you I'm a freakin' genius").

Rev Bem's funeral blessing "Eternal life grant unto him/her/them, may perpetual light shine upon him/her/them" is mumbled whenever someone dies or I pass the grave of a loved one. I also occasionally use Rev's mantra ("My pain/hunger/rage/fear/exhaustion is of the Divine. It is like wind, it is like water. It surrounds me, but is not of me. I am untouched." as a meditation when I need to reject something.

"I'm Batman" is kinda a meme among comic geeks for any act of random badassitude. Among Transfans (or readers of Walky's webcomics), it's a meme for any act of random silliness-taken-way-too-seriously.

"Frell" is my default curse (Yeah, I know, but Chinese is too hard to remember). I'm also tending more toward "frack fracking frackity-frack," which is a BSG-style riff on something Nathan said.

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


Tuesday, August 22, 2006 5:37 AM


Shiny, is my official replacement for saying cool.... I say inconcievable all the time (princess bride)... I talk backwards and every which way like yoda sometimes...I have been sayiing gorram alot also but nobody seems to notice because it sounds so much like god damn....and i quote Kung fu alot

"And I think calling him that is an insult to the psychotic lowlife community."


Tuesday, August 22, 2006 5:54 AM


Well as soon as I started to watch Firefly I started using the words gorram & gorramit a lot & started to use shiny more often but at first I used the words on purpose but a short while later I use them without even thinking.

As for other words,I use Doh a lot,even my Dad which doesn't like or watch the The Simpsons uses the word Doh.

Other words I like...
The word smeg & it's variations from Red Dwarf,
freck from BSG is one of my favorite words,
frell from Farscape,
Fong Luh,Ta Ma Dah,& Hwoon dahn! from Firefly.

And as for lines form Films I like to use,"Define interesting"..."Oh God Oh God we're all going to die".

But I really only use the words Shiny, Gorram, Gorramit, Freck, Fong Luh, Ta Ma Dah,& Hwoon dahn! in every day situations & conversations.


Go to for more info!

Things are about to get interesting...Define interesting...Oh GOD oh GOD we're all going to die.


Tuesday, August 22, 2006 5:55 AM


Ironic "Fantastic" in a Lancashire accent, in the manner of a certain Doctor... have't had much chance using any Fireflyisms yet, "piece of go-se" would probably be the most likely.


Tuesday, August 22, 2006 6:13 AM


I cannot get through a conversation without at least one qoute from a movie or show. I am absolutely serious.

I use the normal Firefly phrases and words such as "gorram", "shiny", "not so much", "pretty much", "all kindsa-", and more in normal ways. But when a situation reminds me of something, out comes the full show quotes.

Yesterday, I wished someone to "have good biology" as she went to class. She didn't get it, but my roommate did.

Once, at work, in the porta-loo, my pants button popped off. I said "did the button just fall off my gorram pants for no apparent reason?" then aswered: "looks like" and burst into laughter.

I also tend to break into Firefly induced Chinese cursing. I'm not totally sure I have the words down, but the idea is there.

As for other things nonFirefly, I also quote every other movie I've ever seen.

I say 'precious' an awful lot, and things about the 'Force'. A couple years ago I wrote a crossover parody of a line I said. "The Force has you, precious." Three huge trillogies there.

Right now can't realy think of much more. But seriously, I cannot get through a conversation without some quotes. It is part of me.

I cannot abide useless people.


Tuesday, August 22, 2006 6:28 AM


Other than Firefly? Hmmm....

I know, it's old, but I still use Mr. Spock's "fascinating" and try to pronounce it his way. Or seven of Nines "XYZ is irrelevant".

I have a client, who actually signes his business mails with "live long and prosper" (the German Version of it, anyways).


Love my captain!


Tuesday, August 22, 2006 6:39 AM


If we expand the question to include novels, fiction etc...

From the Dark Tower series:

palaver, say thank'ya, long days and pleasant nights, an't please ya, talking's done.

RIVER: They weren't cows inside. They were waiting to be, but they forgot. Now they see the sky and they remember what they are.
MAL: Is it bad that what she said made perfect sense to me?


Tuesday, August 22, 2006 10:35 AM


I admit using 'Shiny' and 'Gorramit' at least a dozen times a day. 'Shindig' when referring to a party or a large gatherin'.

There's one guy who never shut-up, so several times I found myself either thinking or saying, 'Your mouth is talkin', you might wanna see to that.' This guy only pauses a moment to TRY to understand this, but much to my dismay, he continues to talk.

'Dong Ma' is another FF term I've used. But I've bee corrected many times by my Manderin speaking friends. I keep saying it like Mal.

Wash: Closing in.
Zoe: Planet's coming up a might fast.
Wash: That's just 'cause I'm goin' down too quick. Likely crash and kill us all.
Mal: Well, if that happens, let me know.


Tuesday, August 22, 2006 11:34 AM


It takes all kinds to make the world go ‘round. Unfortunately, some are pedaling in the wrong direction...

If I were to not quote a movie or television show daily, my wife and kids would wonder what was wrong. My kids love it, giving me a perplexed look and asking, "What is that from?" I answer and they slap themselves for not remembering.

I have found Firefly and Serenity quotes sneaking into my vocabulary of late. Prior to that were the usual staples; Jim Carrey, "No child can beat me!" (How the Grinch Stole Christmas) Alan Tudyk, "I will fong you!" and "Pain, lots of pain!" (A Knight's Tale) and Seann William Scott "You want some thunder? How 'bout a little lightning?" (The Rundown)

Hey, my kids think it's hysterical. Adults look at me like I need medication, especially when I reiterate Jim Carrey's boardroom rant about his "pedantic, pontificating, pretentious old bastard" of a boss. Sometimes I just can't help myself.

Rob O.


Tuesday, August 22, 2006 11:41 AM


Aside from the usual "gorram" and "shiny," I've caught myself saying "Uh, point of interest..." and "...looks like" and "That's a neg."

Now when I'm playing Halo on Xbox Live, every other sentence is a Firefly/Serenity quote and my fellow Browncoat in battle even made our own Crazy Ivan maneuver with the warthog. We're awesome like that.


Tuesday, August 22, 2006 11:42 AM


I thought of more. Homestar Runner. That is all.

Actually not, as previously stated I quote everything. People always ask me where things are from, but I seldom have to ask other who quote. It's possible I'm odd.

"Can't. Sentence. Properly." Comes out a lot.

Zoolander, Empereror's New Groove, The Island, most Disney cartoons, X-Files ("Do you think I'm spooky?"), and... more.

I cannot abide useless people.


Tuesday, August 22, 2006 11:55 AM


Other than from Firefly, it's The Simpsons.

"D'oh" (of course), "anywho", "excellent" (in my best Mr. Burns voice), and my personal favorite "nobody wants to hear the nonsensical ravings of a loudmouth malcontent".


Tuesday, August 22, 2006 12:07 PM


I've been particularly found of

"mine is an evil laugh"


Tuesday, August 22, 2006 12:58 PM



Originally posted by Cruithne3753:
Ironic "Fantastic" in a Lancashire accent, in the manner of a certain Doctor...

Sometimes it's actually true, though. It's fun!
I love that line. It's in like, all of the 9th doctor episodes. HEhhhhee.......

I say shiny, gorram, ruttin, ... I love "indeed" "precisely"... anything that's more fun to say than what I actually want to... any sorts of Trek references, I'll scream out "KHAAAAAANNNN!!!" Similar to the way the Serenity cast screams Summer

Anything I can think of.

May not be smart, and it may not please you, but you're definitely gonna see what I have to say.


Tuesday, August 22, 2006 2:31 PM


My girlfriend has been using "that's crazy talk" on me since we met, well before she ever saw Trash. But I still think of it as a firefly line.

I use "my own self" a lot. And gorram. I've only occasionally managed to slip shiny into conversations with non-browncoats.


Tuesday, August 22, 2006 2:43 PM


simpsons, firefly, docter who, i cant get through the day that i dont quote.

the summer is hot normally but in england its more like winter!


Tuesday, August 22, 2006 2:57 PM


I have used catchphrases from books, especialy The Dark Tower series my favorite is big-big.

From tv it has to be American Dad. "Feelings are what women have, they come from their ovaries." or even better "We are Republicans and we belive in killing in every way but that one."

I must admit that the phrase I've been using most lately is from Serenity. I'm not quoting it exactly but I've found myself saying my "dear and fluffy Lord" quite a bit lately.

"Well, my days of not taking you seriously are certainly coming to a middle."


Tuesday, August 22, 2006 3:01 PM


Shiny (rather than "Cool"), gorram, ruttin, etc, of course... But I find myself saying "Where does THAT get fun?" a lot.. a doc friend of mine was telling me about having to pull a shot-glass out of a guy's Butt in the ER (the guy had shoved it in there somehow), and I just HAD to say, "Shoving a shotglass up your @$$? Where does THAT get fun?"

I think Firefly/Serenity is THE most "Quoteable" show I've seen. There's a quote for just about every occasion.

..and I've used "My Days of not taking you seriously are quickly coming to a middle" MANY times.

I even got to say once, "Did the Gorram Bug shield on my truck just fall off for no reason?"

..but eatin people alive, where does THAT get fun?


Tuesday, August 22, 2006 4:44 PM


I did once manage to pull off - but only under my breath to myself - when clicking on a link that turned out unexpectedly to be a PDF file:

"Tai-kong suo-yo duh shing-chiou sai-jin wuh duh pee-goo was I ever not ASKING for ACROBAT READER!"


Wednesday, August 23, 2006 3:10 AM


Shiny, gorramnit, ruttin', I'll be in my bunk...all the common stuff that rolls off the tongue.

Also ta mah dah! or ai ya hwai leh!when I want to curse and not be understood.

Pardon me, but you've obviously mistaken me for someone who gives a good gorramn!


Wednesday, August 23, 2006 3:56 AM


Not half an hour ago, I said to a coworker who gave me a pat on the back, "It's what I do, darlin', it's what I do."

I've schemed about "outing" any nearby flans in public places by loudly saying things like "shiny" or "gorramit." Or inquiring at stores if they have any Fruity Oaty Bars. Haven't tried it, though.


Wednesday, August 23, 2006 4:18 AM


Shiny. Gorram. Ta ma duh. Bee Jway.

Ain't that a joyful sight.

I've started to tell my children, "You are damaging my calm."

And from John Sayles' Passion Fish, "It's a joke, Precious." (Very funny and touching movie with Mary McDonnell and Alfre Woodard.)

Sure would be nice if we had some GRENADES, wouldn't it?


Wednesday, August 23, 2006 5:19 AM



Originally posted by MettaSutra:
I've schemed about "outing" any nearby flans in public places by loudly saying things like "shiny" or "gorramit."

Actually, when I use "shiny" nobody seems to notice. 'Course, almost everyone I know has seen the show... (Or they will... [EVIL LAUGHTER])

"We may experience some slight turbulence, and then... explode."


Wednesday, August 23, 2006 5:45 AM


I use all the regulars: Shiny, shindig, etc..but I also like to quote the Godfather films ("our true enemy has yet to reveal himself..."), the Simpsons (especially Mr. Burns), and just about any other movie I've seen...People think I'm funny and creative, but I just have a good memory... :D

Time for some thrilling heroics.






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