Male and Female Imponderables--Under Ice

UPDATED: Monday, December 11, 2006 03:56
VIEWED: 5747
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Friday, December 8, 2006 4:42 AM


Hi, there!
A new Imponderable thread!

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Post and have fun!

76th Independent Battalion

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Friday, December 8, 2006 4:43 AM



EDIT: Woo hoo! First!

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Friday, December 8, 2006 4:44 AM


Gorramn it. Sloppy seconds for me.

Demolitions specialist for the 76th Independent Battalion.
From blowing open locked fridges, to destroying Alliance gun emplacements, it's all fun for me.


Friday, December 8, 2006 4:51 AM


"No power in the 'verse can stop me!"

I am way too sleepy for firstynesses... *yawn* see? Sleepy!

Goodnight all! Hey! - didn't I just say goodnight to you Nico?? (Oh - thanks again for keeping me sane when I was having a computer meltdown!)

He really is a hero you know - cool in a crisis and all that!


Friday, December 8, 2006 4:56 AM


Ah! DTH let loose the freaky dancing baby! NOO!!!

Nico, stay unburnt, please. I worry about that.

Qing ren! yet again!

76th Independent Battalion

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Friday, December 8, 2006 5:05 AM


"No power in the 'verse can stop me!"

*dashes back in... kisses her qing ren... and runs off to bed!*

Goodnight all

Just wanna march - that's OK... isn't it?


Friday, December 8, 2006 5:08 AM


Morning all:) How is everyone this ( o thank you finally ) Friday?
HUGS big sis. I shall email you in a bit:)

I may never move one arm again as I took the kids I tutor( 4 boys ages 13,11,9, and 5 and a girl age 2) to a live nativity. They loved meeting and petting the donkey, camel, sheep, goose, etc and they enjoyed it but I carried the 48 pound 2 year old for the entire hour and a half and I may be crippled for life LOL at least they had fun and the nativity was historically accurate and had lots of amazing stuff... anyway what are we pondering today?

I was thinking about one. ( been watching Desperate Houswives and this came up) At what point in a relationship is it a good idea to bring up uncomfortable truths ( like I've been in prison before, I can never have kids, I was molested as a kid) or should you just not bring it up? I think it can be tricky since if you bring it up at the beginning of a relationship it might total wreck the budding relationship, but if you bring it up later the other person might feel betrayed and like you were hiding to restate. At what point should you tell someone your darkest secrets?

"A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort."- Albright


Friday, December 8, 2006 5:10 AM


'Night Magdalena! Sleep well!

You don't like the dancing baby, Tristan? But he's so cute!

Poor MSG! Crippled by kids! The live Nativity sounds like fun though.

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Friday, December 8, 2006 5:13 AM


g'day MsG, it's a stinkin' hot Saturday morning here. Not even 2am yet, but already above 30C and steadily working towards the ugly side of 40.

Uncomfortable truths? I'd say that there are some that may never need to be shared, whereas others should be told at some point. I guess the sooner / later choice depends on how open the two of you are with each other.

Edit: and with the summer season having started on TV, they're showing double eps of Desperate Housewives each day and classing it as the midday movie. tv programmers.

Demolitions specialist for the 76th Independent Battalion.
From blowing open locked fridges, to destroying Alliance gun emplacements, it's all fun for me.


Friday, December 8, 2006 5:28 AM


Goodnight, Magda! Sleep well!

MSG...48lbs, all day? Oy! I'd be willing to bet you may never use it again! We will understand if your typing is a little slow today.

Good ponder...
I would think sometime after the initial "dating" period and before the "let's get serious" part. There are few things that would drive me away from someone, but I would want to know what I was getting into, and I think it would only be fair they know, too.

DTH, I was supposed to be starting a family about this time...we had plans to start on our the dancing baby appears to me like it did to Mrs. McBeal.

76th Independent Battalion

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Friday, December 8, 2006 5:29 AM


When should you tell someone your darkest secret? Hmmm... I suppose at the point you trust them with it. Saying something too early can certainly scupper things, and by holding back you run the risk of being accussed of deliberately hiding it. Still, secrets aren't shared lightly. You need to know that the person in question has the maturity to deal with the situation, and that they won't use it against you.

Case in point. I knew someone who's mother suffered from schizophrenia. She told her (now ex) boyfriend about it, as sometimes her Mum called over unexpectedly when things were bad.

Anyway, after a few months my friend started to suspect that her boyfriend was cheating on her. She finally confronted him, only to have him call her "crazy" and "schitzo" and "delusional." Non-stop for an entire evening! She wound up calling me after he went out just to have someone convince her she wasn't losing her mind.

Yes, he's very much her ex now. But it had a huge impact on what I tell someone in a relationship, and when.

EDIT: Tristan - Ahhhh, I seeee... Okay, let's see what else I have here...

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Friday, December 8, 2006 5:38 AM


mornin' MSG.

Sorry to hear about the arm, but it's good that they enjoyed themselves.

as far as your ponderable, it is a tricky one. I think it is natural not to come out and say some things like that right off, and both parties usually understand that. In my experience, something will trigger one person to tell of such a thing, and the other usually has something either similar, or they will tell one to be fair and make the other person more comfortable. Of course, waiting a few years to drop a bombshell on someone is not advisable at all, as all the trust built in those years can go right out the window.

Medic for the 76th Indepentent Army Battalion
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"Marijuana not only should be legal, it should be mandatory." - Bill Hicks


Friday, December 8, 2006 5:54 AM


DTH, thank you. Much better!

76th Independent Battalion

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Friday, December 8, 2006 7:41 AM


Ok, Imponderables...let me share the Capitalistic Score that just happened for me!

Today only, Borders had a coupon for 40% off any boxed dvd set. I also had a $12 credit there through their rewards program.

I just scored the 3rd Sharpe's box set (Sharpe's Revenge), normally $79.95, for $36! Husband will be very happy come the 25th!!! Mmmm. Sean Bean.

Unfortunately, on a Friday at lunchtime, every other person in Montgomery County had the same the mall was PACKED !

And...I was able to perform a Random Act of which we were just speaking. I also had a 25% off any book coupon that I didn't use, so I gave it to the woman in line behind me! She was taken aback but accepted it and thanked me. As we both were walking out, she touched my arm, thanked me again, and wished me Happy Holidays.

A good lunch time all around.


Friday, December 8, 2006 7:53 AM


Yeah we call her the two ton baby. She isn't buddha like or anything, she's just tall and large for her age ( she looks about 3 1/2 or so) but she's too little to walk about on her own for long and in a huge crowd in the dark I didn't want to put her down. I swear toward the end I was ready to just leave her in the manger though:)

My whole ponder was brought up by the Desperate Housewives thing where Susan's been dating Mike for maybe 2 months and he gets hauled to the police station and she finds out he had a criminal record in the past and is mad he didn't tell her and my response was " well of course he didn't who says that when you first start dating..oh by the way honey I once served time for manslaughter" and all my female friends were up in arms about how stupid that response was and of course she should be mad at him for hiding things...which I found insane. So there we are. I thought I'd ask you guys and see what you thought...obviously so far you all agree with me that you'd want to wait on that kind of disclosure for a real relationship to build

sorry things haven't worked exactly the way you wanted and all, but hey if I get pregnant you can be the extra dad ( since you're already my extra standby busband and all)

"A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort."- Albright


Friday, December 8, 2006 9:05 AM


MSG - Immediately. I don't keep any secrets from people that I'm not under legal obligation to keep. I think it plays a big role in people's initial knee-jerk reaction to my personality.

Ex. I killed a hamster when I was around 13 years old. I should have already had a firm grasp on life and death, and the frailty of animals, but apparently I didn't. I did a pro-wrestling (yes, a pro-wrestling move to a hamster) move to the poor thing and killed it. Now anyone reasonable hears this and realizes that I just matured in my sense of life and death very late, but I've had everyone from guidance counselors to re-enactors to people on this site construe it as "He used to torture small animals". Which brings up a point, some... even most of the time, being strait forward and honest about your "dark secrets" will make people dislike you, but in my opinion you shouldn't be catering to someone like that anyways. If someone's too dishonest with themselves to admit that even they've done horrible things, too high and mighty to accept the down side of being human, then I'd prefer they dislike me anyways. I'd hate to become friends with someone like that.

Place my body on a ship and burn it on the sea,
Let my spirit rise, Valkyries carry me.
Take me to Valhalla where my brothers wait for me.
Fires burn into the sky, my spirit will never die.


Friday, December 8, 2006 10:54 AM


MSG, thank you very much! I would be honored to be an extra dad.
Just let me know what I need to do an when!

CMH, I see that incident as a mistake or accident, not a judgement that you used to torture animals. Now, if you had been a serial-killer of animals using wrestling moves, I'd have my doubts. As such does not seem to be the case, all is well.
I think I agree with you...I say think. Bear with me. I also think that it should not be necessary to hide anything from anyone, including any gruesome details of my past. If they run when they learn of it, then they do not deserve friendship. If this is what you mean, then I agree. Wait, I think I get it now...if they judge you by what you have done and not by what they have done, they are deceiving themselves. "Better than others" attitude. That I understand and agree with. Judge not others before judging yourself.
Sorry, it's been a long day, I have had way too much coffee, and I am reading way too much into everything I see...concepts get a little jumbled....

76th Independent Battalion

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Friday, December 8, 2006 10:59 AM


Time to say goodbye for the weekend - lots of Christmas decorating with the tidbit, shopping and general bustling about.

Have a great weekend, Imponderables! I'll see y'all come Monday morning.


Friday, December 8, 2006 11:00 AM


Hooah, you're tracking just fine, Colonel.

Place my body on a ship and burn it on the sea,
Let my spirit rise, Valkyries carry me.
Take me to Valhalla where my brothers wait for me.
Fires burn into the sky, my spirit will never die.


Friday, December 8, 2006 11:02 AM


"Did he just go crazy and fall asleep?"

For any pathetically curious folk who might want to read my reply to a couple of pondering in the last thread, go here:

I killed a frog by accident once. I had caught it at a river and on the way home I was playing with him. Being quite young I didn't know what kind of games frogs played (and I don't join in on reindeer games either), he played games to my liking. I was told to hang on to him so he didn't escape, which not only hindered the range of games available but very likely hindered his breathing. I knew frogs sometimes puffed up their throats and I encouraged him to try. He wasn't getting it, so I gently demonstrated for him by tilting his head back a bit so his throat though not puffed up, atleast protruded a bit. It was at that point I made an association with Superman flexing his chest and the frog,um, sticking out his. To this day I do not remember when the frog stopped moving or which of the innocently-conceived, cruelly-executed methods of torture that I employed did the trick. So. I too have the makings of a serial killer. Knew I liked you for a reason, CMH.

"Well, here I am...Does that seem right to you?"


Friday, December 8, 2006 11:04 AM


Have a great weekend, Mav!

Thank you, CMH! I re-read my post and thought it looked a bit off.
By the way, even if you aren't going to make it to D*C, are you still going to be with the 76th? It looks like we may be a bit more "permanent" than we originally thought!

76th Independent Battalion

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Friday, December 8, 2006 11:05 AM


"Did he just go crazy and fall asleep?"


Originally posted by Mavourneen:

Time to say goodbye for the weekend - lots of Christmas decorating with the tidbit, shopping and general bustling about.

Have a great weekend, Imponderables! I'll see y'all come Monday morning.

So you won't get this until Monday but sloppy wet right back at ya. Much success in your Christmassy endevours. Especially warm wishes to Tidbit. It's his time of year.

"Well, here I am...Does that seem right to you?"


Friday, December 8, 2006 11:16 AM


CMH- what a rotten counselor. He should have seen you didn't mean to kill it and already felt terrible for what had happened and not tried to make you feel worse. It was his job to make you feel better. ..ooh see this just bugs me.

See this is why I get so upset over Delores Umbridge in Harry Potter 5. I totally believe she is far worse than Voldemort. He's just an souless killer. She's a teacher deliberately hurting students ( emotionally and physically) that is SO MUCH WORSE. Ok I can feel myself getting all enraged again. Just drives me batty. There is nothing more evil or horrible in this world than a parent who harms their children intentionally, only slightly less horrific and reprehensible is a teacher who harms a student. I think there is a sub level of the special hell ( hopefully filled with acid and razor blades) for any teacher who violates the rule that you are there to do whatever you can to help that child grow and develop and to nurture that child. Anyone who doesn't should be ( ok will leave off describing now as it's a bit violent)

"A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort."- Albright


Friday, December 8, 2006 11:26 AM


JQ, I have been reading through your post...give me a minute.

I love the way you create a digest of everything...makes it easy to see what some of us agree on and not...and your commentary is always spot-on.
As for the work thing, I made the distinction for cases like yours, apparently! In too many cases, it only seemed the individual involved was working his way through the list...not looking for a relationship, just looking for conquests.
Almost 20 years, eh? Congrats!

Part two...I also like that. Seems that the majority of the males that post on these threads are not "that kind of guy"...that is why I still think it would be a wonderful idea for all of us to move to an island somewhere!
I do have more to say on the men and women being friends thing...I did not have much chance yesterday.
I did say that being friends and only friends with the opposite sex is possible. I have several like that. But there are times when the general public does not believe the intentions of a man towards a woman.
I'll give an example...
Take Hell's Kitten, because she brought this up in the first place. She is a beautiful, intelligent woman that almost any man would want to have as a mate. I think of her in this way; beautiful, talented, and intelligent. Now, here comes the kicker...if I were to spend time with her, and talk with her a lot, it would probably be assumed that I was trying to bed her. Heck, some of you in here might even think that....but, go to the picture threads, look at the photos she posts. What I see is a wardrobe from hell, a love for costumes, a wicked sense of short, an artist with a love for the elements of her photography. Add to that a great sense of humor and enjoyable posts. This is what I am attracted to. Not that she is not beautiful, etc., but there is a desire beyond bedding her. I am attracted to what I see and experience that makes her who she is...not as a conquest.

This is what happens on Fridays when I get lots of coffee in me...I have a tendency to get confused easily, and run off at the fingers.

Does that make sense to anyone? And does it help show that it is possible for males and females to be attracted to/like each other without sex being involved, or did I waste a lot of people's time just now?

I am going to disappear for a moment. More coffee...that'll help.

76th Independent Battalion

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Friday, December 8, 2006 11:44 AM


See Tristan this is why I am drawn toward the Eve Dallas coffee thermos as a gift for you. Engraved upon it is the phrase " coffee will keep me sane"

Ok folks I'm out of here for today. Off to get my nails done ( finally after going a week without them) and then do some errands ( without buying any shoes...promised MisterG no shoe buying) and home to relax. I'll catch you all tomorrow:)

"A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort."- Albright


Friday, December 8, 2006 11:56 AM


"Did he just go crazy and fall asleep?"


Originally posted by Tristan:
JQ, I have been reading through your post...give me a minute.

I love the way you create a digest of everything...makes it easy to see what some of us agree on and not...and your commentary is always spot-on.

Thank you, thank you. You piece together textiles and animals skins, I work with words. Your artistry is more obvious, and so I humbly accept your praise with gratitude.

As for the work thing, I made the distinction for cases like yours, apparently! In too many cases, it only seemed the individual involved was working his way through the list...not looking for a relationship, just looking for conquests.
Almost 20 years, eh? Congrats!

I thank you again, good sir. Been married for 17 of those 19+ years. It's why I wanted to post on the empty house thing you mentioned. I'm still hoping to, but it'll be Monday at the earliest...

Part two...I also like that. Seems that the majority of the males that post on these threads are not "that kind of guy"...that is why I still think it would be a wonderful idea for all of us to move to an island somewhere!

I want us all to live together in the same Shire. A tropical island would do but hang it, I'd settle for any clime as long as we could all go. D*C would be a foretaste of that. As inseparable as we are God, imagine the possibilities!!

I do have more to say on the men and women being friends thing...I did not have much chance yesterday.
I did say that being friends and only friends with the opposite sex is possible. I have several like that. But there are times when the general public does not believe the intentions of a man towards a woman.
I'll give an example...
Take Hell's Kitten, because she brought this up in the first place. She is a beautiful, intelligent woman that almost any man would want to have as a mate. I think of her in this way; beautiful, talented, and intelligent. Now, here comes the kicker...if I were to spend time with her, and talk with her a lot, it would probably be assumed that I was trying to bed her. Heck, some of you in here might even think that....but, go to the picture threads, look at the photos she posts. What I see is a wardrobe from hell, a love for costumes, a wicked sense of short, an artist with a love for the elements of her photography. Add to that a great sense of humor and enjoyable posts. This is what I am attracted to. Not that she is not beautiful, etc., but there is a desire beyond bedding her. I am attracted to what I see and experience that makes her who she is...not as a conquest.

Are you the one stalking her? Still not clear on why you are married anymore, buddy. You seem to be the kind of guy the rest of us wish we were.

This is what happens on Fridays when I get lots of coffee in me...I have a tendency to get confused easily, and run off at the fingers.

Does that make sense to anyone? And does it help show that it is possible for males and females to be attracted to/like each other without sex being involved, or did I waste a lot of people's time just now?

I am going to disappear for a moment. More coffee...that'll help.

Well stated and well read, Tristan. I'm pretty sure it'll be well-received also.

Have a great weekend, to all my 'Versical Villagers. I pray there is enough activity to keep you alive and enough rest to keep you living. Nico, just piss on the damn thing and put it out once and for all. I mean what do you do with all that Foster's down there?

"Well, here I am...Does that seem right to you?"


Friday, December 8, 2006 12:09 PM


Tristan, I went back to read JQs essay, also. He does have a way with words.


Tristan wrote:
Does that make sense to anyone? And does it help show that it is possible for males and females to be attracted to/like each other without sex being involved, or did I waste a lot of people's time just now?

It does make sense, but I'm just not as black and white on the issue. My personal experience is that the friend to lover relationship can be crossed quite easily. I think that men and women can be friends, but there does seem to come a time when you think what if. . . It all depends if you are thinking "what if" at the same time.

Help Spread the Word to Non Sci-Fi Fans


Friday, December 8, 2006 12:33 PM


Thank you, JQ. I eagerly await the empty-nest post. I would love to hear what you have to say!
That is a good dream, is it not? A happy place for all the Browncoats...

No...I don't think I have ever been a stalker....might look into that as a vocation, though!
Thank you for that praise. But, I don't think I am the guy everyone thinks I am ...if so, I would have foud the right person by now.

Have a great weekend, JQ. It's good that people like you are around!

VE, I am about to leave for the day, but I'll try to get to your post tonight! I got some stuff to say about that!

76th Independent Battalion

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Friday, December 8, 2006 12:47 PM


Goodnight, all! I hope to be in here a bit this weekend, but if not, I will see y'all Monday!

76th Independent Battalion

Ever marched with the Independents? Wanna?
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Friday, December 8, 2006 1:41 PM



Originally posted by ChrisMoorhead:
Ex. I killed a hamster when I was around 13 years old. I should have already had a firm grasp on life and death, and the frailty of animals, but apparently I didn't.

Ha. I killed a lot of pets. I was frakkin' "Little Princess Pet Doom":
- a turtle that committed suicide (shut up, it did, I swear) after its bowlmate (heehee) dried up for lack of water (I thought there was plenty!)
- I left my parakeet's cage open after I let my ferrets out to play; parakeets will lose every time
- a squirrel, in fact, cannot swim
- tiny frogs do NOT belong in pockets, no matter how carefully you think you're walking
- hungry baby snakes WILL eat one another
- ants don't so much catch fire under a magnifying lense as just smolder... god... I was a horrible child. None of these things were malicious, though. Well, except the ant thing. That was kinda mean.

But anyways, I lean towards your way of thinking, Chris, when it comes to telling a potential partner about yourself right away. Trust is the number one most important thing to me in any relationship, and if someone waits 5 or 6 months to tell me "a secret" about themselves, then I'm left to wonder what else they're not telling me.

On The Other Hand, I also believe in waiting to be certain that they ARE intending to enter into a relationship before revealing every personal thing.

So, I guess, if you can find that line, that's where I draw it.

I'm a very private person, so while I hang out with some people at work and have some friends, none of these people actually know much about me. I'm of the mind that, like sex, the Entire Me isn't something I need to share with anyone other than the one I intend to spend the rest of my life with. And, ya know, Mystery is cool.

Originally posted by Tristan:
Take Hell's Kitten, because she brought this up in the first place.

... uh... heh... It's going to take me a little while to stop blushing now. Thanks. I'm really not good with compliments. *blushblushblush*

Originally posted by VerseExplorer:
My personal experience is that the friend to lover relationship can be crossed quite easily.

Oh, absolutely! But it's the "stranger to lover via quick friendship" that I find irksome. I've had a number of guys "befriend" me for as long as it took me to tell them that I wasn't looking for a boyfriend, then they were gone. *sniffle* Maybe it's just me.

First, duuuuude, I am not a model. So very not a model. Read the rest of the previous thread so I don't have to bore everyone with a repeat.

Second, I imagine there are a bunch of times where workplace romances work out just fine. You're a great example. But I absolutely do think of the potential consequences of workplace relationships when I get to know the people at work. There are several people there that, had I met them outside of work, I would consider having a crush on. (sentence grammars are stoopid, btw.) But since it was at work, I immediately consider the fact that not only would I feel uncomfortable sitting in a meeting across the table from someone who I ended a relationship with, but I also realize that it would make other people uncomfortable. I don't feel I have a good reason to make people uncomfortable at work. Um. Unless they're wrong and I have to slap them around. But that's part of my job. It is very possible that I am not an optimist. *snikker*

And I'm not so much down on the whole workplace romance thing, really. I guess I'm more opposed to being forced into a situation where I have to deal with it because someone else didn't consider the consequences. Basically, as I think I said, I shouldn't have to fend off potential suitors when I'm trying to do my job.

And anyone who reads this far down can have the brownie that Madga owes me.



Friday, December 8, 2006 1:49 PM


A new thread...already?? My, these ponderous pondering imponderables sure to move a mite fast, don't they? Kinda makes me ponder that - but not so much.

When to tell a dark secret during a relationship? Hmm...tough call there. I guess it depends on what the secret is, how you feel about it personally (guilty or "it's no big thing, but I hope they don't hate me for it") and how well you know/trust the other person. I usually try to be straight-forward and open-minded but I know not everyone is like that and there's a time and place for certain things to be mentioned and/or discussed.

The official Court Jester of the Mythical Land that is Iowa! Woohoo!!


Friday, December 8, 2006 3:34 PM


I'm a very bad liar, and I personally detest playing games with people, so I'm of the mind that it should be mandatory that the first thing one must tell his/her prospective mate is the very worst thing about oneself. By way of example:

-Hello, my name is Ryan, and I'm on antidepressants. What's your name?
-Hi, I'm Carla, and I suffocated my ailing grandmother with a pillow.
-...Wow, look at the time!

It would make things so much easier for the blunt folk like me if that were the way it was. Knowing the worst thing you have to deal with, right off the bat, would do everybody a world of good, say I.

Eh. I'm tired, I'm sick, and in about twelve hours I have an exam to write. See y'all later.

I ain't lookin' for help from on high. That's a damn long wait for a train don't come.

98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature.


Friday, December 8, 2006 5:05 PM


"No power in the 'verse can stop me!"

First of all Hugs to you James It is not fun being sick, especially when the thinking part of your body is in close proximity to the ailing area... I mean your brain and ears sweetie... Take good care of yourself and if you can get some extra zinc and vitamin C as well as Olive Leaf Extract it will definitely help with the severity and length of the infection - I have had the worst immune system since I had glandular fever at the age of 17, but I am now so very much healthier and rarely get sick for more than a day or so.. (as opposed to March through to October)

Hell's Kitten... are you sure that shouldn't read Kitten's Hell??? Woah! - that's some list there Missy! I might have to put Dolores Umbridge on to your case... she's looking for a new job, I hear!

JohnnyQ - love your insights too... ummmmm... at least I think that is what Tristan was saying...?

Tristan... Qing ren? Just think - no smelly nappies, no being woken up in the middle of the night, no needing a babysitter to do the simplest of things, no constant hand-washing, putting all those sewing things out of reach, locking up all your weapons (or, heaven forbid, getting rid of them altogether...!) Anyway - we love you!

Hi Li'l Sis! And I am going to be the Aussie Auntie... right? Love you!

"I can put one foot in front of the other - I'm Magdalena & marching with the 76th"


Friday, December 8, 2006 5:21 PM



Originally posted by magdalena:
Hell's Kitten... are you sure that shouldn't read Kitten's Hell??? Woah - that's some list there Missy!

Bah. I didn't understand the fragility of creatures way back then. I just wanted to play! And that turtle suicide? I'm still scarred by that. And, um, the parakeet was just a complete mistake; I swear I closed her cage door before I left for school. *sniffle*

I might have to put Dolores Umbridge on to your case... she's looking for a new job I hear!
...I have no idea who that is.



Friday, December 8, 2006 5:26 PM


"No power in the 'verse can stop me!"

Hmmmmmmm... a likely story, I think we need to have a little chat with.. Hang on, sorry got to answer the phone!

"Hi!! It's so good to hear from you! ...oh what's that Debil Duck...? You think she did it on purpose...? Awwwww.... she's just delusional isn't she?"

EDIT: "Sorry Debil Duck just phoned back to mention that you haven't even read Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince... so I guess you wouldn't know who Dolores Umbridge is... and that's Proffessor Umbridge to you young lady!"

"I can put one foot in front of the other - I'm Magdalena & I'm marching with the 76th"


Friday, December 8, 2006 5:43 PM


"No power in the 'verse can stop me!"

Hey JohnnyQ - I didn't realise you doubled the length of the last thread before you realised we were all in here!! Wow - that's some pondering you were doing!!

Ged - I missed you too sweetheart! I know - I am having the single girl blues a little at the moment - it feels like people are holding hands when they walk around, just to spite me! The folk here are shiny and never hold hands with one another though... Say you're coming to Dragon*Con! I can't remember what your response was - but now you don't have to make lots of long distance phone calls and buy little gifts for anyone - you can save up and join us!!

Ah... by the way... the Brownies I promised will be fresh and available only when I arrive in Atlanta... (or soon after) and I am not answering my door at all between then and now...

"I can put one foot in front of the other - I'm Magdalena, & I'm marching with the 76th"


Friday, December 8, 2006 6:00 PM


"No power in the 'verse can stop me!"

Jumpin' & bumpin'...

"I can put one foot in front of the other - I'm Magdalena, & I'm marching with the 76th"


Friday, December 8, 2006 6:06 PM


my ego is deflated, RIMG and Tristan don't know who is the me!

Bestower of Titles, Designer of Tshirts, Maker of Mottos, Keeper of the Pyre

I am on The List. We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!
"We don't fear the reaper"

FORSAKEN original


Friday, December 8, 2006 7:53 PM


I have really got to stop drinking so much coffee at night...
The good news is that I finished a Browncoat order! The bad news is that I have to wait until tomorrow to get more cloth to start the next project...why, oh why, are fabric stores not open 24 hrs a day?!?

HK, I am glad I can make you blush, but surely someone else has pointed these qualities out to you before now?

VE, I was going to talk about the "line"...I agree that in several cases, it has come up for me. In the few times from those that I took the plunge, I ultimately ended up losing a good friend. We would have an enjoyable relationship as lovers, but something would invariably go awry, and we would end up apart...and the friendship suffered because of the tryst. I like my friends. I do not make them too easily, and I do not like losing them. One sure way of losing a friend of the opposite sex, in my opinion, is to become intimate. The last such case was with my ex-wife. We all know how that ended. I just recently stopped another relationship from crossing that line, because I am enjoying the friendship too much. Not all of them go bad, I am sure; but for me, the track record is not all that good.

McQ, there are days when all is slow and quiet, and other days where we ponderers just go nuts. It's quite a fun ride!

JTD, there was once an idea bounced around on one of these threads of each person printing up a min-fact sheet about themselves and presenting them to possible suitors. I honestly think that would be a wonderful idea.
I hope you get rest, get better, and do wonderfully on the exam.

Qing ren! I know I have missed you, and I apologize for that. I wanted to thank you and welcome you to the 76th!
And thank you for putting the baby thing in perspective. I do still think about one every now and then, though.

GED! Crap, I missed you, too! What's been going on? We don't see you enough in here anymore!

FMF, I humbly apologize. You have always been and always will be FutureMrsFillion to me. Natural phenomenons such as yourself should not be labeled by a first name.

Alright, caught up for now! I have no idea if anyone is still around...I should be here for a little bit...have to let the caffeine wear off!

76th Independent Battalion

Ever marched with the Independents? Wanna?
Sign up and info here:


Friday, December 8, 2006 10:37 PM


Tristan, I had a lengthy explaination, but I deleted it. You're view of friends having sex is the one that is maintained by the majority of people. It's just that my personal experience is different. The simple reasoning is that most people go from friends to sex to lovers to committed relationship, so when things don't work out, you've lost a friend. (Chris, I know some go from no friends to no sex to no committed relationship ). I have had experiences of friends to sex to continued long friendships. I know it's not the norm.

MsG, I'm with you on the Desperate Housewives situation. I think she totally over reacted. When's the time to tell someone your deepest darkest secret? When they ask. I don't start a date with the list of my dark side. Not that I care that they know, but I think someone (was it you, DTH) that mentioned a situation where information can be used to hurt you. If I've established a relationship of trust, then I'll share anything.

HK, I know everyone is being sympathetic about the guy at work that makes you feel uncomfortable, but I have to add this. You are a gorgeous, intelligent, articulate woman. If he's doing anything that make you feel uncomfortable, tell him to stop. Way back in the 60s when I didn't always wear a bra, I was working with a creepy guy. When I came into work, he would pat my back and slide his hand down to feel if I was wearing one. After the third time, I told him that I wasn't wearing a bra, and if he really couldn't tell if I was wearing one or not, he could ask me, but that he had better keep his F ing hands off my back. We worked together for years. He was still a creep, but he never put a hand on me again. It doesn't matter if he likes you. It doesn't matter if he wants to date you, If he's doing anything that make you feel uncomfortable, tell him directly that you want it to stop.

You are right, friends to sex is totally different from stranger pretending to be a friend to get sex.

Help Spread the Word to Non Sci-Fi Fans


Saturday, December 9, 2006 6:16 AM



Originally posted by magdalena:
EDIT: "Sorry Debil Duck just phoned back to mention that you haven't even read Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince... so I guess you wouldn't know who Dolores Umbridge is... and that's Proffessor Umbridge to you young lady!"

HA! Absolute undeniable proof that Debil Ducky LIES! Liiiiieeeeessssssssss! (Zim style)

I have, in fact, read Book 6, "Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince." I just don't recall Umbridge. Snape is the only character worth paying attention to, all others are just misdirection.

Eep! I must flee out into the Big Blue Room for holiday shopping. If you don't *sniffle* hear from me *sniffle* again, it's because the *sniffle* INSANE SHOPPERS killed me. *gulp!* I shall shop Ninja style to increase my chances of survival. Hee!



Saturday, December 9, 2006 7:09 AM


May the FORCE go with you Hell's Kitten as you embark on your shopping endeavor.

Help Spread the Word to Non Sci-Fi Fans


Saturday, December 9, 2006 9:56 AM



Originally posted by Hell's Kitten:

Originally posted by magdalena:
EDIT: "Sorry Debil Duck just phoned back to mention that you haven't even read Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince... so I guess you wouldn't know who Dolores Umbridge is... and that's Proffessor Umbridge to you young lady!"

HA! Absolute undeniable proof that Debil Ducky LIES! Liiiiieeeeessssssssss! (Zim style)

I have, in fact, read Book 6, "Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince." I just don't recall Umbridge. Snape is the only character worth paying attention to, all others are just misdirection.

Just to remind you, Umbridge is the devil incarnate from the ministry of magic. She takes over the school and everyone hates her.

I'm a leaf on the wind


Saturday, December 9, 2006 1:27 PM


Rhyianan, you are a wealth of information.

Help Spread the Word to Non Sci-Fi Fans


Saturday, December 9, 2006 2:13 PM


Hello ChrisMoorhead:


Originally posted by ChrisMoorhead:
MSG - Immediately. I don't keep any secrets from people that I'm not under legal obligation to keep. I think it plays a big role in people's initial knee-jerk reaction to my personality.

Ex. I killed a hamster when I was around 13 years old. I should have already had a firm grasp on life and death, and the frailty of animals, but apparently I didn't. I did a pro-wrestling (yes, a pro-wrestling move to a hamster) move to the poor thing and killed it. Now anyone reasonable hears this and realizes that I just matured in my sense of life and death very late, but I've had everyone from guidance counselors to re-enactors to people on this site construe it as "He used to torture small animals".

So one hamster and suddenly there are people who think you "torture animals".

If I brought up my list they would lock me up.
I matured, well started to mature, at a very late stage in my life. There are a lot of us.

Because a few animals died when I was immature doesn't label me cruel. And I am going to take a educated guess that you are not too. I don't what guidance couselor you had, but that person really jumped to some wild conclusions.

People go through life changes throughout their lives. Some people mature at different rates. I hope I have gotten past some of my immaturity. I know I can over react sometimes. But I am getting better at dealing with my emotions than I used to. So I suspect that you see your own maturity and know you've grown. You probably would have been better off not telling anybody about that hamster.

Like Hell's Kitten, I have my list. I am not proud of the damage I have done, but I also have to move on. I am glad you felt you could share with us. It makes a person feel good when they are trusted with anothers secret. Thank you for your trust.

As for secrets, I have a few. People, who I feel need to know, will learn about them. If my relationship with some is not very close I tend to keep quite. If I were to ever get into a serious relationship, then I would open up.



Saturday, December 9, 2006 2:32 PM


Hello Imponderables!

Hello dear one!

By the way...Umbridge makes appearance as the High Inquisitor and Headmaster of Hogwarts in "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix." I know because I'm re-reading it right now!

King of the Mythical Land that is Iowa


Saturday, December 9, 2006 2:57 PM


I have read about four of the Harry Potters. I am falling behind. To many books and not enough time. Will hopefully catch up one of these daze.

Milwaukee is warming up for the weekend. To bad I had to stay in and get some work done. Always leave the best weekends for those nasty jobs.

I have certainly learned the cost of living this weekend. It shows how long it has been since I went to a real super club. We took a friend out for a dinner because he is going under the knife and will be laid up for a couple of months with new knees. Got the check and nearly died. Lets just say I walked out of there with a very light wallet. The coat check women, there was more than one, were lucky I had enough to tip them. I must get out more. This hermit lifestyle is leaving me ignorant of world affairs. All I know is every time I took a sip of my water a guy ran up and filled my glass. I think if it ever got below a quarter full he was sleeping on the job. I told my friend, sitting next to me, I should have kept count on how many times he refilled it. Thank goodness I could get to the bank the next morning.



Saturday, December 9, 2006 3:11 PM


Hey guys,

It's late and I'm wiped out after my first week back at a full time job after years of student nocturnal living but I thought I should stop by and catch up on all my wonderful FFF peeps so that I don't loose contact with you all as I have a horrible habit of doing with friends.

Interesting imponderables there folks.

Hell's Kitten - that bit about baby frogs not lasting long in pockets? That had me shifting uncomfortably in my chair and blushing in remembered shame. I also had my first introduction to the fragility of animals at an early age. My first holiday to America left me traumatised for years since I met and fell in love with my first lizards but didn't know, at that point, that they shed their tails when scared. I chased those little critters around for hours trying to stick them back on!

The deep dark secret issue is a tricky one. I absoultely HATE being left out and being the last one to know something (many friends and family try to protect me from bad news and it just leaves me paranoid that there's always a sword hanging above my head that everyone knows about except me). Any yet there are times and moods in which it is appropriate to reveal the bad stuff. I remember a few years back at my birthday party, I'd invited a girl I didn't know all that well because she seemed lonely and she brought the party to a screaming halt by coming out with the fact that shed tried to commit suicide several times in her life. My friends and I were all very sympathetic (I have lovely friends) and talked with her for hours but I couldn't help the rather selfish thought that she didn't have to ruin my party, or at least it could have waited till we were all drunk!

One of my friends went out on a blind date with someone who announced within 1/2 an hour that he was a heroin addict. She stuck with him for 6 months because she appreciated his honesty. Not sure if I would have been that brave. I think such problems might scare me away frm someone I didn't know well. Guess I'll never know until it arises.

I'll never have the problem of keeping secrets. I'm too much of a blabber mouth. You know that game 'truth or dare'? I always have to do the dares because there are no secrets left that I haven't already told, usually even when I'm stone cold sobre. I'd love to be a cool and pale woman of mystery but that's never going to happen!



Saturday, December 9, 2006 3:13 PM



Originally posted by traveler:
Milwaukee is warming up for the weekend.

Yay! \o/
Let's hope this trend continues and all the snow vanishes by the time I get to town for the holidays.

Yeah, I know I'm dreaming.



Saturday, December 9, 2006 3:32 PM


Hello Hell's Kitten:

You do understand that there is a saying here, "If you don't like the weather just wait till tomorrow and it will change." This seems to be a common saying in most of the midwest. So I am not holding my breath. It was nice to go out without gloves on today. We seem to alternate from one month to the next as to climate. Cold December, warm January and so on. But I will pull out my magic wishing plank and see if I can't help you with the no snow thing.







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