Would you still fly?

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Tuesday, January 2, 2007 11:05 AM




Tuesday, January 2, 2007 11:12 AM


I worship Joss and all that He does, obviously. However, I feel with every fibre of my being that the show would not work without the right cast, and Joss already found them. Don't know if Joss would have a say in that, anyway. GILMORE GIRLS continued after it's creator(s) moved on. By the way, I also feel the same about BUFFY & ANGEL...although if Joss wanted to recast Buffy with Kristen Bell in order to do a big screen movie, wild horses wouldn't stop me!

Basically, I can imagine watching, but I can't imagine enjoying. It'd really be me desperately clinging to the idea of what it used to be and hoping one day it would change for the better. Also explains why I continue to watch GENERAL HOSPITAL, after swearing off of it for good only about 15 different times in the last 10 years.


Tuesday, January 2, 2007 12:38 PM


it will kill it for me.
if the show to be continued then we need the original cast or at the very least 90% of 'em plus all other main characters like Badger, Niska and so on... played by the same actors.
however, if they continue the show from after the Serenity movie events then we have 2 less actors to worry 'bout 8:|

I think the show/movie had so much appeal to me because of the actors and the dialogs...


Tuesday, January 2, 2007 1:11 PM



Originally posted by GWEK
Although it won't happen: Would you rather see Firefly with Joss and a new cast (same characters) or with the full cast, but no Joss?

I would take full cast with no Joss. But only if Gwek replaces Joss



Tuesday, January 2, 2007 1:35 PM



I think this thread brings up an interesting side question.

Although it won't happen: Would you rather see Firefly with Joss and a new cast (same characters) or with the full cast, but no Joss?

Personally, I wouldn't watch either. The actors are the only ones that I could ever see playing these characters and without Joss, the show would just be a bunch of fan-fic, which I avoid like the plague.

I'm a leaf on the wind


Tuesday, January 2, 2007 1:46 PM


i think it would be a maybe because, i like to think that acters choose the roles they play based on their real life.

Someday the verse will spit in your soup but at least they gave you soup.
one day
one plan
one mission
one army of browncoats
june 23rd serenity day

-Our mission as browncoats is to make us known.


Tuesday, January 2, 2007 1:48 PM


I couldn't do it...wouldn't be the same. Although I like Picard... never got used to no Captain Kirk. :) So I sure as hell cant deal without the BDH!


Tuesday, January 2, 2007 2:36 PM


Oh boy, that's a tough question!

I think I would try it, but I guess I couldn't stand it.

The Cast is an important part of what makes the show so great. I mean, every single member is more than perfect!

Oh god, I'm starting to cry, so, there's your answer: I am loyal to my crew. I couldn't stand a new cast. But I'm sure Joss wouldn't be in if that were the condition.

But I would try to be open minded and give it a try. But I think I could never love Firefly with other actors (nearly) as much as I did love it with Nathan, Summer and Co.


I am 94% Like River Tam

The Fugitive. You are clever and dangerous, which is a nasty combination.
The fact you are crazy too just adds to your charm.
They did bad things to you, but you know their secrets.
They will regret how they made you.



Tuesday, January 2, 2007 5:23 PM



Personally, I wouldn't watch either. The actors are the only ones that I could ever see playing these characters and without Joss, the show would just be a bunch of fan-fic, which I avoid like the plague.

Hey, I hear there's some fanfic out there that's not half bad. :) "Here's how it might have been..."


Tuesday, January 2, 2007 7:01 PM



Originally posted by GWEK:

Personally, I wouldn't watch either. The actors are the only ones that I could ever see playing these characters and without Joss, the show would just be a bunch of fan-fic, which I avoid like the plague.

Hey, I hear there's some fanfic out there that's not half bad. :) "Here's how it might have been..."

I just started reading some of the fanfic because...well, I just wrote my first piece and wanted to know what else was out there. (I'll start posting it as soon as I proof it.)

I've been a Star Trek fan from the first, been through the whole get-it-back-on-the-air thing that we're going through now with Firefly. And guess what? In 1976 there was a little book put out by Bantam called "Star Trek: The New Voyages" which was a collection of some of the best stories from years of fanfic (with a foreward by Roddenberry and story intros by the cast). Published after the James Blish novelizations of the original episodes and his one original Trek novel, it basically started a whole empire of original fiction set in that world. Let's hope our fanfic takes the same route eventually!


Tuesday, January 2, 2007 10:35 PM


Obviously I'd have to but nothing ever could compare to the orginal cast I don'tcare if it was George Clooney(Mal),Rol Perman(Jayne),Dakota Fanning(River),Maggie Gynenhall(Kaylee),ect.

Things are about to get interesting...Define interesting...Oh GOD oh GOD we're all going to die.

Go to

to see my cool trailer.


Wednesday, January 3, 2007 12:15 AM


I would give it a shot, but I would be extremely wary. I love Firefly too much to just cast it aside. I don't really see how anyone else could fill those shoes though... it would be a near miracle if they could make it work.


Wednesday, January 3, 2007 9:04 AM


I'm with FollowMal. I love Firefly unreasonably, and while I would certainly give any spin off or continuation a chance, I hold no illusion that it would be like getting my Firefly back any more than over-throwing the Alliance would erase Mal's loss at Serenity Valley. Hell, even with the actors and Joss, the movie could not fix the loss of Firefly for me.

Fact is, what I really want, I'm not going to get. It is undoable. The question is, would continuing the series with different actors somehow take away from what I currently have? Would it just be like rubbing salt in the wound? I guess I'd have to see it to know.

James Bond was a fully realized character in a series of books well before he was ever portrayed on screen, and those movies can hardly be described as character driven. (Though I haven't seen the most recent one.) Same for Sherlock Holmes and Dracula. And Dr. Who is arguably a completely different character each time he regenerates.

Malcolm Reynolds was an idea in Joss's head, etched out in a shooting script for a TV show pilot. Nathan was cast by the creator, and by Joss's own words he became Malcolm Reynolds. Nathan became part of Joss's creative process. Nathan as Mal is who Joss was writing about in the first aired episode. Nathan was not just portraying the character of Malcolm Reynolds, Nathan was part of the evolution of that character. The same is true of all the BDHs.

Inara's recasting is actually proof that who the actor is is important. Ms. Gayheart wasn't replaced because she got pregnant or got a better offer or something. She was replaced because she was not the character of Inara. She did not have the energy with the other character/actors that Inara would have. Joss could see that, and shot the scene knowing he would be replacing her. It doesn't mean she's not a fine actor; it doesn't mean she couldn't have made a wonderful character in the show. It just means that she was not Inara.

Hell's Kitten, I agree that as the actors themselves grow and change, their relationships with and portrayal of the characters would also be affected. That's part of why it's the impossible dream for me, for Firefly to come back. But it's like Mal's attitude...keep moving forward, keep flying. Changing the actors wouldn't be moving forward to me, it would be more like going back and redoing it, and thus rejecting what was. That only works when you're not so in love with the original as I am.

Ain't. We. Just.


Wednesday, January 3, 2007 10:08 AM



Originally posted by IndependenceSoldier:
Okay, hypothetical question here. What if some station opted to pick up Firefly again (hope of all hopes), but on one condition. The whole cast had to be recasted. No Nathan, no Sean, no nobody. Completely new. Would you be able to watch it?

"You're usin' your wiles on me! Your feminine wiles!"
-Captain Malcom Reynolds

Hmmm....I love them hypotheticals. They tell so much about a person.

If you are using the same characters but different cast, I wouldn't watch. Cast chemistry is what hooked me most. I appreciate the plots, the dialog, an' the setting. But I just can't swallow if anyone would tell me, "Yeah, this is Mal" if it weren't Nathan behind Mal. That, to me, would be as phony as any Alliance tellin' me that Unification Day is a good thing (to use a metaphor).

Now, I'm pissed off as any that Wash and Book got done in, but if Joss is aiming for telling a real story, it means havin' to anyone of the cast, even Mal, bite it.

If there's any killin' that needs done, better to have an honorable death than a lie of a life. And that's why, no matter how hard someone might try an' sell me the idea that Firefly would be the same with a different cast, it really wouldn't.

So, I raise me glass to Nathan, Adam, Gina, Jewel, Sean, Morena, Summer...and especially Ron and Alan. May the actors who brought so much joy and clarity for too brief a time to this weary world find 2007 a great year!

Peace, y'all.

-Shaudawn (a.k.a. Donovan)

"Don't mean nuthin' out here in the Black." -Kaylee


Wednesday, January 3, 2007 10:27 AM



Originally posted by IndependenceSoldier:
I have to bring up a painful memory for all the fellow Whedonatics in this lovely 'Verse created for us...but didn't Joss already try that once with Angel? To my didn't go too pretty.

I'd have to disagree. I don't know what show you were watching, but Angel was a well-acted, well-scripted show (okay, minus the fourth season). Maybe it was a spin-off, but I think it stood on it's own pretty well.

If Joss chose to do another show in the Firefly verse with different characters, I admit, I would have some reservations. But Joss hasn't let me down yet, so I'd be willing to give it a try.


"I suppose if we couldn't laugh at things that don't make sense, we couldn't react to a lot of life."


Wednesday, January 3, 2007 10:28 AM


No ruttin' gorram way! This cast IS Firefly. If you have heard about the events of Flan 2 (I was there) you'll understand that this show + these people are what made it what it is. If you don't know about Flan 2 you should look into it, interesting story. They not only save the day in the movies, but for some of us who got screwed by Booster Events Our Big Damn Heroes saved the day for real. I'm not talkin' Mal, Jayne, Wash, Book, Inara...(and our Big Damn Villains)Saffron, Tracy, Niska, Fanty, Badger.....
But Nathan, Adam, Alan, Ron..... well, you get the idea. These people showed up to support us, the fans. To meet us. Browncoat fans are Firefly fans but I think we all have become if we already were not, fans of the actors. Replacements are not an option for me.



Wednesday, January 3, 2007 10:44 AM


I'd watch it out of stubborn hope and a need for ANYTHING MORE - but like the person above me FINALLY said... the chemistry would NOT be the same. The chemistry the original actors had was astounding - and believe you me, that's not something a director can write in. Even if we could see individual actors playing the individual characters, how they interacted would not be the same - and I doubt it could be as good or better as that of the original cast.
BTW, since Book was barely in the movie, I didn't mind him being replaced, although he looks kinda stoned when Serenity's doors open...

JWHEDONADDICT - dude, Gilmore Girls was AWFUL after Amy Sherman-Palladino left the show. They took this wonderful, witty show about two women and their lives and their problems and their good qualities and their habit of talkingreallyfastbutsomehowstillalwaysmaintainingbothcorrectgrammaranddecentcontent into this near soap opera about just their LOVE LIVES and oh, there's boy drama, teehee and long silences fraught with meaning and ten minutes of music and MEANINGFUL shots and - well, Gilmore Girls is not a good example of a new Firefly. No. NONONO. Blech.

And DARKFLY, sorry, but I'd hate that hypothetical cast. George Clooney? Maggie Gyllenhaal? Dakota Fanning? Again, blech.

RPG launcher bought in third world country illegally - $10
Landmines - $50 per
Attack/track dogs bred 1st class - $250-500 per
Highpowered assault rifles - $600 per
The look on your face when I show up on your doorstep with a bigfoot - ... Priceless

When watching Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban in theaters:
In the Shrieking Shack, with Sirius Black (Quote #1) and Harry Potter (Quote #2):
"It's Jesus!"
"Harry Potter's the AntiChrist!"


Wednesday, January 3, 2007 11:25 AM


Hello Kain,

Hope you don't mind me jump'n in here. I have a friend who was suppose to attend Flan 2 so I know what you are taking about.

I must add too that our BDH very seem like decent, kind & humble people. There are famous/ well known people in my family, and they always have been decent people. Fame has not change them. They still value friendships, family & their health.

So when I learn how friendly the cast & crew where on Firefly......I just loved the show even more.



Wednesday, January 3, 2007 11:53 AM


Thanks for the reply! Yes they are the best. The hotel (Hilton)really treated us bad after Booster Events cancelled......they put Nathan and Alan on the patios to greet people after the they kicked us out of the bar and did I mention it was raining? Didn't stop our BDH's. They stood in the rain to sign autographs and take pics. I've never been more impressed. Christina Hendricks showed up and wasn't even originally scheduled. If it is posssible she is better looking in person.



Wednesday, January 3, 2007 4:59 PM


Don't squat with your spurs on.


GWEK wrote:
Tuesday, January 02, 2007 06:14
I think this thread brings up an interesting side question.

Although it won't happen: Would you rather see Firefly with Joss and a new cast (same characters) or with the full cast, but no Joss?

I'd still give a try. As long as Berman and Braga have nothing to do with it. They'd end up rewriting the Battle of Serenity Valley into a naval battle and then the Borg would show up.


Thursday, January 4, 2007 11:44 PM


Damn, that's a hard question, cause one of the reasons why I'm a huge fan of the show is because I love the cast... but I love the verse... hypothetical situations suck.


Friday, January 5, 2007 4:00 AM


Yeah, the 'verse with out Joss or the cast would not be the same.

But I think the main issue for me would be, if Joss was in controle or not. He is the well from which all the great ideas have sprung & to lose that would be a travesty.

I would absolutly watch a series directed/written etc all by Joss, set in the firefly 'verse, without the orginal cast. It wouldn't be the same but I have faith in Joss's ability to make it interesting. After all Angel did pretty well as a spin off to the Buffy 'verse.

Crimson Dark


Saturday, January 6, 2007 4:58 AM


Were the show to be recast, but everything else stay the same, well... it would be different. It wouldn't be Firefly any more, as the characters made Firefly, and we've all spent countless hours with those characters and made them people in our mind. I would watch, if only to see what Joss would do. I think I might even be able to enjoy it if I could convince myself that this was not Firefly, it was just a Firefly-like show in the 'Verse with characters that seemed very similar to our BDH. In many respects.


Saturday, January 6, 2007 8:06 AM


I guess I just don't think Joss would ever try & 'replace' a cast member/entire cast, creat a new member or create a new setting, perhaps.

Don't get me wrong-I'd love to see joss & the orginal cast but I also know, having been on this earth for 45 years, that is hard to go back.

Yeah, 'If I could convince myself that this was not firefly' is the hard one. I just believe Joss could creat a show which would allow for that.

Crimson Dark


Saturday, January 6, 2007 8:20 AM



Originally posted by SimonWho:
It's fascinating to see such a strong response against any recasting. Of course, I'd be against it too but the fact remains that any one of hundreds of actors could have played those parts and they'd have been pretty much the same.

The characters come from Joss. The writing comes from Joss (and the episode's author). The actors say the lines and try not to bump into the scenary. Okay, I'm oversimplifying but Firefly without Joss = no show. Firefly without any of the original actors = a slightly different Firefly.

Joss tells them what to do. It's all there on the page for them. Yes, they're a gifted group of actors and damn lovely people to boot. But they're utterly replacable. Heck, one of them already has been.

Wait a minute, who's been replaced? Okay, Wash and Book were killed off in the BDM, but nobody replaced them that I know of! Bester doesn't count!

Burn the land and boil the sea; you can't take the sky from me


Saturday, January 6, 2007 8:42 AM


Sorry for the double post, but I realized I didn't answer the question!

For me, I would only watch if it was the same cast and Joss. It isn't Firefly otherwise. Different people act differently. If you put someone else in Mal's character, it wouldn't be the Mal we all know and love. If it had been begun with other people, it would very likely be a different Firefly than what we have. I'm not a huge Joss fan...I didn't like Buffy or Angel very much, possibly because both those shows seemed very teen-oriented to me, and I left my teens behind long ago. Firefly was a more adult show. I loved the cast they had.

I know I'm rambling, but case in point: Alan in Knight's Tale, and Alan in Firefly. Other than a change in accent and time frame, it could have been the same character as far as personality went. I think that the actors bring parts of their own personalities to the characters, so if you change the actor, you change the character, and therefore change the whole dynamic of the show.

Burn the land and boil the sea; you can't take the sky from me


Sunday, January 7, 2007 7:53 PM



For me, I would only watch if it was the same cast and Joss. It isn't Firefly otherwise. Different people act differently.

Your right it wouldn't be the firefly we all know & love it'd be something different set in the firefly 'Verse. I happen to think (read as 'hope') that whatever Joss creates in the 'Verse will be worth watchin & ment for grown-ups.


If you put someone else in Mal's character, it wouldn't be the Mal we all know and love....

Agreed, I would be very upset if Mal was recast. I wouldn't however be adverse to a different captain, perhaps Zoe for example and perhaps the crew would hire a new gun hand. Who know's, the point is due to circumstances things may change but if Joss is in controle the flavor may still be there.

Crimson Dark


Saturday, January 13, 2007 6:27 PM


***** Footsteps approach, followed by a tall lean man in a brown coat *****

Firefly as a series is nothing without the actors that made the characters what they are, if it came down to re-casting or no show, I choose no show. I believe my sentiment is followed by most all Browncoats'. There will only be one Mal Reynolds, the one created and burned into our heads by Nathan Fillion.
Would Star Trek be Star Trek without Shatner? Or Nemoy? No.
Firefly and Serenity (motion picture series) will always need it's original cast to be what it is, what it was, and what it is destined be.

***** Gunslinger turns and departs *****

Shoot straight, Shoot once!


Tuesday, January 30, 2007 5:21 PM


I couldn't. It would turn too soap opera for me. There would be no depth to the characters without the original cast.

Could anyone really see Mal without the stone cold expression that Nathan gives to Mal, or the seductive quality of Morena's dark eyes, Summer's robotic "Data-like" head tilts, Ron's look of contentment, Alan's goofy grin, Gina's looks of simmering patience, Jewel's enthusiasm, Sean's ability to play like he knows everything in the verse, and Adam just as goofy as he is.

These actors gave life to characters that were just written on a page, they gave them life and made them lovable to all. I would rather see whole new characters that to have the characters that I have grown to love so much mocked.


Tuesday, July 26, 2022 5:11 PM


Joss is over, the more difficult part could be finding other specially talented actors to take such unique roles

Degrees of Firefly?

if Mal became an ate too many chocolate donut buns, Covid victim, no gym no exercise. Corona survivor Fatass

‘The Whale’: Brendan Fraser Transforms Into a 600-Pound Man in Darren Aronofsky’s New Film

I like Brendan Fraser
heard rumor some Weinstein dude tried to molest him but WTF happened?


Tuesday, August 2, 2022 4:36 PM


What Would Mal do ?

why would it have to be a person-for-person reboot? The "feel" that I got from Firefly - small band of folks, out there for their own reasons, small ship, always have to find a way to survive the adventure as the underdog.

I was good with Season 1 of The Expanse when the unintended crew found themselves pulled together on the Roci....had that similar feel...
Same feeling for a short moment in the movie "Solo" with Woody Harrelson's crew or the hint of similar on Riddick with Dahl's mercenary crew.

yeah, I'd be good with a Firefly reboot as long as they don't waste time trying to be replicants of the original Serenity crew.


Tuesday, August 2, 2022 6:27 PM


It's impossible to bring the show back as it was now. 21 years have passed. I can't see any way of making that interesting.

It could be done with a new cast playing an entirely different crew, although you would lose the interesting River angle and would need something to make up for the loss of that.

I'd love to see something else made in the Firefly universe. But not in the 2020's. At least not in the early 2020's. They'd just ruin Firefly like they've ruined everything else.

A lot of THE RIGHT people need to be fired during this recession, and the "entertainment" industry needs to learn from a LOT of mistakes they've made since 2008.


Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus


Tuesday, August 2, 2022 8:53 PM


I've also said before that I think Joss was heavily influenced by other great science fiction writers from the past when he made Firefly. It's been taken as an insult against him by some super-fans back when this site was much more lively, but I didn't mean it to be. It's almost impossible to ever have a brand new idea.

Two books I can remember now off the top of my head that really made me think could share the Firefly Universe were Legacy of Heorot by Jerry Pournelle, Larry Niven, and Steven Barnes in 1987 and The Great Explosion by Eric Frank Russel in 1962.

In the case of The Great Explosion, which was 3 stories that made up the novel, the 3rd of the bunch "And Then There Were None" has an extremely heavy Firefly vibe to it. The first two stories would be more about how exactly we got to the point where human beings were sent all over the universe to colonize different planets instead of focusing on what life was like after it already happened.

Legacy of Heorot would be the story, specifically, about how the settlers of one particular planet end up in the middle of a Gigeresque nightmare that they unwittingly brought on themselves by messing with the extremely delicate balance of nature on the planet they colonized.

I also just now remembered the name of a third collection of short stories called The Deathworld Trilogy by Harry Harrison in 1987 that I think could be fit into the Firefly universe as well, although I'd imagine more liberties would have to be taken to make it work. It's been a very long time since I read this one though, but I think as it is written now it might be just a little too fantastical to be a believable fit... It might have to be set somewhere in the future of what we've seen of Firefly so far.

Not only would there be plenty of ways to bring Firefly back and make it a show that original Firefly fans would love to watch while also bringing in a bigger audience, but with a little bit of smart copyright shopping there are a lot of great stories that predate Firefly that could be integrated into the story line with the correct people at the helm of the project.

But please.... Let's not ruin Firfly right now. This diversity/woke/oversensitive/cancel-culture society needs to die off completely first.

Nobody in the world had a single problem with strong black capable female Zoe in 2021, but we don't need a new Firefly to come out gaslighting us that the new lesbian half-black/half-asian, quadriplegic, autistic, little person captain who always saves the day and never makes the wrong decision because she was born perfect and never faced any adversity is the first time we've ever seen a strong female character in media before and if you don't like it that's because you're an evil woman-hating white male.

No thank you. I've waited 21 years for more Firefly. I can wait 21 more if I need to.


Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus






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