How did I miss it?

UPDATED: Tuesday, February 6, 2007 07:07
VIEWED: 4105
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Thursday, January 25, 2007 12:01 PM


I'm a complete newb here. I caught Serenity on cable for the first time a couple weeks ago and I just LOVED it. I just found out it was a movie created from a short lived TV series. Reading some of the comments on IMDb, I found it a mixed bag as the Firefly fans critiques with some loving it while others were less than impressed. In regards to some of the people posting negative comments, did the movie people, as is often the case - especially when going from book to movie form, veer so far left from what the TV series plot and characters had established that they'd get a bad taste in their mouths to not like this movie? I can't see any other reason because, as I got caught up in the story, I found myself truly entertained. Everything was so well done. The script and dialog were fantastic. The special effects weren't over done like so many movies these days. The Characters seemed so real it was kind of scary.

I'm not sure how I missed out on this short lived TV series, or how you long time fans heard about it in the first place, but I am green with envy to have not lived it with you. I'm rectifying the situation by buying the entire series to watch for myself, but I can't imagine it'll be quite the same.


Of course, that's just my opinion... I could be wrong


Thursday, January 25, 2007 12:09 PM


I hear you.... We all do. Oh, WELCOME whiplash4ever.


Thursday, January 25, 2007 12:24 PM


Welcome Whiplash4ever; I'm relatively new here, too so don't feel too alone! every day of every week more people are finding the unbelievably wonderful gem that is Firefly. Whether ya got here from the film, Serenity or not; you are welcome; lots to read here...lots of hope... I am envious of your 'first' viewing of the entire DVD will be ASTOUNDED that anyone could have canceled this show...then the depression will set in...THEN you come back here and get busy in any way you can think of to work on bringing Firefly back. It's truly a singular idea..and community...and I welcome you to it!


Thursday, January 25, 2007 1:35 PM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.

Conquering the 'verse, one Browncoat at a time.

Welcome home, whiplash. This is a great community, and we're gathered together to honor the best tv series ever! I can't imagine that you will find any fault with the show since you have already fallen in love with the crew. I'm looking forward to your opinion once you get to see it. And be sure to spread the news to all your friends.

wo men ren ran zai fei xing.


Thursday, January 25, 2007 1:58 PM


Oh... Whiplash. I'm envious. I truly am.
I'd love to go back and watch the series again with new eyes.

Welcome to the 'Verse. You've come home. I hope you come to love it here as much as I have.

The series is amazing, simply put and you are in for a treat. Please come back when you've done watching it and let us know what you thought.
Also, let us know any ideas you have for getting Firefly relit. You'll like as not be on fire with the need to do something and we'll sure listen.

When I got my DVD's I proceeded to map out a plan to watch so many a night. Several days later, I sort of came to, having watched them all back to back with very little stopping and realized I'd just seen the best thing ever. And that I was in love. Then I came here, and I've never left.

I hand out virtual browncoats to folks who join us, a sort of welcome...

*hands Whiplash a browncoat from the storeroom*

There you are my friend.. have a seat at the galley table, someone is likely to put out a spread for you and we're glad you're here.

Go to for more info!


Thursday, January 25, 2007 3:04 PM


Hey Whiplash4ever,
Welcome from another fairly new to the "verse person. I watched the movie first without knowing about the series. I was, however, a big Buffy fan and Nathan played a pyshco-demon-loving preacher on that show. I was listening to Joss talk about Nathan and Firefly and immediately purchased the series. I don't know how many times I've watched it since then - many.

This is a great website - lots of interesting topics and posts. I think it's been a great connecting place for everyone who loves Firefly - new and old alike.

"I'm thinkin we'll rise again."



Thursday, January 25, 2007 3:19 PM



Originally posted by Whiplash4ever:
I'm not sure how I missed out on this short lived TV series, or how you long time fans heard about it in the first place, but I am green with envy to have not lived it with you. I'm rectifying the situation by buying the entire series to watch for myself, but I can't imagine it'll be quite the same.

Of course not... it'll be better! I'm like you, saw the movie first and then bought the series. And the longtime fans can just sit there and envy us, because we saw the series, complete, in the right order, the first time!


Thursday, January 25, 2007 8:36 PM


Welcome home, Whiplash!!! You are #24893
to join our very shiny crew.
I join FM in wishing I could start the series
completely anew. I'd like to fall in love all
over again with the amber glow at the galley
table and the laughter echoing down toward the
engine room.
Your virtual browncoat looks great on you.
Please join us in a little snack of strawberries
(your choice of dip, or nekkid) washed down
with the best Mudder's Milk.
And do spread the Firefly love any chance you
get. We hate to see anybody getting left out.

~Bastards singed my turtle~
~We aim to exponentiate~
~Who is Bill Pardy?~


Friday, January 26, 2007 2:42 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

Welcome to the site and to the ranks of the browncoats Whiplash4ever! Glad to have you with us.

We have had a lot of new fans come to the site that missed it when it aired on Fox in '02. Seems that their marketing campaign for the series was not all that great. Course we already knew that.

Spread the word! Tell everyone you know about the series and the movie. Buy the series dvds and more importantly buy Serenity on dvd! The more new fans we bring onboard, and the more Serenity dvds that sell, the better our odds of the story continuing in some form.

Take care & keep flyin'!

Holding the line since December '02!

[img] [/img]

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Fans:

Color Sergeant

[img] [/img]


Friday, January 26, 2007 3:18 AM


Welcome to, whiplash4ever.

This is a friendly site and you'll meet people here from all over the world who love Firefly. There are those who watched it as it aired on F*X, and those like yourself who saw the movie first. And, you'll meet "recruits" - those who learned of Firefly through their friendly neighorhood Browncoat.

Dig through this site, read the unaired script "Dead or Alive", watch the viral videos, look into our guerilla marketing campaigns, and enjoy the abundance of terrific fanfic you'll find in the Blue Sun Room.

We're glad you are here.

EDIT: Wow, whip. Your hair is long! And, I'm impressed you have Joe Satriani playing on your myspace.


Friday, January 26, 2007 4:45 AM


Welcome to the 'verse, Whiplash4ever! Be sure to post often.

What made you choose that posting name, by the way? It's cool!

Graphics available at


Friday, January 26, 2007 7:56 AM


Welcome, Whiplash! And yes, we who came late to the 'verse are luckier, for we saw the pilot - AS A PILOT. Ha ha! Mine is an evil laugh!
Anyways. F*x is not only a terrible tv network thingy, it's also a terrible source of news. I just discovered how bad it was when I saw the Daily Show a couple nights ago, showing a clip where a newscaster called Democrats shaking hands with the president media whores.
Here's the clip:

WHO THE HELL SAYS THAT ON A LEGITIMATE PROFESSIONAL NEWS NETWORK SHOW THINGY (hush you, I don't know the proper terms )? I guess F*x isn't one of them. ::shakes her head:: Completely, astoundingly, unbelievable. I always felt people were being a bit too harsh or judgemental by saying F*x News was waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay to the right, but I hadn't actually seen it in a long time. I dunno. It's just sad.


Wow, I went on a tangent. Anyways. F*x sucks in many ways. Firefly is awesome. Firefly fans are awesome. And now that I have a Borders gift card, I'm spending my $40 on shiny Serenity stuff! Gonna get me the movie!

RPG launcher bought in third world country illegally - $10
Landmines - $50 per
Attack/track dogs bred 1st class - $250-500 per
Highpowered assault rifles - $600 per
The look on your face when I show up on your doorstep with a bigfoot - ... Priceless

"You gotta love that the first pirated HD DVD is the one about space pirates who broadcast a video that the government wants to keep secret.

Can't stop the signal."


Friday, January 26, 2007 9:12 AM



Originally posted by Whiplash4ever:
Reading some of the comments on IMDb, I found it a mixed bag as the Firefly fans critiques with some loving it while others were less than impressed. In regards to some of the people posting negative comments, did the movie people, as is often the case - especially when going from book to movie form, veer so far left from what the TV series plot and characters had established that they'd get a bad taste in their mouths to not like this movie? I can't see any other reason because, as I got caught up in the story, I found myself truly entertained. Everything was so well done. The script and dialog were fantastic. The special effects weren't over done like so many movies these days. The Characters seemed so real it was kind of scary.

To answer your question, the movie people were for the most part the same as the tv show people. The most notable difference in personnel was the change in composer for the score. The negative comments about the movie from Firefly fans are more a reflection of just how well done and beloved Firefly was, than of any fault of the movie itself.

So anyway, enjoy Firefly. If you found the characters in Serenity to be so real it was scary, you're really in for it with Firefly. They'll crack you up, they'll scare ya, they'll break your heart. And you'll be left aching for more like the rest of us.

Oh, and the only things you'll be missing out on by not watching the episodes as they were aired are baseball games, confusion, and widescreen shots shown fullscreen. Honestly, you're getting the better deal.

Ain't. We. Just.


Friday, January 26, 2007 9:42 AM


I ask myself the same thing whenever I watch any of the episodes or the BDM. "How did I miss this?" I might not have ever found it if I hadn't been watching an episode of Without A Trace that had our favorite frequently married red-head, Yo...Saff...Bridge, Christina Hendricks. I thought she was stupendously gorgeous and looked her up on imdb. I saw that she was in a couple of episodes of this little show called Firefly, so I rented the series and fell in love. I realized there was no more Firely to be seen so I cried like a baby (a hungry, angry baby).

I also have a very hard time getting into series that are currently running. I much prefer to get the DVD's and catch up in a fraction of the time.


Friday, January 26, 2007 9:47 AM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.


Originally posted by shameless:
Anyways. F*x is not only a terrible tv network thingy, it's also a terrible source of news.

Whenever I mistakenly let my tv tuner land on FOX News, I get the urge to bring out the degausser to clean up the mess.

wo men ren ran zai fei xing.


Friday, January 26, 2007 12:22 PM


Thanks for the welcome Mav, Kane, EC, Browncoat and Hippy. Also thanks to fellow newb's Sister and Siri. It feels like home already... without the crying, moaning and arguing - LOL

Mav - I just like the way it sounds. I like other music... heavier music too... but after cruising different pages, I didn't want to sound like everyone else and besides, Satriani needs to be spread among the younger generations so they can hear what a truly gifted guitarist sounds like. As far as the hair... yep, been that way for a long time. Even more so in fact because that picture is over a year old ;)

Browncoat, It's already been purchased. I bought it the weekend following the day I first saw it on cable. I simply had to have it.

Hippie - It's kind of a long story, but to chop it down so as to not bore everyone, As a youth, I was big into metal. In fact, in the early 80's I fell in love with a bunch of kids throwing themselves around on stage at an Ozzy concert who later became well know... Metallica. After that night, I would throw myself around whenever I heard them and friends would warn me to mellow out before I gave myself whiplash. It just sort of stuck after that. the 4ever part was added later as I got more into computers and screen names because, to just use Whiplash, as I'm sure you can guess, it's more often than not already in use.

You're envious of me? Doctroid, Shameless, FollowMal and FloralBunny... thanks for letting me know that you all are envious of my position here. Here I thought I had missed out on something, but it sounds like most here (who have replied to this thread anyway) would rather be in my shoes. I'm not sure I buy that, but it makes me feel better regardless - LMAO

FollowMal - Also, *Shrugs shoulders into jacket* thanks for the jacket. I'll wear it proudly ;)

FloralBunny - Thanks, I think you look simply fantastic in yours as well :D

ILuvYoSaffBridge - As good as the series promises to be and as great as the movie was, How is it possible that we didn't hear about this? It baffles me - LOL. I'm glad to be in the loop as I'm sure you are as well. It may be that I am lucky to view the series in order and without weird and confusing interruptions, but I feel as though I missed out on something non the less.

NoSadSeven - As far as I'm concerned, this is the most "looked forward to" series/movie I have had on the horizon in a long long time. I just got my Amazon confirmation, so the Firefly series should be here soon. I find myself almost giddy. Do the kids still use that term? Giddy? LMAO - Anyway, as I read the threads here and some of your posts on this thread itself, it's jacking me up to get them here that much sooner. Soon, to soon I'm afraid, I'll have watched them all and I will be left feeling empty for I know there is no more in the foreseeable future, but you know what they say. It's better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all.


Of course, that's just my opinion... I could be wrong


Friday, January 26, 2007 1:04 PM



Originally posted by Whiplash:
...... but you know what they say. It's better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all.

We say that a lot around here.

Enjoy the eps when they get there... and come back and commiserate with us, please.

Go to for more info!


Saturday, January 27, 2007 12:59 AM


Sorry I'm late with the welcome wagon Whiplash4ever, but I'm glad that you're here. Enjoy the boat and post often. I'd really like to hear what you think of the short run series.



Saturday, January 27, 2007 2:46 PM


I know exactly how you feel, Whip! We (me, hubbie, and kids) just discovered this series last month. Originally, we were watching the episodes through Netflix, but after seeing how good they were, we bought the set. Honestly, I have NEVER seen such good television. The writing, acting, dialect, lighting, special effects ... all are flawless. It's incredible how they mixed so much humor in with so much philosophy. I think "Jayne's Town" in particular is the best single hour of t.v. ever made. I'd love to see this show come back in any form.

-- Windchimed


Saturday, January 27, 2007 3:14 PM


Glad to have you here, whiplash4ever. You have indeed come home. Pull up a chair in the crew's lounge and have a strawberry.

-Once you watch the Series, what I just said will make perfect sense! lol

"Might have been the losing side, still not convinced it was the wrong one." -Mal


Saturday, January 27, 2007 4:52 PM


Welcome, Whip! Glad to know there are more of ye olde-tymers joining up. I'm in my early 40's myself, and was actually born at Rockford Memorial! We're a diverse bunch here, and I'm sure you'll be right at home.

I have a few on-line pals who refuse to (re-)watch Serenity, because they feel it is too different from Firefly. One because the movie is too fast and loose with physics, another because of the character deaths. But that's their loss, IMHO.

MAL "You only gotta scare him."
JAYNE "Pain is scary..." - Big Damn Podcast


Saturday, January 27, 2007 6:06 PM


ZZETTA13 - Sorry I'm late to the party as a whole. Thanks for the welcome

WINDCHIMED Had it not been for cable TV's Encore playing Serenity, I'd have never known that Firefly even existed. I punched up Serenity on IMDb to see what some of these relatively unknown actors and actress' had been in and it caught my eye that most had been in the same TV series Firefly, so, with curiosity gripping me with both hands, I clicked on it thinking, this most be where they all met to come together for the movie. Little did I know how right I was.

TDBROWN thanks for the welcome, and I can only pray that you're right my friend

DARKJESTER Thanks... I think. I'm not sure I'm ready to be called an old timer just yet - LMAO. Because I saw the movie first, I think it makes it easier to see a main character or two die, but now that I'm looking forward to watching the FF series, I kind of feel how it was wrong, so I can surly see you online pal's side of it too. Why Hollywood feels they need to do that is beyond me. Look what the doorknobs did to the X-Men after all. That was just criminal at the very least. Since the early 80's, it's been a common theme that there can be only one or two survivors and everyone else must die. Aliens in particular rubbed me wrong (I'm not even going to bring up the cheesy Arnold flicks where his whole crew dies but he still manages to take out the entire bad guy force single handedly) because they could... and should... have left several of the remaining character alive, but the Hollywood suits feel the audience wants to see which man/woman will be standing a the end.


Of course, that's just my opinion... I could be wrong


Sunday, January 28, 2007 7:16 AM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.


Originally posted by Whiplash4ever:
...but the Hollywood suits feel the audience wants to see which man/woman will be standing a the end.

Correction needed here I think. Whiplash, unless Joss has been lying to us for the past year or so, Universal left him alone with the script. Even though original versions had all crew still alive at the end, he came to the conclusion that genuine peril was needed for the ending to have more of an impact.

wo men ren ran zai fei xing.


Sunday, January 28, 2007 11:48 AM


Really? So if he ever does get the series back on the air, he knew going in he'd be two main characters down (3 if you throw in Mr. Universe, who it appears had no role in the series at least to this point. Interesting. I suggest no such thing as to Joss lying to us, I'm just a little behind the rest of you information wise, coming late to the party as it were, but I would have thought that if he wanted the series back, he'd want the cast back as well. Unless he's going to pull the old "Dream Sequence" on us... which would SUCK.


Of course, that's just my opinion... I could be wrong


Monday, February 5, 2007 5:06 PM


Well, here's my report for those that care. I'm still sitting on the last episode, but I feel comfortable going into this now. I see why there's such a strong fan base for a TV series that was so short lived. Once it gets it's hooks into you, it leaves you wanting more. Admittedly, it started a little slow for me. I wasn't REAL impressed with The Train Job. but they got better ever week until I got to the last one, and now I almost wish I hadn't burned though the whole series in a week... but I just couldn't help myself. I see a few story flaws from the TV series to the movie, but really, they stay pretty consistent. The only big plot change is how River comes to be with her brother and how they end up on Serenity. I guess we could be led to believe that the event that takes place in the movie isn't Serenity helping them out. I'll have to pay more attention to the ships underside next time I watch it. Other than that... it's just minor stuff. Maybe the only other thing I saw was when Mal threatens to shoot/abandon his crew members not willing to help out string the bodies and paint the ship to go through the Reavers. I get the distinct impression that goes against the persona that his TV character has fleshed out. He also refers to the Tams several times as "His Crew" which he flat out says they aren't in the movie... but that's all small potatoes really. Joss must be a big fan of either the original Star Wars flicks or of George Lucas. I see a lot of the space cowboy theme through out the whole thing mixed with more modern technology. I really like the idea of blending the two languages and cultures.

My question to you fine people is, what's been done to have our voices heard to get this series back on the air? The window is closing. Mal isn't getting any younger, and the rest of the cast is young, but they need to be to play the characters they filled out. I can't see them parading around a 35 year old Companion for instance. Obviously Joss wants to get this thing back on the air. What's been done so far hasn't worked. What's in the plans now as we move forward?


Of course, that's just my opinion... I could be wrong


Tuesday, February 6, 2007 7:07 AM



Originally posted by Whiplash4ever:
Well, here's my report for those that care. I'm still sitting on the last episode, but I feel comfortable going into this now. I see why there's such a strong fan base for a TV series that was so short lived. Once it gets it's hooks into you, it leaves you wanting more. Admittedly, it started a little slow for me. I wasn't REAL impressed with The Train Job. but they got better ever week until I got to the last one, and now I almost wish I hadn't burned though the whole series in a week... but I just couldn't help myself. I see a few story flaws from the TV series to the movie, but really, they stay pretty consistent. The only big plot change is how River comes to be with her brother and how they end up on Serenity. I guess we could be led to believe that the event that takes place in the movie isn't Serenity helping them out. I'll have to pay more attention to the ships underside next time I watch it. Other than that... it's just minor stuff. Maybe the only other thing I saw was when Mal threatens to shoot/abandon his crew members not willing to help out string the bodies and paint the ship to go through the Reavers. I get the distinct impression that goes against the persona that his TV character has fleshed out. He also refers to the Tams several times as "His Crew" which he flat out says they aren't in the movie... but that's all small potatoes really. Joss must be a big fan of either the original Star Wars flicks or of George Lucas. I see a lot of the space cowboy theme through out the whole thing mixed with more modern technology. I really like the idea of blending the two languages and cultures.

My question to you fine people is, what's been done to have our voices heard to get this series back on the air? The window is closing. Mal isn't getting any younger, and the rest of the cast is young, but they need to be to play the characters they filled out. I can't see them parading around a 35 year old Companion for instance. Obviously Joss wants to get this thing back on the air. What's been done so far hasn't worked. What's in the plans now as we move forward?


Of course, that's just my opinion... I could be wrong

Hello Whip

I will agree with you that "The Train Job" eps isn't my very favorite eps of FF but it ain't at the bottom either. One thing that I can tell you is that FF is a show that grows on you. Not to say that it wasn't terrific the first time around but every eps I've rewatched just makes the show better and better.

So your holding out on watching OIS ( Objecets In Space) all I can say is that one is frosting on the cake. You will like it I'm sure. When your done with the whole series come back and post up which one was your favorite and why. We love hearing that stuff.

BTW the spacecraft in that rescues Simon and River Tam in Serenity isn't captain Mal's Serenity although it may look like it.

Also Malcolm Reynolds in the BDM making refferences as to the Tams not being part of the crew of Serenity was Joss's way of just building the story for the newcomers to the verse like me. I think that he wanted to show that the Tams were brought aboard (at least in the begining) as guest and that they really didn't jell with the crew until later. Anyhoo, thoes are just my thoughts.

See ya after you've made the acquaintance of Mr. Early







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