Joss won't be making 'Wonder Woman'

UPDATED: Sunday, February 18, 2007 21:53
VIEWED: 30772
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Saturday, February 3, 2007 2:57 PM


The only reason I would have gone was for the writing. Now? Not so much.

I'm not giving up hope of a sequel or a series. I am starting to think that the cast may have to play their characters' parents at this rate..
but I'm not the most patient person in the world.

Now, if everyone can stop trying to call each other big dummies without coming right out and saying it this will be a much more pleasant thread.

Opinions are opinions and nothing more, conjecture is just guessing, nobody has a crystal ball, and we have taken a turn down the trousers of time. Nothing left to do but wait and see.


Saturday, February 3, 2007 3:35 PM



Originally posted by Operative1985:

Originally posted by Causal:
Look, everybody! O-1985 has a crystal ball, too!

no its called common sense. If a movie doestn do well in the box office, studios are less prone to hire you. I dont have a crystal ball, but you have a really lame sense of humor.

Jesus, O-1985, did you really think I was referring to the not-hiring thing? Give me a break. I was referring to the (obviously) erroneous notion that anyone can look into the future and predict how a movie is going to do (with the possible exception of Fantastic 4). Who knew Clerks would do so well? Or Brokeback Mountain? Or Star Wars for that matter? Hell, I'd have gone to see WW (still might), just to see what kind of treatment they give it.

But I'm sorry, I've forgotten that when you're 16 you know everything. My bad.


Grand High Poobah of the Mythical Land of Iowa, and Keeper of State Secrets

I wish I had a magical wish-granting plank.

Vote Firefly!


Saturday, February 3, 2007 3:43 PM


Can I just say - AMEN!

I think this is a good thing and here's why:

No matter how brilliant Joss is, as long as the studio kept micromanaging him the project was never going to work.

Plus now, he has time for those other projects, like say - A new season of Firefly, a Serenity sequel or some combination thereof ...

Please, Joss - if you read this site at all, make it happen my friend!

So ... explain to me your obsession with all things evil?


Saturday, February 3, 2007 4:59 PM


As much as I would love to see a continuation of the 'verse, Joss losing out on the chance to make Wonder Woman - especially coming on the heels of the supposed failure of Serenity and the cancellation of Firefly and ANGEL - puts a serious damper on his career in the movies. He's trying to establish himself as a mainstream director and writer (rather than just a script-doctor, which is what he was already known for), but he keeps running into problems: his first film didn't sell nearly as well as he and the studio were hoping it would, and now he's lost out on the chance to catapult his career by bringing to life one of DC Comics' primary superheroes in 'Wonder Woman'. Although it's still possible that Universal COULD greenlight a Serenity sequel, the chances of it actually being successful are consderiably lower than they otherwise might have been had he had the opportunity to make a name for himself as a film director and writer with 'Wonder Woman'.

Also, from what I know of Joss, his calling himself a 'free man' is most likely an attempt to 'soften the blow' and help himself - and us - deal with the fact that the studio decided to cut him loose (which is definitely the case).

As great as Joss is, he really needs a mainstream success story as a director and writer to get his Hollywood film career back where it used to be (when he was a highly successful script doctor); here's hoping this 'Goners' project will be the 'magic ticket', 'cause if it's not, I'm not sure if Joss's career will be able to recover given the setbacks he's suffered already.

Take my love
Take my land
Take me where I cannot stand
I don't care
I'm still free
You can't take the sky from me
Take me out to the black
Tell 'em I ain't comin' back
Burn the land and boil the sea
You can't take the sky from me
There's no place I can be
Since I've found Serenity
But you can't take the sky from me


Saturday, February 3, 2007 4:59 PM



Originally posted by Causal:

Originally posted by Operative1985:

Originally posted by Causal:
Look, everybody! O-1985 has a crystal ball, too!

no its called common sense. If a movie doestn do well in the box office, studios are less prone to hire you. I dont have a crystal ball, but you have a really lame sense of humor.

Jesus, O-1985, did you really think I was referring to the not-hiring thing? Give me a break. I was referring to the (obviously) erroneous notion that anyone can look into the future and predict how a movie is going to do (with the possible exception of Fantastic 4). Who knew Clerks would do so well? Or Brokeback Mountain? Or Star Wars for that matter? Hell, I'd have gone to see WW (still might), just to see what kind of treatment they give it.

But I'm sorry, I've forgotten that when you're 16 you know everything. My bad.


haha im the 16 year old now? who responded with sarcasm when i was just being involved in the thread? that would be you. I didnt agree with you, but you dont see me being sarcastic and rude. All I was saying is that this is a good thing, because even as good as Joss is, i dont believe Wonder Woman is the project he needs to do right now. With him OFF the project, he wont be negated by it when it does sub par in the box office. Thats the last thing he needs. So get off my back and grow up.

"I already know you will not see reason" - The Operative
98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature


Saturday, February 3, 2007 5:16 PM



Originally posted by FollowMal:

This isn't a setback for Joss, nor is it a springboard. It's simply another turn down the exiting adventure that is his career.

I'm sorry I disagree with you about this not being a setback for Joss.

Of course you do, because you're focusing on the negative. That's the problem. Not everything that happens to Joss and our BDHs is either going to help or hurt a sequel. Joss working on WW would not have impacted the probability of a sequel at all. Not one bit. Universal knows there is a fanbase out here for Serenity and they know that not a single one of us would be swayed by the outcome of WW's revenues. They also know that 90% of movie goers don't give a rats ass who directs a movie, they go for the content. Think more people would have gone to see Serenity if Joss wrote it and Spielburg was directing it? I don't.

WW would have zero impact on a sequel. Well that's not true, as someone stated earlier, the time Joss would have had to dedicate to WW would have all but eliminated the possability of a sequel.


I just believe that the chances he has to work that magic with the 'Verse are slimmer now.

They were slim to begin with. I understand the desire to keep holding the torch, but come on. Do you honestly think that everything that happens in the lives and careers of those associated with this project affects a Serenity sequel that greatly? Do you honestly think Nathan being in Lost and White Noise 2, or Jewel being in The Tribe, or Gina's projects and pregnancy, or Adam's TV appearances (need I go on?) helped the chances of a sequel? No, they didn't. All it means is that they've found work, and God bless them for that.


I'll be in my bunk.
XO of the 76th Battalion


Saturday, February 3, 2007 5:45 PM



Originally posted by Operative1985:
haha im the 16 year old now?

Well, I guess I just assumed that the "98% of teens have smoked pot..." line in your sig actually meant something. But I suppose that it could always be the case that you're a creepy forty-five year old in a sweat-stained wife-beater who likes pretending to be a teenager so he can talk to teenage girls. Who knows, really? That's the wonder of the internet.


who responded with sarcasm when i was just being involved in the thread?

Actually, if you'll look carefully, only the second half of that post was meant sarcastically, and that just barely. If my memory of my own teenage years serves me correctly, I also labored under the delusion that I knew it all--so really, the only sarcastic thing in there was the apology. Perhaps your sarcasm detector needs a tune-up? Next time I'll make sure to use [ sarcasm ] and [ /sarcasm ] to insure that there's no confusion.


I didnt agree with you, but you dont see me being sarcastic and rude...get off my back and grow up.

Mr. Pot, meet Mr. Kettle.


All I was saying is that this is a good thing, because even as good as Joss is, i dont believe Wonder Woman is the project he needs to do right now. With him OFF the project, he wont be negated by it when it does sub par in the box office. [ emphasis added ]

And now, after a long and pointless diversion we return to the point that I was originally trying to make. And after two failed attempts to make you understand, I've grown weary of trying to say this artfully, so here we go with language even you will be sure to understand: there is no way for you to know how the Wonderwoman movie is going to do at the box office. And before you object--no, there really isn't. Wait, wait--nope. And given that it's the case that none of us (yourself included) can perfectly predict future box-office performance, none of us (yourself included) can really know whether or not the project would help or hurt Joss Whedon's value to movie studios. [ sarcasm ] So gee, I'm not really sure it's the open-and-shut case that you seem to think it is. [ /sarcasm ]

Grand High Poobah of the Mythical Land of Iowa, and Keeper of State Secrets

I wish I had a magical wish-granting plank.

Vote Firefly!


Saturday, February 3, 2007 5:50 PM


Hey Baby!

I just wanted to jump in and say you are 100% right. How many of us who are posting here really understand this movie/TV Business? I mean....come on? They made Serenity! AFTER a CANCELED TV SHOW!

The point is we just don't know anything. We will see what 2007 holds.


Saturday, February 3, 2007 6:42 PM


Casual, i understood your point. its the way you started by mocking me. I could care less if you dont agree with my opinion. I believe the movie would do poorly, Im allowed to predict/guess, that doesnt mean its fact or that i deserve to be mocked by you. Like i said, grow up. Im done replying to you, your very unpleasant.

But let me apologize from just voicing my opinion, apparently thats not allowed on this board.

"I already know you will not see reason" - The Operative


Saturday, February 3, 2007 8:55 PM


i know this is a stupid question, but what is this "GONERS" project?

Shepherd used to tell me...can't do something smart, do something right.
I'm so into Firefly, my butt glows in the dark.


Saturday, February 3, 2007 9:56 PM



Originally posted by dqbaby76:
i know this is a stupid question, but what is this "GONERS" project?

Not a stupid question.

Goners is a supernatural thriller movie from Joss Whedon (Serenity) under development by Universal Pictures.

which has a fan community

and this blog area

Sunday, November 26, 2006
Update from Joss Whedon about Goners

Goners is a film that brewed in me for a few years, and then after I finished filming Serenity, I just up and wrote it, because I've been waiting to for so long. It's a supernatural thriller.

There's not much I'm gonna say about it, because I have no idea when it'll happen, and every piece of information will get chewed over so thoroughly that I'm afraid if I talk about it at all, by the time the movie actually comes out people will be tired of it.

It's about a girl named Mia - people know that - who sort of sees in a mystical way the underbelly of the city and of human society, and goes through a kind of extraordinary hell, and we all have a lot of fun in the process.

It's very much the kind of fiction that I tell. That is to say, I love this character and I've been seeing a lot of horror movies that are torture-porn, where kids we don't care about are mutilated for hours, and I just cannot abide them.

This is much more a story about -- literally about human connection and whether or not it's possible.

But it's told on a very mystical scale and, in a way like everything I've tried to do including Buffy, it's an antidote to that very kind of film, the horror movie with the expendable human beings in it. Because I don't believe any human beings are.

Thanks to Fan Boy Radio.

// posted by Goners @ 5:44 PM

Goners Internet movie database page search Goners not listed under Popular Results It is listed right now under Other Results.


Sunday, February 4, 2007 3:57 AM



Originally posted by derangedmilk:

Originally posted by charliethebloody:

I'd kind of given up on a sequel anyway and I agree with the people who say this makes it less likely.

Hmph. So much for Browncoat optimism...

optimisms overated, I don't have the pep to keep it up for years on end

but to answer the person who wondered if the boards would empty when the hope went away, I don't think so, I know I'd keep coming back cos I've made friends (and enemies) and talk about other things than serenifly, the communities have grown beyond whether or not we get a sequel or whatever...

"I'm an artist, with an e and a beret."


Sunday, February 4, 2007 4:59 AM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by thatweirdgirl:

Originally posted by AURaptor:
The spell worked ! Finally!!!!

Don't make me hurt you.

Cause I will!

Oh yes...I'll...I'll...I'll...flood your inbox with private messages...yeah, that's what I'll do.

*has been a WW fan since toddlerhood*

Ooooh, baby! Hurt me! Hurt me!

Just to clarify, not so much a strike AGAINST WW, but just hoping Joss gets all bored and restless that he turns his creative powers toward making Serenity 2: The Companions Strike Back!

People love a happy ending. So every episode, I will explain once again that I don't like people. And then Mal will shoot someone. Someone we like. And their puppy. - Joss

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Sunday, February 4, 2007 5:27 AM


The dismissal of Wonder Woman opens up creative space for his other projects. Still the question remains, will his other projects be accepted by the movie industry?

A Serenity sequel will have a greater chance of being accepted than Wonderwoman or his other projects for that matter. Simply because nobody has ever seen Wonderwoman and nobody knows for sure if it's going to be successful. On the other hand Serenity has proven itself. So if I were a neutral Universal representative I would choose Serenity over anything else.

Don't worry guys! This brings us one step closer to Firefly :-)


Sunday, February 4, 2007 6:28 AM


My take on the issue has to do with Wonder Woman being a jump for Joss toward mainstream success. With mainstream success, he could do just about anything, eventually, including possibly more Serenity sequels and/or a, dare I hope, BUFFY movie, etc.

I always felt that if anyone could get me to care about a superhero movie, it's Joss.

I also find it pretty ironic that a guy who used to be in demand to fix other people's shoddy scripts for movies that eventually became blockbusters(Speed, Twister, Toy Story, etc.) isn't being taken seriously at his first real attempt at his own.

Sorry for Joss (and the many who are losing out on his brilliance), hope it's a "yay" for us, though not sure if I believe it at this point.


Sunday, February 4, 2007 7:05 AM


Forgive me if this was stated before and I missed it, but Alien IV was directed by someone else (as was the original BUFFY movie). Those directors had the freedom to do what they wanted with the script. Joss admits they were both bad, neither of which is entirely his fault.

As for the original BUFFY movie, director Fran Kuzui's vision was that it was "not a vampire movie, but a pop culture comedy about what people think about vampires."

Watch the series, which was finally done in Joss's original vision for the movie, or hell, the movie itself and ask yourself just what in the hell was she smoking when the movie was made?

Anyway, if you're going to find fault with him, be fair and do it with things he DID have total creative control over, like all three series and SERENITY.

Bottom line: They should have trusted him to know what he was doing, and they didn't and so it's they're own fault it's going to suck.


Sunday, February 4, 2007 7:41 AM


I wish I knew what this means, but I don't.

I guess I wish for better things for Joss. There's no reason to believe, after all, that this is going to open a special door for Firefly.

Excerpt from My Genre Geek Resume:
~huge Odyssey 5 fan (despite its cancellation)
~dangerously obsessed with BtVS and Angel
~former Andromeda fan


Sunday, February 4, 2007 8:00 AM


After just seeing Superman II : The Donner Cut, I'm not surprised in the least about Joss being dumped from the movie. I would love to think that this means that Firefly/Serenity could get a chance, but he wasn't the only one we had to worry about. Many of the actors have current gigs.


Sunday, February 4, 2007 8:00 AM


Poor Joss, I'm sure he could've made it work. It would have been nice to get a successful movie under his belt. I think it might be a little selfish to assume that he's going to jump right into BDM2. Let us all make a promise not to smother him with requests for the thing, right? Everyone promise now. Ya hear me?

No, I am not insane, I am crazy. Thank you for asking.


Monday, February 5, 2007 2:59 AM


A film named "Wonder Woman" weren't never gonna be a successful movie anyway regardless of who wrote, produced, directed or starred in it. It's loser sh*t from the get go. Can't imagine why Joss was involved with the project to begin with. Better off working on "Big Mama's House 4"


Monday, February 5, 2007 3:29 AM


Waaaay up there somebody wrote


the chance of Joss PLAYING wonder woman

and I just have to say I spewed cake crumbs all over the place. (Yes, I am eating a piece of my DD's 16th birthday cake for breakfast.)

High Priestess of Pork and Ag-Related Activities of the MYTHICAL LAND OF IOWA

Click on my profile for my Annoyingly Long List of Firefly Links.


Monday, February 5, 2007 3:41 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

I have to say that I am a bit shocked at this news. Of course I am not really surprised that Warner Brothers could not understand or appreciate Joss's vision for the movie and character.

Let's hope that now that he has some more free time he will dedicate a portion of it to our 'verse.

Holding the line since December '02!

[img] [/img]

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Fans:

Color Sergeant

[img] [/img]


Monday, February 5, 2007 4:06 AM


Heh. If you count Vigilante as a Nathan cameo (Nathan played Vig on JLU), this is even more on-topic:

Those last three panels are comedy gold. Batman makes everything funnier.

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


Monday, February 5, 2007 4:12 AM



Originally posted by Succatash:
Goners - *Crickets* from Universal, they've had over 2 years to greenlight this movie and have not.

I was under the impression that Joss' contract w/Joel Silver required him to wait on 'Goners', that Joss had to work exclusively (in terms of the movie industry, not w/regard to comic books) on Wonder Woman....
I'm hoping that tearing up that contract w/Joel Silver means that 'Goners' WILL go ahead now....

of course there is the problem of Mary Parent no longer being w/Universal....

but I hear that horror pictures always get the green light (that they always make good $$$)

we shall see, I suppose.

At any rate, I would have loved to have seen Joss' vision for Wonder Woman, but if we were going to see Joel Silver's vision with Joss' name attached to a great big turkey, then I'm happier without it.


Monday, February 5, 2007 12:32 PM



Originally posted by embers:
I was under the impression that Joss' contract w/Joel Silver required him to wait on 'Goners', that Joss had to work exclusively (in terms of the movie industry, not w/regard to comic books) on Wonder Woman....

Hi Embers. I remember this article from a year ago, where Joss said he'd do whatever came first.

I don't know which will come first, it's really which studio is the most interested in making one of them."

"Gott kann dich nicht vor mir beschuetzen, weil ich nicht boese bin."


Monday, February 5, 2007 12:51 PM


oh yeah, I remember that...I even had the impression that Joss wanted to do Goners first,
and then suddenly it became clear he was working only on the Wonder Woman script, which I thought meant that Joel Silver had cracked his whip...
here at Whedonesque he talked of doing Goners after WW:
(although clearly he wasn't sounding like he thought nothing would be happening on WW for a full year!)

of course I was just saying what my impression was, and obviously I'm just a confused by stander who thinks that Joel Silver evil and ...
er ....
okay, I'll be quiet now.



Monday, February 5, 2007 12:59 PM


Reasons why Joss isn't writing Wonder Woman any more:

Pitch 1

Joss: "Okay, so we open with the credits and then the first thing we see is... Lex Luthor standing proudly over the corpse that used to be Superman!"

Pitch 2

Joss: " Wonder Woman is betrayed by the Green Lantern and Hawkman. She's hurt. She's vulnerable. In her darkest hour she turns to The Flash for support. What she doesn't know is that Batman, who has turned evil, has secretly taken over The Flash's mind. The Flash kills Wonder Woman and then-"

Pitch 3

Joss: "So our happy, cheerful Wonder Woman decides to go home for a visit. She walks into an almost empty palace, and notices her Mum is sitting on the throne. Then she notices she's sort of slumped to one side, like she's asleep. It's not until we do a close up shot that we see that her Mother's eyes are wide open and unblinking..."

Pitch 4

Joss: "But she broke some guys neck in the comics!!! I'm sure she did!!!"

Pitch 5

Joss: "Now it's not until Black Canary raises her from the dead a second time that she gets really depressed. Which is an issue, since raising the dead kinda pushed Canary over the edge..."

Pitch 6

Joss: "So... she's not allowed make any quips when she kills people? Wait... what do you mean she's not allowed kill people???"

Pitch 7

Joss: "So not only has she lost all her superpowers, but it turns out that The Green Lantern is responsible!

Pitch 8

Joss: "That's when Batman tries to rape her..."

Pitch 9

Joss: "And this part is very important... as she leaves Paradise Island forver, it blows up behind her! See, that was the plan all along!"

Pitch 10

Joss: "And then this little sister arrives out of nowhere but... and this is the best bit... everyone is acting like she's always been there!"

Graphics available at


Monday, February 5, 2007 1:43 PM



Originally posted by KayleeGirl:
Asarian, thanks for saying that. I agree. We want Joss to be seen as the "it-man" in Hollywood with makin' the big, blockbuster hits.

But its never going to happen. He can't get past wanting to kill our darlings.


Monday, February 5, 2007 1:53 PM


Only Joss or Jim Cameron could have done WW right; now it will suck

Get us out from under, Wonder Woman! Chrisisall


Monday, February 5, 2007 3:21 PM



roflmao- patriotic dominatrix!
When I heard joss was on this idea, that was my FIRST thought- please spirit, change that awful costume. Maybe a little slip dress: red on the bust with a gauzy white bottom and honkin big blue motorcycle boots. the armguards can be those thick goth bracelets ala renaissance faires and the gold whip... it's just gotta go.

desktop hippie- I get that you're saying he's too action/humor/character-devastating for the franchise, but I think he would be true to the original and made it fresh. I believe in joss. I would be really really really interested in reading his script/vision after the studio makes their attempt.


Tuesday, February 6, 2007 8:43 AM


The following, I'm sure, never actually happened:

Joss: Well, here's the script. It's awesome. Just like the last 42 drafts.

Studio: I don't know, John. You keep writing scripts where something cool happens, and I don't know that the public wants that.

Joss: Well, I've been doing this a few years--

Studio: Yes, huge success on TV and all that, we know all about it, George. Comics world god, fanboys, whatever. But could you write something a little more... y'know... a little less "good," a little more "Hulk?"

Joss: Uh... (a single man-tear rolls down his cheek)

Studio: Or what about... what was that movie... Alien Resurrection? I loved that movie. Write something like that.

Joss: (kills everyone in the room)

........... and, scene.

(p.s. can we have Goners by the end of 2007? Please? Pretty please? I'll be your best friend, Joss. I'm an excellent cook, everyone says so)

--------------- (Qs)


Tuesday, February 6, 2007 10:10 AM



Originally posted by mima:

desktop hippie- I get that you're saying he's too action/humor/character-devastating for the franchise, but I think he would be true to the original and made it fresh. I believe in joss. I would be really really really interested in reading his script/vision after the studio makes their attempt.

To be honest, I wasn't really commenting on Joss. Just making a funny I'm a huge Buffy fan, and the idea of the Buffy-esque pitches Joss might have made to the studio always amused me.

Personally, I'm dissapointed he won't be making the movie as I would have loved to have seen what he did with the character. Still, I have Goners to look forward to now. Bet Mia is way cooler than Wonder Woman!

Graphics available at


Tuesday, February 6, 2007 11:09 AM


I hate to commit heresy in this room, but I'm gonna have to say this:

Joss's biggest success commercially was probably Buffy and the spin-offs. And personally, I think that Firefly was his best work. Better than the BDM I think.

On other words, episodic character driven TV is his best medium. Major motion pictures don't seem to really jibe with his talents. He's just not a Spielberg or Scorcese or Cameron.

Sure, The Movies are all sexy and glamorous and all, but considering how GOOD Fiefly is--especially compared to Alien IV--I really think TV is where he belongs, professionally and creatively.

When I listen to the BSG commentary podcast each week, I'm always struck by how much fun they seem to be having, how hard they are working, and how little the network seems to interfere with their creative process. And how much they love what they are doing.

Ok so commence flaying me alive here folks :)

BSG-38 Minnesotia


Tuesday, February 6, 2007 2:41 PM


Actually, I'm inclined to agree.

I'm one of those who believes that TV is inherently superior to movies. A movie is only about two hours, maybe three if you're Peter Jackson. The usual first order for a TV series is 13 episodes. Even if you end up getting cancelled, that's thirteen hours of time you get to spend with your characters (fifteen, if you get the double-sized pilot episode extra).

OTOH, movies are much higher-profile, suited to today's ADD-based pop culture. Joss' TV cred is golden, it's the publicity he needs, which means he needs movies. A few blockbusters later, no mere network will have the cojones to say "no" to him (and if they do, other networks will be eager to pick up anything he tosses them).

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


Tuesday, February 6, 2007 10:28 PM


It is really unfortunate that Joss if off Wonder Woman, because it could have been the recognition boost he needed. I know he has legion of Buffy,Angel,Firefly,Serenity fans in the verse. I myself am a browncoat, but I don't think he has the industry recognition that he truly deserves. Take for example Sam Rami, he also had a loyal fan base, but it wasn't untill he made Spiderman and became a box office champ that he finally got the recognition he deserved. I just think Wonder Woman would have been a good boost for Joss to show a lot more people just how talented this guy really is.


Tuesday, February 6, 2007 10:58 PM



Originally posted by DesktopHippie:
To be honest, I wasn't really commenting on Joss. Just making a funny I'm a huge Buffy fan, and the idea of the Buffy-esque pitches Joss might have made to the studio always amused me.

Personally, I'm dissapointed he won't be making the movie as I would have loved to have seen what he did with the character. Still, I have Goners to look forward to now. Bet Mia is way cooler than Wonder Woman!

You made me giggle, DTH.. went back and giggled just now.

I agree... I would have loved to have seen what Joss' genius could have done with WW. Mia however is now calling... I'm quite fascinated with this idea and character. Knowing Joss it'll blow my socks off!

That being said....


Originally posted by BattlestarMinnesotia:
I hate to commit heresy in this room, but I'm gonna have to say this:

Joss's biggest success commercially was probably Buffy and the spin-offs. And personally, I think that Firefly was his best work. Better than the BDM I think.

On other words, episodic character driven TV is his best medium. Major motion pictures don't seem to really jibe with his talents. He's just not a Spielberg or Scorcese or Cameron.

Sure, The Movies are all sexy and glamorous and all, but considering how GOOD Fiefly is--especially compared to Alien IV--I really think TV is where he belongs, professionally and creatively.

When I listen to the BSG commentary podcast each week, I'm always struck by how much fun they seem to be having, how hard they are working, and how little the network seems to interfere with their creative process. And how much they love what they are doing.

Ok so commence flaying me alive here folks :)

BSG-38 Minnesotia

No flaying necessary.. we enjoy the fair exchange of opinions and ideas 'round here.

I don't disagree with you on any particular point... Joss' forte is the ongoing, long form of story telling. 'Course he's damn fine at the flash by, goes too fast movie makin' thing too. I think he'd get better at it too.. the more he makes. Let's hope that Goner's is the one that now makes his name big. It's the name recognition by many, big glad handing following of execs that we need for him to have in Hollywood that nets us the possibility of more.

Go to for more info!


Tuesday, February 6, 2007 11:20 PM


Oh, c'mon people! Toy Story? Hello? Joss got an oscar for that for crying out loud! I know he was part of a team, but still! The guy can write popular movies. Heck, the whole point of a script doctor is to make sure everything works as well as possible in as short a space as possible.

As for why he quit Wonder Woman, I have it on very bad authority that the studio is hoping to make a parody of the 70's show. After his bad experience with the Buffy movie I don't blame him for pulling out.

Graphics available at


Tuesday, February 6, 2007 11:30 PM



Originally posted by DesktopHippie:
Oh, c'mon people! Toy Story? Hello? Joss got an oscar for that for crying out loud! I know he was part of a team, but still! The guy can write popular movies. Heck, the whole point of a script doctor is to make sure everything works as well as possible in as short a space as possible.

I know, DTH.. I agree.. Toy Story is a masterpiece, genuinely. But I was referring to directing.. I want him to have that big chance to be a "big" director, you know, household name and all.


After his bad experience with the Buffy movie I don't blame him for pulling out.

I don't blame him for pulling out, if that's what happened... I'm just sorry it happened. WW could have been a big hit for Joss and made him a name in Hollywood within the movie industry that the BDM didn't.. and I think we all could have benefited from that.. not least of all Joss.. who would have more free rein to do what he wants to do. Joss doing what he wants to do makes me happy.

'Course Mia may kick ass.. and leave everyone in the dust and make him the new "it" director! I can't wait to see Goners!

Go to for more info!

Ask me how to join the Appreciatin' Nathan crew!


Wednesday, February 7, 2007 12:45 AM


*a creaking noise is heard from the basement, as a lead-lined lid is opened, and a voice, thin and ghostly, wafts up the stairs...*

"Who stole m' golden arm?"...

No, wait. Ummm, what I meant to say was, I always had more than a little doubt about the validity of Wonder Woman.

While I was happy that Joss had the opportunity to make a major motion picture -- and while I was certain that the characters and dialogue would have been excellent -- I doubted that the movie would do anything but lose money at the box office.

It appears to me that the industry and moviegoers are about tuckered out on comics-based films. Witness the spectacular failures of the latest Superman foray, the Fantastic 4, and the last installment of X-Men. "But like all true love, it withered on the vine..."

So, while I'm sad Joss couldn't make a ton of dough and earn some serious credibility on a big-budget project, I'm also thrilled that he didn't continue with a project that seemed doomed to failure. Wonder Woman?! How stereotypical of 1940's womanhood can you get? In order to bring her into the present, you'd have to reinvent her so thoroughly that she'd be a new character and no longer Wonder Woman (starting with 40's Miss America contest bathing suit).

As bad as this turn may seem for our favorite storyteller, I'm telling you that he -- and we -- got shot in the donkey with luck on this one...



God (a.k.a. Morena Baccarin) never closes a door without opening another one... Preferably, that door will be on SciFi, Sundays at 8 or 9, holding hands with Battlestar Galactica, and spawn theatrical releases based on the new TV series. That's my dream.

*Mollified, the Ghost of Firefly Past crawls back into its lonely, cold bed, and dreams of the Day of its Resurrection*

"I aim to misbehave." -Capt. Mal Reynolds, Serenity, a.k.a. 'the BDBOF'


Wednesday, February 7, 2007 5:19 AM



We missed you!

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


Wednesday, February 7, 2007 6:17 AM


Freedom is Important because People are Important

It seems to me a lot like good ole Joss was fired.

Signs of trouble have been a long time coming, with the eternal scriptwriting of doom. He admitted to having a lot of trouble with it.

The Wonder Woman project was his chance to prove to everyone that he could make a blockbuster.

It was his chance for validation, and to write his own ticket.

It's a chance lost.

I don't think he's gotten his self-confidence back since making Serenity.

I think Joss is hurting.


"Liberty must not be purchased at the cost of Humanity." --Captain Robert Henner


Wednesday, February 7, 2007 8:21 AM


Boy o, boy o, that's a definate downer for me. I would have loved for Joss to take on the ultimate warrior girl. Still, I mean, as a general fan of Joss' work, and a complete lover of his writing style, I think that he would have done the franchise really well. I'm sorry, but I just can't see this as a good thing. I'm not going to try to psychoanalyze the guy, cause I don't know him, but I think that his writing style is a little too different for big time Hollywood. He focuses on characters that other writers glaze over, he brings forth plot points that make big time Hollywood execs shiver, and he has no qualms with doing what he thinks will be intresting and exciting, even when it hurts. (I'm thinking of a classy shepherd and a funny pilot here) Especially for the big budget movies that these super hero movies are supposed to be; it has to fit the mold. And Joss doesn't do that well. So, I'm a little sad to see Joss' involvment go the way of the (plastic) dinosaur, I would have loved to see what he would have done with it.


Wednesday, February 7, 2007 9:01 AM



Originally posted by zoid:


Asarian's first law of evidentiary spatial inequivalence: good folks leave an emptier space than the one they occupied.

In other words: I missed you. :) And it's good to see you again.

"Mei-mei, everything I have is right here." -- Simon Tam


Wednesday, February 7, 2007 12:49 PM


Cybersnark wrote:


We missed you!

...and asarian added...


Asarian's first law of evidentiary spatial inequivalence: good folks leave an emptier space than the one they occupied.

In other words: I missed you. :) And it's good to see you again.

Well, what can I say? Football season is over. My first passion has been snuffed for another six months. Of course, 'my' Cowboys (don't hate me, they're my childhood team) are in the process of hiring a new coaching staff, so that prolongs the interest somewhat...

But, I've been lurk-only around here since late July (a.k.a., start of training camp), and posting on the inaugural Cowboys Fan Forum site. I will tell you this: Between the Cowboys' fans and the Cowboys' haters that sign up just to say insulting stuff to each other, there's scarcely two brain cells between 'em.

I am really looking forward to returning to intelligent discourse on this site (at least until summer, when football beckons irresistibly, once more). Hey, I can't help it. I'm an old-fashioned guy...

Meantime, Joss no longer being a part of the WW project is going to turn out to be a blessing, believe me. Getting saved from making a colossal career mistake -- a huge-budget craptacular that no one will pay to see in a theatre -- keeps the door open for future projects. I guaran-dam-tee that a failure of the magnitude WW is gonna turn out to be would have put an end to Joss' dream of being a filmmaker, forever.

Thanks, 'snark and asarian, for remembering me. I was never far away, and Firefly will forever be in my heart, as will you all...



"I aim to misbehave." -Capt. Mal Reynolds, Serenity, a.k.a. 'the BDBOF'


Wednesday, February 7, 2007 6:18 PM


well fans of the browncoats, every day i hope that the news will come that it is back on the air, it sucks just as the actors start to develop the charactors they ( the suits up stairs) stop a good show right in its track, well lets hope that it will be back on, hell if it does i'll try to get cable turned back on, it cost to much for me im on S.S.D. (DISABLED) but if there is firefly back on i will find a way some how. i'll eat more rice! blessed be my friends of firefly. p.s. this is the 2nd time for me on the site, thank you for making the site!! im a summer fan, did any one see her in C.S.I. im sure most of us did, her part should have been longer.

kingcobra, aka. steven King, oregon.


Wednesday, February 7, 2007 6:22 PM


oh yes one more thing, i was very happy to see RON GLASS on tv, a very, very good actor!! keep up the good job Mr. GLASS



Thursday, February 8, 2007 2:23 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

Glad to see you posting again Zoid. I had wondered where you had got to.

Holding the line since December '02!

[img] [/img]

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Fans:

Color Sergeant

[img] [/img]


Saturday, February 10, 2007 12:11 PM


Flop or not, set back of not. whatever......"WE ARE STILL FLYING" we are tenacious...after all

"she always did love to dance"


Saturday, February 10, 2007 12:39 PM



Originally posted by zoid:
I was never far away, and Firefly will forever be in my heart, as will you all...



I'm so glad to see you posting again, Zoid.. I missed you and feel better now that you've dropped by again. Thank you... the feeling is mutual.

Go to for more info!

Ask me how to join the Appreciatin' Nathan crew!

When we're down, don't frown. Come join the camp-out at Someone think of a name and we'll start a crew over there!


Monday, February 12, 2007 4:30 AM


The only thing I see wrong in all of this is that now (regardless of Joss) there is still going to be a ‘Wonder Woman’ movie. A while off certainly… but inevitable (look at Superman). The problem is that with Joss, I at least knew that:
1) There would be a strong plot
2) Have great character development
3) True to the original themes of the comic book
…and finally
4) Have strong women characters.

Looking at all the comic-book movies lately (which are quite popular currently), they have a large audience to the public and (specifically) to children. I would have felt more relieved to have Joss behind the wheel, then to have some other director present her as a bimbo in a G-String.
He would of added class to the picture.

And like everyone else said. Every movie he makes gives him more credibility and potentially the eventual power to make the movies he wants to make in the future. Look at Steven Spielberg. Joss is relatively young in the movie business, so the way I see it; the more movies he creates ‘now’ the greater chances of a Serenity Trilogy ever happening.







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