Imponderable Water Cooler - Fire and Ice

UPDATED: Friday, February 23, 2007 12:14
VIEWED: 7756
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Wednesday, February 21, 2007 4:40 AM


"Did he just go crazy and fall asleep?"

Old thread's still intact. (I have only enough tact to get by...)

EDIT: Duh. Helps to post the link...five days later. Does anyone even care anymore???

"Well, here I am...Does that seem right to you?"


Wednesday, February 21, 2007 4:40 AM



EDIT: Hey JQ !!!! Haven't seen you since before the weekend. How're you ??

EDIT #2: Silly Picture

SFC Alexander, Chief Medic for the 76th Indepentent Army Battalion
In the beginning the universe was created. This made a lot of people very angry and is widely considered as a bad move.


Wednesday, February 21, 2007 4:45 AM


"Did he just go crazy and fall asleep?"

Not really sure what this pic means, but I feel a strange affinity to the kid...

Does that answer the question?

"Well, here I am...Does that seem right to you?"


Wednesday, February 21, 2007 4:45 AM


I cannot see the pic.

SFC Alexander, Chief Medic for the 76th Indepentent Army Battalion
In the beginning the universe was created. This made a lot of people very angry and is widely considered as a bad move.


Wednesday, February 21, 2007 4:58 AM


JQ - I can't see it either !! Happy to see you back among us ..

RIMG - So you've got a thing for fire- witches ?

I love the Dunkin Donut/Jesus pic! Too funny


"Oh no, not again." - A bowl of petunias on it's way to certain death.


Wednesday, February 21, 2007 5:01 AM



Originally posted by LittleAlbatross29:
RIMG - So you've got a thing for fire- witches ?

Well, you and Rose are both in that category, and both of you do it for me, so naturally by logic it seems to be the case. Maybe the experimentation field is too small though, and with too many factors.

I guess I need to find more cute Browncoat fire witches to test the theory on (trying to keep as many of the variables constant as I can).

SFC Alexander, Chief Medic for the 76th Indepentent Army Battalion
In the beginning the universe was created. This made a lot of people very angry and is widely considered as a bad move.


Wednesday, February 21, 2007 5:07 AM


Sounds like fun research


"Oh no, not again." - A bowl of petunias on it's way to certain death.


Wednesday, February 21, 2007 5:10 AM


Those words are rarely used together, though researching the effects of alcohol on our ability to use a 3 man slingshot was fun too.

SFC Alexander, Chief Medic for the 76th Indepentent Army Battalion
In the beginning the universe was created. This made a lot of people very angry and is widely considered as a bad move.


Wednesday, February 21, 2007 5:25 AM


I can think of all kinds of "fun research "


"Oh no, not again." - A bowl of petunias on it's way to certain death.


Wednesday, February 21, 2007 5:33 AM


"Did he just go crazy and fall asleep?"

Great. Now I can't see it either! dot jpg

Anyway. There was so much going on in the last thread. Style vs. Skank, Regional attractiveness.

Red hair.

*creepy voice* "Mav" "YinYang"

(Please don't ferget I'm reddish, too...!)

I love Dunkin' Donuts. Mor'n Krispy Kreme (oxymoronic name).

Browncoat Pix (PR, Red and Green becomes you; as does dark and dark in the Vampire pic on the real pic thread. Must be nice to be photogenetic with any color combination...)

Coffee and spirit drinking.

So I really only skimmed the regional fashion thingy, and got me to wonderin' not so much the region maybe as the season/climate.

Or not.

"Well, here I am...Does that seem right to you?"


Wednesday, February 21, 2007 5:38 AM


You were busy trying to get yourself lit on fire. It happens.

Reddish doesn't count, silly.

Oh, and you can see the pic if you right-click "View Image" or whatever it may be for you.

Rules and voting:


Wednesday, February 21, 2007 5:42 AM


Morning all! With a very special good morning to Emma. Haven't seen you in ages. How've you been?

I'll admit to having been a bottle red head for awhile. A really deep dark auburn with some crazy buttery blond highlights. I loved the color, but it was really hard on the upkeep. Red fades really fast...and for those of us that are faking the -do, it can be a bit much time and money. Oddly, brown is the same way (and doesn't look half as good on me), so it was back to blonde. I'll have to see if I can find any red-headed pictures....

PR, that second picture of you is great, with or without the photoshopping.

Um, what else? Hrmmm, I seem to always find myself attracted to dark-haired, light eyed skinny guys. Not 'the wind knocks him over' skinny, but the slight-of-build skinny. Oddly, I used to be all about the blond, blued eyed type. Figured that out while on-line talking about old TV shows. Everyone of the actors I used to like was blond. (John over Ponch and Bruce Penhall over both, Roy De Soto over Johnny Gage, Ace over Gopher, the list goes on). And every one of my boyfriends from that age were all blond. Interesting (at least to me....heh.)

"The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who have not got it." - George Bernard Shaw


Wednesday, February 21, 2007 5:48 AM


At first I was thinking not so much truth to the regional/ skankiness idea. I've changed my mind.

I remembered my recent years in Tallahassee and how whoever is importing tube tops to that town needs to be stopped. It seems like almost every female in Tally thinks that tube tops look good. Instead it looks like a town full of cheap whores.

Need your clock cleaned?


Wednesday, February 21, 2007 5:57 AM


hmm town full of cheap whores??? better never mention that to the Jayne like among us or we'lll never get em back:)

EMMA??? EMMA IS HERE??? Happy day:)

Ok back to work...

Jonny- thanks ever so much for starting a new thread. Ran out of time yesterday and it was too far down on my to-do list:) HUGS

Before I go though...KRISPY KREME ROCKS!!!!

"I'm not all that interested in the mental health of people who want to kill me. "- Leroy Jethro Gibbs


Wednesday, February 21, 2007 6:22 AM


Ooh! Did someone mention Fire Witches?

"You are a Fire Witch! The Material Element of Fire is at your command. Your soul burns as bright as the fire you can conjure. Many look to you as the leader, and you accept the burden. Though a good person at heart, you can get lost in the moment and your fiery passion, or sometimes anger can get the best of you, but its ok. Its not like they really NEEDED eyebrows....

Common Powers:
Pyrokinesis- the ability to light and control fire with one's mind
Empathy- the ability to feel what other people are feeling
Unburnable- the ability to not get burned even by the hottest fire
Dragonspeak- the ability to speak and control dragons."

Graphics available at


Wednesday, February 21, 2007 6:26 AM


*wishes there was a Krispy Kreme nearby*

Closest one is in Downtown DC. For some reason they have yet to make it into the MD suburbs.

I must confess that I have had to supplement my auburninity for the last few years. As a young adult, the color was really stunning and was a defining characteristic. I've noticed since my pregnancy, my hair color has changed significantly. I'm not quite ready to give up the red so I have to dye it...if I didn't I fear it would be a really unattractive brown. I've lived too long as a red head to let time win. That, and I'm too damn vain.

Washington may whore itself out, but a woman in a tube top would be a rare site indeed. People here dress VERY conservatively. It's actually pretty boring.

EDIT: And I'm a Dark Witch.


You are a Dark Witch! You are more powerful than witches of the Four Material Elements, and everyone knows it. Your powers stem from darkness and the night. Many have shunned you, and called you evil, even though you may not be. Most of the time, you try not to pick sides, only maintain the balance of nature. You love people, but refuse to show it, afraid that people will use it as a weapon against you, even if you could kill them with a thought. But you wouldn't do something like that....would you?


Wednesday, February 21, 2007 6:38 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

The only big characteristic I've always found attractive has been nice, full lips. Even that has had a few exceptions. Not many. Maybe two or three.
I think I'm gonna stick with my natural coloring. It's nice and the upkeep on anything else would be too much work for me.
I love krispy kreme and need to never have them again...
I need to go to bed. My head hurts something fierce.

Human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability to learn from the experience of others, are also remarkable for their apparent disinclination to do so.


Wednesday, February 21, 2007 6:56 AM


hey YinYang, Dug, Rugbug *hugs*, MsG *hugs*, DTH *hugs and a *

I have had my hair pretty much every color of the rainbow, sometimes multiple colors at the same time. I have dyed it red once (check the time stamp, that was almost 8 years ago):

Though have not been able to get it to do so well again, even with blonding beforehand. Now I keep it too short to do more than a frosting, which I have from time to time.

Gotta have my beard though. I feel naked without it.

Can't see the pic due to the fed firewall not liking the website it is hosted on. :\

* tucks Rose-doll into bed with a fresh mango-strawberry smoothie nightcap *

EDIT: groupwork time, probably won't talk to you folks until tomorrow. Have a shiny day!

SFC Alexander, Chief Medic for the 76th Indepentent Army Battalion
In the beginning the universe was created. This made a lot of people very angry and is widely considered as a bad move.


Wednesday, February 21, 2007 7:16 AM


Hey I'm

You are a Water Witch! The Material Element of Water is at your command. You are always calm, cool, and collected, and are sometimes stoic to the point of being cold and heartless. We know this is untrue as you actually feel more than most other people. You try to go with the flow as much as possible, but you stand up for yourself when you know you have to. Hard to tick off, you rarely use your full power, but when you do, you give the term "Ice Queen" a whole new meaning.

Common Powers:
Aquakinesis- the ability to create and control water with one's mind
Cryokinesis- the ability to create and control ice with one's mind
Glamour- the ability to cast an illusion
Empathy-the ability to feel what other people are feeling

"I'm not all that interested in the mental health of people who want to kill me. "- Leroy Jethro Gibbs


Wednesday, February 21, 2007 7:52 AM


Good morning everyone.
I went to see Ghost Rider last night and was not disappointed as I kinda knew what to expect. Aside from ignoring Nick Cage, the Rider really fit the way I imagined. Thanks MSG for recommending the flick. I woulda seen it sooner but I was waiting for GND to go with me like she said she would.
She's out of town.

This brings me to pointing something out. As mean as it sounds, I will not wait for anyone anymore. I tire of waiting for the fun I can be having regardless of who's with me. When someone recommends we do something and waits until its convinient for them and not for me, that's just selfish. I do feel a tiny bit guilty for going, but she decided to spend time with friends out of town and never acknowledged the fact that I really wanted to go and was waiting to go with her tonight.

I feel so childish for having gone, but again, if I wait for other people I will be left waiting for a train that ain't comin'. Is it wrong to have lost faith in people and their word?


Wednesday, February 21, 2007 8:04 AM


I don't see that as losing faith in people.
I call that taking control of your life.

Living life on someone else's timetable can be stifling.
Having those around you see that you aren't going to be living by their rules anymore...not following their "rules" -now that's powerful, imo.

edit: HA! Just listening to Firefly Talk podcast and they read my email on the air. Mispronounced "Mavourneen", but so does everyone.


Wednesday, February 21, 2007 8:26 AM


Mav- I am not sure how you could mispronounce did they say it???

NV- Glad you liked it. Yeah if you just kind of blot out Nick Cage it's really good. I think it's good you didn't wait. When she gets back, if she still wants to see it, she's welcome to. I think it's fine to wait for friends if you have a firm committment to do something together, but if it's just a casual hey we should do that sometime, then I say you're free to do as you please. HUGS!!

"I'm not all that interested in the mental health of people who want to kill me. "- Leroy Jethro Gibbs


Wednesday, February 21, 2007 8:34 AM


I agree with Mav. You're not being mean, NVG, just taking control. It's not like your stomping all over everyone's plans on purpose. You're just making sure you get a chance to enjoy the things you want without waiting for everyone else to let you know when it's convenient.

If you constantly fit in to other people's plans, it winds up being assumed that that's how it will always be. And then people get ratty when you dare to suggest a different time! Believe me, I know. Ignore the naysayers. You are NOT being selfish. And if anyone says you are then it's a lot more likely that they're the ones being selfish!

Graphics available at


Wednesday, February 21, 2007 8:38 AM


It's actually pronounced "ma-vernon", but most people say it like its spelled "mav-or-neen" - either way is okay. I'm Mavourneen on every board no matter how its pronounced

Since most people call me Mav, I've always assumed they are saying "mav-or-neen" in their heads. Mav is just fine.

I'm just pleased they read my email on the air!

PS- Go say Happy Birthday to Canter on the thread I made for her!

New icon alert: Garth channels River.

EDIT: DTH said very elegantly what I was trying to say fumbling and bumbling. Thanks, DTH!


Wednesday, February 21, 2007 8:39 AM


* runs in and yells Ma-Vernon (gods I hope I remembered right) so she can hear her name done right *

I agree on the taking control of your life. Of course, I lost faith in most people a while ago. Every now and then one surprises me.

"You gotta do what Randall 'Pink' Floyd wants to man." - Wooderson

Oh yeah, group work ended early. Yay for me. :)

SFC Alexander, Chief Medic for the 76th Indepentent Army Battalion
In the beginning the universe was created. This made a lot of people very angry and is widely considered as a bad move.


Wednesday, February 21, 2007 8:42 AM


I ain't one to stomp all over anyone's plans anyways. Now dance over...

How do you ladies prefer for a guy to assert himself? I am realizing how little being nice gets a person so I want to be nice no more. But I also don't want to be an asshole.

A few weeks ago the girl that plays in our team ended up at the Tat shop and looked incredible. I asked what she was all dressed up for and she smiled. After mentioning she'd had her hair done I politely told her that she looked good. Not that her hair looked good. Can anyone point out the possible mistakes I made? She hasn't been around in a week and hasn't been out with us for two. I'm thinkin' she got back with her boyfriend so that might be a reason.

Really quick, for some F'ing reason that seems to happen alot around me all the time. It's really starting to bug my ass to no end.

ADD: Now everyones looking at me funny. Garth doing his River impersonation is stuck. Thanks Mav.


Wednesday, February 21, 2007 8:51 AM


*puts her fingers in her ears*

Jesus, Jimi...people in Zimbabwe can hear you!


How do you ladies prefer for a guy to assert himself? I am realizing how little being nice gets a person so I want to be nice no more. But I also don't want to be an asshole.

I think its kind of like the previous posts about women. It's all about confidence in one's self and how you carry yourself. Maybe it's the difference between "thinking" you're the sh*t, and "knowing" you're the sh*t.

I don't think there was anything wrong with what you said to PaintballGal. Complimenting her is just fine. If she didn't respond, don't just give up. Next time you see her, act the same. Be Confident, NV.


Wednesday, February 21, 2007 8:55 AM


Mav- yeah I know how it's said. I was just trying to figure out how to mispronounce it. I would never have though of Mav-oreen. I guess I can see it, but to me it's like Sibohan ( sha-von)I heard someone the other day say Sib-o-han for it and couldn't figure out what they were talking about. Must be the Irish thing. I grew up with my gran speaking a mix of Irish gaelic and English so I only heard the names when she said them. I guess my brain just doesn't process them the other way...mind you I thought Hermione from Harry Potter was said Her- moyne LOL

NV- hmm well the only mistake I can see is not noticing the new hairdo before she mentioned it, but that's hardly sufficent to prevent her from hanging out. I'd just assume she got really busy and call her up and say you missed seeing her at the last few outings and would she like to go out sometime... if she's back with her ex she'll say so and if not, you've got a date:)

"I'm not all that interested in the mental health of people who want to kill me. "- Leroy Jethro Gibbs


Wednesday, February 21, 2007 9:03 AM


Overheard the following conversation on a bus once:

"You're little girl's lovely! What's her name?"
"Wivunny. Isn't it pretty?"
"Yeah... uh, is it foreign?"
"Don't know. I saw it in a Mill & Boon book."
"How do you spell it?"
"Wivunny. Yeah. It's unusual!"

No, I'm not kidding. I was struggling so hard not to laugh I almost cried.

Graphics available at


Wednesday, February 21, 2007 9:05 AM


DTH- oh best laugh all day!!!!Wivunny Did you tell her it was Yvonne?? LOL

"I'm not all that interested in the mental health of people who want to kill me. "- Leroy Jethro Gibbs


Wednesday, February 21, 2007 9:15 AM


DTH: Oh my god, that is absolutely hilarious.

Today I went to get some photos developed and even though i spelt my surname O-R-T-O-N the name that was on the photos was RODEN.

No-one ever gets my surname right. When i was registering for uni last year it took the women ten minutes to find my form cos at first she thought it was Horton and then Aughton



Wednesday, February 21, 2007 9:17 AM


LOL DTH, that was a splendid story

EDIT: Hobbleit, mine (Spettel) is similarly mispronounced/spelled

SFC Alexander, Chief Medic for the 76th Indepentent Army Battalion
In the beginning the universe was created. This made a lot of people very angry and is widely considered as a bad move.


Wednesday, February 21, 2007 9:18 AM


well at least it wasn't RODENT:) HUGS sorry sweety it's not funny I know, but ok actually it really is kind of funny seeing as Orton is really common and spelled phonetically and all:)

"I'm not all that interested in the mental health of people who want to kill me. "- Leroy Jethro Gibbs


Wednesday, February 21, 2007 9:21 AM



Originally posted by msg:
well at least it wasn't RODENT:) HUGS sorry sweety it's not funny I know, but ok actually it really is kind of funny seeing as Orton is really common and spelled phonetically and all:)

Well you have to laugh when it happens constantly.



Wednesday, February 21, 2007 9:22 AM


I really, really wanted to tell her, but I was quite a few rows back and, well, I kinda had trouble not laughing. I was terrified I'd just laugh in her face. And Goddess knows she'd be humiliated enough.

It was bad enough that she didn't know, but it was the fact that the other woman didn't realise either that really killed me.

I know I shouldn't actually laugh but ohhhh so funny! Especially since the kid was little more than a baby. I swear, her teacher will call her name at school and she'll just sit there going "That's not my name!"

I was terrible with pronouncing words when I was a kid too. A side effect of reading a lot and not hearing the words. For years I thought lingerie was lin-ger-ey and that recipe was reh-sype. I didn't connect them with the words I heard every day at all.

Graphics available at


Wednesday, February 21, 2007 9:23 AM


My wife actually had a teacher argue with her about how to pronounce her name. Her parents chose an uncommon spelling which I believe is Welsh: Meagen. Her dad is of Scottish and Austrian heritage. Her mom is of Welsh derivation but did not know it then, so I'm not sure where the spelling came from.

The teacher argued with her that it is pronounced mee-gen instead of may-gen. Wouldn't accept that a child could posibly know her own name. When people start asking me if I'm sure about the spelling I just tell them it's Welsh and they look confused and shut up.

Need your clock cleaned?


Wednesday, February 21, 2007 9:30 AM


You guys have a shiny evening, I am leaving work for the day.

*hugs* and es for all the ladies, and for the guys

SFC Alexander, Chief Medic for the 76th Indepentent Army Battalion
In the beginning the universe was created. This made a lot of people very angry and is widely considered as a bad move.


Wednesday, February 21, 2007 9:41 AM


Go home and sleep well Sweety RIMG

Dug- what a loony teacher. Of course she may have been driven irretrievable insane by the children...

Sorry 5th period is being a bit rambunctious and my little screamer is in fine form today ( I have a student who shrieks piercingly whenever anyone comes near him, which is marginally better than when people actually try to talk to him and he reverts to his own made up language...all of which he can control, but since he's been doing it for so many years it's become second nature)

"I'm not all that interested in the mental health of people who want to kill me. "- Leroy Jethro Gibbs


Wednesday, February 21, 2007 10:37 AM


Well, after fighting with my sister via phone for 30 minutes, I am out for the night. I will see you all tomorrow!!

(Sorry for the screamer, msg. You deserve a party. I don't think I could do what you do.)

*Also, I heard today that Morena Baccarin will be guest starring on The Dresden Files in a future ep but can't find anything on the web about it. Has anyone else heard this?


Wednesday, February 21, 2007 10:42 AM


ooh I hope so I love that show...and the books are to die for!! I highly reccomend them.
Mav- sorry about your sister hon:) HUGS

"I'm not all that interested in the mental health of people who want to kill me. "- Leroy Jethro Gibbs


Wednesday, February 21, 2007 10:49 AM



Originally posted by DesktopHippie:

I was terrible with pronouncing words when I was a kid too. A side effect of reading a lot and not hearing the words. For years I thought lingerie was lin-ger-ey and that recipe was reh-sype. I didn't connect them with the words I heard every day at all.

I had the same exact problem, but with different words. The ones that stick out the most in my mind are horizon hor-i-zohn and epitome ep-i-tome. I thought that they should be pronounced the way they looked.

I'm a leaf on the wind


Wednesday, February 21, 2007 11:18 AM


One word that stuck out for me was melee. Most Irish people pronounce it m'lee, but I pronouce it the English way, maylee. I just did it automatically since the e had an accent.

Actually, Maylee would be a cute name for a girl... And appropriate, if Jayne ever had a daughter. *plots fic*

Graphics available at


Wednesday, February 21, 2007 11:21 AM


See now I think Jayne , if he had a daughter, would name her something like Precious or Princess:)

"I'm not all that interested in the mental health of people who want to kill me. "- Leroy Jethro Gibbs


Wednesday, February 21, 2007 11:23 AM


Oh Goddess! Precious Cobb!

Graphics available at


Wednesday, February 21, 2007 12:10 PM


Precious Cobb. Priceless.

On reflecting the weeks events I spent the whole trip back from town wondering, "What do women want?"
I have no clue. Any idea of what it could be is terribly jaded by the constant struggle I observe all around me. There is no way it could be the same for all women, but what is it that you all want.

Just curious.
Curiousity licked the cat, (people on the tag board seem to get a bit squirmy over the death and possible consumption of cats)

Wierd day.


Wednesday, February 21, 2007 12:17 PM


Lol, another interesting thing, as a child, I used the name Mayle (pronounced Maylee) in stories and games I made. I pretty much just made up the name myself (like Rhyianan) and decided it would be fun to use.

edit* What this woman wants (and has) is someone I feel comfortable with, someone that makes me feel special and loved. Someone with similar passions and interests, that doesn't mind books taking me away every so often. Someone that understands that there needs to be a special connection of the spirit before sex can happen. A long-term companion that shares my love of children and understands my intense desire for a houseful of them to take care of.

(waits for the sentance fragment fairy to send me to a firey death)


Wednesday, February 21, 2007 12:20 PM


Preferably someone with the same taste in books, movies and TV (I need SOMEONE in Ireland to watch Heroes or I'm gonna explode!) Someone with a fun sense of humour. Someone who is willing to have an actual relationship BEFORE we start having sex but who also likes lots of sex and who won't be offended when I fall asleep right after when we do start having it. Yes, I am a girl. I *really* try not to fall asleep but it just happens! Someone who's okay with the silly, mushy stuff every now and then and someone who's comfortable being with someone who's just a teeny bit crazy. Although she *does* have a note from her Doctor to say that she isn't. Any more.

Of course I realise someones like all of the above are rare. It may be why I don't date much!

Love the new signature, NVG!

Hee hee hee! Maylee the gamer! That's a really cool name. And I can totally see Maylee Cobb, or Melee Cobb. Of course, Precious Cobb and Princess Cobb are now stuck in my head.

Graphics available at


Wednesday, February 21, 2007 12:20 PM



Originally posted by nvghostrider:
Just curious.
Curiousity licked the cat, (people on the tag board seem to get a bit squirmy over the death and possible consumption of cats)

Wierd day.

they just need to huff more kittens, that'd loosen 'em up xD

Do you like bread?


Wednesday, February 21, 2007 12:32 PM


I sense a game of Kitten Poker coming up...

Graphics available at


Wednesday, February 21, 2007 12:36 PM


heheheheheheh! oh! but we need a good oscar wilde quote to mark the occasion! anyone got anything? (it's okay, you can make it up, or misattribute it, but we gotta have one!)

Do you like bread?






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