new theory on shepherd book

UPDATED: Tuesday, March 30, 2004 03:03
VIEWED: 8256
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Thursday, December 4, 2003 11:41 PM


had an epiphany this morning. was thinking about the episode with the bounty hunter (played by richard brooks). jubal early knew book was no shepherd. how could early know this? by association with book? my idea is that following with the western premise of the show, book was some kind of territorial judge or prosecutor. (possibly a "hanging judge"). book isn't his real name. maybe it comes from "the good BOOK", or "throw the BOOK" at him. this relates to river getting "i don't give half a hump if you're innocent or not" off book. also, it ties in with how early KNEW book wasn't a shepherd; jubal catches crooks, book tries them. hope brooks is in the movie. is he related to avery brooks?


Friday, December 5, 2003 3:42 AM


Nice, well thought out. It sounds very reasonable. Did it just dawn on you? Like out of no where? I had that happen once. It was about shot glasses.

That's all. Keep flyin'!

"Freedom is the Freedom to say that 2+2 makes 4. If that is granted, all else follws"-Winston, 1984
Keep flyin', and remember, THEY can't take the sky from US!


Friday, December 5, 2003 5:41 AM


i DO aim to misbehave


Originally posted by humble:
had an epiphany this morning. was thinking about the episode with the bounty hunter (played by richard brooks).

that's Objects in Space. and a really good theory. the main thing I have noticed about the series is that we learned at least one snippet of new information on Book in just about every episode. and just because we all know he's more than he says he is, that doesn't mean he was once affiliated with the Alliance, does it?

I had an epiphany of my own recently (happens when I'm at the drawing board a lot) that spawned a few "what ifs"

what if...Book was in the military once upon a time, but resigned because something happened that made him see what the Alliance really was. Swinging from one extreme to the other, he went into ministry.

what if...he was one of the original founders of the Independent movement?

what if...he just happens to be related to an Alliance official who's far enough up in the government that Book was granted diplomatic immunity after the movement fell? That would be one way of explaining why the Feds were so quick to take him on board the station in Safe

and now there's the territorial judge theory to consider.
that's what I love about this character - there's so many facets, so many different ways to explain the "what the heck is Book doing on Serenity anyway?" he may just be a missionary, then again, he may not...

"There's twists and turns and culdesacs - it's wild!"

oh, and no biographical info on Richard Brooks at IMDb or TvTome btw. Avery Brooks' bio on IMDb doesn't say word one about him either. my guess would be no relation.

Firefly Artwork Series


Friday, December 5, 2003 6:06 AM



Originally posted by Channain:
what if...he was one of the original founders of the Independent movement?

What about his treatment in Safe? Would they do that for an enemy?

I'm a dying breed who still believes, haunted by American dreams. ---Neko Case


Friday, December 5, 2003 7:01 AM


i DO aim to misbehave


Originally posted by Sarahetc:
What about his treatment in Safe? Would they do that for an enemy?

see, that's what brought on the idea that he has diplomatic immunity. whether he was an enemy or not, whether they liked it or not, wouldn't immunity force them to help him, no questions asked?

OH! MAN! something else just hit -

What if...he's not just a lowly shephard, but some high-falutin' church official. somebody who's never been out in the black before? that would explain the line "is this what it's like out here?" in Serenity. that part always confuzzled me, because somebody military or affiliated with the Alliance government would probably know what it was like on the rim.

Firefly Artwork Series


Friday, December 5, 2003 10:46 AM


Well, that's not exactly a new theory... but it works except for his intimate knowledge of weaponry and ships, which implies he's seen significant field work, which you wouldn't expect from a judge. I'd say he was more along the lines of judge, jurry, and executioner. And he had to have been working for the Alliance, otherwise they wouldn't have treated him when they scanned his ID card.


Friday, December 5, 2003 5:08 PM



Originally posted by Channain:
...that would explain the line "is this what it's like out here?" in Serenity. that part always confuzzled me, because somebody military or affiliated with the Alliance government would probably know what it was like on the rim.

Things don't add up with Book. On one hand, he's new to the Black and he cries in front of Inara because he had a bad day.
"Oh God, I punched a man senseless, it's so terrible, waah waah..."

But we know that Book is just a hair away from being called superhero. He knows EVERYTHING. Time after time we see that Book is THE MAN. Special treatment from the Alliance aside, this guy is amazing.

He shoots and fights like a bad ass, he knows the law and tactical strategy and even how to fortify a whore house in case of a seige.

Why would he cry like a virgin old man? He's faking that scene with Inara in Serenity, I bet ya!

I would like to see what happened to Book, 24 hours before he boarded Serenity. That's what he was really crying about. Those tears were real, but he is sad about something else.


Friday, December 5, 2003 7:17 PM


Very interesting, very plausible. I don't have any theories on Book myself, his characters scope seems a little broad to nail down. I was waiting for more hints, and I'm still waiting.

I did have an idea the other day to a question that had bothered me for quite some time about Ariel. Why were the Men with Hands of Blue killing all the Alliance soldiers in that episode? It is the only thing that bothered me about the episode, as it didn’t make sense. Then it dawned on me after watching Trash, they were making it look like River had killed the Alliance soldiers. This is what I’ve convinced myself of, at least.

You are
What you do
When it counts
-The Masao


Friday, December 5, 2003 8:37 PM


Noxious, the Blue Hands were killing the Alliance people who had spoken to River- you remember they only reacted after they learned that the Alliance guy in charge had spoken to the prisoners, even if it was only to process them. They were covering up something River knows, even if she doesn't know what she knows.

And I don't think Book was faking the scene where he was crying in Serenity. He was upset that after spending years in a monestary and embarking on a new life of peace after a lifetime of doing some very unpleasant and nasty work for the Alliance he'd fallen back onto a violent path.


Saturday, December 6, 2003 1:11 AM



Why would he cry like a virgin old man? He's faking that scene with Inara in Serenity, I bet ya!

Don't think so. I think what happened was that Book is trying to "go straight". He has modified his world view, his philosophy, and put his faith in a set of religious teachings that worked great in the monastery, but out in the black, in less than 24 hours, he beat the snot out of a guy, risked getting killed himself defending the guy he just beat up, then watched as the guy got drilled in the skull with a bullet, and ain't sure it was not a bad thing.

He was having a severe crisis of faith. And while asking absolution from a prostitute is a bit novel, not as bad as letting rot out the insides of your own skull. His religion is supposed to have all the answers, and its all supposed to be clear cut and neat, just like at the monastary. And reality ain't like that at all, so how does he work it all out?

"Wash, where is my damn spaceship?"


Friday, March 19, 2004 11:52 AM


According to the commentary by Joss on OiS, Early doesn't 'know' anything about Book -- it's just he has a viceral intuition that Book has to be taken out physically and quickly -- nothing more.

Here's my theory -- Once upon a time, Book was an Alliance Enforcer. (See The Train Job, Safe, War Stories and Our Mrs. Reynolds for information about weapons, crime and military tactics.) He also did some very bad things and was a very bad man. (See Objects in Space: his 'angst' moment as seen through River's mind.) He obviously held a position of some rank or influence. (See Safe: his welcome aboard the Alliance cruiser for medical treatment.) But he's also obviously a Shepherd and hasn't been 'in the world' for a while. (See Serenity, moment of absolution in Inara's shuttle.)

My guess is that something happened to Book, some life-changing moment, after which he decided to go into the monestary, turn his back on the world and find absolution in God. Now he's out in the world, testing his faith and his resolve to be a good man. However, his angst still exists deep in his soul and he still thinks of himself as a bad person (as seen by River) and he is still seeking absolution.

Book: "I don't give half a hump if you're innocent or not, so where does that leave you?"


Friday, March 19, 2004 11:59 AM



Originally posted by Succatash:
he cries in front of Inara because he had a bad day.
"Oh God, I punched a man senseless, it's so terrible, waah waah..."

Well, what Book actually says is that he watched a man die that he had sworn to protect. We all assume that he made that oath on Serenity. But what if he had sworn to protact this man, BEFORE he boarded the ship?

"I'll be in my bunk..."


Friday, March 19, 2004 12:38 PM


It is possible, that Book swore to protect the lawman before he got on the ship, but it isn't likely and it only unnecessarily complicates the story. Remember the showdown between Book and Jayne after Book took down the lawman? It was intense -- Jayne was determined to kill the lawman, and Book says, "Not gonna happen!" as he tried to stare Jayne down. That's Book swearing to protect the lawman -- it is his stance in that scene.

Also, why would Book beat the lawman senseless if he intended to protect him before they got on the ship? That just doesn't make any sense at all.

"The man seems a mite twitchy, Son. Best do as he says." -- Mal


Friday, March 19, 2004 2:16 PM



Originally posted by ItsAllShiny:

Here's my theory -- Once upon a time, Book was an Alliance Enforcer. (See The Train Job, Safe, War Stories and Our Mrs. Reynolds for information about weapons, crime and military tactics.) He also did some very bad things and was a very bad man. (See Objects in Space: his 'angst' moment as seen through River's mind.) He obviously held a position of some rank or influence. (See Safe: his welcome aboard the Alliance cruiser for medical treatment.) But he's also obviously a Shepherd and hasn't been 'in the world' for a while. (See Serenity, moment of absolution in Inara's shuttle.)

My guess is that something happened to Book, some life-changing moment, after which he decided to go into the monestary, turn his back on the world and find absolution in God. Now he's out in the world, testing his faith and his resolve to be a good man. However, his angst still exists deep in his soul and he still thinks of himself as a bad person (as seen by River) and he is still seeking absolution.

Book: "I don't give half a hump if you're innocent or not, so where does that leave you?"

This is similar to what I believe--that he was a highly respected Alliance cop who one day looked at himself and his people and was sickened. I believe the thought that River 'overheard' was a statement he might have made during an interrogation. I think a Judge would be a "respectable" core planet position, not field-level.

It's obvious that he was in a position to make decisions, because even if Mal doesn't realize it, he respects Book's input and strategy, as in "The Message". Almost like an equal.

In this scenario, both Mal and Book are similar in that they rejected society. Book embraced religion, but his faith is tested right quick; and by the time of "The Message" he is almost back in his old persona. Definitely in control, and somebody to contend with.

I think there were a couple lines in one of the scripts that were not included in the eps: something where Jayne says Book "knows a lot about either good cops, or bad ones", and Book responds, "both."

Jen dao mei.


Friday, March 19, 2004 6:03 PM


Way back when I posted in another thread before this one I came up with a few theories. Now I am pretty damn sure Book was a bounty hunter like Juble, only Book was bad enough to be known by the rest of the brotherhood of bounty hunters. Then he had a brush with the divine and he went to religion. This is why he knows so much about crime, and is always questioning Simon on becoming more and more part of it. I'm 95% sure this is his story, IMHO.




Saturday, March 20, 2004 3:05 AM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.

I don't think bounty hunter is a position that would get that much respect from the Alliance, as we saw in "Safe." My theory is he was an Alliance officer, possibly serving opposite Mal at the Battle of Serenity.

wo men ren ran zai fei xing.


Saturday, March 20, 2004 8:37 AM


Over at the Prospero Firefly Forum, fan Lux Lucre spent an evening with Adam Baldwin and Alan Tudyk. He reported thusly:


So, Adam told me a few cool things about Book!

First of all, he was NOT a commander in the war, at Serenity Valley or anywhere else.

He IS Alliance though, and possibly connected to the Blue Hand Group.

He is a real preacher too, it's not just a cover story. His entry into the priesthood could have been a form of penance for the acts he commited while in the employ of the Alliance.

Whereas, AB may NOT really know Book's backstory, it all sounds logically possible to me...

The Horror that Lurks
...and waits for the movie...


Saturday, March 20, 2004 11:18 AM


Well, that does seem to fit with the hints dropped about Book. Thanks for sharing lurkinghorror!


Saturday, March 20, 2004 11:58 AM



Originally posted by Succatash:
Why would he cry like a virgin old man? He's faking that scene with Inara in Serenity, I bet ya!

Speaking of epiphanies, as the thread began, I just had one of my own. May be wind though.

Having just rewatched Passing Through Gethsemane, its fresh in my mind, but in that you have Brad Dourif playing a murderer who was mind-wiped and ended up joining the priesthood - only for the families of his victims to track him down and gain their revenge. Brother Edward finds out about his past, and is in tears over it, and goes to his own garden of Gethsemane to meet his fate. Stunning episode, leaves me in tears every time.

Back to FF - Book is trying to escape something, and I'm betting that involves direct or indirect dealing of death. In his very first step, he fails. A darker view is that Book is on a recovery programme - he's running from temptation and has landed right in it - would tie in with his line in objects in space.

"I threw up on your bed"


Saturday, March 20, 2004 12:06 PM


My theory on Sheperd Book is based on this:

Religion and Politics are always connected.

I think Book at one time was high up in Alliance, probably in the Blue Sun Group. Maybe he rose through the enforcement ranks which would explain his proficiency with firearms.

Then like many of you were saying he experienced a crises of Faith over what he was doing (like maybe finding out what was really going on at Rivers school and what they were doing to innocent kids like her). He then joined a religious order with ties to a group who are trying to overthrow the Alliance.

He told this group what was going on at Rivers school. The group used this information to get River out and back to Simon in exchange for money. Remember in Serenity there was this mysterious anti-alliance group that approached Simon with the deal to sneak River out of the school to Persephone in Cryo. Book was then suppose to keep tabs on River to try to figure out what made her so important to the Alliance and if she could be used to overthrow the Alliance. This explains the "i don't give half a hump if your innocent or not" comment in OIS. You remember in Serenity Kaylee noticed that when Book was deciding what ship to get on he was not looking at the destination. I think he was trying to decide which ship Simon and River were going to get on so that he could board the same ship. It is too coincidental that he just happened to get on the ship at the same time River and Simon did. I think he has to be connected to the two of them somehow.


Saturday, March 20, 2004 12:22 PM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.

You may be kukoo, but that is the best Book theory I've heard yet. From the very beginning, Book seemed to have always been in position to protect Simon and River, or else persuade them that doing what Mal wanted was best in the long run, since he sensed Mal's loyalty to protect those under his command.

wo men ren ran zai fei xing.


Saturday, March 20, 2004 12:23 PM



Originally posted by kukoo:
Then like many of you were saying he experienced a crises of Faith over what he was doing

I thought that was what Xander experienced....

"I threw up on your bed"


Saturday, March 20, 2004 2:34 PM


I was reading the description of "The Operative" in the supposed casting call document, and it struck me that Book might have been very like that person, and doing his sort of job, once upon a time.



Saturday, March 20, 2004 3:42 PM


I like the judge idea, and it doesn't preclude some of the other ideas. For instance, it is possible that prior to becoming a judge he worked in law enforcement and/or as a lawyer or advocate, explaining his understanding of tactics and weaponery. Judges are usually chosen after they have proven themselves worthy in the field (as lawyers).

I'm thinking particularly of the scene in The Message when he confronts the Alliance guy who is there for Tracey. He is comfortable as the spokesperson for the crew and is used to presenting a case. He explains in a logical way that it is obvious that the guy is out of his jurisdiction, and therefore out on a limb (i.e. no back up).

Also, I think Book prefers to avoid violence and to resolve issues with talk, which is what lawyers and judges are all about.

"Every well bred, petty crook knows that the small, concealable weapons always go to the far left of the place setting."


Sunday, March 21, 2004 5:13 PM


Hi all, this is the first time I have post but have been coming here for ff news for a long time.

I was asking myself this question about Book just b4 I read this. A few things we know about Book

War Stories: He's definately from a millitary background, I judge would not have his weapons knowledge in identifying a gun from the bullet wound.

Safe: he's someone of rank within the Alliance. The response he get from the Alliance when they check his ID card.

Unaired Pilot (deleted sceen): He knows what the ships name Serenity really means without anyone telling him. He tells Simon to go look up Serenity in his database (Simon carries an Alliance database which Book asks to borrow in Our Mrs Reynold's)

Lots of other bits and pieces in so few episodes but the whole part of Book is a counter point to Mal.

My instinct tells me that Book was high up in the alliance military and was present at the Battle of Serenity, most likely a field commander of the alliance troops and then turned his back on the Military after the fall of the alliance.

Book is someone that feels he has alot of blood on his hands and has turned to religon for absolution, where as Mal has lost his faith after losing so many men under his command.

This feels like what the writers had in mind, making for an interesting encounter down the track where both Book and Mal would have to bring their feelings about the war to some resolution and let them move on. But sadly we will never know if Book is not in the movie

"If wishes were horses we'd all be eating steak!"


Monday, March 22, 2004 5:13 AM



Originally posted by Serena:
I like the judge idea, and it doesn't preclude some of the other ideas. For instance, it is possible that prior to becoming a judge he worked in law enforcement and/or as a lawyer or advocate, explaining his understanding of tactics and weaponery. Judges are usually chosen after they have proven themselves worthy in the field (as lawyers).

Yes, but (God help us) lawyers rarely use firearms.

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


Monday, March 22, 2004 10:01 AM


I still like the cop theory (can't believe a lawyer would know much about weapons), and maybe his crisis was from chasing up the underground guys becasue they were the "baddies" and finding out something about Blue Sun being involved in corruption high up - maybe the weapons they were developing which only harm people not property, and yes maybe the school River was at.


Monday, March 22, 2004 11:26 AM



Originally posted by debbiebuk1:
I still like the cop theory (can't believe a lawyer would know much about weapons), and maybe his crisis was from chasing up the underground guys becasue they were the "baddies" and finding out something about Blue Sun being involved in corruption high up - maybe the weapons they were developing which only harm people not property, and yes maybe the school River was at.

Shades of Jean Valjean and Javere from Les Mis there....

"I threw up on your bed"


Monday, March 22, 2004 12:37 PM


Military judges know alot about weapons.
It would explain his knowledge of everything including reavers.
And it would not be a surprise if the blue sun group has several military contracts and dealings.


Monday, March 22, 2004 2:04 PM



Originally posted by kukoo:
My theory on Sheperd Book is based on this:

Religion and Politics are always connected.

I think Book at one time was high up in Alliance, probably in the Blue Sun Group. Maybe he rose through the enforcement ranks which would explain his proficiency with firearms.

Then like many of you were saying he experienced a crises of Faith over what he was doing (like maybe finding out what was really going on at Rivers school and what they were doing to innocent kids like her). He then joined a religious order with ties to a group who are trying to overthrow the Alliance.

He told this group what was going on at Rivers school. The group used this information to get River out and back to Simon in exchange for money. Remember in Serenity there was this mysterious anti-alliance group that approached Simon with the deal to sneak River out of the school to Persephone in Cryo. Book was then suppose to keep tabs on River to try to figure out what made her so important to the Alliance and if she could be used to overthrow the Alliance. This explains the "i don't give half a hump if your innocent or not" comment in OIS. You remember in Serenity Kaylee noticed that when Book was deciding what ship to get on he was not looking at the destination. I think he was trying to decide which ship Simon and River were going to get on so that he could board the same ship. It is too coincidental that he just happened to get on the ship at the same time River and Simon did. I think he has to be connected to the two of them somehow.

i like a lot of your theory and have been thinking kind of on these lines.
although i'm not sure about the 'crisis of faith'. in serenity he's very quick to point out he's not a grandpa, 'never married'. in the conversation with jayne in OiS, jayne asked 'never?' and he indicated he 'never' because of his 'order'. either he's lying or he's always been a shepard. too many things say he was something beside a preacher so maybe he's lying. or hopefully someone has a better explanation because i really like book and i don't want to think he's a lier. what other occupation would 'never'?

he is my fav mystery.

"They say the snow on the roof is too heavy. They say the ceiling will cave in. His brains are in terrible danger."


Monday, March 22, 2004 2:10 PM


When Book gave his answer to Jayne's question "never?", it was not a direct answer. He sidestepped the issue quite neatly, and Jayne didn't pick up on it. I don't think he meant 'never ever'. Just since he took vows. And like somebody said before, many career military men never marry, especially if they travel around a lot.

Jen dao mei.


Monday, March 22, 2004 9:00 PM


Book might have both a military and law-enforcement background.

Something that has not been brought up in this thread is the dual nature of the Alliance military personel that we have seen. The captians of the cruiser in "The Train Job" received the notice of stolen goods from Paridesio; the police who responded to emergency call in "Trash" worn normal Alliance uniforms, as did the feds in "Ariel." The Feds in "The Message" had what looked to be similar uniforms, but more personalized, as though there was less adherance to uniform standards at small Fed bases on the Rim. One of Joss' stated goals in making Firefly was to show the underbelly of a Star Trek like world; that might include having a joint military/law-enforcement agency, like Starfleet. (Jean-Luc could probably tell you a thing or two about criminal activity on the edge of the Federation.) It would not be to strange to imagine that after a career in the field, Book could have moved on into inteligence, or that could have been a secondary specialty of his--my understanding is that military officers in the US are required to have two or more areas of expertice after a certain point in their careers.

It is also not impossible that after his military career, he would have been a magistrate or lower level judge. The Alliance seems to have strange ideas as to what due process means, so hiring hanging judges or prosecutors straight from your police force would make sense. Also, my personal understanding is that the US military does not frown upon their officers getting advanced degrees--like a law degree--and will give them time off and money to pursue it in exchange for a promise of a few extra years of service.

Of course, we still don't know how he got into the Abby, but Ron Glass was about 57 when the series was made, so Book could have gotten a college education, 3 years of law school, a military career of 20 years or more, a judicial or state's attorney appointment (or maybe both), and at least 5 years in the clergy.

Personally, I think that Book left the military and went to the clergy, probably a few years before or a shorter time after the war began. Their might or might not have been an important military or civil position that he occupied before he entered the cloth. He might just have some veteran's benefits that were due him in "Safe."



Thursday, March 25, 2004 3:26 PM



Originally posted by kalimeeri:
When Book gave his answer to Jayne's question "never?", it was not a direct answer. He sidestepped the issue quite neatly, and Jayne didn't pick up on it. I don't think he meant 'never ever'. Just since he took vows. And like somebody said before, many career military men never marry, especially if they travel around a lot.

Jen dao mei.

here is the conversation between book and jayne.

BOOK and JAYNE are making themselves a meal in the kitchen. Jayne is at the grill, with a towel tucked into his belt like an apron.

Well, no.
Not ever never?

Some orders allow Shepherds to marry,
but I follow a narrower path.

But, I mean, you still got the urge.
They don't... cut it off, or nothin'?

Mm, no, I'm more or less intact.
I just...

BOOK sits down at the kitchen table. RIVER quietly enters the kitchen area.

BOOK (cont'd) my energy elsewhere.
You mean like masturbating?

I hope you're not thinking of taking
orders yourself.

Oh, yeah, that'll be the day.

yeah i can see where you said he sidestepped the question. i hope you're right. i really don't want book to be a bad guy and i am hoping it's just joss leading me down the wrong path ... but i worry.

"They say the snow on the roof is too heavy. They say the ceiling will cave in. His brains are in terrible danger."


Thursday, March 25, 2004 5:11 PM


I don't think Book became a minister for redemption. Neither do I think he went in to hide, or to infiltrate. i think he pulled a Cadfael. IN other words, he was a soldier, or a cop or something, and likely he was damn good at it, whatever it was. I can't say what precisely he did. but I think probably he was pretty religious beforehand. Then one day, he decided to enter the order, because whatever he was doing beforehand he was done with. Felt he wasn't needed there anymore or what have you, and decided to go on elsewhere. He had this faith, and decided to direct it. This could have been years before. He's got to be in his early 60's or so, and this could have happened when he was a young man.

once the snow got so deep you almost couldn't hear margaret atwood


Thursday, March 25, 2004 5:44 PM


Don't worry. A bad guy wouldn't get himself to a nunnery. He wouldn't worry about it. But even good guys do things that they're ashamed of, and that isn't the way they want their life to go.

I agree that he was extremely good at what he did, and that he has probably been in the abbey for a long time. His faith is very solid, and he felt it was time to face the world again.

Whoopsey, wrong ship. A bit more of a test than he expected.

Jen dao mei.


Tuesday, March 30, 2004 3:03 AM


Ahh Book,

The theory that seems to work the best is that Book was at the battle of Serenity. I think it fits with the way Joss writes, everything comes back to the source eventually.

When we first meet book he appears to pick the ship because of the name. Sure he could have been on a mission, but it seems like a sincere moment. In a deleted seen he tells the doctor to research the battle of Serenity. Clearly the name has meaning for him beyond his knowledge of what it means to Zoë & Mal.

Just like Mal retreated from society after the battle, so did book. Mal, the rebel became a Buccaneer and Book becomes a preacher, both trying to escape the horrible reality of the war and the parts they played in the insanity of killing on a mass scale.

Book obviously worked for the winning team and was likely a hero judging by the reception he gets when he flashes his creds. When Mal asks to see his credentials Book promises that he’ll reveal that in time. To me this shows that even though he has earned the Captains deep respect, he feels Mal might still hold a grudge for an “enemy” officer from the battle that change the course of both their lives.

Hopefully we’ll see when the movie comes out. As for Inara’s past, I have no clue







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