Summer Glau's new show: Sarah Connor Chronicles

UPDATED: Sunday, April 20, 2008 02:50
VIEWED: 38976
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Sunday, January 13, 2008 2:26 PM


Ok heres the dealio. I was surfing the internet today looking up miscellaneous stuff when I remembered this site.

Looking at the news I can't find jack squat promoting Summer's new show: The Sarah Connor Chronicles in these threads. Lets remember what happened to Drive with Nathan Fillion. Fox cancelled it in 4 episodes, let's not let them do that to this show.

The two night premiere begins tonight on Fox Sunday, 1-13, 8/7c
Monday, 1-14, 9/8c

If you miss any episode like tonight's, watch it at

I know all of you hate fox and some may have banned all fox programming from their brains, but hopefully, you can tab this as a special circumstance. I really hope this show takes off well.

Here are some of my favorite SCC promotion pics


Sunday, January 13, 2008 3:48 PM


I'm watching Gapsule ( by the way, welcome to the site! ).

It's great so far! Summer is doing her usual stand out job!

I hope lots of other Browncoats are watching in support. :-)


Sunday, January 13, 2008 4:05 PM


So far, it looks like this is going to be pretty interesting. They threw a major ret-con in (Sarah doesn't die of cancer), but did it in a way that makes sense. The writing's a bit choppy in places, but that's to be expected.

On another happy note (at least for me) Dean Winters, a favorite of mine plays Sarah's ex-boyfriend. Glad to see him finding work after Oz.


"This is my timey-wimey detector. It goes ding when there's stuff. Also, it can boil an egg at 30 paces, whether you want it to or not, actually, so I've learned to stay away from hens. It's not pretty when they blow."


Sunday, January 13, 2008 4:52 PM


Thanks for the welcome!

Personally I prefer Tim Guinee (Tomin from Stargate) as Sarah's boyfriend. He was in the leaked pilot, but for some reason they replaced him. I liked how desperate he looked without Sarah. My favorite part was when the camera pans out as he is watching Sarah on tv.

For me, Dean Winters just doesn't fit the role. Dean looks too buff and the tattoo doesn't help the character either. I always imagined that Sarah would go with someone much different than Kyle, less soldiery.

In retrospect, I must be pretty pissed that they replaced Tim.


Sunday, January 13, 2008 5:17 PM




Sunday, January 13, 2008 5:37 PM


Wasn't a bad half-pilot. Looking forward to the next half tomorrow night. It isn't the best show on TV but it was far from the worst. I like it. Summer is really hot by the way. Like anyone even needs to say.

P.S Should add that while not the best on TV it is by far the best show on Fox since they canceled all of Joss' shows.

<------<<< ~~~~~~~~~~(*)~~~~~~~~~~ >>>------>
"Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius -- and a lot of courage -- to move in the opposite direction." Albert Einstein


Sunday, January 13, 2008 5:42 PM


Now I am learning about scary.

I enjoyed it, too. I was surprised to be on the edge of my seat a few times. Also impressed with Summer, of course.

I'll definitely try it again tomorrow night.

"We need to keep our heads so we can ... keep our heads."


Sunday, January 13, 2008 6:24 PM


As a huge fan of the movies--the first two, anyway--I really enjoyed it. No, it wasn't perfect (not sure how much I'm gonna like Lena Headey), but I'm looking forward to tomorrow night's ep. Hopefully the "Terminator" name recognition will be enough to draw in enough viewers to keep it around for awhile.

DG, the 'retcon' seems to be that they're throwing out T3 and making this an alternative sequel to T2... which I don't mind a bit. T3 had it's good points (Nick Stahl and Claire Danes were great), but there were definitely better alternatives to the post-T2 storyline than what they went with...


Sunday, January 13, 2008 6:42 PM


Saw SCC and I really liked it. Definatly watching tomorrow night. It was good to see Summer kicking butt.

Guess what's on FX right now? T3! I guess F#*X is milking the Terminator genre for all it's worth.


Sunday, January 13, 2008 6:44 PM


Actually, I think in this case, FOX won't be yanking it off the air after a handful of eps. They have nine eps of their 13 ep order done before the strike, so this'll be on at least until March. Plus, they've been marketing the Hell out of this. I mean, Terminator is a big brand name. It's not like FIREFLY, where you have a mash-up of genres, no stars, and a complex plot to sell to a brand new audience. Everyone knows TERMINATOR and what it's about.

So if anything, this'll be one FOX sci-fi show that WON'T get the shaft.

As for the show itself, I saw the pilot over the summer. Not bad. Not exactly sure how they can sustain it, though. Is it going to be a Terminator of the Week kind of thing? I can see it get old really quick.

I gotta wonder about Summer, though. With this and FIREFLY/SERENITY, I can see her start getting typecast as the asskicking girl. I know that's what made her famous, but any actor will tell you that they do get tired and afraid of being typecast. I hope with this writer's strike, that maybe she'll branch out and maybe do an indie flick or a comedy, or just something she's never done before that shows off a different facet of her acting ability.

That's my big wish for all the BDM's. That they're not typecast into just doing the same old shit over and over. That they branch out and do different stuff.

"And it starts with a sentence that might last a lifetime, or it all might just go down in flames. If I let you know me, then why would you want me? Each day I don't is a shame. Each day I don't is a great shame."

Loudon Wainwright III - "Strange Weirdos" off the "Knocked Up" soundtrack


Sunday, January 13, 2008 6:49 PM


What is "ret-con" translation?

Sounds like you think there is a conflict, which I didn't see. T2 had Sarah, and then T3 was placed after 2004. In this show, they take Sarah and John out of 1999, bypassing the fateful timeline. Where is the problem? By bypassing the T3 timeline, it didn't occur that way.


Sunday, January 13, 2008 6:50 PM


Summer in boots, with guns.


Sunday, January 13, 2008 6:54 PM


It was pretty good! There were some changes from the leaked pilot; changes for the better, IMO.

The word is the second episode (or 2nd half of the pilot, whatever way you want to see it) really gets the plot going.


Sunday, January 13, 2008 7:01 PM


"But until that day, it's gonna be one helluva dogfight."


Sunday, January 13, 2008 7:15 PM



Originally posted by Strangebird:

P.S Should add that while not the best on TV it is by far the best show on Fox since they canceled all of Joss' shows.

I agree, I can't stand the current Fox lineup. On the upside or possibly the downside, Fox picked up Joss's Dollhouse with Eliza Dushku, if SCC doesn't get canned Fox style then I can sleep easy knowing Dollhouse will have a chance.


Originally posted by jewelstaitefan:
What is "ret-con" translation?

From Wikipedia: Retconning is a deliberate changing of previously established facts in a work of serial fiction.
This really doesn't sound like retconning, but it is doing what Superman Returns did (starting from Superman 2).

I really hope none of the Firefly cast gets typecasted, but if we look at Adam Baldwin (big tough guy in Firefly, big tough guy in X-files, big tough guy in Chuck), sometimes its unavoidable. The real test is whether he creates a unique and interesting character with those traits, which Adam does really well.

Being typecasted can sometimes be a good thing, cause it can get you a job. Then again Nathan Fillion and Jewel Staite are getting very diverse roles, so no worries for Summer.


Sunday, January 13, 2008 7:16 PM



Originally posted by Freebrowncoat:
Summer in boots, with guns.

in a T-shirt...


Sunday, January 13, 2008 7:19 PM



Originally posted by NewOldBrownCoat:

Originally posted by Freebrowncoat:
Summer in boots, with guns.

in a T-shirt...

That t-shirt won't last long with all the guns and explosions.


Sunday, January 13, 2008 7:24 PM


This does not seem to fit the listed definition of ret-con.
Summer seems to be the star.
In her very first episode (Serenity), she said it was quite the initiation being nekid for her first scene, introduction. Now her first hour in this show she had to be nekid/topless twice - is this a trend?


Sunday, January 13, 2008 8:04 PM



Originally posted by Gapsule:

I really hope none of the Firefly cast gets typecasted, but if we look at Adam Baldwin (big tough guy in Firefly, big tough guy in X-files, big tough guy in Chuck), sometimes its unavoidable. The real test is whether he creates a unique and interesting character with those traits, which Adam does really well.

Don't forget big tough guy on Stargate:SG1, big tough guy in Full Metal Jacket... he's made an art of it. I do hope they show a softer side -or at least play up his humorous side- on Chuck.

P.S. I cannot remember what happened to him on SG1 I do hope he guest stars on Atlantis someday if he didn't die.

<------<<< ~~~~~~~~~~~~~(*)~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >>>------>
"Early to bed and early to rise... makes a man stupid and blind in the eyes." Mazer Rackham


Sunday, January 13, 2008 8:45 PM


Does anybody remember the lines that sounded like Firefly lines? I can't believe I already forgot them.


Sunday, January 13, 2008 9:22 PM



Originally posted by jewelstaitefan:
Does anybody remember the lines that sounded like Firefly lines? I can't believe I already forgot them.

I didn't even notice those, but in hindsight, the 'bank robbery' scene made me smile.


Sunday, January 13, 2008 9:39 PM


i think there was one in the scene with the chair that bullets couldn't penetrate, the 2 terminators first battle it out. I think John said something, can't remember what.


Monday, January 14, 2008 2:31 AM


It was pretty cool hearing Summer say those immortal words "come with me if you want to live", previously utterred only by Michael Biehn & Schwarzennegger.


Monday, January 14, 2008 3:31 AM


The only line that stuck with me was when Sarah has the gun Cameron/Summer had just put together and is told she can shoot when the isotope turns red. She asks if it's nuclear, and Summer looks at her and says after a slight pause, "Not really..."


Monday, January 14, 2008 5:05 AM


(Reposted from vote thread)

Summer Glau (OK fine, it's The Sarah Conner Chronicles, but we all know who's really getting the votes ) has already gotten 8 votes in the TVVOTE nominations poll.

My only problem with the show so far (and it's a nit, 'cause if you just let go of most of the previous timelines it works) is that Sarah's FBI file indicates that she's 32, and Sarah says John is 15. That makes her 17 at conception, and even in the first film she was living on her own with a roommate. Age not specified, but I'd consider it /very/ odd for someone not yet 18 to have an apartment. Would it have been such a problem to make her 35-36?

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Monday, January 14, 2008 5:28 AM


One thing that bothered me quite a bit, and this is common in MANY tv shows...the "bad guy" is down for the count early, and they decide away.

The bad Terminator was shut down, by Cameron's own admission, for 2-3 minutes I think it was? I know it was over 100 seconds...seems like a perfect opportunity to RIP HIM INTO LITTLE PIECES

Maybe he's too tough or something, who knows but..seems like a wasted opportunity :P


Monday, January 14, 2008 6:03 AM


Excellent point.

Down for 120 seconds (2 minutes).

Seems to me that even if you couldn't 'kill' it, something useful like blinding, or removing enough skin to make it impossible to pass for human would be doable, and useful. With all the study and training Sarah and John have I'd expect them to think of that.

Kids at school report a 'robot legged' guy shot the place up, and now a robot is walking around...
Let him deal with the national guard for a bit. There may not be any man portable guns that'll stop a terminator, but let's see how it does vs. an anti-tank weapon.

Still love the show!

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Monday, January 14, 2008 8:39 AM



Originally posted by FlatTop:
My only problem with the show so far (and it's a nit, 'cause if you just let go of most of the previous timelines it works) is that Sarah's FBI file indicates that she's 32, and Sarah says John is 15. That makes her 17 at conception, and even in the first film she was living on her own with a roommate. Age not specified, but I'd consider it /very/ odd for someone not yet 18 to have an apartment. Would it have been such a problem to make her 35-36?

I agree--my only gripes are age/timeline related, too.

The first one was set in 1984--specifically stated to be so in T2 by one of the cops who comes to see Sarah at the mental hospital. The date in T2 was never given, but even tho it came out in '91, 'official sources' say it takes place in '95. Silberman says Sarah is 29 in T2, making her 18 in the original. Judgement day is 8/29/97.

Now, jump into the TV show, and it's 1999, and suddenly the events of T2 happened two years ago, not four? In just two years John went from being 10 to 15? I don't see where the problem would've been in keeping the events of T2 set in '95, and starting the show off in 2000, with the two of them having been on the run for five years instead of two. And then by the end of the pilot you've time-traveled the entire thing forward into 2007, anyway, so what difference does it make?

Just a minor complaint, but since I think they did a good job with the rest of it, this kinda niggled me...


Monday, January 14, 2008 4:13 PM


'Tweren't all that bad. Sarah will probably die. You know why? Because she's not pretty enough for God to let her live! :) Okay, with that bitty shallowness out of the way (after all, Summer makes more than up for that), I'm a mite worried about the number of deviations from canon: that's usually not a good sign, in terms of a show's longevity. I must say I had expected a bit more, though. It had the level of a decent Bionic Woman episode, but not much above it.

Well, maybe I was thrown off-balance by my profound dislike of Heroes star Zach, 'bedroom eyes' Thomas Dekker. He has a good face to adorn the wall of a teenage girl's bedroom, but I rather not see him near anything serious. I'm not looking for an American Idol, just a good actor. Edward Furlong was a far better and more agreeable John Connor than whats-his-name. And I liked Linda Hamilton better, too; so there. :)

But, as if there was ever a doubt, Summer again makes more than up for all the shortcomings. :) You tell em, girl! It's not safe.. for them!



Monday, January 14, 2008 6:11 PM


The terminator timeline has always been screwed up, but since this show isn't meant to deal with canon we have no troubles. If you try to read all the books and comics with a preconceived timeline in your head, your head will explode.

Almost every entertainment program has problems when it comes to time, even Angel had problems with its timeline. It's one of those things that is just to complex for us mere mortals. How old is he really?

T3 changed John's age to 13 rather than the 10 shown in T2.

My view is that if it doesn't say James Cameron, it ain't canon.

I found a nice website that sort of shows you the mess.


Monday, January 14, 2008 6:58 PM


The 2nd episode is much better than the first. Already the depth and complexity of character interaction in this episode alone exceeds all of the movies combined.

Summer had a terrifying cold-blooded robot moment that blew me away. You could see in her expression she decided she was going to have to kill that police officer in a manner of was brilliant! She's taking to this role in a way that even surprises me....and I was already a HUGE Summer fan.

Oh, and it looks like Sarah is going to die of cancer afterall.


Monday, January 14, 2008 7:15 PM


I gotta say, the word from those that had seen the second episode was that it really got the series going and ah...not so much for me.

IMO, this is looking more and more like 3 good actors (Summer, Sara Connor and the FBI guy) stuck in a show with some very shoddy writing. Spoilers:

To preface these, I'd just like to say I'm not one who cares whatsoever about canon. I just want to be entertained in a reasonable way. e.g. I've always said that if FF ever DID make it back to the small screen, I'd vote for them to disregard the BDM altogether, so I could see more Wash and Book tales.

Select to view spoiler:

Why exactly was the terminator from 1999 decapitated? She shot him with some kind of energy ray, in the chest. That made his head pop off? Why was he in a bunch of rubble? There's no mention of the bank being blown up or anything. So..if the bank DIDN'T blow up, and its just being demolished in 2007..didn't anyone notice the GIANT HEADLESS ROBOT laying in the vault?! If it WAS blown up immediately after the time travel (NOT mentioned, but let's assume) took them SEVEN YEARS to clean up the mess? Why does a Terminator's severed head only return to power once a human picks it up? Why does it have its own power source at all, and if it DOES have its own power source, why only regain function after seven years?! WTF is going on with this SCRIPT?!

They would have been better served having the 1999 Terminator living on the streets or something..since it obviously knows they time-traveled, and it has no other function but to kill John, wouldn't it be logical that it just wait for them to reappear, just in case?

If the Spanish uncle was a KNOWN RAT to his nephew, why is God's name would the nephew accept him vouching for Sara? Why would he do something highly illegal for someone HE KNOWS IS IN CAHOOTS WITH A KNOWN INFORMANT?!

These writers are gorram idiots, I'm sorry. This script is complete crap.

I'll keep watching, because there are moments of brilliance where Summer gets to shine..mainly any scene with her "learning" about being human. Other than that..there's really nothing compelling.


Monday, January 14, 2008 7:20 PM


Although the story centered around the Sarah character, you can see Summer taking this role seriously. There are small nuances in several places where she's seen studying human activities. I especially liked the one where she's hanging out with the hispanic lookout girl and mimicking her actions... slouching against the car. Later scene there is a really short camera shot of the latino girl putting makeup on Summer. Nice touch!

BTW, we'll have to call her Summer until she gets a name other than "tinman".


Given a choice between the earth-that-is and the 'verse-that-will-be I'll take the latter.



Monday, January 14, 2008 7:29 PM


Regarding canon timeline, Sarah became pregnant in 1984. Then John is born 1985. So if T2 is 1995, John really is 10. and 14 in 1999. If Sarah was 18 in 1984, her age in new show is correct at 32. Doesn't seem too far off.
I liked what I saw.


Monday, January 14, 2008 7:34 PM


I'm sure she'll die but remember the name of the show.... Anyway if I'm remembering right Cameron(Her name has been used already we can call her that you know?) said she died in 2005, that gives her a few years to live with the cancer first. I seriously doubt this series will make it five seasons though. Only time will tell.

<------<<< ~~~~~~~~~~~~~(*)~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >>>------>
"Early to bed and early to rise... makes a man stupid and blind in the eyes." Mazer Rackham


Monday, January 14, 2008 9:13 PM



Originally posted by Gapsule:
The terminator timeline has always been screwed up

Time travel tends to do that. ;)

e.g. if they can send soldiers way back to assemble kick-a$$ weapons for this story, why couldn't they have done so for T1 or T2? If there's constant improvement of cyborgs in the future, why didn't the later versions get sent back further (before the 1st terminator)? Maybe the cyborgs have to be a little careful to avoid making big enough changes to the timeline that skynet never gets built, but the resistance could send back enough skilled people to create their own super-high-tech colony just waiting for signs of sky-net so they could pre-emptively nuke it...


I don't need a gorram back-spaceship driver!!!


Tuesday, January 15, 2008 1:49 AM



Originally posted by Gapsule:

The terminator timeline has always been screwed up, but since this show isn't meant to deal with canon we have no troubles. If you try to read all the books and comics with a preconceived timeline in your head, your head will explode.

Almost every entertainment program has problems when it comes to time, even Angel had problems with its timeline. It's one of those things that is just to complex for us mere mortals. How old is he really?

T3 changed John's age to 13 rather than the 10 shown in T2.

T3 was an abomination. T2, on the other hand, was truly brilliant. I still get a thrill when I see 'Mr. Fluid' walk out from under that viaduct, half-liquid still. Or when he pauses a mite to look at that mannequin's head.

As for John's age in T2, I'm fair certain he was 15, no?

Ennyhows, just got hold of the HD version op ep 2; and from what I read here, it's supposed to be a step up. Summer!!!! :)



Tuesday, January 15, 2008 2:30 AM



Originally posted by asarian:
T3 was an abomination. T2, on the other hand, was truly brilliant.

You really think that? I actually love T3, even more than T2....but T1 will always be the best for me.
I thought Clare Danes did a great job as a scared,confused, yet powerful woman, later to become Connor's wife and resistance leader. The tie-in to her father General Brewster, the man who pushed the Sky Net button was great, and the initial machine "take-over" was well-done. John Connor was much, much, much, better than that obnoxious, whiny Edward Furlong role in T2. Nick Stahl looked the part and he acted the part well. Having them both end up in a fallout bunker was great too, what I expected to see when the bombs start dropping. And the Termanatrix was not only sexy & hot, she was truly powerful and deadly. So what again was an abomination in T3?


Tuesday, January 15, 2008 3:49 AM


I love Summer Glau and I have enjoyed the Terminator movies. The balance of the cast has been good and the story certainly can go places. But so far I haven’t been impressed. I know it’s still early and just like Firefly it needs to be given some time. Only I feel it isn’t even in the same ballpark as FF. It isn’t Summer, or the acting of any other cast member but I just ain’t feeling it. It may be because of all the T movies that I’ve seen before but there just seems to be something missing. Oh well whether it stays or goes I ain’t loosing any sleep over it and I don’t know that I’ll watch every episode. Especially if there are reruns of FF at the same time on another station.


Tuesday, January 15, 2008 3:54 AM



Originally posted by Jongsstraw:


Originally posted by asarian:
T3 was an abomination. T2, on the other hand, was truly brilliant.

You really think that? I actually love T3, even more than T2....but T1 will always be the best for me.

I thought Clare Danes did a great job as a scared,confused, yet powerful woman, later to become Connor's wife and resistance leader. The tie-in to her father General Brewster, the man who pushed the Sky Net button was great, and the initial machine "take-over" was well-done. John Connor was much, much, much, better than that obnoxious, whiny Edward Furlong role in T2. Nick Stahl looked the part and he acted the part well. Having them both end up in a fallout bunker was great too, what I expected to see when the bombs start dropping. And the Termanatrix was not only sexy & hot, she was truly powerful and deadly. So what again was an abomination in T3?

Should I start with the part where they're stranded in the middle of nowhere, or the part where the Terminators have no clothes? No, seriously, don't get me started. :)

First off, the cheap, hopelessly ripped-off, let's-use-the-same-joke-twice-but-without-proper-context-or-reason type of repeat-lines, like: "I like your gun" (as in: "Say, that's a nice bike"). Ugh.

Secondly, they frakked up the whole Skynet thing. T2:

"All stealth bombers are upgraded with Cyberdyne computer systems, becoming fully unmanned. They fly with a perfect operational record, removing all human decisions from strategic defense. The Skynet funding bill is passed. It begins to learn at a geometric rate. It becomes self-aware at 2:14AM August 29. In a panic, they try to pull the plug. Skynet fights back."

T3 fraks up this plot beyond all recognition. First they begin with a corny, childish virus that allegedly gets passed every firewall in the world. What a load of bullocks! That sorta "teenager with 'back-door' to high military computers" twist was cute twenty years ago in "War Games" or some such, but you really gotta do a lot better these days! But, more importantly, the whole virus plot is a gross violation of how the Terminator laid it all down in T2. So, they deploy Skynet to defeat this virus, and something goes wrong. Yawn. All within minutes. The reason for putting Skynet online, and the time it takes to become self-aware, the whole premisse of T2 is raped in ways that would land you 20 years to life if you violated a human in that fashion.

Thirdly, again with the cheap imitation: Terminatrix and Terminator pushing each other through walls and stuff.

Fourthly, the Terminatrix's "primary weapon" breaks with what's possible with mimetic polyalloy, allowing the T1000 series to emulate anyone or anything of equal size, except (T2) "complex machines" like "guns and explosives" because they "have chemicals, moving parts." They can, however, form "knives and stabbing weapons." And worse: the Terminatrix's "primary weapon" breaks.

Fifthly, T3 grotesquely mangle's one of T2's main premisses: "The future is not set. There's no future but what we make for ourselves." So, if you can't change anything anyway -- or just postpone it -- then what's the frakkin' point of sending machines back to try and... yeah, change things?? Oopsie.

Sixthly, Terminatrix messes with the "Nr. 5 is alive" kinda robots in storage, who all seem oddly fully loaded with ammo.

Seventhly, the Terminatrix hot?? Saffron is hot! The Terminatrix was a boilerplate bimbette if I ever saw one. If she were any more vacuous you'd need a special lense to even have her register on film!

Clare Danes actually IS my type. So that was good. :) But Nick Stahl really was a mess. He played the part well, though. It weren't his fault. And as for Edward Furlong, he's probably the best young actor I've seen in years!

Sigh. I could keep on bashing T3 for ever ("Easy money!", I salute young Furlong!). But suffice to conclude, once again, that it was an abomination.



Tuesday, January 15, 2008 4:29 AM


Are the full eps online? I looked (briefly) and didn't see them...


- Grand High Poobah of the Mythical Land of Iowa, and Keeper of State Secrets
- Captain, Grammar Police
- Vote JonnyQuest/Causal, for Benevolent Co-Dictator of Earth; together, toward a brighter tomorrow!


Tuesday, January 15, 2008 4:40 AM


Agreed that the second episode was better than the first. Overall.. I am enjoying it.. but will reserve judgement until after I see more clearly where they are going to go with the show.

I hope that OVERALL they keep the show rather dark. I don't mind them dealing with the mundane things like going to school, working, struggling with the crap that life has thrown them, etc. But overall.. I think the show need to keep a dark tone with just a glimpse of hope every now and then. But overall.. keep the tone of they have to watch their back every second of every day. 24 has been able to pull off that intensity for 5-6 years... so it can be done.

Ok.. now on to a few nit picks and canon flaws that are just bugging me. Hopefully some of these are not "flaws" but things that they are holding back on to answer later... but I somehow doubt it.

1) Agreed with the earlier post. What the heck happend to the headless terminator and the all the rest of the time travel equiptment that was left back in 1999? I mean WTF? I mean like NO ONE investigated to see what the freak happened and just left the bank as is?? So this terminator was just left sitting there for 8 years and no one noticed? What I THOUGHT they were going to do is since Summer didn't seem to know how Skynet got built (the second time), is that when the authoraties went into the bank vault to investigate what the frack happened.. The would find all this equiptment, including a headless terminator. After finding all this, the timeline was suddenly going to change and THAT was what was going to be the new trigger that would eventually lead to the develeopment of Skynet. Just like the first terminator (Arnold in T1) lead Miles Dison to the develeopment of the first Skynet. So by jumping forward into the future and revealing to the 1999 authoraties all this high tech equipment that was left behind.. they inadvertantly CAUSED the creating of the SECOND Skynet! I thought that would have been brilliant.. but now with the headless terminator showing up mysteriously in 2007.. doesn't look like they are going that route. Missed oportunity!! And a BIG one!!!

2) How did the terminator's head travel through time? It was already badly damaged (as in a lot of it's skin was ripped), plus shortly after the time travel.. it had NO skin. They have clearly shown time and time again that only ORGANIC material or something covered in organic material can travel through time. So how did the head travel through time?

3) They have also very clearly stated that travel through time is PAINFUL!! Terminators don't feel pain.. but of course humans do. Yet Sarah and John showed NO pain after there time travel! What gives? All it would have taken is that Summer after standing up.. to look down and see Sarah and John in pain.. that she pickes them both up over her shoulders and takes off running. Sloppy oversight in my opinion.

4) I can understand not wanting to get into scientific babbletalk.. but all Sarah can do is ask Summer if the gun is nuclear? And Summer says "Not really"? COME ON!! They mised the PERFECT line.. what Summer should have said is "It's a plasma rifle.. in the 40 watt range"!!

5) I'm sorry.. but the "Class dismissed" line from the T800 style terminator.. was clearly out of character! I know they are trying to throw in a few Arnold like one-liners from T2.. but remember.. Arnold only started to do that AFTER his was switched out of "read only" mode. If you remember Skynet only sends out terminators in "read only" mode because it doesn't want them to "learn" or at least think for themselves.. just accomplish their mission. ONLY after being switched out of read only mode.. did John start to teach the T800 (Arnold) to "lighten up".. which is where the attempts at humor began. Heck.. he couldn't even SMILE for god's sake! So they have clearly shown that ANY terminator that we have seen to date.. is 1000% focused on it's mission.. and that's ALL IT DOES!! So much so that ieven though it may "look" human.. it can only pull off the charade of being human (as far as conversation and personality goes) for a VERY brief period of time.. before it leaves to continue it's mission ( ot having found out what it needs) or killing someone. So this T800 even taking 1 second to say "class dismissed" once it had aquired John.. was TOTALLY not the MO of a terminator. The only thing it would have done is kill any student that got in it's way as it charged to the window to go after john.

6) Which brings me back to that terminator in 2007. Obvioulsy they are implying that both the head and the body of the terminator (T800) has redundancy. Both the head and the body both have power sources AND the body also has some type of visible sensors so that it can move around on it's own... and some type of "brain" to know what to do. So it could find it's head.. ala the Iron Giant. But if the body can see, think, and has it's own power.. why even go back to get the head at all? Now that it's not covered in skin.. why does it even need it's head? I just have to say "whatever" to this one and let it go.. I think it's kind of stupid though. We have clearly seen what the T800 endoskeleton looks like and what the mechanical eyes look like. So to indicate that "somehow" the body can still see it's surroundings without it's head is grasping at straws. I would rather have them followed my earlier idea of the high tech stuff left behind in the bank being the trigger for the second Skynet.. INCLUDING the entire defunct tT800 model.. but in doing experiments on it.. some lab researcher is able to accidently reactivate it.

On a totally side note.. what James Cameron SHOULD have done all the way back in the original T1.. is had ALL the functions of the terminator NOT in the locations you would think them to be. DON'T put the eyes in the head.. don't put the brain in the head either. Put EVERY function not where you would expect it to be. Wouldn't that make it harder to kill? You THINK that bashing it's head it would kill it.. but it wouldn't if that not where a single vital function is? Don't put them in the chest either. You wouldn't want to put them in the extremites (too easy to loose an arm or foot).. but people are goign to go after what would kill a human as a reflex (head, chest). So to design terminators with all the functions not where you would expect them.. would only make them that much tougher. That could have been an incredible concept to play out... but story wise.. not important.

7) Now this brings me to Summer's character. I dont' know where they are going with her. I will just have to wait and see. After the first episode.. I just thought she was very inconsistant.. we have NEVER seen a terminator to date.. even the more advanced ones who could pull off "being human" from a personality or conversational standpoint for more than just a few seconds. But Summer's terminator can. She can smile.. laugh.. flirt. We have NOT seen a terminator like this before. JOhn does state that she seems different and asks her what model she is.. and all she replies is "I am different". But now after seeing the second episode.. it looks like Summer is only "more human".. to John. Maybe this won't play out that way.. but that is what they have shown in the first two episodes. She seems more cold and caculating, like we have seen every other terminator, in any other situation. But towards John.. she seems to be able to act "more human". If that's the case.. what does that mean? Summer did seem to know at least SOME intimate info about John in the future.. like him going on and on about his mother reading him stories in spanish when he was younger. Could they be hinting at a possible romantic relationship between Summer and John in the future?

Hmm.. If they do it right.. that could be VERY interesting. John actually having feelings for the very thing he is destined to destroy?? My gut feeling is they will continue to hint at it and gauge what people's reactions are and stear the story in one way or another depending upon the general consensous of weither people like it or not. Battlestar went there.. and even had a child between a man and a machine, so I hope that if that's where they intended to go (minus the baby part THAT would be silly .. that they don't back down. Like I said.. I believe that if they do it right.. it could be very interesting..

We will just have to wait and see... overall on the one hand I've liked it (but not loved it), but am bugged by the writing and cannon flaws that all could have been easily fixed or sidestepped.

They will also have to be VERY careful about continuing to show more people (terminators) comming from the future. Timetravel is by default a plot hole.. so the more they mess with the time line.. the bigger they dig the hole.



Tuesday, January 15, 2008 5:00 AM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.

I concur with most of your nitpicks, but concerning:

6) The way I interpreted it is that the head is remotely controlling the body, not that the body can see and function on its own.

"Please remain calm."


Tuesday, January 15, 2008 5:16 AM



6) The way I interpreted it is that the head is remotely controlling the body, not that the body can see and function on its own.

I could see that.. except then how can the head "see" to tell the body what to do? Wouldnt' the body just walk directly towards the head bumping into things along the way?

The whole thing seems silly.. I have to stand by that it would have been much better to leave the endoskelton (AND HEAD) back in 1999 but it doesn't work after being hit by the 40watt plasma rifle . That endoskeleton AND the time travel equiptment being the new trigger for Skynet2. Sometime in 2007 (by SURE coincidence ) a reasearcher repairs the terminator (not knowing exactly what it is or what it's mission is) and reactivates it.. reaseracher goes missing along with the T800. The new company (Cyberdyne 2) chalks it up to espionage which ACCERLATES the building of Skynet 2 because the government is afraid of a foriegn power getting ahold of this technology. Cyberdyne 2 of course is covering up the endoskeleton comming back to life and killing the reasearcher (which would be caught all on security cameras) for fear of the goverment pulling the plug on Skynet 2.

There.. I fixed it for them... MUCH BETTER!!



Tuesday, January 15, 2008 5:48 AM


Speaking of nitpicking did anyone else see this? It really isn’t a big deal but I made mention of it to my wife as I watched the first episode Sunday night.
Now in the original Terminator I would place Sara Conner’s age at about mid to early 20s. Linda Hamilton just looked to be about that. In TSCC John Conner looks to be 16 or 17 and stretching it he could be 15. There is a scene where information is brought up about Sara (lena Headey) on a computer screen and the info to the right reads : Female 33. That would put Sara at the age of 18 at the oldest when she met up with Reese. Linda Hamilton was a young hottie in T1 but I don’t think she was that young. Maybe I just missed something. She should be closer to 40 or shouldn’t I be thinking “Terminator 1: Kyle Reese; cradle robber from the future”?


Tuesday, January 15, 2008 6:45 AM


Does anybody know what the ratings have been so far?

Is our Summer on her way to Superstardom with a smash hit show?


Tuesday, January 15, 2008 7:39 AM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.

Sunday night's ratings were very high, approximately 18.3 million viewers, but I have been unable to find reports about last night's ep. I wouldn't be too quick to celebrate the seemingly good news about the pilot's reception though, considering it was the only new scripted show in it's timeslot, and it aired immediately following a very highly rated football game. They also promoted it very heavily during the game.


Tuesday, January 15, 2008 7:54 AM



Originally posted by ecgordon:
Sunday night's ratings were very high, approximately 18.3 million viewers, but I have been unable to find reports about last night's ep. I wouldn't be too quick to celebrate the seemingly good news about the pilot's reception though, considering it was the only new scripted show in it's timeslot, and it aired immediately following a very highly rated football game. They also promoted it very heavily during the game.

Thanks! I agree about not getting too optimistic.


Tuesday, January 15, 2008 8:18 AM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.

Concerning Sarah's age in the various films, and now the series. Linda Hamilton was 27-28 at the time of The Terminator, depending on when it was actually filmed. If the film was set in '84 (when it was released) we have to assume Sarah was no more than 19. She was away from home, living in the big city with a roommate, so she has to have been out of high school. If she was still 19 when John was born then she would have been approximately 30 in T2 (released in '91 but supposedly set in '95). That would put her at age 34 in '99 when the series begins. I suppose the file the FBI agent was looking at just hadn't been recently updated, since it showed her age as 33.

Lena Headey is 34 currently, so that makes her right for the role (age-wise at least). Thomas Dekker is 4-5 years older than his character is supposed to be, but it is typical that teenagers are played by twenty-somethings all the time.

A sidenote about Linda. I discovered that she and I share birthdays (the day that is, I'm six years older).


Tuesday, January 15, 2008 8:49 AM



Originally posted by zzetta13:
Now in the original Terminator I would place Sara Conner’s age at about mid to early 20s.

I just re-watched the first two films Sunday afternoon, so this is fresh in my head:

Early in T2, in the scene that introduces Sarah, Dr. Silberman is giving her history to his colleagues as he does his rounds, and lists her age as 29. One of the cops that comes to question her about the shooting at the mall, who shows her the surveillance photos of Arnold, says that the events of T1 happened in 1984. T2 is set in 1995, making her 18 in '84, 19 when John was born a year later, and John 10 during T2.

But like Gapsule said further up the thread, the timeline is fairly wonky, especially when you try to factor in the touchstones given for it in T3. Going back to T1 and looking at Sarah (not physically, but where she is in her life), she certainly seems more like someone in her early-to-mid-'20s than an 18-year-old, but what the hell. I guess it's best not to obsess over those things and just sit back and enjoy the movies/TV show...






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