What Question Would You Most Like To See Answerd In Serenity?

UPDATED: Tuesday, May 11, 2004 10:58
VIEWED: 7064
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Saturday, May 8, 2004 12:21 AM


A lot of questions were left unanswered when Firefly ended and I was wondering which ones you want to see answered. For me I want Simon and Kaylee to get together. I LOVE THE COUPLE!


Saturday, May 8, 2004 12:48 AM


Who is Shepard Book?

One system or multiple stars? (Actually I think they answered that in "The Message" but in a round about way)

How does the damn ship's drive system work? (Yeah I know what I said in a different thread. It is unimportant to the plot. I am a gearhead, what can I say.)

"Wash, where is my damn spaceship?"


Saturday, May 8, 2004 12:56 AM


I think I most want to see the river questions answered and I would like to see one of either mal/inarra simon/kaylee relationships move forward. I hope they dont try to cram to much in the first film though. So I think I prefer to wait for book storyline. We also dont want to many couples on board if there are more films.


Saturday, May 8, 2004 1:09 AM


"Who was Shepard Book before he became Shepard Book?"

There's a link somewhere on the board to a picture of the starmap that was in the Firefly presskit, and that would indicate multiple starsystems. I'm still not absolutely sure though. I like when they talk about 'worlds' instead of planets and moons, but it makes it confusing. I got the feeling that the sky would be a whole lot more crowded if it were just one starsystem with one or two core-planets and then rim worlds further out. Point is that such worlds, even after terraforming, would still need a sun-like star to support human life and cattle and plants and such as we see in the show, and there's only so much distance you can put between a terraformed moon or planet and a star and yet have that dusty dry deserty look.

"We will rule over all this land and we will cal it... This Land."


Saturday, May 8, 2004 2:30 AM



Originally posted by DarkHood:
A lot of questions were left unanswered when Firefly ended and I was wondering which ones you want to see answered. For me I want Simon and Kaylee to get together. I LOVE THE COUPLE!

Haha HELL YEH I'm exactly the same my friend!

I would also like to see some Book answers but the Simon and Kaylee thing is what I'm looking forward to the most!

There's no show I'd rather see, than the one with Serenity.
You can't take the sky from me...


Saturday, May 8, 2004 3:50 AM


I am sorry to tell you this but Simon and Kaylee could never be a real couple. They are thrown together by circimstance and she pretty much is the last women in the universe...but after that they really are too different. Sexual tension is a great thing but once it's been removed it's end of story. Just ask Remington Steele or Dr. Quinn medicine woman.
Now about Book.... I lie awake nights trying to puzzel that one out. I'd also like to meet Jayne's family.

She understands, she doesn't comprehend


Saturday, May 8, 2004 4:01 AM


What, exactly, was Blue Sun?


Saturday, May 8, 2004 4:01 AM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.

I'll go against the grain here and say there are no unanswered questions that I want to be resolved in Serenity.

I want to get the answers in seasons 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 & 7.

wo men ren ran zai fei xing.


Saturday, May 8, 2004 4:06 AM


Why can't Kaylee see that Simon is gay?


Saturday, May 8, 2004 4:21 AM


America loves a winner!


Why can't Kaylee see that Simon is gay?

Haaa haaa!! Great line!! Don't think I believe it's true, but hell, that was funny.

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Saturday, May 8, 2004 4:38 AM


I want to know what the thing with Inara's little syringe is, mainly because I didn't even know I was supposed to be wondering about that till the DVD's. Plus, I figure with all the theories I've read on this board, one of y'all had to have gotten it right, and I want to know who.

But I'd be just about as happy with answers about Book, River, and so on.


Saturday, May 8, 2004 6:23 AM


I want to know whether or not the Blue Hands are human, and if so, are they connected in any way to the Reavers.


Saturday, May 8, 2004 6:45 AM


Actually I have to admit that I'm loving the mystery of it all...
Blue Sun, blue hands, Book...
secret government conspiracies...

I would like Joss to keep on adding new mysteries and teasing us with new obscure hints even as he explains whatever he chooses to explain.


Saturday, May 8, 2004 7:24 AM


My biggest question is just who is Book and why is he there?

In the pilot, he was wandering the docks looking at the ships, not the destinations - which Kaylee picked up on.

I think there is a reason for him being there beyond his being out of the world and wanting to walk it a while.

Is it possible he was looking for Mal? When Mal confronted Simon in the cargo bay accusing him of being a Fed, Book was right there "you've got the wrong man, captain." How did he know, unless he knew Lawrence was the fed?

A thought has been bouncing around my big, hollow skull that maybe Book is either spying on, or looking after Mal for some reason. I'd love to find out - even a hint!

"I'll be in my bunk"


Saturday, May 8, 2004 7:30 AM


Shepherd Book!


Saturday, May 8, 2004 7:38 AM



Saturday, May 8, 2004 7:39 AM



Originally posted by MrsSpooky:

Is it possible he was looking for Mal? When Mal confronted Simon in the cargo bay accusing him of being a Fed, Book was right there "you've got the wrong man, captain." How did he know, unless he knew Lawrence was the fed?

A thought has been bouncing around my big, hollow skull that maybe Book is either spying on, or looking after Mal for some reason. I'd love to find out - even a hint!

What if Book isn't looking for Mal, but was following Simon, perhaps as a protector(guardian angel) or to keep him and River from falling back into Alliance hands.

Book has Alliance ties, as his ID allows him top of the line care with no questions asked. He is in good official standing, so he didn't leave on bad terms or illegally, but perhaps retired.

Let's imagine for a moment that Book at one time was Alliance military, perhaps R&D. Nice man, much younger. He is assigned to a project that is borderline illegal, but uses volunteers. As time goes on, "volunteers" are recruited and end up severely damaged, or dead, causing Book to have a crisis of conscience.

This crisis causes him to leave his position, quietly, calmly, so as not to send up red flags. He enters the seminary to try to make sense of things, and becomes a modified pacifist. At the same time he maintains underground connections to keep tabs on the project.

In the opening of Serenity, Book is not looking for a ship, but trying to see on which ship Simon is booking passage.

Just a theory I am toying with, and I will admit I haven't watched all the episodes yet (rationing them, like a fine, rare wine).


Saturday, May 8, 2004 8:52 AM



Is it possible he was looking for Mal? When Mal confronted Simon in the cargo bay accusing him of being a Fed, Book was right there "you've got the wrong man, captain." How did he know, unless he knew Lawrence was the fed?

Here's my eerie-assed theory and I'm going to bend the facts to fit it.

Book was an Alliance officer, after the war he joined an Abbey to repent for his sins. He found a group of ex-Alliance that had started an underground movement to block Alliance efforts.

Book wasn't looking for Mal, River or Simon. He was following Dobson to see what he was after. After Dobson was shot and dumped, Book realized why Dobson was after River and decided he could help the underground movement the most if he stayed and kept River out of the Alliance hands. Blue Hands that is.

Maybe Dobson knew Book was spying on him, that's why he tried to knock his head off when he escaped.

Book's tearful admission to Inara shows that he had taken up a life of peace. Spying on Dobson wasn't supposed to include any violence, but in the end, it did. In his former life as an Alliance officer, he was in a position to protect people like Dobson. Maybe Dobson was in his command and that's why he said he had swore to protect him. Book realizes he can't escape his former life and accepts his fate, leading him to be able to shoot kneecaps without remourse.

I may be wrong about the Book/Dobson connection but I like the idea of Book being part of an underground movement.

"I ain't crazy and I've got papers to prove it"


Saturday, May 8, 2004 10:04 AM


How many companions would it take mind.

Please help Haken keep this site running by occasionally clicking on some of the sponsored ad links on the side of the page!


Saturday, May 8, 2004 10:11 AM



Originally posted by Shiny:
How many companions would it take mind.

To screw a light bulb?

Just a time

"I ain't crazy and I've got papers to prove it"


Saturday, May 8, 2004 11:02 AM


I thought it would take two...but the question then did they get in the light bulb?

Now, back to the topic...I don't want any of the questions answered. I would kill for some more clues and hints on Book, River and Inara. But no outright answers yet, save those for the BDS return!!!


Saturday, May 8, 2004 11:53 AM


I want to see more Book stuff but not all the Book stuff if you know what I mean.

Plus I want it finally confirmed that it's more than one star system. To my mind it has to, if they were looking at a map (even on that isn't a real map of the 'Verse as the press kit suggests) well that screams to me more than one solar system. Wouldn't need a map to get around in one solar system, maybe a "where are the planets right now" rotational computer program but not a map with lots of stars and whatnot on it.

Oh and I'll second about what the Full Burn entails, I think it's a FTL drive but probably something closer to a warp drive not hyperspace because ships pass one another and can see/interact with one another waaaay out.

Ummm, what else, oh yeah more Book stuff.

One thing I was wondering about was if they'll subtitle the Chinese. In an odd way I hope not, but for people that never saw the show but see the movie it could make them wonder what was up with that.

"Oh hey, I got an idea. Instead of us hanging
around playing art critic till I get pinched by
the Man, how's about we move away from this
eerie-ass piece of work and get on with our
increasingly eerie-ass day, how's that?"

My eerie-ass website:


Sunday, May 9, 2004 9:34 AM



Originally posted by Gunhand:
Plus I want it finally confirmed that it's more than one star system. To my mind it has to, if they were looking at a map (even on that isn't a real map of the 'Verse as the press kit suggests) well that screams to me more than one solar system. Wouldn't need a map to get around in one solar system, maybe a "where are the planets right now" rotational computer program but not a map with lots of stars and whatnot on it.

This is one of those things I've never worried too much about -- I'm not a real scientific type, so I don't concern myself with what gavalxy vs. solar system or keeps the ship flying or how fast is goes or whatever (so anything short of an engine is full of little hamster wheels I'm okay with). I do have to say that when I do think about it (the solar system questions) I never thought it was all supposed to be one -- "more that 70 earths" (inhabitable planets/moons) in one solar system struck me as improbable, seeing as how we've only got the one here.


Sunday, May 9, 2004 11:51 AM


Well as someone who occasionally inflicts a RPG set in the 'Verse on my friends the geography question is something I'd like to have settled. Just so I can stop threatening them when they start debating it when we should be doing other stuff like drinking beer and pretending they're flying around on their own Firefly.

It actually could be one system if some of the "moons" they talk about are terraformed asteroids.

Or it could be a close cluster of stars, without FTL drives but the star systems are so close that just kicking up to .9 of light speed would be good enough to get you from one to another quickly. I read somewhere that in the deep core of the galaxy there is a possibilty of something like that. (this is actually the one I use in my game since it lets me duck the question mostly)

"Oh hey, I got an idea. Instead of us hanging
around playing art critic till I get pinched by
the Man, how's about we move away from this
eerie-ass piece of work and get on with our
increasingly eerie-ass day, how's that?"

My eerie-ass website:


Sunday, May 9, 2004 1:31 PM


Definitely Book.

I reckon he is a former alliance spook or something (he seems to know how to handle people like Nishka and he is able to identify a weapon from a wound. Seems way too savvy to be an officer).

Simon Tan does mention an underground movement of sorts when he describes how he got River out.

Reason I don't buy him being part of that is that his ID card gets him medical treatment on the spot and subsequent release without questions being asked.


Sunday, May 9, 2004 1:33 PM



Originally posted by MrsSpooky:
My biggest question is just who is Book and why is he there?

In the pilot, he was wandering the docks looking at the ships, not the destinations - which Kaylee picked up on.

I think there is a reason for him being there beyond his being out of the world and wanting to walk it a while.

Is it possible he was looking for Mal? When Mal confronted Simon in the cargo bay accusing him of being a Fed, Book was right there "you've got the wrong man, captain." How did he know, unless he knew Lawrence was the fed?

A thought has been bouncing around my big, hollow skull that maybe Book is either spying on, or looking after Mal for some reason. I'd love to find out - even a hint!

"I'll be in my bunk"

I thought he saw Lawrence with his gun out. Mal was facing toward Book. Simon was getting hit, so what would he know about it? And Lawrence was coming up behind Mal. There is a beat, that makes you think Book knows something -- but then we know he knows what he knows because of what he sees.

That said, I want answers to questions in the book of Book,too.

insight spinner

Just an object. It doesn't mean what you think....


Sunday, May 9, 2004 2:53 PM


DarkHood, et ma famille:

Good question. I would really love to see Firefly return to series TV (preferably on CBS); however, transcripts of the Blackpool confab that circulated here last week had Nathan saying a return to TV wasn't do-able because Fox (soft 'u' sound) still have the rights to a show they didn't want or understand. They apparently want a diamond the size of a testicle to let it go to another network (and I'd like to get my hands on Ms. Berman's). BTW, y'all do realize she got her start at Fox by producing BtVS, right? Talk about stabbing your artists in the back! So, Nathan says look for three movies, if the first one does well; because we'll all be taking the 'dirt nap' before Fox admit they're wrong and bring it back, or have the decency to let a competitor do justice by it.

Now, if it returns to TV, I want as few questions answered outright as possible. Just throw us a few more clues on everything. Joss has said this is the kind of movie we're going to get: a springboard for a series return. Heck, he was planning on just finishing up as much of the 'big arc' stuff as he could in a 2-hour feature; but, then he did a complete rewrite at Universal's urging. So, who really knows what convoluted negotiations are going on behind the scenes?

On the other hand, if it is indeed going to be a trilogy to finish the story, we're going to have to see some serious exposition on some of the questions FFFn regulars have been "(re)hashing" as one pundit put it, in spare moments between truly insightful political harangues (as if). Morena reportedly said we'd be getting Book's and Inara's "backstory" in this first of three(?) movies. This probably means no more mysteries about what Book was before becoming a minister, or why Inara decided to leave Sihnon. We'll find out once and for all that Book was General Richard Wilkins, and that he's not a spy or assassin or bounty hunter (heh,heh,heh). We'll find out once and for all that Inara left Sihnon because she's sick... of selling herself to rich people to wipe their genitals on. She may have perfectly valid moralizations to justify what she does, but her clientele don't. They see her soul as a tasty morsel to be devoured along with her tender flesh.

These revelations would leave us getting more 'clues only' material, in terms of what River actually was being deconstructed to do for Alliance/BlueSun. 'Clues only' for what Blue Hands actually are. 'Clues only' for what Alliance/BlueSun's agenda for its constituency is. 'Clues only' about the Independent Resistance movement (like those who helped Simon spring River from the Academy) and their timetable for action. As Mal put it on U-Day, "I'd say we'll rise again."

Morena and Nathan both indicated that Reavers would be involved; but it's too early to speculate whether we'll get proper clarification on their motivations in this movie, rather than just more clues, or even just more of the 'boogie man' treatment.

As far as the romances go, I suspect they'll be left unresolved, although there may possibly be some physical conjugations of verbs not permitted on TV. ;) I'd rather see action on this front, less on the battlefield. At least, I hope someone shows the perfectly beautiful Gina Torres how to hold a rifle and present a low profile. Speaking of Giiiinnnaaah!: Could we possibly work in a song for her? Ms. Torres-Fishburne is a classically trained mezzosoprano and it'd be too cool to hear her flex her pipes in the film. Maybe they could then have Inara join in soulfully, since Morena apparently can't carry a tune in a bucket. How funny would that be?

One thing's certain: I'm going to be at the theatre on opening night, and often thereafter. Some movies don't warrant repeat viewings. Based on the TV series' lasting viewability, I suspect I'll have to see the movie a number of times, and then buy the DVD, just to wring all the clues from the film.

Both Fox's and now Universal's production companies are in love with Joss/Tim/ME. This should get J/T/ME's foot in the door making feature films. With their talents for storytelling and dialogue -- not to mention their keen instincts when casting actors -- I smell an Oscar within 10 years for one or both of these guys (remember I said so). I'd like to think Nathan, Morena and the rest of the Firefly cast have got the sense God gave a bundt cake, and that they'll ride J/T/ME to some individual awards in the future, as well. I'm really impressed with Fillion, and have been since "Saving Private Ryan".

These guys are going places, and so is our BDM!



"I felt sorry for River. If you can believe it, she was a frightened, confused child. Well... Things do change, don't they?"

- Zoë Warren, noted children's author, from A Child Shall Lead Them: A History of the Second War of Independence Wilkins, Richard


Sunday, May 9, 2004 3:04 PM



...Simon was getting hit, so what would he know about it? And Lawrence was coming up behind Mal. There is a beat, that makes you think Book knows something -- but then we know he knows what he knows because of what he sees.

No doubt.

Of course they were all told to stay out of the cargo bay unless they were escorted. Nobody had escorted Book to the bay, yet he was there anyway.

Others had said that Book could have been there looking after Simon and River. I thought of that too, except it's not clear from the episode who came first, Book or Simon. Book was presumably aboard before Mal, Zoe and Janye returned from Badger's because we see Wash bringing Simon's cargo aboard (River) with the mule when they arrive. That's when we first see Dobson.

We didn't see Dobson arranging the ride, or in what order Simon, Book and Dobson made their arrangements. Since Dobson was there following Simon and River, MAYBE Book was the last one on board. We just don't know.

It makes sense that Book was former Alliance in some capacity, and I love the idea that he was part of some underground anti-Alliance group. Huge, overbearing (probably overtaxing) government like that is ripe for sedition.

I don't want ALL my questions answered either, like others have posted. At least, I don't want them answered until they've made all the Firefly movies that they are going to make.

I HOPE we get a trilogy out of this if it's not coming back to weekly television. Personally, I think I prefer a series, but I'll take the trilogy.

I just ruttin' love this show!

"I'll be in my bunk"


Sunday, May 9, 2004 3:10 PM


Good points as always Zoid.

And I was thinking about the dreaded O-word award as well the other day. Since the success of Lord of the Rings I think that the Acadamy may be reviewing their aversion to Sci-Fi/Fantasy. Which is a good thing because:

a) There are already so many Sci-Fi/Fantasy movies coming out soon thinking that just the genre itself gives them a leg up. This ain't necessarilly so, but it does open the door to good Sci-Fi/Fantasy having a shot.

b) Firefly was as good or better than most movies when it was on TV so I'm damn near tingly at contemplating how good it'll be on the big screen. So combine a and b and you come to...

c) Nathan Fillion, that man is going to be a Major Star one of these days, whether or not it's the BDM that finally gets people to pay attention to him or not (and I suspect it will be) that man can act. I mean he can say more without saying anything than 99% of the actors with little statues can get across with a 5 minute scene chewing exposition.

My prediction: Serenity does not only well, but significantly well at the box office which leads to a back-to-back filming of II and III, and the DVD sales will rock the house adding even more cash to the warchest. The success of these results in some Big Damn Awards for the cast/crew/films which gives them not only the money but the clout (and that's as important as cash in Hollywood) to leverage TV rights out of Fox.

Universal seems stoked about all things Firefly, and if you can prove to them that not only were they right in picking it up but it can have franchise potential then you can bet your bippie they'll be looking to renegotiate with Fox.

There that's my prediction.

"Oh hey, I got an idea. Instead of us hanging
around playing art critic till I get pinched by
the Man, how's about we move away from this
eerie-ass piece of work and get on with our
increasingly eerie-ass day, how's that?"

My eerie-ass website:


Sunday, May 9, 2004 3:43 PM


Not sure I'd want any of the questions answered fully, maybe just give us more info, even hint at an answer or two, but not necessarily answer anything outright.

The one worry I have is that the movie will be a flop from a quality viewpoint. Just because it was good TV doesn't mean it will translate well to the big screen. Both TV and the movies have sufficiently large graveyards of producers and directors who thought because they were good in one medium, they'd be good in the other. Not saying that Joss is in that category, mind, just that it's a fear that's been living in the back of my mind.

Who knows, maybe the movie will do so well that some other network will cough up Fox's blood money and we will see Firefly back where it belongs and able to enjoy another 5-6 years of life? :)

If you can survive death, you can probably survive almost anything.


Sunday, May 9, 2004 4:11 PM


PBI wrote:

The one worry I have is that the movie will be a flop from a quality viewpoint. Just because it was good TV doesn't mean it will translate well to the big screen. Both TV and the movies have sufficiently large graveyards of producers and directors who thought because they were good in one medium, they'd be good in the other.

I can appreciate your fear. But answer this question: Discounting the TV-budget sets, wardrobe and supernumerary-sparse battle scenes, when you finally got a chance to see the 2-hour pilot, "Serenity", didn't you think you'd just seen a terrific stand-alone movie? I did. I'm something of a film lover, and I thought it was witty, touching and with never a misstep in the story or its pacing. If they'd spent $50M on the scenery and other details, it would have been a blockbuster in the theatres. That's what Firefly: Serenity is going to be. A theatrical-grade Joss Whedon/Tim Minear story; not the same story, but a story only they can tell, as only they can tell it. I, for one, am very excited; I know JW and TM are going to do us proud. Even though I expect them to give us pretty solid answers to some of these questions, I also expect that the movie will amaze us, as well. I've got a feeling...

Hits like "The Sixth Sense" and "My Big Fat Greek Wedding" have proven that a significant portion of the moviegoing public are looking for something more than just formulaic drivel for their entertainment dollars. Firefly: Serenity will give them that 'more', in spades.

Fly baby, fly. Make your Mama sigh!



"I felt sorry for River. If you can believe it, she was a frightened, confused child. Well... Things do change, don't they?"

- Zoë Warren, noted children's author, from A Child Shall Lead Them: A History of the Second War of Independence Wilkins, Richard


Sunday, May 9, 2004 6:24 PM


I'd like to see the Blue Sun answered. Who are they? What is thier true purpose? And what is River for? I'd also like to know about Book, the ship relationships, and what Inara seems to be running from.

BTW: Zoid, I like your quote, where is it from? A Child Shall Lead Them: A History of the Second War of Independence sounds intersting, what is it?

Two by two. Hands of blue.-River Tam

I support River and Jayne!
I support Zoe and Wash!
I support Simon and Kaylee!
I support Mal and Inara!


Monday, May 10, 2004 5:56 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

Who was Book before becoming a Shephard?

What was done to River and why?

Those are the two questions I want answered the most.

"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."


Monday, May 10, 2004 6:05 AM


Riv wrote:

BTW: Zoid, I like your quote, where is it from? A Child Shall Lead Them: A History of the Second War of Independence sounds intersting, what is it?

Well, Riv, it was just a little idea I had when I started posting here. Here's a canned description I send folks when they ask...

I don't write fanfic, and I'm not writing a Firefly-based novel. As for the tags, lots of people enjoy them, which is most gratifying.

Here's how I describe them: I make 'em up. First, I have some very specific ideas about where JW & Co. might be taking specific characters, and the series as a whole. So, while everyone else uses their favorite actual quotes from the series (and they're my favorites, too), I -- in my irrational need to be different while remaining a heartfelt member of this wonderfully funny and thoughtful community -- have come up with 'future quotes', written from the perspective of where I think the show was eventually going. Rather than spell that future out in fanfic style, I prefer to just dance around it tantalizingly.

This is also in the tradition of sci-fi novels, wherein Frank Herbert (just for instance) quotes Princess Irulan's historical account of Paul's rise to God Emperor status, even while Paul's story is still being revealed to the reader. So, I'm not totally 'out there' on this one...

All nine characters will eventually comment, in a candid, off-hand way about River. Through those comments and the short identification of the speaker -- fashioned after a history book citation -- I hint at my predictions about how the 'big picture' story arc will go. I've already done Book, Inara, Kaylee, Jayne and Zoë; next is Wash, then Simon and Mal. River will comment last, and they're all written, now...

I don't claim clairvoyance, so don't blame me if my vision and JW's differs pretty significantly. It's just fun to do.

Anyway, glad you enjoy them. New ones come out on my first post, each Monday (please note there's a new one from Wash at the bottom of this post). Hope to hear from you on the boards.

As a closing thought, Firefly is pregnant with possibilities at this point. It is neither my right, my intent, nor my desire to collapse those possibilities to one concrete vision. Only one man has that right: Joss Whedon. I'm sure he'll do that -- even if I've gotten very close to correctly guessing some outcomes -- in a way that amazes us all. As Book said (paraphrased), "It's not where you're going, it's how you get there that's the worthier part."

I have no doubt that Joss will make us all glad we booked passage on his Firefly, Serenity...



"Even back when, River had that indefinable 'it', y'know? Inquisitive, insightful -- Very focused... Some things never change."

- 'Wash' Warren, Chief Architect and co-proprietor, "Cretaceous Park", Hera; from A Child Shall Lead Them: A History of the Second War of Independence Wilkins, Richard


Monday, May 10, 2004 7:35 AM


So, Zoid, do you ever get tired of having to explain the source for your quotes?

I like Wash's; I kinda figured he was in business with Jayne after your last hint. And I like the little play between his and Zoe's. Is it my imagination, or are they changing more frequently than they used to?


Monday, May 10, 2004 8:07 AM


Delia, G'day! How goes the library-ing?

You wrote:

So, Zoid, do you ever get tired of having to explain the source for your quotes?

No. ;)

People like them, so it's a genuine pleasure to do the quotes and explain the process. I get like six to ten positive and encouraging letters a week through FFFn's 'send message' feature; no negatives thus far, although this admission is probably inviting such trouble...

I like Wash's; I kinda figured he was in business with Jayne after your last hint. And I like the little play between his and Zoe's.

Yeah, one of the main things I base the 'quotes' on is my observations of the characters' personalities and interactions. Wash is not particularly afraid of Jayne ("You wanna go little man?", "Not unless it's someplace nice with candlelight"). I can see them entering into a business partnership after the WoI 2, where Wash is the brains (help us) and Jayne is the brawn. 'Cretaceous Park' was a little joke I came up with a couple months back in a different venue. Wash loves dinosaurs, Jayne strikes me as a good fit for a safari guide/game warden. And of course, the movie "Jurassic Park" had Triceratops and T. Rex, both of which were from the Cretaceous period, not the Jurassic.

As far as the play between Wash and Zoe's quotes, like I said, look at the difference between Zoe's interview aboard the Alliance cruiser in "Bushwhacked" and Wash's. They see things differently (which makes them the perfect image of an actual married couple, IMO). In Firefly to date, Zoe seems more concerned about River; motherly, if you will. Wash seems to be the only character aboard who's not actively afraid of River. I think he's more intrigued by her...

Is it my imagination, or are they changing more frequently than they used to?

Nope. Today's Monday. First post every Monday morning sports a new one. Simon, Mal and River left.

On a library-related note: Do you ever still have to sing in your head, "QRS, TUV, WX, Y and Z" in order to remember the order of those last few letters? I don't sing 'em, but I do still have to run the progression, occasionally.

We make ATIS (Automated Terminal Information Service) recorded broadcasts using ICAO phonetics ("Alpha, Bravo, Charlie", etc.) When we get down around 'Victor' I've got to remind myself that 'Whiskey' is next; and I've caught my coworkers saying them aloud, too.

So, do librarians have to consciously remember the order when they're doing sorting or reshelving?



"Even back when, River had that indefinable 'it', y'know? Inquisitive, insightful -- Very focused... Some things never change."

- 'Wash' Warren, Chief Architect and co-proprietor, "Cretaceous Park", Hera; from A Child Shall Lead Them: A History of the Second War of Independence Wilkins, Richard


Monday, May 10, 2004 9:32 AM



Originally posted by zoid:

On a library-related note: Do you ever still have to sing in your head, "QRS, TUV, WX, Y and Z" in order to remember the order of those last few letters? I don't sing 'em, but I do still have to run the progression, occasionally.

Let me put it this way. In a fit of organizing, back as an undergrad, I sorted all my mother's spices onto two shelves in the spice cabinet, broken down alphabetically. Then I made little signs, which are still up (though the spices are all mixed up again) and which announced that the top shelf was for A-H and the bottom shelf was for G-Z. Came back into the kitchen to find the ginger on the counter with a note that said "I don't know where I belong." So I suspect I'll be singing the alphabet song the rest of my life, though I get more confused in the middle than at the end. (I also, thanks to Jiminy Cricket, have to sing e-n-c-y-c-l-o-p-e-d-i-a to get that word spelled correctly. Thankfully, I can do all this singing in my head!)

As for call numbers in libraies, I actually find the number part a little harder than the letter part, since under some systems you can get long messy ones like "QE861.4 .P38 2004." Which is why, really, I'm hoping to be a reference librarian when I finish this degree. Possibly at an academic library, where you can hand off the fun tasks like reshelving to a work-study undergrad.

I've always had trouble with the Alpha-Bravo-Charlie alphabet; there are some I cannot remember no matter how many times I memorize the list -- P, S, U, and W. No idea why.

As for Wash being the brains and Jayne the brawn, I can see it, and certainly more believable than the other way around. So is Zoe writing the future equivilent of Danny the Dinosaur, or has she carved out her own niche?


Monday, May 10, 2004 11:51 AM



Yikes! That whole 'call numbers' thing made me rethink any intentions on a career in library arts.

You also wrote:

I've always had trouble with the Alpha-Bravo-Charlie alphabet; there are some I cannot remember no matter how many times I memorize the list -- P, S, U, and W. No idea why.

Well, (zoid affects Viennese accent) it's perfectly clear vhy you haf a problem remembering zose letters. You are repressing your veelings. You haf a father fixation, you vant to live in zie mountains, you are attracted to men in the military or police, and you drink too much.

The letters are 'Papa', 'Sierra', 'Uniform' and 'Whiskey'.

As for Wash being the brains and Jayne the brawn, I can see it, and certainly more believable than the other way around. So is Zoe writing the future equivalent of Danny the Dinosaur, or has she carved out her own niche?

Her own niche, I should suspect, though she might do one with dinos in it, for her biggest 'baby boy', hmmm? Zoe's modus operandi seems to include a talent and a need to relate things to others. A lot of her lines seem to deal with relating her past experiences to other characters on the show.

I'd like to think that the 'verse will be a more benign place once the major storyline of Firefly is complete. I'd also like to think that she'll be able to turn in her guns and get her wish for children and a family. I further think she'd be a very good mother (if for no other reason than she thinks so, and who's gonna argue with her? Not me). It just seemed natural that she would be a storyteller.


Your mom could've always put half the bottle on one shelf, half on the other. That way she wouldn't have made her daughter look like a boob... :)

"Even back when, River had that indefinable 'it', y'know? Inquisitive, insightful -- Very focused... Some things never change."

- 'Wash' Warren, Chief Architect and co-proprietor, "Cretaceous Park", Hera; from A Child Shall Lead Them: A History of the Second War of Independence Wilkins, Richard


Monday, May 10, 2004 12:01 PM



Thanks for the psychoanalysis. If this were a peanuts cartoon, I'd gladly pay the nickle. (Actually, I think part of my problem is that whenever I hear the alphabet being used, I think of the part of Hot Shots where they say, "Alpha Velveeta Knuckles Underwear you are clear for takeoff," and have to giggle for a moment.)

I agree that Zoe would make a good mother, and I think her writing a dino story for all her children (Wash included) is pretty reasonable. Plus, if she did it right, could drum up some business for the park.


P.S. As for the ginger, I don't even remember which of my parents it was -- they both gave me a hard time about it. But that's sort of the way my family works, and none of us takes it too seriously -- we laugh a lot.


Monday, May 10, 2004 3:04 PM



The laughter of love is always good; it heals the soul in a way nothing else does.

Being able to laugh at oneself shows that we're not taking ourselves too seriously. Nobody is really all that impressive at a basic level. Sometimes we forget that fact and get 'full of ourselves'. It helps to put things in their proper perspective, when we poke holes in our own façades.

Of course, I don't need to poke holes in my façade. It's a naturally occurring phenomenon... I've got a saying, "Mistakes are the only way we learn things. Nobody ever learned anything, who got everything right on the first try." By this rationale, I should be quite learned, indeed.



"Even back when, River had that indefinable 'it', y'know? Inquisitive, insightful -- Very focused... Some things never change."

- 'Wash' Warren, Chief Architect and co-proprietor, "Cretaceous Park", Hera; from A Child Shall Lead Them: A History of the Second War of Independence Wilkins, Richard


Tuesday, May 11, 2004 6:28 AM



Originally posted by Delia:
(I also, thanks to Jiminy Cricket, have to sing e-n-c-y-c-l-o-p-e-d-i-a to get that word spelled correctly.



We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


Tuesday, May 11, 2004 7:31 AM



Originally posted by Cybersnark:

Originally posted by Delia:
(I also, thanks to Jiminy Cricket, have to sing e-n-c-y-c-l-o-p-e-d-i-a to get that word spelled correctly.



Don't blame me -- blame Jiminy Cricket! Besides, just 'cause the language is named for England, not America, what makes you so certain the English have the spelling right?


Tuesday, May 11, 2004 9:39 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

I'm not sure that I have any questions that I want flat-out answered, but I wonder if some of my ideas re off-base.

I don't think that FF is FTL for example, and I don't think the earth was "used up". I think it was pulled apart in some whacky experiment with gravity (FF does have artificial gravity) which accounts for all the planetoids and asteroids at about earth-distance from the sun...

But maybe I'm all wrong about that!


Tuesday, May 11, 2004 10:58 AM



Originally posted by zoid:

I can appreciate your fear. But answer this question: Discounting the TV-budget sets, wardrobe and supernumerary-sparse battle scenes, when you finally got a chance to see the 2-hour pilot, "Serenity", didn't you think you'd just seen a terrific stand-alone movie? I did. I'm something of a film lover, and I thought it was witty, touching and with never a misstep in the story or its pacing. If they'd spent $50M on the scenery and other details, it would have been a blockbuster in the theatres. That's what Firefly: Serenity is going to be. A theatrical-grade Joss Whedon/Tim Minear story; not the same story, but a story only they can tell, as only they can tell it. I, for one, am very excited; I know JW and TM are going to do us proud. Even though I expect them to give us pretty solid answers to some of these questions, I also expect that the movie will amaze us, as well. I've got a feeling...

Hits like "The Sixth Sense" and "My Big Fat Greek Wedding" have proven that a significant portion of the moviegoing public are looking for something more than just formulaic drivel for their entertainment dollars. Firefly: Serenity will give them that 'more', in spades.

Fly baby, fly. Make your Mama sigh!

I'm not disputing any of that ;) I loved every ep. I suppose the main thing I'm worried about would be giving in to the temptation to put too much in the one movie. I look at Firefly as a televised novel, really, as opposed to a TV show, and as long as they don't try to put too much of the book into a single 2-hr movie, I'll be happy :)

If you can survive death, you can probably survive almost anything.






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