NEW Serenity Comic!!!

UPDATED: Thursday, August 21, 2008 16:46
VIEWED: 35493
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Sunday, August 10, 2008 2:54 PM


Thanks for the zip file, Two.

Yeah, the Training House ended up not being the safest of places, but I think it would add a layer of quirkiness and comedy, that this period of time is lacking.

I don't think Mal thinks of River as traumatized, crazy and whimsical in the brainpan, yes, but not traumatized. He isn't that sensitive to other's life changing experiences.


Sunday, August 10, 2008 4:20 PM


My point was less the trauma, more the fact(?) that he has issues with their trade.


Monday, August 11, 2008 3:46 AM


Yea, thanks :)


Monday, August 11, 2008 6:13 AM


I don't think this was intended to be a criminal job (or at least not entirely criminal). I think it was a borderline legit job (I regard smuggling as better than actual theft --I grew up reading about "freelance traders" like Han Solo ) that went pear-shaped. Mal wouldn't have expected Reavers, nor would he have started a plan that explicitly involved River with a gun --too much opportunity for unpleasantness.

Probably a typical "double-end" (pick up cargo & half of payment at point A, deliver to point B and receive rest of payment). Possibly with a ridealong (the guy carrying both halves of the payment), which would make sense because the "contact" would then be in position to take credit for any smugglers caught in the sting.

Possibly he was just bringing River along to "point A" to see if their contact could be trusted. Then the Reavers showed up, the contact got shot, and they all rabbitted. Jayne & Zoe are the standard "away team," and Simon would've insisted on coming along with River (plus, y'know, a medic is never a bad idea).

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


Monday, August 11, 2008 7:42 AM


I got the impression that the contact WAS the job.

Otherwise they would have had the option to sell the cargo elsewhere.


Monday, August 11, 2008 7:54 AM


Thanks for the zip file MER! I do most of my pokin around at work and a lot of links are blocked. If there were some kind of point system in place here you'd totally get some of mine.

.....depending on the strength of the Yen of course.

Yes my avatar is a girl.
Saffron is hot...get over it.

"That's why I never kiss 'em on the mouth"


Monday, August 11, 2008 8:44 AM



Originally posted by hughff:
Enjoyable enough but I'm not entirely happy with the character development in these comics. Mal's feet of clay seem to have hardened up considerably. In this episode he gets Simon and River on a criminal run, which was a MAJOR source of conflict in the bdm. And he had a clearer idea of River's talents than sits comfortably with me.

In Better Days it was even worse. He should have been tortured by jealousy in the late reveal about Inara's unexpected client. Given how Atherton made him twitch, what would this have done? Significantly more than Nandi did to Inara, methinks. So while I'll take this (thank you very much) I hope Mal is a complete spoon in the next installment, whenever that should appear. - my life

well a lot of people had been wondering why Mal was so much angrier in 'Serenity' than he was in 'Firefly' so ALL the comics have been showing what happened after the TV show that got Mal into such a dark place (where we found him at the beginning of the movie)...
so it all works for me.

New Firefly fans should check this out:


Monday, August 11, 2008 11:50 AM


Never noticed that post by hughff. I think he was busy being physically tortured at that point to think over the mental anguish.

Mal did challenge Inara at the end and she refused to give him a straight answer. can't see him do much more than that.


Monday, August 11, 2008 1:01 PM



@CANTTAKEMYSKY - even if that was her reason, the actions weer still irrational. Stabbing someone for wearing a t-shirt you dislike is certainly not rational (civilised?) behaviour.

Very true! Wow what a whu-dahn I am for saying that it was. Not exactly what I meant. I should think before I type, hahah. Xie xie for pointing that out nbz! I guess what I meant to say is that it made sense to her (you know, like she is physically destroying part of Blue Sun) so I believe a new phrase needs be coined here: Riverrational?



Monday, August 11, 2008 8:20 PM



Originally posted by two:
A zip file with 8 pages of the "Serenity: The Other Half" comic can be downloaded at
The zip file will be available for 7 Days or 100 downloads

Done and done.

Thank you very much for doing that work for us! I was hoping some way would turn up to download this for future reference...

Edgar Governo
Historian of Things That Never Were

Visit the Browncoat Saloon:


Wednesday, August 13, 2008 5:03 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

A PDF file with all 8 pages of the "Serenity: The Other Half" comic can be downloaded at


Thursday, August 14, 2008 2:46 AM


I just found this:

apparently there's another comic in the making


Thursday, August 14, 2008 3:31 AM


Yea, I can't wait for that book. I'll have to save it to my request list.


Originally posted by rainstick:
I just found this:

apparently there's another comic in the making


Thursday, August 14, 2008 11:00 AM


The Shepherd's Tale comic is going to be an actual comic not an online thing as that article states.


Thursday, August 14, 2008 2:29 PM



Originally posted by Mal92Reynolds:
The Shepherd's Tale comic is going to be an actual comic not an online thing as that article states.

What? Are we reading different articles here? It clearly says

The Shepherd’s Tale will come out as a three-issue online comic


Friday, August 15, 2008 4:44 PM


That sucks that it's an onlie comic (Shepherd's tale, and this one) I like something tangible, that I can slid into a little plastic sleeve and keep on my bookshelf. Then again they probably predict that they won't profit enough to have it printed, which is why they're making both online till they are convinced of the market (which we know is there but whatever) then eventually will have them printed. I'm not saying that's how DH is operating, it's just a guess.

Anywho, I liked it. It's wasn't superior 'Bow Down And Worship Teh Awesomeness That Is Whedon' writing but it was good. It gave us some more flesh to the 'verse and the crew, and hey, they're starting to draw Simon better, which has been bugging me since I started reading the comics. Comic book Simon tends to look like a black haired Ken doll.

The downside. Where the diyu was Kaylee?!

Your Indian Pirate Lord,


Sunday, August 17, 2008 9:15 PM


So your going to believe one little web article over the creators and the Serenity: Better Days letter section. I think I'll believe the latter.


Sunday, August 17, 2008 9:37 PM


No, when I read your post the first time, I thought the last bit "as that article states" referred to the whole sentence, ie that you were suggesting that the article states it will be an actual comic not an online thing. And of course the article didn't say anything about an actual comic, which is why I "corrected" you. Only after second reading I realized that what you actually meant was that there would be an actual comic as opposed to what the article states (the online thing). Honest misunderstanding. All shiny.


Tuesday, August 19, 2008 7:08 PM



Originally posted by PhyreLight:

Originally posted by pizmobeach:
At the end we get that Mal knew the guy was bad from the start (quite a stretch imho) and put her with him to put her in a position where she'd have to kill him so she'd be bloodied like the others and bound by guilt? That's pretty hardcore bad!

Well, you gotta take into consideration that the crew needed the job, and he was suspicious of the it because they gave him half up front unlike everyone else they've worked for.

Don't think it's half as bad as what Mal did at the end of 'Better Days'...IMO, that was uncharacteristically disloyal (taking away everyone's fair share of the bounty) and naive (did he really believe he could tip off some crooks and there wasn't a good chance someone on the crew might be injured or killed?). Despite what Inara says, it wasn't sweet at all...


I don't need a gorram back-spaceship driver!!!


Wednesday, August 20, 2008 1:11 AM



Originally posted by Platonist:

I often wonder why Inara didn’t take River to the Training House with her. What a great place to hide her. She’s the perfect age and would have fit in with the other students, with out to many questions asked. And, she would have been safe under the umbrella of the Guild.

My response to this -

“For practical and political purposes, the Guild are Alliance. How do we know that this wasn’t what they had in mind for River all along? Graceful, accomplished, empathic...the perfect Companion.”

River follows Ilargia’s thought process along the logical progression, nods.

“Dance right up and kill with a kiss.” She begins to shake. “Can be a leaf, be a butterfly, be a blade in the dark...”


“Their, whatdyacallit, autonomy, wouldn’t be worth a damn, someone decides they can use River’s talents. They’d just march right in. You can’t defend this place.” The walls are stone, but it is a place of courtyards and wide windows, doors of paper.

“They don’t need to defend themselves with conventional weapons. And who exactly would they defend against? The Guild is Alliance. Why take what you can hire out? What were the Academy planning to do with River once they had finished whatever they were doing? I mean, you’re looking for an assassin, who are you going to defend against? The big man with a gun? Or the little girl bowing and serving you tea?”


“I believe that any organisation that spans the known ‘verse so successfully is probably run by complete bastards. Or bitches, if you prefer. If I wanted to maintain, or even extend, power, I’d be absolutely frothing to get my hands on a psychic who could kill you with her toenails, and in a graceful fashion, too. Because I expect minds can be really open and relaxed at a certain juncture. Wouldn’t even need the pillow talk.”

As for Mal letting River take up a gun - the man was a soldier, and an officer. He's been responsible for sending kids of River's age out to die before. Command means making the decisions others can't or won't make. And I think River is quite aware that she can't go back. I think she has a clearer view of the truth than Simon - she's not 'safe' in the Core world, but she can fit in and be useful on the Rim.

“Why would I want to go back?” River shocks him. The question is sharp, looks for an answer. “Pretty doll. Tired of dancing at dinner parties. Talks of the bad things that we pretend aren’t there. Make her sleep.” Her head lolls suddenly, eyes glazed. “Poor little doll, let her sit in the sun and dream of stars. Push her chair out of the wind, and mind she doesn’t spill tea on her dress.” The tone is purely their mother’s. Head snaps up again. “No place there. Except, “ and her hand lashes out, stops against his neck, feather-light, “this.”

The moment stretches, frozen time. Simon’s eyes wide with shock.

“Made me a thing, Simon. Left jagged edges that don’t fit the hole. Never be safe.” Hand drops away, and suddenly, she’s a girl again, small shoulders bony in an overlarge gown. “Don’t want to dance for others.”


.” She puts her hands over his. “Have a home, have a family. Don’t want to leave them lost in the woods - need a navigator.” She sighs, lets her hair fall forward. Peers up at him. “Know you want dirt beneath your feet, not under your fingernails. But I am not a broken doll - can’t keep me in the toybox until someone wants to play. I am...useful on Serenity. Not decorative. Need me to fly them through the storms.”


Wednesday, August 20, 2008 4:12 AM


Hi Space,

I'm thinking pre BDM, as far as River at the Training House, when this comic book takes place. Inara may have been able to hide her right under their noses. Before Miranda, River doesn't look to be anywhere near coherent enough to make these types of choices and Mal shouldn’t be doing it for her. That's why the ending as her as pilot makes more sense, she is more in control and able to navigate. We agree on that point.

Post BDM, Inara herself, knows the Training House not to be safe. A young Companion in training gets gang raped in the 190 page script for heaven's sake. There is no one there to defend them until Serenity comes. Maybe River could help her sisters out now from abusive men that use them as whores, instead of helping Mal rob banks for money that he doesn't want for retirement.


Thursday, August 21, 2008 12:48 AM


I never came across that script, thankfully. A bit 'Unforgiven', that touch. I got the impression from the way Inara spoke to Atherton that pissing off the Guild might be a very bad thing to do. Social blacklisting might just be the start.

Of course, the Guild might overlook such peccadillos, in return for...considerations. (Blackmail is such an ugly word.) We've already got the idea in the 'verse that the needs of the very few outweigh the needs of the many. I don't know if Inara is naive, or if certain political realities are what she was running away from. But that little blck box was creepy on many levels. If they have that sort of thing, what else do they have? Not including the lipgloss from hell.

But Mal making decisions for folks - that is what he does. As Captain, as sergeant, as the hero. That's not always a good thing, but it's the personal reflex. Wash makes jokes, Jayne hits things, Mal takes charge.

And maybe River likes robbing banks. In Simon's mind, she's still the sweet little fourteen year old who went off to school. In fact, she's actually sixteen/seventeen, and used to associating socially with older people. She never fitted in back in the Core, except as a freak. But on the Rim, people her age are doing all sorts of jobs (Kaylee must have been about that age when she first took ship) Given approximate ages, Mal and Zoe can't have been much older when they were in the War.


Thursday, August 21, 2008 4:52 AM


Not sure if I'm agreeing with River not fitting in back in the core, gifted and talented people can thrive anywhere; they are not culturally limited and have the same survival instinct as anyone else. Remember, Companions start training at twelve.

And, the Training House is not in the core and in the 190 page script Sheydra reminds Inara that the reaches of the Guild are limited and that is why they are at the mercy of Alliance soldiers (the locals), almost like there are their guests on that moon. Inara argues the point, playing the power of the Guild card, and Sheydra says she is mistaken. They're not going to help them against the Alliance...see the Operative’s entrance.

Anyway, Phyrelight, posted the longer script on her FFF log last week, check it out. It has some interesting insights into how Joss viewed the Guild's and Alliance's relationship.


Thursday, August 21, 2008 7:14 AM



IMO, that was uncharacteristically disloyal (taking away everyone's fair share of the bounty) and naive (did he really believe he could tip off some crooks and there wasn't a good chance someone on the crew might be injured or killed?). Despite what Inara says, it wasn't sweet at all... ]

Call me delusional, but I still don't believe that is what happened.

(Inara/Simon I am looking at you! or maybe book... he is always the quiet one.)

As for Platonist Vs SpaceAnJL (FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT :P), I will say it is somewhere in the middle.

The Guild is not all frail, nor is it all powerful.

There probably would be consequences for what happened in the BDM, but let's not forget that The Guild NEEDS the Alliance. It cannot cut it's ties. It may throw a huff, some complaints, lessen cooperation etc etc, but in the end the relationship would go on.

The problem with hiding with plain site, it is a numbers game and eventually, the number is up. You get caught.


Thursday, August 21, 2008 2:36 PM


Inara/Simon or Book... LOL! We can always count on you to take an unexplored path, nbz.

Is Inara even allowed on the Bridge? I doubt she knows Mal's hiding places or anything about the money. She was busy working when they were swapping fantasies. And, she tells Mal at the end that she didn't tell Sanda anything. Her movement on the ship always seemed restricted, but seriously, the only motive I could see her doing that for would be to get Mal away from Sanda, ya know the guy beating the ship out of him. Book would help, true, but Simon wanted the money to stay clean and safe with River, so no... That doesn't make sense.

Interesting, thoughts though, explain why you’re thinking this.

And, yeah, the sappy ending with Inara and Mal is very saccharin sweet, it's ironical... maybe the authors wanted to reveal another layer of their relationship.

By the way, Space and I were discussing, not arguing.


Thursday, August 21, 2008 4:46 PM



We can always count on you to take an unexplored path, nbz.

:D Thx!


I doubt she knows Mal's hiding places or anything about the money.

She knew it was his favouritest spot in the whole wide world.

She was also "working" with Simon, on what, we know not. We know nothing about their connection and history except that it is unlikely to be sexual.

It could be Mal (but I would think not for the reasons Inara mentioned) or Zoe too - to let Mal/Zoe walk away. Unlikely to be Jayne, Kaylee, Wash or River.

Why is Book a possibility? no idea. It's just that "A Books Tale" is upon us soon and maybe there will be a tie in. Other than that, nothing, but we know next to nothing about him. What ever that comic reveals, it would be way less wrong than Companion Book.






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