Pet Peeves

UPDATED: Friday, May 21, 2004 03:44
VIEWED: 12990
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Tuesday, May 18, 2004 4:05 AM


Pet Peeves - oh here's a doozy!

Incompelete research and sloppy journalism.

What am I talking about? The recent study on the link between diabetes and alzheimers. The study claims that those with Type II diabetes are 65% more likely to develop alzheimers. I'm not a dr. or a scientist, but looking at the study - I find two GLARING GAPS!

First, their test group consisted of nuns, priests and brothers. Ok - so are they saying that a woman who has a baby that weighs more than 10lbs at birth and develops Type II diabetes as a result of this, also has a 65% chance of getting alzheimers? How? I'm guessing none of those nuns birthed any babies.

THEY DON'T EVEN ADDRESS TYPE 1 DIABETES!!!!! Half the articles I read (do a google, or just click on their news button 5/18/04), don't even specify what type of diabetes the study is referring to. They're two totally different diseases, my friends. I've called more than one journalist on this before - specify the TYPE you're talking about!!!

Ya' know, it would have been easier if they'd just given them different names, rather than Diabetes Type I and Diabetes Type II. Bob and Sue, or something!!

“Once you’re finished killing each other, we can plow under all the buildings and plant rows of flowers that spell out the words “Too Annoying To Live” in letters big enough to be seen from space. “ G’Kar


Tuesday, May 18, 2004 5:08 AM



Originally posted by MiloraDell:
First, their test group consisted of nuns, priests and brothers. Ok - so are they saying that a woman who has a baby that weighs more than 10lbs at birth and develops Type II diabetes as a result of this, also has a 65% chance of getting alzheimers? How? I'm guessing none of those nuns birthed any babies.

Unfortunately history has shown that a lot of nuns have given birth and and a lot of priests were called 'Father' for a reason. I haven't read the study you are referring to but it does sound strange that it would focus on nuns and priests.

"I ain't crazy and I've got papers to prove it"


Tuesday, May 18, 2004 6:01 AM


I've got 2:

1) Using apostrophes to pluralize, like "bus'es welcome" and "kid's eat free." These are two billboards I see on my way to work in the morning. One of these days I'm gonna climb up there with a black magic marker and take care of it.

2) People who say, "Oh, Miss Little, I thought you was a student." I'm not a student, I've been teaching at this school for three years and I can't help that I could be on 21 Jump Street. So stop telling me how young I look! And it's "were a student," you ungrammatical teenage bastards! Damn.

"Dear diary, today I was pompous and my sister was crazy."


Tuesday, May 18, 2004 6:12 AM



Unfortunately history has shown that a lot of nuns have given birth and and a lot of priests were called 'Father' for a reason. I haven't read the study you are referring to but it does sound strange that it would focus on nuns and priests.

I'm all aware of that, and I don't have an issue using nuns, priests, etc. as a study group. I just question the validity of the study, when it completely overlooks two aspects of the disease. It also carries needless complications considering the whole big baby issue.

Personally, I'd respect the research a whole lot more if they'd maybe gone through the general population. I understand why they didn't, but it would have provided a means of studying the big baby issue, instead of just lumping it with the rest. Oh well - that only effects women, right ?

For the record - I have TYPE I Diabetes. So no - I didn't bring it on myself by over-indulgence in anything, as many media sources would have it, thankyouverymuch. Sloppy journalism - ick!

I told you - pet peeve!!!

“Once you’re finished killing each other, we can plow under all the buildings and plant rows of flowers that spell out the words “Too Annoying To Live” in letters big enough to be seen from space. “ G’Kar


Tuesday, May 18, 2004 6:18 AM


pet peeves revisited:

when people mix up lose and loose while writing

when people say Ain't (hello, your sentence makes about as much sense as Jayne wearing a mini skirt while dancing with Book!) Its a triple negative and just bugs me

when i'm in class where people are reading aloud and the reader speeds right through periods and then pauses in the wierdest parts of sentences so that what they just said made no sense at all (again...about as much as Jayne in a skirt)

My mom is an English teacher....what can I say?

MAL: This is my scrap of nowhere. You go on and find your own.
SAFFRON: You can't just leave me here, on this
lifeless piece of crap moon...
MAL: Sure I can.
SAFFRON: I'll die.
MAL: Well, as a courtesy, you might start
getting busy on that, cause all this chatter ain't doin' me any kindness.


Tuesday, May 18, 2004 6:40 AM


People who use the word "data" as if it were a singular noun. Data are plural! The singular is datum. It bothers me less if the offender is a newscaster or other nonscientist, but really rubs me the wrong way if it's a character on a show who's supposed to be a scientist. Of course I know working scientists who also make this error

Also, people who just stop their vehicles in the middle of road, blocking traffic, so they can chat with a friend in another car, or drop someone off...slowly. Especially when there's plenty of room to pull over, but they can't be bothered. Happens all the time where I live, mostly those huge, ugly SUVs or oversized pickup trucks I guess small car drivers wouldn't dare be so rude.

I feel better now, thanks!



Tuesday, May 18, 2004 7:40 AM



Personally, I'd respect the research a whole lot more if they'd maybe gone through the general population. I understand why they didn't, but it would have provided a means of studying the big baby issue, instead of just lumping it with the rest. Oh well - that only effects women, right ?

For the record - I have TYPE I Diabetes. So no - I didn't bring it on myself by over-indulgence in anything, as many media sources would have it, thankyouverymuch. Sloppy journalism - ick!

I told you - pet peeve!!!

I hear you. I nearly burst a gut laughing when some so-called 'research' was published about how left-handed people do not live as long as right-handed people. The guy doing the 'research' had gone through records from several nursing homes or some such and simply counted up how many people were identified as L- or R-handed.

Of course, this man failed to realise that the vast majority of elderly in North America were not *allowed* to be left-handed when they were children.

Junk science. Offering an alternative to infotainment for over 30 years and counting!

... my sister's a ship. We had a complicated childhood.


Tuesday, May 18, 2004 8:43 AM


My pet peeves are:
-those subscription cards they put in magazines.Why do they have to put so many in there??
-low rider cars.What's the point besides have a car that looks like a big Matchbox car?They scrape their cars whenever they hit a pothole or go up a driveway.
-Loud stereos in cars.If I wanted to listen to that BOOM BOOM BOOM I would have my own damn subwoofer.Not only will listening to music that loud affect your hearing,but it can lead to arhythmia after prolonged exposure.
-When someone sings and instead of singing "you",it comes out sounding like "chew".
-People who dress their pets.There's just something wrong about it.
-Idiots who think that SAHM's just sit at home,watch tv,and eat bon bons.Arrgh!It makes me want to smack 'em.
-People who don't turn off their phones when they go to the movies.I didn't pay $7.50 to hear your phone ring and then the ensuing conversation about why you can't talk.
-Whiny kids,but that's just a mom thing,lol.


Tuesday, May 18, 2004 1:27 PM



Originally posted by spymay:
My pet peeves are:
-Loud stereos in cars.If I wanted to listen to that BOOM BOOM BOOM I would have my own damn subwoofer.Not only will listening to music that loud affect your hearing,but it can lead to arhythmia after prolonged exposure.

Living on a busy street, this is something I dream of: myocardial infarction of passing BOOM BOOM car drivers. One can hope!

... my sister's a ship. We had a complicated childhood.


Thursday, May 20, 2004 3:27 AM


Most of my pet peeves have already been addressed. However...
-People who ride bikes on the pavement when there is a perfectly serviceable cycle-path RIGHT THERE!!!
-The guy with the world's largest weapon stockpile probably not knowing the difference between his left and right hands.
-People who are stupid/rude (or any other type of unpleasant) and proud of it! (I'm thinking of my Mum's boyfriend.)
-People who think that just because you watch sci-fi programmes, you're automatically a nerd (okay, in my case that's probably true...).
-Anyone who puts someone else down just to make themselves feel better.
I'm not an angry person, of course...

"BADGER: You think you're better than other people.
MAL: Just the ones I'm better than."
"MAL: Gotta say, doctor, your talent for alienatin' folk is near miraculous.
SIMON: Yes, I'm very proud."


Thursday, May 20, 2004 3:36 AM



Originally posted by spymay:
My pet peeves are:
-Loud stereos in cars.If I wanted to listen to that BOOM BOOM BOOM I would have my own damn subwoofer.Not only will listening to music that loud affect your hearing,but it can lead to arhythmia after prolonged exposure.


Originally posted by annik:
Living on a busy street, this is something I dream of: myocardial infarction of passing BOOM BOOM car drivers. One can hope!

I keep wishing for an ion cannon with a scope...

"The pessimist and the optimist have one thing in common: they both think that this is the best of all possible worlds." Voltaire


Thursday, May 20, 2004 4:17 AM


Ion cannons are (directly) non-lethal, aren't they (they just fry electronics)?

Personally, I'd pick some sort of light missile weapon to pick off the construction vehicles as they rumble by.

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


Thursday, May 20, 2004 4:56 AM



Originally posted by karenkay99:

"They say the snow on the roof is too heavy. They say the ceiling will cave in. His brains are in terrible danger."

Oh man, I know what you mean. Intolerant people totally suck. I hate 'em.
In this day and age, in a country that claims to love freedom, there's just no reason why we should have to put up with intolerance in our midst. We should round them up and ship them off to camps or something.


"Dream a little dream or you can live a little dream. I'd rather live it, cause dreamers always chase but never get it." Aesop Rock


Thursday, May 20, 2004 5:06 AM



Originally posted by horrid:
my biggest peeve is when people ask what do you do for a living? then I tell them I'm making a movie and I only ever get the following two responces

most common: is it a porno? *chuckle*

everyone seems to think they're the first one to ask me that. even if they were it's just not that funny

second most common: oh so you wanna be the next Peter Jackson huh?

Now I love Pete but every one in New Zealand seems to think he's the only New Zealand director in history, and that all other directors are just trying to ride his coat tails. it's almost like having the attitude of awww isn't that cute? he wants to make a movie, here does the diwector want a wowwi pop?


lol, the one I get when I tell people I'm and animator is "oh what, cartoons?" NO! a cartoon is a still picture you might find in a newspaper. Also animation is not just for kids!!!


Thursday, May 20, 2004 5:27 AM



Originally posted by CHobart:

lol, the one I get when I tell people I'm and animator is "oh what, cartoons?" NO! a cartoon is a still picture you might find in a newspaper. Also animation is not just for kids!!!

So ... does this mean you're animating Hentai?

(I'm ducking and running away very very fast now!)

... my sister's a ship. We had a complicated childhood.


Thursday, May 20, 2004 5:31 AM



Originally posted by horrid:
my biggest peeve is when people ask what do you do for a living? then I tell them I'm making a movie and I only ever get the following two responces

most common: is it a porno? *chuckle*

everyone seems to think they're the first one to ask me that. even if they were it's just not that funny

second most common: oh so you wanna be the next Peter Jackson huh?

Now I love Pete but every one in New Zealand seems to think he's the only New Zealand director in history, and that all other directors are just trying to ride his coat tails. it's almost like having the attitude of awww isn't that cute? he wants to make a movie, here does the diwector want a wowwi pop?

I think one of the best-ever responses to this type of question was used in the movie, "Grosse Pointe Blank" (sp?) ... when John Cusack calmly and directly explains to people that he is a contract killer. Lovely!

... my sister's a ship. We had a complicated childhood.


Thursday, May 20, 2004 5:34 AM


yup strictly school girl demon porn for me ... lol

Oh, another peeve whilst I'm here.

Americans who seem to think that without their help in WWII, all of us Brits would be speaking German.
What a load of arse considering the US only stopped supplying arms to the Nazi's in 1942 and Coca Cola were virtually party sponsors. Yeah, cheers for all the help guys.

(my turn for sharp exit now me thinks)


Thursday, May 20, 2004 6:08 AM



Originally posted by MiloraDell:
Pet Peeves - oh here's a doozy!

Incompelete research and sloppy journalism.

What am I talking about? The recent study on the link between diabetes and alzheimers. The study claims that those with Type II diabetes are 65% more likely to develop alzheimers. I'm not a dr. or a scientist, but looking at the study - I find two GLARING GAPS!

First, their test group consisted of nuns, priests and brothers. Ok - so are they saying that a woman who has a baby that weighs more than 10lbs at birth and develops Type II diabetes as a result of this, also has a 65% chance of getting alzheimers? How? I'm guessing none of those nuns birthed any babies.

THEY DON'T EVEN ADDRESS TYPE 1 DIABETES!!!!! Half the articles I read (do a google, or just click on their news button 5/18/04), don't even specify what type of diabetes the study is referring to. They're two totally different diseases, my friends. I've called more than one journalist on this before - specify the TYPE you're talking about!!!

Ya' know, it would have been easier if they'd just given them different names, rather than Diabetes Type I and Diabetes Type II. Bob and Sue, or something!!

“Once you’re finished killing each other, we can plow under all the buildings and plant rows of flowers that spell out the words “Too Annoying To Live” in letters big enough to be seen from space. “ G’Kar

Have you read the actual report in Archives of Neurology or the information reports that appear in newspapers and magazines?


Thursday, May 20, 2004 7:11 AM



Cybersnark wrote:

Ion cannons are (directly) non-lethal, aren't they (they just fry electronics)?

Yep, I know. Hit 'em wear it hurts the most - their wallets . Zap, fry, clunk - ahhhhhhhhh.

“Once you’re finished killing each other, we can plow under all the buildings and plant rows of flowers that spell out the words “Too Annoying To Live” in letters big enough to be seen from space. “ G’Kar


Thursday, May 20, 2004 7:18 AM



Have you read the actual report in Archives of Neurology or the information reports that appear in newspapers and magazines?

Honestly, I never thought to look for it - um, duh ? I read about 10-12 different news blips, got peeved over the sloppy journalism, took a look at who they said the study group was, and went from there .

Reactionary - very much so, yeah. Can I explain why? Oh yeah - in minute and excruciating detail. But not now and not here .

(I think I just had an attack of the emoticons!)

Oh - forgot - now I'm truly curious, past the pissy stage, and I'll see what I can find...Sometimes I do really stupid things and that PISSES ME OFF!!!!! LOL!!

"The pessimist and the optimist have one thing in common: they both think that this is the best of all possible worlds." Voltaire


Thursday, May 20, 2004 7:32 AM


Ok - read the abstract of the article, 'cause I'm cheap and I'm not plunking down $12 to read an article. So it still peeves me. The two issues I brought up, weren't addressed, period. In the abstract, they don't even SAY Type II Diabetes - they say "older." They constantly refer to the disease as diabetes mellitus - shouldn't they be saying Type II diabetes mellitus? That's the correct, clinical terminology.

So now I'm just peeved all over again!!!

(removed link to article because way too freaking big, and horizontal scrolling peeves me !)

Oh well.


Thursday, May 20, 2004 7:54 AM


People who raise their voice at the end of sentances, even when it's not a question....god almighty that me off. I just want to go on a spree.

But also, people who talk during cinema/films asking incessant questions, or those who guffaw loudly at either inappropriate times or in just an over the top way. "IT'S NOT A STUDIO AUDIENCE! YOU'RE NOT GONNA GET ON TELLY!"

Glad that's out of my system.

Jayne: "Know what the chain of command is? It's the chain I beat you with till you understand who's in command."


Thursday, May 20, 2004 8:15 AM


My pet peeves are:

Networks that cancel really good shows for no apparently good reason!!!!

People who drive slower than the speed limit. I wanna drive faster but if they go the speed limit at least I don't mind.

People who don't realize they are in the way even though you are carrying really heavy items and have to go through the door that they are blocking and they watch you approach.

People you hardly know who walk up to you and start talking about things you have no idea about. (This new guy at work walked up to me one day and started going on about a party at some guy's place he was going to go to and all the people that were going as well, as if I knew any of them.)

I could go on forever but my fingers are tired.

"We're not gonna die. We can't die, Bendis.
You know why? Because we are so very pretty. We are just too pretty for God to let us die. Huh? Look at that chiseled jaw."


Thursday, May 20, 2004 8:47 AM



Originally posted by Fireflew:
People who raise their voice at the end of sentances, even when it's not a question....god almighty that me off. I just want to go on a spree.

I should avoid the Principality of Wales, in that case and anywhere that carries TV soaps from Auz that influence the youth patois


Thursday, May 20, 2004 9:02 AM


My newest peeve:

What is the deal with people putting memorials to dead persons on their car's rear windshields? ("In loving memory of Joe Schmoe, born 1-1-1901, died 1-1-2004.")

Are they driving in memory of the dead person? Was the windshield installed in homage to the dead person? Do they think the dead person is going to see it? Do they want to depress the rest of us living people who are behind them? Do they think anyone but them cares?

It's basically a mobile headstone!! Why would anyone want to lug one of those around?



Thursday, May 20, 2004 9:34 AM



Originally posted by PurpleBelly:

Originally posted by Fireflew:
People who raise their voice at the end of sentances, even when it's not a question....god almighty that me off. I just want to go on a spree.

I should avoid the Principality of Wales, in that case and anywhere that carries TV soaps from Auz that influence the youth patois

I have a confession to make. I live in the Uk and when I was little I watched Neighbours to the extent that many people actually thought I was Australian. I used to raise my voice at the end of every sentence.

I'm over the Neighbours phase now and now I can't work out whether I sound like an American or just like a Joss character.

Well, my sister's a ship... we had a
complicated childhood


Friday, May 21, 2004 12:35 AM



Originally posted by CHobart:
Americans who seem to think that without their help in WWII, all of us Brits would be speaking German.
What a load of arse considering the US only stopped supplying arms to the Nazi's in 1942 and Coca Cola were virtually party sponsors. Yeah, cheers for all the help guys.

You were there?

"I ain't crazy and I've got papers to prove it"


Friday, May 21, 2004 12:44 AM



Oh man, I know what you mean. Intolerant people totally suck. I hate 'em.
In this day and age, in a country that claims to love freedom, there's just no reason why we should have to put up with intolerance in our midst. We should round them up and ship them off to camps or something.

I can't stand people that can't stand people.

They say the two biggest problems in this country are ignorance and apathy. Well, I don't know if that's true and I really don't care. All I know is that it's my opinion that people should keep their opinions to themselves.

"I ain't crazy and I've got papers to prove it"


Friday, May 21, 2004 3:44 AM



Originally posted by MiloraDell:
Ok - read the abstract of the article, 'cause I'm cheap and I'm not plunking down $12 to read an article. So it still peeves me. The two issues I brought up, weren't addressed, period. In the abstract, they don't even SAY Type II Diabetes - they say "older." They constantly refer to the disease as diabetes mellitus - shouldn't they be saying Type II diabetes mellitus? That's the correct, clinical terminology.

The important thing to realise is that this is just the first report in an investigation that is gonna take a long time to complete. It's focus was to decide whether there is any point in even doing the longterm investigation.

I haven't read the report either for the same reason . However, the norm is to provide information about your subjects. I can think of a couple of reasons why type 2 is not specified as the focus in the abstract:
1) The conditions aren't different diseases and poor control in either can have the same result, one of which is damage to cognitive functions, so they may have used a mix of types at this stage. 2) The investigation may have started out with only type 2 subjects, but the subjects may have progressed to type 1 during the investigation. This change would have been discussed in the main report, but would take up too much space in the abstract.

In order to investigate whether diabetes results in alzheimer's the subjects should come from similar backgrounds to remove as many outside influences as possible. The nuns, fathers etc fall into that catagory. The simple equation is that if pure subject A gets it, then impure subject b is more likely to get it. At this early stage they have yet to investigate the effect of the x factor. This report does point out that it could be an x factor rather than the diabetes that caused the subjects to get alzheimer's. Further investigations will occur when they harvest the subjects brains. (Just reread that, I have been watching far to much Angel! ) (Damn, that's made me think of the approaching last episode )

I fully agree with you about sloppy journalism. They have a space to fill, take the latest medical report and twist it. It causes unfair worry or hope for people with the condition. The best thing to do is read the actual report. If that is not possible you have to accept you aren't getting the full story so it would be unfair to make a critisism.

Oh, I also agree with you on horizontal scrolling .






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