Dollhouse moved to Friday deathslot.

UPDATED: Tuesday, November 11, 2008 10:15
VIEWED: 7434
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Thursday, November 6, 2008 4:49 PM



FOX has just moved The Dollhouse from it's Monday slot with 24, to Friday, the night that has killed every Fox genre show since The X-Files.

To make it worse, the premiere date is Friday, the 13th.

And to top it off, Terminator: TSCC is also being moved to friday.

"I thoroughly disapprove of duels. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet place and kill him."


Thursday, November 6, 2008 4:56 PM


Likes to mess with stuffs.

I never understood the logic behind scheduling Sci-Fi series on Fridays. As one of those belonging to the demographics that the series is trying to target, I'm not at home on Friday nights to watch. I suspect a lot of others aren't at home as well.


Thursday, November 6, 2008 5:06 PM


it's because Fox hates Joss. :P


Thursday, November 6, 2008 5:25 PM


It's because Fox has a new show they're madly in love with (Lie to Me) which bumped House to Monday and therefore Dollhouse to Friday.

Oh, and Fox hates Joss.


Thursday, November 6, 2008 5:29 PM


i said that :-P


Thursday, November 6, 2008 6:01 PM


In other news, Fox has it out for Joss.

I'll get my coat.

"Kaylee, find me that kid takin' a dirt nap with baby Jesus; we need a hood ornament"


Thursday, November 6, 2008 6:07 PM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.

I think it is more that the entire industry thinks that sci-fi fans are teenage boys who can't attract a date and thus are home on Fridays, or else adult men who also cannot attract a date and still live with their parents. If that was the case then Fridays would be fine for genre shows, but it ain't.

wo men ren ran zai fei xing.


Thursday, November 6, 2008 6:15 PM



Originally posted by Haken:
I never understood the logic behind scheduling Sci-Fi series on Fridays. As one of those belonging to the demographics that the series is trying to target, I'm not at home on Friday nights to watch. I suspect a lot of others aren't at home as well.

Haken...Ole Buddy...Can I call ya Ole Buddy ?

With all possible and overdue R-E-S-P-E-C-T , here...

This is TeeVee we're talkin' 'bout...

eFF-Network TeeVee !

There ain't no freakin' L-O-G-I-C to be seen...

None to be X-Pected , and N-O-N-E in sight...

What part of this Skinny-Nario have we not seen before ?

Not a Milli-Squidge !

Do Y'all KNOW what that M-E-A-N-S ?

Lemme do the MATH , Here...

C-R-I-S-I-S = D-A-N-G-E-R plus Opportunity !


I'm Thinkin' WE'LL R-I-S-E AGAIN !

This Time , We'll Take The V-A-L-L-E-Y !



If F-O-L-K Ain't 'AT HOME' , By ALL MEANS , Get 'em a T-I-V-O , Get 'em a P-cuter , Get Some EYES ON TARGET , and Show 'Em what B-R-O-W-N-C-O-A-T-S are made of...

Dong ma ?

Anybody on board with this ?
I mean , Anybody Else ?

The future of the Joss 'Verse is in your hands !

May the Dushku be with You !


Thursday, November 6, 2008 6:21 PM



Originally posted by ecgordon:
I think it is more that the entire industry thinks that sci-fi fans are teenage boys who can't attract a date and thus are home on Fridays, or else adult men who also cannot attract a date and still live with their parents. If that was the case then Fridays would be fine for genre shows, but it ain't.

wo men ren ran zai fei xing.

Dayyam , E-C , why the NEG-a-TUDE-i-Ty ?

I can attract a date , I D-O-N'-T live with my Pay-Rents , but if I've got ELIZA , W-H-Y would I want a Friday night with anyone else ?

The Dushku can convince even Hardboiled Atheists , " Yes , Joss , There IS A God ! "


Thursday, November 6, 2008 9:03 PM


Or that most people who watch scifi/genre have DVRs and so don't really give a crap what time or day a show is on. /Shrug

Also, Fox still hasn't figured out how to support Joss.


You can't take the sky from me...


Thursday, November 6, 2008 9:31 PM


Please, I highly doubt that any executive even knows what a DVR is, never mind expect that any of there viewers to know how to work one and would.

IMO, the simplest answer is that a new shiny object turned there attention from the old shiny object (as said above as well) in the ADD-fest which is the executives world. Quite frankly, the only reason why I suspect they constantly get away with stuff like this is that they are all of the same mentality and there is no-one above them to fire them for it. And even if there is someone to answer to, all they'd have to do is add some grease to slip out of the spot (i.e. blame it on someone/something else), in there jock inspired world. Sci-fi didn't work out? It's just that there isn't many NERDS around.

I am on The Original List (twice). We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!
"We don't fear the reaper"


Thursday, November 6, 2008 10:10 PM


Joss must be saying WTF?, Who do I have to kill to get a decent time slot?

There, I said it for him. OK let's see if I can understand this. People actually thought that Fox would give Joss a primo spot in their lineup. What were you thinking?

Seriously, Fox has no clue as to what to do with ANY sci-fi show, much less one of Joss's brilliant stories (saw the trailer for Dollhouse and it's awesome). I'm not trying to bash on Fox, it's just that the record speaks for itself.

So, here's how it is: We Browncoats must, I mean MUST burn the airwaves; TV, internet, TIVOing, fansites and the like with Dollhouse. We must make our presence felt from Day One. We do this and Joss could gain some much needed juju that he could slap on their ass in meetings. He walks in with the latest numbers and pounds it on the desk and says: "Have you seen these numbers, is that sick or what?"

May not get us our FF back but...a BDS? (stranger things have happened). We have to kick some serious butt with this folks. I just think back to when we crashed the internet with Dr. Horrible and everyone on late night was abuzz.

Shiny! Let's be bad guys!


Thursday, November 6, 2008 10:29 PM



Originally posted by SigmaNunki:
Please, I highly doubt that any executive even knows what a DVR is, never mind expect that any of there viewers to know how to work one and would.

IMO, the simplest answer is that a new shiny object turned there attention from the old shiny object (as said above as well) in the ADD-fest which is the executives world. Quite frankly, the only reason why I suspect they constantly get away with stuff like this is that they are all of the same mentality and there is no-one above them to fire them for it. And even if there is someone to answer to, all they'd have to do is add some grease to slip out of the spot (i.e. blame it on someone/something else), in there jock inspired world. Sci-fi didn't work out? It's just that there isn't many NERDS around.

I am on The Original List (twice). We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!
"We don't fear the reaper"

I hate to correct you, but being a student at an art school and taking Animation as a major, there are MANY, MANY nerds about (all visual effects majors, with the exception of moi). Throngs of us. 80% of the students in my classes go to conventions and build their own computers and can engage in conversations about the nuances of Star Wars that can last hours (possibly days if it's Star Trek and it's the right person). There's plenty of us young, eager nerds and geeks out here in my neck of the woods where SciFi is a staple of life (alongside comics, Anime, video games and ramen noodles).

However unlike how people perceive the young geeks and nerds, we tend to have a weekend life. Friday night for most is the beginning of the social weekend (unless you're the type of nerd that has sold their soul to WoW or Spore 'cause then that is your weekend). Nobody young watches TV on Friday unless its three in the morning.

The Friday night slot is totally the kiss of death, there's plenty of nerds out there, we just have social lives now. I'm really surprised about the friday night schedule though (I mean I shouldn't be, it's f*x) I thought the whole thing with making amends with Joss was that they were going to completely back his show 100% and all that.

Your Indian Pirate Lord,


Thursday, November 6, 2008 11:26 PM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

A few weeks ago I was telling a newly-discovered Whedon fan in my town about Dollhouse. She asked when it would be on and I said "Knowing Fox, it'll be getting the Friday night deathslot."

Sometimes, I hate it when I'm right


Friday, November 7, 2008 12:44 AM



Who do I have to kill to get a decent time slot?

Lemme channel Jayne a moment here...

"Oh I could make a few suggestions..."



Friday, November 7, 2008 12:54 AM


Operative: "Its worse than you know..." Mal: "It usually is."

I agree with all afore mention ideas to start a movement amoung the flans to stay ON TOP with 'Dollhouse', I do not understand why F*x doesn't get it yet. I had so much hope for them with the web site and forums, etc. but I see it was all smoke and mirrors.

We must stay home and watch "Dollhouse" and "Terminator" so both Joss and Summer can keep eating and paying the bills.

We are all 'night owls' (most nerds/geeks) so we can do this, just move the party to afterward.

By the way, like the rest of you, I expected as much from the a$$hole that is F*x, and they expect us to run out and buy the Blu-ray release so they can make more money off of us.!!?!

Why do they always live UP to our LOWEST expectation??????????????????? F*X

Chaplain of the 76th Independant Battalion's worse than you know...Operative usually is.....Mal


Friday, November 7, 2008 4:42 AM


PLEASE, for the love of Dog, correct me if I'm wrong, but the Neilson ratings by which the television big hats keep track of so-called "viewership" are based entirely on people to whom they give the ratings surveillance "box" thing to. And we all know just how much those people give a crap what college kids think. I (and WE) have no solid disposable income, and so who cares if we watch because we can't by the products the commercials advertise. And in the end, isn't that all that matters? I feel very marginalized, since ALOT of my fellow Joss fans are in their 20s and no one cares that we care. It doesn't really matter if we watch every night as long as a substantial number of people with those boxes do....I smell a lobbying opportunity :P

I would say number one priority is for everyone to watch online. We KNOW they're keeping tabs on the numbers there.

Once, again, please correct me if I'm wrong (goodness knows I'm watching premiere of Dollhouse regardless of the timeslot. Havin' a party with the roomates even!)

Morena Baccarin and Nathan Fillion, when asked about the Mal and Inara dynamic:

Morena: Who knows where this relationship is going.
Nathan: If I had my druthers, if we ever hook up I hope it’s on my death bed.
Morena: You don’t want to kiss me, do you?
Nathan: I do. But not for the sake of the show.
Morena: Good answer.
*sigh* even adorable off screen...


Friday, November 7, 2008 5:46 AM


You know what I can't really blame Fox here. I'm starting to blame Joss. He keeps handing network executives TV shows that are unmarketable. What the heck does he expect? Once again he dumped a pilot episode on them that left them completely underwhelmed. Joss is shooting himself in the foot and then everyone acts like the execs are to blame.

Joss needs to sit down with J.J. Abrahams and figure out how to write a show that the execs can get behind. Lost was actually a character driven drama the first season and had massive potential. Joss could work wonders with a show like that. He just needs to suck up his pride and cater to the common Joe to some extent. If he would be willing to do that with just one series I bet he'd be on easy street. Suddenly all it would take to sell a show is the line "From the mind of Joss Whedon creator of Explosion Boobies".


Friday, November 7, 2008 9:52 AM


Except nobody knows what a "marketable" show is. If I had talked to marketing in 2004 about making a show starring four middle aged women, they'd have told me that it would never take off. If I suggested an alternative fantasy show with long story arcs and random plot twists, they'd have said it was unmarketable. Talent shows were a turn-off until American Idol (sorry about that by the way), quiz shows were yesterday's news until Who Wants To Be A Millionaire (once again, deeply sorry), sci-fi shows never appealed to family audiences or women until Doctor Who (you're totally welcome).

In any case, a lot of us thought this would happen. I'm not going to pretend that other networks are merciful benefactors whose motto is ars gratia artis but, you know, come on! This is Fox.

It could still take off. Lord knows this year's TV hasn't had a single breakthrough show yet but still... I'm not hopeful.


Friday, November 7, 2008 10:10 AM


Notice how all of those had about a 4 word description? That's what I mean by marketable. I'm not saying it needs to be a guaranteed hit. I'm just saying they can make a commercial about it. I've watched the dollhouse promo. It was a big ball of huh? I really have no clue about the point of the show. Is it going to be about a rogue organization running from the law? Is it going to be about someone on the inside trying to help the dolls? Is it more of a week by week thing where you just tune in to see what kind of crazy hi jinx happen on the next job for Eliza? I doubt it's even that easy to describe. Making it very difficult to market.


Friday, November 7, 2008 10:28 AM


Zeek has a very good point. If you look at the most successful shows, especially those that took off quickly, they can be summed up in 1 sentence.

Joss nailed that with Buffy the Vampire Slayer - the name alone says it all, from the main character and conflict, to the juxtuposition between funny and deadly that drove the show.

Angel wasn't quite as simply sold (setting aside it's being a spin-off). But "Vampire private detective" is short and introduced the concept well enough to give viewers and idea of what to expect.

Firely could be described with something like "A band of fugitive space smugglers plan heists and get into wacky adventures", but that on it's face doesn't sound all that unique, and doesn't capture what really made the show sing.

The Dollhouse is probably the wierdest concept he's brought to the table, and a hard one to build a marketing campaign around.

And knowing that, by Joss' own words, that he didn't really give them the show they were hoping for, combined with the marketing challenge, I'm not terribly surprised that they'd give up on it.

"I thoroughly disapprove of duels. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet place and kill him."


Friday, November 7, 2008 10:42 AM


I'm not going to panic yet, T:TSCC is getting killed on Monday night. Since Goast Whisper and NUMB3ERS are doing well on Friday night, these 2 shows teaming up may draw a big Sci-Fi fan base......I hope

I'm going to microwave a bagel and have sex with it - Peter Griffin


Friday, November 7, 2008 9:38 PM



Originally posted by TuJiaoZuo:

I hate to correct you, but being a student at an art school and taking Animation as a major, there are MANY, MANY nerds about (all visual effects majors, with the exception of moi). Throngs of us. 80% of the students in my classes go to conventions and build their own computers and can engage in conversations about the nuances of Star Wars that can last hours (possibly days if it's Star Trek and it's the right person). There's plenty of us young, eager nerds and geeks out here in my neck of the woods where SciFi is a staple of life (alongside comics, Anime, video games and ramen noodles).

However unlike how people perceive the young geeks and nerds, we tend to have a weekend life. Friday night for most is the beginning of the social weekend (unless you're the type of nerd that has sold their soul to WoW or Spore 'cause then that is your weekend). Nobody young watches TV on Friday unless its three in the morning.

The Friday night slot is totally the kiss of death, there's plenty of nerds out there, we just have social lives now. I'm really surprised about the friday night schedule though (I mean I shouldn't be, it's f*x) I thought the whole thing with making amends with Joss was that they were going to completely back his show 100% and all that.

Your Indian Pirate Lord,

You completely missed the very very clear point I made. I strongly suggest you actually read my post instead of skimming it. Maybe then you'll actually see what I said instead of assuming what I said.

I am on The Original List (twice). We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!
"We don't fear the reaper"


Saturday, November 8, 2008 12:06 AM



I have to say I think you've hit the nail on the head there. Joss doesn't need to make a 'dumber' show exactly, but maybe for the pilot he could deliver an eye popping sensation - as with the Lost pilot, and then develop things more to his [Joss'] direction once he has hooked your audience. I dare say nobody expected Lost to go where it has after the pilot - but look at it now. It's almost an entirely different show.

(What day is Lost aired in the US?)

Here in the UK a show will often have a repeat viewing later on in the week - do you guys have that over there, and if so does that have any relevance in terms of overall viewing figures? Or does the strength of the show lay entirely on the first airing?

That said lets not despair yet. An enigmatic trailer does seem all the rage at the moment. Fringe was a little like that.


Saturday, November 8, 2008 1:30 AM



Originally posted by TheSomnambulist:

I have to say I think you've hit the nail on the head there. Joss doesn't need to make a 'dumber' show exactly, but maybe for the pilot he could deliver an eye popping sensation - as with the Lost pilot, and then develop things more to his [Joss'] direction once he has hooked your audience. I dare say nobody expected Lost to go where it has after the pilot - but look at it now. It's almost an entirely different show.

(What day is Lost aired in the US?)

Here in the UK a show will often have a repeat viewing later on in the week - do you guys have that over there, and if so does that have any relevance in terms of overall viewing figures? Or does the strength of the show lay entirely on the first airing?

That said lets not despair yet. An enigmatic trailer does seem all the rage at the moment. Fringe was a little like that.

Now that HOUSE is moving to Monday what are they pairing with FRINGE? Is it now strong enough to stand on it's own like BONES is now? After drinking several beers last night I thought of somthing, (I was so proud of myself) lately Monday night has been "Death Night" for new FOX shows, remember "DRIVE"? T:TSCC is getting killed on Monday night. I'm going to wait and see, everything may be OK.


Saturday, November 8, 2008 2:02 AM


I do have to wonder why Joss does not shop around to other networks.

It's rather like a dog returning to it's own time and time again. "Maybe it'll taste better this time!"

I am beginning to despair of ever seeing another Firefly-related movie, series, anything. The comics are good if you're so familiar with the characters that you can picture and hear the frames in between the frames, but it still seems a little flat. (No pun intended, but that one's so bad it won't come let go of the page... sorry.)

Are Network executives really paying attention to online viewing?

Perhaps it's time for an online network-style production company. Staffed by people who "get it". Netxecutives! Insomniacs could be the outriders in the polls.

From BlogRreview:
"I was looking for some reallybigboobieporn, or at least a good recipe for prociutto quiche, when I hit this amazing show! You have GOT to check it out, dudes

You know, that sort of thing.

...I'm not helping, am I?


Saturday, November 8, 2008 8:18 AM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.


Originally posted by out2theblack:

Originally posted by ecgordon:
I think it is more that the entire industry thinks that sci-fi fans are teenage boys who can't attract a date and thus are home on Fridays, or else adult men who also cannot attract a date and still live with their parents. If that was the case then Fridays would be fine for genre shows, but it ain't.

wo men ren ran zai fei xing.

Dayyam , E-C , why the NEG-a-TUDE-i-Ty ?

I can attract a date , I D-O-N'-T live with my Pay-Rents , but if I've got ELIZA , W-H-Y would I want a Friday night with anyone else ?

The Dushku can convince even Hardboiled Atheists , " Yes , Joss , There IS A God ! "

I'm not the one being negative, I was saying that is what the network executives think.


Originally posted by TheSomnambulist:
What day is Lost aired in the US?)

Here in the UK a show will often have a repeat viewing later on in the week - do you guys have that over there, and if so does that have any relevance in terms of overall viewing figures? Or does the strength of the show lay entirely on the first airing?

Lost has been moved around a lot. If I'm not mistaken it was originally on Tuesdays at 8pm Eastern, then was moved to Wednesdays at 9, then Wed. at 10, then Thursdays at 10. ABC has just announced that it returns for Season Five on Wed., January 21 at 9.

As for repeats, when it first began they repeated the two-hour pilot (originally shown in two parts) on a Saturday night following the second hour regular showing. They may have done that a time or two since, especially for the season premieres, but I can't recall exactly. They have learned that LOST is not a show that does well in repeats due to the serialized nature of the show. Most of the networks now repeat their higher rated shows on Saturday nights, but I am sure they look at the ratings of the original airings more closely. I have no idea how much they value online viewership at this time.


Originally posted by whozit:
Now that HOUSE is moving to Monday what are they pairing with FRINGE?

In the new lineup Fringe will be following American Idol, so I think that is an indication they do not think it can hold its own yet but it is the show they want to help out the most.


Originally posted by stinkingrose:
I do have to wonder why Joss does not shop around to other networks.

In this particular instance it was because he created the show for Eliza who already had a production deal set up with FOX, so he knew going in that is where it would air.

Joss would have fit in quite well at the beginning of FOX back in the mid-80s, when they were considered the upstart new kid on the block with fewer affiliates and a willingness to nurture shows until they found an audience. And don't forget that both Buffy and Angel ran on another "netlet," The WB (and later UPN for Buffy's last two seasons). They and the early FOX were willing to accept a lower audience threshold, but in this time of American Idol, "24" and House, FOX thinks they are among the big boys now and demand more from their shows.


Sunday, November 9, 2008 7:12 AM



Originally posted by Haken:
I never understood the logic behind scheduling Sci-Fi series on Fridays. As one of those belonging to the demographics that the series is trying to target, I'm not at home on Friday nights to watch. I suspect a lot of others aren't at home as well.

Because the scifi nerds ARE home on Fridays ;)


Sunday, November 9, 2008 8:21 AM


Lots of Nerds are home Friday. Look at how well Mr Universe and Numb3rs does. Over 11 million viewers at 10 PM on Fridays (on CBS). Currently, Fox is doing 6.4 million with Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader at 8 PM (versus leader Ghost Whisperer with 11 million on CBS) and 5.4 million with Supernanny at 9 PM (against NCIS repeats from CBS, which get 11 million). No Fox show at 10 PM.


Sunday, November 9, 2008 1:42 PM


Originally posted by ecgordon:


Lost has been moved around a lot. If I'm not mistaken it was originally on Tuesdays at 8pm Eastern, then was moved to Wednesdays at 9, then Wed. at 10, then Thursdays at 10. ABC has just announced that it returns for Season Five on Wed., January 21 at 9.

As for repeats, when it first began they repeated the two-hour pilot (originally shown in two parts) on a Saturday night following the second hour regular showing. They may have done that a time or two since, especially for the season premieres, but I can't recall exactly. They have learned that LOST is not a show that does well in repeats due to the serialized nature of the show. Most of the networks now repeat their higher rated shows on Saturday nights, but I am sure they look at the ratings of the original airings more closely. I have no idea how much they value online viewership at this time.

Thanks ECGordon. I appreciate the reply. I had no idea they move the sheduling around so much even for a hit show. I used to become quite disheartened when the BBC aired BUFFY at all sorts of times. It eventually lead me to just jack it in and wait for the DVD release instead. Now I know US networks do the same to their own shows, I guess I shouldn't have been so narked at the Beeb. Oh well.


Sunday, November 9, 2008 2:19 PM


Good one Fremmy!

Lemme channel Jayne a moment here...

"Oh I could make a few suggestions..."

This is one time you wish the character was a real-life person. He could walk into a Fox exec meeting re: the Spring schedule, wielding his Bowie knife. He goes to the head honcho, grabs him by the lapels of his $500 suit.

Let me try one:

Mal says: "Just scare him a little isall."
Jayne: "Pain is scary."

Ha, ha, haaaa! Mine is an evil laugh!


Sunday, November 9, 2008 2:41 PM


Very good point.
Perhaps it's time for an online network-style production company. Staffed by people who "get it". Netxecutives! Insomniacs could be the outriders in the polls.

With the success of Dr. H could Serenity: The Webisodes be far behind? Joss should look into this. I believe the rights Fox has is strictly regarding TV episodes, unless there is a clause regarding newly written material for web broadcasting.

Someone made a good point about the marketability of sci-fi shows. I dare say that if the marketing dept. doesn't know how to sell the show, well it's not good news generally. But perhaps teaming up Terminator and Dollhouse or Fringe and Dollhouse might give each show a needed boost in the ratings. Otherwise I think original shows on the internet is the way to go.

Someone out there is reading this and may get ideas.

Shiny! Let's be bad guys!


Monday, November 10, 2008 8:23 AM



Originally posted by ecgordon:

Lost has been moved around a lot. If I'm not mistaken it was originally on Tuesdays at 8pm Eastern, then was moved to Wednesdays at 9, then Wed. at 10, then Thursdays at 10. ABC has just announced that it returns for Season Five on Wed., January 21 at 9.

In the states at least, LOST has always been on Wednesday night, with the exception of the fourth season. The hour has changed a couple times, but the first 3, and now 5th seasons, were all Wednesday affairs.

"I thoroughly disapprove of duels. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet place and kill him."


Monday, November 10, 2008 10:30 AM


... fully loaded, safety off...

The source may not be the the most trusted (F*X exec) but there's some logic and good news in there all the same:

—Having all but abandoned scripted programming on Friday nights of late, Fox is jumping back onto the night in a very big (and expensive) way. Starting in February, the network will pair Joss Whedon’s lush new drama “Dollhouse” with the network’s big-budget action hour “Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles.”

While “Dollhouse” has been plagued by production shutdowns and rumors that Fox executives are uncertain about its commercial appeal, Mr. Beckman said scheduling the show on Friday is simply a byproduct of trying to design the strongest possible schedule for the network.

Mr. Beckman doesn’t pretend that “Dollhouse” and “Terminator” have an easy path ahead of them. But, particularly in the case of “Dollhouse,” Mr. Beckman thinks the less competitive Friday night will give the show a better chance to build an audience than a more high-profile night.

“If we put it on Monday and it didn’t do well, we might have to yank it,” he said. But because Fox’s winter lineup should be solid on Saturday through Thursday nights, “We can afford to let these shows run their course. We can give them 12 or 13 weeks to find an audience.

Scifi movie music + Firefly dialogue clips, 24 hours a day -


Monday, November 10, 2008 7:02 PM



Originally posted by SigmaNunki:

Originally posted by TuJiaoZuo:

I hate to correct you, but being a student at an art school and taking Animation as a major, there are MANY, MANY nerds about (all visual effects majors, with the exception of moi). Throngs of us. 80% of the students in my classes go to conventions and build their own computers and can engage in conversations about the nuances of Star Wars that can last hours (possibly days if it's Star Trek and it's the right person). There's plenty of us young, eager nerds and geeks out here in my neck of the woods where SciFi is a staple of life (alongside comics, Anime, video games and ramen noodles).

However unlike how people perceive the young geeks and nerds, we tend to have a weekend life. Friday night for most is the beginning of the social weekend (unless you're the type of nerd that has sold their soul to WoW or Spore 'cause then that is your weekend). Nobody young watches TV on Friday unless its three in the morning.

The Friday night slot is totally the kiss of death, there's plenty of nerds out there, we just have social lives now. I'm really surprised about the friday night schedule though (I mean I shouldn't be, it's f*x) I thought the whole thing with making amends with Joss was that they were going to completely back his show 100% and all that.

Your Indian Pirate Lord,

You completely missed the very very clear point I made. I strongly suggest you actually read my post instead of skimming it. Maybe then you'll actually see what I said instead of assuming what I said.

I am on The Original List (twice). We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!
"We don't fear the reaper"

Wow, that's why I don't post when I'm tired. So very very sorry SigmaNuki, sleep deprivation and a keyboard do not mix.

Your Indian Pirate Lord,


Tuesday, November 11, 2008 10:15 AM

WHOZIT reports that T:TSCC finished 4th in it's time slot last week, and has lost the 18-49 demo. I wish they'd move it to NEXT Friday night. Friday mite not mean death to these shows.

I'm going to microwave a bagel and have sex with it - Peter Griffin






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Tue, March 11, 2025 18:53 - 9 posts
Joss's Fascination with Crazy Female Characters
Tue, March 11, 2025 08:27 - 22 posts
Joss was right... Mandarin is the language of the future...
Thu, March 6, 2025 04:33 - 40 posts
Nathan Fillion's 10 Best Movies And TV Shows
Mon, March 3, 2025 05:52 - 1 posts
12 Foot filming Prop
Fri, February 28, 2025 15:56 - 3 posts
Firefly Pinterest
Fri, February 28, 2025 13:19 - 1 posts
A Gun for Misbehaving
Fri, February 28, 2025 13:08 - 14 posts
Collecting Props and Costumes
Fri, February 28, 2025 12:54 - 11 posts
Firefly cosplay
Fri, February 28, 2025 12:38 - 1 posts
Firefly props, the is active!
Fri, February 28, 2025 12:32 - 1 posts