Casual encounters of the famous kind...

UPDATED: Sunday, March 29, 2009 15:27
VIEWED: 7873
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Monday, March 23, 2009 9:15 AM


I know some of us bump into actors and the like all the time (conventions) but in real life?

What prompted this is, today, while I was at the grocery store, I encountered a moderately known actor. Namely, Luis Guzmán. He has a home here in VT but it's about 40 miles from me, so bumping into him at the grocery store was kind of unexpected.

About 18 years ago, I met Bill Murray when he stopped into the car dealership where I worked to get a part for his Jeep.

Back in high school, Robert Romanus (Damone from Fast Times at Rigemont High) posed for pictures with the cast of the production of the Wiz my school was doing.

Anyone else have an encounter like this?



Monday, March 23, 2009 10:23 AM


I ran into Yoko Ono at a booksale a couple years ago. She's kind of pushy.


Monday, March 23, 2009 10:56 AM


Drew Barrymore literally ran into me at a deli last summer.

I'm a leaf on the wind


Monday, March 23, 2009 11:24 AM


More than a few...put myself through college as a make-up artist and ended up working on my share of lower budget movies filmed in Utah.
Wilford Brimley is an ASS!! He's rude, unkind, and just generally unpleasant
Bruce Campbell is the sweetest guy you'll ever meet. So polite and knows everyone on the crew. Very charming!
Donald Pleasance is very sweet but highly distracted
Paul Rudd is just one of the guys and hangs more with the crew than the other actors.
My brother worked Sundance and his one major brush with an actor was Johnny Depp whom he says is just really nice.

To love someone is to see a miracle invisible to others.
--Francois Mauriac
It's fuzzy-minded liberal thinking like that that gets you eaten.


Monday, March 23, 2009 11:29 AM


Saw Mark Hamill behind the building where he was doing Elephant Man, AND at a comic convention,
Met Chris Reeve backstage after Fifth Of July (he was so gracious), Had drinks with James Doohan at a hotel bar during a con (funny guy, REALLY funny), had Marina Sirtis yell at me for taking her picture when she wasn't expecting it...that's all I can think of for now...

The laughing Chrisisall


Monday, March 23, 2009 11:37 AM


Oh, geez. I could make a long list!

I saw Richard Gere a couple years ago from a distance.


Monday, March 23, 2009 11:42 AM


My only one is that I sold MC Hammer a tie and didn't even know it until after he left and one of my coworkers told me.


Monday, March 23, 2009 11:45 AM


OH! I used to work in Blimpie*s in Hempstead Long Island in '82 & made Eddie Murphy sandwiches every Saturday at 3am after the show. HE was a riot.

The laughing Chrisisall


Monday, March 23, 2009 11:50 AM


I met Bob Denver (Gilligan) back in the 90's, it was cool beacuse he was wearing his Gilligan's hat. He was very nice, he stuck around long enough for hello's but the meeting only lasted about a minute.


Monday, March 23, 2009 11:51 AM


I met Nathan Fillion at an airport, that was a good trip :)

"Haha, mine is an evil laugh."


Monday, March 23, 2009 11:55 AM



Originally posted by EvilDinosaur:
I met Nathan Fillion at an airport, that was a good trip :)

"Haha, mine is an evil laugh."


The laughing Chrisisall


Monday, March 23, 2009 1:13 PM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.

My encounters were a long, long time ago, but not too casual.

I was once a reporter for a local tv station, and I met and interviewed Robert Conrad, then starring in The Wild, Wild West (I told you it was a long time ago), when he was in town for appearances at the annual fair and rodeo.

I also interviewed quite a few politicians, most of them local only, but the one most people would have heard of was Lloyd Bentsen, then running for his first term as Senator from Texas, later VP running mate with Michael Dukakis and Treasury Secretary under Clinton.

Another interview I did was with Jane Fonda after she had been kicked off the base at Fort Hood during her FTA activities.

Wait a minute! I do remember a casual encounter. I was in a hardware store once and ran into Bob Richards. Most people younger than me probably have no idea who he is, but he was one of the first athletes featured on the Wheaties cereal box. He had been a multi-medal winner at the Olympics sometime in the '60s. This was sometime around 1989-90 I think, and he was still in exceptional shape.


Monday, March 23, 2009 1:15 PM


Kind of surprised Marina yelled at you, but totally agree Jimmy Doohan could make a rock laugh( also worked sci fi conventions as a make up artist)
Did also watch John deLancie LOSE IT with fans after repeating over and over that he wouldn't answer questions about Q's motives or choices since he wasn't the writer and didn't know.... after 30 min of nothing but questions about why Q did or didn't do something.... he flipped said he wasn't putting up with it any longer and left

To love someone is to see a miracle invisible to others.
--Francois Mauriac
It's fuzzy-minded liberal thinking like that that gets you eaten.


Monday, March 23, 2009 1:24 PM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.


Originally posted by MsA:
Did also watch John deLancie LOSE IT with fans after repeating over and over that he wouldn't answer questions about Q's motives or choices since he wasn't the writer and didn't know.... after 30 min of nothing but questions about why Q did or didn't do something.... he flipped said he wasn't putting up with it any longer and left.

He should have just pulled a Shatner and told them to get a life.


Monday, March 23, 2009 4:57 PM


Was once pseudo-threatened by Alex Trebek with a rolling pin.

No power in the 'verse can stop me!


Monday, March 23, 2009 5:46 PM


I've run into a few, but I think the nicest was Mary Kay Place. When I was manager on duty back in T-Town, she came in to shop (she's a local). She was friendly and understated. The smile never left her face.

Sometimes I lie awake at night, and I ask, "Where have I gone wrong?" Then a voice says to me, "This is going to take more than one night."
-- Charlie Brown


Monday, March 23, 2009 7:25 PM



Originally posted by EvilDinosaur:
I met Nathan Fillion at an airport, that was a good trip :)

"Haha, mine is an evil laugh."


I was at diner on Sunset near Bev Hills & W Holly and after a while realized the guy next to me, having exchanged a few comments, was Roy Scheider. He had a beard, so didn't recognize him easily - may have been for that Blue Thunder movie, don't recall. He was cool, very nice albeit more focused than most.

Met Willie Ames at the beach, Laguna or Corona Del Mar I think.
Met Woody Harrelson and Demi Moore at a dance club - it was one of those "it" clubs of the week I heard later.

Was talking to an nice interesting lady before she was introduced as a guest speaker, being June Foray - probably doesn't count as "casual" encounter, but she stayed for hours, said she enjoyed our company. She also said our questions were always the most interesting.

Tom Selleck played Volleyball, I think for a men's U.S. team ro something. The tourney was held at Naval Air Station Memphis (Millington) and he was always happy to chat with servicemembers, and I bumped into him twice during that time - the tourney was held near the base cinema. He wasn't interested in publicity stuff while in the tourney, but I guess he considered Military an exception. NEVER heard an unkind word of him from anybody who'd met him, and those numbered many. This was in the midst of the Magnum run.

My roommate needed to get to the other side of base at El Toro, so dragged me with my car over to the VMGR-352 hangar and we became extras in Heartbreak Ridge, met Clint and others in the cast, we didn't know them at the time. We were not on screen, but my car is in the background of a scene.

Went out with a Pet between her Pet of the Month issue and her Pet of the Year crowning, I didn't know (her issue came out before I was 18).
Also bumped into a Playboy Playmate (Barbara Edwards) on El Toro Marine Corps Air Station - her dad was an officer. I think she later became Playmate of the Year.
Another model for Penthouse worked as waitress at our Enlisted Club - she would have been "famous" to many at the time.

A girl I dated became Allyssa Alps, for those who know who that is.

A good friend of ours we somehow found out had done some modeling work - at the time almost every magazine you could pick up had his pic in the ad section in back - but nobody knew his name, and we'd known him several years before figuring it out.

One of my coworkers was an All-Star Wrestler, I think as The Fighting Irish Micky Doyle. Another coworker was on the cover of Newsweek or Time as a Marine in the first Iraq war.

Bumped into Amy Lee in the crowds at Summerfest in Milwaukee - almost nobody recognized her without makeup. She wasn't doing her own show at that moment, so maybe counts as "casual" - she was enjoying tthe other music.

Encountered Rachel Weiscz at a Madison store before she was well-known, she was filming Chain Reaction at the State Capital that week.

Drank with Shirley Manson while she was recording something which became Garbage. She left a vivid image when she'd drank. Of course Butch Vig was something of a fixture in the Madison music scene, so met him numerous times around town (many bars in Madison are music venues or have impromtu jam sessions). I'm told I met Courtney Love and Kurt Cobain, but I didn't know and wouldn't recongize them anyhow.

Every couple minutes I think of another, so maybe I'll still recall more.


Monday, March 23, 2009 11:26 PM


A lady leading around three children at London Zoo last month asked if I was having my face painted and I told her it was just my girlfriend's niece. Took me a moment to click that it was Jessica Hynes née Stevenson.


Tuesday, March 24, 2009 12:00 AM


Walking along 3rd Ave in The City, near Bloomie's rear entrance ran across Sally Struthers stepping out of a limo. All I could manage to say was "Hello" and she was gracious enough to say "Hello" back. She was much shorter than I thought her to be and kinda pudgy. Extremely beautiful smile.

Saw Howard Hesseman (Dr. Johnny Fever, WKRP; Head of the Class) walking along Lex Ave many moons ago. He looked old and haggard at the time, like he had a hangover.

Saw Muhammad Ali stepping out of the Star Deli along Lex Ave just before the big fight against Smokin' Joe Frazier. This man was bigger than life even back then. He was playing around with the fans on the street throwing fake punches and clowning around with the reporters. I was no more than 20 feet from him as he passed waving to the crowd and stopping to chat with people on the street. I was on my way back to work from an errand and I could not be more thrilled. No one at work believed me until they watched the news that evening. Funny thing was that he did not look like a boxer. He looked like he could be your next door neighbor, except his hands were huge.

Saw Gregory Peck, in his later years, filming a scene along Park Ave.

Oooh, I remember years ago seeing Richard Brooks "Jubal Early" when he was an ADA with Law & Order, walking into a trailer near City Hall not far from the Court House.

Bumped into David Brenner several times along Park Ave and 3rd Ave in the City, when I was a student at Hunter College. Our campus was at 68th Street and Lex Ave.

Harvey Keitel in a City Park not far from Chinatown and Little Italy in the City. He was very gracious and friendly as the community group I was working with was beautifying the local park. He actually participated, along with his lady friend and a young girl (who, I assume was his daughter), for several minutes until he had to leave.

Ran into Justin Timberlake and crew (when he was with N'Sync) not far from where they taped MTV TRL by 47th St and Broadway. He totally dismissed my son's friend (a 14 y.o. girl who was a big fan) and brushed her off. There was no one else around on the street at the time, just 3 kids and myself coming out of the movies by Times Square.
All she wanted was an autograph. He could have said "hello" but his bodyguard stepped in between and told her that he was too busy to stop. He and his buddies were just walking along laughing and carrying on (they didn't look busy to me) and didn't even look her way. Needless to say she swore off being a fan. I even saw a look of disgust on his face, like "who are you to ask for an autograph?!" I never liked him after that.

Danny Aiello filming the Last Don a block away from the World Trade Center (c. 1996-7). Waiting patiently as they set up the shot (a scene in a car).

Literally ran into "Bobby Bacala" Steve Schirippa, coming out of the movie theatre after seeing Indiana Jones last summer. We were in the East Village (near 11th street and 2nd Ave) and my son and I were talking with his friends when I almost bumped into him as he passed. You can't miss him because he's about 6' 4" tall.

Finally, last summer, I was walking along Times Square area around 12 Midnight coming out of the movie theatre at 42nd Street. As I was going toward the train station to go home (I don't remember the movie I saw) when I see a man walking alongside of me (about 5 feet away) and I said to myself "Man that guy looks so much like Howie Mandel." As I walked further along I realized, because people were stopping to take pictures and his bald head, it WAS him.
He was walking with about 6 or 7 people, one of which, was a pretty blond, who I assumed was his wife. They were patient as people in the street snapped away with cameras and cell phones.
I scrambled to find my phone and as he stopped to allow people to take pictures, I approached him and ask if I could take his picture. He turned toward me, said "sure" and posed briefly. As soon as I snapped my picture he took off going uptown with his entourage. But you could tell he was loving every moment, never flustered with the huge crowd forming around him. At one point someone asked him "Howie, what the hell are you doing walking around Times Square?" Without missing a beat he answered, "What, I can't walk around like a person?" The crowd laughed and he went about his business.




Tuesday, March 24, 2009 1:57 AM


Oh my . . . well, I went to high school with Kristin Chenoweth (Glenda in the original cast of Wicked and Olive on Pushing Daisies) and was in a few plays with her during that time.

I passed Morgan Freeman on the set of Shawshank Redemption and he said "Hi" to me! Seemed like an incredibly nice guy. Saw him eating lunch later that day with a bunch of extras.

I saw Mos Def at the Chicago airport.

Also ran into a NASCAR driver at a restaraunt one time. He was very gracious to all who stopped and asked for an autograph.

Wish I had more, but alas, I don't. Don't get many chance meetings here in the midwest.

Zoe: "Get it running again."
Mal: "Yeah"
Zoe: "So not running now"
Mal: "Not so much"
- Out of Gas


Tuesday, March 24, 2009 2:19 AM


That's what kinda made it different, In VT, the only time a star might be around, (Other than Luis) is when they're making a movie.

I carried Juliette Binoche's luggage when I worked for an air charter company when she flew with us. (I was a Rampie)

Met a few who's who in aviation in my old job. Michael J Fox still has a house in VT and flew with the company I worked for but I didn't get a chance to meet him. A buddy of mine from the FBO at the airport got to meet and fuel up Harrison Ford's Dehaviland Beaver when he was in VT making "What lies Beneath".

William H Macy and his wife, Felicity Huffman have a summer place in Woodbury VT. My best friend from high school is the deputy fire chief there and says they are a very nice couple.

A guy I worked with at the car dealership met Gina Davis and William Baldwin when they were filming Beetlejuice here in VT.


Tuesday, March 24, 2009 3:52 AM


literally ran into Joe Don Baker at the Brookshire's grocery store in his hometown of Groesbeck, Texas - nothing broken - funny guy...

late night (early morning??) at a coffee house in Houston - Woody Harrelson (and posse) came in and sat in the booth next to me.... those dudes were way too serious....

Nolan Ryan (baseball guy) at a cattle sale in LaGrange....

& speaking of LaGrange - Billy Gibbons & zz top at one of the first public shows they did at tiny Stephen F. Austin university - they played past closing time at the student union bldg and the manager got pissed and started pulling plugs - i helped them with their equipment....

various musicians - some famous - most not - John Prine & Ry Cooder in Austin - oh yeah, Matthew McConaughey & Sandra Bullock at Jo's coffee shop on South Congress...


Tuesday, March 24, 2009 4:11 AM


I used to sell books (LOTS of books, like $300-400 worth at a time,) to Elton John. He owns a condo right down the street from the Waldenbooks where I worked in Atlanta.

He would come in and shop early in the morning, in the middle of the week when it was quiet. Very nice, quiet and reserved. He had a Preferred Reader discount card, and always remembered to use it, which always made us laugh.


Tuesday, March 24, 2009 8:57 AM


Last summer I was minding my own business at work (my desk is in the lobby of a bank) and in walks Senator Bob Dole with a few staff members. He was in the area campaigning for his wife, Sen. Elizabeth Dole.

He was very nice and friendly to one and all. He even posed for a picture with me and other coworkers. He carries a pen in his right hand and shook hands with me with his left hand. His right arm is semi paralyzed from wounds in WWII.

Also met Nathan and Alan, Jewel and Moreana (and I have pictures to prove it) at Dragon Con last year. I have an cute and often repeated Nathan story about him and a little (aged 2 or 3) girl in front of me that I love.


Tuesday, March 24, 2009 9:14 AM


I saw Drew Carey at a Sugar Ray concert once in Cleveland.


Tuesday, March 24, 2009 9:19 AM


Originally posted by Shinygoodguy:


Saw Muhammad Ali stepping out of the Star Deli along Lex Ave just before the big fight against Smokin' Joe Frazier. This man was bigger than life even back then. He was playing around with the fans on the street throwing fake punches and clowning around with the reporters. I was no more than 20 feet from him as he passed waving to the crowd and stopping to chat with people on the street. I was on my way back to work from an errand and I could not be more thrilled. No one at work believed me until they watched the news that evening. Funny thing was that he did not look like a boxer. He looked like he could be your next door neighbor, except his hands were huge.

I'm usually not interested in meeting famous people, but Muhammad Ali - that's a different story. Cool Shinygoodguy!

I'll list a few from here in the UK. I live in the South East near a Town called Tenterden, for some reason this sleepy typical English village seems to attract quite a few notable folk from the 'Tele' and over the years I've come across:

Paul McCartney and his Ex-Wife Heather Mills is it? On several occaisions.
Vic Reeves (British Comedian)
Bob Mortimer (British Comedian worked alot with Vic Reeves)
Bob Geldoff
Tom Baker (80's Dr.Who guy)
Chris Langham ( Comedian who was caught with dodgey images on his computer)
and Joanna Lumley who grew up in the neighbouring village of Rolvenden where I play cricket :) She used to go into Boots all the time where my girlfriend worked, and she was always saying hello and being extremely friendly. Michelle (my girlfriend) loved her! She couldn't believe she was serving Patsy from Ab Fab on a regular basis :D )

There's been one or two others whose names I can't remember, but they're mostly bit part actors on British TV.

Just as The Darkness were becoming famous I'd gone Go-Kart racing and Justin the lead singer was in one of the Karts -- He was hopeless. Left him in my wake.


Tuesday, March 24, 2009 5:16 PM


Met president Ford when I was too young to remember it. Met the brothers from the black crowes..they were total dicks.Got drunk with Jake Scott ( ridley Scott's son )and a bunch of SAS guys in a bar outside of Yuma, AZ.


Tuesday, March 24, 2009 6:46 PM



Originally posted by RIPWash:
Oh my . . . well, I went to high school with Kristin Chenoweth (Glenda in the original cast of Wicked and Olive on Pushing Daisies) and was in a few plays with her during that time.

That's where I went to school...a few years behind you, but I walked by that campus. That was back when North was the high school. That auditorium has seen a lot of traffic. I saw those plays.

In '86 I think it still had the original roof.

Sometimes I lie awake at night, and I ask, "Where have I gone wrong?" Then a voice says to me, "This is going to take more than one night."
-- Charlie Brown


Tuesday, March 24, 2009 11:25 PM


June 23, 2007, Vancouver's "Can't Stop The Serenity" charity screening. Managed to snag me a ticket, and met the ever-beautiful Jewel Staite. Got pictures and sigs. WOOT! Shortly after, got into Stargate, saw her on Atlantis, and wanted to meet her again. She was very sweet.

Late August, 2008.
Stanley Park putting green, my family has a tradition of going there at least once a summer. My brother and i look over and see a man wearing a muscle shirt and shades having a round of putting with a woman.
PAUL McGILLION, aka. Carson Beckett of Stargate: Atlantis. We freaked out quietly, and asked politely if it was him once we (and he) were all done. Indeed. Didn't have a camera, so i got a cell phone pic. Rather, i took, my brother was in. He seemed nice, and pleased to meet a fan. He came off as much cooler/more confident in demeanour than his character. Also, the scottish accent wasn't his natural voice.

Earlier this month (3 weeks ago? March 4th ish, 09)
Walked into a local coffee store just a few blocks from my house on the way to school in the morning, and lo and behold, Christopher Judge, aka. Teal'c from Stargate SG-1. By now, my brother had gotten into the habit of bringing his camera with him anywhere in case of such events. He was very gracious, and seemed a bit amused at how polite we were being. Probably a good thing we didn't tell him that we actually have counted how many times his character says "Indeed" over the course of the 10 seasons.

That's it so far! Hoping for more sightings. We live in Vancouver, aka. Hollywood North, so i'm optimistic.

I'm babbling like a moonbrain.


Wednesday, March 25, 2009 3:51 AM



Originally posted by BrigLad: met Gina Davis and William Baldwin when they were filming Beetlejuice here in VT.

I think Alec would be very upset to hear you call him by his brother's name XD (jk, but it was Alec in beetlejuice)

I'm jealous of all of u right now :P that ain't fair.


Wednesday, March 25, 2009 4:08 AM



Originally posted by MsA:
Kind of surprised Marina yelled at you

Actually, she very quietly called me a "lit'le bastard" with an angry smile.
I just wanted to get a photo of her, and raised my camera high over the crowd while she was signing autographs...not MY fault that she was wearing something VERY low-cut...I didn't even really know why she'd said it until I conjured what view that angle might produce- later I saw the developed pic & totally got what she thought I was up to.

The laughing Chrisisall


Wednesday, March 25, 2009 4:19 AM



Originally posted by chrisisall:

Originally posted by MsA:
Kind of surprised Marina yelled at you

Actually, she very quietly called me a "lit'le bastard" with an angry smile.
I just wanted to get a photo of her, and raised my camera high over the crowd while she was signing autographs...not MY fault that she was wearing something VERY low-cut...I didn't even really know why she'd said it until I conjured what view that angle might produce- later I saw the developed pic & totally got what she thought I was up to.

So where's the pic?! Hide not your light under a bushel...

It was like that when we got here!


Wednesday, March 25, 2009 4:22 AM



Originally posted by WASHnwear:

So where's the pic?! Hide not your light under a bushel...

She had her boys pay me a visit; hand over the picture & negatives or get a pair of concrete galoshes.

Actually , it's in a box somewhere.

The laughing Chrisisall


Wednesday, March 25, 2009 4:34 AM


Somnambullst... what's Tom Baker like????

Ok Chrisisall I might have called you a name too if I thought you were trying to get a camera down my should have practiced your innocent face

To love someone is to see a miracle invisible to others.
--Francois Mauriac
It's fuzzy-minded liberal thinking like that that gets you eaten.


Wednesday, March 25, 2009 4:41 AM



Originally posted by MsA:
you should have practiced your innocent face

Oh, I was ALL innocent face! I REALLY didn't have a clue why she was like that at the time.
But the picture was great.

The laughing Chrisisall


Wednesday, March 25, 2009 5:07 AM



Tom Baker is a real character. He used to lived two miles from the village I work at and he was always in the village. He just became one of the locals. He'd flirt with the cashier girls at the local sainsbury's. His presence is overwhelming. Not only is he a tall man (taller than you'd think) but he's also wide! He fills a room. He has a deep booming voice that seems to arise from the pits of Hades and when he laughs you think a mini earthquake is coming. Actually his laughter is a big part of him - now I think of it he's always laughing. He wears a beige mac alot and strides like a horse and has that curly, stringy mane of silver hair. Total character!
My boss (who lives in the same village) said that for a while he had his tombstone outside his house with the words : 'Here lies the daftest wanker of them all!' - I don't know how true that actually is but it was a favourite little tale amoung the villagers while he lived there...

He has now moved out of this particular village and is more local to Tenterden (I think) which is why I now see him there alot.

I really only know him from the Sinbad film where he plays that evil wizard: Sinbad and the eye of the Tiger, and I saw that film as a little kid, so to be honest I always keep my distance... I know what dark sorcery he can conjure!

Oh and I just remembered there are heaps of celebrity chefs around here aswell but I don't know their names...

...and Chris! Really! As if we believe your innocense over the - what is now known as - 'The Marina' incident!!! I mean really! At your age!!! Dood never get caught!!!


Wednesday, March 25, 2009 5:10 AM



Originally posted by chrisisall:

Originally posted by WASHnwear:

So where's the pic?! Hide not your light under a bushel...

She had her boys pay me a visit; hand over the picture & negatives or get a pair of concrete galoshes.

Actually , it's in a box somewhere.

Hmph! - likely story...

Actually, Ida preferred it if you'd left the explanation at her sending her crew around. Somehow the thought of Morena having a "staff" she can deploy in these PR emergencies just makes her that much more...nifty.

Quote: a box somewhere...


It was like that when we got here!


Wednesday, March 25, 2009 11:25 AM


Well I live just outside of Leicester, England and nobody famous ever visits us.

The closest I get to local celebs are Roger Clark the rally driver. Only met once but was pleasant enough.
The other one being Bill Maynard. Any Brits remember him from Selwyn Froggitt, The Gaffer or even Greengrass in Heartbeat?
He used to be a regular visitor to my village. His picture is up in the local chippy and I even managed a long conversation with him in the local electrical store. I was dropping a TV off, he was picking one up. Very nice bloke who was extremely gracious to people and was a true gentleman to womenfolk. Not many like him left now.

And when I was a nipper I met Lenny Henry at Skegness (just as Tiswas was about to hit Saturday TV screens). He was great with a group of very impatient and loud kids who'd waited ages to see him.

In my 6th form years (late 80's) we went to a lecture in London. During some free time me and a mate went to Dillons bookstore and saw Dudley Moore signing, but it was one of those 'buy his book to get an autograph' type events. Anyway we wandered for a bit and ended up caught near a archway. Who should walk by shaking everybodys hands (presumably as he went to lunch) but Mr Moore himelf. He was very pleasant and cheerful. When we got back to the coach and told everyone they didn't believe a word of it. Then a teacher got on and asked if anyone had seen Dudley Moore at Dillons. Needless to say it made our day.

More recently I met Pancho from Dirty Sanchez at a Chili Peppers gig. Seemed like a decent guy and was quite happy with the attention but didn't make a big deal out of it.

Even more recently (and one of, if not my all time fave so far) I met Neil Gaiman at a book launching. As a major fan this was something of a coup for me and I will forever be at my girlfriends beck and call for getting me an invite to a non-public event. A very intelligent and knowledgable man, quite quietly spoken but eager to hear other points and discuss them. Top guy.

These are my main non-convention meets.

"I don't believe in suicide, but if you'd like to try it it might cheer me up to watch."


Wednesday, March 25, 2009 3:46 PM


I wasn't going to post this but I am having a crappy day & I thought "Oh- why not!"

I meet DAVE MATTHEWS (from The Dave Matthews Band) at the airport while waiting for a delayed flight about a year and a half ago.

He approached me first & asked me were I was traveling to & we talked about his guest spot on House. I purposely didn't ask for an autograph or signature so I could keep the conversation going becaus I KNEW this was a once in a life time thing! Yes ladies, I managed to keep him for myself for about 20 minutes! Happy to say he is better looking in person & totally friendly!

It was an EXCELLENT trip to Burbank

Later that evening I meet Nathan Fillion.


Wednesday, March 25, 2009 8:26 PM


Oh, yeah - airports.
Met the Chicago Bears at the Dane Co airport, I was coming in from LA and they were waiting to leave, their training camp is Platteville (or at least it was then, in 1987). McMahon was QB, and Walter Payton was very low-key, but very nice. Friend of mine from High School was with he team before the final cuts. 2 weeks later, met them again at the LAX, they had just played preseason game against whatever team was in LA that year. Of course, LAX much busier, but they had just met me 2 weeks ago in Madison and remembered, and others thought I was some celeb or whatever. At the time I still looked like a taller Tom Cruise, or Peter DeLouise, or some Bo guy from a soap opera.
Also went to an opera (dragged by gf), and Lyle Alzado was in the same row, after we were seated, he got up and came over to shake hands, largely due to my bieng in Dress Blues for the show.


Sunday, March 29, 2009 6:59 AM


Now I am learning about scary.

They filmed "Terms of Endearment" in my hometown so a couple of friends and I went to the set to see who we could see.

First we saw Debra Winger, who was dating the governor at that time. She was very gracious and didn't mind having people take photos of her or her trailer, which was filled with balloons because it was apparently her birthday.

We also saw Jeff Daniels, who sat on the curb to sign autographs for us. (I got a photo of that.)

Then, to my amazement, Shirley MacLaine walked right by us! She was with a rather large police officer so we were a little intimidated, but I realized it was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity so I walked after them and asked if I could please have her autograph. She was also gracious and signed, although she didn't stick around to chat. I was so thrilled that I didn't care.

My other celebrity encounter was when I got to speak to Ray Bradbury after he gave a talk in Boulder, Colorado, a few years ago. Since he's my favorite author ever, I was almost speechless but he was very kind and actually thanked me when I told him I thought he was the greatest.

I think that's about it for me. (Oh, I shook Bill Clinton's hand when he was campaigning for president in NH, and I thought I was going to get shot by Secret Service agents when I set off a metal detector. It turned out I was standing on a metal manhole! Once I moved, I was cleared.)

"We need to keep our heads so we can ... keep our heads."


Sunday, March 29, 2009 7:05 AM



Originally posted by TheSomnambulist:
- 'The Marina' incident!!! I mean really! At your age!!!

Hey- that was back in the day! I was, like, 30 or something.
These days I could intentionally get the same shot covertly.

The laughing Chrisisall


Sunday, March 29, 2009 7:07 AM



Originally posted by WASHnwear:
Somehow the thought of Morena having a "staff" she can deploy in these PR emergencies just makes her that much more...nifty.

You're confusing a Betazoid with a Companion.

The laughing Chrisisall


Sunday, March 29, 2009 3:27 PM



Originally posted by chrisisall:

Originally posted by WASHnwear:
Somehow the thought of Morena having a "staff" she can deploy in these PR emergencies just makes her that much more...nifty.

You're confusing a Betazoid with a Companion.


W W R D ?
What would Rorschach do?






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