Total newb, just watched the entire series - HOLY SH*T

UPDATED: Thursday, October 29, 2009 21:03
VIEWED: 5739
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Wednesday, October 28, 2009 8:48 AM


A feeling of guilt and regret consumed me after sitting down over a few days and watching this thing from beginning to end.

WHY or HOW did I not see this series when it was on TV? This show is probably one of the best series I have EVER seen, and I say that without exaggeration. To think that if more had been introduced to it, it might still be on.

CAST: Best ensemble cast I have ever watched on screen. Makes Star Trek (in all of it's incarnations) seem absolutely plastic and pathetic in comparison.

WRITING: Best writing in a TV series I can recall. Northern Exposure and Buffy(of course) are up in this realm for me. Compelling stories, but not afraid to show humor and quirkiness in the face of annihilation.

SETTING: This is no polished, unbelievable polyester-suit-wearing, haughty space opera. This feels REAL. The fact that they never really explain all of the backstory is can guess that Chinese society and culture took over and can figure out most of the Chinese sayings by the context. Letting the audience figure this stuff out is crucial to an excellent series. You can guess that "Earth That Was" was probably taken out in some stupid war...There are lots of little things Whedon lets in with zero backstory, just to make your mind work backwards and think of all the possibilities.

I am now a Firefly fan FOREVER...can't wait to buy this set for my lown (watched a friends).


Finding something this new and fresh give sme chills.



Wednesday, October 28, 2009 8:52 AM


Ah I miss that feeling. I assume you know about the movie Serenity. There are also some comic books out there.

Enjoy the freshness of the series. Once I watched it over an over again I started to just wish for new material.


Wednesday, October 28, 2009 9:15 AM


Welcome to the party!


Wednesday, October 28, 2009 9:16 AM



Originally posted by bogmonkey:

A feeling of guilt and regret consumed me after sitting down over a few days and watching this thing from beginning to end.

WHY or HOW did I not see this series when it was on TV?

Welcome to the tormented souls who long for more!

BTW, you wanna know about real feelings of guilt and regret? I've always genuinely believed I stumbled onto Firefly early 2006, right after the BDM. Until, very recently, I burst a memory cap or some such, and suddenly remembered that someone actually DID introduce mw to Firefly, as soon as 2003 no less! A friend of mine mentioned this new SF series, said it was pretty good, but... I brushed it off, saying SF and Western don't mix or something, and never gave it any more thought. I also (vaguely) recall the name River Tam being mentioned every once in a while (probably on sites, via their viral River Tam Sessions campaign; or fanart). I must have repressed this memory or something, because when I found Serenity / Firelfly (in that order) in 2006, it was completely new to me -- as if I'd never even heard of it before.

So, how's that for regret and guilt? :) Apparently I did not just miss it back then, but totally ignored it! On purpose! Regretful!? Ain't We Just!?

"Mei-mei, everything I have is right here." -- Simon Tam


Wednesday, October 28, 2009 9:21 AM



Don't blame yourself about not seeing it, a lot of people didn't. Heck, I've only been around here for about a year now myself.

I'm about to say something that a lot of other fandoms give us browncoats flak about, but Firefly's ratings and cancellation really WAS bad marketing, lack of promotion, and poor decision-making in regards to Fox.

But there's always hope in this verse... Might be teeny tiny, crushed under the diabolical machinery of legal issues and franchise rights, but always hope. Universal and Fox wouldn't have argued over the MMO-RPG if they didn't smell the money in the water they've been missing out on. And Fox's rights expire in 2012, if Dollhouse doesn't come up with any offers for Whedon.

And if you're into fanfic, you can find continuations of the verse in whatever form you like it in the Blue Sun Room.

There's also the Real World Event Discussion boards, lots of debate always going on there and no moderators. We keep it pretty civil, but since it is a political discussion board, the usual obligatory warnings apply.

There's not too much arguing on the rest of the boards, it does come up now and then, but mostly we get along well.

Enjoy your stay.


Wednesday, October 28, 2009 9:25 AM


Wow, Asarian, that sounds a lot like my story. I know I saw people on the internet saying a lot of gorramns and I've had a friend who's been apparently trying to get me to watch it for years but I was too thick to pick up the hints.

Saw the movie, liked it and quickly forgot about it. My friend showed me the Serenity RPG book, LOVED it, didn't even realize it was connected to the movie! Forgot about it. After being shown several TIMES. Then I saw Dr. Horrible, started checking around, my friend mentioned Firefly AGAIN, and I finally got a clue!


Wednesday, October 28, 2009 10:11 AM


Welcome, bogmonkey!
You are #38099 to sign on to our shiny crew here at
Please have a few strawberries and a mug of mudder's milk while somebody finds the key to the closet where the virtual browncoats are kept so you can be issued the proper attire.
BYO slanty gunbelt and pistol.

bastards singed my turtle


Wednesday, October 28, 2009 10:17 AM


best. show. ever.
welcome to the crew.


Wednesday, October 28, 2009 10:26 AM


If anyone has any recommendations on the "best" fanfic on this site I would appreciate it. (Author or Titles).

I realize "best" is a subjective term, but I'm talking quality of writing and story solidity in a general "best" sense.

Hell, this thing has me inspired to possibly delve into the Verse (I write a bit)...The possible story arcs are infinite and the characters have only just begun to be fleshed out. I looked at the library for 'Star Wars' style books on Firefly and was sadly dissapointed to see nothing but some graphic novels (which are cool, but don't expand and juicify the Verse like a good novel can).

All through the series I kept saying to myself: "this just can't work...Old West society structure in space..? No way!"...and kept being dumbfounded by how well it DID WORK.

F-ing Whedon is a genius. I've known it since Buffy...and should have known it when this came out and caught it then. NEVER DOUBT WHEDON

Now I'm wondering if I should be watching*t..



Wednesday, October 28, 2009 10:41 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Most welcome to the 'Verse! Ah, dear, I, too, remember the joy of first viewing...and I, too, envy you. Even tho' I'm also a latecomer (within the past year). how I wish I could see it again from the start!

Like Byte, I first rented Serenity from the video store just 'cuz the jacket sounded interesting. I REALLY liked the movie, but there appeared to be no sequel or anything, so again like Byte, I sighed and forgot about it.

A year later I somehow stumbled across mention of the series on a website somewhere--had heard of it, but thought it was some kind of western about a girl and a horse or something. Rented it, fell in love immediately, joined a fan website for the first time in my life (not this one, but this is the BEST), and learned about Serenity. Rented same...and somehow it seemed familiar. Realized it was the movie I liked so much from a year past! Bought both series and movie and re-watch muchly.

The saga of the Browncoats, how they struggled to keep Firefly alive, how they virtually GOT Serenity made, how loyal they've been for all these years, how loyal the cast has been to THEM, is a long and glorious one. I strongly recommend reading up on it or seeing (if it's for rent), "Fan's Tale of Firefly and Serenity". They did the impossible, and it's impressive...a testament to the fact that there are MANY people like you all over the world who have fallen in love immediately and never want to give up hope of more--or at the very least, want to be with others who share the love.

The appeal is universal, and you nailed all the reasons perfectly. I talked about it incessantly to my husband and our roommate, and eventually "exposed" both. Roommate is in her 50s, most pragmatic person I know, not into movies, not into TV or sci fi. She's ready for her second go-around (also rarely watches anything twice). I'm in my 60s and the love affair will never end for me.

My husband has liked some sci fi in the past and does like westerns, but he's 71 and VERY picky about TV shows/movies he actually likes. After one epi, he refused to watch more than one epi a weekend, wants to eat it slowly because it's the finest thing he's ever seen on TV...and even took up Buffy, to my total shock, and is enjoying it as a "filler" between epis.

He watches each epi of Firefly at least twice--something he doesn't do normally either--and ends each viewing by swearing mightily at the stupidity of TV, where assinine sitcoms last for years and years, yet something as great as Firefly never even made it a season. Sometimes I think he gets angrier that there's no more than he actually enjoys the epi (not true, of course, but you know what I mean by now!).

So it crosses all generations--the son of the accountant in his office, early teens, overheard Jim talking to me on the phone and burst out with "You like Firefly????"...I meet Browncoats and/or fans everywhere I go (I often wear my Serenity or Firefly T-shirts), most recently two days ago in the See's candy store. It's all over the world; if you want to learn more, you'll learn LOTS, like the annual screenings of Serenity which contribute to Joss' favorite charity, Equality Now; the comics (as mentioned); the events; a couple of fascinating books called "Finding Serenity" and "Serenity Found"...and I'm into my third book, "The Psychology of Joss Whedon". The man is fascinating, and has several books written about his accomplishments and thinking--by Phd's and other professionals!

The lead of Firefly, Nathan Fillion, has his own network TV show now, Castle, which many of us follow regularly. There are several threads about it (starting with "Tonight is the night!" in Castle Forum) which include videos from Hulu, etc., showing Fillion dressing as his character in Firefly (Mal) as a Halloween costume on his new show. Browncoats everywhere got a real kick out of it. The cast adored the show and I don't think have ever changed their feelings about it...for good reason!

Please stick around; you'll find tons to discuss with us, and it's always a joy to get the vicarious thrill of hearing what a newbie thinks. If you run out, and you have the courage, there are always ongoing discussions/debates in the Real World Events forum. But check everything else out first; I guarantee a good time!

P.S. Feelings on Dollhouse are mixed among Browncoats--some of us think it's not up to Joss' standards, others really like it. You should try it anyway and make up your own mind.

Together we are greater than the sum of our parts


Wednesday, October 28, 2009 10:56 AM



Originally posted by bogmonkey:

'...WHY or HOW did I not see this series when it was on TV? This show is probably one of the best series I have EVER seen, and I say that without exaggeration. To think that if more had been introduced to it, it might still be on.

CAST: Best ensemble cast I have ever watched on screen. Makes Star Trek (in all of it's incarnations) seem absolutely plastic and pathetic in comparison.

WRITING: Best writing in a TV series I can recall. Northern Exposure and Buffy(of course) are up in this realm for me. Compelling stories, but not afraid to show humor and quirkiness in the face of annihilation.

SETTING: This is no polished, unbelievable polyester-suit-wearing, haughty space opera. This feels REAL. The fact that they never really explain all of the backstory is can guess that Chinese society and culture took over and can figure out most of the Chinese sayings by the context. Letting the audience figure this stuff out is crucial to an excellent series. You can guess that "Earth That Was" was probably taken out in some stupid war...There are lots of little things Whedon lets in with zero backstory, just to make your mind work backwards and think of all the possibilities.

I am now a Firefly fan FOREVER...can't wait to buy this set for my lown (watched a friends).


Finding something this new and fresh give sme chills.


Probably 'one of' the best ?

Surely , you mean to reconsider THAT !


Welcome to the boat ! " You're late ! "

Good to have you flyin' with us...

Some books and whatnot :


Wednesday, October 28, 2009 11:19 AM


Flying on duct tape and a damaged registry.


Originally posted by bogmonkey:
Total newb, just watched the entire series - HOLY SH*T

"Whatever is wrong with you is so right for me." -- Marillion.


Wednesday, October 28, 2009 11:22 AM



Probably 'one of' the best ?

Surely , you mean to reconsider THAT !


I retract my statement. Lets just call this the best and get that out there. I always hesitate over something so new and potent, thinking that maybe the gloss will diminish on repeat viewings...but in the vein of other epic series, I suppose that this one is simply not going to be topped.

I am just stunned...after every episode I watched I shook my head and said to my friend: "this can't be this good, no show is this good."...and the episodes just KEPT COMING.

EVERY ONE is a classic! Seriously EVERY ONE.

I kept expecting things to go to hell, and the episodes to become boring and trite. Or for the preaching to come, like in Star Trek. Yet, the wit stayed strong, and just got BETTER.

AMAZING...I am just glowy with praise.


Wednesday, October 28, 2009 12:13 PM


Fanfiction wise, there's all genres and character focuses, you're pretty much guaranteed to find something you like.

If you like pure canon humour/adventure type stuff, I'd go with ScrewtheAlliance. Don't read Unfinished Business (which, unfortunately, is unfinished) until you've seen the movie Serenity. Kaylee's Lament, while funny, I thought was less in-character, I would really prefer Treasure, but heads up, that's a LONG one.

There's also Peptuck, though he gets a little bit pulp-fiction with the violence, which I like but some don't. You might want to avoid this one until you've seen the movie because he gives a spoiler in his Author's Notes right away, but it's AU so it's just like the series.

and Mal4Prez. Her stories lean towards Mal/Inara, and I don't know what you think about that pairing, but there's some stuff in her work for everyone.

I think they're probably the three most recommended authors I'm aware of.

Hmm, other lay of the land info... Being I'm huge on Mal/Inara, I have to rec my friend Aliasse, though some of her work got deleted so you may want to ask around for some background information if you check her out. GillianRose is another favourite of mine, she's posted over on but she comments over here. 2x2's Sushi-collab fics, The Slower Path, and Choices are full of yay. CharlieBZ is another great Mal/Inara author, though her work is post Big Damn Movie (BDM) as well, so spoilers. Agent Rouka I think has posted a few good ones, she's fun to talk characterization and Firefly with. Then there's goldie and intopaper, who I don't think post any more, but they had some nice stuff. Clios has a fantastic post movie story that switches from pre-series to present studying Mal and Inara from Mal's POV, but watch out for spoilers.

AMDOBELL is a prolific writer with a lot of different fast-paced Firefly crew stories.

Jane0904, Angellemarcs, and Briglad all have an impressive amount of work they've written in regards to OCs they've created who have joined up with the crew, their work is very popular.

For Mal/River, there's slumming who is also very popular.

And last but not least, there are lots of Jayne/River authors recently, but shamed to say I don't know much about them.

There's always Simon Kaylee, though I haven't seen as many recently where they're the main couple, and always a few Zoe Wash. There's also Jayne Kaylee and a few more exotic ones.

And if pairings don't suit your interests, there's plenty of non-romantic character centric fics.


Wednesday, October 28, 2009 12:18 PM



Originally posted by Karel:

Originally posted by bogmonkey:
Total newb, just watched the entire series - HOLY SH*T

Heh. We do get that a lot, don't we?

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


Wednesday, October 28, 2009 12:59 PM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.

Welcome aboard the best boat in the 'verse. Glad to have you flyin' with us.

My story is different. I watched Firefly from the beginning on FOX, loved it and cursed much worse than gorram or ruttin' when it was canceled. I am a long time science fiction fan, of books as well as movies and tv. I'm 59 and I grew up on Twilight Zone, The Outer Limits, Star Trek and so many more. Until Firefly came along I was of the opinion that Babylon 5 was the best SF series ever made, but not only does Firefly beat it, I think it is the BEST SERIES EVER! PERIOD.

I've seen the series well over twenty times so far, and I can guarantee you it is still fresh and exciting, with nuances you will be discovering for years to come. Along with the other books and comics mentioned, there are two separate volumes of Firefly Visual Companions and one for the movie Serenity. Both have the full scripts, interviews and bios with the actors, writers and other crew, but also great features on props, costumes and concept designs. Highly recommended.

No offense intended to anyone who writes fanfic, but I don't read any of it. With one exception, although it is a bit different. Steven Brust, well-known author, was one who submitted a proposal for a Firefly/Serenity novel, a project that never went anywhere, probably because Joss felt he had the chance to tell more stories on screen and didn't want to relinquish control of plot. Well, Steven went ahead and wrote his and finally got the approval to release it as fanfic. You can download it at:

Once again, welcome aboard. Settle in for a long and enjoyable ride. Chow's in ten, no need to dress.

wo men ren ran zai fei xing.


Wednesday, October 28, 2009 1:07 PM


Howdy BogMonkey and welcome aboard the best-es ship in the whole universe!!!!!

First of all Zeek, NewOldBrowncoat, Asarian, Bytemite, FloralBunny, Sister,Niki2, Out2The Black, Karel,Cybersnark and ECGordon have all welcomed you and just about said most all there needs to be said.

We are so glad to have you here!!

Grab you some mudders milk and kick your feet up. Yepper, Firefly met an all to early demise. We all agree on that. But we here don’t feel that it’s totally gone. And neither do the actors that were part of the show, nor Joss Whedon , Tim Miner and a whole lot of others.

Check out CASTLE just this week on ABC ( starting Nathon Fillion) and see what we mean.

I, like you am branded a second or third generation browncoat. This only means that I wasn’t there when it originally played on television. But let me tell ya something, that’s not a bad thing. What would be bad is if you’d never found FF at all. You’re here and we’re glad you’re here. Check out our BDM “Serenity” if you haven’t already……and by all means post up here and tell us what you think.

Spread the word of this marvelous show that didn’t make it to season 2. I have to admit that I came across Firefly one time when it originally aired and watched it for about 10 seconds. I don’t beat myself up for not watching it then, I’m sorry that I didn’t but what can I say about that? I can only tell ya that I found it later and that I’m here.

Nice to have ya here, Z


Wednesday, October 28, 2009 2:06 PM


... fully loaded, safety off...


Originally posted by bogmonkey:

Finding something this new and fresh gives me chills.

Welcome! Welcome! Welcome! Welcome!

It's like great music - it feels somehow familiar and yet new at the same time.

You got me reminiscing... when I first got here there was some amazing fan art that helped color my first impressions - check out:

great stuff.

You should checkout the unfilmed script. What? Yes! There's a real show script that did not get filmed - it's like another ep:

and then you'll be ready for some amazing fan fiction scripts courtesy of - they took off where the tv series ended, um, paused, and have done amazing work imho. There's even a rumor of them doing a season 3...


Scifi movie music + Firefly dialogue clips, 24 hours a day -


Wednesday, October 28, 2009 5:34 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!


Originally posted by bogmonkey:

If anyone has any recommendations on the "best" fanfic on this site I would appreciate it. (Author or Titles).

Slumming is banned worldwide. Censorship is the sincerest form of flattery.

Look what Fox did to Firefly.


Wednesday, October 28, 2009 6:24 PM


Welcome, I'm another one who saw the movie first then discovered the series. I think I saw the whole thing in 2 sittings.

Lots of things going on. CantStopTheSerenity screenings, hopefully in a city near you, The screenings of the Big Damm Movie are lots of fun with costumes, auctions and all sorts of stuff and benefits Equality Now, Joss Whedon's charity of choice.

They also benefit some other Browncoat charities like the Marine Corps Law Enforcement Foundation (Adam Baldwin's charity of choice), KidsNeedtoRead, a charity that donates books to needy libraries and is co founded by Nathan Fillion and lots of other local charities. As you see Browncoats have big hearts.

BTW there is a fan film coming out at Dragon Con next September. Principal photography is done and the editing and other goodies are being added now. It has been blessed by Joss and is being made by a great group of BCs. It will also benefit some Browncoat charities.

I obligated to say the fan film is awesome because I spent a weekend in Maryland being an extra (you may see me for 2 seconds if I am lucky) and spent Dragon Con this year hanging with the cast and the crew. I'm also an active member of KidsNeedtoRead. Everyone is also welcome over at where we plot to invade libraries everywhere.

I'm wondering why no one has done this yet. *rummages in the virtual closet and brings out a dusty browncoat. Gives it a swat and chokes on the dust and hands it to Bogmonkey*

Wear it with pride and spread the word.


Wednesday, October 28, 2009 10:04 PM


I personally really enjoy the 3 Companion Books. And the documentary Done The Impossible will make you cry.


Wednesday, October 28, 2009 11:48 PM


Welcome! Wear that virtual Browncoat with pride.

Byte... Thanks for the plug on my writing

And Bog, don't read mine until you have seen Serenity... Spoiler warning

another good author who does the Rayne thing (Pairing River and Jane up together) is Badkarma00. well written and very Jayne centric.

He has some of his stuff here but his full works are at There is a whole bunch of firefly stuff over there as well.

That is all



Thursday, October 29, 2009 12:15 AM


America loves a winner!

Welcome aboard, Bog. Browncoats enjoy a bitter sweet knowledge, of having been a part of the best damn show ever, and then having it taken away, only to have part 1 of the Big Damn Movie ( trilogy ? meh ) finally make it to theatres.

But we're still here. It's what we do.

The T.Rex they call JANE!


Thursday, October 29, 2009 1:50 AM



Originally posted by jewelstaitefan:
I personally really enjoy the 3 Companion Books. And the documentary Done The Impossible will make you cry.

Which part(s) makes you cry? I can tell you the part that does it for me. It's when the husband with the deep voice is talking about how busy we are in our lives, and when there is something great to watch like Firefly, then they just take it away from you. He gets choked up, as his wife says, and so do I, every time. Done The Impossible is a fantastic and necessary component of the Firefly verse. There are few things out there that you can say that you love every minute of, and DTI is just plain awesome.


Thursday, October 29, 2009 4:42 AM



Originally posted by bogmonkey:
Now I'm wondering if I should be watching*t..

Personally I don't think you're missing a whole lot. Some like it. Others don't.

Let's just say it hasn't caught on like wild fire around here.


Thursday, October 29, 2009 6:07 AM



Thanks for that link! I've read almost all the fanfic I can get my hands on, and hadn't heard about this novel - can't wait to get home and read it!

Bogmonkey: welcome! I'm relatively new to this board myself, and everyone is great - but the debates in the Real World Forum can get really heated, so beware!

People before profits


Thursday, October 29, 2009 8:07 AM



Originally posted by bogmonkey:

I retract my statement. Lets just call this the best and get that out there. I always hesitate over something so new and potent, thinking that maybe the gloss will diminish on repeat viewings...but in the vein of other epic series, I suppose that this one is simply not going to be topped.

I am just stunned...after every episode I watched I shook my head and said to my friend: "this can't be this good, no show is this good."...and the episodes just KEPT COMING.

EVERY ONE is a classic! Seriously EVERY ONE.

I kept expecting things to go to hell, and the episodes to become boring and trite. Or for the preaching to come, like in Star Trek. Yet, the wit stayed strong, and just got BETTER.

AMAZING...I am just glowy with praise.

We're all just glowy...That's what keeps the fires burnin' and the fans a-turnin'...

Don't forget the Firefly podcasts , like 'The Signal' , they'll get you up to flyin' speed in no time :

Lots of great stuff at Firefly Talk , too :

Once again , welcome to the boat...'Cause once you've been in Serenity , you'll never leave...


Thursday, October 29, 2009 3:44 PM



Originally posted by Zeek:

Originally posted by bogmonkey:
Now I'm wondering if I should be watching*t..

Personally I don't think you're missing a whole lot. Some like it. Others don't.

Let's just say it hasn't caught on like wild fire around here.

Try Csstle, Nathan Fillion's show. I'ts pretty good.

This Monday he donned the Browncoat, slanty gun belt and whipped out his pistol in a Halloween episode that was full of Firefly goodness (available on Hulu, and iTunes).

It'a now at the beginning of it's second season and first season DVDs are available and even a book by "Richard Castle" that's been referenced in the show is available to read.


Thursday, October 29, 2009 5:49 PM


Just watched it for the first time a month ago, in the process of watching it again now. Went to see Serenity and loved it but never got the chance to watch Firefly then :( Years go by until watching Serenity again and decide to buy Firefly and check it out---and I totally agree----
Firefly is the best freaking show ever.
I am going through the 5 stages of grief, knowing it is gone forever except for my precious DVDs.
I also want to kick myself over and over for never watching it before this, but I console myself with the thought that I have spared myself 8 years of trauma and sadness that all the other Firefly fans had. My sadness is now.
Love all the characters, love the writing , the funniest lines ever (delivered perfectly!), love that damn flying chicken of a ship! FOX is retarded and Joss is awesome.

And wouldn't you LOVE to know how many firefly fans there are now!? Someone should do a census.


Thursday, October 29, 2009 6:27 PM


How did you sneak by without getting your Browncoat? It's mandatory.

*opens the closet door, gets out a Brown coat and give it to CrimsonTwist* This one wasn't even dusty.


Thursday, October 29, 2009 8:54 PM


Hey BogMonkey, Welcome!

What my fellow Browncoats forgot to tell you is that your bunk is in the guest quarters. Book will get ya' settled, of course he's bound to preach on a bit.

My story is similar to that of EC Gordon:

"I watched Firefly from the beginning on FOX, loved it and cursed much worse than gorram or ruttin' when it was canceled. I am a long time science fiction fan, of books as well as movies and tv. I'm 59 and I grew up on Twilight Zone, The Outer Limits, Star Trek and so many more. Until Firefly came along.........."

Of course, I read sci-fi books more when I was a kid about 100 years ago, but I'm a total sci-fi geek. If it's up in the black and on film, I've probably seen it - even the bad ones.

With me, what got me hooked, was seeing the promo for the show on Fox (he curses muttering under his breath). Picture this: Serenity flying in low over a herd of wild mustangs. That image, more than anything else, just absolutely floored me. I am sucker for that type of sh#t. When I watched the show back in 2002; what kept me hooked was River. I felt that she was the central character even at the very beginning. And I actually felt that she would eventually reveal her superpowers.

I wasn't far off. The best show ever, sci-fi or otherwise, PERIOD.

Enjoy the ride!




Thursday, October 29, 2009 8:58 PM


Part 2

As an aside, BogMonkey, there is a thread lurking about that asks folk to tell us how they chose their user/screennames.

Curious minds want to know. Why BogMonkey?




Thursday, October 29, 2009 9:03 PM


You're here now and that is what counts.

So enjoy:






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