Firefly/Serenity Y/N poll

UPDATED: Wednesday, March 23, 2011 21:51
VIEWED: 5636
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Wednesday, March 23, 2011 10:39 AM


If you answer no to any question, please feel free to elabourate if you so desire.

#1 Is Firefly your favourite TV show ever?

#2 Is Serenity your favourite movie ever?

#3 Is Serenity your favourite spaceship design ever?

#4 Does the writing in FF/S surpass most all other TV/movie writing?

#5 Does FOX suck for its handeling of the show more than for its slanted news coverage?

#6 Could Mal beat up Han Solo?

#7 Do you respect Joss Whedon's decision to kill off characters in the movie?

#8 Is Inara's not-overly-smallish shuttle design cooler than that of the classic Colonial Viper or TOS Trek shuttlecraft?

#9 Is Kaylee hotter than Princess Leia?

#10 Did you get goosebumps the first time you witnessed the young Ms. Tam become River The Reaver Slayer?

Thanks for your participation.

The laughing Chrisisall


Wednesday, March 23, 2011 11:09 AM


Yes, up to five. While I think Fox has a sinister and evil agenda, to say that I think they suck would imply I think they're incompetent at being evil. Which is not the case.

6) Hmm. Probably. Mal is a darker and more morally ambiguous anti-hero. Both fight dirty, but Mal would I think fight dirtier. Plus, it changes whether Han was a part of Stormtrooper Academy or Imperial Naval Academy - if a stormtrooper then he might be able to match Mal physically, but Mal would still have the advantage of, y'know, marksmanship. Plus Mal's experiences in an actual war and battlefield, compared to Han's relatively peaceful as I understand it tour of duty, up until rescuing Wookie slaves.

7) Yeah. Though I also don't think we've seen the last of them. Alan Tudyk will give Joss PUPPY eyes if he can't be in more Firefly, and I'm sure Ron wouldn't mind coming back to reprise the role now and then.

8) ...? Can't answer that one.

9) Well, that's a tough one, seeing as how my appearance hotness scanner is broken. But as for hotness in general, because Kaylee is a mechanic on a ship powered by a fusion reactor and how she sometimes has to reach around behind the radiation shielding (See: What Holds Us Down), my guess is that she's technically hotter than Leia.

10) Don't remember particularly my reaction about River the Reaver slayer, but I remember being on the edge of my seat for the Operative fight. There might've even been a cold sweat.


Wednesday, March 23, 2011 11:12 AM


LOL, thanks Byte!


Wednesday, March 23, 2011 11:43 AM


#1 Is Firefly your favourite TV show ever?
Yes. There are others that come close that had longer runs but I don't still talk/type about them in the same way that I do with Firefly.

#2 Is Serenity your favourite movie ever?
No. From the early 80's it was always Close Encounters until the LOTR trilogy came out and now that is top. Depending on my mood Serenity may be top five and definitely top ten.

#3 Is Serenity your favourite spaceship design ever?
Ermmm....exterior no....interior yes. But it depends on whether it's against just transport ships or all ships including fighters, battleships etc. But the interior is tops.

#4 Does the writing in FF/S surpass most all other TV/movie writing?
Yes. Joss's best work where characters/settings clicked almost immediately. You also get a bit of everything in there from comedy, drama, action, romance etc. Not many other shows have sucj a mix.

#5 Does FOX suck for its handeling of the show more than for its slanted news coverage?
I don't know their news coverage so can't compare but the people in charge certainly don't know what they are doing. Dumbass idiots would be a better description.

#6 Could Mal beat up Han Solo?
No, neither could it. They'd just shoot each other. If there were no guns then they'd knock each other out. Han doesn't have any fistfights in SW so we don't know how he'd really fight.

#7 Do you respect Joss Whedon's decision to kill off characters in the movie?
Yes. It's his movie, it's his choice. He did it in other shows so we shouldn't be surprised. Book wasn't a surprise but Wash definitely was. He's cruel to fans and it's why we like him.

#8 Is Inara's not-overly-smallish shuttle design cooler than that of the classic Colonial Viper or TOS Trek shuttlecraft?
Yes against the Trek shuttles. Comparing a shuttle to a Viper is not right, they're too different making the Viper win easily.

#9 Is Kaylee hotter than Princess Leia?
Yes. No contest. I may be committing sacrilege to some folks but I never found Leia especially attractive. Too many heirs and graces for me, too stuck up. She got better as her character loosened up. Put Kaylee in 'that' gold bikini and

#10 Did you get goosebumps the first time you witnessed the young Ms. Tam become River The Reaver Slayer?
No to goosebumps. It was more like 'Yeah girl, go for it.' and 'cool' etc.

Thanks for your participation.
Thanks for asking.

"The greatest invention ever is not the wheel. It's the second wheel." - Rich Hall


Wednesday, March 23, 2011 11:53 AM



Originally posted by lwaves:
Han doesn't have any fistfights in SW so we don't know how he'd really fight.

He took out an armoured Stormtrooper by hand in Jedi... just sayin'.

The laughing Chrisisall


Wednesday, March 23, 2011 12:37 PM


#1 Is Firefly your favourite TV show ever?
Serial. The best TV show is probably Twilight Zone. It's hard though, to objectively measure a first season run against longer series, but if compared to the first season run, yes, Firefly wins. It's hard to tell what it might have gotten a chance to do.

#2 Is Serenity your favourite movie ever?
No. It was decent, but a movie needs to be a movie, not a double-episode. It was a decent double episode, but it failed to appeal to the non-firefly crowd, and consequently didn't raise the money that it was intended to, to launch a second season.

#3 Is Serenity your favourite spaceship design ever?
I'd really have to think about this one. It's way up there, esp. internally. The overall feel is something, of many, that the show borrowed I thought from Blake's 7, as well as the basic concept… the overall grunge-spacecraft. Is this just limited to TV spaceships?

#4 Does the writing in FF/S surpass most all other TV/movie writing?
Most, sure. Easily. It has that mix of action/drama/comedy. It's close to surpassing all of TV writing. 99% or so of movie writing is so bad I don't see it, or it just makes me cringe, but 99% of TV writing is on the level with "A hot dog eating contest with a bear."

#5 Does FOX suck for its handeling of the show more than for its slanted news coverage?
Objectively, it's television, so of course it sucks. I don't think it sucks more than other networks. I'll skip the political wedge comment because it's off topic, and also, Fox *did* run Firefly, without editing the storyline, which I'm convinced the liberal networks would never have done. It's not just that I think Firefly is fairly right wing, but that Fox, even according to Joss, is the least meddlesome. I mean, look, be fair (and balanced) they air the Simpons. 'nuff said.

#6 Could Mal beat up Han Solo?
Beat up is an exaggeration since he would quit after knocking Han out with the first surprise right hook.

#7 Do you respect Joss Whedon's decision to kill off characters in the movie?
Yes. Someone had to die, and there was a shortlist of expendable characters.

#8 Is Inara's not-overly-smallish shuttle design cooler than that of the classic Colonial Viper or TOS Trek shuttlecraft?
Normally. Depends on how you pimp your viper:

#9 Is Kaylee hotter than Princess Leia?
Yes. But not as hot as Inara. Who isn't as hot as River. River in Leia's slavegirl costume is something that deserves more than a photoshop.

#10 Did you get goosebumps the first time you witnessed the young Ms. Tam become River The Reaver Slayer?
Of course. this was the best part. I thought we could have spent all movie doing that. I wouldn't have missed the manchurian candidate scene though. I think those two scenes could be strung together with a storyline ;)

That's what a ship is, you know - it's not just a keel and a hull and a deck and sails, that's what a ship needs.


Wednesday, March 23, 2011 12:55 PM


#2 Is Serenity your favourite movie ever?
Nah. It's good but I have to be in the right mood for it. There are other movies I can watch over and over and never get tired of them. I actually don't know what my favorite movie is off hand.

#3 Is Serenity your favourite spaceship design ever?
Nah. It's not sleek and cool. It doesn't even have guns on it.

#5 Does FOX suck for its handeling of the show more than for its slanted news coverage?
Hmmm I guess I dislike the slanted news coverage more. Trying to influence people with blatant lies is pretty evil.

#9 Is Kaylee hotter than Princess Leia?
Ha! No way. Gold bikini crushes Kaylee. Not that I wouldn't do naughty things with Kaylee, but she's no Princess Leia.

#10 Did you get goosebumps the first time you witnessed the young Ms. Tam become River The Reaver Slayer?
No. I don't get goosebumps from violence. I'd be a little concerned if I did.


Wednesday, March 23, 2011 2:56 PM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.

The only one I would definitely answer no to is #2. My favorite film of all time is Dr. Strangelove, followed in random order by Citizen Kane, 2001: A Space Odyssey, Kurosawa's Ran, The Unbearable Lightness of Being, Paths of Glory, Walkabout, and a few others that change from time to time. Serenity is very good, probably my third favorite SF film, but it's not anywhere near my Top 20, maybe not even Top 50.


Wednesday, March 23, 2011 3:01 PM


Fair enough to say.


Wednesday, March 23, 2011 3:42 PM


#1 Is Firefly your favourite TV show ever?
Yes of course!

#2 Is Serenity your favourite movie ever?
No. I've never been a gigantic fan of the movie. *gets shot*

#3 Is Serenity your favourite spaceship design ever?

#4 Does the writing in FF/S surpass most all other TV/movie writing?
Yes-most not all.

#5 Does FOX suck for its handeling of the show more than for its slanted news coverage?

#6 Could Mal beat up Han Solo?
Yes I believe so.

#7 Do you respect Joss Whedon's decision to kill off characters in the movie?
No not really. :/ But that's because I love Wash and I always found his death to be lack of a better word...lame.

#8 Is Inara's not-overly-smallish shuttle design cooler than that of the classic Colonial Viper or TOS Trek shuttlecraft?

#9 Is Kaylee hotter than Princess Leia?
No. I never think of Kaylee as hot. More cute.

#10 Did you get goosebumps the first time you witnessed the young Ms. Tam become River The Reaver Slayer?


Wednesday, March 23, 2011 4:05 PM


#1 Is Firefly your favourite TV show ever?
Yes, by virtue of being one of the few worlds I'd actually want to live in.
Writer H. Beam Piper created the only other future I'd want to be more than a spectator in.

#2 Is Serenity your favourite movie ever?
No, and I like it less and less over time.
The first half still rocks, the ending, not so much.

#3 Is Serenity your favourite spaceship design ever?
Welllll.....Serenity is a comfortable 1930's era tramp steamer in space. I guess not.

#4 Does the writing in FF/S surpass most all other TV/movie writing?
Mostly, yeah.

#5 Does FOX suck for its handeling of the show more than for its slanted news coverage?
Their news coverage is irrelevant; the mis-handling of Firefly is a milestone in network-suits' stupidity regarding the product they're in charge of.

#6 Could Mal beat up Han Solo?
A draw; Fillion patterned his fighting/getting beat up style on Harrison Ford.

#7 Do you respect Joss Whedon's decision to kill off characters in the movie?
No, and HELL NO! I've already posted many times about my disdain for gratuitously killing beloved characters to create "peril" or "drama" in a piece of entertainment.

#8 Is Inara's not-overly-smallish shuttle design cooler than that of the classic Colonial Viper or TOS Trek shuttlecraft?
Apples to oranges; Inara's shuttle served the stories as it should have.

#9 Is Kaylee hotter than Princess Leia?
River/ Cameron/ Orwell knocks both of them out of the running.

#10 Did you get goosebumps the first time you witnessed the young Ms. Tam become River The Reaver Slayer?
The hack-and-slash Reaver fight doesn't do much for me, but the Maidenhead Bar fight where River takes out EVERYBODY including Jayne is my all-time-favorite fight scene EVER!


Wednesday, March 23, 2011 4:27 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by chrisisall:
If you answer no to any question, please feel free to elabourate if you so desire.

#1 Is Firefly your favourite TV show ever?

Yes, obviously. I'm not on any other TV show websites. :)


#2 Is Serenity your favourite movie ever?

One of, certainly. Favorite? It's in the top five, definitely.


#3 Is Serenity your favourite spaceship design ever?

Hmmmm... Tough one. I love it; it feels like "home", somehow. But it's not the prettiest, or the coolest, or the fastest, or... But it's the BEST, isn't it?


#4 Does the writing in FF/S surpass most all other TV/movie writing?

Absolutely. *Almost* all other TV/movie writing.


#5 Does FOX suck for its handeling of the show more than for its slanted news coverage?

Nothing sucks more than Fox's "news" coverage. But their handling of Firefly is right up there.


#6 Could Mal beat up Han Solo?

Even if Han shot first, Mal could take him.


#7 Do you respect Joss Whedon's decision to kill off characters in the movie?

I understood Book, but didn't feel Wash moved the story ahead. But I hated Joss a little bit for each of them. :( Bad Joss - BAD! Now go to your room!


#8 Is Inara's not-overly-smallish shuttle design cooler than that of the classic Colonial Viper or TOS Trek shuttlecraft?

Very much so. The fact that a Firefly's shuttles look like little beetles or ladybugs just make them that much cooler. And Inara's has - ahem - assets that no Viper or Galileo ever offered. ;)


#9 Is Kaylee hotter than Princess Leia?

On her worst day, Kaylee is so much hotter than Leia (even the harem-girl Leia when she was with Jabba). Plus, Kaylee can DO stuffs. Like fix engines and get you out of places. Leia can only whimper while her planet go boom.


#10 Did you get goosebumps the first time you witnessed the young Ms. Tam become River The Reaver Slayer?

And how. I still get goosebumps when she says "Miranda", because I know that behind-the-back-and-around-the-pole kick is coming.

"Although it is not true that all conservatives are stupid people, it is true that most stupid people are conservatives." - John Stuart Mill


Wednesday, March 23, 2011 4:46 PM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by chrisisall:
If you answer no to any question, please feel free to elabourate if you so desire.

#1 Is Firefly your favourite TV show ever?

#2 Is Serenity your favourite movie ever?

#3 Is Serenity your favourite spaceship design ever?

#4 Does the writing in FF/S surpass most all other TV/movie writing?

#5 Does FOX suck for its handeling of the show more than for its slanted news coverage?

#6 Could Mal beat up Han Solo?

#7 Do you respect Joss Whedon's decision to kill off characters in the movie?

#8 Is Inara's not-overly-smallish shuttle design cooler than that of the classic Colonial Viper or TOS Trek shuttlecraft?

#9 Is Kaylee hotter than Princess Leia?

#10 Did you get goosebumps the first time you witnessed the young Ms. Tam become River The Reaver Slayer?

Thanks for your participation.

# 2 - No. I wish Joss had conferred w/ me before hand, and worked out a couple of details.

# 3 - No. Functional, but boxy. I know, she's a cargo ship, and likely can carry more than the Falcon, but she's a beautiful UPS truck.

# 7 - HELL no. And screw all this talk of " it brings a realism to the story...blah blah blah". Dammit, I WANT the fantasy!I WANT the happy ending! Hell, if I can't have it, someone should be able to.

# 9 - Sadly, no. The golden bikini strikes again.


Wednesday, March 23, 2011 5:53 PM



#1 Is Firefly your favourite TV show ever?



#2 Is Serenity your favourite movie ever?

YES - I simply love it.


#3 Is Serenity your favourite spaceship design ever?

NO - not particularly. I recently drew it and I was trouble with how much detail there is on it. I find it a little too over-worked.


#4 Does the writing in FF/S surpass most all other TV/movie writing?

In terms of TV yes it does. Can't say the same thing for the film as there are some wonderfully written films out there.


#5 Does FOX suck for its handeling of the show more than for its slanted news coverage?

No. The way fox handles the news is frightening! In fact the way most news covergae is dealt with these days is frightening. Journalism needs a shake up.


#6 Could Mal beat up Han Solo?

Now that's a great question! Mal could beat up Han easily; however Indy would wipe the floor with the both of them!


#7 Do you respect Joss Whedon's decision to kill off characters in the movie?

Yes. It's classic stuff and it's there for a reason.


#8 Is Inara's not-overly-smallish shuttle design cooler than that of the classic Colonial Viper or TOS Trek shuttlecraft?

Yes it is. Not a fan of the viper design and while Inara's shuttle lacks style it has the distinct advantage of having... Well Inara in it!


#9 Is Kaylee hotter than Princess Leia?

Hmm. Another great question. I think on reflection I can't really consider Kaylee as cute. I mean c'mon, doing it in the engine room!!! That aint exactly the act of a nice cute girl... But as for who is hotter... Probably Leia.


#10 Did you get goosebumps the first time you witnessed the young Ms. Tam become River The Reaver Slayer?

Not goosebumps so much but I felt similar to the way I did when Buffy whooped the Judges arse in the second season of Buffy. I guess thrilled!


Thanks for your participation.


Cartoons -


Wednesday, March 23, 2011 7:46 PM


Beir bua agus beannacht

1. Yes.
2. No, I don't really like it very much, a few good moments and ideas but mostly not my cup of tea.
3. I Like the Serenity ship but I don't have an opinion on whether it is better or not in design.
4. The show, yes, the movie, no.
5. Life happens, it wasn't a very smart decision to cancel Firefly but they didn't know it would become a sensation.
6. I have never watched all of Star Wars, just parts, but Mal would totally win over Han Solo, Mal's way cooler in my opinion and a good fighter.
7. No I don't respect it.
8. Again I don't really have an opinion about the shuttle comparison.
9. I definitely think Kaylee is prettier than Laea. Byte's comment on that made me laugh, of course Kaylee's hotter, down next to the engine all the time. :)
10. I think it was cool that River got to fight the Rievers, it was a little too much to believe that she could take all of them down by herself, but cool that she got to fight them/take part in doing away with them. Yay River! But goosebumps, no sorry.

"A completely coherant River means writers don't deliver" KatTaya


Wednesday, March 23, 2011 9:51 PM


Yes to all of the above :-)

Devout Keeper of Jayne's Lunchbox






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