Firefly - Any Hope for Season 2?

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Friday, June 10, 2011 6:33 PM


I know this question has been asked thousands of times already, but I've been out of the loop for quite some tome. Is there even a glimmer of hope? Rumors? Anything?

I just got done rewatching season 1 for the ~10th time, and every time, as I'm nearing the end, I feel an overwhelming sense of bitterness, which is then followed by sadness once it is completed.

This TV show is probably my favorite of all time, and I can't bare to see it fall into the history books, not when there is so much untapped potential.



Friday, June 10, 2011 6:43 PM


Always. Just a matter of whether it can be wrangled.


Friday, June 10, 2011 8:43 PM


Much will depend on what happens with The Avengers. With Joss directing such an insanely high-profile project, he stands to command a great deal more juice in the industry...unless it sucks, which --really-- ain't gonna happen.

More knowledgeable folk than myself can speak to the contractual twists and cul-de-sacs ('culs-de-sac?'), but it seems to me that, at the very least, a web-centric season could be conjured, if Avengers turns enough heads (and opens enough wallets).

One way or 'tother, seems to me we will rise again...

Department of Redundancy Department


Saturday, June 11, 2011 12:12 AM


Short answer, no.

Long answer: It doesn't matter how popular a certain director is. it doesn't matter at all. All that matters is if the project will get back what was put into it, plus (at least) an additional 10% (read: profit). By the way, that has to be pretty much guaranteed on the risk assessment.

Firefly didn't get enough profit and Serenity (the movie) didn't either. So, even though people here would like to think that there is hope, there really isn't unless Fox decides to sell the rights. And they aren't exactly known for there kindness. Especially, with them sueing fans and sending cease and desist letters to fan groups.


I am on The Original List (twice). We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!
"We don't fear the reaper"


Saturday, June 11, 2011 2:22 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

I think conclusions about the future can be drawn from history. Always there are strong differences of opinion about what those conclusions are.
There is recent history:
The History: Help Nathan Buy Firefly

There is ancient history:
December 12, 2002 - Twentieth Century Fox (the production company) tells Joss he can shop the show around.

December 14, 2002 - Fans organize massive write in campaign to get UPN to pick up Firefly.

January 12, 2003 - UPN turns down Firefly.

January 15, 2003 - ABC, CBS, NBC and SCI FI channel all turn down Firefly. Syndication unlikely due to cost.

January 22, 2003 - Fans visit with Mutant Enemy and Fox about saving the TV show by releasing it direct-to-DVD. Mutant Enemy likes the idea, but say's it's hands are tied. Fox simply states they want to wash their hands of the show. Fox says there probably isn't a big enough market to even justify releasing the DVDs, but they are thinking about it.

February 13, 2003 - Firefly set is torn down permanently.

April 15, 2003 - Joss starts to spread rumors of a possible shift of focus to getting a Firefly movie made. Announces Fox will be making a DVD boxset to be released in December 2003.

The Firefly Time Line is at

The Joss Whedon script for "Serenity", where Wash lives, is
Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Saturday, June 11, 2011 2:30 AM


More likely a reboot.

The original cast is off doing other things, but any show has enduring fandom will eventually get a reboot. Could be a while.

That's what a ship is, you know - it's not just a keel and a hull and a deck and sails, that's what a ship needs.


Saturday, June 11, 2011 3:37 AM



Originally posted by two:
February 13, 2003 - Firefly set is torn down permanently.

April 15, 2003 - Joss starts to spread rumors of a possible shift of focus to getting a Firefly movie made. Announces Fox will be making a DVD boxset to be released in December 2003.

I remember the period of time between those two dates as really, really sucking.

Can you imagine if there wasn't an official DVD release?


Saturday, June 11, 2011 4:36 AM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.

Remember that 10 years and 189 days had passed between the last televised Star Trek episode and the premiere of Star Trek: The Motion Picture.

As of today it has been 8 years, 175 days since the broadcast of "Objects in Space," and only 5 years, 255 days since the premiere of Serenity. We have just a little less than 11 months to go for the premiere of The Avengers, that is if they don't change the date already announced.

Granted, Star Trek had many more episodes that were repeated almost perpetually in syndication during that time, but it was before the DVD era. Can you tell me another series as short-lived as Firefly that has sold as many DVDs, Blu-Rays, comics and other merchandise, and that still has such an active fan base, and that continually gets positive mention on numerous websites? Just yesterday, Serenity was featured as an example of "classic" science fiction cinema on the main page of

Also, don't forget the example of Police Squad, a series that only had six episodes produced, yet it spawned a trilogy of popular movies that started more than six years after the series was cancelled. In Hollywood, where reboots and remakes seem to be the thing you can count on the most these days, there is no reason to assume that we will not get some form of the show or movie in the next few years.

Personally, I don't care whether it is on broadcast TV or cable, direct-to-DVD or via the 'net. I'll be there to watch it happens.


Saturday, June 11, 2011 8:41 AM


A 'Season 2'?
That time is gone.

A 'continuation' like STTMP?
A definite possibility IMO.
And unlike the Trek cast, our BDH's wear real clothes, so a little extra weight on anyone'd just seem natural.

The laughing Chrisisall


Saturday, June 11, 2011 9:02 AM


You guys are forgetting Star Trek, the animated series.

That's what a ship is, you know - it's not just a keel and a hull and a deck and sails, that's what a ship needs.


Saturday, June 11, 2011 9:05 AM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.


Originally posted by dreamtrove:
You guys are forgetting Star Trek, the animated series.

Yes, I have been trying to forget that. Didn't care for it when it was originally broadcast, but I guess I should revisit it on DVD to see if my opinion might change.


Saturday, June 11, 2011 9:09 AM


I liked it for the stories & original cast voices.
I put it on when I'm doing other stuff so I don't have to look at the lame Filmation animation so much.

The laughing Chrisisall


Saturday, June 11, 2011 1:29 PM


So a Firefly the Next Generation.

We see a aged Kaylee sitting outside with the Serenity rusting away behind her. A young female with woreout coveralls meanders by.

"You're going to buy her," Kaylee calls out.

"This heap!" the female replys.

"She'll surprize you," Kaylee returns with her winning smile.


Saturday, June 11, 2011 2:06 PM


That's the plan.

The laughing Chrisisall


Saturday, June 11, 2011 5:19 PM


Can someone please explain to me how they think the success of 'The Avengers' will lead to any possibility of a Firefly continuation?

I don't think that the popularity of a director has as much pull as you'd think in that regard, especially on something that's already been tried and failed. Sure, if Spielberg decided to make a TV show there would probably be a huge number of viewers initially but if it wasn't good it would go down the drain just as fast. Since Firefly already failed in terms of ratings, I don't see fame for Joss doing that much to bring it back.

Joss was already pretty well known in TV land for Buffy and Angel which were mighty successes. Initially that actually turned me off Firefly because I didn't like Buffy/Angel and the thing was basically marketed as 'From the creater of Buffy and Angel' so...yeah.

ANYWAY, I don't know if I'd even want a 'reboot' without the original cast. A big amount of what I liked so much about Firefly and what gave it much of it's magic was the cast and their characters both individually and as the family/crew dynamic they had going. So a proper season 2 with everyone back would be my main hope, futile as it may be.

I have to agree with the comments about the fact that Firefly/Serenity is mentioned a whole lot around the place and seems to have grown a lot across the years instead of dwindling or being forgotten completely which kind of makes me wonder why, with all the crap they put on TV, do they not give it another shot. I suppose people's hope for 'The Avengers' is that people might go 'Oh, this Joss guy is interesting, let's check out his previous work' and check out Firefly...possible, I suppose.


Saturday, June 11, 2011 5:49 PM


My hope is for a spin-off with Zoe getting her own ship finally. Plus, Gina Torres is one of the more available actors from the show.


Saturday, June 11, 2011 6:18 PM


Personally, I think that Firefly being mentioned so much is that it was sooooo good, and yet got cancelled. This isn't unique mind you; FOX has done this many times before. It's that last remark that sticks in my head. In other words, I think that the cancelation of FIrefly was the straw that broke the camels' back with regards to FOX continuously cancelling great shows. Not that it'll return.

I should also mention that FOX has continued this behaviour. Just look at Breaking In. So, even the regular slights in their direction over the last... many years hasn't fazed them. *sigh*

I am on The Original List (twice). We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!
"We don't fear the reaper"


Saturday, June 11, 2011 6:32 PM


ECGordon, ChrisIsAll,

Oh, I just meant it was only 5 years after Trek, and then another 5 years to the motion picture. I guess Firefly has comics. That was about 5 years? But looked at that way you could say James Blish's books kept star trek alive, but then, there wasn't an internet. This place keeps firefly alive.

That's what a ship is, you know - it's not just a keel and a hull and a deck and sails, that's what a ship needs.


Sunday, June 12, 2011 12:03 AM


Serenity II: the Wrath of Bester

The laughing Chrisisall


Sunday, June 12, 2011 4:59 AM




Monday, June 13, 2011 6:44 AM



Originally posted by SigmaNunki:
Short answer, no.

Long answer: It doesn't matter how popular a certain director is. it doesn't matter at all. All that matters is if the project will get back what was put into it, plus (at least) an additional 10% (read: profit). By the way, that has to be pretty much guaranteed on the risk assessment.

Firefly didn't get enough profit and Serenity (the movie) didn't either. So, even though people here would like to think that there is hope, there really isn't unless Fox decides to sell the rights. And they aren't exactly known for there kindness. Especially, with them sueing fans and sending cease and desist letters to fan groups.


This is pretty much what I've resigned myself to. In fact I'm starting to wonder if we won't get some crummy reboot without Joss involved at all. See the talk of a new Buffy movie.

For some reason with Buffy it doesn't bother me nearly as much because for me Buffy was about the idea. With Firefly it's about the characters. You can't have a new captain and just roll with it. It becomes a totally different show almost.

So, we're almost in a "be careful what you wish for" situation.


Monday, June 13, 2011 7:26 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

As much as I'd like to think Firefly might continue, it just seems like a far too unlikely dream at this point. The cast has moved on, Joss hasn't shown much inclination to do a lot with the 'verse since Serenity, and the comics are very few and all too far in between.

At this point I'd settle for another ship and crew in the little 'verse Joss created, but if the Avengers is successful I see that being more of an obstacle for any continuation of any kind of story. Success on the level of Avengers will have studios looking to link Joss up with other projects and that won't leave much time for Joss to take us back out to the black.

Not trying to be a downer, just sayin' is all.

Holding the line since December '02!

X.O. / Battalion O.I.C.


Monday, June 13, 2011 7:33 AM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.

I agree with the more realistic attitudes on this subject, but I'm still enough of a dreamer to hope we might get something more to the story, even if it is a reboot with a new crew, or maybe focus on some peripheral characters like Badger, Saffron, Monty, etc.

However, as much as I hope for more, I realize that almost nothing could live up to my expectations. Joss and crew set the bar way too high.


Monday, June 13, 2011 7:52 AM



Originally posted by Noocyte:
unless it sucks, which --really-- ain't gonna happen.

How good it is has little to do with it. How much money it makes is the important factor (unfortunately).

But to get to the original question, not really. Not a new series at least.

A Serenity sequel is at least a slim possibility, but "slim" is the operative word there.

"I thoroughly disapprove of duels. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet place and kill him."


Monday, June 13, 2011 8:21 AM



Originally posted by BrownCoat1:
Success on the level of Avengers will have studios looking to link Joss up with other projects and that won't leave much time for Joss to take us back out to the black.

Yeah that's why I think if we do get a series it won't be lead by Joss. At best he might get to put together a team to tackle it. At worst they take the name and plaster "created by Joss Whedon" everywhere and get a network yes man to run it into the ground for a few seasons.


Monday, June 13, 2011 12:42 PM


Beir bua agus beannacht

I doubt it. But I think there might be more comics. Also a spin off with all new charactors seems likely at some point in the future since the verse is so popular among its devoted fans and everyone in the US has at least one friend with their own set of Firefly DVDs. I'd be okay with a new crew myself. I have this slightly irrational belief that the Firefly we know and love is the closest thing to perfect that I've ever seen in a TV show and thus no matter what happens it would possibly mar that exquisiteness. Thus the idea of a new ship and crew would be interesting to me because it can't ruin anything and would be fun. Plus maybe some of our BDHs could do cameos now and again. Just knowing they're out there would be fun.

"A completely coherant River means writers don't deliver" KatTaya


Friday, May 17, 2013 5:11 PM


Hey EC, get out of my head!

That's the idea I had about continuing the FF 'verse. A Web or DVD series including the different characters we've come to know such as Badger, Niska, Saffron and Monty (preferably with soupcathcer). A reboot with the BDH's telling War stories of their heroics comes to mind. I even think that, in some way, Joss could re-introduce the captain of the salvage ship in OoG would be back and Mal could exact his revenge (you know, he did shoot him a bit).

So to recap: I'm a realist, but also a hopeful romantic and I always think that somehow, someway our crew will be back "flying" again. What gives me hope is the recognition Joss is getting now with the success of the Avengers and, I would suspect, from TV's Shield.

Ok, I'm bracing myself for the responses.................have at it.



Originally posted by ecgordon:
I agree with the more realistic attitudes on this subject, but I'm still enough of a dreamer to hope we might get something more to the story, even if it is a reboot with a new crew, or maybe focus on some peripheral characters like Badger, Saffron, Monty, etc.

However, as much as I hope for more, I realize that almost nothing could live up to my expectations. Joss and crew set the bar way too high.


Friday, May 17, 2013 5:38 PM


I actually love the idea. I'm a big time "extras" guy. What I mean is when a show or movie uses/revisits characters or a trademark, such as in the Star Wars reboot in Episode VII.

By the way, has it been confirmed about Ford reprising his role as Han Solo.



Originally posted by jkrfan7:
Hey, it's been 30 years since 'Return of the Jedi' and now Hamill, Ford and Fisher are returning to play those roles. I'd say anything is possible.

Damn it, I don't need a back spaceship driver!


Saturday, May 18, 2013 10:07 AM



Originally posted by InvaderChat:
Can someone please explain to me how they think the success of 'The Avengers' will lead to any possibility of a Firefly continuation?


Joss was already pretty well known in TV land for Buffy and Angel which were mighty successes.

He wasn't just " well-known", he was successful, for those two shows; profitable, bringing in money.
Fox wanted his magic. They got him by agreeing to let him work on a show HE wanted to do.
Now he's successful again with Avengers. He's got the magic back. Some studio will want it. After he runs out his contract options, unless Avengers II bombs, SOMEBODY will want his NEW MAGIC to be THEIR NEW MAGIC.
If they have to let him work on what he wants to work on to get him, they will, that'll be part of the deal.

And at that point, IF what he wants to do is Firefly, They'll work it out, buy the rights, whatever.

That's what we're all hoping for. He keeps saying he wants to do it. The actors keep saying they would still do it. When the time comes, Joss will either lift us up or let ALL our hopes down.

Then it will be up to the actors. Either they're BSing us or not. Either they'll be available or not. If not, then look for FF, the Next Gen.

That's how I see it. Either Joss is Gene Roddenberry, reborn, who truly believes in what he's said, or not. He either has more to say about the Firefly 'Verse, or not. At some point, he'll get another chance. We hope he'll step up , for real.


Sunday, May 19, 2013 6:10 PM


I would love to see more Firefly, I think every fan on this site would. With the old cast being so busy I’d be happy to get a sequel or prequel to Serenity, but I what would make me happier would be to get a mini-series on tv (that’s if we can’t get season 2). If some company would want to test the waters for the popularity of a second season, a well advertised mini-series would prove to them the multitude of devoted fans the show still has. I still think it’s the best television show I’ve ever seen. Z


Monday, May 20, 2013 1:39 PM


Yeah but she is our witch cocks gun points it at him so cut her the hell down

I wish there was hope but no season 2 :(

My Favorite SciFi/Fantasy T.V. Shows, Movies & Franchises & My Fav Ships & My Fav Characters, My Sports Teams & My Favorite Sitcom






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