Tenth Crew Member needs your help.

UPDATED: Thursday, October 15, 2009 17:43
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Monday, May 4, 2009 8:56 PM


Likes to mess with stuffs.

I'm trying something new on FFF.NET because a lot of us are being hard hit by the current economic crisis.

Below is an email I received from John (TenthCrewMember). There is really no way for me to verify his story, but I thought I would pass it along anyway.


Take note, its true, nice guys finish last. I'm living proof.

I am quite literally desperate in looking for a job, so I am doing the thing I hate most, and begging my friends to help, anyway they can. This is me swallowing what little pride I have left. I've always managed to work things out, but I can't even seem to land a shitty job.

Apparently I am over-educated for jobs I am willing to do and overqualified for the jobs I've been doing. My previous cheap-ass employer is holding up my unemployment by challenging the fact they fired me for financial reasons.

And to make it worse, I can't get financial assistance from the state because I don't have my original birth certificate, and it will take a month, maybe more, to get that from California. I am 2 maybe 3 weeks away from having not only no job and no money, but no place to live. At least I was current on my car payment going into this month, so I have some time there.

I've always kept my problems to myself, tried to solve them my own way, never wanting to burden others (unlike someone else we all know). I just don't know what else to do now. As much as I'd like to tell someone "You HAVE to hire me", the world just doesn't work that way.

To be blunt, at the absolute MINIMUM, I will need $250 to secure housing in BETHEL (sigh) from the County Housing Authority (I've been on a waiting list for 8 months, and if I say no to this place, it could be 8 more...) just to keep a roof over mine and the kids' heads.

I'd obviously prefer to be working and stay living where I am at, but I'll do what I have to at this point. So you see, I've already cashed in plenty of pride, confidence and self-worth, along with a bit or moral fiber, going to the taxpayer for housing and food (yes, I get food stamps now...and before that I was at food pantries...), have even been selling things just to pay the bills, and am running out of viable options there.

Thanks in advance. Please email (or call) me if you can do anything.


If you think you can help, you can reach John at: jaq.lemur [ at ]


Tuesday, May 5, 2009 1:16 AM


I sent John an email with a suggestion.


Tuesday, May 5, 2009 1:57 AM


Operative: "Its worse than you know..." Mal: "It usually is."

Haken, will he take money from us? I want to help, just not sure what to do.

Chaplain of the 76th Independant Battalion

Do not bother dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup!'s worse than you know...Operative usually is.....Mal


Tuesday, May 5, 2009 2:18 AM


I met him in a line at Dragoncon '07. He gave me a card but looking in my wallet today it isn't there and it's not in my card file on my desk. I'll send him an email. He was a decient fellow well met.


Tuesday, May 5, 2009 2:28 AM


Operative: "Its worse than you know..." Mal: "It usually is."


Originally posted by bluesuncompanyman:
I met him in a line at Dragoncon '07. He gave me a card but looking in my wallet today it isn't there and it's not in my card file on my desk. I'll send him an email. He was a decient fellow well met.

Thanks, Bluesuncompanyman, I don't want to insult him by offering money, but that appears to be he needs some, :)

Chaplain of the 76th Independant Battalion

Do not bother dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup!'s worse than you know...Operative usually is.....Mal


Tuesday, May 5, 2009 3:45 AM


What about his cafepress store?
Would it help him at all if we bought some merchandise?
Or is the need more urgent and immediate? Sounds like perhaps it is.
Browncoats have rallied around their own before. Sounds like it's time to do it again.
Unfortunately this kind of thing is becoming more & more common. There's hardly anyone among us who isn't a patch-of-bad-luck away from the same position.
Is there anymore info on how we can help?

Check out for hilarious shirts at a great price.


Tuesday, May 5, 2009 4:39 AM



Originally posted by Stoweaway:
What about his cafepress store?
Would it help him at all if we bought some merchandise?
Or is the need more urgent and immediate? Sounds like perhaps it is.

I'm sure it wouldn't hurt, but there's a 45 day waiting period for payout from CP. So anything you buy today, he'll only get the commission for in a month and a half from now.

Shiny stuff for not a lot of coin:


Tuesday, May 5, 2009 6:36 AM



Originally posted by earthgirl:

Originally posted by Stoweaway:
What about his cafepress store?
Would it help him at all if we bought some merchandise?
Or is the need more urgent and immediate? Sounds like perhaps it is.

I'm sure it wouldn't hurt, but there's a 45 day waiting period for payout from CP. So anything you buy today, he'll only get the commission for in a month and a half from now.

Yeah, that's what I was afraid of. I didn't know how long it took for that money to trickle down. Thanks, Earthgirl.

(crap! even managed to mess up the link to his Cafepress. me <---- FAIL)

Check out for hilarious shirts at a great price.


Tuesday, May 5, 2009 7:52 AM


If he's got a cafe press shop, does he got paypal?


Tuesday, May 5, 2009 9:40 AM



Originally posted by Bytemite:
If he's got a cafe press shop, does he got paypal?

cafe press doesn't pay its shopkeepers with PayPal- but that doesn't mean he doesn't have an account w/ PP, personally. So, I really don't know

Shiny stuff for not a lot of coin:


Tuesday, May 5, 2009 12:38 PM


I wish I could help financially. I can offer moral support. Does anyone remember what it is he does or woudl like to do? Maybe locating some job postings or introductions to the right people would be useful.

Sometimes I lie awake at night, and I ask, "Where have I gone wrong?" Then a voice says to me, "This is going to take more than one night."
-- Charlie Brown


Wednesday, May 6, 2009 1:12 AM


Is there a postal address for him? I live in England and though I'm not flush would send him a little cashy money. If we all pitch in it has to help. Don't know how soon he needs the coin but it somes pretty damn urgent.

Ali D :~)
You can't take the sky from me...


Wednesday, May 6, 2009 1:59 AM


Operative: "Its worse than you know..." Mal: "It usually is."

I have emailed him, hopefully he will get back to me, I asked for snail mail addy or Paypal addy. Anybody else got any other ideas???


Chaplain of the 76th Independant Battalion

Do not bother dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup!'s worse than you know...Operative usually is.....Mal


Wednesday, May 6, 2009 2:47 AM


He responded to my email this morning. Some parts of it read as follows:

I've now got foodstamps and medical insurance for the kids. I've also applied for other assistance but haven't heard back yet, so I am not sure what bills I will and won't have to pay. But my internet might be disconnected(which is my ability to job hunt as well as continue to do freelancework (paid & unpaid) and to communicate with friends and family. Also my car payment and insurance are all unsolved concerns outside of what help I am already getting.

further down he continues:

I really don't even know what else to ask for. Ironically, I inadvertently emailed Haken an email I sent to close family and friends, and he offered to ask you all. I agreed, because how can I say no? Not sure what folks can do for me long distance...maybe shop at my cafepress store? Then it wouldn't be a handout? I don't know really. I've never been in this situation, and I am not adept at playing the part of a beggar. I'm usually the's kinda my thing...and now I have nothing to give. Can't tell you how awful it feels. It's like having your personality taken away.

And finally:

I just want to go back to work and get a job, so I can be responsible for my kids, and have reliable income while I work on other projects (games, novel, poety, scripts, screenplays, cafepress,etc.) and waiting for one of those to pay off someday, though they probably never will garner me enough to live off of, but I do enjoy them, and I can't pursue them while worrying about our next meal, so to speak.

There were other things he wrote in between that were more-or-less directed at me and the fact we met at random in 2007. He was pretty firm in not wanting to take straight up handouts and I respect him. A few years ago I was in college when my crappy manual-shift car lost it's transmission while in reverse and forever after would only drive in R. I was told $1900 would be needed to rebuild it. It was that or scrap. I scrapped it and rode a bike my Jr year of school rather than ask for help because I didn't have anything like $1900 at the time. Now my life is much better and I have my own 4 month-old girl. I cannot imagine the anguish of being unable to feed her.

In 2008 Jewel Staite related in a panel how a browncoat in Vancouver fell on hard times and fellow browncoats straight-up built the woman a house. No kidding. A House. Just like Habitat for Humanity. So I'm going to do my small part and shop at his store. Alas though, the link above on the thread seemed broken. Does someone know why that might be?


Wednesday, May 6, 2009 2:53 AM


Operative: "Its worse than you know..." Mal: "It usually is."

Thank You BSCM,...maybe we could pay for his internet so he can look for work? I have money to give to somebody in need and I would rather give it to a Browncoat (and children) than to my church. I hope somebody fixes the linky, I'll buy stuff from him.....Christmas shopping now!

Chaplain of the 76th Independant Battalion

Do not bother dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup!'s worse than you know...Operative usually is.....Mal


Wednesday, May 6, 2009 3:47 AM


I wish he would post a Pay Pal account for those that would like to give. Browncoats helping other Browncoats is just what they do. He could pay us back by helping another Browncoat when he gets on his feet.


Wednesday, May 6, 2009 4:50 AM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.

My main questions are: Where does he live? What type of work has he done in the past? What type of work is he looking for?

I'd also be willing to donate through PayPal. It wouldn't be much, but together we can surely make a difference.

wo men ren ran zai fei xing.


Wednesday, May 6, 2009 5:19 AM


OK, fixed the link up there where I could. The proper link is:

According to his Cafepress page, he's in Cincinnati. I'd still rather donate through Paypal or even a direct address so that the funds reach him faster. If he's in dire straits, 45 days is a long time to wait for a payout from Cafepress.
On the other hand, I understand his desire not to take a handout. But it's not like he is just showing up and expecting a handout. TCM has been a member of the Browncoat community for a long time. And I'd be willing to bet he's helped out other Browncoats whenever he could. So in that case, it would just be a case of reciprocity -- a little return on good karma.

Check out for hilarious shirts at a great price.


Wednesday, May 6, 2009 5:32 AM


I told him in my reply that if you can't run you crawl and if you can't do that, someone carries you. Which is why I think everyone should consider these items whether you're looking for them or not.

Quite a beautiful item of artwork upon the last frame. There, I've said my piece.


Wednesday, May 6, 2009 5:35 AM


Could you please just make it stranger? Stranger. Odder. Could be weirder. More bizarre. How about uncanny?

Ni hao, Browncoats!

I, uh, really don't even know where to start here.
Rather emotional at the moment, so I'll probably ramble, bear with me, please. I apologize in advance if this becomes long-winded...I am prone to verbosity, especially when emotional.

I guess, first, I'll say thanks to all of you, just for wanting to help me. Can't truly express in words just how wonderful that is.

I'm the sort of fellow who always believes it is my responsibility to handle, well, my responsibility. I guess it was my dad's influence as he always taught me to "stand on your own two feet or don't stand at all" and "how can you help anyone if you can't help yourself?". Seemed to work well as a philosophy, until recently. Finally had to concede that you can still stand with help.

I know I've been really out on the rim here lately, not spending my usual time here, or anywhere Firefly related in recent months, and that is a direct result of the huge downturn my life has taken combined with my big ol' pride getting in the way of asking for help and making me feel embarrassed, ashamed, undeserving of assistance and like a failure. I know, I don't have to say it, but it is how I felt.

Additionally, it feels weird still, airing my life problems to the world, as again, I was always the guy who, no matter how difficult something got, I managed to find a way through it. Never wanting to be a burden to anyone.
At most, it would be the insistence of close family who would take care of something, and inevitably, I would be equally insistent the next time they had a problem.

As for those of you looking to help me financially, my most immediate needs have been taken care of by family, friends (including a couple of local Browncoats), and as much as I despise "the system" I am feeding my kids and making sure they have medical insurance through them. There are still things I need to pay, such as the utilities, insurance, gas and car payment (yeah, that truck I paid off? blew an engine...) so I can drive to interviews and hopefully a job soon, and if possible, just to get the monkey off my back, dissolution fees (that's a non-lawyer divorce for those who might inquire) so I am no longer burdened by the useless mother of my children (which anyone who knows her, knows I am being awful polite at the moment, frankly she makes Yosaff look like Shirley Temple), and she can run off to SC with the "boyfriend" (who she met at D*C '06 *sigh*) who won't take her until that's final. Yeah, ain't love grand?

Anyway, I guess I should get to my point. PayPal. I am setting up a new account, but my dilemma there is I have to wait a month before I can get a PayPal card and presently I have no bank account to transfer the money to (okay, I HAVE an account, it is just very negative thanks to my former employer challenging my unemployment and me not getting paid for the last 6 weeks and looking at up to 3 or 4 months before an actual arbitration hearing is scheduled). However, at the moment, not seeing a change in my immediate future. Anywho, going to try and open an account today with money folks have sent me via snail mail thus far.

So I have a new email addy,

jaq.lemur[at] (J F Reyman Jr)

should be able to find me in PayPal that way. I've long since forgotten my old one, which is attached to accounts no longer open anyway. This way, when I get things in order, I can access the funds hopefully right when I need to. At the very least, I can have PP send me a check.

As for snail mail, today, it is

John Reyman
14 Carriage Station Dr.
Cincinnati, Ohio 45245

I'll post an updated addy next week or 2 when I find out for certain where the Metropolitan Housing Commission is putting me up.

And as some have suggested, you could shop at my CP store, and that money will trickle down over the next few months, and I won't have to feel like it is a handout (plus you get to have something shiny!).

Also, as I am not the most entrepreneurial savvy person (hello? I give away games, eh? *g*), anyone who has ideas or information on how I might market/produce some game ideas (I have some non-Firefly ones I've developed), or finding ways to maybe develop my CP business more, I am open to any input you have.

Thanks to everyone here, and elsewhere, who've been a big part of my life, and continue to be a strong influence on me. Say what you want about the bigger fandoms, none of them have the intimacy, the family, and heart of Browncoats, and I doubt any ever will. I am forever grateful for that. And also hopeful, things will work out now, thanks to you, and that's better than any amount of money, ever.

So I guess that's it in a nut shell. Again, thanks, especially on behalf of my children, to those who have helped, those who want to but can't (believe me, it's okay and I appreciate the thought very much!), and those who will help.

Also know, that I believe in making good, so debts will be repaid as I become more and more solvent and economically viable again (you're allowed to tell me "no", but I'm kinda stubborn. *g* If you insist, however, I will relent as I don't like "bad blood"). Unless you're anonymous in which case you'll be responsible for making me cry...more... :P

A big xie xie to the finest group of human beings on any world spinnin'!

Still Flyin' (and loquacious to a fault *g*)

p.s. for those wondering, the big reason for the email addy change has to do with the fact that even with spam filters, I could no longer keep up with all the garbage the old tenthcrewmember addy is getting. That email addy is everywhere on the net as a result of my CP store and the games I've made, so I'd receive up to 2500 non-filtered spam emails in a day sometimes in addition to the filtered spam.

*Download my Firefly Games for FREE at


Wednesday, May 6, 2009 5:49 AM


Aw... This economy is hitting lots of people hard, it's not anything to be ashamed of. And sometimes people need people, it's why we build our homes all clustered together. A healthy community is one that reaches across the fences to their neighbors. :)


Wednesday, May 6, 2009 5:50 AM


Could you please just make it stranger? Stranger. Odder. Could be weirder. More bizarre. How about uncanny?

Oh, and because someone queried, I should add:

I have been in retail management for the past 15 years, in some form or another. That's what I do, it paid the bills.

I have worked in manufacturing, I was a cutter/layer/pleater for a few years after high school at a uniform company, so manufacturing environments I am okay with as well.

Believe me, these jobs exist here, in Cincinnati/NKY, but I just don't get the calls. Have had exactly 2 interviews since becoming unemployed, and for whatever reason those didn't come to fruition.

Mind you have have applied for more jobs in the last 6 weeks than I have in my entire life combined until now (quite literally, 1000's), even for places I said I would never work, such as gas stations and fast food joints.

So yeah, any help there, I really am going to jump at the first opportunity that comes my way. I refuse to live off the system longer than is absolutely necessary! (Like the fact that my foodstamp allowance for the month is TRIPLE what I spend when I pay for it myself really grinds my gizzard and puts me (in my mind) in the "burden to society" category).

As for what I "want to do", well, I am a creative individual. I enjoy creating anything. Drawing, poetry, t-shirts (thanks to y'all for getting me started on that!), board & card games (also thanks to Browncoats), currently working on a novel, I've written a pilot for a t.v. show idea I have, have a screenplay idea for a movie...doing those things makes me happy, but they don't pay the bills...not yet anyway...maybe someday if I am lucky. Frankly, I think I am a hack at all of it, but I am always most critical of my own work.

I tried to go to school for IT training, but I couldn't get funding because my credit is shot thanks to the lazy soon-to-be-ex. Would love to go to school for graphic design.

There ya go. More insight into what makes TCM tick. :)

Xie xie!


*Download my Firefly Games for FREE at


Wednesday, May 6, 2009 9:59 AM


TenthCM ?

Pick up a phone book and sort through your local security companies - make sure to call Guardsmark LLC and CSS first.

Ain't glamorous work, but it's work, and word has been passed down the line, such as mine will carry.

Heck, I own my company and I still walk some of the watches, good exercise, time to think, and barring a really, really BAD day, nice and quiet.

And given the current economic situation, one of the few businesses that IS doing ok.

If you can get in with CSS, your management skills might actually be useful as heck to them, as they always need experienced cat-herders to ride herd on the younger guys anyways.

As I said, such as word of mine can carry, it's been carried, and here's for hopin that the doors will open, yes ?



Wednesday, May 6, 2009 10:19 AM


Could you please just make it stranger? Stranger. Odder. Could be weirder. More bizarre. How about uncanny?

Will do.

Thanks, Frem!

I'll let you know if it pans out. Cat-herder...I still have a link to that!

Is there a name I should drop at the hopefully open door?

ETA: Guardsmark asked me to come in an fill out an app/drop off my resume tomorrow, so I will do that, though they aren't sure right at the moment what openings they have (apparently 2 larger customers just cut back on hours) but said new openings are always popping up. Thanks again!

I could definitely do security work. And more definitely herd the cats. ;)

As an aside, just got word from LEGO they aren't interested in having me work their new retail store that would have been the Nirvana of Geekdom for me...probably a bit much to be asking for the perfect job, but that would've been it. Que sera.

Did get a bank account opened today with the funds friends and family already gave me, so going to link the new PP account to it. Again, I can't thank everyone enough, but thank you all the same.

Stay Shiny!


*Download my Firefly Games for FREE at


Wednesday, May 6, 2009 3:29 PM


I feel for you brother. Like you I'm out of work. Have been 11 months this Saturday. I at least qualified for unemployment. Not much but keeps gas in the car and food on the table.

The Vermont Job market is tight. I landed a three month part time temp gig over the holidays, hence why I still have some unemployment money left.

It will run out sometime in July I think. I've been called for two interviews in the last 11 months. One leading to the temp job.

I have a phone interview tomorrow so cross your fingers.

And I promise to buy something from your store as soon as I can swing it.



Wednesday, May 6, 2009 3:46 PM


Could you please just make it stranger? Stranger. Odder. Could be weirder. More bizarre. How about uncanny?

See? I always know someone out there has it as bad or of the things that always makes me hesitant to ever ask for help.

"It's worse than you know." - Operative
"It usually is." - Mal

*chuckles* I remember thinking when I first watched Firefly on DVD, I thought "Wow, I really relate to these people"...little did I realize how much parallel I would have with them. Sometimes good, sometimes bad, but always there.

I wish you all the luck fate has seen to withhold from me, Brian. ;) I once went 8 months on unemployment and that's how I discovered Firefly, otherwise I think I'd have gone insane. I lucked out and started a job the week my unemployment ran out.

And I appreciate the promise, it just further evidences the mindset of Browncoats, but know I want you on your own two feet before you think about making said purchase. I'd feel bad if you helped me out and put yourself in a pinch on any level.


*Download my Firefly Games for FREE at


Wednesday, May 6, 2009 11:27 PM


Operative: "Its worse than you know..." Mal: "It usually is."

Well, I feel better, orderd two shirts and sent 'cashy money' to help with the other stuff.
Good luck and hang in there. Remember, if it wasn't necesary to need others help sometime, would we have...'when you can't walk, you crawl and when you can't crawl, you find somebody to carry you'?
I been there, for two years I could only find a part time job, but still had full time bills. Thank goodness for the church's food bank and food stamps, I bought tuna with the stamps to feed my cats, and I got by on lots of free bread from the church. I remember, being hungry all the time, it made a big impression on me, I can afford stuff now, but still remember that time.
As Chaplain in the 76th, I will pray you find a job, asap! Catholic Charities is a good one to contact, call your local Catholic church and ask for the number, you don't have to be Catholic.

Chaplain of the 76th Independant Battalion

Do not bother dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup!'s worse than you know...Operative usually is.....Mal


Thursday, May 7, 2009 5:09 AM


Could you please just make it stranger? Stranger. Odder. Could be weirder. More bizarre. How about uncanny?

Thanks, Filly,

And yeah, I've already been there. Some churches here have been wonderful in feeding my kids until the foodstamps rolled in.

Others, not so much. Took exception to my "lack of faith". *shrug* I have plenty of faith, but not where they want it.

For those that did take care of us, the favors will be returned when I am once again on my feet. I have always donated in the past to free stores, Goodwill, food pantries and Salvation Army because its the right thing to do.

Well, I am off to Guardsmark (thank you again Frem!), wish me luck. I hope my masculine wiles (LOL! yeah right! let's just go with work history and experience shall we? Yeah.) land me a job so I can take care of me and mine, and I lessen my burden on society.



*Download my Firefly Games for FREE at


Thursday, May 7, 2009 5:38 AM


Much luck indeed, and I passed word onto them a little while ago, so let's keep our fingers crossed.

As for favors, no need to pass it back, you're like me, and will reserve it to pass forward onto those in a pinch when you get back up on your own feet.

And more than that I couldn't ask for.

It's little enough, but we're Browncoats, believing in the impossible is who we are.


EDIT: Here's for hoping he's not replied cause they handed him a uniform and a schedule on the spot as was suggested to em, and he's been busy workin that out.


Monday, May 11, 2009 9:34 AM


Could you please just make it stranger? Stranger. Odder. Could be weirder. More bizarre. How about uncanny?


EDIT: Here's for hoping he's not replied cause they handed him a uniform and a schedule on the spot as was suggested to em, and he's been busy workin that out.

Unfortunately, they said they would be in touch, that because of the loss of 2 big accounts, they were cutting back hours, though before I left they reaffirmed where I lived and said they may have some part time hours for an account near my house opening up.

Maybe it'll take a little time to filter down the ranks? We can hope.

Thanks for trying though. I'll update again, when I have something to update. Which reminds me...

While I am here and have a moment, want to thank all the Browncoats again who have been so generous with their support, whether it be the financial (and a big thank you to the anonymous gift from a Florida Browncoat...cuz, and equally thank you to Natalie and all the others because, yes, every little bit helps), or the intangible moral support (help in job searches, prayers & thoughts, etc.), it all makes a difference.

It all means a lot, and, if nothing else, is making a difference in the lives of at least 3 people (myself and my 2 kids). My problems are by no means solved, but they are manageable with help, and because of you, we will come out on top, I know this now, and having that bit of confidence is more peace of mind than I could have imagined a few weeks ago.

Stay shiny, Crew!

*Download my Firefly Games for FREE at


Friday, May 15, 2009 4:51 AM


Could you please just make it stranger? Stranger. Odder. Could be weirder. More bizarre. How about uncanny?


Well, it would be shinier if I had a job, BUT

Unemployment accepted my appeal and reversed the decision, so now I will be gettin' my coin!

Granted it's a sad 7, but hey, its money coming in!

A super huge XIE XIE to all those Browncoats who supported me again, it MADE A DIFFERENCE!

I have a place to live, insurance, my car will not be repo'd, utilities activated, which would not have been possible without your help.

I am, by no means out of the woods yet, I still need that job, and there are bills to pay, and friends and family to payback, but I am finally moving in an upword direction, and I have y'all to thank for that! (Gonna think up a shiny way to show that appreciation too...mark my words!)

You absolutely saved my life in a very literal sense.

Anyone still wishing to help (like I said, long way to go yet...) until I land that job, can still go through PayPal, my store, or my new mailing address:

John Reyman
274 East Plane Street
Bethel OH 45106

It's out on the rim, but it's a brand new start...just need me a herd and a couple of blankets (JK! don't send me cows! lol!)

Thanks again, Browncoats, you're the best people I know on this, or any, world spinnin'.


*Download my Firefly Games for FREE at


Friday, May 15, 2009 6:20 AM


Congrats John. I'm glad that you are starting to tread water again.

Likewise in my own situation, I seem to have landed a part time gig, flagging traffic. Ain't glamorous by a long shot but it does pay $12.00 a hour. I take my "training" class on Saturday and after that, I'll be waiting for the phone to ring for any gigs.



Saturday, May 16, 2009 4:51 PM


I am so moved.

I just read through this thread, and I felt so bad for you when I read your first post. Then when I kept reading I got all misty. Honestly, there WERE tears.

This is an amazing community. This blows me away. I didn't expect to see people rally the way they did for you.

So very shiny.


"But he could have been family!" -Kaylee


Sunday, May 17, 2009 5:38 AM


*hugs hun* I wish I could offer more, but I got tearfully informed I was being laid off on Thursday, my last day is next Friday.

You have all the positive energy vibes I can send your way, If you need someone to talk to, I'm here. Afraid all of my contacts are in Houston, and Memphis, I know of an opening in Houston for a retail manager but its a small chain and i dont think the pay would be worth the move for you.

It's a really scary place to be, but I'm trying to look at it as a start of something new and wonderful, just wish it had been on my own terms.

Have you tried applying at any local universities, or especially medical facilities run by universities? I'm trying to get on with any of them, they offer incredible benefits (many including reduced or free tuition). They need all sorts of folks, from janitors, to patient escorts and support staff.

Might be worth looking into.

Good luck and best wishes in your search hun.

My mail address if you need to vent is artcat81 at gmail dot com

Browncoats are the shiniest folks in the 'verse <--my bluesunshop


Sunday, May 17, 2009 6:51 AM


Could you please just make it stranger? Stranger. Odder. Could be weirder. More bizarre. How about uncanny?

Hey thanks, Artcat, can't fault you in this economy...just glad you'd be willing if you could.

I just actually started the hospital circuit in terms of applying for jobs. Hadn't considered the Universities...we got a branch of U.C. out here, I think I'll look into that too. :)

Best of luck to you as well. At least they were upfront about laying you off, and not a hun-dan like my company was.

I'm just glad I had Browncoats behind me to pick me up and carry me, otherwise I'd have been on the drift...literally and mentally (lol)

Almost completely moved into the new house (which is a REALLY OLD house!) but it's been retrofitted nicely. I just need to get a lawn mower now...crazy Alliance regulations, heh! Can't complain really, as I am living rent free (or very low rent as soon as the Unemployment kicks in finally! woot!)

I am so sore from moving stuff though...need me a Jayne... :)


*Download my Firefly Games for FREE at


Sunday, May 17, 2009 6:53 AM



Originally posted by TenthCrewMember:
I'm the sort of fellow who always believes it is my responsibility to handle, well, my responsibility. I guess it was my dad's influence as he always taught me to "stand on your own two feet or don't stand at all"

Don't forget though:

"When you can't walk you crawl...and when you can't do find someone to carry you."

Browncoats are folks that stand up for one another ("who do for one another and ain't always looking for the advantage") and even though I'm also looking for work, I've enough saved that I'll be happy to send a bit your way via paypal.

Keep Flyin'!


I don't need a gorram back-spaceship driver!!!


Sunday, May 17, 2009 7:07 AM


Something I am trying is to only have positive thoughts hoping that positive things will happen to me. I borrowed a movie from my sister which basically said that if you think nothing but positive thoughts then positive things will happen to you. This reminded me of a message a friend of mine gave me called the "Golden Key," where it told the reader to do the things you are capable of doing to remedy your situation, and when the pressure bares down on you to stop thinking about it and try to picture in your mind what heaven was. My friend said her image was of waterfalls, and mine is a citadel I want to build for myself.


Sunday, May 17, 2009 4:17 PM


Ironically, just a few days ago someone posted on our Yahoo group that they were searching desperately for a Balls & Bayonets Brigade t-shirt.
I pointed them (and the whole group) to your Cafepress site.
We're getting some stuff to give away at our CSTS screening too. I hope the extra site traffic helps

Check out to order hilarious shirts at a great price.


Sunday, May 17, 2009 4:21 PM


hey hun, I just started a jobhunt thread. The browncoats are an amazing network of knowledge and communication, so I started a thread for folks looking for work and those who know of job openings to find each other.

I don't know how much help it will be, but hey, never hurts to have an extra set of eyes or two or three looking!

Browncoats are the shiniest folks in the 'verse <--my bluesunshop


Monday, May 18, 2009 3:28 AM


Could you please just make it stranger? Stranger. Odder. Could be weirder. More bizarre. How about uncanny?

Hey, just checking in with folks...

First, I am sore as hell, and I haven't even moved the big stuff yet...hopefully help will be here Friday when I have the truck!

New house is shiny and quaint (li'l small, but nice), and I can't wait to do up my living room in all the Firely/Chinese Culture stuff I've collected over the's gonna be so_very_pretty! :)

I met one of my neighbors, very nice lady, so I'm hoping there's no creepy stalker/sex offender types in the other houses. She says everyone's pretty nice. Most folks have lived there for quite some time.

Now onto the Big Damn Heroes around here...

SHINY: You rock. Had a few others around here like you, giving when there isn't much to give, and that makes you as shiny as, well, you! ;)

RALLEM: Oh yeah, ever since my shingles (affliction, not roof) manifested, I've learned real quick that less stress means less pain, so I only worry about that which I can affect (granted my recent sitch really tested me there...thank Buddha for friends like Browncoats!). Moral support is as necessary to me right now as the financial, so thank you. :D

STOWEAWAY: XIE XIE! Any sale is a good sale, and if its a Browncoat sale its twice as shiny! I'm hoping once I get settled into the new place, I can work on a few new designs (I've got volumes of notes of stuff I haven't made yet!). Thanks for the assist, and I hope in the future I can actually donate stuff to a CSTS event.

and ARTCAT: Cool idea! Even if it doesn't help me, maybe it will help someone else! All help is good help, unless it is unhelpful help, in which case it is no help at all...just like this sentence. :P Seriously though, find a job, keep flyin'...that's the goal for most (if not all) of us. Way to carry us! :) (oh, and your sig reminded me to BOOKMARK your store...when I am in the black (and not the red!) again, I need to get some shiny stuff from you for my car (my old truck is OOG (i.e. dead)...and maybe those tats too!)


*Download my Firefly Games for FREE at


Monday, May 18, 2009 4:19 AM


I wish that I could give you more than just moral support but I am in my own financial troubles right now. I am employed by the VA as a Telephone Operator/Police Dispatcher, but after my surgery last September my right vocal chord is paralyzed and I can't do my job. My Vacation pay and sick pay lasted until December and I received temporary disability for October and November, but since then I have been living on the 90% disability I am rated at, and that just barely pays for my house and truck. All of my other bills have been falling behind. I petitioned the VA’s decision to pay me temporary disability for only two months though, because I can’t do my job from the service connected surgery they did, and while I can apply for other jobs at the VA I either cannot do those jobs because they break my other disabilities or I am not sufficiently skilled for them. Last week I had a medical exam for my claim and it looked really good so I hope to have good news regarding my claim soon. I expect the news to hear next will be to speak to a decision review officer, and then if I’m lucky a yes to my claim. I say lucky because even though I deserve this claim, I do not pretend to understand how the VA makes its decisions and I do not think it means an automatic yes. If I receive a yes from the VA and after I get myself out of trouble, maybe I can send you as little financial help of my own, but I seriously hope by that time you are out of hot water too. I know how stressful these types of situations are, and I don’t wish this on anyone, especially a fellow Browncoat.


Friday, June 12, 2009 5:18 AM


Could you please just make it stranger? Stranger. Odder. Could be weirder. More bizarre. How about uncanny?

Shiny news!

I finally found a job!

Thanks again to all who helped carry me (financially, spiritually, morally, etc.), and kept me from being on the drift! It really made a difference. You made a difference. THANK YOU! XIE XIE! I can't say it enough. Browncoats are incredible people, no one can prove otherwise!

For those interested, I got on with DHL, and I start on the 22nd of this month! I'll be working 3rd shift, part-time, as a mail/package sorter at the Cincinnati Airport.

Guess that means I'll be out in the black loading some bulk transports! Here's hoping it leads to bigger and better things! (like maybe a M-F 1st shift full-time position!) At least I have my foot in the door, and there are good benefits and perks, as well as the fact they are a strong international company!

Thanks again!

Still Flyin'!

*Download my Firefly Games for FREE at


Friday, June 12, 2009 8:39 AM


Likes to mess with stuffs.


Originally posted by TenthCrewMember:
Shiny news!

I finally found a job!

Hey, congrats! From what I hear, DHL is a great company. Lots of mobility if you work hard and is willing to move around a bit to get the positions.


Friday, June 12, 2009 6:05 PM



Originally posted by TenthCrewMember:
Guess that means I'll be out in the black loading some bulk transports!

Watch out for large coffin-sized crates...I hear tell you can get in a peck of trouble for transporting human cargo...


I don't need a gorram back-spaceship driver!!!


Saturday, June 13, 2009 2:36 AM


That is great news tenthcrewmember.


Saturday, June 13, 2009 10:03 AM


Glad to hear you've found a job and hey, aren't our BDH's delivery guys a lot of the time?


Monday, June 15, 2009 10:06 PM


Operative: "Its worse than you know..." Mal: "It usually is."

Yea! I am so glad to hear that!!! What good news in this bad time of no jobs. See what good, Browncoat mojo can do. Thanks for coming back to the board to let us know, I was just thinking about you over the week-end. I'm so glad you found work, hopefully you can enjoy this summer still.

Chaplain of the 76th Independant Battalion

Do not bother dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup!'s worse than you know...Operative usually is.....Mal


Tuesday, June 16, 2009 4:11 AM


Congratulations hun!I'm hoping I can report landing something soon too :)

Browncoats are the shiniest folks in the 'verse <--my bluesunshop


Tuesday, June 16, 2009 6:08 AM


Could you please just make it stranger? Stranger. Odder. Could be weirder. More bizarre. How about uncanny?


Originally posted by artcat81:
Congratulations hun!I'm hoping I can report landing something soon too :)

Browncoats are the shiniest folks in the 'verse <--my bluesunshop

I hope so too, I keep pulling for you, but I know it's tough down there in the Lone Star State. I've got a friend who lives outside Dallas and he's struggled with finding work time & time again despite having a degree.

SimonWho: Yep! Here's hoping there's no cattle...just things with smallish droppings like black market beagles.

FillyGirl: Thanks for the thoughts and well wishes! It's amazing how having a job again really bolsters one's self-confidence and self-worth.


*Download my Firefly Games for FREE at


Tuesday, June 16, 2009 6:45 AM


HUGS to TCM so glad you got the job!! We've all been sending you the best shiny vibes and energy we had

To those still looking I suggest you check in with local school districts who will be hiring for teachers assistance ( you only need a high school diploma and willingness to work with kids) might be some openings. Not the best pay but ok benefits...
Hang in there folks it's gonna get better

To love someone is to see a miracle invisible to others.
--Francois Mauriac
It's fuzzy-minded liberal thinking like that that gets you eaten.






Looking for some original Browncoats who used to frequent these and other parts of the fandom
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Kaylee Cosplay - Help!
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More DVDs/Blu-Rays for sale
Wed, November 18, 2015 09:01 - 1 posts
TonyUmeria needs money sent to him.
Thu, April 23, 2015 19:23 - 5 posts
Adam Baldwin's cover of The Hero Of Canton
Wed, April 22, 2015 21:13 - 4 posts
Thu, April 16, 2015 19:47 - 4 posts