Which FF actor would you like to guest on Castle?

UPDATED: Wednesday, March 31, 2010 05:06
VIEWED: 5172
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Sunday, March 7, 2010 10:41 AM


Okay I am shamelessly ripping this idea from a post I saw on IMDB.

I would like Summer to guest and to be the killer. It's about time she played an absolute bad girl.

Of course ideally I'd like a two parter where all of them appear. Maybe Castle and Beckett get invited to a posh dinner and the host (Michael Fairman) is killed. Everyone else is a suspect in true Cluedo style.
Morena could play an ex-girlfriend. Sean could be the hosts spoilt son etc etc.
Could be fun.

"I don't believe in suicide, but if you'd like to try it it might cheer me up to watch."


Sunday, March 7, 2010 10:56 AM


That two parter idea would be brilliant! Although slightly distracting I'll bet!

As always, I'd love Alan to be in it. That guy is always brilliant. Although Adam would be great, but I'd guess he is busy with Chuck.


Sunday, March 7, 2010 11:27 AM


I keep nibbling at a fanfic where Castle and Beckett go to Hollywood as technical advisors on a Nikki Heat movie. During the casting period, they encounter everybody from Firefly-- Lots of "in"-jokes-- " Doesn't he play a thug on that spy show?" "Queen of the invading aliens?" " Guess the killer robot thing didn't work out. Can she dance?"

and on and on... But it won't quite gel for me.


Sunday, March 7, 2010 11:34 AM


Originally posted by lwaves:

Okay I am shamelessly ripping this idea from a post I saw on IMDB.

I would like Summer to guest and to be the killer. It's about time she played an absolute bad girl.

Of course ideally I'd like a two parter where all of them appear. Maybe Castle and Beckett get invited to a posh dinner and the host (Michael Fairman) is killed. Everyone else is a suspect in true Cluedo style.
Morena could play an ex-girlfriend. Sean could be the hosts spoilt son etc etc.
Could be fun.

Nice Clue angle! I like that :D

How about....

Gina Torres - As the coroners sister. Castle obviously taken by her beauty tries to ask her out on a date.
Jewel Staite - As a geeky Castle fan who stalks Castle. Fun at first but then Jewel goes psycho on Castle's daughter.
Morena - A witness to a crime in which Becket has to protect her. Castle HAS to be there too of course. Turns out Morena likes Becket!!
Ron Glass - The new chief and less than happy to see a writer around the precinct. Hates Castle.
Sean Maher - As a recurring character. Perhaps as a serial killer taunting Beckett.
Adam Baldwin - Castle's old buddy who while visitng Castle strikes up a romance with Becket. Castle mucho jealous!
Summer Glau - Sharp new cop on the scene! Steals much of Beckets thunder and possibly Castle's new inspiration.
Alan Tudyk - A murder victim (Hey why not, everyone else does it :) ) who we see in flashback being murdered.

Alternatively there is a murder at Comicon 2010 and the crew are there dressed in their Firefly outfits.

Note *Apologies to NewOldBrownCoat* I Had a similar idea...


Sunday, March 7, 2010 4:14 PM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.

Personally, I think it would be too distracting if any of the main actors were to appear, but Gregg Henry has already been a guest star, and I'd like to see Mark Sheppard, Michael Fairman or Christina Hendricks.


Monday, March 8, 2010 6:35 AM



Originally posted by TheSomnambulist:

How about....

Alan Tudyk - A murder victim (Hey why not, everyone else does it :) ) who we see in flashback being murdered.

This is hi-larious!


Monday, March 8, 2010 7:06 AM


I'd like to see Jewel come in as another detective working on a case that ends up involving a case Castle is working on. I think it would be fun to see Jewel treating Castle like a noob idiot.


Monday, March 8, 2010 8:59 AM


We sniff the air, we don't kiss the dirt.


Originally posted by Zeek:
I'd like to see Jewel come in as another detective working on a case that ends up involving a case Castle is working on. I think it would be fun to see Jewel treating Castle like a noob idiot.

Great idea--to expand: a Canadian dective. Hey she's from there!


Monday, March 8, 2010 9:01 AM


They already did a Vampire-themed Episode for Halloween (When we got to see Castle in the Browncoat). Having a Murder occur at a Sci/Fi Convention would be a lot of fun, and allow Former Cast Members to either play themselves, or a parody of their Firefly Characters.

That would be Shiny!

"Might have been the losing side, still not convinced it was the wrong one." -Mal


Monday, March 8, 2010 12:00 PM


It'd be awesome if anyone of them could guest star.

If we're picking favorites though I'm going to go with Alan. Then man has incredible range and could fit into any role. Easily see him as either a quirky detective or extremely disturbed serial killer.

I'll also throw a vote in for Sean to come on as a guy that's interested in Beckett. She likes the clean cut fellas and if Castle's making eyes at someone she'd probably be looking for a distraction herself.

Your Indian Pirate Lord,


Monday, March 8, 2010 1:34 PM



Originally posted by TDBrown:
They already did a Vampire-themed Episode for Halloween (When we got to see Castle in the Browncoat). Having a Murder occur at a Sci/Fi Convention would be a lot of fun, and allow Former Cast Members to either play themselves, or a parody of their Firefly Characters.

That would be Shiny!

"Might have been the losing side, still not convinced it was the wrong one." -Mal

All good ideas. Any thing to get the cast together and especially Alan. He can do the whole range from goof ball to seriously disturbed killer.


Monday, March 8, 2010 2:39 PM


I love the idea of having the entire cast in a 2-parter at a Comicon convention in NY, but with all of them echanging characters such as;

Alan as a paleontologist/serial killer (mine is an evil laugh),
Gloria as a rival mystery writer,
Morena as a fashion editor,
Adam as a funeral director/coroner,
Sean as a reader, psychic hot-line owner,
Jewel as a Canadian bounty hunter,
and Summer as the crazed Castle fan,
Ron Glass, I agree that he should be a new captain with a past named D. Sheperd.

That would be fun.

alltogether now................SHINY!




Monday, March 8, 2010 3:45 PM


So many great ideas, but wouldn't it be fun to cast Alan as someone completely normal, not disturbed, not the victim or the killer -- maybe as a love interest for a younger actress friend of Mom's? All cute and romantic. One of my family members suggests he be a Broadway actor (gee, d'ya think??), famous and sought-after -- but this same family member (a member only until I airlock him for this next idea) suggests the character be killed at the end by some ironic form of accidental impalement.
Which would crank up the FF fans but would write him out, so I vote against it.



Monday, March 8, 2010 5:58 PM



Originally posted by FloralBunny:
So many great ideas, but wouldn't it be fun to cast Alan as someone completely normal, not disturbed, not the victim or the killer -- maybe as a love interest for a younger actress friend of Mom's? All cute and romantic. One of my family members suggests he be a Broadway actor (gee, d'ya think??), famous and sought-after -- but this same family member (a member only until I airlock him for this next idea) suggests the character be killed at the end by some ironic form of accidental impalement.
Which would crank up the FF fans but would write him out, so I vote against it.


Some sort of stake perhaps? *runs fast from Floralbunny*


Tuesday, March 9, 2010 6:26 AM



Originally posted by ncbrowncoat:

Originally posted by FloralBunny:
So many great ideas, but wouldn't it be fun to cast Alan as someone completely normal, not disturbed, not the victim or the killer -- maybe as a love interest for a younger actress friend of Mom's? All cute and romantic. One of my family members suggests he be a Broadway actor (gee, d'ya think??), famous and sought-after -- but this same family member (a member only until I airlock him for this next idea) suggests the character be killed at the end by some ironic form of accidental impalement.
Which would crank up the FF fans but would write him out, so I vote against it.


Some sort of stake perhaps? *runs fast from Floralbunny*

>>Some sort of stake perhaps? *runs fast from Floralbunny*
That was exactly the suggestion. No need to run, fast or slow -- I just discovered the airlock needs maintenance, so everyone's safe for now.



Tuesday, March 30, 2010 2:28 AM


well the two parter idea love it, but what should Summer play then, if Sean is a son, a daughter?


Tuesday, March 30, 2010 2:38 AM



Originally posted by lwaves:
Okay I am shamelessly ripping this idea from a post I saw on IMDB.

I would like Summer to guest and to be the killer. It's about time she played an absolute bad girl.

Of course ideally I'd like a two parter where all of them appear. Maybe Castle and Beckett get invited to a posh dinner and the host (Michael Fairman) is killed. Everyone else is a suspect in true Cluedo style.
Morena could play an ex-girlfriend. Sean could be the hosts spoilt son etc etc.
Could be fun.

"I don't believe in suicide, but if you'd like to try it it might cheer me up to watch."

Summer as an all out bad girl, well it could be an idea, but i think every one would think/want(myself included) that there is some very dark story behind why a characther played by Summer would turn into a murdere. like maybe that her characther was abused as a kid/little girl, not sure of cause.just a thought. and somehow Castle wins her trust, and she ends up surrendering to him


Wednesday, March 31, 2010 3:26 AM



Originally posted by KrelleK:

Originally posted by lwaves:
Okay I am shamelessly ripping this idea from a post I saw on IMDB.

I would like Summer to guest and to be the killer. It's about time she played an absolute bad girl.

Of course ideally I'd like a two parter where all of them appear. Maybe Castle and Beckett get invited to a posh dinner and the host (Michael Fairman) is killed. Everyone else is a suspect in true Cluedo style.
Morena could play an ex-girlfriend. Sean could be the hosts spoilt son etc etc.
Could be fun.

"I don't believe in suicide, but if you'd like to try it it might cheer me up to watch."

Summer as an all out bad girl, well it could be an idea, but i think every one would think/want(myself included) that there is some very dark story behind why a characther played by Summer would turn into a murdere. like maybe that her characther was abused as a kid/little girl, not sure of cause.just a thought. and somehow Castle wins her trust, and she ends up surrendering to him

I was thinking more along the lines of a stalker for Castle, one who is incredibly intelligent and psychotic, that is miffed by his relationship with Beckett. She uses the party to get to him, killing some of the others for whatever reasons you want. It ends with her actually shooting Castle (a play on the Serenity scene where he tells her to shoot him), Beckett comes in and saves him. Castle moans and groans in funny ways about being shot (when it's really a very minor wound). Summer gets carted off to jail/asylum only to break free at a later date for further guest appearances.
Of course you could have a dark past to that idea as well to explain why she's psycho.

"I don't believe in suicide, but if you'd like to try it it might cheer me up to watch."


Wednesday, March 31, 2010 5:06 AM



Originally posted by lwaves:

Originally posted by KrelleK:

Originally posted by lwaves:
Okay I am shamelessly ripping this idea from a post I saw on IMDB.

I would like Summer to guest and to be the killer. It's about time she played an absolute bad girl.

Of course ideally I'd like a two parter where all of them appear. Maybe Castle and Beckett get invited to a posh dinner and the host (Michael Fairman) is killed. Everyone else is a suspect in true Cluedo style.
Morena could play an ex-girlfriend. Sean could be the hosts spoilt son etc etc.
Could be fun.

"I don't believe in suicide, but if you'd like to try it it might cheer me up to watch."

Summer as an all out bad girl, well it could be an idea, but i think every one would think/want(myself included) that there is some very dark story behind why a characther played by Summer would turn into a murdere. like maybe that her characther was abused as a kid/little girl, not sure of cause.just a thought. and somehow Castle wins her trust, and she ends up surrendering to him

I was thinking more along the lines of a stalker for Castle, one who is incredibly intelligent and psychotic, that is miffed by his relationship with Beckett. She uses the party to get to him, killing some of the others for whatever reasons you want. It ends with her actually shooting Castle (a play on the Serenity scene where he tells her to shoot him), Beckett comes in and saves him. Castle moans and groans in funny ways about being shot (when it's really a very minor wound). Summer gets carted off to jail/asylum only to break free at a later date for further guest appearances.
Of course you could have a dark past to that idea as well to explain why she's psycho.

"I don't believe in suicide, but if you'd like to try it it might cheer me up to watch."

that could maybe work, and idea to add, was they could perhaps make it a little like the story poirot on the transiberian train, where it happens to be pretty much everyone that killed him(they all stabbed the victim(he was a bad guy but well)so it is actually very unsure who that made the killing blow, but here in castle relatively quick find out that Summer´s chars happenned to be the last one to stab or something the victim, and the vic had been death for quite while(if in a dark bedroom it could be possible not to see that he was already death,

anyway it could be friendly to my mind if Castel and perhaps the redheaded woman was to visit the prison/asyllum where summer´s char is sitting and promis to come by now and again






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