
UPDATED: Saturday, December 28, 2024 12:31
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Sunday, October 27, 2019 8:15 PM



Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:

In the movie, Joker commits an act of murder on live television and somehow becomes an icon of rebellion and class upheaval as a result. It’s an arc that tries to justify his leap from supporting player to star — and fails spectacularly.

Is that what you got from the film, really? Nothing else comes to mind? Second, this was NOT a superhero film. This is leaps and bounds above that genre, although it did take from it.

Sorry, but I couldn't help but submit my two cents. I'll retreat to my corner and comment no further.


He didn't watch it. He's just spouting whatever two line reviews he saw and liked.

Look at his posts. He brought up Batman as if he was in the flick. He has absolutely no idea what Joker was about.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Monday, October 28, 2019 10:35 PM


So, whatever the critics negatively post is what YOU think of the film.

Got it. I will say nothing further to you about it. Thanks for playing along.



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
. . . not even worth quoting . . .

I read this comic:

The Comic That Explains Where Joker, the Movie, Went Wrong

Alan Moore’s classic 1988 story, Batman: The Killing Joke, was an inspiration for Todd Phillips’s grim new film — but not in the one way that really mattered.

I’m not the biggest fan of The Killing Joke’s place in Batman lore. Its plotting is too glib and undercooked to warrant its severity, putting Barbara through an unspeakable ordeal to make a fairly ordinary point. Still, I admire it mostly as a distillation of the relationship between the Joker and Batman. The Joker spends the entire comic insisting that they’re two of a kind, both men driven to aberrant behavior after a terrible tragedy; Moore emphasizes that the triumph of Batman’s character is that he resisted abandoning hope and embracing anarchy, as the Joker did.

Phillips’s film keeps much of Moore’s characterization, tracking the life of Arthur Fleck (Phoenix) as he struggles with mental illness, is attacked and harassed in the street multiple times, and becomes a figure of public ridicule when one of his strange stand-up sets is mocked by a legendary talk-show host (Robert De Niro). But the thing that Joker, the movie, lacks is Batman. The film does include a young Bruce Wayne (Dante Pereira-Olson), but flips the order in which the characters’ alter egos are created, having Joker’s transformation into a public menace spur a riot that ends with Bruce’s parents getting murdered.

Without Batman to play off, the reason for Joker’s existence as a protagonist in Phillips’s film is vague at best. The narrative tracks his evolution into an evil creature, providing a revamped and simplistic origin story for a figure who has only ever existed as a distorted mirror image of the Caped Crusader. Even when compared with Moore and Bolland’s comic, Joker is a bitter and humorless work, an attempt to add gravitas to a character who typically hasn’t stood for anything broadly metaphorical. In the movie, Joker commits an act of murder on live television and somehow becomes an icon of rebellion and class upheaval as a result. It’s an arc that tries to justify his leap from supporting player to star — and fails spectacularly.

More at

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Monday, October 28, 2019 10:43 PM


Another point of view from a You Tube critic:

I do not agree with many of his observations. I still haven't completed viewing this post by Steve Shives.



Tuesday, October 29, 2019 12:03 AM


Video doesn't display, but all you had to do was say Steve Shives.

You don't actually value any of that guy's opinions on anything under the sun, do you SGG?

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Tuesday, October 29, 2019 12:06 AM



Joker misses out taking back the number 1 spot by a measly $120,000 to some bullshit Disney sequel nobody is going to remember seeing next month.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Tuesday, October 29, 2019 12:07 AM



Originally posted by AURaptor:
I love how Ryan Reynolds put ' Hugh Jackman ' instead of Logan.

What a bromance going on there.


What is The Wolfpack?

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Tuesday, October 29, 2019 10:35 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
So, whatever the critics negatively post is what YOU think of the film.

Got it. I will say nothing further to you about it. Thanks for playing along.


I saw a pirated copy of Joker. Joker is a stinker, both as a man and as a movie. Many different movie reviewers explained why in technical detail, saving me the effort. But if you think it is a great movie about the origin story of a mass murderer, well ... super for you.

The reason Hollywood's comic book movies are mostly done from the viewpoint of the hero or the nominally good guy is because most people want to see the bad guy, Joker for one, come to a bad ending, rather than dance around in the sunlight at a sanitorium, leaving bloody footprints and planning his inevitable next mass murder spree when he escapes.

Did you pay attention to the music as the Joker walked away from the murder at the end of the movie? The words were "When I find myself flat on my face, I pick myself up and get back in the race." Joker, the man, should have been knocked down so he can never get back in any race. That could make a good movie and it also breaks the the usual DC Comics ending where Batman sends Joker to another vacation at Arkham. A good movie is "In Cold Blood" which ended with the hanging of a murderer, who was a much better man than Joker.

In Cold Blood (re-release) 2006

When I was typing up the cast credits, I came to the line "based on the book by Truman Capote." Some grim humor suggested that I could keep on typing: " . . . and the murders by Perry Smith and Dick Hickock." In an important sense, this movie was created by Smith and Hickock. They spent most of their lives compiling biographies that prepared them for their crime.

Perry came from a violent childhood. His mother drank, his father flew into explosive rages, he was beaten in orphanages. Dick came from marginal poverty, a rootless existence without values. So both were "victims of society,'' in the way defense attorneys use that term. For their own victims, they chose the Clutter family--a well-off, middle-class, God-fearing family that, in every respect, lived in an opposite world.

If this had been fiction, the themes could not have been more obvious. Two opposed cultures collide. The outsiders kill the insiders in the first round, then lose the second to the hangman.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Tuesday, October 29, 2019 11:26 AM



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
So, whatever the critics negatively post is what YOU think of the film.

Got it. I will say nothing further to you about it. Thanks for playing along.


I saw a pirated copy of Joker. Joker is a stinker, both as a man and as a movie. Many different movie reviewers explained why in technical detail, saving me the effort. But if you think it is a great movie about the origin story of a mass murderer, well ... super for you.

The reason Hollywood's comic book movies are mostly done from the viewpoint of the hero or the nominally good guy is because most people want to see the bad guy, Joker for one, come to a bad ending, rather than dance around in the sunlight at a sanitorium, leaving bloody footprints and planning his inevitable next mass murder spree when he escapes.

Did you pay attention to the music as the Joker walked away from the murder at the end of the movie? The words were "When I find myself flat on my face, I pick myself up and get back in the race." Joker, the man, should have been knocked down so he can never get back in any race. That could make a good movie and it also breaks the the usual DC Comics ending where Batman sends Joker to another vacation at Arkham. A good movie is "In Cold Blood" which ended with the hanging of a murderer, who was a much better man than Joker.

In Cold Blood (re-release) 2006

When I was typing up the cast credits, I came to the line "based on the book by Truman Capote." Some grim humor suggested that I could keep on typing: " . . . and the murders by Perry Smith and Dick Hickock." In an important sense, this movie was created by Smith and Hickock. They spent most of their lives compiling biographies that prepared them for their crime.

Perry came from a violent childhood. His mother drank, his father flew into explosive rages, he was beaten in orphanages. Dick came from marginal poverty, a rootless existence without values. So both were "victims of society,'' in the way defense attorneys use that term. For their own victims, they chose the Clutter family--a well-off, middle-class, God-fearing family that, in every respect, lived in an opposite world.

If this had been fiction, the themes could not have been more obvious. Two opposed cultures collide. The outsiders kill the insiders in the first round, then lose the second to the hangman.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Quit projecting your bullshit and fake virtue on to other people.

You're the one that goes around suggesting that people murder their bosses all the time. You're the one that talks about his power fantasies where you can assassinate the president and you know you could get away with it.

Ask yourself why you need to be mollycoddled by Hollywood and why you find something like Joker so appalling.

Is it because you, yourself, are The Joker?

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Tuesday, October 29, 2019 11:51 AM


After tallying the 4th weekend numbers, Joker is officially the number 1 R rated movie worldwide as well as internationally.

It is number 7 domestically, as of the Monday night take, but it's almost a sure thing to beat out the terrible Matrix Reloaded and take the number 6 spot after tonight... if not, it will have by Wednesday night.

1. The Passion of the Christ $370,782,930
2. Deadpool $363,070,709
3. American Sniper $350,126,372
4. It $327,481,748
5. Deadpool 2 $324,591,735
6. The Matrix Reloaded $281,553,689
7. Joker $279,701,557

25 million and 28 million to overtake "Deadpool 2" and "It" shouldn't be a problem. Likely to happen two weeks from now when the weekend numbers are in then.

It should still have another two months in the theaters domestically, at least. It probably won't get the full four months that Captain Marvel did before it left theaters, but Alita Battle Angel only made $85 million domestically and got a three month domestic run.

Is it possible for Joker to make another $89 million in two months to take number one?

It would be quite funny if it did and it triggers Mel Gibson to go on a drunken rampage again.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Tuesday, October 29, 2019 12:26 PM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by AURaptor:
I love how Ryan Reynolds put ' Hugh Jackman ' instead of Logan.

What a bromance going on there.


What is The Wolfpack?

Do Right, Be Right. :)

Dunno. Maybe ask Ryan

Fathom the hypocrisy of a government that requires every citizen to prove they are insured... but not everyone must prove they are a citizen

I'm just a red pill guy in a room full of blue pill addicts.

" AU, that was great, LOL!! " - Chrisisall


Tuesday, October 29, 2019 1:02 PM



Originally posted by AURaptor:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by AURaptor:
I love how Ryan Reynolds put ' Hugh Jackman ' instead of Logan.

What a bromance going on there.


What is The Wolfpack?

Do Right, Be Right. :)

Dunno. Maybe ask Ryan

Fathom the hypocrisy of a government that requires every citizen to prove they are insured... but not everyone must prove they are a citizen

I'm just a red pill guy in a room full of blue pill addicts.

" AU, that was great, LOL!! " - Chrisisall

I lost all my speed dial numbers when I got new cordless phones, and I'm too lazy to go through my stuff and find Ryan's number right now.

I just asked Google.

It's a Hangover reference.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Tuesday, October 29, 2019 1:47 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Quit projecting your bullshit and fake virtue on to other people.

You're the one that goes around suggesting that people murder their bosses all the time. You're the one that talks about his power fantasies where you can assassinate the president and you know you could get away with it.

Ask yourself why you need to be mollycoddled by Hollywood and why you find something like Joker so appalling.

Is it because you, yourself, are The Joker?

Do Right, Be Right. :)

Remember Firefly? The very last episode, Objects in Space, has Mal and Inara pleased to leave Jubal Early drifting in space to die by asphyxiation. In the comic books, Jubal came back from the presumed dead to once again try to collect the bounty on River. Kaylee was the next one to try murdering Early, by dropping him along with Serenity's garbage, from a high place. Early was lucky enough to only break bones. Somebody came along to then keep him from death. Firefly wants to kill Early, but also keep Early around for more episodes. Batman does to Joker what Firefly does to Early, except Batman isn't deliberately cruel, by breaking Joker's bones like Early got his bones broken by Kaylee.

I think DC Comics needs to decide one way or the other about Joker living or dying. Likewise, Joss Whedon needs to decide what he wants done to Jubal Early. There is a character that started out evil in the DC Comics, Harley Quinn. She slowly morphed into somebody worth keeping alive. She is neither good nor evil, but she is useful to both the villains and the heroes of DC Comics. And she is worth having a movie about her early life. Her story is much more interesting than Joker's constant evil and illness. Look at her newest comic. It is worth a movie:

Older Harley comics send her on adventures a little too weird to be made into good movies, in my opinion:

Unlike Harley, DC Comics never did anything to redeem the Joker. He is worthless. I think Joker doesn't have enough going for him to make a interesting movie, unless the movie has a Batman around for Joker to bounce off.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Tuesday, October 29, 2019 4:51 PM



Originally posted by second:
I think Joker doesn't have enough going for him to make a interesting movie, unless the movie has a Batman around for Joker to bounce off.

Yeah... but nobody cares about your opinion, or of opinions of any of the other people who review the movie without ever having seen it.

Not sure if you heard, but Joker is on its way to making a Billion dollars off of a $55 million dollar budget.

Prepare for A LOT of imitators.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Tuesday, October 29, 2019 4:57 PM


Oh... and by the way...

Harley Quinn was introduced by Batman the Animated Series. She didn't get her start in the comics.

People who don't know anything about comics don't know that, so I figured I'd help you out.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Tuesday, October 29, 2019 6:40 PM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Oh... and by the way...

Harley Quinn was introduced by Batman the Animated Series. She didn't get her start in the comics.

People who don't know anything about comics don't know that, so I figured I'd help you out.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

I never claimed to be a comic book guy, which is why I either don't mind what happens to characters in the movies ( as long as it decent material ) if it deviates too much from their origin story, be it comic or animated series.

All I know of Harley Quinn is that I loved her on screen version from Suicide Squad and Kevin Smith named his daughter after the character.

Still, being a Tolkien fan, I " get " why some characters have a canon that should be respected, while others ...maybe not so much.

I liked how Joker's actual origin played out ( or did it ? ) in mov...I mean " film ". It was intriguing , to say the least, with how he and Bruce Wayne had a shared history. Of sorts.


Tuesday, October 29, 2019 6:44 PM



Originally posted by AURaptor:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Oh... and by the way...

Harley Quinn was introduced by Batman the Animated Series. She didn't get her start in the comics.

People who don't know anything about comics don't know that, so I figured I'd help you out.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

I never claimed to be a comic book guy, which is why I either don't mind what happens to characters in the movies ( as long as it decent material ) if it deviates too much from their origin story, be it comic or animated series.

All I know of Harley Quinn is that I loved her on screen version from Suicide Squad and Kevin Smith named his daughter after the character.

Still, being a Tolkien fan, I " get " why some characters have a canon that should be respected, while others ...maybe not so much.

I liked how Joker's actual origin played out ( or did it ? ) in mov...I mean " film ". It was intriguing , to say the least, with how he and Bruce Wayne had a shared history. Of sorts.

Did you read my theory that Bruce and Arthur actually are brothers?

It may have gotten lost in all of the bullshit. I was hoping somebody would reply to that, but nobody has so far.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Tuesday, October 29, 2019 8:30 PM


America loves a winner!

Well, I did like how the movie flipped, then flopped on that possible plotline, but then still kinda left it up in the air.


Tuesday, October 29, 2019 8:43 PM


Yeah... Like I said originally it's 50/50.

Did you think of that possibility when you saw it? Like I had mentioned before, it didn't cross my brother or my dad's mind and they actually argued me on it at first until I explained where I was coming from.

I think that would be awesome though, if they continue with this version of the Universe if you find out they actually were brothers, but it would have to be done in a meaningful way. Hopefully Disney doesn't buy DC before then or that's never going to happen.

Honestly, my hope is that DC dumps everything else they were working on, reboots their entire movie franchise and centers it around this movie and style.

It's not too far fetched of a hope, given that the movie is on course to pretty easily make 20 times what it cost to produce. Time will tell.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Tuesday, October 29, 2019 9:09 PM


America loves a winner!

It's not like rich powerful men don't like crazy hot younger women.


Wednesday, October 30, 2019 12:00 AM



Originally posted by AURaptor:

It's not like men don't like crazy hot younger women.


Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, October 30, 2019 3:37 AM


It cost $55M to make, I think it's well past 20 times.

BTW, I saw a few people (I overheard them talking) bring their friends and relatives on my second viewing. So there are many casual and comic book fans who have made a second (third?) trip. Many on the internet, especially You Tube have expressed their undying love for Phillips and Joaquin.

The second time. Impression: it didn't seem as exhaustive as the first time. I attribute that to familiarity. Still brilliant. I'm a little pissed at the critics who poo-poo this film because it reminds them of Taxi Driver. I don't know, but if I was a filmmaker, I'd be proud to be mentioned in the same breath.

Of course, these assholes who shit on a film because they claim it's derivative, well, this film is similar to Taxi Driver like orange juice is to milk. That one guy on You Tube, Steve Shives, even lied about a scene in the film:

He said that Don (the big guy who gives him the gun) did so for no reason.
I couldn't believe my ears, so I ran it back. Dude, I said, not only did he give Arthur the gun; he told him why! What the fuck!? He said a bunch of other shit that I didn't agree with him, but some that made me want to see the film again. So thank you Steve.

Everybody is a critic nowadays. I makes me sad that Siskel and Ebert had to die.



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Yeah... Like I said originally it's 50/50.

Did you think of that possibility when you saw it? Like I had mentioned before, it didn't cross my brother or my dad's mind and they actually argued me on it at first until I explained where I was coming from.

I think that would be awesome though, if they continue with this version of the Universe if you find out they actually were brothers, but it would have to be done in a meaningful way. Hopefully Disney doesn't buy DC before then or that's never going to happen.

Honestly, my hope is that DC dumps everything else they were working on, reboots their entire movie franchise and centers it around this movie and style.

It's not too far fetched of a hope, given that the movie is on course to pretty easily make 20 times what it cost to produce. Time will tell.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, October 30, 2019 3:55 AM


Good point, but...

"some people get their kicks, stomping on a dream"



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Oh... and by the way...

Harley Quinn was introduced by Batman the Animated Series. She didn't get her start in the comics.

People who don't know anything about comics don't know that, so I figured I'd help you out.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, October 30, 2019 4:12 AM


Hey Rap,

You bring up some good points that some may not even "get." It's like Six says, she was conjured up in the animated series. I actually like that series.

But, to me, it's the story that matters. If it's well done, who the fuck cares. That's why Star Wars is losing droves of fans (not the die-hards, of which I am one) but it goes to story. Does it make sense and is it well told.

Anywho, you do pinpoint on a key factor; Phillips wrote an intriguing story about a character we all "think" we know, Joker. He fleshed out a character
and gave him life, like Frankenstein. He presented a variation based on a sketch of a villain we've come to know in comic books. He "borrowed" a bit from Nolan's Dark Knight and gave Joker a realistic background.

And, I'm with Six on this. How can a film that hasn't been seen get so much negative hype? My curiosity was piqued. It made me want to go see it more than ever. Plus Joaquin Phoenix is a draw because of his acting chops. I don't hate film critics, I just don't always trust them to be honest. Besides, sometimes you just have to take a chance that your favorite actor/director/producer will deliver the goods. Fuck what the critics say, you know when you know.



Originally posted by AURaptor:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Oh... and by the way...

Harley Quinn was introduced by Batman the Animated Series. She didn't get her start in the comics.

People who don't know anything about comics don't know that, so I figured I'd help you out.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

I never claimed to be a comic book guy, which is why I either don't mind what happens to characters in the movies ( as long as it decent material ) if it deviates too much from their origin story, be it comic or animated series.

All I know of Harley Quinn is that I loved her on screen version from Suicide Squad and Kevin Smith named his daughter after the character.

Still, being a Tolkien fan, I " get " why some characters have a canon that should be respected, while others ...maybe not so much.

I liked how Joker's actual origin played out ( or did it ? ) in mov...I mean " film ". It was intriguing , to say the least, with how he and Bruce Wayne had a shared history. Of sorts.


Wednesday, October 30, 2019 4:18 AM


Remember, we're dealing with Arthur's fragile psyche here. Like his mom he's delusional. But yeah, I did pick up on that.



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by AURaptor:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Oh... and by the way...

Harley Quinn was introduced by Batman the Animated Series. She didn't get her start in the comics.

People who don't know anything about comics don't know that, so I figured I'd help you out.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

I never claimed to be a comic book guy, which is why I either don't mind what happens to characters in the movies ( as long as it decent material ) if it deviates too much from their origin story, be it comic or animated series.

All I know of Harley Quinn is that I loved her on screen version from Suicide Squad and Kevin Smith named his daughter after the character.

Still, being a Tolkien fan, I " get " why some characters have a canon that should be respected, while others ...maybe not so much.

I liked how Joker's actual origin played out ( or did it ? ) in mov...I mean " film ". It was intriguing , to say the least, with how he and Bruce Wayne had a shared history. Of sorts.

Did you read my theory that Bruce and Arthur actually are brothers?

It may have gotten lost in all of the bullshit. I was hoping somebody would reply to that, but nobody has so far.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, October 30, 2019 4:32 AM


Hey Six,

For some reason I didn't see this post until now. But listen, I do comment on his take. I both agree and disagree with his take. Did you get a chance to see the video? (I don't know what happened to the video).

I'll tell you one thing I wrote in my comments:

He talks about when his friend gives him the gun and says he gave it to Arthur for no reason. In the video at 11:22, he says:

"...he just gives Arthur the gun. The gun fairy."

He says that it's a plot contrivance; that it seemingly comes out of nowhere.
On my second viewing I especially looked for that scene. You tell me, was Steve Shives being honest?



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Video doesn't display, but all you had to do was say Steve Shives.

You don't actually value any of that guy's opinions on anything under the sun, do you SGG?

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, October 30, 2019 1:20 PM


America loves a winner!

I see a fair amount of ' movies '. Few films though.

I got dragged to Capote back when it came out. I thought it was well done, the acting was impressive and the story dramatic.

But it's not my cup of tea. Again, like w/ Joker, I can say it's an impressive work w/ out it being my favorite.

I almost nodded off during one part, I hate to say, but still, Phillip Seymore Hoffman put in a heck of a performance.

Fathom the hypocrisy of a government that requires every citizen to prove they are insured... but not everyone must prove they are a citizen

I'm just a red pill guy in a room full of blue pill addicts.

" AU, that was great, LOL!! " - Chrisisall


Wednesday, October 30, 2019 10:28 PM


Exactly Rappy.

One could admire a work of art without giving up their first born. But yeah, Joker is a masterpiece, make no mistake, but it doesn't have to become your "fav" unless you go for that type of film.

I hold lots of films in high esteem, but don't have them in my Top Ten. Those films are "favs" that happen to be masterstrokes in film making. These are films I don't mind watching over and over again (well, duh!).

But you've hit the nail on the head.



Originally posted by AURaptor:

I see a fair amount of ' movies '. Few films though.

I got dragged to Capote back when it came out. I thought it was well done, the acting was impressive and the story dramatic.

But it's not my cup of tea. Again, like w/ Joker, I can say it's an impressive work w/ out it being my favorite.

I almost nodded off during one part, I hate to say, but still, Phillip Seymore Hoffman put in a heck of a performance.

Fathom the hypocrisy of a government that requires every citizen to prove they are insured... but not everyone must prove they are a citizen

I'm just a red pill guy in a room full of blue pill addicts.

" AU, that was great, LOL!! " - Chrisisall


Thursday, October 31, 2019 12:54 AM


Hey Six, Rappy

You guys gotta see this video: Todd Phillips at TIFF, Toronto Film Festival

I hope it works. If not search for it on You Tube. It's only about 20 minutes.



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by AURaptor:

It's not like men don't like crazy hot younger women.


Do Right, Be Right. :)


Thursday, October 31, 2019 10:44 AM



Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
It cost $55M to make, I think it's well past 20 times.

It's got to make $1.1 Billion worldwide to get the 20 times. It's close, and I have little doubt that it will, but we're only at $857 Million right now.

At $283 Million, it's now the 6th highest grossing movie domestically in the US. It's got to pull in another $43 million domestically to take number 5 from Deadpool 2, but if it can manage that, it shouldn't be a problem to get number 4 from It as well. I don't think it's going to get any higher than that though, looking at the numbers. It would take some sort of major resurgence of interest, or a very long time in the theaters to break $350 Million domestically and take the third spot. It would need another $20 million beyond that to take number 1.

I did not watch the Shives video. Shives gives me hives.

I'll watch that Q & A though and let you know what I think.

Here's a video I saw last night that you guys need to watch. I think it says it all about why the critics (only) in the US are so negative against the Joker.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Thursday, October 31, 2019 10:57 AM



Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
Exactly Rappy.

One could admire a work of art without giving up their first born. But yeah, Joker is a masterpiece, make no mistake, but it doesn't have to become your "fav" unless you go for that type of film.

I hold lots of films in high esteem, but don't have them in my Top Ten. Those films are "favs" that happen to be masterstrokes in film making. These are films I don't mind watching over and over again (well, duh!).

But you've hit the nail on the head.

I still haven't watched it a second time. I probably won't until it's out of theaters, unless my other brother has some free time before then and we can catch a cheap matinee somewhere.

But now that the experience has worn off, I still think my favorite flick is Ink, from 2009.

I'd love to know what you thought of Ink if you saw it. Pretty amazing to see what they were able to do with only $250,000.

I get chills just watching the trailer again. Going to have to watch it again myself soon.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Thursday, October 31, 2019 4:25 PM


America loves a winner!

6IX - good vid. Nailed it spot on. Save for the part where individuals bear no blame for their own actions, ( I think we put too much emphasis on what " society " made them do ) , I fully agree. And yes, it's never just ONE thing that makes up why we react and act on stuff. Anyone who posts on a message board will attest to the cumulative effect that comments by others can have on what is said. The whole story can't be told in just one snap shot.

** Still need to finish the Toronto Film Fest vid. So far, so good though. Need to watch the ' after ' part now.


Saturday, November 2, 2019 3:37 AM



I did not watch the Shives video. Shives gives me hives.

I will not, from this point on, give this guy the time of day. His integrity, if he ever had any, is shot with me, after that lie about "Randall" giving Arthur the gun with no reason behind it.

He never saw the film, is what I think. He's done!



Saturday, November 2, 2019 3:40 AM


I will give Ink a look-see. I will try to fit it into my schedule.



Saturday, November 2, 2019 3:41 AM


Go with someone who hasn't seen it.



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
Exactly Rappy.

One could admire a work of art without giving up their first born. But yeah, Joker is a masterpiece, make no mistake, but it doesn't have to become your "fav" unless you go for that type of film.

I hold lots of films in high esteem, but don't have them in my Top Ten. Those films are "favs" that happen to be masterstrokes in film making. These are films I don't mind watching over and over again (well, duh!).

But you've hit the nail on the head.

I still haven't watched it a second time. I probably won't until it's out of theaters, unless my other brother has some free time before then and we can catch a cheap matinee somewhere.

But now that the experience has worn off, I still think my favorite flick is Ink, from 2009.

I'd love to know what you thought of Ink if you saw it. Pretty amazing to see what they were able to do with only $250,000.

I get chills just watching the trailer again. Going to have to watch it again myself soon.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Saturday, November 2, 2019 4:09 AM


Just watched the "Media needs the Joker to fail" video. He touches upon a lot of key points, but I need to see it again (he really went so fast, I almost couldn't keep up), but generally I liked his criticism. Very well done backing his points with solid examples.



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
It cost $55M to make, I think it's well past 20 times.

It's got to make $1.1 Billion worldwide to get the 20 times. It's close, and I have little doubt that it will, but we're only at $857 Million right now.

At $283 Million, it's now the 6th highest grossing movie domestically in the US. It's got to pull in another $43 million domestically to take number 5 from Deadpool 2, but if it can manage that, it shouldn't be a problem to get number 4 from It as well. I don't think it's going to get any higher than that though, looking at the numbers. It would take some sort of major resurgence of interest, or a very long time in the theaters to break $350 Million domestically and take the third spot. It would need another $20 million beyond that to take number 1.

I did not watch the Shives video. Shives gives me hives.

I'll watch that Q & A though and let you know what I think.

Here's a video I saw last night that you guys need to watch. I think it says it all about why the critics (only) in the US are so negative against the Joker.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Friday, November 8, 2019 12:02 PM


It turns out the laugh track was all in his head...

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Saturday, November 9, 2019 9:03 AM


America loves a winner!

GEOKER video - " like "

Also... one last update -


Thursday, November 14, 2019 6:19 AM


America loves a winner!

Joker is on the doorstep to making 1 billion dollars.

Joker was denied being shown in the Chinese market. Truly amazing.

With the soft performances of other current movies, ( Terminator, and poor screening reports for Star Wars ) I wonder if Hollywood is having any second thoughts on this whole woke nonsense.

My guess they're too damn arrogant to admit failure.


Sunday, December 8, 2019 1:08 AM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
After tallying the 4th weekend numbers, Joker is officially the number 1 R rated movie worldwide as well as internationally.

It is number 7 domestically, as of the Monday night take, but it's almost a sure thing to beat out the terrible Matrix Reloaded and take the number 6 spot after tonight... if not, it will have by Wednesday night.

1. The Passion of the Christ $370,782,930
2. Deadpool $363,070,709
3. American Sniper $350,126,372
4. It $327,481,748
5. Deadpool 2 $324,591,735
6. The Matrix Reloaded $281,553,689
7. Joker $279,701,557

25 million and 28 million to overtake "Deadpool 2" and "It" shouldn't be a problem. Likely to happen two weeks from now when the weekend numbers are in then.

It should still have another two months in the theaters domestically, at least. It probably won't get the full four months that Captain Marvel did before it left theaters, but Alita Battle Angel only made $85 million domestically and got a three month domestic run.

Is it possible for Joker to make another $89 million in two months to take number one?

It would be quite funny if it did and it triggers Mel Gibson to go on a drunken rampage again.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

Just looking at the numbers tonight and it's in 4th place for R Rated Domestic take now, with $331 Million.

That looks like as good as it's going to get. Judging by what I'm seeing it's probably not going to make much more than another $1.25 Million by the end of this week, and it would have to hold that number for about another 15 or 16 weeks to make it, which isn't going to happen.

But of the three that have beaten it, it has still brought in quite a bit more money worldwide than all of them. American Sniper ($547 Million + 80 Million in BluRay/DVD), Deadpool (801 Million + 107 Million in BluRay/DVD) and Passion of the Christ (622 Million). It also beats any of them even if you account for inflation, and you know that it's going to sell a lot of discs when it's out of the theaters.

What is also interesting to note here is that all 4 of the top R Rated movies have had surprisingly low and surprisingly similar production budgets.

Joker: $55 Million
Deadpool: $58 Million
American Sniper: $58 Million
Passion of the Christ: $25 Million

Inflation adjustments for Deadpool and Sniper would be pretty inconsequential add only 5 to 10 percent. Inflation for Christ, however, would be around 40%, and put that number closer to $40 Million for the production budget.

If you include inflation, all four of these movies combined cost around 30 Million more than Captain Marvel cost to make (175 Million), and far less than the $400 Million production budget of Avengers: End Game.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Tuesday, January 7, 2020 5:19 PM


Joker snags Best Soundtrack and Best Actor in a Drama. Was also nominated for best Drama Motion Picture and Best Director.

Looks like Second was wrong again. Imagine that.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, January 8, 2020 7:21 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Joker snags Best Soundtrack and Best Actor in a Drama. Was also nominated for best Drama Motion Picture and Best Director.

Looks like Second was wrong again. Imagine that.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

Think of the awards the sequel to "Joker" will win when the live action version of "The Killing Joke" is made . . . Best Actor in a Drama. Best Soundtrack.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Wednesday, January 8, 2020 8:24 AM


Sequels usually suck. I won't hold my breath on whatever they're doing next.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Sunday, January 12, 2020 10:23 AM


Great performance; too bad Joaquin Phoenix is a dick.



Sunday, January 12, 2020 2:25 PM


I have not seen this film, and from what I've heard I might not.

But recently, I heard that this is effectively a remake of Black Swan, with some King of Comedy scenes thrown in, and some John Wayne Gacy action.


Sunday, January 12, 2020 2:53 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
I have not seen this film, and from what I've heard I might not.

But recently, I heard that this is effectively a remake of Black Swan, with some King of Comedy scenes thrown in, and some John Wayne Gacy action.

If you're afraid it's violence porn and that's the reason you don't want to see it, I wouldn't worry about that. I'm very selective about what I watch these days after I shut off the Silence of the Lambs sequel years ago.

There was a scene at one point that made me worry that maybe I was misled and that's the route it was going to ultimately take, but I'd say it's fairly tame compared to most modern R rated offerings.

Had the movie not been just as damn good as it was, I'd probably resent the gore that I did have to watch getting through it, but it was worth it here.

I say this being a guy who made my brother shut off the preview for the Kingsmen halfway through because I knew straight away I had zero interest in seeing anything that film had to offer from what little I saw of the preview.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Monday, January 13, 2020 10:39 AM


Oscar nominations 2020: ‘Joker’ leads with 11 nominations


Too bad Joaquin Phoenix is a dick.


Monday, January 13, 2020 4:08 PM



Originally posted by THG:
Oscar nominations 2020: ‘Joker’ leads with 11 nominations


Too bad Joaquin Phoenix is a dick.

This is great news, and yes Phoenix is a line of coke away from taking hostages BUT! I think this list of nominations is the best in years. Since most of these flicks did great B.O. the ratings for the awards show may be very good. I hope "Joker" wins but I think the race is between "1917" and "Once Upon a Time in Hollywood", (The Irishman is way over rated) and I think Phoenix is a lock to win best actor...and will say something nutz.


Monday, January 13, 2020 4:15 PM



Originally posted by whozit:

Originally posted by THG:
Oscar nominations 2020: ‘Joker’ leads with 11 nominations


Too bad Joaquin Phoenix is a dick.

This is great news, and yes Phoenix is a line of coke away from taking hostages BUT! I think this list of nominations is the best in years. Since most of these flicks did great B.O. the ratings for the awards show may be very good. I hope "Joker" wins but I think the race is between "1917" and "Once Upon a Time in Hollywood", (The Irishman is way over rated) and I think Phoenix is a lock to win best actor...and will say something nutz.

I can't say I disagree with any of this. Haven't seen
any of the movies but I am aware of them. I'll wait for Netflix. Still, I've seen many clips and reviews.



Monday, January 13, 2020 6:08 PM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by THG:
Oscar nominations 2020: ‘Joker’ leads with 11 nominations

Too bad Joaquin Phoenix is a dick.

The list of Hollywood A listers who fall into that category is pretty long. That's nothing special.


Wednesday, January 15, 2020 6:25 PM



Originally posted by AURaptor:

Originally posted by THG:
Oscar nominations 2020: ‘Joker’ leads with 11 nominations

Too bad Joaquin Phoenix is a dick.

The list of Hollywood A listers who fall into that category is pretty long. That's nothing special.








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