The Dark Knight Rises - It's Dark!

UPDATED: Thursday, August 16, 2012 17:58
VIEWED: 6685
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Tuesday, July 24, 2012 3:30 AM


Saw it on Friday, yes, despite the massacre in Colorado. I believe that that was the way to go, no fear and I felt that by going I was honoring the victims - it was what they were doing when they were shot by the coward.

Well, go see TDKR, it is intense and dark and beautifully shot and well-constructed. It builds up to a climactic finish with a plot twist that you won't see coming - actually 2 plot twists. All in all it is right up there on the level of the Dark Knight with the Joker, for which I give the definite advantage, but it does not disappoint.

One small picadillo - the plot with Bane was a bit thin, otherwise the movie was solid.

More later.............................



Tuesday, July 24, 2012 4:03 AM


I disagree. I thought this movie fell well short of even Batman Begins. I'd be really curious what percentage of the frames Batman is actually in. If it's over 15% I'd be surprised.

My biggest gripe is that The Dark Knight was intense the whole way through. The Dark Knight Rises was never intense at any point. Bane was more or less a thug. Whoopdy doo. The best characters were Cat Woman and the cop Blake. Batman and Bane play second fiddle IMO. I never really expected this to live up to the Dark Knight, but I didn't think the apple would fall so far from the tree.


Tuesday, July 24, 2012 1:29 PM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.

My opinion is sort of in between SGG and Zeek. It was good, but not really close to the awesomeness of TDK, and I would also rate BB ahead of it. There were too many plot holes.

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Bane and gang walk into the stock exchange, but they make their escape on motorcycles? WTF?

Bane's headquarters is in the tunnel directly below where all the Bat Toys are stored? Couldn't Bruce or Lucius have set up some type of security that would have alerted them to that?

They cut the ending too close. Batman would not have been able to get that far out over the water in the short amount of time left ticking down on the bomb.


Friday, July 27, 2012 2:51 PM


Freedom is Important because People are Important


I was entertained by the film, but I was not thrilled by it. It didn't feel very much like a Batman movie to me. I'm not sure how to convey why I feel this way. Perhaps the scope of the threat and the involvement of many ancillary characters reduced the 'intimacy' I usually feel between Batman and his antagonists. I did not find the ending to be satisfying. (Nor plausible.) I felt the movie missed its chance to be bold there.

I still found it worth the price of admission, even if I considered it the worst of the three, and even if I think it felt like an entirely different kind of movie altogether.

Honorable mention to the new cop character and the catwoman portrayal. Best lines of the movie were between catwoman and an opponent, on a topic involving high heels.


Note to Self:
Raptor - woman testifying about birth control is a slut (the term fits.)
Six - Wow, isn't Niki quite the CUNT? And, yes, I spell that in all caps....
Wulf - Niki is a stupid fucking bitch who should hurry up and die.

“The stupid neither forgive nor forget; the naive forgive and forget; the wise forgive but do not forget.” -Thomas Szasz


Monday, July 30, 2012 12:32 PM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
One small picadillo - the plot with Bane was a bit thin, otherwise the movie was solid.

It was, I concur.

The movie was good. Darn good. I still say it's 2nd to The Dark Knight, but I can see how some would argue that point. Lots of good ( new ) parts for this movie.

While I could comment on stuff political or what not, I'll skip that here. I'll just say that, some of the 'rumors' I had heard...well, I wish I hadn't heard them. I like going into a movie void of knowing or expecting a plot to be a certain way, and seeing it unfold new and fresh , for the first time.

Also, if Darth Vader can speak clear enough while he's wearing a helmet, what the heck is Bane's excuse ?

And as for ...

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Bane and gang walk into the stock exchange, but they make their escape on motorcycles? WTF?

Bane's headquarters is in the tunnel directly below where all the Bat Toys are stored? Couldn't Bruce or Lucius have set up some type of security that would have alerted them to that?

They cut the ending too close. Batman would not have been able to get that far out over the water in the short amount of time left ticking down on the bomb.

- I really agree here. I knew they were playing hinky w/ the shot of him in the seat and then the clock at " 0:05 ", ... but man. This wasn't some suit case of TNT that was goin ' off, either. As soon as he took off, i was thinking of the scene from Angels and Demons. But then that involved an auto pilot too, so I did have to wonder about that some.

And there were a couple of other things, of the same sort, that I thought were..well... just goofy. But such allowances have to be made for these sorts of movies, right?

Finally, I'd heard that Bruce Wayne dies in this movie. I heard that Bane breaks his back, and then kills him, or some such story. Hearing this, I fully expected that to be the case, when 1- Bane did bust him over his knee, 2 - Bruce fails the climb out of the hole, and falls w/ the rope tied around his waste. ( I thought that could have broken his back either time ). I also thought 3, he could have died from being knifed. And then finally,4 when the nuke goes off.

So, Bruce doesn't get any real professional medical help, other than hanging from a rope until his back 'heals'? Uh-huh. And even then, he gets himself back into shape ( with in 6 months, while in a hell hole of a prison ) how does he cope w/ his cartilage being deteriorated ? I mean, the guy was a wreck, and save for the hi-tech brace he used for his knee, he couldn't walk w/ out aid of a cane. How does he get banged all to hell in the 1st fight w/ Bane, tossed down a hole, and 'recover' enough to be in better shape than when he had access to the best doctors, braces and training facilities ?



" We're all just folk. " - Mal

" AU, that was great, LOL!! " - Chrisisall


Friday, August 3, 2012 1:25 PM


Haters gotta hate. I thought it was awesome! What a cast! I'd give Michael Caine an Oscar for this.


Hey, hey, hey, don't be mean. We don't have to be mean, because, remember, no matter where you go, there you are.


Friday, August 3, 2012 2:29 PM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.


Originally posted by HKCavalier:
Haters gotta hate.

I don't think anyone here said anything about hating TDKR. It was just not up to par with the previous two films. But I will agree Caine was terrific, as he always is.


Friday, August 3, 2012 3:13 PM


You know the saying "damned with faint praise?" Y'all's haters 'cause the movie rocked balls, yo! And Zeek straight up hated. Word.

Reread the thread and pretend you thought the movie was the best of the three and see how you feel. Don't get me wrong, the first movie was a revelation. But if you leave out Heath Ledger's epochal performance, the second movie was second tier J.J. Abrams tv. Harvey Dent was a joke, the ending, a joke. "We need to lie to keep everyone safe!" Yeah, that'll work out.

And Anne Hathaway out-Michelle Pfeiffered Michelle Pfeiffer.

One thing though: did anyone else notice that Bane looked exactly like a bald Seth Macfarlane???


Hey, hey, hey, don't be mean. We don't have to be mean, because, remember, no matter where you go, there you are.


Friday, August 3, 2012 3:51 PM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.

Obviously we disagree. I'm used to that. No biggee.


Saturday, August 4, 2012 1:16 AM


Yeah, I agree with you about the Batman sightings in this movie - for me, not enough. One of Nolan's strengths is his storytelling, it is elaborate and thorough. But it is also his weakness. Sometimes too elaborate and too thorough - I'm speaking specifically about the "Deep hole" prison, it was far too long and detailed - but that's Nolan for you.

The Bane character was truly weak, IMHO, and yes it did seem that he was just a thug with no real substance other than he loved that other character. But even that seemed tacked on. To me it was a fail. So, as far as it being a Batman movie - that part of it fell short. Not enough of the Dark Knight deducing and solving crimes (as in the comics), somehow it came across better in the first 2 installments, but not in this one.

So, you say what is SGG talking about. He liked this movie, didn't he? Yes, I did. Was it weak in parts yes. Plot holes, yes. But the parts that worked were awesome. In thinking about it some more though, and after rewatching Batman Begins, you guys are totally correct in saying TDK is the best of the three (although I never said this film was better, I happen to really like TDK for all the right reasons, especially Heath Ledger's performance - it drove the movie). In this film I especially liked - Ann Hathaway's Catwoman, the best one yet. Michael Caine was excellent, and Joseph Gordon-Leavitt was solid, as was Gary Oldham.

Two more picadillos I have with this film. They didn't give Catwoman enough to do (awesome that she got to ride the Bat Cycle/Tumbler). I wanted to see more of her in the film and the title character Batman. That's what I mean about Nolan getting carried away with the background stories of his characters. They only one I paid for was Batman, but instead I got the life and times of Bane the super thug.
I admit that he tied in the characters involvement fairly well, but who cares I wanted to see Batman. So I agree, not enough of him. I agree that the ending sequence felt a little rushed, but I liked the final outcome. So mixed feelings for me.

But did you guys get the feeling that there may be more to come? Maybe not by Nolan though, just saying!



Saturday, August 4, 2012 1:33 AM


Hi Auraptor,

I agree with you about the seemingly contrived political "statement" Nolan was trying to make, but it was poorly and disasterously constructed. I never got the feeling he was actually trying to bring across his point of view, he just thought it relevant to include something from today's headlines to drive the story. It failed miserably. So no political comment is needed, as far as I'm concerned, because none was made. It was, as Zeek put it, a bunch of thugs looting and stealing. I sure hope he wasn't thinking "how clever of me to put in this plot device to entertain and move the story along. We get mob scene and action and thrilling heroics."

My guess is that a studio exec sent a note to Nolan about creating a spectacle where none was needed. I know, I'm defending Nolan without really knowing his intention. Ok, I'll stop now.


Where does he get those wonderful toys? - Joker, 1989 Batman


Wednesday, August 8, 2012 2:37 PM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by HKCavalier:
Haters gotta hate. I thought it was awesome! What a cast! I'd give Michael Caine an Oscar for this.


Does " The movie was good. Darn good " sound very much like 'hating' ?

And we don't disagree on the cast, either. Ms Hathaway did a great job too, as did others.

But pointing out certain issues ( flaws ), doesn't mean anyone is 'hating' does it ?

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Mal has survived both a gun shot wound to the gut AND being run clean through with a sword, and he's still flyin'. He should have survived neither, yet there he is. Pointing that out doesn't make Joss some sort of a hack or Mal any less of a BDH, does it ?

" We're all just folk. " - Mal

" AU, that was great, LOL!! " - Chrisisall


Thursday, August 9, 2012 7:00 AM



Originally posted by HKCavalier:
You know the saying "damned with faint praise?" Y'all's haters 'cause the movie rocked balls, yo! And Zeek straight up hated. Word.

Straight up hater in the house. Word to your mother!


Thursday, August 16, 2012 5:58 PM


Finally saw this today. Sorry, but meh.

I won't say it was a *bad* movie, certainly not, but with this much hoopla and budget and two really good movies to build off of, I had certain expectations. This did not live up.

It might be a comparison issue - and I don't mean the other Dark Knight movies. I've seen two other movies this summer, The Avengers and The Bourne Legacy. Nothing in TDKR could live up to the brilliance of Joss's dialogue or the fascinating complexity of Jeremy Renner's acting. (I could watch that man's face all day. So much going on!) Batman's special effects were very well done, but not as jaw-dropping and purely entertaining as the Avengers. The action was not as hard-hitting or clearly presented as Bourne. As for suspense/drama... I hung on every minute of those other movies, but felt very little in Batman. I didn't bond with any of the characters and didn't feel especially worked up over the plot. Too little depth in the former, too many holes in the latter.

Now, don't hate on me, because I'm not hating. I'm sharing my honest reaction, and honestly I kind of felt like leaving the theater at a few spots. Not out of hate. More like apathy. I just wasn't that interested.

I don't know, maybe I'd be able to forgive the faults if those other movies weren't fresh in my mind. Maybe, if viewed in a vacuum, I'd have found TDKR to be as good as the other Batman movies. (I really loved the second one, with Heath!) Maybe I'd have liked TDKR if I'd seen it first this summer. But I didn't. Such is life.

There were good things, which may spoil:

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I liked that catwoman was catwoman right from the beginning, with none of the twists and turns that Michelle Pfeffier had to go through. The first scene with her getting caught stealing the necklace was unexpected and fantastic. Loved the Bane twist, loved the ending. Sucked that the Bane twist happened so late, because the male masked Bane I really did not like. (Blah blah blah big scary guy mask weird voice blah.) Get him out of the way sooner, I might have been more into things.

Bads: The forced class warfare angle didn't work for me and I didn't get drawn into the take-over-NYC plot. Someone already talked about Batman's healing process: yeah WTF was with that? Completely not believable. His health issues - like no cartilage - were just ignored when they became inconvenient. Compare this to how Iron Man dealt with his heart issue. Now THAT was interesting plot!

Hey, I'm willing to give up a lot to enjoy a movie. I will go to great lengths to find a way to believe improbable plots. Say... (SPOILER FOR BOURNE) like accepting that a shot of virus could make you sick for a day but then permanently up your IQ a good 50 points. I'll swallow that hook if Renner is selling it. But I couldn't suspend disbelief for TDKR. Not a good enough sell.






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