Man of Steel

UPDATED: Saturday, June 29, 2013 20:05
VIEWED: 4332
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Sunday, June 16, 2013 2:48 PM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.

In spite of a few negatives, highly recommended.


Monday, June 17, 2013 5:49 AM


I will present the counter point. Highly disappointed.

Movie tries to take itself seriously while presenting ridiculousness by the truckload. Tone is all wrong. Action is actiony and explody. Amy Adams is pretty. The end.


Monday, June 17, 2013 6:08 AM


I liked it. Just a superhero movie, nothing to get excited about.


Monday, June 17, 2013 2:27 PM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.

Every other Superman movie has been too campy and light-hearted. This one was as much an alien invasion story as it was a superhero movie, and if Zod came to Earth right now the destruction would be extreme. That's what they showed.


Tuesday, June 18, 2013 3:20 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by reaverfan:
I liked it. Just a superhero movie, nothing to get excited about.

An amazing parallel with Superman's origin story?

Brewster Rockit by Tim Rickard, June 18, 2013

In one version of the story in an early comic, the rocket was (barely) big enough for both Lara and baby Kal-El, but she decided her place was by her husband’s side. Michael L. Fleisher, in “The Great Superman Book”, theorized that Clark retained some memory that Mom would rather die with Dad than live with him, and that explains some aspects of his personality. It’s an interesting notion, but the incident it’s based on was dropped from later tellings of Kal-El’s escape from Krypton. The rocket (or “birthing chamber”) reverted to its original one-baby capacity.

The Joss Whedon script for "Serenity," where Wash lives, is
Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Tuesday, June 18, 2013 4:58 AM



Originally posted by ecgordon:
Every other Superman movie has been too campy and light-hearted. This one was as much an alien invasion story as it was a superhero movie, and if Zod came to Earth right now the destruction would be extreme. That's what they showed.

There's nothing wrong with destruction. To discuss what's wrong with it we need to go into spoilers.

Select to view spoiler:

What's wrong is how they took a serious tone but then nothing made any sense. Zod sends a message when he shows up on Earth and apparently it can transmit to any device but it can't send a decent image. Right. Then Zod immediately demands Kal El be turned over to him and goes all out aggression right from the get go. When he could have accomplished his goal much better by pretending to be Kal El's friend. The guy is all alone in the galaxy pretty sure he'd jump at the chance to be included in a group of his own people. Then Zod's plan is to terraform Earth into a New Krypton which appears to take away their powers which for some reason are removed by a Kryptonian atmosphere. I mean what megalomaniac would want to take away their own super powers? Not to mention his terraforming device is some sort of magical mass creating beam that does some funky fluctuating gravity thing that only effects cars but not any of the people right next to those cars. All because a scientist stole this incredibly important hard drive made from a skull that wasn't even in a locked room or backed up at all.

There's also the issue of said genetically designed scientist beating up a bunch of genetically designed and trained warriors. Also, some scientist on Earth being cool with creating a black hole in the middle of metropolis. What could go wrong?

Bah the list goes on and on. The movie was not well thought out and if it was just a popcorn flick that would be ok, but they tried to make it an emotional journey and that doesn't fit with shoddy planning.


Tuesday, June 18, 2013 9:15 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by Zeek

There's nothing wrong with destruction. To discuss what's wrong with it we need to go into spoilers. What's wrong is how they took a serious tone but then nothing made any sense. . . .
Bah the list goes on and on. The movie was not well thought out and if it was just a popcorn flick that would be ok, but they tried to make it an emotional journey and that doesn't fit with shoddy planning.

The story for Man of Steel looks like it started out to be a cartoon. What would be acceptable for Superman: Unbound (2013), a cartoon, looks asinine in live action Man of Steel.

The Joss Whedon script for "Serenity," where Wash lives, is
Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Friday, June 28, 2013 11:32 PM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

Well, I'm clearly in the minority, but I was so swept away by this movie that I couldn't bring myself to leave the theater. Every time I thought it might be safe to leave for a minute, a new wrinkle would be thrown into the story and I would sit there for another fifteen minutes before I remembered that I needed to use the restroom. There were moments that made me weep and moments that made me grin. The casting was good for both ability and having the right look, and the effects were spectacular. Far and away the best Superman movie I've ever seen, and ranks among the top comic book movies I've seen. (I like that superhero movies have stopped being campy and stilted, but haven't stopped being superhero movies. It's okay for the plot to be a little ridiculous; that doesn't mean the dialogue, acting, and special effects have to be sub-par. And honestly, I've seen way worse plots in movies that weren't even comic book movies. Plenty of basic action movies or comedies have motivations more obtuse than those in Man of Steel.)

What reason had proved best ceased to look absurd to the eye, which shows how idle it is to think anything ridiculous except what is wrong.


Saturday, June 29, 2013 7:53 PM


EC, you and I agree.........this Superman is a good solid movie with a few minor flaws, but I still recommend it.

Chief among my likes is Cavill, who played it absolutely perfect. His Superman was understated, tortured and as human as anyone of this earth. I could have used more moments of him as a child growing into a teen and then into a young man, but parts of his life prior to his learning of his true identity were borderline brilliant.

Two more reasons for me liking this movie so much was Costner and Crowe, both were in excellent form as the 2 fathers to Kal-El/Clark. My favorite scene was during the twister, Costner, with a simple hand gesture speaks volumes. Powerful stuff. I loved how Snyder and company handled the realism of a young boy suffering growing into his special powers.

Amy Adams was also very believable as Lois Lane, but at times her involvement seemed a bit far-fetched for my taste. But that's a minor quibble (I happen to be in love with this beauty, redheads OMG!!!).

Now for the parts I didn't like so much. I agree that parts were overdone and a bit over the top. The last battle scene, as opposed to the first encounter, was, for my taste, wrongheaded. Here is Kal-El dealing with the teachings of both his fathers having been taught that he was meant for greater things and we get the near-destruction of Metropolis. It occurred to me during the long-winded battle that there must be people in those buildings and in the streets. Kal-El was taught to value human life above all. So why would he abandon his teachings in his battle with Zod?

It was Epic in nature but, wrongheaded. Superman, as I remember him, would have found a way to take the battle away from Metropolis so as to minimize damage and destruction, but, more importantly, preserve human life (remember his defense of Ma Kent, another powerful scene, which made perfect sense within the context of the story and the teachings from his fathers). So why betray the very essence of what, up until the final scenes, was one of the main themes throughout the film. That, plus the overly long battle, kept me from giving this film 4 out of 5 stars.

I agree about Michael Shannon, especially since he did yeoman's work with a somewhat stilted stereotypical villain role. He should be given a special commendation for his performance. It was a revisionist Superman film, but I enjoyed the story (except those few flaws I mentioned), the performances and the overall theme - trust and understanding - but too, tolerance. Zod as the devoted mad man (and as the devil, with Kal-El as Jesus, etc.) because he wanted the survival of his people above all else, and Jor-El as God sacrificing his only begotten son to save the world. That higher purpose stuff always gets me.

Finally, the ending felt tacked on. Perhaps they didn't know just how to end this film and settled on what was actually quite corny and totally un-realistic. The beginning and middle chapters were excellent, but the final third could have been much better.



Originally posted by ecgordon:
In spite of a few negatives, highly recommended.


Saturday, June 29, 2013 8:05 PM


Hi Rose,

I too held my pee until the end, even through that long dragged out battle with Zod. The only final battle that was longer (and more boring) was the fight between Neo and Agent Smith in Matrix Revolutions. There were many scenes that were almost done to perfection in the opening chapters, and I was pleasantly surprised by Cavill as Superman. He was solid and understated as Kal-El/Clark.

I was happy that they didn't revert to the campy style of past Superman films and kept it within the realm of reality. What if we were to actually have an alien living among us raised as one of us. Shiny!!!



Originally posted by PhoenixRose:
Well, I'm clearly in the minority, but I was so swept away by this movie that I couldn't bring myself to leave the theater. Every time I thought it might be safe to leave for a minute, a new wrinkle would be thrown into the story and I would sit there for another fifteen minutes before I remembered that I needed to use the restroom. There were moments that made me weep and moments that made me grin. The casting was good for both ability and having the right look, and the effects were spectacular. Far and away the best Superman movie I've ever seen, and ranks among the top comic book movies I've seen. (I like that superhero movies have stopped being campy and stilted, but haven't stopped being superhero movies. It's okay for the plot to be a little ridiculous; that doesn't mean the dialogue, acting, and special effects have to be sub-par. And honestly, I've seen way worse plots in movies that weren't even comic book movies. Plenty of basic action movies or comedies have motivations more obtuse than those in Man of Steel.)

What reason had proved best ceased to look absurd to the eye, which shows how idle it is to think anything ridiculous except what is wrong.






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