What movie surprised you the most, for good or bad ?

UPDATED: Monday, March 4, 2024 11:18
VIEWED: 11580
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Tuesday, November 5, 2013 6:09 AM


America loves a winner!

There are a boat load of movies I've not bothered watching, because they don't look very entertaining, or I've heard very little in the way of positive reviews, which leads me to believe that the movie just isn't worth my time. Soon enough, those movies make their way to Netflix or t.v., and I may flip around and catch a few minutes, and think " huh... this doesn't look half bad ".


Wednesday, November 6, 2013 10:20 AM


Tucker and Dale vs Evil

The trailers did nothing for me so I totally avoided it.
One day, I noticed it was on Netflix and I remembered Alan was in, so figured I'd take a look.
What a fun movie! I have since picked it up on BluRay.


Wednesday, November 6, 2013 10:41 AM



Went to this movie expecting the best. Had a hard time staying awake.


Went to this movie expecting the worst (my daughter wanted to see it). Turned out to be one excellent popcorn flick.


Wednesday, November 6, 2013 6:24 PM


Maybe "Dodgeball: A true underdog story", I didn't expect it to be that funny. I've seen it over a dozen times.

Also "It's a Mad Mad Mad Mad World" and "The Blues Brothers", I remember the first time I saw them and said to myself, I've got to see that again!

As for "Serenity", I was shocked when Wash died, Book's death saddened me, but Wash's death made me say HOLY SHIT out loud.

I can't single out 1, I loved "Forrest Gump" and "Juno" and many others that surprised me how good they were.

And I love "Galaxy Quest"....see! Now I can't stop!


Thursday, November 7, 2013 1:07 AM


Recently. Dark Shadows.

I've been a Burton fan since Vincent back in the 80's but it's fair to say that aside from Big Fish, he has not been doing his best work this century. So I sort of let Dark Shadows pass bye when it was released...

However I caught it recently on TV and I was pleasantly surprised. While it wasn't a great film and no way near as good as he has or can do, I felt it was a step in the right direction. It gives me hope put it that way.

Otherwise... The Bourne Legacy. I know it's not gone down well with many, but I liked it. It was paced differently but still with enough muscle to carry it through it's duration. Weisz was brilliant and Renner was good given the shoes he had to fill. If they make a sequel I think he'll be much better. So I hope it does indeed happen.

...and I have to say the Marvel films. I keep thinking they're going to be dreadful, but they always come through. Some are better than others of course, but as a unit they're genuinely entertaining and I'm enjoying the saga.

In terms of a bad surprise... Dark Knight Rises Admittedly it had a lot to do following the brilliant Dark Knight so I can sort of let it go, but I was a disappointed with many of the characterisations and hyperbolic plot. Quite unnecessary really.

°...Well here I am.°


Thursday, November 7, 2013 3:01 AM


Rollerball (1975)
I think I went to see this out of boredom with no expectations.
Lucky Me! "Jonathan! - Jonathan! - Jonathan!!!"

Jaws (1975)
My daughter, 9, wanted badly to see it. I kept saying No,
'cause I knew it'd be stupid, gorey, poorly done. Also might give
one of us nightmares. Finally we made a bet (I knew I'd win), &
the winner got to pick the movie. I Lost!
Off we went to see Jaws. It was/is awesome to me. I've often
said it should be part of the curriculum at film schools. I was
glad to be wrong.

The Warriors (1979)
Similar situation, 'cept it was my neighbor's boy who had to see
it. No bet, but he begged & finally wore me down. Another classic!

The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey (2012)
I made it thru almost an hour & turned it off, "I'm not watching
this!" Part of the disappointment was how mediocre it was com-
pared to the LotR trilogy! Another thing was, Martin Freeman as
Bilbo was the only character in the movie I liked. For me to Not like
Ian McKellan is rare.

A man's gotta know his movies


Thursday, November 7, 2013 6:15 AM


America loves a winner!

Pitch Black was one I had little interest in seeing, but surprised me in a good way. I thought " Oh great, a cheaper, bloodier rip off of Alien ". I blame the advertising.

Ones I wish HAD been better... all SW prequels, as well as The Hobbit trilogy. I'll see them, but I'm not at all happy with how they decided to tell the story, for several reasons.

Fathom the hypocrisy of a government that requires every citizen to prove they are insured... but not everyone must prove they are a citizen

Resident USA Freedom Fundie

" AU, that was great, LOL!! " - Chrisisall


Thursday, November 7, 2013 10:15 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Prometheus. It is a film of great potential, great build-up, it arrays the design and hardware, creates epic mystery. There are a good many aspects to it – great production design, top drawer effects, fine casting. This works well for its first half, but it in the end reveals itself as an empty hand of cards – half-baked von Danikenism and an eventual settling for rehashing Alien in ways that leave all of its promise up in the air and unfulfilled. I expected more from Ridley Scott’s return to genre material and especially to the Alien franchise. -

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Thursday, November 7, 2013 1:35 PM


Before I start, I gotta say Rap, this is a very good topic. Sometimes, you surprise me.

Ok, on to the task at hand:


2001 A Space Odyssey, saw this as a young lad way back when in the theatre, with a girlfriend, and totally forgot she was there. I heard from others that there was this very trippy scene towards the end. But what transpired was an inspired masterpiece of filmmaking, nay, storytelling, nay, work of art. I knew, once the end credits rolled, that it was a true masterpiece by Kubrick. It was - an experience.

Days of Heaven - another work of art/masterpiece of storytelling in film.
I'm not a big Richard Gere fan, but he was tolerable in this piece and I fell in love with Brooke Adams. I became a Terrence Malick fan.

Inception - again storytelling as an erector set, built brick by brilliant brick. There, for me, was one flaw, the casting of Helen Page. Although she was capable, my choice would have been Natalie Portman.

One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest - In every way shape and form a true film story that spoke volumes. I was genuinely moved by film's end and got off guard by it's ending.

Cloud Atlas - you guys know how I feel about this movie. I was skeptical because of the failure of Matrix: Revolutions. Boy was I ever wrong.

Raging Bull - Another masterpiece by a true modern filmmaking legend. It's film noir and a tour de force by both Pesce and De Niro. At the time, it worked on all levels.


Dark Knight Rises - for the same reasons that "Sleepy" gives. It was just so wrong in it's overblown plot and characters. Parts of it was good (like Ann Hathaway and JGL) but it wasn't enough. Sorely disappointed.

Superman - again, parts were good, but too much repetition in action sequences.

Sucker Punch - I was anticipating a wonderful mish-mosh of sci-fi, steampunk, fantasy, action and real-life anime all rolled into one, it was a misguided melodramatic hot mess - great action scenes but the plot needed fixing.

Prometheus - Great production values, but piss-poor plot. I expected more from Ridley Scott. There were some actual dumb scenes that made most audience members groan. This should have been a masterpiece.



Thursday, November 7, 2013 1:39 PM


Recently, Pacific Rim.

This movie surprised me at how much fun it was. I wasn't expecting that.
I mainly went to see it because of Guillermo Del Toro, but my son and I had a great time at the movies. Who knew!



Thursday, November 7, 2013 4:36 PM


Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:


2001 A Space Odyssey, saw this as a young lad way back when in the theatre, with a girlfriend, and totally forgot she was there.

Shiny! That is so funny!!


Inception - again storytelling as an erector set, built brick by brilliant brick. There, for me, was one flaw, the casting of Helen Page. Although she was capable, my choice would have been Natalie Portman.

As ever Shiny, spot on. I totally agree with you about Ellen Page. She just didn't suite the role. Natalie Portman is a good alternative...

One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest - In every way shape and form a true film story that spoke volumes. I was genuinely moved by film's end and got off guard by it's ending.

Ahh one of the greats! Jack's ultimate role for me.


Cloud Atlas - you guys know how I feel about this movie. I was skeptical because of the failure of Matrix: Revolutions. Boy was I ever wrong.

Ah now see, now I have to see this. If you give it the thumbs up then I'm in.



Prometheus - Great production values, but piss-poor plot. I expected more from Ridley Scott. There were some actual dumb scenes that made most audience members groan. This should have been a masterpiece.

I had forgotten about my feelings towards Prometheus... I was very, very disappointed by this too! None of this made sense, and like you there were moments where I was looking at it not wanting to laugh because I respect Scott so much, so I just groaned!

°...Well here I am.°


Thursday, November 7, 2013 6:59 PM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.

Just covering the past few years.

The Good:
The Tree of Life
Cloud Atlas
Cabin in the Woods
The Avengers
Beasts of the Southern Wild
Another Earth
Into the Wild
Sound of My Voice
The Man From Earth
Attack the Block
District 9
Pan's Labyrinth
Pacific Rim
Safety Not Guaranteed

In Limbo between Good and Bad:
Man of Steel
Ender's Game
Upside Down
Rise of the Planet of the Apes
Oz, the Great and Powerful
John Carter
The Hunger Games

The Bad:
The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey (I'm sad to have to put it on this part of the list)
Sucker Punch
The Master
Star Trek (2009)
Apollo 18
Super 8
The Adjustment Bureau
Total Recall
The Dark Knight Rises
Shutter Island

The Downright Ugly:


Thursday, November 7, 2013 11:27 PM


Interesting to read the comments about Prometheus. HBO must have a fetish for this movie because it's always on at least one of their channels. I've seen it several times, yet very little of it makes any sense to me.

A few older movies that were new to me that I've seen recently on cable and liked were Pushing Tin, Space Cowboys, and Rounders.


Friday, November 8, 2013 11:36 AM


Hey Sleepy,

Thanks for your post. I do appreciate your point of view on film, and I've come to respect your opinion. Cloud Atlas totally surprised me, that's how good - no great - this movie is. I've watched it about 5 complete times since I purchased it and I find something new every time that I didn't pick up on during prior screenings.

It took a couple of viewings for me to absorb it all. Brilliant in script, plot, casting, pacing and theme. I have one very small nitpick - I won't say anything for now, I'll wait until you see it. Tell me what you think.



Friday, November 8, 2013 11:44 AM


EC, I really like your lists and mostly agree with few exceptions.
I will comment later, right now I need some R&R.



Friday, November 8, 2013 1:43 PM


What Would Mal do ?

just watched "Now You see Me" for the 2nd time...

John Carter - wasn't even aware of the flick, and wasn't expecting much from it...but the neighbor's wife kept laughing at her husband for watching it like 15 times!! so I did a quick itunes rental one night...and I'm guilty of owning the DVD now with I think about 4 viewings on it

but one of the richest movies that I really enjoy - The Prestige.


Friday, November 8, 2013 4:52 PM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.


Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
EC, I really like your lists...

I shouldn't have included so many, but those are the ones that came to mind from recent years. To answer Auraptor's initial question more succinctly, for what I was most surprised by for the good, it would be a tie between Persepolis and Into the Wild. For bad it is indisputably Prometheus.


Saturday, November 9, 2013 9:11 AM


America loves a winner!

Monty Python and the Holy Grail. I never 'hated' this movie, though I have to admit , the first time I saw it, I wasn't all that impressed. Brit humor is an acquired taste. Now, I own the dvd and even saw Spamalot, at the FOX.

I've been tempted on Pacific Rim , as mentioned above. I mean, it LOOKS cool as hell, but stupid 'old guy' me won't let the kid me enjoy it, I think, for obvious reasons. I slogged through parts of Battleship, and it was about what I expected. How LIam Neeson was roped into that, I'll never know.

Fathom the hypocrisy of a government that requires every citizen to prove they are insured... but not everyone must prove they are a citizen

Resident USA Freedom Fundie

" AU, that was great, LOL!! " - Chrisisall


Saturday, November 9, 2013 11:05 AM



Originally posted by OLDGUY:
John Carter - wasn't even aware of the flick, and wasn't expecting much from it...but the neighbor's wife kept laughing at her husband for watching it like 15 times!! so I did a quick itunes rental one night...and I'm guilty of owning the DVD now with I think about 4 viewings on it.

Disney really dropped the ball with marketing that one.
It's a great movie, I wish I had seen it in the theatre.


Saturday, November 9, 2013 2:31 PM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by Moose:

Disney really dropped the ball with marketing that one.
It's a great movie, I wish I had seen it in the theatre.

I agree... i was turned off by the ads I saw. Looked 'weak', having not read the original story.

The movie, while not " awesome! ", was a decent, solid sci-fi flick.

Fathom the hypocrisy of a government that requires every citizen to prove they are insured... but not everyone must prove they are a citizen

Resident USA Freedom Fundie

" AU, that was great, LOL!! " - Chrisisall


Saturday, November 9, 2013 9:18 PM



Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
Hey Sleepy,

Thanks for your post. I do appreciate your point of view on film, and I've come to respect your opinion. Cloud Atlas totally surprised me, that's how good - no great - this movie is. I've watched it about 5 complete times since I purchased it and I find something new every time that I didn't pick up on during prior screenings.

It took a couple of viewings for me to absorb it all. Brilliant in script, plot, casting, pacing and theme. I have one very small nitpick - I won't say anything for now, I'll wait until you see it. Tell me what you think.


Hey Shiny.

Cheers very much. Likewise I can assure you.

So I have my girlfriend prepped for viewing Cloud Atlas too. I'm hoping next weekend we'll have the chance. I shall report back then.

Have you seen Captain Phillips?

°...Well here I am.°


Sunday, November 10, 2013 5:37 AM


Rappy, the Old guy in you will thank the little kid by film's end.
Trust yer old film pal Shiny on this one.



Originally posted by AURaptor:
Monty Python and the Holy Grail. I never 'hated' this movie, though I have to admit , the first time I saw it, I wasn't all that impressed. Brit humor is an acquired taste. Now, I own the dvd and even saw Spamalot, at the FOX.

I've been tempted on Pacific Rim , as mentioned above. I mean, it LOOKS cool as hell, but stupid 'old guy' me won't let the kid me enjoy it, I think, for obvious reasons. I slogged through parts of Battleship, and it was about what I expected. How LIam Neeson was roped into that, I'll never know.

Fathom the hypocrisy of a government that requires every citizen to prove they are insured... but not everyone must prove they are a citizen

Resident USA Freedom Fundie

" AU, that was great, LOL!! " - Chrisisall


Sunday, November 10, 2013 5:40 AM


Totally agree. I forgot to add that to my list of pleasant surprises.

Truly a fun film, plus entertaining. You're right Disney did a lousy marketing job. Saw it in the theater and people applauded at the end.
People applauding at the movies, how often does that happen?



Originally posted by Moose:

Originally posted by OLDGUY:
John Carter - wasn't even aware of the flick, and wasn't expecting much from it...but the neighbor's wife kept laughing at her husband for watching it like 15 times!! so I did a quick itunes rental one night...and I'm guilty of owning the DVD now with I think about 4 viewings on it.

Disney really dropped the ball with marketing that one.
It's a great movie, I wish I had seen it in the theatre.


Sunday, November 10, 2013 5:44 AM


Have you seen Captain Phillips?

No, not yet. It was a toss up between that and Gravity. Gravity won, and it was awesome. Is it really as good as they say?



Sunday, November 10, 2013 5:47 AM


By the way, Rap

The Holy Grail is awesome. That and a Fish Called Wanda, British humor is an acquired taste.

Carry On........



Sunday, November 10, 2013 6:56 PM



Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
Have you seen Captain Phillips?

No, not yet. It was a toss up between that and Gravity. Gravity won, and it was awesome. Is it really as good as they say?


I've seen both and they're fine films. A great testament that films are still well made and crafted with love for the medium.

Gravity certainly celebrates the wonderment of film and for that I think it earns my best film of this current century. I've heard a few negative things from certain quarters of the 'review' industry but in all honesty Shiny they're just being obtuse. I'm not saying that everyone MUST like a film if it's well made but I do think one should acknowledge the work and craftsmanship and sheer imagination that goes into such a film as Gravity. And when science is brought into the argument to highlight 'poor' film making... Well I think folk have just missed the point of cinema.

So for me you did well to choose Gravity, but now Shiny my friend... Time to see Captain Phillips.

°...Well here I am.°


Sunday, November 10, 2013 7:06 PM


Originally posted by OLDGUY:

John Carter - wasn't even aware of the flick, and wasn't expecting much from it...but the neighbor's wife kept laughing at her husband for watching it like 15 times!! so I did a quick itunes rental one night...and I'm guilty of owning the DVD now with I think about 4 viewings on it

Hey Oldguy. Yes it's strange isn't it that John Carter was much maligned upon release... But the negativity towards that film began long before. It was like; because it cost so much to make the 'critics' out there had already decided it must fail and all the build up was thus inclined. Very strange. I felt sorry for Andrew Stanton, because the look and design of that film was overshadowed by mindless resentment.

It's good flick. In time I think it's brilliance will prevail. As with so many of the greats out there.

°...Well here I am.°


Monday, November 11, 2013 3:04 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by THESOMNAMBULIST:

Gravity certainly celebrates the wonderment of film and for that I think it earns my best film of this current century. . . . When science is brought into the argument to highlight 'poor' film making... Well I think folk have just missed the point of cinema.

The point is that Gravity makes you just so incredibly grateful to be alive and breathing after a terrifying "ride." We feel as if it happened to us.

Originally posted by THESOMNAMBULIST:

Hey Oldguy. Yes it's strange isn't it that John Carter was much maligned upon release... Very strange. I felt sorry for Andrew Stanton, because the look and design of that film was overshadowed by mindless resentment.

It's good flick. In time I think it's brilliance will prevail. As with so many of the greats out there.

Why does John Carter get much better the second time you watch? On the first viewing (and the only one for most theater audiences) John Carter didn't work as a drama because the audience don't know the characters' motivations until too late to care properly about them.

This is not a spoiler. You need to know before you see the movie: the reveal of Sola being Tars Tarkas' daughter, which is basically revealed the very moment before we're supposed to actually care about their relationship and right before they have a painful goodbye. The film constantly stages reveals where we'll be provided with some emotional flashback that finally gives us the character motivation, only it will be happening at the same exact time we're supposed to be caring about that very thing. The best example of this is when we finally get to the reveal of what happened to Carter's family... Only it comes right in the middle of a big, violent fight with some weird animals for some reason. Someone online called the film "rushed and stalled all at once." Filmmakers need to give us a good reason to care beforehand, and then just let us care. Don't wait to explain things to us in the last second.

When you watch John Carter the second time, you already understand all the motivations, and then it is a much better dramatic movie. There is more explanation at

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Monday, November 11, 2013 8:36 AM


EC, there are few times where we disagree when it comes to film, for the most part I really like your list save 3 films.

I would put Gravity, Skyfall and John Carter on my good list.

I know your reason for putting Gravity on Limbo list, but I approach it from a different perspective. I enjoyed, immensely so, the story and how Cuaron shot the film. It gave me a "you-are-there" kind of feeling that enhanced the storytelling aspect. I was riveted by the sights and sounds, but also by the performances of both Bullock and Clooney. It was as though we were in a dream, heightened by the action. But, somewhat like 2001 Space Odyssey, it transcended the story's arc and invoked feelings of the human condition. Towards the end, I got the impression, however brief, that Bullock's character had died and gone to heaven. It also could have been her mind playing tricks on her. For me, that's brilliant script writing.

With Skyfall, the only thing that detracted somewhat from the movie was Bardem's over-the-top performance. Also the scene where he shoots the Bond girl. Other than that it was pretty solid filmmaking.

John Carter also had some minor flaws, but it was an overall entertaining movie. On first viewing, I was somewhat confused with who was who, with both the bad and good guys. Upon second viewing it became much clearer to me and I was able to enjoy the movie much more. I felt somewhat similar upon seeing The Matrix the first time.

Could you please provide the link for your review on Ender's Game. I'm ambivalent as to whether or not to go see it. I need an outside opinion.



Originally posted by ecgordon:
Just covering the past few years.

The Good:
The Tree of Life
Cloud Atlas
Cabin in the Woods
The Avengers
Beasts of the Southern Wild
Another Earth
Into the Wild
Sound of My Voice
The Man From Earth
Attack the Block
District 9
Pan's Labyrinth
Pacific Rim
Safety Not Guaranteed

In Limbo between Good and Bad:
Man of Steel
Ender's Game
Upside Down
Rise of the Planet of the Apes
Oz, the Great and Powerful
John Carter
The Hunger Games

The Bad:
The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey (I'm sad to have to put it on this part of the list)
Sucker Punch
The Master
Star Trek (2009)
Apollo 18
Super 8
The Adjustment Bureau
Total Recall
The Dark Knight Rises
Shutter Island

The Downright Ugly:


Monday, November 11, 2013 8:54 AM


It's so true my friend, film, people sometimes forget, is art and subject to interpretation by the artist, namely the director. The very best ones take you along with them, but, at times, confound you along the way. They present but often-times shake the very foundation of our perceptions and pre-conceived notions.

A true work of art, like the aforementioned films, challenges, as well as, entertains us - the film lovers. I do agree that everyone brings themselves and their thinking into the theater, for me there is no right or wrong. That is not to say that all films are good, but like a fine Picasso or Degas, we see what we see. Film is an interpretation of life, brought to life on the screen.



Originally posted by THESOMNAMBULIST:

Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
Have you seen Captain Phillips?

No, not yet. It was a toss up between that and Gravity. Gravity won, and it was awesome. Is it really as good as they say?


I've seen both and they're fine films. A great testament that films are still well made and crafted with love for the medium.

Gravity certainly celebrates the wonderment of film and for that I think it earns my best film of this current century. I've heard a few negative things from certain quarters of the 'review' industry but in all honesty Shiny they're just being obtuse. I'm not saying that everyone MUST like a film if it's well made but I do think one should acknowledge the work and craftsmanship and sheer imagination that goes into such a film as Gravity. And when science is brought into the argument to highlight 'poor' film making... Well I think folk have just missed the point of cinema.

So for me you did well to choose Gravity, but now Shiny my friend... Time to see Captain Phillips.

°...Well here I am.°


Monday, November 11, 2013 9:01 AM


Sleepy, I agree with you 100% on the negativity surrounding John Carter.



Originally posted by THESOMNAMBULIST:
Originally posted by OLDGUY:

John Carter - wasn't even aware of the flick, and wasn't expecting much from it...but the neighbor's wife kept laughing at her husband for watching it like 15 times!! so I did a quick itunes rental one night...and I'm guilty of owning the DVD now with I think about 4 viewings on it

Hey Oldguy. Yes it's strange isn't it that John Carter was much maligned upon release... But the negativity towards that film began long before. It was like; because it cost so much to make the 'critics' out there had already decided it must fail and all the build up was thus inclined. Very strange. I felt sorry for Andrew Stanton, because the look and design of that film was overshadowed by mindless resentment.

It's good flick. In time I think it's brilliance will prevail. As with so many of the greats out there.

°...Well here I am.°


Monday, November 11, 2013 10:23 PM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.

Something that you need to understand about how I view movies is that the entire package is judged, not just the acting, or the cinematography, nor the special effects. Everything is part of the whole and has to be considered. In the case of Gravity, I have acknowledged the mastery of the look, the production design, the "you are there" quality of the way the story is told. And Bullock's performance is one of her best.

If you're talking about a science fiction film, such as Star Trek, Star Wars or Serenity, then a few liberties with the laws of physics and logic are allowed. However, when the story is presented in very near future terms with current technologies then I think they owe it to the audience to be as accurate as possible. I don't think they were in Gravity, and that is my only complaint.

As for John Carter, I enjoyed it too, and even have it on Blu-Ray, but it's not anything I take seriously. I can enjoy some things without having to think of them as great.

Ender's Game was entertaining but I'll probably not care to see it again.


Wednesday, November 13, 2013 2:42 AM


Thanks Second, for posting that article from Badassdigest. It was awesome.



Wednesday, November 13, 2013 11:44 AM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by Jongsstraw:
Interesting to read the comments about Prometheus. HBO must have a fetish for this movie because it's always on at least one of their channels. I've seen it several times, yet very little of it makes any sense to me.

So many were anticipating so much from this movie, and I agree, it made very little sense. Not in the '2001' sort, but in a more basic way. It just wasn't that good.

Fathom the hypocrisy of a government that requires every citizen to prove they are insured... but not everyone must prove they are a citizen

Resident USA Freedom Fundie

" AU, that was great, LOL!! " - Chrisisall


Wednesday, November 13, 2013 1:05 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by AURaptor:
So many were anticipating so much from this movie, and I agree, it made very little sense. Not in the '2001' sort, but in a more basic way. It just wasn't that good.

Prometheus DVD answers all questions? No. Any? Only if you're drunk and don't care about making sense.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Wednesday, November 13, 2013 11:44 PM


America loves a winner!

Gee, that makes Bob and Doug McKenzie look like frelling Mensa members.

Fathom the hypocrisy of a government that requires every citizen to prove they are insured... but not everyone must prove they are a citizen

Resident USA Freedom Fundie

" AU, that was great, LOL!! " - Chrisisall


Monday, April 21, 2014 8:37 PM


Surprisingly good.
Hero - with Chevy Chase, Geena Davis.
Galaxy Quest - and I had high expectations before. Ended up seeing 5 times in theater because each time I went to the cinema, nothing else showing looked like it would hold a candle.
Inception - even with Leonardo in it.
The Professional.
Little Princess - Liesel Matthews was amazing.
The Last Mimzy.
Pan's Labyrinth.
Star Trek 09.
Super 8.
Against All Odds. The first time I realized that not everybody sees the foreshadowing as well as I did.
UHF. Fell out of my theater seat 4-6 times, and while crawling back in saw that most of the others were folded over as well. Gut was sore for a week.
Freaked. Also fell out of my theater seat a few times. Not consistent, but some of those gags killed me.
Mom & Dad Saved the World. Jon Lovitz as King kills me. Dwier Brown as Prince, son of Eric idle, played stupid almost as well as Bill Pullman in Ruthless people.
The Secret in Their Eyes - 2009. I had no right or expectation for this to be so good.

See notes in post below:
Suspect Zero. Has awesome bonus material - the demonstration the director requested, to understand the subject matter.
The Man Who Knew Too Little. Template for Galaxy Quest a few years later.
Lost City of Children. Great use of color and mood in cinematography.
Dangerous Beauty. Richness and color in cinematography.
Zathura. Maybe simple, but enjoyable. "At least they only eat meat" "Kid, we are meat"
Bridges of Madison County. Assumed Clint would come thru, but surprised Meryl pulled it off - first time since Silkwood. She said she was shocked at which takes Clint edited into the cut.
12 Monkeys. Although I expected good, it was better.
Mulholland Falls. Cast was amazing. First time I saw Bruce Dern cast as and honorable guy - LAPD Chief.
Pulp Fiction.
Black Hawk Down.
Adventures of Ford Fairlane.
First Blood.
Lethal Weapon.

Disappointingly bad.
Event Horizon. How does Rose Byrne pick these?
All Clooney films - Gravity was even worse than I feared it would be. I had hoped the director of Little Princess could make this work, but alas.


Monday, April 21, 2014 9:46 PM


Once I found Serenity

Don't have much time so I will just say the first one to pop into my mind other than the obvious. Love the topic by the way.



Friday, April 25, 2014 3:06 AM


Hey JSF,

I'm really liking your list, plus I'm a little jealous because you listed some movies i plum forgot about:

The Professional - Natalie Portman was a revelation in this movie, she commanded the screen with such presence I thought she was an adult in a child's body. I bought the long version, which has a scene considered risque: she climbs into bed with Jean Reno. It was not at all graphic or risque but it did have them share a bed (fully clothed I might add) tastefully done, which drove the storyline of two desperately lonely people seeking love and understanding.

Little Princess - Alfonso Cuaron directed this movie and it was a marvelous touch to include the story within a story. Great imagination.

The Last Mimzy - is the epitome of the topic of this thread. I really liked this movie

Pan's Labyrinth - Guillermo Del Toro's near masterpiece; a fantasy-horror fable with a soul. I saw it in the theater and loved it.

Good choices, I may have to turn in my film lovers decoder ring.



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
Surprisingly good.
Hero - with Chevy Chase, Geena Davis.
Galaxy Quest - and I had high expectations before. Ended up seeing 5 times in theater because each time I went to the cinema, nothing else showing looked like it would hold a candle.
Inception - even with Leonardo in it.
The Professional.
Little Princess - Liesel Matthews was amazing.
The Last Mimzy.
Pan's Labyrinth.
Star Trek 09.
Super 8.
Against All Odds. The first time I realized that not everybody sees the foreshadowing as well as I did.
UHF. Fell out of my theater seat 4-6 times, and while crawling back in saw that most of the others were folded over as well. Gut was sore for a week.
Freaked. Also fell out of my theater seat a few times. Not consistent, but some of those gags killed me.
Mom & Dad Saved the World. Jon Lovitz as King kills me. Dwier Brown as Prince, son of Eric idle, played stupid almost as well as Bill Pullman in Ruthless people.
The Secret in Their Eyes - 2009. I had no right or expectation for this to be so good.

Disappointingly bad.
Event Horizon. How does Rose Byrne pick these?
All Clooney films - Gravity was even worse than I feared it would be.


Friday, April 25, 2014 5:35 AM



Originally posted by MIKER:
Don't have much time so I will just say the first one to pop into my mind other than the obvious. Love the topic by the way.


Good or bad?

I'll give a another nod to Galaxy Quest.
I actually avoided it at first as I wasn't a big Tim Allen fan.
I eventually watched it for some reason or other and thoroughly enjoyed it!
It's one of my favorites nowadays.


Friday, April 25, 2014 9:25 AM


America loves a winner!


The Last Mimzy - is the epitome of the topic of this thread. I really liked this movie

Great call.

Also, sorta the same feel to it, Bridge to Terabithia, which came out about the same time, I believe.


Friday, April 25, 2014 9:49 AM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.

Re: The Last Mimzy. I really wanted to like this one more than I eventually did. It's good, but doesn't hold a candle to the story it is based on, "Mimsy Were the Borogoves" by Henry Kuttner and Catherine Moore.


Friday, April 25, 2014 9:54 AM


Once I found Serenity


Originally posted by Moose:

Originally posted by MIKER:
Don't have much time so I will just say the first one to pop into my mind other than the obvious. Love the topic by the way.


Good or bad?

I'll give a another nod to Galaxy Quest.
I actually avoided it at first as I wasn't a big Tim Allen fan.
I eventually watched it for some reason or other and thoroughly enjoyed it!
It's one of my favorites nowadays.


I enjoyed Galaxy Quest myself and while it is not to be mistaken for a classic, it was good fun.


Friday, April 25, 2014 2:45 PM


I need to go back and add a couple, to keep my list together.

Suspect Zero - although I did not know in advance what this was about, I was excited to see it finally brought to the mainstream. Perhaps the best part, and the part I always recommend to anybody with a brain, is the special feature on the DVD where the director wants to get a feel for the subject matter so he can figure how to film it accurately, asks for a demonstration, and the demonstration is a bit more that he reckoned for. Ben Kingsly did a wonderful job although he reportedly did not know about the subject matter beforehand, Carrie-Ann Moss was not as prominent as I had hoped, and Aaron Eckhart was starting to grow on me at this point.

The Man Who Knew Too Little. This is likely my favorite Bill Murray film, I still laugh too hard when I rewatch my copy. Many people forget this was the template for Galaxy Quest a few years later - this was the 007 treatment as GQ was the Star Trek treatment. The first 4/5 of this I can watch repeatedly.

Lost City of Children. Perhaps my fave Ron Perlman film, the cinematography astounded me, and I have avoided dissecting why for fear I will lose that effect it has on me. I find this graphic feel and mood copied in many films since then. Sometimes I thought Matrix 2&3 were copying it.

Dangerous Beauty. Also for cinematography and color, but I was initially drawn for the cast - some borrowed from Braveheart including lead Catherine McCormack, and one of the last or at least rare Miora Kelly roles of the time. Set in Venice I think. I really did not expect the impact this cinematography had on the big screen.

Zathura. Was supposed to be jUMANJI 2 which would have made me avoid it. Didn't know this, so enjoyed it and bought it. Early Kristen Stewart, Dax Sheppard, and director Jon Favreau.

Note: Enjoyed GQ 10th anniversary as well, the deleted scenes should have been included in the film.


Monday, April 28, 2014 7:36 PM


More added.
Better than expected.
Black Hawk Down - With Hartnet getting top billing, and knowing it was apologizing for and whitewashing Clinton, I didn't expect much. But the cast was excellent and they were able to bring it up more than I expected.
Michael. I get ribbed a bunch for seeing Travolting flicks, but the supporting cast here really upped the grade.
Plump Friction. ditto.
Adventures of Ford Fairlane. Maybe one needs to be a Diceman fan to enjoy this, but it was far better than I expected it to be, and the supporting cast was great.
First Blood. One of the first to give a smidgen of respect to Vietnam vets, and I didn't expect it to be as good as it was. IIRC first film for Bruce Davidson, plus early David Caruso spotlight.
Lethal Weapon. Another early, rare film to afford respect for Vietnam Vets. Although I'd enjoyed Road Warrior, still didn't expect it to be as good as it was.


Thursday, May 1, 2014 1:32 AM


Back at ya'

Bridge surprised me both in imagination and execution, and it had a great message. AnnaSophia Robb did a great job in portraying the young friend.
In it, a young Josh Hutcherson.



Originally posted by AURaptor:


The Last Mimzy - is the epitome of the topic of this thread. I really liked this movie

Great call.

Also, sorta the same feel to it, Bridge to Terabithia, which came out about the same time, I believe.


Thursday, May 1, 2014 1:47 AM


Goram you, JSF, you did it again...........
Just when I thought I could let my guard down, you pull another rabbit out of your hat of tricks:

-BHD was quite good. Wasn't expecting much and got some good stuff there.
-Michael is a wink and a nod; the kind of flick you find yourself watching when no one is looking. My fav characters were Jean Stapleton and the guy from Murphy Brown, Robert Pastorelli.
-First Blood I agree, a solid movie that kept it real
-Lethal Weapon Ditto, good action and funny

but Ford Fairlane!? Yes, it is an acquired taste. The only movie I liked the Diceman in was Pretty in Pink (OMG, I just revealed my guilty pleasure) I have an excuse: I was in love with Molly Ringwald.



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
More added.
Better than expected.
Black Hawk Down - With Hartnet getting top billing, and knowing it was apologizing for and whitewashing Clinton, I didn't expect much. But the cast was excellent and they were able to bring it up more than I expected.
Michael. I get ribbed a bunch for seeing Travolting flicks, but the supporting cast here really upped the grade.
Plump Friction. ditto.
Adventures of Ford Fairlane. Maybe one needs to be a Diceman fan to enjoy this, but it was far better than I expected it to be, and the supporting cast was great.
First Blood. One of the first to give a smidgen of respect to Vietnam vets, and I didn't expect it to be as good as it was. IIRC first film for Bruce Davidson, plus early David Caruso spotlight.
Lethal Weapon. Another early, rare film to afford respect for Vietnam Vets. Although I'd enjoyed Road Warrior, still didn't expect it to be as good as it was.


Thursday, May 1, 2014 12:37 PM


Once I found Serenity

The shining, very good. The Deer Hunter was good and I loved many I have seen posted.

The Lord of the Rings trilogy has to be my favorite to date.


Thursday, May 1, 2014 2:39 PM


Cultish faves:

The Flamingo Kid
Local Hero
China Girl
Mr. Destiny
Dark Star
The President's Analyst
North Shore
Strange Invaders
I Love You Alice B. Toklas
Lost In America
Eddie and the Cruisers
The Hollywood Knights
Modern Romance
The Illustrated Man
Gate Of Hell
The Night Porter
The Pope Of Greenwich Village
The Flim Flam Man
The Final Countdown
Night Of The Comet
The Fabulous World Of Jules Verne
Creation Of The Humanoids
Not Of This Earth
Atlantis The Lost Continent
The Lost World
Somewhere In Time


Thursday, May 1, 2014 3:59 PM


Once I found Serenity

One Million BC was fun.






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