Edge of Tomorrow

UPDATED: Tuesday, July 11, 2023 20:25
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Monday, August 4, 2014 5:12 PM


Watched over the weekend. The previous times I had watched, I had not realized how confused viewers would be, until after explaining things here and discovering some still didn't get it. So I wanted to see again to better understand why so many could be so confused. There were no more showings that I could find until this weekend.
So, I was reminded about many things which I have not posted about, much of which I conjured most would not understand, and some of which I had previously thought was too obvious. I observed some things I hadn't gotten before. I reviewed some things I thought I recalled correctly, and some I wasn't sure about.

Might take me a little time to complete this post, or I'll break it up into several.





Disclaimer: These are my opinions and observations. Perhaps some of them are not agreed upon by others. Perhaps the scriptwriters were careless in their sequencing of scenes and they did not intend to portray what I viewed, perhaps they only placed scenes in certain sequence as accident or coincidence.

I noticed the sequence used in the film.

Cage arrives in helicopter just before 9am.

Cage tasered, must wake a few hours later (afternoon or early evening) at Processing. This is the time he resets to.

Most times, he must sleep sometime, before invasion assault at 6am next morning.

Original life: Rita dies soon on beach, then J-squad gets what they had coming. Then Cage kills Alpha (one Alpha per 6 million mimics, is this the only one on the beach to repel the invasion?)

First reset, Rita steals his battery. Invasion is 0600 (6am).

Many many times Rita shoots Cage in the head - many viewers will want to loop this sequence to see Cruise dying over and over.

Cage has broken leg, crawling away from Rita, then gets the vision. (does Omega send the Trap vision after locating him, because he had X number of repetitive resets to enable Omega to focus on him - Doc Carter and Rita think vision is progress, when it is really setback)

Rita: "Training is over, you need to find a way off the beach"

Fail to make it off the beach - Rita always dead (Omega cannot allow her to accompany Cage to the vision Trap, to make him bleed out)

Cage stares at Rita, she says "is something on my face?" Bar/bridge in London. In bar, he already states the Mimic Horde will win, and get whatever they want - he is already defeatist.

Doc Carter finds location of Turner Dam, from Cage's vision.

Cage is training intensely, WITHOUT Rita. He continues to fail, and getting frustrated.

Rita says to Cage, "You can do this"

Cage rescues J-Squad from their imminent original demise on the beach. This is how the breakthrough to getting off the beach occurs.

Helicopter/death, Rita always dead (Omega cannot allow her to accompany Cage to the vision Trap, to make him bleed out)

Cage goes it without Rita, he is distraught and ticked, allows all around him to die (Rita will die on the beach before he gets to the Omega, no matter what he does). He finds the Trap.

Reconvene with Carter (Cage points out Verdun was a Trap for Rita, likely knows Henderson had to die - all 300 times - before Rita could get to her Trap, as well), Rita and Cage to the General at Whitehall for the device.

At the Louve, Rita explains to Cage they will both die here.

The time reset units were fuzzy before, and now are more confusing. Everybody says "resets the day" but this seems to be slang, or generalization, but I have not logically nailed it down. More on this later if I run out of time now.

Now I understand FMB. Didn't know before, and when I asked talk devolved into the Beach, it seemed - I had no idea why the beach scene was of huge interest. Sure, it is the Gauntlet, it is the Crucible, but I didn't see much else. Now I see that FMB = RRV.

It seems apparent that the writers intended to proclaim that military servicemen from Kentucky are morons or a-holes.

Note director was Doug Liman - I think much of the good is from him, and the underwater scenes were reminiscent of his other work, like Bourne. Other similarities to his Bourne work, too. Renner was also in Bourne, and also in MI - wonder if that had anything to do with Cruise and Liman together here.

Will Cage have special powers now? Will he never be able to be killed until he has a transfusion? Without an Omega present, will a transfusion take away his power? Without him falling into the remains of Omega, he would not recall all that happened, and he would be just a dead waste from another timeline - similar to Oblivion where he dies, but a clone of him lives out his life. He would never know what was to happen, and his role, and the entire story would be lost to the paradoxes of time flexibility.

I should mention that I can understand if viewers from non-US military experience will get easily confused about much of what I had posted earlier in this thread.

In the original timeline, the only people besides Cage and Rita who didn't get what they had coming were General Brigham and Cage's Commanding Officer. Everybody else on screen fulfilled their self-prophecy.

I have previously mentioned that General Brigham is an evil force, but I had forgotten partly how eveil he was. I kept being reminded of Admiral Fletcher of WWII - the Butcher of Marines. Is Brigham of UDF supposed to be this war's version of Admiral Fletcher of the US Navy?

Name is Major William Cage. This does not seem like JC of alliteration. However, he gets assigned to J-squad. Does this imply the JC allegory? And J-squad - does this imply Judas-squad? This is why they sacrifice Cage, effectively burn him at the stake, for their sins, whereupon he is resurrected and brings about their redemption?

I didn't notice as well before that Rita sports a Brit flag on her uniform.

When Cage has the scene rememberiing 3 sugars - I cannot figure if this is intentional, or an error - is it due to his fatigue? or is he forcing the scene progression?

Were the pilots on the final flight to Paris part of J-squad? Don't think so, but then were they friends of Rita's?

Favorite lines at this point:
"Never use a helmet, it's a distraction." - "I" seems implied at beginquote. Could it also be that helmets can mess up your hair?

"I'm going in, Cage"

"You are not mentally equipped to battle Omega, not ever"

"Take the hit for the team" Cage to Ford, after "What if one is about to kill me?"

"I don't expect you to follow me"

"Bloody Hell, it's Full Metal B" CRUNCH

"We need more troops" "Who would be crazy enough to follow us?"

Discussion has posited that the brigde scene is where Cage becomes serious, has a transformation. I disagreed. The Bridge scene is when he comes out of the bar, where he already states the the Mimic Horde will win, getting whatever they are after.
If there is a trigger for his transformation, it seems to me that it is at the point when she tells him "You can do this" even tho he disagrees at that moment. At that point he had already been training intensely WITHOUT Rita, he had already been to the Bar/Bridge, he had been met with failure at trying to get off the beach with her still alive (Omega needed him to arrive at the Trap without her, to bleed him out), immediately after this he seemingly figures out that the secret to getting off the beach is rescuing J-squad from their intended impending demise, and he and Rita are off the beach. Perhaps J-squad provide further weaponry/assault at some key moment that Cage and Rita could not accomplish on their own alone.
Anyhow, I cannot agree that it could be the bridge as transformation scene.

I had noticed how the chess pieces had been set in place:
General will do anything and everything to allow the mimic to annihilate the human race, he has done so repeatedly, he will continue at every opportunity, always stop and prevent anybody from saving the human extinction.
Through Cage's redemption of them, J-squad usurps the General's constant efforts, and they will save the human race from extermination.
Rita's sole goal is to kill the Omega, despite the General's efforts to the contrary, using Doc Carter, using Cage, and when Cage's usefulness is extinguished, using him to convince J-squad to redeem themselves to accomplish her goal.

I have not understood why Rita never seems to have gone over the General's head, maybe he pulled the same pre-emptive strike against her as he did on Cage.

I had noticed a common theme that the mimic only target armed adversaries, at least at first. This is partly expalined when Doc explains mimics - they wait for the dominant aggressor on the planet to attack them, then they win. So in Cage's original life, he is not killed along with J-squad because he cannot unsafe is weapon, then he finally does on the mimic which just wiped out J-squad, then when the Alpha comes out, he is empty of magazine rounds, and the Alpha ignores him until he grabs the claymore and is again weaponized. I have heard some claim that this storyline was hokey or full of holes, but I always recalled it as standard logic in many Sci-Fi films. In addition to being convenient to Cage, it also makes tactical and strategic sense to first attack the most imminent threat, with the weapons you readily have, then mop up the non-threats when the threat are neutralized.

So, I had wondered about the mimic history prior to the film. I had hoped a better understanding of the unit of time would clarify this, but there has not been a better understanding for me.
Clearly, the mimic lost this battle the first time - a surprise attack. Did it take them a while to make contact, then kept "resetting the day" until they arrived back to this invasion date, and the preparatory day before? In that timeline, Cage likely survives. So then, now the mimic are engaging the invasion at the beach, and then to about the time that Cage wakes from his taser attack, and this time forces combine to put Cage in an unagressive position and absorb the Alpha's power, which now disrupts the Omega's progress. Did the Omega at any point reset to the time when Cage arrived? Is the arrival of Cage in London the key element of the paradox that takes the momentum and advantage away from the Omega? Is Cage the unforseen element which Omega has not encountered in it's existence?


Monday, August 4, 2014 7:07 PM




New things I've thought, from new viewings.

I did notice that th4e scenes were not just repeated cuts from the same footage, they were each re-shot segments. In the first landing, Cage's visor gets smashed, and knocked off - I figured this was for the viewers to see who the star was, without the obstruction in front of his eyes (like when F-14 pilots in Top Gun fly about with their oxygen masks - with mics - hanging loose, which every flight film after that copied). Then the first reset, his helmet remains intact, visor stays on. Throughout the flik, various shots are shown with visor, without visor, not sure if there is meaning intended for these different continuities.

Some have positied this film is the redemption of Major William Cage. I don't think that is the case. I currently think it is actually the story of the redemption of J-squad. To start with, J-squad is abunch of miserable, selfish a-holes.
Original timeline: J-squad efffectively burn Cage at the stake, not allowing him to unsafe his weapon. He becomes the sole person able to save them, if his weapon had been brought hot, but since they never let him unsafe his weapon, he could not save them, and they got what they deserved, fulfilling their self-prophecy.
After resets, Cage is able to help some of them, like Kimmel not getting pancaked by the falling plane section.
Eventually, Cage seems to find out that he must save J-squad from their imminent original demise in order for he and Rita to survive and escape the beach. This is when Cage turns around their fate.
After losing the power, Cage and Rita need more troops to save the human race from extinction, and Cage convinces them, and they come to redeem themselves, selflessly sacrificing themselves in the BELIEF they might possibly save the human race, although they are sure to all die.
After the victory (or before), they are all alive, remaining so, unaware of their heroism when they were faced with being the only hope that mankind had left. All of J-squad answering the call of Hero of Verdun, up to Griff and Skinner at the end, they gave all they had. Including Cage giving up not only his life, but acknowledging the demise of Rita, which he had worked so hard to circumvent.

Time reset units.
Time resets to his awaking from the Tasering. This is afternoon or early evening, likely. This is not the beginning of a day. Sometimes he dies a few hours after this (in Rita's training gym), but he never resets to arriving in London in the chopper. Sometimes he lasts throught the beach, into the evening at the helicopter house "it's going to be dark soon" and the bridge is also late in the day of the invasion.
So, how many hours is the reset? "Reset the day" doesn't seem to apply, or it would reset to the morning of the invasion, or else to the morning ao his arrival into London.
Is it that Alphas can reset the day (or Omega does it for them), and then the Omega itself controls a greater time power, hence the reset to Cage arriving in London aboard chopper?
I have not resolved this - has anybody else?

Was Henderson (who Rita watched die 300 times) also one who had absorbed the time reset power? Clearly, Henderson was to Rita as Rita is to Cage - Omega must get Cage to the Trap alone so Cage can be bled out, and must kill Rita at first before leaving the beach, and then at the helicopter scene. And for Rita, Henderson had to be killed off by Omega before Rita could get to her Trap and get bled out. So, was Henderson just an unlucky SOB, or was he also a previously empowered time resetter?

I had wondered about mental fatigue of Cage, and likely of Rita in her time. He keeps resetting to his same body, that of a Madmen PR slob, no reflexes or strength. His resets allow him to only learn in his head, he has no time to tone or strenthen his body, teach it physical reflexes - it must all be mental. He has the same amount of food each time, the same amount of rest, fatigue from taser, etc. The only think that does not reset is his mind - so, how long can the human mind go continuously without rest - although he is likely sleeping the night prior to 0600 invasion. But the training sessions in Rita's training area - those deaths are likely within hours of his reset, so a bunch of those in a row will equate to days without sleep. I conjure this may be one reason he needs to take a break at the bar - he cannot get Rita to survive getting off the beach and he doesn't want to go without her, and he is being frustrated with the blockage. He needs to think, unwind some tension, perhaps refocus. Did Rita not take this time during her power, allowing herself to go forward after Henderson died, without him, eventually getting bled out in the Trap?

I wondered what was the purpose of the Bar scene. I conjure that the Bridge scene was just the way to end the Bar scene - he had to die some way, and he already stated in the Bar that the Mimic Horde would win, so I'm not seeing the Bridge as particulary pertinent. The Bar could be meerly a rest period as mentioned above. But is Cage trying to change the reset? Is he trying to see if a day can pass before he dies, which might change the reset point? Things would be different at this point, but I am not sure if this is the reason.

Is this the first reunion of Gleeson and Cruise since Far and Away?

OK, that seems to be what I have to say for now.


Monday, August 4, 2014 9:29 PM



Originally posted by MAL4PREZ:
Has no one else gone to see this?

Hey, I'm in large part overjoyed at the poor ratings because I want to see the Cult Man's movie returns go to crap as a message of what the USA thinks of his cult way of living. FAIL you Scientology freak LOL! Get a real life before you try selling us a movie!

And yet... The goodness of this movie is not the the lead actor cult freak with the nice hair. I'm sad to say that anyone who avoids this movie based on Tom Cruise disgust is really missing something worthwhile, something created by a whole bunch of non-cult folks who deserve recognition.

If only they had cast it differently, I would love this movie all out.


What trolls reveal about themselves when they troll:

Took 2 months for this to get to my local budget cinema. That seems like a while nowadays.


Tuesday, August 5, 2014 4:43 AM


Hey JSF, it'll be a while before I get to answer your post, at least until I get the DVD, but I will attempt to respond in some form in the next few days.

One thing is certain, EoT is a keeper and my new "Matrix."



Tuesday, August 5, 2014 4:54 PM



Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
Hey JSF, it'll be a while before I get to answer your post, at least until I get the DVD, but I will attempt to respond in some form in the next few days.

One thing is certain, EoT is a keeper and my new "Matrix."


Be sure to include your fave lines with your post.
Matrix probably doesn't rate as high for me in this category as Highlander and Inception, plus Terminator 2 and Firefly.


Tuesday, August 5, 2014 6:07 PM


Upon further review, I should point out that I had confused "The Bridge" scene following the Bar scene with "the Bridge" on top of "The Dam" scene on Turner Dam - neither of which had Cage riding his motorcycle. There are a number of quoted and named scenes which are unclear, and this was one I misunderstood from the description/recall.


Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
Class is in session (boy that was cocky) I'm feeling the flow..............

"I think you have it backwards."

Perhaps I do, but let's dig a little deeper, shall we!?

The Theme: The heart of the matter

Skipping on down to his first encounter with Master Sgt. Farrell

Farrell sizes him up and, through his vast experience, he instinctively knows the type he's dealing with. He's a liar (ad man) and a coward, putting himself above others. Selfish, etc.

Cannot possibly agree, absolutely not. Farrell does not "size him up" because he has in his pocket a basket of lies that he, a retarded Kentuckian, is feeble-minded and gullible enough to believe.

Why am I going this way? Patience grasshopper, it will all come together.

Farrell strips him of his rank - he is now a private. The military routinely does this, I'm sure I don't need to elaborate.

Abysmally incorrect. Farrell does not strip him of his rank - no Non-Commissioned Officer can ever strip anybody of their rank, even in this doofus UDF, let alone a United States Armed Services Officer Commissioned by the United States Congress, and far from being able to do so of a Field Grade Officer (Major). A demotion from Major to Captain (a non-Field Grade Commissioned Officer) is NOT a routine occurrence. A demotion from Major to either First or Second Lieutenant is even further from routine. All of these require the concurrence of the demoted Officer, or a Court-Martial. A demotion from any rank to Private is NOT a routine occurrence, unless from the rank immediately above Private (perhaps Private First Class) and then under UCMJ Articles as long as the demoted waives rights to a Court-martial.
I am sure you cannot elaborate, because you have no clue.

It's about to get real!

He goes to battle and, just as the sergeant said, thought of himself and used the bomb to survive. Little did he know that was the beginning of his "baptism" and hence to the beginning of his journey and his fate. Not battle (Ooo, I have goosebumps) but to meet Rita.

Damn, I'm good!

You are still grossly misinformed. He was thinking of himself when he tried to save J-squad by announcing the mimic was surfacing amidst them? Really? Using the Claymore Mine to KILL the ALIEN INVADER was mere selfishness?
I cannot agree with any of this.

More on that later. let me answer your question directly.

She trains him because he's their only hope for survival. She must do everything in her power to give him her experience, and hope that he will

OK, you get this part right.

Now, each time he resets, he sees her bus poster and she's becoming more to him than just his trainer. We all know that, so on to the helicopter scene where she dies. Yes, he realizes that they cannot get past that point, and "we" see that he cares for her. He doesn't want to live in a world without her, so I agree with you. But it is her determination, coupled with his emotional connection to her, that drives him now. He is no longer thinking of self. He has become HERO.

This seems backwards. He is selfish because HE WANTS HER, HE wants Her more than the remainder of the human race to survive. SHE is not selfish, she is willing to sacrifice, and beyond, she is trying to distance herself from him to prevent his selfishness from usurping her goal of killing the Omega. I might venture that she may be intent on sacrificing herself for her goal, whether or not Cage survives, and she is seriously ticked when she finds out he is trying to save her, trying to prevent her from dying while he goes on to kill Omega. He is selfish here.

Now, at the bridge he does come to a realization. He must train harder and focus like never before. He has something to fight for - Rita. She had poured into him everything she was, and he wants this in his life. He is HERO and it was forged within him by her sheer will and strength of character.
He falls for her and wants desperately to save her, at all costs. So, he does what he needs to to save her and goes it alone - not for combat, but for love of her and what he has become - A better man.

Not at the Bridge - he had already announced in the Bar that he knew the Mimic Horde was going to win, he was going to die, so the approach of mimic in the river was of no surprise or consequence to him.
I am willing to posit that the moment of refocus is when she says to him "You can do this" even though he disagrees with her at that moment. This, however, does not really fit in with your "realization" theme.
He does not do what he needs to save her - she cannot be saved. By him going alone, she will die on the beach unless he gets to the Omega (at Turner Dam) before she dies a few minutes after 6am (as in the original timeline), which is long before he reaches the Dam. He has now decided to go to the Dam DESPITE the knowledge she will die on the beach, NOT by some hope he can prevent it. He loves her, but he must sacrifice her (which is what HE WANTS) for the sake of saving the human race.

His fate was sealed the moment he clapped eyes on her at base camp.
But he wasn't ready.


(there was more but somehow it got erased. That will have to come back to me)


Thursday, August 7, 2014 6:14 PM


More of the further review...



Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
I agree with you that the scene in the bar is not him deserting, but rather him taking a break to regroup, recharge and see what angle he could approach the battle from. Even when the old codgers insult him by calling him a coward, it doesn't phase him,

I'm a little fuzzy on the timeline myself, but that moment on the bridge was a crucial moment. During his training by Rita, he constantly complains whenever she goes to "reset" because he's hurt or wounded.

I disagree. Those resets mostly stop once the Omega locates him and gives him the vision. Those constant, repetitive resets were what allowed the Omega to localize him to send him the Trap.

By the helicopter/Rita scene he's already in love with her, and, for the life of him, he can't figure out how to save her.

He was already in love with her when he couldn't get off the beach without her dying every time, when she said "is something on my face" and before going to the Bar. IMO, but perhaps I'm just too romantic. (noun, not adjective)

JSF's opinions notwithstanding.............

To me the bridge scene was saying to us and to Cage - the battle at the beach was lost and now the aliens were IN London. The look on his face was "Shit, this is serious. I gotta do something NOW!" Then he resets. If I remember it correctly, it is then that he gets his game face on and bares down on his training that even Rita looks at him and says "Wow, look at him go."

Still disagree. He got serious when trying to get off the beach without Rita being dead. He "resets" when she tells him "You can do this"

There is a great sequence where he's so focused that he destroys all the practice robots with such ease and assuredness.

but he still couldn't get off the beach, until he figures out that saving J-squad gets him off the beach.

The Bridge Scene (as I call it) was when he sees "this is it," as I stated above, but yeah it's been establish by brilliant writing. But remember Rita tells him that it was a trap,

No. Cage explains to Rita and Carter that her vision was a trap, she and Carter don't see it until Cage points it out. Now he knows his was a trap, and he is also trying to make her feel better about her role. And this scene is after he gets to Turner Dam, and escaping from his trap.

so that's in the back of everyone's mind. Could they be setting Cage up for another trap? You see how that is worked in so smoothly by the writers. The seed is planted. But what Cage realizes is that the aliens must have won at the beach because here they are in London. it's like the final chess piece.

Cage already knew this, he stated so in the Bar, where he ran out of onto the Bridge. He just didn't know what time they would get to London.

The Rita/Helicopter Death scene: Again the writing. It is here where we come to see just how much Cage cares for Rita. The coffee, the little details, the wanting to know her middle name. But there's more and "we" find out as Rita does, that Cage is holding out. In an attempt to save her, he withholds the keys to the copter. With all his fussing over her, she figures it out. He's trying to hard to have her stay there, because he knows she dies and he can't stop or change it. Remember back when the Big guy with no underwear gets smushed by the transporter and Cage turns away as if saying, what the hell he's toast. Well, he comes to that same reality with Rita at this point. It here where I think he decides, "I'm not going to find her and go it alone."

The writing was so good there because we find out at the same moment that Rita does.

I don't think I get what you're saying here. We and she find out together that he is holding out?

They show us, the visual equivalent of showing us in a novel....only better. So yes, the Final Battle was supposed to be on the beach, and both Rita and Cage know this, but they change their fate. And now the Omega must set up another trap to rid himself of Cage.

Disagree. Still the same Trap for Cage. Trap vision was sent when Cage was in training and Rita kept resetting. Continues until Trap fails by Cage drowning himself (I think that was it).

And........The attack on London and the middle-name helicopter death of Rita are what turned him around internally, because he has that connection to her and something to fight for.

Still disagree. He was already "turned" when trying to get off the beach without Rita being dead.

So he saves the world, including her, so they could meet and fall in love.

Incorrect. Although he tries to sacrifice himself to save her repeatedly in Paris, she finally explains to him they will both die.

It is subtle, but nonetheless there. Like I said, brilliant writing. It reminds me of the Terminator. Sarah inspires Reese, who's in love with her; he teaches her to become a soldier, through one night of passion they conceive John, whom Sarah teaches to be the leader of the rebels in the future who sends him back in time to save his mother before he's born.

Not exactly the same, but the whole time jumping paradox is present.

I don't exactly agree, but I did just see something I did not a minute ago. Without him falling into the Omega, he would not have had the memory (which I did know, but....) to go find Rita and introduce himself and share what they had accomplished. If he doesn't fall into the Omega, the world is still saved, including them, but there is no Rita + Cage - they will never meet, unless at a press conference, which would be unneeded with the enemy vanquished, and Rita would have no patience for a PR douche.


Friday, August 8, 2014 6:01 PM


More of the further review.



Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
Yes, I had read that the book's ending was too dark for public consumption. Tom Cruise "suggested" the happier ending, another take on the romantic comedy boy-meets-girl syndrome.

Haven't read the book. But if the ending changed as you suggest, he was still the ultimate hero, but nobody, nobody, even Cage, knew about it. Meaning if he didn't fall into the Omega.

To me it felt like Tom Terrific set it up for Cage to be the ultimate hero, again saving the day. In my ending both top the hill, both are heroes.
She saves him (the training) which allows him to save her (reset the day).
Like they would listen to little old me.

She saves him by explaining the problem, keeping him out of psych ward, out of disection.



Wednesday, August 13, 2014 4:41 PM


I think I'm caught up with the further review.


Friday, August 29, 2014 5:08 PM



Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
Hey JSF, it'll be a while before I get to answer your post, at least until I get the DVD, but I will attempt to respond in some form in the next few days.

One thing is certain, EoT is a keeper and my new "Matrix."


this thread feels so lonely


Monday, September 8, 2014 4:23 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
Hey JSF, it'll be a while before I get to answer your post, at least until I get the DVD, but I will attempt to respond in some form in the next few days.

One thing is certain, EoT is a keeper and my new "Matrix."


this thread feels so lonely

still lonely.

But DVD release date is set for October 7th.


Tuesday, September 9, 2014 1:21 AM


Yeah, I know.............ya miss me, but I would really like to discuss the film intelligently so I'm waiting on the DVD so we can get into it - Firefly style.

Obviously we both have a hankering for movie-buff debate, it's just a month away.
One thing's for sure we both like this movie and the great potential for great storytelling in the future. Plus the fact that there's not much else, maybe Guardians, worth discussing.

Be patient grasshopper!



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
Hey JSF, it'll be a while before I get to answer your post, at least until I get the DVD, but I will attempt to respond in some form in the next few days.

One thing is certain, EoT is a keeper and my new "Matrix."


this thread feels so lonely

still lonely.

But DVD release date is set for October 7th.


Tuesday, September 9, 2014 7:39 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
Be patient grasshopper!

Edge of Tomorrow is today for sale on iTunes.

$19.99 for HD, $14.99 for SD

Where iTunes go, there be pirates, Matey.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Tuesday, September 9, 2014 4:39 PM



Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
Yeah, I know.............ya miss me,

I was only missing your "next few days response" here. From 5 August.

but I would really like to discuss the film intelligently so I'm waiting on the DVD so we can get into it - Firefly style.

Obviously we both have a hankering for movie-buff debate, it's just a month away.
One thing's for sure we both like this movie and the great potential for great storytelling in the future. Plus the fact that there's not much else, maybe Guardians, worth discussing.

Be patient grasshopper!



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
Hey JSF, it'll be a while before I get to answer your post, at least until I get the DVD,

Ahem: I quote:




but I will attempt to respond in some form in the next few days.

crickets. Ahem.




One thing is certain, EoT is a keeper and my new "Matrix."


this thread feels so lonely

still lonely.

But DVD release date is set for October 7th.


Wednesday, September 10, 2014 3:01 AM


Got it on Amazon................wait for it.................



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
Be patient grasshopper!

Edge of Tomorrow is today for sale on iTunes.

$19.99 for HD, $14.99 for SD

Where iTunes go, there be pirates, Matey.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Wednesday, September 10, 2014 6:50 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
Got it on Amazon................

Amazon has two versions of the digital download. The longer version is plus bonus features!
Runtime: 1 hour 54 minutes
Runtime:2 hours 8 minutes
Edge of Tomorrow will be available to rent on October 7, 2014.

FROM AMAZON REVIEW: What I like about the book over the movie is it took the time to tell the reader what Mimics are..

On a planet far, far away, a race of highly advance and intelligent beings on an over populated planet sent out nanobots to terraform a distant planet they felt could sustain their life. That planet being Earth.

Upon arriving Earth the ship broke into eight parts while the mothership remained in orbit. 4 parts fell into the sea, the rest on land. All communications from Earth were ignored. After the world's nations finished auguring among themselves it was decided that they blasted the mothership to space bits with missiles. Meanwhile In the depths of the oceans, the machines chanced upon echinoderms—starfish

The nanobots penetrated the rigid endoskeletons of the starfish and began to multiply in symbiosis with their hosts.

The resulting creatures fed on soil. They ate the world and spat out poison. Toxic to earth life but suitable to the beings that sent them. When the machines arrived on land, they concluded that in order to fulfill their objective of xenoforming the planet, they would have to remove the obstacles standing in their way.

That's where the movie starts.

The name change from "Edge of Tomorrow" to "Live Die Repeat" makes it sound like a made-for-TV movie, not a huge motion picture. Talk about a marketing department that has no idea what they're doing.


Thursday, September 11, 2014 2:38 AM


Purchased the book as well, just began reading it. Thanks for the heads up about the bonus features in the movie.



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
Got it on Amazon................

Amazon has two versions of the digital download. The longer version is plus bonus features!
Runtime: 1 hour 54 minutes
Runtime:2 hours 8 minutes
Edge of Tomorrow will be available to rent on October 7, 2014.

FROM AMAZON REVIEW: What I like about the book over the movie is it took the time to tell the reader what Mimics are..

On a planet far, far away, a race of highly advance and intelligent beings on an over populated planet sent out nanobots to terraform a distant planet they felt could sustain their life. That planet being Earth.

Upon arriving Earth the ship broke into eight parts while the mothership remained in orbit. 4 parts fell into the sea, the rest on land. All communications from Earth were ignored. After the world's nations finished auguring among themselves it was decided that they blasted the mothership to space bits with missiles. Meanwhile In the depths of the oceans, the machines chanced upon echinoderms—starfish

The nanobots penetrated the rigid endoskeletons of the starfish and began to multiply in symbiosis with their hosts.

The resulting creatures fed on soil. They ate the world and spat out poison. Toxic to earth life but suitable to the beings that sent them. When the machines arrived on land, they concluded that in order to fulfill their objective of xenoforming the planet, they would have to remove the obstacles standing in their way.

That's where the movie starts.

The name change from "Edge of Tomorrow" to "Live Die Repeat" makes it sound like a made-for-TV movie, not a huge motion picture. Talk about a marketing department that has no idea what they're doing.


Thursday, September 11, 2014 5:23 PM



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
Got it on Amazon................

Amazon has two versions of the digital download. The longer version is plus bonus features!

Edge of Tomorrow will be available to rent on October 7, 2014.

FROM AMAZON REVIEW: What I like about the book over the movie is it took the time to tell the reader what Mimics are..

On a planet far, far away, a race of highly advance and intelligent beings on an over populated planet sent out nanobots to terraform a distant planet they felt could sustain their life. That planet being Earth.

Upon arriving Earth the ship broke into eight parts while the mothership remained in orbit. 4 parts fell into the sea, the rest on land. All communications from Earth were ignored. After the world's nations finished auguring among themselves it was decided that they blasted the mothership to space bits with missiles. Meanwhile In the depths of the oceans, the machines chanced upon echinoderms—starfish

The nanobots penetrated the rigid endoskeletons of the starfish and began to multiply in symbiosis with their hosts.

The resulting creatures fed on soil. They ate the world and spat out poison. Toxic to earth life but suitable to the beings that sent them. When the machines arrived on land, they concluded that in order to fulfill their objective of xenoforming the planet, they would have to remove the obstacles standing in their way.

That's where the movie starts.

Thanks for the info. This sounds like the kind of backstory that I've heard Joss relishes. It helps the story make sense.


Friday, September 12, 2014 6:12 AM



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
Got it on Amazon................

Amazon has two versions of the digital download. The longer version is plus bonus features!
Runtime: 1 hour 54 minutes
Runtime:2 hours 8 minutes]

Only 14min of bonus content?
The VUDU bonus release has well over an hour's worth.

I wonder why Amazon cut so much.


The name change from "Edge of Tomorrow" to "Live Die Repeat" makes it sound like a made-for-TV movie, not a huge motion picture. Talk about a marketing department that has no idea what they're doing.

I agree about that.


Saturday, September 13, 2014 2:39 AM


Thanks Moose for the heads up about the Bonus features on Amazon and Vudu. I mistakenly bought the regular theatrical release digital copy from Amazon. Somehow I clicked on the wrong button.

I was thinking of waiting for the DVD release in Oct., but with the info you gave regarding Vudu, I think I'll get their version. I just gotta work some overtime to get it.

By the way, I read somewhere that the Live, Die, Repeat tagline above the title line was a marketing ploy to rebrand the movie. The studio was disappointed in it's domestic numbers. It grossed $100 Million here, and $258 Million overseas.
I'm not sure why it didn't do better here in the u.S. because each theater I saw it in people loved the film. I believe it will do better in DVD sales, although IMHO, I think it's a much better theater experience.



Originally posted by Moose:

Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
Got it on Amazon................

Amazon has two versions of the digital download. The longer version is plus bonus features!
Runtime: 1 hour 54 minutes
Runtime:2 hours 8 minutes]

Only 14min of bonus content?
The VUDU bonus release has well over an hour's worth.

I wonder why Amazon cut so much.


The name change from "Edge of Tomorrow" to "Live Die Repeat" makes it sound like a made-for-TV movie, not a huge motion picture. Talk about a marketing department that has no idea what they're doing.

I agree about that.


Saturday, September 13, 2014 8:33 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
Thanks Moose for the heads up about the Bonus features on Amazon and Vudu. I mistakenly bought the regular theatrical release digital copy from Amazon. Somehow I clicked on the wrong button.

I was thinking of waiting for the DVD release in Oct., but with the info you gave regarding Vudu, I think I'll get their version. I just gotta work some overtime to get it.!content/581255/Live-Die-Repeat-Edge-of-Tomorrow-

VuDu explained.

Last year we launched VUDU Extras+ with the epic action-social commentary “District 9“. With all the bonuses you usually find on DVD or Blu-ray discs—like deleted scenes, featurettes and trailers—but better, VUDU Extras+ is a great feature for digital movie collectors. And now a new slate of films have been released, so it’s a great time to revisit VUDU Extras+.

Extras+ comes with eligible movies at no extra cost! And if you own the movie already, we add it to your VUDU account automatically.

No more fiddling with discs and slow menus. The Extras+ page makes it easy to watch behind-the-scenes footage, deleted scenes, featurettes and more!

Enhanced Search
Blink-and-miss it cameo? A powerful search feature lets you find specific scenes, lines of dialogue, actors or even trivia!

Your favorite scenes sliced up and ready to share on Facebook and Twitter.
Check out all the great movies that come with Extras+!

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Saturday, October 4, 2014 2:33 PM


Keep noticing that on my computer, this title is abbreviated as "Edge of Tom" which likely suits other critics here.


Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
But DVD release date is set for October 7th.

Git on that.


Monday, October 6, 2014 6:01 PM


I did sidestep one thing before, but can point out that perhaps the Omega had implanted in Rita the idea, the seed of suggestion, that if she were to find another like her, after Omega bled her out, then she should reset the next person as often as possible, so the Omega could localize the next person easier, to set the trap. This way, she wasn't just being masochistic in shooting Cage all the time, it was her responding unwittingly to programming put in her head.

I just realized a couple other things the last few days.

One is, Farrell was an even bigger retard (or more despicably evil, criminally corrupted) than previously mentioned. Cage was on a worldwide broadcast Television interview!!! If Farrell did believe that wad of lies he kept in his pocket - away from any other reasonable person who knew them to be lie - then he must have believed that the UDF found some Private to interview with the worldwide media, explaining and discussing Military tactics, weapons systems, exoskeletons, and combat scenarios competently, and then dressed him up as a Field Grade Commissioned Officer (Major) for the interview. Clearly, Ferrell couldn't get promoted in the US Army with that level of retardation, so he had to jump over to the moronic bumf*ck UDF to get a promotion.


Originally posted by MAL4PREZ:
Did you not listen to Paxton?

“You’re a coward and a liar putting your life above theirs. The good news is there’s hope for you, private. Hope in the form of glorious combat. Battle is the great redeemer. The fire and crucible in which the only true heroes are forged. The one place where all men truly share the same rank, regardless of what kind of parasitic scum they were going in. … I envy you, Cage. Tomorrow morning you will be baptized — born again.”

That line is not accident, JSF. It is the theme of the movie! Good lord, open your eyes!

Here you seem to fail to comprehend the concept of levels of portrayals in films.

Have you seen Inception? If so, did you believe anything that Cobb or Arthur told Fischer? It was pretty believable stuff, or they wouldn't have tried it. Those lines were not accidents - but you, the audience, were not supposed to be snookered, so gullible as to be taken in like Fischer - the sensible viewer was supposed to have the full picture, and thus not be so gullible.

Have you seen Galaxy Quest? Did you believe everything that the actors of the cancelled series told the extra-terrestrials? Or what they said in their TV show episodes? Just because they gave cool speeches does not mean that we, a supposedly intelligent audience, should accept as gospel, but should understand were just lines used to move and develop the story. Perhaps you thought they were historical records, just like everything in Edge of Tomorrow.


Monday, October 6, 2014 7:11 PM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.

My Blu-Ray/DVD combo set should be here tomorrow, and hopefully the mail is earlier than usual.


Thursday, October 9, 2014 4:32 AM


I gotta comment:

First, Cage was not sent to lead anyone, he was sent by the general to "sell" the attack scheduled for the next day.

As far as Sgt. Farrell was concerned, Cage was just another grunt. Yes, he was lied to by the general, who had his own motives, but Farrell was regular army, a stickler for rigid conformity to rules and regs. (As both his speech and subsequent behavior shows). Farrell assumed, from the lie, that Cage went through basic training and was commenting on his character based on that lie.

Truth be told, Farrell's instincts were right on the money, the lie notwithstanding, Cage was a coward, afraid to see his own blood. He was, as he put it, "parasitic scum" and was about to be "baptized." Farrell couldn't care less who Cage was. To him, he was just another grunt, a deserter. Rita, as she discovered who he was, seized the opportunity to use Cage as a weapon to "Win the War." It was Rita who helped to "baptize" Cage and forged his destiny as a warrior, a death machine. It was Rita who inspired Cage. Each time he was reset, he learned more about himself, about J Squad, but ultimately about Rita which gave him purpose.

Farrell's statement was point blank on the money, regardless of what lies he was told about Cage. That's what he believed in, that was a part of him, as much as his mustache and sergeant stripes.



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by MAL4PREZ:
Tell you what else JSF: instead of getting into some silly "I'm right, no I'm right" here, let's wait until the DVD with all the extras comes out. Let's watch the commentary and such, and then let's see what the writers, directors, and actors have to say about the arc of TC's character.

What do you say?

In case you are interested, I'll try to explain some things.

Also, if using films and screenwriters as accurate comprehenders of military such as the ludicrous Few Good Men as our standard, then don't read further and stay in the fantasy world.

Do you think that a doctor, an MD, should be placed in command of a combat battalion? Even if he is a Colonel? Even if he has never attended War College or Potential Command Course? If he were, his battalion would be massacred at the first exchange of fire. He is not trained for the combat, he has been trained for the medical application of his talents and knowledge. Do you think military personnel respect him less because he is not "earned" rank, as you imply? The combat injured would much rather have a War College graduate without a smidgen of medical training cut him open and repair his insides? A person would have to be insane to suggest either.

MDs are not placed in command of combat units, infantry units, tanks, air or sea squadrons unless they are separately trained for those tasks and commands. That would be disasterous for all concerned, and the military would fail along with the government behind it.

JDs are not placed in command of combat units for the same reason, yet doctors and JAG officers raise in rank. Those are earned rank, regardless of what you wish to claim.

Magor Cage was not trained in combat tactics, techniques, strategy, just like JAGs and Medical Officers are not, unless they specifically pursue those courses. He has no business being in command of any size or level of combat unit, as the criminally despicable General assigned him to be, at least until he has had some training and experience at command, yet he has earned his rank.

The reason the Sgt said all that was because he had been given a stack of lies, a frame-up of a deserter profile, which had no basis in fact. He was lied to about the training and capabilities Cage had, although he had not had any.

Any reasonable person should be able to understand this.
If I was not clear, please point out what I didn't explain.


Thursday, October 9, 2014 10:27 AM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
He has no business being in command of any size or level of combat unit, as the criminally despicable General assigned him to be

Any reasonable person should be able to understand this.
If I was not clear, please point out what I didn't explain.

Oh, you explained your fantasy quite well, but that has absolutely nothing to do with the movie. Cage was never in command of any kind of combat unit.

How do you make this stuff up? Have you actually seen the movie?

Anyhow, I haven't gotten the DVD yet. Hope to make it to the store tonight.

What trolls reveal about themselves when they troll:


Thursday, October 16, 2014 7:04 PM



Originally posted by MAL4PREZ:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
He has no business being in command of any size or level of combat unit, as the criminally despicable General assigned him to be

Any reasonable person should be able to understand this.
If I was not clear, please point out what I didn't explain.

Oh, you explained your fantasy quite well, but that has absolutely nothing to do with the movie. Cage was never in command of any kind of combat unit.

How do you make this stuff up? Have you actually seen the movie?

Anyhow, I haven't gotten the DVD yet. Hope to make it to the store tonight.

Here you posit a quote from me.
This quote is from one post I made on 8 July.
Film came out around 7 June.
It was no longer showing by 8 July, and I had not seen it again in about 3 weeks.
Edge of Tomorrow was not available at my local budget theater again until around 4 August.

Yes, as I had already stated, some of my recollections were faded and/or fuzzy - particularly the parts which made so much sense to me that I did not fathom how delusional and confused you would be about the subject matter and portrayal on screen. The parts I had focused on were the parts which I had not fully caught the first time or 2 - not the reasonable parts which so confused you into surreality.
After seeing again, I realized that Brigham had assigned Cage to COMMAND the filming unit amidst COMBAT OPERATIONS and while embedded among COMBAT UNITS performing Amphibious Operations on the beach, but not to command the combat units. I did not choose to retroactively edit my prior posts, because the is the path of the smarmy weaselly rats of libtardism, not those who stand by what they had said.

Is that all? You shoot your wad now?


Thursday, October 16, 2014 7:08 PM



Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
Yeah, I know.............ya miss me, but I would really like to discuss the film intelligently so I'm waiting on the DVD so we can get into it - Firefly style.

Obviously we both have a hankering for movie-buff debate, it's just a month away.
One thing's for sure we both like this movie and the great potential for great storytelling in the future. Plus the fact that there's not much else, maybe Guardians, worth discussing.

Be patient grasshopper!


Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
Hey JSF, it'll be a while before I get to answer your post, at least until I get the DVD, but I will attempt to respond in some form in the next few days.

One thing is certain, EoT is a keeper and my new "Matrix."


this thread feels so lonely

still lonely.

But DVD release date is set for October 7th.

So have you given up?
Or just too embarrassed by what you've realized?


Thursday, October 16, 2014 8:39 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by MAL4PREZ:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
He has no business being in command of any size or level of combat unit, as the criminally despicable General assigned him to be

Any reasonable person should be able to understand this.
If I was not clear, please point out what I didn't explain.

Oh, you explained your fantasy quite well, but that has absolutely nothing to do with the movie. Cage was never in command of any kind of combat unit.

How do you make this stuff up? Have you actually seen the movie?

Anyhow, I haven't gotten the DVD yet. Hope to make it to the store tonight.

Here you posit a quote from me.
This quote is from one post I made on 8 July.
Film came out around 7 June.
It was no longer showing by 8 July, and I had not seen it again in about 3 weeks.
Edge of Tomorrow was not available at my local budget theater again until around 4 August.

Yes, as I had already stated, some of my recollections were faded and/or fuzzy - particularly the parts which made so much sense to me that I did not fathom how delusional and confused you would be about the subject matter and portrayal on screen. The parts I had focused on were the parts which I had not fully caught the first time or 2 - not the reasonable parts which so confused you into surreality.
After seeing again, I realized that Brigham had assigned Cage to COMMAND the filming unit amidst COMBAT OPERATIONS and while embedded among COMBAT UNITS performing Amphibious Operations on the beach, but not to command the combat units. I did not choose to retroactively edit my prior posts, because the is the path of the smarmy weaselly rats of libtardism, not those who stand by what they had said.

Is that all? You shoot your wad now?

Its amazing how you can take your being completely wrong - and think it speaks poorly of someone else.


“Anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.'”? Isaac Asimov


Saturday, October 18, 2014 5:16 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by MAL4PREZ:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
He has no business being in command of any size or level of combat unit, as the criminally despicable General assigned him to be

Any reasonable person should be able to understand this.
If I was not clear, please point out what I didn't explain.

Oh, you explained your fantasy quite well, but that has absolutely nothing to do with the movie. Cage was never in command of any kind of combat unit.

How do you make this stuff up? Have you actually seen the movie?

Anyhow, I haven't gotten the DVD yet. Hope to make it to the store tonight.

Here you posit a quote from me.
This quote is from one post I made on 8 July.
Film came out around 7 June.
It was no longer showing by 8 July, and I had not seen it again in about 3 weeks.
Edge of Tomorrow was not available at my local budget theater again until around 4 August.

Yes, as I had already stated, some of my recollections were faded and/or fuzzy - particularly the parts which made so much sense to me that I did not fathom how delusional and confused you would be about the subject matter and portrayal on screen. The parts I had focused on were the parts which I had not fully caught the first time or 2 - not the reasonable parts which so confused you into surreality.
After seeing again, I realized that Brigham had assigned Cage to COMMAND the filming unit amidst COMBAT OPERATIONS and while embedded among COMBAT UNITS performing Amphibious Operations on the beach, but not to command the combat units. I did not choose to retroactively edit my prior posts, because the is the path of the smarmy weaselly rats of libtardism, not those who stand by what they had said.

Is that all? You shoot your wad now?

I should have mentioned, You didn't bother bringing up all your wacky ideas until July 7 in this thread, so I was trying to recall from weeks before when I saw the film.


Saturday, October 18, 2014 7:23 PM


Said the JSF-rap:

...A bunch of fictional BS...
Any reasonable person should be able to understand this.
If I was not clear, please point out what I didn't explain.

After it was pointed out how fictional his BS was, and I asked this moron if he had actually seen the movie, he admitted that...


some of my recollections were faded and/or fuzzy

Meaning WRONG. Way out of left field wrong. Completely fabricated.

JSRapF, you made shit up, claimed it should be obvious to any "reasonable" person... meaning that your idea of reason is to take fuzzy fiction as absolute truth.

Jesus. What a fucking moron you are JRapSF! You are such a douche, it's hilarious!

BTW, the DVD has no commentary, to my disappointment. But it turns out to not be necessary. I don't need to prove you wrong. You've done that yourself.

Cheers, troll.

What trolls reveal about themselves when they troll:


Monday, October 20, 2014 7:56 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
Yeah, I know.............ya miss me, but I would really like to discuss the film intelligently so I'm waiting on the DVD so we can get into it - Firefly style.

Obviously we both have a hankering for movie-buff debate, it's just a month away.
One thing's for sure we both like this movie and the great potential for great storytelling in the future. Plus the fact that there's not much else, maybe Guardians, worth discussing.

Be patient grasshopper!


Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
Hey JSF, it'll be a while before I get to answer your post, at least until I get the DVD, but I will attempt to respond in some form in the next few days.

One thing is certain, EoT is a keeper and my new "Matrix."


this thread feels so lonely

still lonely.

But DVD release date is set for October 7th.

So have you given up?
Or just too embarrassed by what you've realized?



Wednesday, October 22, 2014 3:03 AM


No, just got other things on my plate right now, besides, in movies, as an art medium, there is no wrong or right - just different shades of color. Of course, it depends from which side of the rainbow you're looking from.



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
Yeah, I know.............ya miss me, but I would really like to discuss the film intelligently so I'm waiting on the DVD so we can get into it - Firefly style.

Obviously we both have a hankering for movie-buff debate, it's just a month away.
One thing's for sure we both like this movie and the great potential for great storytelling in the future. Plus the fact that there's not much else, maybe Guardians, worth discussing.

Be patient grasshopper!


Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
Hey JSF, it'll be a while before I get to answer your post, at least until I get the DVD, but I will attempt to respond in some form in the next few days.

One thing is certain, EoT is a keeper and my new "Matrix."


this thread feels so lonely

still lonely.

But DVD release date is set for October 7th.

So have you given up?
Or just too embarrassed by what you've realized?



Wednesday, October 22, 2014 4:24 AM


Ummm....errr...I laughed when Cruise got hit by the truck.


Friday, October 24, 2014 5:52 PM



Originally posted by Moose:
Ummm....errr...I laughed when Cruise got hit by the truck.

Good sound effects.


Friday, October 24, 2014 5:53 PM



Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
No, just got other things on my plate right now, besides, in movies, as an art medium, there is no wrong or right - just different shades of color. Of course, it depends from which side of the rainbow you're looking from.


That sounds like no more discussion.


Saturday, October 25, 2014 7:08 AM


No, just means I haven't had time. Tell you what, I'm going to re-watch it and then comment this weekend. I need to refresh my memory.



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
No, just got other things on my plate right now, besides, in movies, as an art medium, there is no wrong or right - just different shades of color. Of course, it depends from which side of the rainbow you're looking from.


That sounds like no more discussion.


Saturday, October 25, 2014 5:54 PM



Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
No, just means I haven't had time. Tell you what, I'm going to re-watch it and then comment this weekend. I need to refresh my memory.




Monday, October 27, 2014 6:34 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
No, just means I haven't had time. Tell you what, I'm going to re-watch it and then comment this weekend. I need to refresh my memory.



When does your weekend end?


Saturday, November 1, 2014 5:17 PM



Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
No, just means I haven't had time. Tell you what, I'm going to re-watch it and then comment this weekend. I need to refresh my memory.


You meant last weekend?


Sunday, November 2, 2014 1:06 AM



19:37 - Cage lands on the beach for the first time as a coward, an impostor

20:45 - Rita's ship crash lands

21:15 - Cage loses his helmet

21:21 - Cage sees Rita in action for the first time

21:51 - They look at each other

21:58 - Rita is shot right in front of cage

22:01 - Rita lands dead by Cage's side

22:05 - Cage begins to run away in fear for his life

22:17 - Sgt. Farrell stops Cage from running away and resets his destiny
(the first time Farrell sets his destiny is when he tells Cage he will
be baptised in glorious battle/fiery crucible)

22:21 - Sgt. Farrell tells him he's going to miss his moment (Farrell stops him
from being selfish and a coward, to lead him to his destiny) Farrell is the

22:23 - Griff gives us the jist of the story: "There not supposed to know we're

Farrell does his best to lead J Squad and all ignore Cage regarding his safety. Cage wanders about completely lost in battle, until.......

23:10 - A mimick pops out of the ground and begins to slaughter J Squad, but they seemingly ignore Cage in the skirmish, until.......

24:00 - Cage kills a mimick. He was not part of the battles before, so he changes the future by affecting the beach landing - Rita is killed, but Cage surprises them instead.................

24:41 - He kills the Alpha and gains the Reset capability; totally by accident

Sgt. Farrell was right, he was baptised. Born Again! He's still a coward, but he begins his journey toward becoming a hero and (I agree with your assessment) the redemption of J Squad in becoming a fighting unit.

It is still my contention that Cage falls in love with Rita upon seeing her on the side of the bus at FOB. The battle scene only presented him with his destiny which Farrell prophesized. Cage now controls the reset.

The next key moment is when Farrell introduces Cage to J Squad and reveals the playing cards................

27:02 - Farrell asks Nance why he hates gambling. "It entertains the notion that our fate is in the hands others than our own."

Is slipped by me several times, but I caught it once and it seemed to remind me of Terminator 2 regarding Fate. Through discipline we are masters of our Fate. Farrell tells Cage he'll come around. He is the harbinger of future actions, as well as the Narrator, the Point of view within the film. He's telling Cage, and us, that he will be the hero.

33:35 - Cage saves Rita in battle and he tells her that she needs to lead them to get off the beach.

Rita tells Cage to come find her. So now comes the ground rules, they explain about the mimicks and what's happening to Cage.

54:33 - Tavern (here's the section that I mention about the Bridge Scene)
Cage is drinking because he's frustrated that they haven't made progress in probably hundreds of attempts to defeat the mimicks.

55:29 - The chap in the pub calls Cage a coward, his former self, and he grimaces because he's no longer a coward. The lights flicker. He runs out of the pub and over to the bridge (This is the scene to which I refer)

55:58 - Cage sees the mimicks in the water by the bridge.

56:05 - The mimicks kill Cage on the bridge.

56:06 - Rita walks into the Training Facility and finds Cage training on his own
(this is the sequence of scenes that I was talking about, when Cage
rededicates himself to training)

56:45 - Carter finds the Omega.

57:11 - Rita tells Cage "You can do this"

After she tells him her middle name he decides to go it alone.

1:10:40 - Even the D.I. that yells at him "on your feet maggot" sees a difference in him

1:11:11 - Cage decides to go after the Omega alone when he goes to see Rita. He knows that if she goes along w=she will not stop.

1:12:00 - He becomes as determined as Rita, tells Griff to get him more ammo.

After that it becomes an army mission for him and Rita



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
No, just means I haven't had time. Tell you what, I'm going to re-watch it and then comment this weekend. I need to refresh my memory.


You meant last weekend?


Sunday, November 2, 2014 9:30 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
24:41 - He kills the Alpha and gains the Reset capability; totally by accident

Not accidental. Cage had to know what a Claymore mine is, lunge for it, aim and trigger it. Accidental would be the Alpha triggering the Claymore when it bites off Cage's head.

The movie opened on the 70th anniversary of D-Day. But crash-landing helicopters on the beach at Normandy in order to repeat D-Day was a stupid strategy. Boats stop at the shore; helicopters need not stop. The nice beach at Normandy was the only reason to send boats there, but if you're not in a boat Normandy is not where an Army crosses into France. Pick a better spot, General Brigham! Look at a goddamn map for Christ's sake!

Crossing into France at Normandy must have been the idea of General Brigham (Brendan Gleeson), expecting a repeat of General Eisenhower's historic victory. It's just another reason to hate General Brigham.

The only thing the General did that wasn't reprehensible was to NOT claim for himself personal credit for Paris. He probably feared the media would eventually ask questions about the easy victory and find out he is a big, fat, fast-talking know-nothing. That would be bad for Brigham's future in politics, a future that Cage predicted.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Sunday, November 2, 2014 1:53 PM



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
24:41 - He kills the Alpha and gains the Reset capability; totally by accident

Not accidental. Cage had to know what a Claymore mine is, lunge for it, aim and trigger it. Accidental would be the Alpha triggering the Claymore when it bites off Cage's head.

Killing the Alpha, or defending himself from the Alpha, was intentional. Getting the reset capability was accidental - nobody in J-squad even knew what an Alpha was, let alone they were in the presence of one. Millions of others had died in the face of the enemy, and they knew of none that had obtained this reset ability, so it was an accident which Cage fell into.

The movie opened on the 70th anniversary of D-Day. But crash-landing helicopters on the beach at Normandy in order to repeat D-Day was a stupid strategy. Boats stop at the shore; helicopters need not stop. The nice beach at Normandy was the only reason to send boats there, but if you're not in a boat Normandy is not where an Army crosses into France. Pick a better spot, General Brigham! Look at a goddamn map for Christ's sake!

Perhaps you are under the illusion that Brigham was making any effort to win the war, when in fact he was making every effort to lose the war, help the Omega win.

Crossing into France at Normandy must have been the idea of General Brigham (Brendan Gleeson), expecting a repeat of General Eisenhower's historic victory. It's just another reason to hate General Brigham.

The pertinent question is: was he just a moron, or was he a traitor?

The only thing the General did that wasn't reprehensible was to NOT claim for himself personal credit for Paris. He probably feared the media would eventually ask questions about the easy victory and find out he is a big, fat, fast-talking know-nothing. That would be bad for Brigham's future in politics, a future that Cage predicted.

He wasn't a know-nothing regarding this. He feared that it would be found out that he made every attempt to prevent this victory from happening. After Cage/Rita got the device, he had them apprehended, and got Cage to bleed out, almost surely ending the entire sequence of events - only J-squad agreeing to go on the suicide mission stopped Brigham from successfully giving victory to the Omega. Even allowing Cage to leave the office with the device only occurred after Cage repeatedly told Rita "don't shoot him, yet" which he may have taken as a threat to his life.


Sunday, November 2, 2014 2:12 PM



Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:

1:11:11 - Cage decides to go after the Omega alone when he goes to see Rita. He knows that if she goes along w=she will not stop.


I don't get this. Did you complete your thought? What do you mean? She will stop when she gets killed. She will get killed in every scenario. When he goes alone, this means she will die on the beach, long before he gets to the helicopter.
What are you talking about here?


Sunday, November 2, 2014 2:44 PM



Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:

19:37 - Cage lands on the beach for the first time as a

defenseless, untrained innocent being led to slaughter. Railroaded to a death sentence.

coward, an impostor

20:45 - Rita's ship crash lands

21:15 - Cage loses his helmet

21:21 - Cage sees Rita in action for the first time

21:51 - They look at each other

21:58 - Rita is shot right in front of cage

22:01 - Rita lands dead by Cage's side

22:05 - Cage begins to run away in fear for his life

What is he supposed to do? Look at the mimic sternly until they die?

22:17 - Sgt. Farrell stops Cage from

escaping the certain execution that Farrell has arranged for him.

running away and resets his destiny
(the first time Farrell sets his destiny is when he tells Cage he will
be baptised in glorious battle/fiery crucible)

22:21 - Sgt. Farrell tells him he's going to miss his moment (Farrell stops him
from being

summarily executed on the battlefield.

selfish and a coward, to lead him to his destiny) Farrell is the

22:23 - Griff gives us the jist of the story: "There not supposed to know we're

Farrell does his best to lead J Squad and all ignore Cage regarding his safety. Cage wanders about completely lost in battle, until.......

23:10 - A mimick pops out of the ground and begins to slaughter J Squad, but they seemingly ignore Cage in the skirmish, until.......

Cage is not a threat. Cage is weaponless. Many Rules Of Engagement declare that weapons indicate a target. Although the mimic likely does not consider this, it logically behooves them to target active enemy with weapons as a priority.
J-squad ignores Cage telling them there is a mimic in their midst - serves them right, karma is a biatch.
Cage enables his weapon, safety off. Shoots, gaining attention of the mimic.

24:00 - Cage kills a mimick. He was not part of the battles before, so he changes the future by affecting the beach landing - Rita is killed, but Cage surprises them instead.................

Then the Alpha arrives to find out what is going on, Cage is out of ammo for his weapon. Cage grabs Claymore from squadmember. This is another weapon, maybe Alpha does not recognize it as such.

24:41 - He kills the Alpha and gains the Reset capability; totally by accident

Sgt. Farrell was right, he was baptised. Born Again! He's still a coward, but he begins his journey toward becoming a hero and (I agree with your assessment) the redemption of J Squad in becoming a fighting unit.

It is still my contention that Cage falls in love with Rita upon seeing her on the side of the bus at FOB. The battle scene only presented him with his destiny which Farrell prophesized. Cage now controls the reset.

The next key moment is when Farrell introduces Cage to J Squad and reveals the playing cards................

Did not this scene occur in the original sequence? Night before getting reset? You are referring only to the replay of the original scene, right?

27:02 - Farrell asks Nance why he hates gambling. "It entertains the notion that our fate is in the hands others than our own."

Is slipped by me several times, but I caught it once and it seemed to remind me of Terminator 2 regarding Fate. Through discipline we are masters of our Fate. Farrell tells Cage he'll come around. He is the harbinger of future actions, as well as the Narrator, the Point of view within the film. He's telling Cage, and us, that he will be the hero.

33:35 - Cage saves Rita in battle and he tells her that she needs to lead them to get off the beach.

Rita tells Cage to come find her. So now comes the ground rules, they explain about the mimicks and what's happening to Cage.

Tavern scene comes immediately after Rita tells Cage "training is over, you must find a way off the beach" and they are unable to get off the beach, because Cage will not get much further after Rita dies each time.
Cage must have gone hundreds of hours without sleep by this point, if not thousands. Some mental rest is needed by any human.

54:33 - Tavern (here's the section that I mention about the Bridge Scene)
Cage is drinking because he's frustrated that they haven't made progress in probably hundreds of attempts to defeat the mimicks.

They have not made progress getting off the beach.

55:29 - The chap in the pub calls Cage a coward, his former self, and he grimaces because he's no longer a coward. The lights flicker. He runs out of the pub and over to the bridge (This is the scene to which I refer)

55:58 - Cage sees the mimicks in the water by the bridge.

56:05 - The mimicks kill Cage on the bridge.

56:06 - Rita walks into the Training Facility and finds Cage training on his own
(this is the sequence of scenes that I was talking about, when Cage
rededicates himself to training)

56:45 - Carter finds the Omega.

57:11 - Rita tells Cage "You can do this"

This is when he rescues J-squad from imminent original demise on the beach, and the breakthrough to getting off the beach.

After she tells him her middle name he decides to go it alone.

1:10:40 - Even the D.I. that yells at him "on your feet maggot" sees a difference in him

1:11:11 - Cage decides to go after the Omega alone when he goes to see Rita. He knows that if she goes along w=she will not stop.

1:12:00 - He becomes as determined as Rita, tells Griff to get him more ammo.

Not quite correct. Cage specifically requests the exact supplies he will need to accomplish his mission. Exact amount of batteries he needs. Exact amount of specific ammo types he needs. He also knows that helmet is not in his list of needed equipment, and it delays his reactions, gets in the way.

After that it becomes an army mission for him and Rita



Sunday, November 2, 2014 3:47 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
The pertinent question is: was he just a moron, or was he a traitor? . . . only J-squad agreeing to go on the suicide mission stopped Brigham from successfully giving victory to the Omega.

I go with Moron. Traitor is too difficult for the General.

I'd say it's impossible for the General to make a traitor's deal with the Omega. How would the General communicate? In what language? And why would cynical General trust a deal with a complete stranger from outer space? Besides, the General doesn't need a deal because he's sure he will win, he's so full of it. Once he wins, the world is his, his desires will be fulfilled. What use to General Brigham is the Omega after it is dead?

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Monday, November 3, 2014 3:12 PM


Exactly the point I'm making, so you do get it. He cannot save her, so he goes it alone to complete his mission, precisely because his love for her keeps him from completing the mission and defeating the Omega.

Cage doesn't want to see her die, as has happened hundreds of times, he knows she would want to go for broke if she comes along, but she dies anyway.

Geez, do I have to spell everything out. It is obvious what I meant because you asked the very questions, and made the statements that proves my take within the film's context.



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:

1:11:11 - Cage decides to go after the Omega alone when he goes to see Rita. He knows that if she goes along w=she will not stop.


I don't get this. Did you complete your thought? What do you mean? She will stop when she gets killed. She will get killed in every scenario. When he goes alone, this means she will die on the beach, long before he gets to the helicopter.
What are you talking about here?


Monday, November 3, 2014 3:32 PM


Please pay attention to the writing here:

He kills the Alpha (connotes that he actively and knowingly killed the Alpha by triggering the Claymore, which is obvious in the film's context when they show Cage purposefully look at the mine, reads the label, and carefully grabs it - trying to do so without alerting the attention of the Big Alien, which we come to know as the Alpha - I'm assuming that Cage knows enough about chain of command when he notices that the mimicks are "reporting" to the Big Blue Alien, hence a possible commander.

Then - gains the Reset capability; totally by accident - this connotes that, in the aftermath, he resets to the moment when he first wakes up at FOB. That's what I was referring to as accidental.



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
24:41 - He kills the Alpha and gains the Reset capability; totally by accident

Not accidental. Cage had to know what a Claymore mine is, lunge for it, aim and trigger it. Accidental would be the Alpha triggering the Claymore when it bites off Cage's head.

The movie opened on the 70th anniversary of D-Day. But crash-landing helicopters on the beach at Normandy in order to repeat D-Day was a stupid strategy. Boats stop at the shore; helicopters need not stop. The nice beach at Normandy was the only reason to send boats there, but if you're not in a boat Normandy is not where an Army crosses into France. Pick a better spot, General Brigham! Look at a goddamn map for Christ's sake!

Crossing into France at Normandy must have been the idea of General Brigham (Brendan Gleeson), expecting a repeat of General Eisenhower's historic victory. It's just another reason to hate General Brigham.

The only thing the General did that wasn't reprehensible was to NOT claim for himself personal credit for Paris. He probably feared the media would eventually ask questions about the easy victory and find out he is a big, fat, fast-talking know-nothing. That would be bad for Brigham's future in politics, a future that Cage predicted.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Monday, November 3, 2014 3:38 PM


I laughed at Farrell's reaction............classic comic take (Paxton was so damn good in his role)



Originally posted by Moose:
Ummm....errr...I laughed when Cruise got hit by the truck.


Monday, November 3, 2014 4:37 PM


01:39 - Cage comes on TV News and wrongly states that "with a limited battle training" they, the UDF, have created a super soldier. Wrong because, as we find out, it takes hundreds of times for him to perfect the use of the Body Armor. Also Rita's hundreds of times (it is presumed) of combat in the field before the mimicks allow her to win at Verdun (as we come to find out later in the film).

The reporting in the film's outset from 1:39 to 2:38 is describing how Rita Vitarski, on her first day, killed hundreds of mimicks. At this point, we know nothing of the why and how of combat with the mimicks, and of Rita's abilities.
We find out much later in the film how wrong those statements are.

Coward - How do I know he's a coward? Read on and learn.

5:12 - After the General tells him he's going to the front with the first wave, Cage tells him that "I do this to avoid doing that" meaning he does Media relations to avoid combat. ROTC in college, lost his advertising firm, "here I am" - not exactly a ringing endorsement of his bravery and willingness to fight for his country.

5:31 - "I'm not a soldier, really!"

5:43 - "Can't stand the sight of blood. Not so much as a paper cut." Then he nervously laughs. The general is not amused.

6:18 - The general does offer him the opportunity to go in with his present rank, but under his command.

6:48 - Cage begins to try and back out of the assignment by attempting to blackmail the general.

As an aside, both the general and Cage have ulterior motives. The general wants to be thought of in a positive light, hence enlisting the skills of Cage as an advertising/media coordinator; and Cage just wants to stay alive by "doing what he does" best, staying out of harm's way. Both he and the general are dicks, but the general has the rank to make things happen.

8:16 - As a result of his futile attempt to blackmail the general, he awakens at Heathrow processing.

Everything that he says and does between 5:10 - 8:16 spells Coward with a capital C, to the point that he risks his rank to stay out of the front lines, as part of a selfish assigned task (further addressed by Farrell later in the film, whereby he states that one man is not more important than the many). Cage is not particularly bright or heroic.

If you feel different, please provide cinematic proof (within the context of the film, please) as to why you feel this is not so. What part of what he tells the general strikes you as heroic? How exactly did he earn his rank as Major?



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
No, just means I haven't had time. Tell you what, I'm going to re-watch it and then comment this weekend. I need to refresh my memory.


You meant last weekend?






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