Jupiter Ascending

UPDATED: Monday, September 19, 2016 20:09
VIEWED: 10359
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Monday, December 22, 2014 2:00 AM


I heard about this movie months ago, but there was a delay in the release and I couldn't find many details. Finally saw a full teaser before The Hobbit today, an expanded IMAX version of this:

I am prepared to be horribly disappointed because I am sooooo looking forward to this movie. More than is practical. More than I have any movie for quite some time. Jupiter Ascending has potential to break the mold the way that The Matrix did back in 99. But then Matrix 2 and 3 were so bad...

Will Jupiter live up to the promise of the preview, or are the Wachowskis one hit wonders who lost their way?

I'll check in again in Feb 2015. Not so far away.


Monday, December 22, 2014 2:53 AM


I am so looking forward to this movie, partly due to the trailer, but partly due to my deep affection for The Matrix. Granted Matrix 2 was not as good and 3 was a disaster, but I've been encouraged greatly by the excellent Cloud Atlas - a storyteller's story.

Any one of the stories with Cloud Atlas could have been made into a stand alone feature and turned out successful, especially the sci-fi part (The Story of Son-mi 451, in the future Korea). I'm hoping that they continue on that brilliant path and create a similar world such as those in Cloud Atlas and the original Matrix.

But, I must admit, I fear we may be disappointed. How can they ever live up to the re-imagining of the genre we have come to appreciate so deeply. The Wachowskis and Joss have spoiled us greatly. We want that journey, that experience over and over. As in any great sci-fi, the story's the thing. But I'm encouraged because of Cloud Atlas, a book that many said could never be made into a credible motion picture.

Fingers crossed, I'm ready to be Wow'ed!


BTW, how was the Hobbit? Was it good? I may go to see it this weekend.


Originally posted by MAL4PREZ:
I heard about this movie months ago, but there was a delay in the release and I couldn't find many details. Finally saw a full teaser before The Hobbit today, an expanded IMAX version of this:

I am prepared to be horribly disappointed because I am sooooo looking forward to this movie. More than is practical. More than I have any movie for quite some time. Jupiter Ascending has potential to break the mold the way that The Matrix did back in 99. But then Matrix 2 and 3 were so bad...

Will Jupiter live up to the promise of the preview, or are the Wachowskis one hit wonders who lost their way?

I'll check in again in Feb 2015. Not so far away.


Monday, December 22, 2014 11:06 AM


Thanks for the reminder re Cloud Atlas. I've been meaning to see it and keep forgetting. I've heard its good.

The Hobbit was quite good, I thought. Visually stunning, of course, but I think it's even better than previous Tolkien movies. They draw in Angmar, which makes me wondering if they're setting up more movies drawn from the Simarillion. I hope so!

I won't say any more about the Hobbit until more people have a chance to see it.

Jupiter Ascending, though. Wow, eye candy galore in the teaser! Looked real good on the IMAX screen. Can't wait!

What trolls reveal about themselves when they troll:


Monday, December 22, 2014 4:20 PM


Best movie trailer I've seen in .. like ever. Perhaps too much shown, but at least I'm fairly confident it won't be another 'Prometheus'.


Tuesday, December 23, 2014 1:22 AM


Your welcome. I have been singing it's praises ever since I first laid eyes on it. Cloud Atlas, IMHO, is damn near a masterpiece, but underappreciated.
But, I must warn you, it will take you a couple of viewings to experience the intricate and interwoven stories.

I know that, for me, the more I saw it the more it grew on me. One more thing, try seeing it on a big screen. The bigger, the me. I hope that someday they will re-release it to theaters, I will go in a heartbeat.

Thanks for the heads up on The Hobbit. I'm a big fan of sword and sorcery, knights-of-the-round-table, Viking flicks. I thought the last one was pretty good (I really liked Return of the King) so I will probably like this as well, especially with Evangeline Lilly in it. Now she is a hunk of woman............Yowsa!



Originally posted by mal4prez:
Thanks for the reminder re Cloud Atlas. I've been meaning to see it and keep forgetting. I've heard its good.

The Hobbit was quite good, I thought. Visually stunning, of course, but I think it's even better than previous Tolkien movies. They draw in Angmar, which makes me wondering if they're setting up more movies drawn from the Simarillion. I hope so!

I won't say any more about the Hobbit until more people have a chance to see it.

Jupiter Ascending, though. Wow, eye candy galore in the teaser! Looked real good on the IMAX screen. Can't wait!

What trolls reveal about themselves when they troll:


Tuesday, December 23, 2014 4:04 PM



Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
Your welcome. I have been singing it's praises ever since I first laid eyes on it. Cloud Atlas, IMHO, is damn near a masterpiece, but underappreciated.
But, I must warn you, it will take you a couple of viewings to experience the intricate and interwoven stories.

I bought the DVD. Less than 5 minutes into it I had to hit pause to tell you: I'm hooked already. Love how it's jumping around! I've tried to avoid knowing anything about this movie, but I'm gonna guess right now that I will be watching this one over and over.

Despite the presence of Tom Hanks. *shudder* ;)

What trolls reveal about themselves when they troll:


Wednesday, December 24, 2014 1:40 AM


When it comes to this movie, I'm like a kid in a candy store. Can't wait to discuss it with you. Somehow I knew you would like it.

There are some little minor hiccups (for me, anyway) but I'll wait for word from you that you viewed it a couple of times. I don't want to spoil it for you. It is so juicy and good, isn't it!



Originally posted by MAL4PREZ:

Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
Your welcome. I have been singing it's praises ever since I first laid eyes on it. Cloud Atlas, IMHO, is damn near a masterpiece, but underappreciated.
But, I must warn you, it will take you a couple of viewings to experience the intricate and interwoven stories.

I bought the DVD. Less than 5 minutes into it I had to hit pause to tell you: I'm hooked already. Love how it's jumping around! I've tried to avoid knowing anything about this movie, but I'm gonna guess right now that I will be watching this one over and over.

Despite the presence of Tom Hanks. *shudder* ;)

What trolls reveal about themselves when they troll:


Wednesday, December 24, 2014 1:56 AM


Merry Christmas

Your partner in crime



Wednesday, December 24, 2014 2:40 AM



Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
Merry Christmas

Your partner in crime


LOL! You too.

I'll get back to you when I've had time to ponder the Cloud Atlas goodness.

What trolls reveal about themselves when they troll:


Saturday, February 7, 2015 10:14 PM


Haven't found any more depth in Cloud Atlas. Sorry. Just doesn't do it for me.

Back to the topic: saw Jupiter Ascending today.

Gorgeous! Beautiful! Eye candy! Pretty!

Also: stupid. Incredibly shallow and predictable and stupid. Had no heart or soul.

Glad I saw it, won't see it again.

Someday someone will put all this insane **pretty** together with a plot that is interesting and surprising and, what's more, will present it as something more than a Disney roller coaster. I was soooo bored with the action sequences in this movie. EoT and GotG were 100x the worth of this movie, probably with 1/1000 of the FX budget.

It's still really damned pretty.

What trolls reveal about themselves when they troll:


Saturday, February 7, 2015 11:21 PM


Yeah, we were REALLY AMAZINGLY SPECTACULARLY BORED!!! today and were going to go see it... until I saw it had a rotten tomato score of 22. Think I'll wait for Netflix. Still bored.


Sunday, February 8, 2015 9:18 AM


I will agree that "boring" and "pretty" are probably the two best words to describe the movie.

Having said that, if you're at all interested, I strongly recommend seeing it in the theater. On the small screen, it will be considerably less pretty but every bit as boring.


Monday, February 9, 2015 9:54 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Ultimately, this all boils down to two questions: 1) Is “Jupiter Ascending” completely bananas? Absolutely. 2) Will you have fun watching it? As long as you’re OK with the answer to the first question, I don’t see why not.

It's blandly, often listlessly bad, just-out-of-film-school-and-shopping-a-tentpole-screenplay bad. –

At least Redmayne's mannered acting plants a freak flag in the movie's swollen purplish heart. At times his performance seems modeled on how Redmayne imagines Glenn Close might look and sound, should she live to be 100. He trembles and flares his nostrils. He whispers 90% of his lines and shrieks the other ten. Not once does he blink when you expect him to, or for as long. Did Redmayne decide it was necessary to destroy the film in order to save it? If so, give the man an "A" for anarchy. –

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Tuesday, February 10, 2015 3:36 PM


What Would Mal do ? the credits roll, the lights come up , and before I can catch myself, out of my mouth, in a loud voice I hear... "BOY DID THAT SUCK!"

sorry.. i just wasn't quick enough.

1) As expected, heavy use of the CGI servers..and some of it was great
2) Total failure to develop characters that could have been so much more
3) Typical of the Wachowski movie was tediously long on fight/chase scenes that sucked up precious time that could have been used on story plot, character dev.
4) i didn't realize it was an LGBT bad....
5) Mila met my every expectation..which for the record was really really low.
6) pointy ears?...seriously..did they raid Universal Studios for leftovers from Teen Wolf and old Star Trek props?

save your money me on this...seriously....go watch some Fireballs XL5 marionette reruns or something...LOL


Thursday, February 12, 2015 10:00 AM


Regarding Cloud Atlas, to each his own.

Regarding Jupiter Ascending; have yet the time to go see it, although it's getting creamed by reviewers across the country. My guess is that the Wachowski's are far better at adapting a story than creating a bold fresh new story (a la the Matrix).

Not very surprising to me, but rather disappointing.



Originally posted by MAL4PREZ:
Haven't found any more depth in Cloud Atlas. Sorry. Just doesn't do it for me.

Back to the topic: saw Jupiter Ascending today.

Gorgeous! Beautiful! Eye candy! Pretty!

Also: stupid. Incredibly shallow and predictable and stupid. Had no heart or soul.

Glad I saw it, won't see it again.

Someday someone will put all this insane **pretty** together with a plot that is interesting and surprising and, what's more, will present it as something more than a Disney roller coaster. I was soooo bored with the action sequences in this movie. EoT and GotG were 100x the worth of this movie, probably with 1/1000 of the FX budget.

It's still really damned pretty.

What trolls reveal about themselves when they troll:


Thursday, February 12, 2015 1:22 PM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.

I had intended to go see it by now, but based on everything I've heard I figure it won't be long before it shows up at the discount theater. Then it will just be $1 on Tuesdays, and that might be all it is worth.


Thursday, February 12, 2015 6:02 PM


Like GWEK said, if you're going to see this movie see it in a theater. A good theater. It was flawed sure, but visually it's a work of art. I was so disappointed in the endless adventure ride of it (and the overly booming music that made me numb, I failed to say before) but the attention to detail in creating this verse was really stunning. I should stress that more.

There were also many nods to cyperpunk throughout, I'm sure many more than I caught.

In fact, now that I've had a week I think I will likely go see it again just to look at all the pretty. I might like it better when I don't go in expecting plotty goodness.

What trolls reveal about themselves when they troll:


Friday, February 13, 2015 9:34 AM


America loves a winner!

I'm hearing less than impressive reviews, all over. And now here as well.

Netflix date, if that.


Friday, February 13, 2015 4:25 PM


What Would Mal do ?

no..honestly... I knew that it should be seen in a quality home projection unit isn't up to the level of definition.

although I'd at least have the option to adjust the spoken word track so that I could friggin hear what they were sayin!!! lol...seems to be a trend these days for some sort of processing...and I go to a first class theater so I'm not sure I can blame it on them...but the fx and the music tracks were plenty loud..but softer spoken script was very hard to hear...the pre-movie trailers were all spot on with I'll blame the movie itself.

but bottom is a visual treat...just not a good movie... I don't regret seeing it at the theater...but it won't be in my dvd/digital collection in the future.


Friday, February 13, 2015 5:28 PM


America loves a winner!

If I want to be visually wowed by a movie, hell, I'll just go see some random IMAX flick.

But that's not what I want to go see when I think of sci-fi drama. I want some semblance of a STORY too. Hell, this makes John Carter seem like one of the first Star Wars movies.


Saturday, June 6, 2015 6:27 AM


Please, no more picking on John Carter (an unfortunate movie title) because, compared to this movie, it runs circles around Jupiter Ascending (with John Carter himself, running backwards).



Originally posted by AURaptor:
If I want to be visually wowed by a movie, hell, I'll just go see some random IMAX flick.

But that's not what I want to go see when I think of sci-fi drama. I want some semblance of a STORY too. Hell, this makes John Carter seem like one of the first Star Wars movies.


Saturday, June 6, 2015 7:01 AM


I agree with you Old Guy. There's very little that this movie had going for it. I thought, prior to seeing this mess, that Mila would be one of those little things that would be positive. So which came first, the chicken or the egg? Is it the actor (Channing Tatum comes to mind) or the script?

Ok, impressions: This movie felt rushed. I'm thinking that it's like my sister jumping ahead several chapters in a book to see what happens and if it's worth reading. This could have easily been 2 or 3 flicks worth. All, of course to get to the chase scenes..........I was ready to like this flick but alas, so boring.

Also, no chemistry between the 2 leads.

Sean Bean, they wasted his considerable talents. He should have been the lead.

Plot, none. Don't get me wrong, I liked the story, just not how the W's laid it out and presented it. the narration didn't help either.

Eddie Redmayne, WTF was he thinking? I blame the directors. The W's had box office gold awaiting them. This could have been Matrix material, instead they produced bad, horrible and, death of all deaths, boring sci-fi. There is nothing worse.

Oh, one more thing. That supposedly comic sequence about bureaucracy - what the hell was that about? Not funny or entertaining. Although I liked that little plot contrivance about harvesting the Earth. Everybody into the gene pool! The W's have this thing about abusing the mass production of humankind, very sci-fi, but if done wrong, it could be very bad sci-fi. I wonder if the W's got together with the guy who wrote the script for Prometheus. What was his name? Writer Damon Lindelof was hired to rewrite Jon Spaihts original script. Hmmmmm, is there any wonder why the movie was a giant fail.

So BOY DID THAT SUCK was not a bad review.

There were some, a very few things, that I liked........but I'm tired. See ya!



Originally posted by OLDGUY: the credits roll, the lights come up , and before I can catch myself, out of my mouth, in a loud voice I hear... "BOY DID THAT SUCK!"

sorry.. i just wasn't quick enough.

1) As expected, heavy use of the CGI servers..and some of it was great
2) Total failure to develop characters that could have been so much more
3) Typical of the Wachowski movie was tediously long on fight/chase scenes that sucked up precious time that could have been used on story plot, character dev.
4) i didn't realize it was an LGBT bad....
5) Mila met my every expectation..which for the record was really really low.
6) pointy ears?...seriously..did they raid Universal Studios for leftovers from Teen Wolf and old Star Trek props?

save your money me on this...seriously....go watch some Fireballs XL5 marionette reruns or something...LOL


Saturday, June 6, 2015 3:05 PM


I watched the trailer on this thread and thought what a great concept for a movie. I read the reviews here and have decided that unless it comes to Netflix and is free, I won't bother to give it a look.


Saturday, June 6, 2015 3:12 PM



Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
Also, no chemistry between the 2 leads.

Other than dating Kutcher, I was not sure if it was possible to make Mila unadorable. This proves it is possible.

Although I liked that little plot contrivance about harvesting the Earth. Everybody into the gene pool! The W's have this thing about abusing the mass production of humankind, very sci-fi, but if done wrong, it could be very bad sci-fi. I wonder if the W's got together with the guy who wrote the script for Prometheus.


How could you not reference The Matrix?

There is much negative here.
Can anybody think of or share positive parts of the film, in case some haven't seen it and want to know if it has anything worthwhile, even if not spectacular?


Monday, June 8, 2015 2:36 AM


I guess we agree on something -

"Other than dating Kutcher, I was not sure if it was possible to make Mila unadorable. This proves it is possible."

I'm not a Kutcher fan and I feel she can do much better, and yes, otherwise, she is adorable. The script and direction were wishy-washy, to say the least. Mila is a gifted actress and this was the one poor film choice she has made in her carefully crafted career.

So I give her a pass on this one. Even when the movie she was in was halfway decent, her portrayals were always spot on. So put one in the loss column and prep the divorce papers (Kutcher is bound to screw up again).
Mila, nothing personal, I just think that Ashton is a scumbag. Just saying.



Monday, June 8, 2015 2:46 AM


Yes, I did reference the Matrix:

This could have been Matrix material, instead they produced bad, horrible and, death of all deaths, boring sci-fi. There is nothing worse.

Take a look about 5 spaces up above this one. There was something positive I liked about the movie, but you would have to wait until it comes to Netflix for me to see it again.



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
Also, no chemistry between the 2 leads.

Other than dating Kutcher, I was not sure if it was possible to make Mila unadorable. This proves it is possible.

Although I liked that little plot contrivance about harvesting the Earth. Everybody into the gene pool! The W's have this thing about abusing the mass production of humankind, very sci-fi, but if done wrong, it could be very bad sci-fi. I wonder if the W's got together with the guy who wrote the script for Prometheus.


How could you not reference The Matrix?

There is much negative here.
Can anybody think of or share positive parts of the film, in case some haven't seen it and want to know if it has anything worthwhile, even if not spectacular?


Monday, June 8, 2015 10:17 AM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.

I would have sworn I posted a link to my review in this thread, but my only comment here was when I said I was going to wait for it to hit the discount theater. They've changed their policy, and now on Tuesdays all tickets are just 50¢. Even that was too much, and I wanted to ask for a refund.

Speaking of 50¢, he's probably a better actor than Channing.


Monday, June 8, 2015 12:40 PM



Originally posted by ecgordon:
I would have sworn I posted a link to my review in this thread, but my only comment here was when I said I was going to wait for it to hit the discount theater. They've changed their policy, and now on Tuesdays all tickets are just 50¢. Even that was too much, and I wanted to ask for a refund.

Speaking of 50¢, he's probably a better actor than Channing.

Wow, so I take it you're not giving any kudo's to this move at all. Glad I waited for sure.


Tuesday, June 9, 2015 5:04 AM


Hey EC, I read your review of Jupiter Descending and I agree with you 100%, well, maybe 99.9%, I think Mila is a good actress in the hands of a strong director, but the rest of it was spot on.

You know how I feel about Cloud Atlas, but this one felt slapped together and a half-hearted attempt. Tatum is a heartthrob and not much else. Bean is one of my fav character actors and deserved better. Redmayne went completely mental (he practiced the "more is more" method of acting, way over the top. He made Jim Carrey look meek in comparison).

The concept/premise was the one positive, along with the visuals, that I got from this mess. We are, Earth and humans, but a speck in the grand scheme of things, a miniscule dot in the vastness of the universe (what I got from the film). There was also something regarding DNA and our makeup. But the W's did very little to expound on that premise. We did get to go on a high speed chase throughout the film, with ear-shattering affect. Alright, enough of this....they missed the boat, period. By the way, you're right about their unevenness with flops and successes (I still think Bound was excellent suspenseful filmmaking).

SGG out!


Originally posted by ecgordon:
I would have sworn I posted a link to my review in this thread, but my only comment here was when I said I was going to wait for it to hit the discount theater. They've changed their policy, and now on Tuesdays all tickets are just 50¢. Even that was too much, and I wanted to ask for a refund.

Speaking of 50¢, he's probably a better actor than Channing.


Tuesday, June 9, 2015 10:17 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:

The concept/premise was the one positive, along with the visuals, that I got from this mess. We are, Earth and humans, but a speck in the grand scheme of things, a miniscule dot in the vastness of the universe

Olives are squeezed in Italy to sell the oil. Humans are squeezed in Jupiter Ascending/Descending to sell the life force. That makes Jupiter Descending more disgusting than the myth of Nazis making soap from human fat.
Thank god it is only a myth and nobody made the movie.

Why did the Wachowskis think that was good concept for their movie? Just curious because they really need to explain themselves, but at least it is better than the concept for the Human Centipede movies. There are three of those stinkers and don't look those up, please. You really do not want to know.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Tuesday, June 9, 2015 4:53 PM


I thought the human harvesting angle, not fully fleshed out, was a lame ripoff of the final scenes of Men in Black.

Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
I guess we agree on something -

"Other than dating Kutcher, I was not sure if it was possible to make Mila unadorable. This proves it is possible."

I'm not a Kutcher fan and I feel she can do much better, and yes, otherwise, she is adorable. The script and direction were wishy-washy, to say the least. Mila is a gifted actress and this was the one poor film choice she has made in her carefully crafted career.

So I give her a pass on this one. Even when the movie she was in was halfway decent, her portrayals were always spot on. So put one in the loss column and prep the divorce papers (Kutcher is bound to screw up again).
Mila, nothing personal, I just think that Ashton is a scumbag. Just saying.


I started watching Craig Ferguson based upon posts here about his 2nd or 3rd interview of Nathan.
When Craig did his on the road show in Scotland, he included the always adorable Ariel Tweeto plus Mila. She was adorable, and game, and it will be hard for me to think poorly of her as long as I can recall those shows. But she is making an effort to exceed that threshold.


Tuesday, June 9, 2015 7:27 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

I started watching Craig Ferguson based upon posts here about his 2nd or 3rd interview of Nathan.
When Craig did his on the road show in Scotland, he included the always adorable Ariel Tweeto plus Mila. She was adorable, and game, and it will be hard for me to think poorly of her as long as I can recall those shows. But she is making an effort to exceed that threshold.

I looked for Mila Kunis and Craig Ferguson - Late Late Show in Scotland Glasgow Necropolis 5/14/2012. Mila and Craig are fun.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Wednesday, June 10, 2015 7:46 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
I thought the human harvesting angle, not fully fleshed out, was a lame ripoff of the final scenes of Men in Black.

You know where the Wachowskis got the idea for Jupiter Descending of squeezing people for their life-force? They got it from The Matrix. People in the Matrix are batteries for the Machines!

When I saw the movie for the first time, I thought that the people in the Matrix did not know the real reason why the Machines running Earth kept billions of people alive, so people imagined a goofy myth about people = battery to explain. That was very smart scriptwriting to not waste movie time on exposition. People = battery was strictly a metaphor about the real reason for Machines to serve billions of people. But it wasn't a metaphor for the Wachowskis. It was the real reason.

Matrix 2 and 3 proved that the Wachowskis never, never, never understood that calories in food will make far more electricity by burning the food in a furnace or a fuel cell than feeding calories to people. They took an ignorant idea from two sequels to their best movie, twisted it to make it new for Jupiter Descending and give the audience of their last movie the life-force being squeezed out of people. Jupiter Descending stinks because the Wachowskis's scriptwriting is still trapped inside Matrix 2 & 3.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Wednesday, June 10, 2015 6:52 PM



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

I started watching Craig Ferguson based upon posts here about his 2nd or 3rd interview of Nathan.
When Craig did his on the road show in Scotland, he included the always adorable Ariel Tweeto plus Mila. She was adorable, and game, and it will be hard for me to think poorly of her as long as I can recall those shows. But she is making an effort to exceed that threshold.

I looked for Mila Kunis and Craig Ferguson - Late Late Show in Scotland Glasgow Necropolis 5/14/2012. Mila and Craig are fun.

I guess you didn't see the broadcast. The special episodes lasted a week, so you should be able to see Mila bits from more than one broadcast day. I think Rashida Jones was along, and maybe a couple group bits included both Rashida, Mila and/or Ariel Tweeto. IIRC Mila also had a cemetery walk/tour, and other cool bits. I thought that sitdown which is shown on that vid shot was good, but I felt it paled in comparison to how cool she acted for all the other segments she was on.
And if you haven't seen the Ariel Tweeto segments, try checking them out.


Wednesday, June 10, 2015 7:02 PM



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
I thought the human harvesting angle, not fully fleshed out, was a lame ripoff of the final scenes of Men in Black.

You know where the Wachowskis got the idea for Jupiter Descending of squeezing people for their life-force? They got it from The Matrix. People in the Matrix are batteries for the Machines!

I think I mentioned that on June 6.

When I saw the movie for the first time, I thought that the people in the Matrix did not know the real reason why the Machines running Earth kept billions of people alive, so people imagined a goofy myth about people = battery to explain. That was very smart scriptwriting to not waste movie time on exposition. People = battery was strictly a metaphor about the real reason for Machines to serve billions of people. But it wasn't a metaphor for the Wachowskis. It was the real reason.

Matrix 2 and 3 proved that the Wachowskis never, never, never understood that calories in food will make far more electricity by burning the food in a furnace or a fuel cell than feeding calories to people. They took an ignorant idea from two sequels to their best movie, twisted it to make it new for Jupiter Descending and give the audience of their last movie the life-force being squeezed out of people. Jupiter Descending stinks because the Wachowskis's scriptwriting is still trapped inside Matrix 2 & 3.

I considered some part of the battery explanation to be missing. You seem to be equating "battery" to not be an energy storage device but instead a power plant. That view seems far more lacking than the W's. Batteries provide much more than just energy - there is a stability provided, and a residual power in case of reduced fuel supply - starve them on alternating days to stretch the food, but not kill the battery. Many vehicles require a battery to be connected because of the load provided, which stabilizes the power generation.


Thursday, June 11, 2015 12:11 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

I considered some part of the battery explanation to be missing. You seem to be equating "battery" to not be an energy storage device but instead a power plant. That view seems far more lacking than the W's. Batteries provide much more than just energy - there is a stability provided, and a residual power in case of reduced fuel supply - starve them on alternating days to stretch the food, but not kill the battery. Many vehicles require a battery to be connected because of the load provided, which stabilizes the power generation.

In the here and now, people are not used as batteries because there are already myriad better ways to store electricity. In the future, the Machines will not ignore this pretty good existing battery technology and switch to weird & unproven human battery technology simply to please the Wachowskis. Unless the Machines know even less about building batteries than the Wachowskis. Then anything imaginable, no matter how stupid, could happen in the Matrix.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Thursday, June 11, 2015 5:57 PM



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

I considered some part of the battery explanation to be missing. You seem to be equating "battery" to not be an energy storage device but instead a power plant. That view seems far more lacking than the W's. Batteries provide much more than just energy - there is a stability provided, and a residual power in case of reduced fuel supply - starve them on alternating days to stretch the food, but not kill the battery. Many vehicles require a battery to be connected because of the load provided, which stabilizes the power generation.

In the here and now, people are not used as batteries because there are already myriad better ways to store electricity. In the future, the Machines will not ignore this pretty good existing battery technology and switch to weird & unproven human battery technology simply to please the Wachowskis. Unless the Machines know even less about building batteries than the Wachowskis. Then anything imaginable, no matter how stupid, could happen in the Matrix.

Much of today's battery technology was not available in 1999.


Friday, June 12, 2015 7:49 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Much of today's battery technology was not available in 1999.

If the Wachowskis' Machines in the Matrix were real, they would have 1999 and 2015 battery tech. If the Machines are just Wachowski hand puppets, then they forget whatever tech has been invented. Most of SciFi is afflicted with that hand puppet versus real character problem. The artistry of a story is to make the audience keep believing that the characters are true and real or really true, not just hand puppets of the movie director. Sadly, some moviemakers cannot get the idea that if the movie does something unbelievably stupid for that particular imaginary world, the audience stops believing in the story.

In other movies, not Jupiter Ascending, the Wachowskis have kept within the boundaries of believable characters for some particular imaginary world. Speed Racer is an example. The following is from an admiring review of that movie.

The Wachowskis, perhaps more than any other filmmakers, suffer from the pains of being pure at heart.

They make cinema that is so genuine and jaw-droppingly sincere that it can't help but skew right into most people's "this is corny" territory. It's like the siblings have no radar for it. They may not even know the meaning of the word. As such, their big, loving ideas come onto the screen completely undistilled by cynicism. To boot, they are about as subtle as a jackhammer. Even if they regularly confuse their metaphors, they are so committed to youthful notions of idealism that their characters act as if they hold the one true will of god in their hands. Meaning it's characters who believe in peace / love / truth and will fight the whole world with kewl kung fu to prove how much peace / love / truth they have (which is often hypocritical, but, hey. That's genre, really). But if hulk had one creative standard of all filmmakers, it is the request that one's cinema be honest to what it really wants, what it really believes, and what it's really saying.

I imagine that many genre filmmakers get fatigued with a process taking thousands of hours of work and the filmmakers can no longer tell, because of their weary imagination, when they have done something unbelievable to a viewer who invested only two hours in the movie.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Saturday, June 13, 2015 4:46 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

I considered some part of the battery explanation to be missing. You seem to be equating "battery" to not be an energy storage device but instead a power plant. That view seems far more lacking than the W's. Batteries provide much more than just energy - there is a stability provided, and a residual power in case of reduced fuel supply - starve them on alternating days to stretch the food, but not kill the battery. Many vehicles require a battery to be connected because of the load provided, which stabilizes the power generation.

In the here and now, people are not used as batteries because there are already myriad better ways to store electricity. In the future, the Machines will not ignore this pretty good existing battery technology and switch to weird & unproven human battery technology simply to please the Wachowskis. Unless the Machines know even less about building batteries than the Wachowskis. Then anything imaginable, no matter how stupid, could happen in the Matrix.

Much of today's battery technology was not available in 1999.

Circa 1999 battery technology had been relatively stagnant, a developmental plateau. Great changes have occurred since then. I don't expect the W's to look into the future and know the the stagnation won't last, that there will be great changes. For, if you had followed the storyline, why would there be great changes, when the humans were merely in the matrix for hundreds of years, and the machines were in no great need of technological invention or innovation?


Sunday, September 18, 2016 1:41 AM


Ok, we finally got this movie and had time to sit and watch it.

I get why people were miffed, it's basically a rip-off of every sci-fi movie...ever. If I was paying money for it, I might have been disappointed, but since it was Netflix- it was perfect. Cute, cheesy, visually interesting ....comic book entertainment.

I think people were also expecting some grandiose ending about the future of humanity, and all you get is "Ok, go back to work now."


Monday, September 19, 2016 2:12 AM


Agreed. Comic book entertainment - check! Rip-off - check! Cute, cheesy and visually interesting - check. Miffed - check.

BTW I was looking for loose ends to be tied up at the end, but alas, it wasn't to be. It was simplistic and jarbled, although I found some little
snippets that I liked; for the most was childishly comical and eventually boring.

In both Cloud Atlas and The Matrix we were given the basic rules of the world we were viewing, Jupiter didn't seem to have rules. I'm a guy who loves sci-fi, so for me not to like a sci-fi movie - well, you have to work at it.



Originally posted by Wishimay:
Ok, we finally got this movie and had time to sit and watch it.

I get why people were miffed, it's basically a rip-off of every sci-fi movie...ever. If I was paying money for it, I might have been disappointed, but since it was Netflix- it was perfect. Cute, cheesy, visually interesting ....comic book entertainment.

I think people were also expecting some grandiose ending about the future of humanity, and all you get is "Ok, go back to work now."


Monday, September 19, 2016 8:09 PM


It seems like a lot of movies lately don't bother to write much of an ending. Probably because they've gone waaay overbudget at that point...






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