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MockingJay Part 1: no spoilers in OP
Saturday, November 22, 2014 9:38 PM
Saturday, November 22, 2014 10:12 PM
There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.
Saturday, November 22, 2014 11:13 PM
Sunday, November 23, 2014 5:51 AM
Quote:Originally posted by MAL4PREZ: I just saw MJ1 on the Saturday afternoon of its opening. What's more, I saw it as this new AMC "Prime" thing, which costs a few bucks more than the already wicked high price of showings at the large, comfy, nice theaters in Times Square. I've said before that it takes more than one viewing for me to cement my opinion of a movie. In the case of Guardians, my first take wasn't so good, and I later discovered more. So who knows. But on first viewing of MJ1... I really liked this movie. Very much. More than I expected to. I read the book and didn't think much of it, which in fact helps. The storyline is grim and slow at times. I didn't like that in the book, but the movie, with only a few (very justifiable) adjustments in plot, was much more engrossing than the book. I was thoroughly engaged the whole time. Perhaps someone who hasn't read the book wouldn't be so engrossed. I'm curious to know. As for the "AMC Prime" thing, from their web site: "Introducing AMC Prime, the movie experience that delivers the "wow" of sight, sound and sense like you wouldn't believe. Feel the action with super-comfy recliners that actually reverberate with every explosion and every laser blast. Live inside the sound with audio that submerges you in a world of sensation. And capture every moment in the finest detail with the unbelievably crisp and luminous picture. With AMC Prime, you see, hear and feel every wow." So, AMC has armed a few choice theaters with awesomely nice reclining seats with much space between them. I'm totally 100% into paying a little extra to have space and electronically reclined seating. For once I didn't leave the theater with sore knees. However, they also pipe the soundtrack into the seats and vibrate them when the bass is booming. Really. Vibrating seats. The crowd giggled at it. I'm not a fan of the vibrations. It's cheesy and silly and distracting. But, for me, its worth overlooking the silliness because of how damned comfortable I was. Also, the seats are reserved. How huge is this? You can buy your seat in the theater and then be A-OK to show up 20 mins late and avoid all the annoying unending previews and still have your good seat. Theater gods be praised! As for their claims of a "crisp and luminous" picture: there was an obvious red-green grid behind the skin tones and white frames on the screen. It was distracting. For a theater experience charging me $20 to be "Prime", someone ought to fix this bug.
Sunday, November 23, 2014 5:58 AM
Quote:Originally posted by ecgordon: $20!!!! I don't think I'd pay that even if Kubrick rose from the dead and finally filmed his Napoleon like he'd planned for decades.
Sunday, November 23, 2014 12:51 PM
Sunday, November 23, 2014 7:17 PM
Sunday, November 23, 2014 10:00 PM
Quote:Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY: The Prime Thing: I don't mind paying extra for a better experience and comfy seats, but please! vibrating chairs - not even if they came with dancing girls and servants feeding me grapes (I may consider it if they throw in Hula girls). I did visit a theater in the Bronx, Co-Op City to be exact, and they had the extra wide reclining chairs with electronic control when I went to see Gone Girl and paid $15 during a matinee. No vibrations, but extra leg room that made for a pleasant trip to the movies.
Quote:The pace was slow at times, but overall, because of the grim storyline, it wasn't a total disaster (but I'm a patient moviegoer, I give it time to deliver the payoff). There were a few scenes that ended with an awkward wimper, but those were minor. Perhaps that's what "slowed down" the movie in the general sense.
Tuesday, November 25, 2014 1:18 AM
Friday, November 28, 2014 11:49 AM
Quote:Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY: I stopped reading the books after Book 1 (well, I actually read the first couple of chapters of Book 2). One reason why I did so was because after reading Hunger Games, I found myself comparing the book to the movie while I was watching the film - not good. I couldn't really enjoy it. So I stopped, I kept finding that they left out certain sections and scenes from the book and questioning why instead of enjoying the movie.
Quote:Tell me M4P, was Cressida in the book? Don't get me wrong, Dormer was solid, but I felt that it may have been tacked on.
Quote: Still though, I felt the movie's intensity and commitment to tell the story of this teen as though it were a modern tale of a not-long-ago real person, a rebel with a cause. Well, as I think of it, Lawrence was, once again, powerful in portraying Katniss as a put upon teen not quite ready to accept the responsibility of being an adult.
Wednesday, December 3, 2014 6:03 AM
Monday, January 13, 2025 12:16 PM
Quote:Originally posted by MAL4PREZ: Katniss is more like Malala Yousafzai. She's not fluff. She's been through something and there's substance behind her as a symbol and leader.