What's Your Favorite Scene From Firefly?

UPDATED: Saturday, July 25, 2015 11:03
VIEWED: 82035
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Thursday, February 25, 2010 11:22 AM


The whole special hell speech is pure genius.

I also love Wash's infamous dinosaur scene in the pilot.

There's actually loads thinking of it, but those two are definitely somewhere in the top ten.


Monday, October 4, 2010 1:41 PM


My favorite scene is when Stitch beats the hell out of Simon in Jaynestown. In fact stitch is my favorite character in the whole series. He was betrayed, permanently injured, and then thrown in a tiny wooden box to steam for four years. During that time his strength and health deteriorated due to inactivity and a poor diet. Sometimes his captors even forgot to feed him at all, and he had to listen while the world worshiped the thing that caused his despair. Suddenly he is released and given the power of information and weapon. A mind that had become empty and lifeless was now filled with the energy of mission. It is this energy that allowed him to deliver such a vicious blow that sent Simon to the ground. Stitch knew that Simon had no part in what happened four years ago, but that didn't matter. Simon represented the world and Stitch wanted to get even with it. That scene represented a man who was free to administer justice and punishment.

Hideous features were used to paint Stitch as a bad guy but his character was stronger than Jayne's. The fact he didn't conclude throwing Jayne out first indicates stronger code. During the final confrontation outside, Malcolm intended sabotage but Stitch spared him. Unfortunately his rage and vengeance were not enough to overcome the condition advantage of Jayne. Ultimately, Stitch was ended with the same justice as those scavengers attempted to end Malcolm with. How much anger would have been manifested had Malcolm been blown away for good?


Monday, November 22, 2010 12:45 PM


Objects in space:

River walking through the ship, touching the walls, feeling the floor, etc.

also, same episode,

shot of river bending down over stick/gun (not picking it up right away), and the above shot of the leave/stick covered floor.

not many shows as can pull off scenes without any spoken words but so charged with emotion and meaning.


Monday, November 22, 2010 1:20 PM


I love the scene when Kaylee and Mal first enter the shindig and we first get a look of her in the layer cake dress :D

~Captain of the Asheville Browncoats~


Saturday, November 27, 2010 7:18 PM



Saturday, November 27, 2010 7:24 PM



Originally posted by farfly:
River and Simon in their spacesuits on the outside of Serenity. Simon terrified and River with the most beautiful smile you've ever seen.

First one comes to my mind too...

She's just been staring deep into the black , and LOVES it !


Saturday, November 27, 2010 7:27 PM



Originally posted by out2theblack:

Originally posted by farfly:
River and Simon in their spacesuits on the outside of Serenity. Simon terrified and River with the most beautiful smile you've ever seen.

First one comes to my mind too...

She's just been staring deep into the black , and LOVES it !

That's one of my favorite scenes too - River's beatific smile, Simon's took of abject terror, even as he keeps his arm protectively curled around her, but also the seconds leading up to it, showing that vast expanse of dark space in the stars, and the two of them, so tiny and alone, huddled together out in the middle of it. To say nothing of the accompanying score.


Wednesday, December 15, 2010 12:24 AM



Originally posted by Jongsstraw:

So many great scenes in only 14 episodes, hard to choose. I'd have to say my favorite scene is the Hero Of Canton song scene from Jaynestown.

The scene that makes me the happiest also makes me sad.

I love when Kaylee gets to wear the fancy dress and go to the ball...and is announced as someone important, with escort. She is dazzled and happy and gets to "interrogate" the buffet table. haha

Well, then she ran into the mean girls, but the old gentleman saved her from that. But then Mal misbehaved and ruined it all. As she said "Until the punching, it was a real nice party." Which was heartbreaking.


Saturday, June 18, 2011 4:33 AM


The one scene from Serenity that absolutely tore at my heart was the moment River looks at Simon after throwing up and says, "I'm all right." It was as if she herself was realising that; it was played so beautifully by Summer and was one of the best pieces of acting I have ever seen. It was like: "I'm not crazy. I'm okay, I really am." And she was. I tear up every time I watch it; I think that moment was a turning point in River's life, after which she might have mostly recovered from what those butchers did to her.

As for Firefly itself, there are too many to choose from, but I agree with Inara, that Kaylee looked adorable in that dress!


Saturday, June 18, 2011 6:23 AM


Expired, forgotten, spoiled rotten.


Originally posted by Kayna:

The end of OoG.
"Y'all gonna be here when I wake up?"
"We'll be right here."
"Good. That's good."
Mal's ship is empty without his crew.

I pray for one last landing,
on the globe that gave me birth.
Let me rest my eyes on the fleecy skies
and the cool, green hills of Earth.


Saturday, June 18, 2011 5:07 PM


My favorite scene is from 'Heart of Gold', when Inara is in the corner crying after she finds out about Mal & Nandi. It finally shows that she feels as strongly about Mal as he does for her.



Tuesday, June 21, 2011 8:36 PM


Beir bua agus beannacht

The scenes in the first 14 episodes, :) there are very few scenes that I don't fancy, a couple, but not many, all the others are my favorites.

"A completely coherant River means writers don't deliver" KatTaya


Wednesday, June 22, 2011 2:24 PM


I love my captain


Originally posted by DMI:

Originally posted by Kayna:

The end of OoG.
"Y'all gonna be here when I wake up?"
"We'll be right here."
"Good. That's good."
Mal's ship is empty without his crew.

I pray for one last landing,
on the globe that gave me birth.
Let me rest my eyes on the fleecy skies
and the cool, green hills of Earth.

Oh wow. i haven't been on here in a couple of years. Luckily this reply showed up in my email and brought me back. By the way, this is still one of my favorite scenes in the show.


Thursday, June 23, 2011 4:07 AM


Too many excellent scenes to truly pick, but...

In THE TRAIN JOB, when Mal kicks Crow into the engine, that's when I knew for certain that FIREFLY wasn't going to be like anything I'd seen beore.

In the pilot, which was broadcast as the series finale, that final scene between Mal and Simon are talking and Mal says we're stilly flying and that's enough... Still makes me mist up to see it. When you think about the state of FIREFLY and Joss Whedon in December 2002, it gives the scene a whole level of nuance beyond what's on the page and even the screen.

And the payoff came three years later, when I saw Serenity sail across the big screen (which, oddly enough, happened in 2005, the same year as my OTHER most anticipated sci fi movie moment: seeing young Kenobi and Vader draw their lightsabers). "Here's how it might have been..."


Thursday, July 7, 2011 4:29 PM


I think it's the end of Our Mrs. Reynolds,when Mal confronts Inara about how she fell.

He tells her she's very graceful and then comes round to how it's unlikely that she just happened to trip and fall.You can see that she's thinking he knows she kissed him and is half afraid and half excited about what will happen next.
Mal comes up close to her and is in a position to kiss her when he cracks a smile and says "I knew you let her kiss you",he walks out of the room laughing and the camera holds on Inaras face as she tries to wrap her head around what just happened.

Just a fantastic scene for showing the sexual tension between the two characters.

Oh yeah and Jaynes line where he says "thats why I never kiss 'em on the mouth."

Jayne rocks.


Saturday, July 30, 2011 10:38 AM


It would be easier for me to name the scenes I don't like. There! I'm done.

If I had to pick I'd say Mal stabbing Atherton with his mercy speech and in Safe, River telling Simon that he gave up everything for her and found her broken.

Also in Safe, Mal and Zoe saving River. What are we? Big Damn Heroes. Aint we just.

I can go on and on.


Saturday, September 10, 2011 2:18 PM


I like the final scene of Jaynestown. First, because what Mal and Jayne say in that conversation are some of the most meaningful lines in all of the series. Second, because it shows us that there is more to Jayne than just being a big, bad merc.


Saturday, September 10, 2011 3:04 PM


I know what did this...

#1, this week, is in Bushwhacked...after they take the survivor to the infirmary and are all in the kitchen...Mal's trying to convey to Book the reality about Reavers, they're trying to decide what to do with the derelict, the whole scene is just so compelling

"Haven't you killed me enough for one day ?"
- Mal, War Stories


Saturday, September 10, 2011 3:05 PM


I know what did this...

any from OoG, that whole episode...I can't pick just one

"Haven't you killed me enough for one day ?"
- Mal, War Stories


Saturday, September 10, 2011 3:06 PM


I know what did this...

"I know what did this" scene in Bushwhacked, the music, River walking through the derelict


Saturday, September 10, 2011 3:20 PM


I know what did this...

and the one previously mentioned here, when Mal shoots the fed in the 'real' bullsh*t, no discussion just do what needs to be done


Saturday, September 10, 2011 3:30 PM



Originally posted by KAYNA:

Originally posted by DMI:

Originally posted by Kayna:

The end of OoG.
"Y'all gonna be here when I wake up?"
"We'll be right here."
"Good. That's good."
Mal's ship is empty without his crew.


This is my favorite scene, too. That and the scene where Jayne is in Simon's room stealing his stuff.


Sunday, September 11, 2011 6:14 AM


I know what did this...

another one! OMR, when Mal is waking up he says "Is it Christmas?" that whole scene in his bunk, primo
OK there can never be just ONE

"Haven't you killed me enough for one day ?"
- Mal, War Stories


Sunday, September 11, 2011 6:16 AM


I watched Train Job when it first aired, and while I thought that it was a strange formula for a 'pilot episode', when Mal pushed crow through the engine, I was hooked.

That said, I have always enjoyed the mechanics of the relationship between Mal and Jayne, so I always liked the scene in Out of Gas just before Jayne leaves the ship.

"I prepped a suit for you. It's hanging in
the foredeck."

It speaks volumes.


Friday, December 9, 2011 7:51 PM


Off the top of my head, the sequence I love most is River wondering around the ship barefoot at the start of Objects in Space, and her "reading" the others' thoughts and feelings. And her stepping on "the object".

"She understands. She doesn't comprehend."


Sunday, March 4, 2012 11:13 AM




Sunday, March 4, 2012 5:25 PM



Originally posted by InvaderPet87:
Off the top of my head, the sequence I love most is River wondering around the ship barefoot at the start of Objects in Space, and her "reading" the others' thoughts and feelings. And her stepping on "the object".

"She understands. She doesn't comprehend."

That was sheer awesomeness.

The Mal-like Chrisisall


Friday, November 2, 2012 12:48 PM


Cry Baby Cry. Make Your Mama Sigh.

Books hair in Jaynestown.


Sunday, November 4, 2012 7:47 AM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.

I would have sworn I already replied to this thread, but since it came back onto the top discussions recently I read all the replies, and I didn't. Must have been another similar thread, or likely several other similar ones over the years.

As so many others have said, there are just too many great scenes to choose just one, but if forced I'd have to go with River in "Safe" telling Simon she knows he gave up everything for her, "and you found me broken."

Second place would be River in Early's ship telling him "I'll be your bounty."

Everyone in the show was so well cast and do an excellent job, but it is my opinion that the best acting was done by the least experienced, Summer Glau.

wo men ren ran zai fei xing.


Sunday, November 4, 2012 2:00 PM


Browncoats are truly amazing! I salute everyone who has taken the time to write down their thoughts and feelings on Firefly. This thread is almost 5 years old with 12,000 reads. I was fairly new to FFF when I started it, and I was curious what people would say. Thought maybe there'd be a few days of responses from a few people. Every time it comes back to the board it makes me smile and appreciate the dedication of all the fans.


Sunday, November 4, 2012 6:27 PM


I have way too many favorite scenes to choose only one, and as I've read through people's responses on this thread, most of the time I find myself nodding right along and agreeing, yes that's also my favorite scene. So I decided to put up this short list of my favorite scenes from each episode. At least until further notice! :-) I reserve the right to add other favorite scenes, up to and including every scene in the episode! ;-)

Serenity: Stand-off in the cargo bay, with Dobson holding River hostage. Mal takes in the situation at a glance and deals with it without delay. In a few short seconds, much is revealed about the character of the Captain.

Train Job: Zoe to Mal: "Sir, I think your brain must be missing." That scene just encapsulates the relationship between Zoe and Mal and the way they interact.

Bushwhacked: Wash's interview with Harken. Alan Tudyk's improvised lines are just a riot. I also love the outtakes of the scene, with Tudyk's other improvisations, and Doug Savant absolutely cracking up, unable to keep in character as Tudyk as Wash waxes poetic. The entire sequence of interviews was great.

Shindig: Mal and Inara in the cargo bay with the cows. They spend so much time having tense interactions, I just love this scene where they are in sync with each other.

Safe: I love the intercut scene between River’s dance and the gun battle in which Shepherd Book is seriously injured. The juxtapositions are marvelously well-done.

Our Mrs Reynolds: Two scenes: Saffron in Mal’s bunk, contains so much awkwardness. Saffron is my favorite Firefly villain, and Christina Hendricks plays her so superbly. Also, the last scene: "I knew you let her kiss you." One of my absolute favorite Mal and Inara moments.

Jaynestown: I like the scene with the singing in the Mudders' bar. From the striking of the first chord on the guitar, as they all begin to realize what the song is about, and its implications. Everybody's reactions are so wonderfully played. And it just tickles me that not only is Jayne a genuine folk hero, but he has his own song.

Out of Gas: So much to like about this episode, but my favorite single moment is when the pirate ship has latched on, and the airlock opens, and Mal breathes the air. This moment just symbolizes for me exactly what is at stake.

Ariel: Airlock scene. Powerfully written, and beautifully acted.

War Stories: When Zoe short-circuits Niska’s attempt to play with her. “Sorry, you were gonna ask me to choose? You want to finish?”

Trash: Mal and Inara’s scene, that prompts him to open Saffron’s box and ask her about the job. Also, the many, many moments in this episode that made me laugh.

The Message: River's line, "You are such a boob."

Heart of Gold: Mal busted when he sneaks out of Nandi’s room, followed by Inara’s broken-hearted weeping when alone. Mal and Inara are both only human.

Objects in Space: River to Mal: "Don’t make faces, Captain," along with the rest of that scene, when Mal's locked in his bunk and River's talking to him. Also, when River returns to Serenity, floating back down to acceptance.


Saturday, November 24, 2012 10:12 AM


Just had another one develop as I re-watched the show again.

The scene in Out of Gas where the salesman is trying to sell Mal a ship that just doesn't interest him, and we see Mal's face looking lovingly off screen. Cut to: shot of Serenity out there on it's own away from the other ships.

It's just really touching. Like when you see that girl across the classroom turn towards you and you just cannot look away.
Bang Love at first sight!

°...Well here I am.°


Friday, January 11, 2013 8:45 AM


Though its far from the deepest scene ever - I always get a tickle out of Mal and Atherton's "s-what?" fight.

Excuse me while I soak in all these sweet, sweet conservative tears.

"We will never have the elite, smart people on our side." -- Rick "Frothy" Santorum

"Goram it kid, let's frak this thing and go home! Engage!"


Sunday, January 27, 2013 3:21 PM


Wow...5 years and this thread keeps coming back. Kinda like my son asking me for money.

It's clear there is no one overwhelming favorite scene, but Out Of Gas and Objects In Space seem to be the 2 episodes with the most favorites.


Tuesday, October 21, 2014 8:24 PM



Originally posted by BROWNCOAT1300:
"were there monkeys?"

somehow I never expected him to say that! It was high-larious!


It's the way he says it, seriously-like! ROLF!


Friday, October 24, 2014 5:59 PM


The Pilot Serenity, when Kaylee is shot, and in infirmary, the pan out to see Jayne monitoring through the window, alone, gets me.


Friday, March 6, 2015 1:23 PM


Interesting reading some of these. It might be more appropriate/interesting to list one or two moments for each episode/character, not sure if there was a thread for that. Anyway I'll post in this as it's more recent. It can just be stream of consciousness, might turn into a blog thingy. I'm afraid I'm going to have to be the embarrassing person who rambles on a bit.

So, anything with River pretty much. Mostly, River only has like 1 or 2 scenes per episiode - they seemed well thought out to me, like her scenes were perhaps so effective because they were so sparse. There are too many, pretty much all of them I like. I relate to that kind of awkwardness; morbid, creepy, cryptic etc. And also, somewhat relatedly, as my current, sig the Jayne 'We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient', and Mal and Zoe's expression after it. LOL. Which is also, at times, a kind of awkwardness I can also relate to, LOL. I tend to ere on being the cryptic, humorous side. So I relate to Jayne in a way, well actually a way that is fairly obvious to me.

My favourite *River moment* is probably the 'don't belong' speech in Objects in Spac.e. Yep, that's me. The aloneness rather than the loneliness, sometimes I think its my aloneness that gets me through conversation.

In 'Safe', the scene where Simon is going to sacrifice himself for River, and then Mal and Zoe turn up, 'That girl is a witch', 'Yeah, but she's our witch, so cut her the hell down'. Gotta love that scene.

Jaynestown was another milestone episode. I liked how they had the messages of someone that people greatly admired being a lie, that it was about what they 'needed' rather than the greatness of the thing being admired. They had that same theme going on with the bible, Book/River. Particlarly the speech in 'Jaynestown' where he says 'You think someone's just gonna throw some money at you? There aren't people like that, there's just people like me'.

It's interesting, though also somewhat mystifying in that it's difficult to be specific, to look back and wonder which scenes/episodes in particular sold me. Whether there was a scene that 'stuck out' and really sold me on the show. While I initially became interested mostly because of River, I think I really started to get into in those episodes, 'the crew' and overall vibe of the series, either 'Our Mrs Reynolds' or 'Jaynestown'. The humour combined with something more profound. There's the Book special speech but even moreso the line 'Well.. isn't that... special'.

In rewatching 'Our Mrs Reynolds', the 'Veera' speech Jayne gave. I was like, 'I totally forgot that even happened but now it's so obvious.' the line Mal gives 'My days of not taking you seriously are certainly coming to a middle'. I remember that used to be my favourite line in some other life. Now I don't like it as much as I did then, perhaps due to overfamiliarity.


Friday, March 6, 2015 3:54 PM



Originally posted by AQUA:
Interesting reading some of these. It might be more appropriate/interesting to list one or two moments for each episode/character, not sure if there was a thread for that. Anyway I'll post in this as it's more recent. It can just be stream of consciousness, might turn into a blog thingy. I'm afraid I'm going to have to be the embarrassing person who rambles on a bit.

So, anything with River pretty much. Mostly, River only has like 1 or 2 scenes per episiode - they seemed well thought out to me, like her scenes were perhaps so effective because they were so sparse. There are too many, pretty much all of them I like. I relate to that kind of awkwardness; morbid, creepy, cryptic etc. And also, somewhat relatedly, as my current, sig the Jayne 'We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient', and Mal and Zoe's expression after it. LOL. Which is also, at times, a kind of awkwardness I can also relate to, LOL. I tend to ere on being the cryptic, humorous side. So I relate to Jayne in a way, well actually a way that is fairly obvious to me.

My favourite *River moment* is probably the 'don't belong' speech in Objects in Spac.e. Yep, that's me. The aloneness rather than the loneliness, sometimes I think its my aloneness that gets me through conversation.

In 'Safe', the scene where Simon is going to sacrifice himself for River, and then Mal and Zoe turn up, 'That girl is a witch', 'Yeah, but she's our witch, so cut her the hell down'. Gotta love that scene.

Jaynestown was another milestone episode. I liked how they had the messages of someone that people greatly admired being a lie, that it was about what they 'needed' rather than the greatness of the thing being admired. They had that same theme going on with the bible, Book/River. Particlarly the speech in 'Jaynestown' where he says 'You think someone's just gonna throw some money at you? There aren't people like that, there's just people like me'.

It's interesting, though also somewhat mystifying in that it's difficult to be specific, to look back and wonder which scenes/episodes in particular sold me. Whether there was a scene that 'stuck out' and really sold me on the show. While I initially became interested mostly because of River, I think I really started to get into in those episodes, 'the crew' and overall vibe of the series, either 'Our Mrs Reynolds' or 'Jaynestown'. The humour combined with something more profound. There's the Book special speech but even moreso the line 'Well.. isn't that... special'.

In rewatching 'Our Mrs Reynolds', the 'Veera' speech Jayne gave. I was like, 'I totally forgot that even happened but now it's so obvious.' the line Mal gives 'My days of not taking you seriously are certainly coming to a middle'. I remember that used to be my favourite line in some other life. Now I don't like it as much as I did then, perhaps due to overfamiliarity.

An interesting moment to me now, one I didn't really notice it when I first watched the series, in 'Our Mrs Reynold's' two people who were working with Saffron are talking about the ship, 'Firefly class spaceship', and one of them says, 'it's got no flash', 'some people aren't looking for flash'. It has something to do with, growing up and being confronted with the mundane quality of everyday life that Joss described in the Buffy DVDs.

Also, on my recent re-watch of the series, I merged two of my favourite lines to create my attempt at fanfic:

Mal: I'm going to the special hell
River: We all are.

That was more extensive that I had intended, fun though! Might do it again some time.

'We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient'.

Did you get to read about the cast comments where nobody knew what to make of the scripted lines for River - they never made any sense, nobody in the cast could understand them or react to them, until Summer made those lines seem perfectly reasonable (in River's way) and the cast had something to react to? I thought that was telling for Summer's potential.


Saturday, March 7, 2015 8:02 PM


Yeah, I remember that. I think it was Nathan Fillion that said it originally in the Firefly featurette, though it's been a while since I watched that.

Summer Glau was great as River. Admittedly, I didn't really keep up with her work after Firefly. I always admired her acting in the show and thought she was very graceful. Her background in dance probably helped her use that physicality in her acting. Film/tv is visual and I think that physical intelligence enhanced her performance. Plus she was also great at accents. ::D:

Oh, and another moment can't help but include:

'This is something the captain has to do himself'.

'No, no it's not'.

That's something I can also relate to, except in my case I usually, don't actually get any help. o.O

'We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient'.


Sunday, March 8, 2015 2:43 PM



Originally posted by AQUA:
Yeah, I remember that. I think it was Nathan Fillion that said it originally in the Firefly featurette, though it's been a while since I watched that.

That may be. my recall is of either Jewel or Morena saying it.

Summer Glau was great as River.

It makes me feel nostalgic for the times where I used to collect photos of River/Summer, even though I wouldn't say it's necessarily my favourite pic of her. Admittedly, my interest in her eventually lessened after Serenity, but she's really the only actor I've ever had much interest in beyond the performance on the show. Usually I don't keep up with what actors are doing at all really.

Oh, and another moment can't help but include:

'This is something the captain has to do himself'.

'No, no it's not'.

That's something I can also relate to, except in my case I usually, don't actually get any help. o.O

'We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient'.


Monday, March 9, 2015 5:31 AM


Yeah, one of the shiny people.

One of my favourite River moments - in the 'The Message' where River climbs on the coffin and says 'I'm verrry comfortable'. And then the line 'Well we all have different reactions to death'.

Two cool Saffron moments -

'My name is Saffron'.

*Sentimental music*

'You can't do this, I have a condition.'


'Don't know these folk, don't much care to.'
'They're whores.'
'I'm in.'


'We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient'.


Friday, July 24, 2015 5:48 PM


Already mentioned are where Simon tells River It's OK now, and also when River says "I knew you'd come for me." In Pilot Serenity.
I just rewatched Aliens, and noticed that these 2 lines are also between Ripley and Newt, but in far apart scenes - when Ripley puts newt to bed, and then when Ripley retrieves Newt from the Queen and then get back on the ship.

Having the original already in your head allows Joss to use that quickly without a huge build up.


Saturday, July 25, 2015 11:03 AM


Favourite scene?! Gorrammit, that's impossible! There's hardly a scene I don't love! Hell, we could fill this gorram server with descriptions of 'favourite' scenes, and y'all know it! *grin*

But hell, I'll pick one out:

Wash: You haven't been here in years, Jayne. You really think you need that getup? No one's gonna remember you.
Mal: I think it's possible they might.
[They all look up to see an elevated, life-sized mud statue of Jayne!]
Simon: Son of a bitch!
. . .
Mal: You wanna tell me how come there's a statue here, lookin' at me like I owe him something?
Jayne: Wishin' I could, cap'n.
Mal: No, seriously, Jayne, you want to tell me...?
Jayne: Look, Mal, I got no ruttin' idea! I was here a few years back, like I said. Pulled a second-story, stole a lot of scratch from the magistrate up on the hill. But things went way south. I had to hightail it. They don't...put you on a pedestal in town square for that.
Mal: Yeah, 'cept I'm looking at some fair compelling evidence says they do.
[Simon is just staring at the statue]

Simon: This must be what going mad feels like.

And in a filk session at Redemption '15, I'm proud to say I screwed up the courage to sing The Ballad Of Jayne Cobb. Then again, I had had a drink or three...*grin*

Can we cheat and mention a favourite scene in Serenity? No, not just Kaylee's wonderful 'nethers' tirade (well, that, too! *huge grin*), but one of the best bits of acting I have ever seen, from any actor: the moment when River says, for the second time, "I'm all right." There's this utterly beautiful expression of realisation on her face...she's realising she isn't crazy after all, that her memories of Miranda, horrifying though they are, are real and not the product of madness. That scene always brings a tear to my eye. Summer totally outdid herself there, and I bet the cast and crew were in tears afterwards.

The first time I saw it, I was.






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