Whedon's guy responds to Firefly Season reports on SCI FI Wire

UPDATED: Sunday, February 12, 2006 09:29
VIEWED: 25528
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Friday, January 27, 2006 8:45 AM


SCI FI Wire has this new report on the Firefly Season 2 effort:



Friday, January 27, 2006 8:55 AM


And there you have it.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
"That's what governments are for, [to] get in a man's way." -- Malcolm Reynolds


Friday, January 27, 2006 8:57 AM


Interesting in the least. At least now we know that Joss Whedon knows of the effort.

Oh, and play Cantr II at


Friday, January 27, 2006 9:02 AM


The other thing we know is that Sci Fi Wire continues to misreport what JOss has said about TV as an option, making it seem as if he's said he'd never go back to TV, when in reality all he has said is that any new incarnation, in any medium, would not be like any previous incarnation, in any medium.


Friday, January 27, 2006 9:07 AM



Just so you know: SCI FI Wire didn't "misreport" Joss' saying that he didn't want to do Firefly again. Whedon said it to USA Today. Here's the quote: "We'll never make Firefly again, because that was a thing that existed and is now gone. And Serenity isn't Firefly, and whatever comes next won't be, either. But I would love to tell more stories of this universe and to hang out with these people on and off for the rest of my career."

That sure sounds to me like Joss is saying he won't do Firefly again.

As for what SCI FI Wire says, here's the direct citation from their story: "Whedon previously told USA Today that he still hopes to tell more stories set in Serenity's futuristic universe, but added that there's no chance he'll do another Firefly TV show."



Friday, January 27, 2006 9:10 AM


Yes. The point being philosophical, as in "you can't recapture the particular thing that Firefly was" but not as in "I'll never do this franchise on TV again, period."

Joss has said repeatedly in his own words that he will tell these stories wherever he is given the room to do so. But lazy reporters keep twisting his meaning.

We've been debunking this crap for months now, and people still don't seem to get it.


Friday, January 27, 2006 9:27 AM


You can spin it any way you like. A quote's a quote. Unless you can cite a direct quote from Joss that contradicts what he plainly says, then you're simply reading into his words what you want to see.




Friday, January 27, 2006 9:32 AM



Originally posted by ripley:

You can spin it any way you like. A quote's a quote. Unless you can cite a direct quote from Joss that contradicts what he plainly says, then you're simply reading into his words what you want to see.



Ok, here:

"I'll do my best to tell stories that cause as much trouble as this one did. And if I ever get the chance to return to this one... in case it was ever unclear due to shoddy journalism, sign me right the hell up."

Joss posted this to the old Universal boards, which are now offline. But it's archived here:

It's all the way at the bottom.

It ain't me that's spinning. I'm debunking the media's spin -- and yours.


Friday, January 27, 2006 9:44 AM


That quote is about as vague as anything I've ever read. Nowhere does he say: "I will do another Firefly TV show." or "I'll tell Firefly again as a series in whatever medium they'll let me."

Note again in the USA Today quote he says: "We'll never make Firefly again, because that was a thing that existed and is now gone."

Also, SCI FI Wire said that Joss wants to tell storie set in the same universe. That is not inconsistent with saying he doesn't want to do Firefly as a TV show again. It means: He'll do another Serenity movie, if it comes up; he'll do Serenity comics; he'll even do a Serenity radio show. But nowhere does it say he'll do another TV show called "Firefly."

I don't understand how that's "shoddy journalism." If anything, it's more accurate than anything you're saying.



Friday, January 27, 2006 9:51 AM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.

ripley, you're not getting the point. Just because those words do not specifically say that Joss will do another tv series, neither do they say he will not. What it says is that whatever new project comes along in the 'verse...whether it is on tv, in movie theaters, direct-to-dvd, comics, shadow puppets, just won't have the same flavor or perspective as Firefly, whose time has come and gone. It's one of the reasons that the BDM had a different title, because it was not Firefly, but something a bit different, even though it featured the same characters.

Why are we still talkin' about this?

wo men ren ran zai fei xing.


Friday, January 27, 2006 9:54 AM


I get your point. You miss mine. You're reading something into the quote that isn't explicit. You may be correct, but you may not be correct. And it's not fair to accuse media outlets such as SCI FI Wire of "shoddy journalism" or "misreporting" when they simply report facts or direct quotes without reading into them what you see. That's not their job. Their job is to report what is said and not what isn't said.



Friday, January 27, 2006 10:21 AM



Originally posted by ripley:
I get your point. You miss mine. You're reading something into the quote that isn't explicit. You may be correct, but you may not be correct. And it's not fair to accuse media outlets such as SCI FI Wire of "shoddy journalism" or "misreporting" when they simply report facts or direct quotes without reading into them what you see. That's not their job. Their job is to report what is said and not what isn't said.


No offense, but if you really believe that I got some prime swampland for sale

I dont think we are reading into it at all, its the way Joss talks that you HAVE to really listen to what he is saying and journalist most certainly skew stories in the interest of selling it.

He clearly states he wants to tell more stories in the same universe as Firefly, so it doenst matter what he calls the new show... it will still be Firefly in the eyes of many Browncoats.

I think your confused on semantics, we say we want Firefly to return, but thats just a name we use for clarity... we cant say we want Serenity to come back then no one will get it.

Firefly as we know it in the first season is gone, we know that already... but if you read what Joss says he clearly states the universe may return cuz he has more stories to tell. If we get a few of the original actors then it will be Firefly for the most part.

So call it Firefly or Serenityville or Jaynes Mountain or whatever, it will still be the same... pretty much


Friday, January 27, 2006 10:28 AM


I can't quite figure out why everyone is so angry at this guy for what he's trying to do. Seems to me that he is putting his money where OUR mouths are. I've heard tons of fans claim that they would love Firefly in any form and that they would pay per episode to get the show back in some downloadable format...that's exactly what this guy is proposing to do.
sheesh...sad as it is, the more time goes on, the more bitter and angry this Browncoat community seems to get.


Friday, January 27, 2006 10:47 AM


Joss also did not Rule out "Firefly 2- the Electric Bugaloo". He just stated Firefly as we know it is gone

Select to view spoiler:

obviously since Book and Wash Are dead

. The next tv series could be about a second civil war in the 'verse with our beloved ship in the center of the story.

Joss has ruled nothing out, he has just stated whatever he does next in this 'verse will stand alone.

Only the half mad are wholly alive!


Friday, January 27, 2006 10:50 AM


A fast talker, stretching the truth and trying to sound like an insider, all the while trying to compile a database of personal information on a known demographic. My personal take on the Browncoat mentality is do, don't talk. Work out the deals in private, and not until you've got something to show for yourself do you go public and get all blustery.

Last thing this fandom needs is getting false hopes fanned by some snake oil salesman.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
"That's what governments are for, [to] get in a man's way." -- Malcolm Reynolds


Friday, January 27, 2006 11:07 AM



Originally posted by Spinland:
A fast talker, stretching the truth and trying to sound like an insider, all the while trying to compile a database of personal information on a known demographic. My personal take on the Browncoat mentality is do, don't talk. Work out the deals in private, and not until you've got something to show for yourself do you go public and get all blustery.

Last thing this fandom needs is getting false hopes fanned by some snake oil salesman.

I agree. I would rather wait and work for an icarnation of the 'verse that has the passion behind it than some cheap nock arround with a "bottom line".


Friday, January 27, 2006 11:10 AM


Just a reminder that you don't need to fill out either the "name" or "e-mail" sections of the survey in order to submit it. Personally I don't see the harm in providing a website with my age and cable provider, even if Underhill's plans do amount to nothing.

"Dear Diary, Today I was pompous and my sister was crazy. Today we were kidnapped by hill folk never to be seen again. It was the best day ever."


Friday, January 27, 2006 11:20 AM


You do have a point. On the other hand, the suspicious cynic in me says most phishing expeditions net only a few hits from among millions of attempts. Not saying that's his primary goal, but just what will become of the list of those who do actually fill in all the blanks? Very little else about this appears aboveboard, what's a poor little cynic to think?

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
"That's what governments are for, [to] get in a man's way." -- Malcolm Reynolds


Friday, January 27, 2006 11:25 AM


Just to clarify the debate above (read: beat a dead horse), here's another Whedon quote from the USA Today article:

"The best-case scenario is that the DVD is such a spectacular, monster hit that we get to make another movie. Then we get to make another movie. After three movies, we're all very tired. After Serenity: Revolutions, we feel like we've played it out. And then we make another series."

There it is in Joss' own words. He is completely open to doing another series set in the 'verse.


Friday, January 27, 2006 11:39 AM


What all of this says, pretty clearly, no reading between the lines but reading the text as-is:

Firefly has been done. Fine.
Serenity got made, and is done. w00t!
the 'Verse is still out there, and it will NOT be called Firefly, _or_ Serenity, but any future project in the 'Verse will still be full of Browncoats, Purplebelly Alliance Scum (oops...was that out loud?) and weirdness in abundance.

I can't wait.

"Kaylee, find me that kid takin' a dirt nap with baby Jesus; we need a hood ornament"


Friday, January 27, 2006 12:18 PM


How about this quote from January 9th?

"As long as I was able to service the characters with integrity and had enough money so that I wasn't hampered, then I would love to return Serenity to TV. I love that universe; it continues and those characters live on. There could be a series, there could be a miniseries, there could be all sorts of things. I'm not ruling anything out. I'll let it simmer for a while and see if anyone calls."



Friday, January 27, 2006 12:23 PM


I'll weigh in with JAB1981 on this one. We all talk up a storm about wanting to figure out a way to get our show back. And then the nay-sayers start whinging about internet addresses and the like . . .

Note that when Jayne said "I'm smellin' a lot of 'if' comin' off of this plan" he still went ahead and *did* it. "Shoulda, woulda, coulda."

If Underhill wants to take a shot at making "Firefly"/"Serenity"/"Jayne's World fly, he has my blessing. I don't have the money, the technical know-how, the connections to even begin doing it *myself*.

And if some evil genius can rip me off by learning that I'd rather watch it on my television than on an I-pod, then I guess I'd better just crawl under my Luddite rock and wait for Ragnarok.

If it doesn't work, at least he tried. And at least some people had sufficient "courage" to fill out a simple on-line questionairre.

Better that failure than sitting in the dark and spouting cynicism.


"Of course, it makes us a target for every scavenger out there. But sometimes that's fun too."


Friday, January 27, 2006 12:42 PM


Hey, if nothing else Ace has stirred the pot up. As they say "there's no such thing as bad publicity"

I'll take what ever Joss and crew dish up!


Friday, January 27, 2006 12:53 PM


Ah, you got me. There's a direct quote addressing the TV issue. I'll pass it along to SCI FI Wire and I'm sure they'll amend their story.

Because they're not "sloppy journalists" there; if someone points out an actual quote that contradicts something that was previously reported, they'll change it. No agendas.



Originally posted by browncoatsriseagain:
How about this quote from January 9th?

"As long as I was able to service the characters with integrity and had enough money so that I wasn't hampered, then I would love to return Serenity to TV. I love that universe; it continues and those characters live on. There could be a series, there could be a miniseries, there could be all sorts of things. I'm not ruling anything out. I'll let it simmer for a while and see if anyone calls."



Friday, January 27, 2006 1:02 PM


Joss is one of the kings of riddle talk. If he says, "I like cake, that's good eating", you have to wonder if he likes eating cake or if he simply likes cake and know that other people think it's good eating. That's just him.

Now, about the life/death of Firefly... Futurama is coming back... FUTURAMA!!! Remember that show that FOX gave the shaft well before Firefly? Yeah, their fans never gave up faith, bought the DVDs, and now we're getting FOUR straight to DVD movies.

Firefly fans are WAAAAY more fanicical(sp?). We pay for things we can get for free, and buy multiple copies of things we can't get for free. We buy trading cards. We buy lighters. We buy shirts, figures, toys, poorly written RPGs, EVERYTHING! When there's money to be had, someone is going to find a way to tap it. We just need to make sure they are well aware that more Firefly equals more money. Period.


Friday, January 27, 2006 1:09 PM


Sure enough:

SCI FI Wire has amended their story:

"Whedon previously told USA Today that he still hopes to tell more stories set in Serenity's futuristic universe, though Firefly as it was is dead. He later told Empire Online that he remains open to doing another TV series."



Friday, January 27, 2006 1:11 PM


To all you ruttin people talkin about if Firefly is comin back or not I got this to say.

We are just like the Browncoats, Fighting a war we cannot win. Unlike them we will win this war, but it will take time.

Mal: Define Interesting
Wash: Oh god, Oh god, We're all gonna die?


Friday, January 27, 2006 1:50 PM


I've been roaming in these boards for a few months now and I've never really felt the need to respond. Until now.

What are you guys thinking? Here is a guy who has asked for nothing except "did you buy firefly" and is chasing a dream we all have and you guys are killing him for it. You're acting like the Alliance and he's trying to be an independant. Let the guy chase his dream, if he strikes lightning we all get what we wanted, if you all bash him sight unseen, nobody will get anything. I don't know who the guy is but it seems as if hes swinging for the fences on this one, and nobody wants to put him at the plate.

Why bash a guy for trying? It makes no sense.

Keep on flying.


Friday, January 27, 2006 1:58 PM


FYI, the fact that Sci Fi Wire amended their story doesn't mean they haven't been sloppy or shoddy. This is at least the third time they've misreported this aspect of it, despite the correct information being out there all along.

It is their job not just to "report what is said and not what isn't said" -- their job is to KNOW ZTHEIR SUBJECT and GET THE STORY RIGHT.

I'm glad they amended their article. But we shouldn't have to harass them to correct mistakes they've been making for months now.


Friday, January 27, 2006 2:49 PM


Firefly is dead. Ceased to be when Fox cancelled it. Joss, if he feels like, will carry on the Serenity 'Verse (assuming circumstances allow it). So I'm surprised Mr Underhill isn't talking to Universal instead of Fox.


Friday, January 27, 2006 2:56 PM



Originally posted by SimonF:
Firefly is dead. Ceased to be when Fox cancelled it.

Ouch that hurt.

Mal: Define Interesting
Wash: Oh god, Oh god, We're all gonna die?


Friday, January 27, 2006 3:14 PM


What happened? He see your face?


Originally posted by metsrulein2k:
I've been roaming in these boards for a few months now and I've never really felt the need to respond. Until now.

What are you guys thinking? Here is a guy who has asked for nothing except "did you buy firefly" and is chasing a dream we all have and you guys are killing him for it. You're acting like the Alliance and he's trying to be an independant. Let the guy chase his dream, if he strikes lightning we all get what we wanted, if you all bash him sight unseen, nobody will get anything. I don't know who the guy is but it seems as if hes swinging for the fences on this one, and nobody wants to put him at the plate.

Why bash a guy for trying? It makes no sense.

Keep on flying.

Here is what I am thinking.... and in dealings with people it makes perfect sense.
To be an independent in this industry doesn’t get you 40 mil quality movies. This is what we want and what we are used to. A long paradigm shift will have to occur. (its coming)

I filled in the info early on. A lot of posts lately are focusing on what type of info. he is looking for, how easy it is to fill in, and what does it hurt to fill it in. I have no qualms about any of that. I still do not support it now.

For a few days Ace was on the forums posting and answering questions. Amped my interest. If u could ask a question to someone who says they may be able bring Firefly back wouldn’t you? So a lot of us did. Most were polite and direct. The answers I got were, at best, generalized statements I already knew.

There have been few “outright slams” directed towards ACE (here anyway), though there have been many opinions that do not gel with his idea. His initial replies to our queries were not so nice. ( I am sure Bix can back me on this one, I know, others too ) Then he edited them. His answers on some of the questions changed as well. So, it is a matter of cred. With still a great chance of “Firefly” (sorry, I mean “Mal’s SoapBox Derby” for u article parsers) returning within the regular TV/movie framework, why would we want him to get the rights. Besides, Fox is making a lot of dough on DVD sales.

And speaking of cred…. I went as far as I am able to dig into this. Here…

I was more turned off at the answers and his approach to this venture than I was at the idea. i.e. did not contact Joss before going public. (yes, it is still easy to fill in. and u cannot be harmed)

U gonna be smart here Riva?!?


Friday, January 27, 2006 4:36 PM



Originally posted by SimonF:
Firefly is dead. Ceased to be when Fox cancelled it. Joss, if he feels like, will carry on the Serenity 'Verse (assuming circumstances allow it). So I'm surprised Mr Underhill isn't talking to Universal instead of Fox.

Universal doesn't have TV rights as far as we know to make new episodes. They have the right to make 2 more movies and through Sci-Fi play the existing episodes.

Fox retains the rights to the TV show.



Friday, January 27, 2006 5:22 PM


I think what Joss is saying that he'd probably want to do a TV series perhaps based on some side characters or maybe a single character on the series and expand their character.

Perhaps Zoe, Mal or Jayne as a sheriff on a small planet. Gunsmoke: The Future...


Originally posted by MalNourished:
Just to clarify the debate above (read: beat a dead horse), here's another Whedon quote from the USA Today article:

"The best-case scenario is that the DVD is such a spectacular, monster hit that we get to make another movie. Then we get to make another movie. After three movies, we're all very tired. After Serenity: Revolutions, we feel like we've played it out. And then we make another series."

There it is in Joss' own words. He is completely open to doing another series set in the 'verse.


Friday, January 27, 2006 6:20 PM


Andrew, What's your take on Ace Underhill? You got in a little hot water yourself several week ago and I was sympathetic to your cause.

Personally, I think we make as much noise as we can. I wish there were 10 Ace Underhills trying to acquire the rights. This creates a press buzz and keeps you in the news. It also creates demand. Well maybe I'm beating drum too loud....anyway Andrew?

Mal: "Oh! That was bracing. They don't like it when you shoot at them. I worked that out myself."


Friday, January 27, 2006 6:54 PM



All right. I thought people were bashing the very IDEA of someone trying to make this work I didn't know they were bashing the person. But he's already said that if Joss and the whole crew isn't involved, he wouldnt do it. Fox is the worst place on earth for the rights to firefly to be. Family Guy had to sell MILLIONS before they wisened up and brought it back, and Firefly, while doing great in the 500,000 range, would still have to almost double that for Fox to notice anything. I was just puzzled that people were so resistent to the idea when it first came out. I'd rather have a dead mouse hold the rights to this show than Fox, so at least this guy has a pulse and more importantly a passion for what he's doing.

Wouldn't it be nice for one of the exec's at Fox to EVER mention Firefly sales or the idea of bringing it back. Hopefully, someday some journalist asks the right question to trigger something. Until then, all we have is a guy with a good amount of coin willing to spend it on getting Firefly back. I can think of worse people to attack.


Friday, January 27, 2006 8:31 PM



Originally posted by metsrulein2k:
Fox is the worst place on earth for the rights to firefly to be. ... I'd rather have a dead mouse hold the rights to this show than Fox...

FOX would still own the rights. This plan is just to license them for the purposes of making two episodes (in essence, a new pilot), and then shop the show around hoping to get it picked up -- with FOX having the "right of first refusal" anyway.


Friday, January 27, 2006 8:40 PM


This Underhill guy is trouble we don't need, and I suspect nothing good will come of throwing his hat in the ring. I've posted before about this guy, and I think we need to run, not just walk away from anything he's conected with.

Mal: Jayne, just how many weapons you plan on taking? You only got the two arms.
Jayne: I just get excitable as to choice. Like to keep my options open.
Mal: I don’t plan on any shooting taking place during this job.
Jayne: Yeah, well what you plan and what takes place ain’t ever exactly been similar.
Mal: No grenades.


Friday, January 27, 2006 10:48 PM



Originally posted by ripley:

You can spin it any way you like. A quote's a quote. Unless you can cite a direct quote from Joss that contradicts what he plainly says, then you're simply reading into his words what you want to see.



Umm... who here has read this quote? Does this seem to... contradict... his previous statements at all? i dunno, to me it does... Note that the date of the article is more recent.

Note the line: "I'm not ruling anything out. I'll let it simmer for a while and see if anyone calls."


Saturday, January 28, 2006 3:37 AM


Ripley, do you work for Sci-Fi Wire?

And is that 'Aliens' Ripley?!


Saturday, January 28, 2006 4:02 AM


That Ace Underhill guy is like that Supershadow guy. If you don't know who Supershadow is, he's this guy that says he works for Lucasfilm and he's in charge of the Star Wars TV show and says he's responsible for the ideas of the Prequel Trilogy. He also has fake interviews with the actors and even George Lucas!

Mal would kick Han Solo's ass.


Saturday, January 28, 2006 4:53 AM



Originally posted by Jonus:
If you don't know who Supershadow is, he's this guy that says he works for Lucasfilm and he's in charge of the Star Wars TV show and says he's responsible for the ideas of the Prequel Trilogy.


Why in holy h-ll would you take fake or real credit for that gorram garbage.

Seems like he came out of the shallow end of the gene pool.

We will hold...we hold till Mal gets back.

"And once you're gone, you can never come back
When you're out of the blue and into the black"
-Neil Young


Saturday, January 28, 2006 7:02 AM



Originally posted by Glueman:
Andrew, What's your take on Ace Underhill? You got in a little hot water yourself several week ago and I was sympathetic to your cause.

Personally, I think we make as much noise as we can. I wish there were 10 Ace Underhills trying to acquire the rights. This creates a press buzz and keeps you in the news. It also creates demand. Well maybe I'm beating drum too loud....anyway Andrew?

Mal: "Oh! That was bracing. They don't like it when you shoot at them. I worked that out myself."

I have met Ace several times now in person. He is sincere and capable. He does have contacts all over the industry and everything he tells me he is going to do or people he has contacted eventually gets proven out.

He is not asking anything of the Browncoats except a short survey where you don't have to reveal anything about yourself that would be useful to a spammer, etc.

I can understand the suspicion and fear. Only time will prove whether Ace's approach will work or not. As for Joss being involved (which Ace has said lots of times he wouldn't go ahead without him), it will be when Ace gets close to getting the rights to the show from Fox. Any participation before that could be a waste of Joss or his agent's time and he is a little busy right now.

Anyway, if you don't feel right filling out the form wait a little while and see what comes out of this. If it starts looking right to you, then fill it out.


P.S. My site was supposed to be updated this week, but that hasn't happened yet. It's almost ready and I'll post when it goes live.


Saturday, January 28, 2006 8:39 AM


I love the series, and would love to see it fly again. I will fully support anyone making a genuine effort to make that happen, as long as Joss is involved. My idea of helping the cause is generating a few extra DVD sales. This guy is out there trying to pry the rights from Fox's icy grip, get Joss on board, and make something happen. If he fails, he fails. And personally, I think he would at least deserve a "thanks for trying".

And if he beats all odds and succeeds?

It boils down to this. The odds are against us. And for our part, we can't afford *not* to nuture every single seed of hope - as long as it's well intended and genuine.



Saturday, January 28, 2006 9:14 AM


Well, frack, seems to me worst-case scenario he's at least stirred up a bit of media attention. Like I read higher up in the thread, any publicity...

Myself, I'll take what I can get. Gotta figure any victory, however small, is still going to be a victory. I'll take a three-second close-up of Mal's nose if I knew Whedon had anything to do with it :P

Still... I'm in love with all the original characters on the show, and I'd love to see them crewing the Serenity once again.

Anyways, I'll hold 'till Mal gets back. (Checks watch...)


Saturday, January 28, 2006 5:03 PM


Well, considering how many people are on these boards and how many would LOVE to see this continue...

Who else is doing something? I know someone who offered this Underhill use of his survey software. But knowing how many people are wanting to see this continue, I'm sure more than one someone out there is organizing to get something done.

Does anyone know how else we can help out?

Was there a writing campaign? Was there any contact tried to Fox and Universal? I'm getting into this a little late and I've got a few hours to spare a week if need be.

"Can't stop the signal."


Sunday, January 29, 2006 12:39 PM


Here are some possible factors to throw into the equation that may or may not spell where the series is going and if the series is going ... or whatever may be going in the Firefly verse.

1. Wash and Book? Given the lapse in time between the series and the movie, it is possible that they have moved on in their careers.

2. Given the possibility of #1, you'd also have to consider where the others of Firefly/Serenity are in their careers and whether they'd want to risk moving back into a series that didn't last and/or a movie that also didn't fare too well.

3. When Joss has said he doesn't want to go back to Firefly (and Serenity), I subscribe to previous posts that suggest a new angle in the same verse ... perhaps with the ole crew ... perhaps not.

4. Having stated #3, I estimate that Joss would have to figure whether he'd have a strong storyline and cast of characters to build or renew a new fan following. (Moving through the various Star Trek series didn't guarantee that the fan following would stay with it. Remember DS9?)

5. Medium? Given the amount of money that would likely go into producing a series, mini-series or movie, I doubt "alternative" media, i.e., internet access, would pay for such a gamble. My sense is that Mr. Whedon isn't going to lose sight of the cost of a return merely for the love of doing it again. But then again, I'm not Mr. Whedon.

In the end, I saw the movie first and fell in love with it. I encouraged people to go see it, and those who did, who had no initial inkling to watch it, were appreciative of my suggestion. Then I bought the TV Series DVD. Then I bought the movie DVD. I hope everyone else has done the same. Of course, having done so may or may not amount to a hill of beans, which likely depends on the revenue gained by the owners of the rights to the TV Series and/or the movie to see whether it's worth the monetary cost of another bite at the pie.

My fingers are crossed.

"I aim to misbehave."


Sunday, January 29, 2006 2:58 PM


"Personally, I think we make as much noise as we can. I wish there were 10 Ace Underhills trying to acquire the rights. This creates a press buzz and keeps you in the news. It also creates demand."

Check this out....Buzz...,0,

Should we start a letter or e-mail campaign to TV reporters?

Jayne (being attacked by reavers, after being made to leave his weapons behind): "Boy, sure would be nice to have some GRENADES, don'tcha think?"


Sunday, January 29, 2006 3:45 PM



Originally posted by metsrulein2k:
Fox is the worst place on earth for the rights to firefly to be.

On the contrary, and I know this is going to seem like a twisted view, I think the rights are exactly where they should be if not in the hands of Joss Whedon himself. The last thing we need is anyone coming along, snapping up the rights, and then proceeding to frak something up. I don't trust some guy who comes around saying he has good intentions and wouldn't do anything without Joss. Well, you know what the road to Hell is paved with (good intentions). I'd rather see Joss get the rights cause if anyone other than a big company like Fox or Universal should own the rights, it's him. I don't want to see just "somebody" gain this power over the franchise and its fans. There are plenty of people who could mess things up in a number of ways even if they don't intend to.


Monday, January 30, 2006 6:39 AM


SLK I agree 100%!! I really believe my previous post that I made when this underhill guy posted on this site is worth repeating.

I know we would all love to see out baby flying agin, but I think everyone needs to be very wary of this guy.

There may very well be a group or two of REAL players out there trying to work a deal and we'll all humped if this Underhill guy mucks it up!!

Be carefull!!

Mal: Jayne, just how many weapons you plan on taking? You only got the two arms.
Jayne: I just get excitable as to choice. Like to keep my options open.
Mal: I don’t plan on any shooting taking place during this job.
Jayne: Yeah, well what you plan and what takes place ain’t ever exactly been similar.
Mal: No grenades.






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