I dislike Superman

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Wednesday, September 22, 2010 9:48 PM


JS, I think your right on this. My older sister by 10 years loved it. Big Howdy Dudy fan that was her nick name Dude. It is more generational. I am a Batman fan. But when your little you have to have Spidey jammies. The story of Superman is a Moses or JC bible story. I can watch the movies but the tv versions are Superman. The times of the 50s. True Americana.


Thursday, November 18, 2010 9:18 AM


remake was a terrible movie, but loved the 2nd one where he faces off with the krypton dictators/criminals directed by directed by Donner? and iconic Reeve
The comic book today is not very good...been a long time since I picked up a Superman comicbook

Walking Dead, Preacher, 2000AD hardback, Killing Joke, Civil War and some other comics are very good reads though


Thursday, November 18, 2010 10:01 AM


Huh.... the first and last a are terrible.... but 3&4 get a pass.....?

Just re-reading the initial post and all.... Can't even wrap my head around the thesis.

"I thoroughly disapprove of duels. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet place and kill him."


Friday, November 19, 2010 4:51 AM


I've noticed over the years that Marvel has done several takes on the 'Super-Powerhouse character'.There is:

The Blue Marvel(Adam Brashear)- A Black Superman

The Sentry(Bob Reynolds)- A Bi-Polar Superman

Hyperion- An Evil Superman

Photon/Pulsar(Monica Rambeau)- A Black Superwoman

Ms.Marvel(Carol Danvers)- A Superwoma
And the list just goes on and on from there.



Friday, November 19, 2010 5:30 AM


I'm frequently surprised at how easy it is to read Marvel comics as a distantly-removed (set of) alternate universe(s) from the DCU.

I don't even mean the deliberate homage characters (DC's Guardian = Marvel's Captain America, DC's Steel = Marvel's Iron Man), but even many of the originals have alternate archetypes (Marvel's Thor = DC's Wonder Woman, Marvel's Hulk = DC's Solomon Grundy, Marvel's Thanos = DC's Darkseid, Marvel's Vision = DC's Red Tornado, etc).

Clearly different universal streams, but easily part of the same multiverse. I wonder if one can reach Asgard from New Genesis/Apokolips. . .

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


Tuesday, December 1, 2015 8:08 AM


see this?


Tuesday, December 1, 2015 11:58 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at https://www.mediafire.com/two


Originally posted by JAYNEZTOWN:
see this?

Did you know:

Years after this tread started, Superman begins showing different sides of himself. He becomes an absolute dictator in Injustice: Gods Among Us. Only Batman stands between Superman and World Domination!

In another series, Superman has lost his super power. He can bleed. He can't fly, not without an airplane. Here are 4 panels from Superman #46 January 2016

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at www.mediafire.com/folder/1uwh75oa407q8/Firefly


Tuesday, January 12, 2016 10:33 AM


Lex was originally a good guy defeating the Uber man, a Man of Brzone but not from Mars, also other story Moses, the Hebrew baby, was saved from Egypt and Pharaoh's madness and chaos by being placed in a basket in the Nile River

Looks like WB is rushing to have its 'Avengers' moment


Maxim:A while back, you were attached to a Wonder Woman movie with Eliza(Dushku) as the rumored star. Is that project dead ? Or is it just dead so far as your involvement ?

Whedon:I have no idea the status of the movie and, honestly, I never did. I was told they were very anxious to make it. I wrote a script. I rewrote the story. And by the time I’d written the second script, they asked me…not to. [Laughs] They didn’t tell me to leave, but they showed me the door and how pretty it was. Would I like to touch the knob and maybe make it swing ? I was dealing with them through [producer] Joel Silver who couldn’t tell me what they wanted or anything else. I was completely in the dark. So I didn’t know what it was that I wasn’t giving them. I’ve moved on.

Maxim:As a comic book writer and fan, why do you think—with one very big exception—DC Comics is having such a hard time getting its characters on the screen while Marvel is churning them out ?

Whedon:Because, with that one big exception, DC’s heroes are from a different era. They’re from the era when they were creating gods. And the thing that made Marvel extraordinary was that they created people. Their characters didn’t living in mythical cities, they lived in New York. They absolutely were a part of the world. Peter Parker’s character was a tortured adolescent. DC’s characters, like Wonder Woman and Superman and Green Lantern, were all very much removed from humanity. Batman was the only character they had who was so rooted in pain, that had that same gift that the Marvel characters had, which was that gift of humanity that we can relate to.


Sunday, February 26, 2017 12:54 AM


I always had a serious problem with Superman, and it was the topic of my senior paper for honors in history, which may sound odd, but it for WWI, and the idea was a prevalent one.

My basic beef was not any objection to Nietzche, or Shaw, or Siegel and Shuster, but that the fact that Superman's values coincided with our own was just sheer random chance, and he might have just as easily landed in the neighbor's yard, instead of Ma and Pa Kent, and could have ended up a total psychopath instead. Superman on the warpath.

Or just been a racist. It's somewhat humorous to think of Superman dotting about the global and segregating restaurants. Or Superman with OCD, assuring that everyone is matching the dress code.


Sunday, February 26, 2017 4:36 PM



Originally posted by DREAMTROVE:
I always had a serious problem with Superman, and it was the topic of my senior paper for honors in history, which may sound odd, but it for WWI, and the idea was a prevalent one.

My basic beef was not any objection to Nietzche, or Shaw, or Siegel and Shuster, but that the fact that Superman's values coincided with our own was just sheer random chance, and he might have just as easily landed in the neighbor's yard, instead of Ma and Pa Kent, and could have ended up a total psychopath instead. Superman on the warpath.

Or just been a racist. It's somewhat humorous to think of Superman dotting about the global and segregating restaurants. Or Superman with OCD, assuring that everyone is matching the dress code.

You necroposting? :poke:

Perhaps the template was, as is many libtard backstories, that Krypton civilization was far more advanced than ours (evidenced by the successful space travel of Superman to Earth), so they were beyond all that drivel.
The vast majority of America, and many countries outside China, is rural (look at the map of election-by-county), and even if he landed in another place, the denizens are still from much the same cloth. It's not like the big cities, where the neighbor is evil.
The more troubling concept could be a different time, landing in Yurp in the Medieval Times, or Dark Ages. The nicest, smartest of humans were beheaded at the insistence of the Church.


Sunday, November 26, 2017 12:47 PM


As I understyand the original concept of Superman he was supposed to be this super magic Moses in a basket story, the whole mystery Jew/Christain baby that drifted down the river of space and was found and adopted by the family of Kents...but even in his early days the writers were still trying to find who he was...one time he was even pitched to publishers as a villain story, an evil Superman from space?

He was found by the family the Kents, adopted and then gained powers but he was say 'gounded' more like I dunno say Buffy or Spiderman or that John Carter guy of Mars...he also retained their mid West Christian family values upbringing? The John Carter thing that's way back in the early days of pulp scifi, that's long ago and there was a silly Disney movie on the John Carter guy... the origianl Superman he would run fast as a bullet, more powerful than a locomotive. could leap large buildings...and that was Superman, that was his limit..his powers were almost a reversal of the John Carter story a human who becomes super powered by landing on a planet of lower gravity

and if I'm right on my pop culture history I think Joe Shuster a Canadian Jew and Jerry Siegel from a recent family of Jewish immigrants from euope, orginally wanted to write a pulp scifi story with the 'Uber-Man' as the bad guy and a Lex Luthor guy was the good guy trying to out smart the super muscle powered al;ien invader, he had also wrote the Supermen as a story where some hobo bum gains vast psychic powers from an experimental drug and becomes a superman villain...they keep re-writing and re pitching the sory, a weird circus alamgamation of Douglas Fairbanks Robin Hood and Zoro and other comicbook pulp magazine heroes and Harold Lloyd, influeced the whole Superman and Clark Kent design.

An iconic Superman character was finally born

In later years comic book then got into something of a cricus pissing contest with another character 'Captain MMarvel' and the two characters would try to outdo each other with ridiculous feats of powers, they both started to do more ridiculous 'Godly' things proving one to be the more powerful than the other guy. They even had real life legal battles Detective Comics and DC Comics going to sue and getting lawyers to court, and the Fawcett Comics division of Fawcett Publications, concerning Fawcett's Captain Marvel character being an infringement on the copyright. A copyright infringement lawsuit from DC Comics stated that Captain Marvel was an illegal infringement of Superman. This caused Fawcett to cease publishing Captain Marvel-comics, but DC Comics gained ownership of the Marvel Family characters and returned them to publication.
New Powers as the Plot Demands
Superman started out faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than a locomotive, able to leap tall buildings in a single bound and invulnerable to anything less than a bomb. Since then he's learned to fly, to blow like a hurricane, to survive nuclear explosions (though just barely), chill things with a puff of breath, shoot lasers from his eyes, and use X-Ray Vision. And that's just the powers that have lasted.

You can still catch some of those old Shazam, Capatin Marvel tv shorts on youtube, I think they are open source and the legal copyright of 70 yrs copy right has expired.... its this kid who would say some magic word 'Shazam' and trasnforms into a giant superhero and runs off or flies away to fight mafia or whatever bad guys needed to be defeated that day. It's strange how some copyrights expire like say Sherlock holmes or Robin Hood and others are renewed well past the seventhy year lifetime of the artist or original writer.

In recent times they at DC and Warner Bros have renamed 'Captain Marvel' superhero the name 'Shazam' perhaps trying not to confuse with their other rival company Marvel who owns Spider-Man, Captain America, Thor etc

The one thing which really does piss me off about the character Superman is his stupid disguise.
maybe they could do a dark sick funny twist on the story?

Lois Lane and Jimmy and everyone else at that investigative journalist office, they all must be the most mentally challenged persons ever no to see who superman is. Seriously!


Tuesday, November 28, 2017 10:22 PM


I like how a lot of people are just calling Zach Snyder's version of Superman "Space Jesus".

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Sunday, April 10, 2022 10:53 AM


The Death of Superman Lives: What Happened?

Degenerate Howard Stern

Tim Burton Reveals Why His Superman Movie Never Got Made

not working out

The Batman Surpasses Batman v Superman at the Box Office



Thursday, August 15, 2024 4:58 AM


Artificial Art

Superman AI - I Asked AI to put Christopher Reeve in a Modern Superman Suit

James Gunn Offers Update on SUPERMAN and Suggests There Won't Be Any Reshoots



Thursday, August 15, 2024 10:17 AM


Stop trying to make Superman a thing.


Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.






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