Doctor Who

UPDATED: Tuesday, March 29, 2005 17:16
VIEWED: 15122
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Wednesday, January 12, 2005 12:19 AM


Is anybody else here as excited as I am about the new series of Doctor Who? Most of the Flans here seem to be American and I dont know if the series isbeing screened there. Here in Britain there is a definite air of anticipation.
I managed to see one of the episodes being filmed in cardiff. Didn't see that much, but I saw the TARDIS being constructed and Billie Piper running to her car. Ever since then I have been really excited about the new series.

"Gorramit Mal... I've forgotten my line."


Wednesday, January 12, 2005 1:30 AM


It's really cool that the guy doing Dr.Who is a Buffy fan. He was talking about Buffy in SFX the other week and I was watching another program of his Mine all mine and one of the characters said that something was 'like something something out of Buffy'. His writing's quite Joss-like.

I remember sitting down to watch the Dr.Who omnibuses on bskyb on Sunday afternoons with my family when I was littler so I'm really looking forward to it too.

I wonder if with Billie Piper being from Swindon we'll get some episodes filmed here but I doubt it. That would be cool though!

Well, my sister's a ship... we had a
complicated childhood
I wear the cheese. It does not wear me.


Wednesday, January 12, 2005 3:40 AM


I don't know about anyone else, but I'm stoked they're finally bringing it back! About gorram time! :) No idea how, if, or when it'll screen in the US. Might have to rely on some UK know-how to get a peek at it. ;)

I grew up on it as a kid...watching it on PBS.


The Uncharted Outlaw!
Captain of Prosperity (99-K64)

See my Site:
See my Firefly Store: http://www.cafepress.com/NorCalRiviera


Wednesday, January 12, 2005 3:47 AM


Yup, teaser trailers are now running and excitement just keeps growing for the show's return. March 26th cannot come soon enough. I just hope everyone will sit down and watch it at the Serenity convention.


Wednesday, January 12, 2005 4:08 AM


You can tell from my email dugwho@excite.com that I'm a long time Who fan. We're planning a Who-watching session this weekend, oddly enough. From what I've heard there is no current distributor in the US. WWW.gallifreyone.com is the best source for news.

If they do as good a job finding a US home for the show as they did the two times they FREAKIN' FORGOT to re-sign distribution contracts for the BBC bookline in recent years I'd say there's little hope. The second time the downtime on this side of the pond was a year and a half. I have my fingers crossed for a better effort on the show.


Wednesday, January 12, 2005 6:35 AM


I'm very exciting about it! I just wish we'd get it in the US. It might take forever before we see it here!


Wednesday, January 12, 2005 6:36 AM


OOh! Thanks for listing that site. I've been looking for an informative Dr. Who site...other than BBC.CO.UK


Wednesday, January 12, 2005 7:39 AM


Interesting note (I'll probably have to post this on general discussions, too) - as my wife and I were watching lots o' Dr. Who (she's indoctrinating me as a Dr. Who fan), we came to Warriors Gate. And what should I see but Serenity!

Seriously - look at the ship made of 'white dwarf' hull material - the exterior (and some of the interior, for that matter) shots look very reminiscent of our good ol' Serenity. Got the whole elevated bridge/neck thing going, and a nice bulky cargo bay section. I just posted it in the Blue Sun room - here's the location:

I'm sure Joss was a Dr. Who fan when the fourth Doctor was actually airing, or shortly thereafter, and the writing style at times is quite similar. Some of the quick, comic lines are very like the Whedon style.


Wednesday, January 12, 2005 9:00 AM


For those who don't know much about Dr. Who, this link will help you out.



Wednesday, January 12, 2005 12:36 PM


Hope u guys get to see the new series sooner, rather than later. It looks awesome.
Oh, does anyone know where I can get a copy of An Unearthly Child? Other than Ebay

"Gorramit Mal... I've forgotten my line."


Thursday, January 13, 2005 3:41 AM


I would only be able to get you an NTSC copy.... unless I record to hard drive and burn a video cd....ok, this bears some thought.

And I think it's got the unaired version too, basically a dress rehearsal with cameras that was done before the show hit the air. Not too different, except the Doctor is from the 54th century or something goofy instead of being an alien. I'll futz with computers this weekend and see what I can do.


Thursday, January 13, 2005 11:47 AM


Thanks Dug

"Gorramit Mal... I've forgotten my line."


Thursday, January 13, 2005 12:23 PM


I am eagerly waiting for the Dr. Who series. I'm American and been a fan since Jr. High though I'm just a *touch young to have caught it on PBS during the glory days in the 80's. I have vague memories of seeing The Face of Evil, Castrovalva, The Krotons, Enlightenment, Vengeance on varos and the Three Doctors as a child back then.

Anyway thanks to home video and some friends in High school I was hooked up with videos of all the episodes, and became a die-hard fan. Ironically it was the Dr. Who novelizations that got me into the series before I really sat through an entire episode.

Anyway I'm hoping they work out who's airing it here and that they won't be too far behind the UK screenings. I'm happy to see it back on TV since the Fox TV Movie but I have my worries about the fact it looks like they may be trying to hard to make the Doctor be contemporary. A lot of what I liked about it is that he always seemed out of place in the time he visited.

But I liked Russell T Davies miniseries "The Second Coming" so I'm willing to give it a shot. Plus it's got Simon Pegg, Daleks and Autons. It can't be that bad!


Thursday, January 13, 2005 1:30 PM



Originally posted by manofsteel25:
I'm happy to see it back on TV since the Fox TV Movie but I have my worries about the fact it looks like they may be trying to hard to make the Doctor be contemporary. A lot of what I liked about it is that he always seemed out of place in the time he visited.

Ah yes. Can't blame you for being worried. I was too until I read this in SFX 126: "Eccleston is bloody marvellous - charismatic, electric and crazed, like a hardnut tom baker." so it sounds like even though he looks modern, he's still going to be the weird and crazy doctor we love. Yay!

"Gorramit Mal... I've forgotten my line."


Thursday, January 13, 2005 2:38 PM


Well it's true- if the performance is there then we should be alright. I want to like some new Who I really do, but it's a tricky thing. Sometimes Who reached great heights and other times it plumbed some serious depths.

So speaking of which what are:

1- Your favorites episodes/stories?
2 - Favorite Doctor?
3 - Favorite Companion?
4 - Favorite Villain/monster?
5 - Favorite logo/opening Sequence?

Right now I'm re-watching the show fomr era-to-era. With fresher eyes I can say I love the first part of An Unearthly Child. Pretty much all of Seaosn 7 especially Ambasadors of Death and Inferno. I found the Green Death to be suprisingly entertaining. Season 12 is just wonderful. Ark in Space and Genesis of the Daleks being strong favs. I highly enjoyed watching Pyramids of Mars, Robots of Death and the Seeds of Doom. For Davison so far I'd say Mawdyn Undead and Enlightenment have held up pretty well. The years have not been kind on the McCoy era but I still like Remembranc eof the Daleks and the story (but not the production) of Battlefield.

The story I still would vote as the best is The Ark in Space.

My Favorite doctor is still Tom Baker. I even threw together a 4th Doctor costume for Halloween. But I'm surprised how much I'm enjoying seeing Pertwee and Davison again.

My favorite companion is probably Sarah Jane. I liked her relationship with the Doctor most. Although the prettiest is a dead tie between Victoria and Romana I.

Favorite Villain: This is tough. I love the Cybermen but they're never used very well. I like the eerieness of the Celestial Toymaker. But overall I'm going to say Davros in Genesis and Sutekh in Pyramids of Mars. I prefer creepiness to guys in rubber suits. Srtong honorable mention for the aliens in the spacesuits in Ambassadors of Death though!

Fav opening: Well, I have a fondness for the early 80's opening and rock-like theme but the Seaosn 12-17 vortex effect and diamond logo is pretty much perfect for the show.

I also picked up the Lost in Time set recently and really enjoying re-watching better copies of these Troughton stories. The faceless ones is just fantastically well done, very moody atmosphere - something they didn't do as much in the later years.



Thursday, January 13, 2005 3:05 PM


As a relatively new fan, I'm sure looking forward to a new series, though I must say that my wife managed to make me like the 4th Doctor best, just like her (and many other fans, I'm sure).

When I was growing up, I DID make my own K-9, so I guess he'd have to be my favorite - though I really liked the first Ramana (is that the right spelling?). The K-9 was a silver toaster (with 'K-9' in magic marker on the side) with a clock radio for a head and two construction paper ears. The tail was a big black phono plug - when it was in place, K-9 would move forward thanks to a Radio Shack motor (and some help from my grandfather) - when you removed it, he stopped. Lots of fun!


Thursday, January 13, 2005 11:55 PM


Favourite stories: Genesis of the Daleks has always been one of my favourites. Watching Delta and the Bannerman is also a special experience for me, because it was filmed in my home town and I recognise most of the locations used. I went home and watched that after I saw some of the filming of the new series. It was surreal.

Favourite doctor: Tom Baker. Without a doubt. But recently watched the Colin Baker era for the first time and was amazed by how much I enjoyed it. He's better than his reputation.

Favourite companion: Ace. I grew up watching the McCoy era and became very fond of Ace. She's possibly the gutsiest companion, after Leela.

Favourite villain / monster: need I say it? The Daleks. Obvious choice but never mind. They're a classic.

"Gorramit Mal... I've forgotten my line."


Friday, January 14, 2005 2:57 AM


Have no fear, the new Doctor ? series will be great, take my word for it. Why? Because of Russell T Davies, thats why. Most of my fellow britts here will understand what I mean.
Davies created an incredible production for TV called THE 2nd COMING. Also starring Christopher Eccleston. It was, of course, about the return of Jesus Christ to planet Earth. But not in Palestine, Jerusalem, or Bethlehem. No.....in Manchester in the North of England.
One of life's losers, with no future, who works in a tiny video rental shop, has a breakdown and dissapears on the Yorkshire moors for 40 days and 40 nights. When he returns he's a changed man, claiming to be the Son of God. Confused and scared, even he doesnt know what that means. He just knows that he is. Naturally, everyone thinks he's a nutter and should be put away. That is untill he says that he will change darkness in to light, in of all places, Main Road Football Stadium. Did he do it? You'll have to go buy the DVD yourself. It's an awe inspiring production that nobody should miss. It's been available for a while now and you won't be dissapointed.

Yep..........................that went well!


Friday, January 14, 2005 5:40 AM



Originally posted by manofsteel25:
So speaking of which what are:

1- Your favorites episodes/stories?
2 - Favorite Doctor?
3 - Favorite Companion?
4 - Favorite Villain/monster?
5 - Favorite logo/opening Sequence?

Part of me is going on memory...haven't really watched any of the show in a long time, but my memory is pretty good.

Favorite Ep/Stories: I really enjoyed some of the deeper, darker McCoy episodes. Also some of the more irreverent Tom Baker eps.

Favorite Doctor: Allout, I'd still have to say Tom Baker, but some of my best memories and biggest influences came from the McCoy years.

Favorite Companion: Ace. Straight up! I still have my own bomber jacket with patches and badges (been to four different countries) just because she had one!

Favorite Villain: Daleks. I mean, they're just a classic. The Master's a close second.

Fave Opening Seq: Tom Baker's. But the Pertwee years were also pretty neat. There's something about black and white that give the opening a different feel.


The Uncharted Outlaw!
Captain of Prosperity (99-K64)

See my Site:
See my Firefly Store: http://www.cafepress.com/NorCalRiviera


Friday, January 14, 2005 10:05 AM



I saw the Second Coming about 6 months ago. I highyl enjoyed it. Very interesting, thought provoking stuff. I gave tape sof it to a lot of people and it sparked many a debate. If I had any complaints about the miniseries it's that I felt it was almost too short- it could have supoorted a part 3 to really the the mass effect the ending had on humanity - on top of which It did bother me that Eccelston's Son of God only seem to get his information in pieces rather than have at least some base knowledge. INtriguiing but it did get on my nerves. Granted that kind of thing is really hard to write. Perosnally I liked the take Larry Gelbart used in the movie Oh God!- Some kinda message but with ... a slightly more hands off approach.

But if Davies can keep that up- then I'm down to see the New Who.

Back to classic Who: I'm seeing a lot of people have fond memorie sof the McCoy era. I'm a bit torn here. When I first got into the show, he was the current Doctor, and I liked some of the mor emodernistic things like the CG opening, some of the elements of a dark, manipulative Doctor etc. But upon watching his stories again, most of them have fallen short. They just feel on the whole cheaper and less effort put into the production than the previous 80's stories. Perhps this is due to the Video-Only look, I'm not sure. McCoy's performance was err... often erratic and unconvincing most of the time. He seemed fond of running into a room or out of a room shouting "ACE!!!!!" in a very prolonged way. But... he did have his moments and he was a fav of mine when i was younger. I did a presentation in a Dr. Who Story format once and which Doctor was I? Yep- the 7th.

I do start to have issues with the doctor as a manipulative chess player. I think they took it too far in the New Adventures and it's part of the reaosn I stopped reading them about halfway through. Can the Doctor really have had qualms about destroying the Daleks in genesis and yet have no remorse about destroying Skaro in Remembrance?

Also to make matters worse I watched the McCoy era backwards so I saw the best first and worst last. Season 24 is just an awful mess... I had to watch those stories in the same mindset I'd watch an Ed Wood movie, they were so bad.

Moving on... does anyone have any thoughts on The Fox TV movie/Paul McGann as the 8th Doctor? I know the fim had problems but I liked it on the whole, and I loved McGann's Doctor. I only wish he got a better run than the movie and a handful of audios.



Friday, January 14, 2005 11:37 AM



Interesting you should mention about the series being too short. Apparently the TV company cut a "whole day out" for some reason??? I've read that it's been included in the DVD version which I STILL haven't got yet. Must get round to that. I was never hugely pleased with the ending though.
Spagetti Bolagnase????

Yep..........................that went well!


Friday, January 14, 2005 11:42 AM


The DVD- at leats the American release which I rented, di indeed have a lot of deleted scenes- especially a long sequence of the 'dsiciples' being tempted by demons. But I never saw it as a whole day being cut out. I was mor einterested in seeing a grand global effect of how the world would change after such an ending (and if everyone beleived it to be true though that was the impression I had) and also theologically what that means for humanity once we die as individuals. it raised a lot of interesting questions and the ending while I wans't entirely on board with it was certianly original. Better than just seeing another judegement day drama.


Friday, January 14, 2005 12:59 PM



I understand what you mean, what we got though was an awkward chat in a shopping centre carpark, if I remember rightly.
As it was for TV, I think it would have been way too controvercial to explore what society would be like if all religion ceased to be. There were complaints about it being shown here in the 1st place, though not particularly strong ones.
Originally it was written here for Channel 4, once a popular medium for controvercial subjects such as this, (as is BBC2) but it's gone limp over the past few years and they backed out late on. So it was, surprisingly, snapped up by ITV, traditionally totally non controvercial family viewing.
Maybe if it had been produced for the big screen it would have, to some extent, explored the after math as you mentioned? But we'll never know

Yep..........................that went well!


Friday, January 14, 2005 1:13 PM


I suppose I'm thankful the mini-series was made at all considering the flak something like that would get. I really liked it overall. Definately the sort of thing that might have made an interesting sort of "Survivors" like drama if produced week to week. Still would be a great idea to flesh out how the world would be without God perhps in a novel or something.


Friday, January 14, 2005 2:48 PM


Favourite episodes: The first episode I ever watched was Rememberance of the Daleks, when I was very young, it's probably still my favourite. On the whole I'm a big fan of the McCoy era. There are some very oddball episodes (The Happiness Patrol....with the Kandyman, The Greatest show in the galaxy) I think they tried alot of new things during his era, not all worked, but I enjoyed them. Darker too.

Favourite doctor: Tom Baker is the ultimate doctor. I've seen more of the later doctors though. I'm a big fan of Davidson and McCoy. Did'nt like the 6th doctor though.

Favourite companion: Ace, possibly why I enjoyed the 7th doctor so much.

Favourite villian: The Daleks, no question. I also really like the robots in Robots of Death....they were cool, freaky.


Tuesday, January 18, 2005 11:01 AM


Still very interesting to run into fans raise don the McCoy era. Frm everything I read this was when the numbers declined the most but nice to know there were still some newbies being converted.

I like Remembrance as well but definately fine a lot of the Sly McCoy stories to be a bit whacke dout like.. well all of seaosn 24 and Happiness and greatest Show... and will someone please explain what the heck Ghost light is about? I still think that one's a mess yet it seems to be considered a classic.

Colin Baker's a mixed bag. I like his Doctor, he's warmed to me over the years...although his performance son the BF Audios are much better than a lot of his TV performances at the Doctor. He's certinaly the most interesting Docotr they've got, and I like Davison and McGann but they aren't used as well.


Tuesday, January 18, 2005 11:42 AM


jake added Who to our netflix queue. I didn't know he did that for me. I've been talking about Who for years. He says it's only fair that he has to watch the series with me since I watch all of his series with him. I hope we get the doctor in America soon. It's going to be awesome, i know it.

My dad and i used to curl up on the couch and watch Dr. Who on PBS. He is a huge fan. so am I. Eccleston should be great as the doctor.



Tuesday, January 18, 2005 11:52 AM


So you're a Who fan too? Very cool. Yeah sounds like your Dad did what my Dad did when I was growing up but he had a bit of a soft sell approach at first. But it's because of him I like all this Brit comedy/scifi stuff.

I had this problem recently of trying to convert a couple of friends to the show and it's a tough bag because some of Dr. Who is..well fairly bad. But some of it is brilliant. I always say Tom Baker's the bets one to start an American on - and The Ark in Space and Pyramids of Mars are the two best current DVD titles to start someone with. Spearhead, Tomb/Cybermen and Caves/Androzani are other good titles to sample some of the other Doctors. It's a shame they don't put them out faster.

Which titles are you going with first? And have you warned him about the err.. fluxuating production values of a typical Dr. Who episode?

Anyway I hope the New Who series will be great. So many remakes/reboots don't quite capture the original but I'm willing to have faith here. And you're right, Eccelston will probably make a great Doctor even if he does look a bit.... normal....


Tuesday, January 18, 2005 12:54 PM


Nobody's really talked him up too much on this thread, but I have to say my favorite Doctor is Patrick Troughton. I've been watching a lot of Dr. Who on DVD lately, and it's amazing how well his episodes and performance hold up. Somehow, the production values of the 60s episodes look much better today than those of the 70s episodes - I think because the black-and-white hides a lot of the flaws of the sets.

I highly suggest watching "Tomb of the Cybermen" if you are new to the B&W years - it actually makes the Cybermen frightening, which I never really felt in the latter shows. They became much too human/emotional for my taste.

"I like smackin' 'em!" - Jayne Cobb


Tuesday, January 18, 2005 1:10 PM


A good point. The 60's episodes did have a lot going for them in tersm of style- especially the Troughton episodes. I love Tomb, I also love the remaining episode sof The Faceless Ones, The Wheel in Space, Web of Fear etc for the errieness they create. For my favorite complete story , it's The Mind Robber Hands down. Part One alone packs quite a punch.

Hartnell though I find is an acquired taste. I still love the original pilot episode though. They originally made the Doctor to be somewhat more of a sinister figure...


Tuesday, January 18, 2005 1:16 PM


Agreed, Mind Robber is fantastic. I'm also quite fond of The War Games.

I recently got the DVD "Lost in Time", which contains a selection of orphan episodes from the Troughton and Hartnell eras - great stuff, most of which I'd never seen before. "The Crusades" episodes from Hartnell were particularly impressive, as were the episodes you named.

"I like smackin' 'em!" - Jayne Cobb


Tuesday, January 18, 2005 1:44 PM


Yes I have the same set. I can only tell you how nice it is to see these episodes properly restored after years of watching muddy bootleg videotapes...

The Faceless Ones right now are my personal fav of the orphaned episodes. I still have yet to see Part One of the Crusade. But I shall get to it- still hopping around, era to era....

BTW I read you're in the L.A. area. So am I. Are you going to the Pasadena recpetion for Adam and Nathon in March?


Tuesday, January 18, 2005 2:56 PM


I'm definitely going to try, I don't know what my schedule will be like, but I should be able to make it.

I'm also planning to go to the Gallifrey convention in February in Burbank - Elisabeth Sladen will be there. Mmmmm......Sarah Jane Smith.......

"I like smackin' 'em!" - Jayne Cobb


Tuesday, January 18, 2005 3:03 PM


Yeah I'll be stopping by Gallifrey One in Febuary as well. Kicking myself I missed it last year when paul McGann showed up. He seems like a cool guy, would have liked to have said hello.

I met Ms. Sladen at Visions '93 waaayyy back. Good Con. I remember my personal highlight was having a picture taken with Sophie Aldred and Nicola Bryant. I was kinda surprised how short they were in real life. I remember also my brother was ticked off because we made him wait an hour while my friend and I watched the then-new Dimensions in Time followed by two *brand *new episodes of Red Dwarf Series VI.

Well I suppose this gives me an excuse to actually wear my 4th Doctor costume around a crowd of people who will know who I am - you should have heard some of the horrible guesswork I got from folks on halloween. Dr. Who sad to say is long out of any mainstream conciousness here in L.A. in this day and age.

Aside from the Pasadena reception, are there any other L.A. Browncoat shindigs of any kind?

I sense a Dr. Who/Firefly crossover should happen in the fanfic realm here. Or if not that definately a B7/Firefly crossover. The universes don't entirely mix, but what the hell, sounds like fun....


Tuesday, January 18, 2005 3:15 PM


A B7/FF crossover is a great idea.... I am DYING to get B7 on DVD, but they haven't announced a region 1 date that I'm aware of. (I know I could get a region-free player, but I do like to have money for food, etc.)

I loaned my Tom Baker scarf to a friend of mine who went as the good Doctor for Halloween this year - nobody knew who he was, either. Sigh. Maybe the new series will help, if the effects are improved.

"I like smackin' 'em!" - Jayne Cobb


Tuesday, January 18, 2005 3:19 PM


I think B7 and FF are well suited for each other. I may have to work on this idea down the line if I can ever get my other fanfics finished. I'm horrible without a deadline.

Yeah I got a great bonus two years ago so I spurged on a decent low model regionless player and have already bought Series 1 and 2 of Blake fomr the UK. Really wonderful remastering job. Could have wished for a few more extras but oh well. I just figured we're gonna be waiting a while for the Region 1 release and I've already bought several PAL sets of other series so... why not keep going?

I'd love to swap some pics of 4th Dcotor costume pics. Took me ages to throw mine togther- that coat was impossible to find! Been meaning to upgrade and get a custom hat done up but as you say.. need money to eat... and buy things like Firefly and B7 on DVD...lol.

Feel free to drop me an e-mail: manofsteel25@yahoo.com


Thursday, January 20, 2005 2:40 PM


I love the idea of a Doctor Who / Firefly crossover fanfic. I might work on that, unless you want to do so yourself (I don't want to knick your idea).
That is if i ever get the time (get it? time? heheh... oh never mind). Not enough hours in the day any more *Corncobb slunks into a corner to waste time grumbling about his lack of free time*

"Gorramit Mal... I've forgotten my line."


Thursday, January 20, 2005 2:48 PM


Hmmm. No go ahead and run with it. I may try and tinker with a B7 crossover..... or maybe for pure giggles a greatest American hero crossover but I don't think the universes meld very well. Dr. Who would be great but which Doctor? The 4th would be fun but I think the 2nd or Third would be interesting as well.

And get out of the corner already!


Thursday, January 20, 2005 5:31 PM


We're watching Dr. Who and the Daleks right now. It's great fun to hear Jake poking fun at it.

He said something about wanting some elvish shoes and purple eyeshadow.



Thursday, January 20, 2005 6:20 PM


Awwww. Starting out with the Peter Cushing movie... man, you need to get that man some Tom Baker stat. Ark in Space, Pyramids of Mars- - add them on the queue when he's not looking. That'll get him to give the good Doctor a little respect....

And if not, at least you get to watch some sweet episodes in the meantime.


Friday, January 21, 2005 10:03 AM


Hey Bebopgirl- By any chance is your handle based on the anime series Cowboy Bebop? I only ask because it shares some storyline/tone similarities to Firefly.


Friday, January 21, 2005 10:08 AM


It is from Cowboy Bebop. It's my fave anime series. Spike's the man!


Friday, January 21, 2005 10:13 AM


Oh! I figured as much. It's my fav anime series too and I'm not much of an Anime fan... gimme a little Lupin III or Neon Genesis and that's about it usually short of some of the features that cross the pond.

As much as I love Firefly it totally reminded me of two of my fav shows- one is Blake's 7 and the other is Cowboy Bebop. I'd assume you agree?

Spike is the man.... I love how bebop also kinda crosses genres by not only delivering Scifi but also somewhat of a neo-noir detective aspect. And the theme song rocks (and sticks in your head like FF's does).


Friday, January 21, 2005 11:20 AM


I never was a big anime fan either. I find myself more and more into though. Cowboy Bebop was the first anime I ever got into. I now find myself liking Witch Hunter Robin, Wolf's Rain, and InuYasha. I like Lupin too!

I agree, Bebop does cross genres. The theme must certainly does rock!

Ed is Ed.


Friday, January 21, 2005 12:46 PM


Yep I'm much the same way. I have a couple of friends who lve anime and introduced me to others like Trigun, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Photon, Escaflowne etc.... and of course classics like Speed Racer but nothing beats Bebop in my mind. Very stylish and the tne is more adult. A lot of Anime sometimes gets a bit weird or goofy for my tastes.

Do you have the Cowboy Bebop sountrack cds? they're awesome!


Monday, January 24, 2005 4:35 AM


There is some anime that is just too weird for my taste. I don't have the soundtracks. I've been wanting to get them though.


Monday, January 24, 2005 12:00 PM


Just thought I'd let you guys know that Doctor Who was being filmed in my home town again last night.

Select to view spoiler:

They were filming at an old railway station, which was done up to look like it was WWII era. Billy was doing a scene where she had to run along the train tracks, and I saw a man who looked like Christopher Eccleston, wearing a WWII greatcoat.

I was watching from a distance because it wasnt possible to get close, so I couldn't tell for sure if this was Eccleston, but i'm almost certain. The guy has presence. Everything about the production oozed quality.

"Gorramit Mal... I've forgotten my line."


Monday, January 24, 2005 12:42 PM


Sweet. Despite some rather icky rumors I keep hearing about and some personal reservations, I do honestly hope this will be good.

Can't wait to see it- if only the Beeb could kick a distrubter over here in the U.S. to finally pony up and commit to airing the thing!


Monday, January 24, 2005 1:30 PM



Originally posted by Corncobb:
"Gorramit Mal... I've forgotten my line."

Umm, HELLO! You have been completely ignoring my new thread!


Co-Holder of the Red Bell from Hell


Monday, January 24, 2005 2:37 PM


Sorry, oh magnificent, majestic Malicious. Whats its called? Tell me quick so I can run to it and bask in awe.
And yes, I have been taking grovelling lessons.

"Gorramit Mal... I've forgotten my line."






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List of Animated stuff for Chris and others.
Fri, January 24, 2025 15:02 - 87 posts
Video Games to movie and tv series and other Cartoon / video game adaptions
Mon, January 20, 2025 07:07 - 109 posts
**Any other Sci-fi shows worth a look??
Thu, January 16, 2025 11:33 - 45 posts
The Animated Movie Thread: name your favourites
Wed, January 15, 2025 13:11 - 86 posts