List of Animated stuff for Chris and others.

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Saturday, March 20, 2010 9:02 PM


Planetes sounds like fun, another one added to the list.

Has anyone taken a peek at Evangelion. My son gave me the heads up about this anime series. I watched a handful of episodes and I liked it, I need to sit down and catch the rest of it.




Sunday, March 21, 2010 12:02 AM


Hoo boy, this is gonna be a long post.

Firstoff, I absolutely mean to get the full collection of Avatar:Last airbender soon as I can get a decent price on it, good stuff all around, and Toph Bei Fong is sooo MUCH like my niece it ain't even funny.

Second, yeah, Last Exile is good stuff...

Select to view spoiler:

I happen to be quite fond of Dio, despite him technically being a badguy/enemy defector, he's a total sweetheart - and I especially found it touching that LE handles gender preferences with a "so what" kind of attitude, given that there's a couple openly gay characters.

Oh, and FYI, Lucciola means "Firefly" in Italian.

As to Marvel, oh boy - this is gonna get heavily political in places, and I really, seriously don't like to discuss such things outside of RWED and inflict it on the unwilling, but since it's essential to the topic I will spoiler-tag those bits as a compromise. (managed to dodge around that bullet and still address most of it, yay me!)

So.. Well, the story-writing of comics has been for nearly the last twenty years, absolutely horrible, inexcusably so if you were to ask me - cheap soap opera drag-it-out tricks just to sell tripe, almost ash-can editions, really.

And while always heavily loaded with propaganda, some of the most notorious examples available for view at superdickery.com -

Select to view spoiler:

the recent addition of jack bauer-ish tyranny justifying bullshit has driven the quality beyond even bile fascination into just plain nauseating piles of go-se.

And if that wasn't enough, further contrived storylining to sell multiple "special editions" as a direct screw-over to comic collectors, a trade which has gotten so dirty and ugly I'll just not bother discussin it here.

As for the Xmen movies... oh, where to even START...

Well, first there's the whole way they screwed up the concept that the scary thing about Xavier and Magneto is that they were so very much alike, they rather totally derail this in anvilicious fashion, Magneto would NEVER hang his own out to dry "pawns go first" - "you're not one of us anymore" as it was that very kind of behavior which set him *against* the normals in the first place, it's so against his very nature I kinda recoiled in shock, honestly.

Then there's Xaviers pompous little my way or the highway attitude, which is present, but in much, much subtler form in the comics, Magneto was more along the lines of you're here because you want to be, need to be, if you don't like it, or can't cut it, get the hell out, just don't get in my way or I will mash you flat - an attitude I can understand, yanno ?

Xavier on the other hand would actively go after anyone who brushed him off or refused to be part of his agenda, nagging and wheedling at first, but with violence in the offering eventually, which is why him and Magneto have so bloody much repressed hatred for each other.

What set me against the first movie was how none of em even questioned it, didn't think it through, explore the concept, just mindlessly accepted it, all but one - and when that one did, he joined the other side!
Not that Pyro didn't have his own issues, but still, what's it say when the only one who thinks it through instead of meekly accepting it immediately jumps ship ?

Wolverine though, is a much different story, he owes Charles, and he really *wants* to believe in Xaviers dream, but Xaviers naivety keeps smacking him in the back of the head at really inopportune moments, which in combination with his rivaly/jealousy problems with Cyclops, frustrates the everliving crap out of him and thus he's always lookin for an excuse to clobber the shit out of someone - he's the very best at what he does, but what he does, it ain't very nice...
And believe me, I know EXACTLY how he feels, being frustrated by what shoulda been, and ain't, and being very good at shit a decent world would have no use for.
Hugh Jackman comes off a little wooden to anyone familiar with just how much frustrated rage Wolvie is suckin up most of the time, and Jackman trying to play the character as stoic doesn't really work that well.

Oh, and Halle Berry can't act, not that it'd help any given how painfully awful her dialogue was, man that was just plain wince-worthy.

Marsden is really the only one of the bunch who manages to actually be convincing - he *nailed* Cyclops, or rather, a young Cyke, dead bang square, not that it lasted...

And that brings us to Phoenix, and what MY major problem with that was.

It just struck me as the equivalent of murdering someone with MPD out of revenge upon one of their alters, and worse, pre-emptively - I had made another longish post about it, pointing out that AT NO TIME WHATEVER, did Phoenix attack, or even threaten, anyone who wasn't bent on the destruction or suppression of her own personhood, not even once.
If she'd been the monster they were tryin to make her out to be, she wouldn't have just been bobbing there peaceably while Magneto was speechifyin, they'd all be quite, quite dead - but no, everyone seemed hell bent on what was in my eyes, premeditated murder, and for what, for what she MIGHT do ?

Hell, you or I MIGHT accidently run over someones kid tomorrow, should we be throwin in prison now, just in case ?
Go down that road, ya might as well just tip the earth into the sun and be done with it, cause that's kinda where it ends.

And imma just stop with that now, cause I could flame it to cinders for a very long time, but I hit the salient points which offended me the worst, I think.

Now, Iron Man...

Agreed, the ending reeked - but the reason that movie worked was cause Downey could bring so MUCH of himself into the character, they picked the right guy for THAT job, in spades.

Like Stark, all his worst moments and substance abuse issues were very public, and striving to balance sanity with fame and fortune has taken its toll on him, and yet for all of that he's hung in there, maybe not all that well, but not sinking completely either.

The real win was letting him have such a free hand with dialogue, because he managed to piece by piece, almost out of whole cloth, carry off a certain kind of magnificent bastardy you just could NOT have written in advance - he manages to make you LIKE Stark, when you really, really shouldn't.

That's not to say it wasn't a team effort, cause the shtick Downey was workin with very much needs a good "straight man" as a backbone, and Paltrow completely delivers, with a little subbing from JARVIS and even the fire-extinguisher bot.

Bridges as Stane comes off somewhat on the hammy side, which some folks didn't like, but I guess they didn't quite realize that the CHARACTER he is playing, Stane, really WAS a bit on the hammy, melodramatic side himself, if anything Bridges played that aspect a bit low key for the character in question.

I highly doubt the sequel is going to be anything but a disaster, but I'd love to be proven wrong...

On THAT note, there's another comic based movie that kinda saddens me cause it was a shoulda-that-wasn't - The Shadow
I wouldn't mind seeing that redone from scratch with Downey, rather than Baldwin.

What drove me nuts about that one is that given the budget, the casting, and the story, it really shoulda worked, but instead of a seamless whole it came off as disconnected hit or miss quality bits, and some of those bits were very choice material... and it just. plain. didn't. work.

Margo: So what did you dream about ?
Cranston: I dreamt I tore my face off and was someone else underneath.
Margo: You have problems.
Cranston: I'm aware of that.

That rolled me outta the chair, it did - you'd have to actually watch the scene to get it all though.

The Shadow and The Whistler being two of my favorites, it just stung me that they blew the production so badly, and being that Downey has the personal darkness to carry the character, I wouldn't mind seeing him do it, although not at the cost of tipping him over the edge into a Heath Ledger emulation, mind you.

Oh, and just before I head off, lemme sneak in a shameless plug here.

Under another name I am kinda notorious for rather excoriating reviews of bad amateur writing or fanfic, which has resulted in a work NOT being thoroughly trashed by me as having passed the acid test, okay ?

Well a dear friends husband is an up and coming writer, and having all but verbally sandblasted some of her poetry before when she asked my opinion of it's first draft, you can imagine the cringe-factor when he got a short story published in a compendium, and I immediately bought a copy...

Followed by his stunned shock when I told him not only did he manage a quality piece, he OUGHT to finish the job and go for the full book out of it.

Here's the book the short story (Hammer Song) is in, mind.
Haven't read the other stories, they look.. well.. err.. uninspired is the kindest possible word I could use here.

But he *earned* that plug, he did, so I figured I'd throw it in.



Sunday, March 21, 2010 12:09 AM


Neon Genesis Evangelion ?

I didn't much like it, a little too mindbending, especially towards the end, and I really couldn't do anything BUT hate on wussy boy, which is perhaps an unfair criticism, but it's like Cloverfield, when you're ROOTING FOR THE BAD GUYS within the first hour or so, well, why are you watching this again ?

Most folks take it as a classic, but I got enough dealing with some really broken people in real life that seeing wussy boy, miss identity issues and sadomasochism girl fail to cope just makes me wanna choke something, yanno ?

Of course, if NGE isn't mindbending ENOUGH for ya, try watching FLCL - or worse, try watching FLCL *sober* cause that whole series is kind of based on the premise of WTF ?!!

Like, Tank Girl on LSD kinda WTF, at that.

And I reaaaalllly need sleep now.



Sunday, March 21, 2010 2:46 AM



Originally posted by participant:

Originally posted by chrisisall:
What about Superman: Doomsday? I LOVE that flick! Have you seen it Frem?

The laughing Chrisisall

Frem is a Japanophile. You would be lucky to find anything on his pull list that doesn't have those pre pubescence animated girls with big blinking Pokemon eyes

That's what people like FremFirma do. They only recommend purely Japanese stuff approved by Japan Inc

I like the odd J-animation like Akira or G.I.T.S but I'm not obsessive about the genre. The fanboyish attitude and Japanophilla following Japan's animation industry is what turns many people off the genre.

You pick up a movie like animated Wonder Woman or the animated A-Bugs-Life, Monsters vs Aliens then you experience entertainment and what you see is what you get
you don't need to educate yourself with a trilogy, quintology, or septology of japan movies to get the message and as bad as Disney etc can be when you sit down in the theatre to watch one of their movies at least the movie is family friendly and you don't have to worry about the kids being inflicted with subliminal tentacle pornography messages.

don't buy the stereotype

there's more to it than just land of the rising pervert


Sunday, March 21, 2010 3:17 AM



Originally posted by Fremdfirma:
Neon Genesis Evangelion ?

I didn't much like it, a little too mindbending, especially towards the end, and I really couldn't do anything BUT hate on wussy boy, which is perhaps an unfair criticism, but it's like Cloverfield, when you're ROOTING FOR THE BAD GUYS within the first hour or so, well, why are you watching this again ?

Yeah, Hideako Anno was. . . troubled when he made Evangelion. It's artistically brilliant, IMHO, but not really all that healthy.

The (seemingly doomed to incompletion) manga is better, and the (still in progress) Evangelion: Rebuild (the original series re-animated as a movie trilogy, with a "sequel" slated as the fourth movie) seems to be even better. The first two Rebuild movies are out on DVD, but I'm personally waiting for the inevitable boxed set (got a chance to see the first one in theatre, and greatly enjoyed it).

There's also Angelic Days, a non-canon/alternate-timeline manga that's downright cool. Basically the Evangelion version of the Mirror Universe --where Shinji is well-adjusted, Asuka is emotionally stable (yet still. . . feisty), Rei develops a healthy personality, and Gendo isn't a complete monster.

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


Sunday, March 21, 2010 10:41 AM


Yanno, cause folk cannot keep their personal vendetta nastiness over in RWED where it belongs, imma make good on a bit of that threat.

Now, lemme explain that one...

Firstoff, I dislike that whole end of anime, it's not even anime, but more properly referred to as hentai, basically animated porn, and since I have no taste for actual porn, what the hell interest would I have in that garbage ?
Hell, Elfen Lied tripped some of my more prudish bent and that's the primary reason I didn't reccommend it, despite it being a story about the way people (human, diclonus, whatever) turn out in direct relation to how they are treated, a philosophy quite near and dear to me - the only diclonii even *close* to normal in that was Nana, because she was treated with the tiniest bit of (albiet AT THE TIME false, it wasn't later on) kindness.

Anyhows, yon sock puppets fascination there says more about them than it'd ever have any impact on me beyond pissin me off.

And, lemme point out to you that I used to go to the conventions, which have ever sucked ever worse over the past decade or so (I quit goin) mostly cause my friends went, and since the hotels in question will apply a fine to your room bill if your brats are left unattended by anyone sober enough to watch them, guess who wound up with ALL the little mungers trailing behind him like a demented pied piper since they had orders to go find me once mommy and/or daddy had drunk themselves stupid - not to mention my notorious everfull pockets of candy, something that's been a fact since I was their age, really.

And it started with being tasked to vet a game for someones kid, the parents couldn't be bothered to actually rent and play the stupid thing, so they dumped it on me to judge whether or not it was suitable for their kid, game in question being the PS1 version of Rhapsody.
(the DS version sucks, as they stripped out most of what made it so charming)

And thus, GUESS WHO gets stuck with having to pre-vet the anime these peoples kids are begging for xmas/birthday/whatever, in order to ensure it's actually suitable for their age group, because those ratings are about freakin worthless, honestly.

And since they know this, and can't get any other adult to watch it with em, and trying to discuss it with someone who ain't watched it is kinda pointless, again, guess who gets rooked into watching this stuff with em ?
(besides, it keeps em in one place and out of trouble during the convention, neh ?)

Ergo, I've seen a LOT of happy-fluffy childrens anime, and would be more than happy to share the misery, so it'd be ill advised to tempt me, there.

Now buzz off or I might slap you senseless with a Yotsuba Koiwai doll.


PS - the idea of wussy-boy (I *refuse* to dignify that critter with an actual name) being well adjusted is a miracle beyond my comprehension, I ain't exactly sure I could suspend disbelief that far...

My ex watched NGE, and I have been very reluctant to find her a copy of end of evangelion cause if anything, the main characters are even more messed up by then, and for some odd reason she has a better opinion of em than I do, which I am loath to demolish by showing her that one.


Sunday, March 21, 2010 3:46 PM



Originally posted by chrisisall:
Are you tryin' to make me poor? Deplete my existing DVD collection?
I'm done with anime for a while I think, once I've seen all of what I've got (and ordered).
Last Exile will complete my anime collection for now. My next & last order for this year.

Well, as they say..
Anime: Crack is Cheaper.

The key to it is patience, really, like an owl, you sit back, watch and wait, and then when an opportunity presents itself, you strike.

But it's the waiting that drives folk batty, most of em, sure.

Like, say, Le Chevalier D'Eon - complete collection super pack, retails for $184, could maybe nail it on amazon or somewhere for $50-$60
And I bagged it off today for $19.99, then backed it up by carrying off Pumpkin Scissors complete (retail $75+) for $22.50

And if you REALLY wanna brick-passer, that silly little clip I posted, the series it's from, Snow Fairy Sugar ?
Go on Amazon and have a look at what the full box set of THAT would cost you!
(I paid $58 for it, complete with summer special DVD and promo items)

But yeah, with money bein tight these days it's hard to stretch it so far - that bein one reason I picked out the ones I did to reccommend, since most of them you can get good bargains on.

What I do is set aside what I mean to pay for a set, and wait till it's in that price range to jump on it, and anything left over goes back into the budget - I got $29+S&H set up for Planetes, when I can find it from a decent distributor, and since imma be talkin to someone with connections soon about something else, it's a pretty good bet I'll nail it for that.

I like to watch em, but also consider it a financial investment of sorts too, cause man, what some of this stuff carries in value is insane - even *I* can't afford most of the Captain Harlock stuff, yeesh.



Sunday, March 21, 2010 4:37 PM



Originally posted by Fremdfirma:

And if you REALLY wanna brick-passer, that silly little clip I posted, the series it's from, Snow Fairy Sugar ?
Go on Amazon and have a look at what the full box set of THAT would cost you!
(I paid $58 for it


Er... sorry Frem.

The laughing Chrisisall

"I only do it to to remind you that I'm right and that deep down, you know I'm right, you want me to be right, you need me to be right." - The Imperial Hero Strikes Back, 2010


Sunday, March 21, 2010 4:57 PM



Originally posted by Fremdfirma:
I got $29+S&H set up for Planetes, when I can find it from a decent distributor, and since imma be talkin to someone with connections soon about something else, it's a pretty good bet I'll nail it for that.

Do it man; I'm on ep # 8, & it just keeps getting better!

On another note, we just got Castle In The Sky-
REALLY cool.

The laughing Chrisisall

"I only do it to to remind you that I'm right and that deep down, you know I'm right, you want me to be right, you need me to be right." - The Imperial Hero Strikes Back, 2010


Sunday, March 21, 2010 7:16 PM


I'm having one of those "Out Of Gas" moments here with Planetes... not nearly as intense, but there nonetheless.
This show it great. The character development is better than I expected.

The laughing Chrisisall

"I only do it to to remind you that I'm right and that deep down, you know I'm right, you want me to be right, you need me to be right." - The Imperial Hero Strikes Back, 2010


Monday, March 22, 2010 4:50 AM



Originally posted by Fremdfirma:
PS - the idea of wussy-boy (I *refuse* to dignify that critter with an actual name) being well adjusted is a miracle beyond my comprehension, I ain't exactly sure I could suspend disbelief that far...

Well, all of Shinji's problems stem from his mother's death (which was the cause of Gendo abandoning him, of Shinji's fatalism and depression, of NERV going Dark Side and causing the End of the World, and of Shinji's psyche not being strong enough to stand up to the Eva). All for the loss of one person.

Angelic Days is based on that scene in ep 27, where we get a glimpse of Shinji's "perfect possible world," where his mother is still alive (and thus his parents are still together, Gendo is. . . distant, if not really malevolent, Shinji has actual friends, and is psychologically strong enough to actually risk caring for others). It actually manages to make Evangelion more tragic, because we get to see just what Shinji lost out on --he's actually a likable goofball.

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


Monday, March 22, 2010 10:39 AM


Yeah, yeah, go ahead and laugh, but given I can turn it around for five to six times what I paid if I really wanted too - besides, I do like to keep a stock of kid-friendly anime stuff on hand for when I get the little mungers pawned off on me for a while, not to mention the happy-fluffy stuff is a right handy antidote to the rest of the worlds constant bombardment with hostility and violence, yanno ?

S'why I like Nausicaa and Yuna so much, cause they're exemplars of how you *CAN* solve problems in other ways than violence, and where else can you find that kinda thing in media nowadays ?

But also, here's the rub...

I've always had issues with the ephemeral here-today-gone-tomorrow nature of the internet, and I truly hate goin back to look at somethin and it's gone, hell, I fully expected this site to be gone within a year when I signed up to it.

But it's not just that, oh how to explain - on the one end, you have media companies who would, were it any kinda possible, charge you for EACH time you watched something, or EACH time you listened to a song, and because of that I severely dislike not having the media itself under my control.

Look at how Kindle demonstrated the dark side of that, for example.
Most ironic, given the works in question, neh ?

As long as someone other than me has access to the media, forget it.
Whether it be something like Kindle, or streaming content, or even a game that *demands* I hook up to the internet and "verify" it in order to play it solo, that kind of thing can kiss my patootie!

I *want* my content on a durable media, fully in MY possession, and useable on a device that BELONGS TO ME, unafflicted by rootkits, backdoors or boobytraps, that I know *for a fact* will play my media now, today, when *I* want to watch it, and it'll do that tomorrow, and the next day, and the next, as well.

My ex isn't like that, once she has watched something once, she could care less, but I prefer to occassionally revisit those other worlds, cause good stuff, like Firefly, stands many a rewatching and it only enhances the experience for me - and so I am extremely untrusting of folks who've proven utterly untrustworty, and I want that media, and the ability to play it, in MY hands, and my hands alone.

I've been likened to a dragon for that, my media, precious metals, uncut gems, all those things precious to me I want right in my care, just about sittin on top of em like ole Smaug, sure - but that's my way, yanno ?

So for me, I gotta OWN it, although once money has changed hands I don't exactly have any compunctions about sneakin a preview by watching it online somewhere, either.

Still, you wanna take *MY* stuff, you'll be comin through me and Forquet to get it, instead of reaching out with ghostly electronic fingers and flipping a switch to snatch it away so easily, and that kinda security is worth the dosh I invest in it, leastways to me it is.

I am kinda interested in some of netflix, the ex showed me that they have a nice collection that can be hit up with more or less a point and click interface, but again, what happens when you go back to watch it and they're not carryin it no more - ask em to mail it to you and then get cockblocked and deliberately stalled in the queue cause how dare you actually USE the service you're paying for (same problem with "unlimited" internet, neh?) and again, you do it their way, or no way - screw that.

So my current interest is to find a way to spin off a copy of the stuff they offer via direct stream, for personal use only, which is a completely legal fair use of the media, since you *are* paying for it, but I am pretty certain that what with the control issues big media has, there's some technical screwery under the guise of copy-protection, bleh - trust me, some of that stuff ain't no one else would much wanna watch anyhows, and they can buy their own damn copy - again, I want it for personal use only, and take offense to the automatic assumption of guilt as an excuse to not give me full control of media I paid for.

What is it with folks these days they wanna get their hooks into you so bad anyways, I had a friggin auto dealer just give me the brushoff and a shitload of bad attitude when I made it clear that no, I was *NOT* dealing with their rapacious finance company (when the salesguy mentioned they wouldn't accept any deal that involved you using your own) and when it came clear to him I was going cash-n-carry, full price, BUY-THE-BLOODY-CAR, he didn't want nothing to do with me, resulting in an exchange of profanity for "wasting his time" ??!

For me, it's really very simple - I give you the money, you give me the product, that's HOW IT WORKS WITH ME.

None of this, I give you money, you loan me the product, and I KEEP giving you money, that's not purchase, that's a rental, and if I *wanted* to rent a goddamn car I'd go down to rent-a-wreck, not a dealership, *hissss*.

Same thing with media, software, or anything else.
I buy it, I OWN it, and I answer to no one on how, when, why and where I use it.

Anyhows, so yeah, I got the full collection of Snow Fairy Sugar en-route, and imma put it right next to Bottle Fairy, which I watched the first half of last night, it's cute, and right funny in places since it does a pretty good job of portraying the fairies, who are by nature scatterbrains with an attention span somewhere in the neighborhood of cats, goldfish, and excited toddlers...
Hororo cracks me up - "I'm a sushi roll!" heh heh heh.

Wacky fun, that.



Sunday, March 28, 2010 5:59 PM


Blue Submarine #6 was...
not all that.
Watchable fun & nonsense, but I'll be selling it to pay for (in part) Last Exile.

The laughing Chrisisall

"I only do it to to remind you that I'm right and that deep down, you know I'm right, you want me to be right, you need me to be right." - The Imperial Hero Strikes Back, 2010


Sunday, March 28, 2010 6:59 PM


Good to know.

As mentioned, I just got my collectors edition of Le Chevalier D'Eon - and it was top-tier awesome.

In fact, so awesome, given that Rightstuf is currently offering the full out, bells on collectors edition so cheaply - I am very tempted to front it to you Chris, gratis.



Sunday, March 28, 2010 7:13 PM


Yo, thanks severely, but my thing is in space, SF, or martial arts (preferably all three), and this doesn't seem to qualify.

The laughing Chrisisall

"I only do it to to remind you that I'm right and that deep down, you know I'm right, you want me to be right, you need me to be right." - The Imperial Hero Strikes Back, 2010


Sunday, March 28, 2010 8:01 PM


No worries, of course, just the WAY you said that now has me thinkin funny thoughts...


And you'd have to do it in cheezy red/blue "3D" too, to get the maximum bad B-flick atmosphere...




Monday, March 29, 2010 4:26 AM


Imagine my thrill in the theatre seeing Serenity for the first time... SF... in space...
Then River starts with the Kung Fu in the Maidenhead!!!!
Any wonder it's my favourite flick of all time?

The laughing Chrisisall

"I only do it to to remind you that I'm right and that deep down, you know I'm right, you want me to be right, you need me to be right." - The Imperial Hero Strikes Back, 2010


Monday, May 24, 2010 11:07 AM


Oooooh! They've added Last Exile to Hulu!! (Too bad I can't post a link to it!)

From what I've seen in the last 10 minutes, this is the most imaginative design work since Wings of Honneamise!

What say you, Chris? Beats PLANETES by a mile, wouldn't you agree?


Monday, May 24, 2010 11:45 AM


Well, imho it's definately a top-tier work, but I can't really go on about it without spoilerin, so I won't.

That said, there's one or two minor quibbles with the story assuming you know (or could infer) a few things most folk don't really ever pick up on, one of which is kinda key to the story, but it's completely enjoyable as-is, mind.



Monday, May 24, 2010 1:10 PM



Originally posted by cljohnston108:

What say you, Chris? Beats PLANETES by a mile, wouldn't you agree?

The animation & level of free creativity? From what I see here, certainly. It's my next anime.

The laughing Chrisisall


Monday, May 24, 2010 1:49 PM



Originally posted by chrisisall:
The animation & level of free creativity? From what I see here, certainly. It's my next anime.

Yeah, man! This is the kinda stuff I live for, where they put thought into the smallest detail, so that the non-Earth culture is only barely similar to ours. (I wish they'd done that with nuGalactica!)
Did you see Wings of Honneamise?
(Sadly, I hear that the only available DVD of it is a really crappy transfer.)


Monday, May 24, 2010 6:59 PM


Looks a lil interesting, guy reminds me of my first couple months of army basic, everyone thought me a useless lazy bag o rags - then they handed me a rifle...

Which is kinda presumably what happens to this guy.

Where's it fall on the Moh Scale ?

Lookin into an old 2006 game at the moment, which may be of interest: Sword of the Stars

If I can find a copy, I'll let ya know - but honestly it was the motto which caught my eye.
Repensum Est Canicula.
(Latin: Payback's A Bitch.)



Thursday, October 13, 2022 11:51 AM


so many animations, maybe

Rick and Morty bit 'good art' maybe not but its fun, Last Days of Coney Island, Batman the animated series, Avengers EMH, Heavy Traffic, Ren & Stimpy, Japan anime Akira, KungFu Panda, Incredibles animation, Triplets of Belleville aka Les Triplettes de Bellevilleaka Belleville Rendez-vous, Wizards, Heavy Metal, Watership Down, Fritz the Cat, Wallace and Gromit, Persepolis, The Hobbit 1977, Wall-E, American Pop, The Last Airbender series, The Animatrix, Love Death and Robots, How to Train Your Dragon


Saturday, April 29, 2023 3:06 PM


A clever kids show, hopefully its backed up on bitchute or odysee



Sunday, May 7, 2023 6:19 AM


Aeon Flux seemed weird and interesting

more Hollyweird scandals continue

Rick and Morty's animator, writer, producer Roiland was arrested and charged with felony domestic battery and false imprisonment in Orange County, California

He was also accused of sexual harassment of a female writer in the third season of Rick & Morty, and other uncomfortable behavior in the workplace, with these claims formally investigated by Cartoon Network and Adult Swim in 2020. Adult Swim announced later that month that Roiland had been dismissed from Rick and Morty, and that his roles would be recast for future seasons.

Æon Flux - Pilot



Monday, May 20, 2024 5:43 PM


they remake old XMen toons now


Monday, May 20, 2024 6:24 PM


Yeah. Been hearing about this one for over a year.

They chopped off Rogue's tits, didn't hire the lady who originally did Jubilee's voice because how dare a white actress voice a part-Asian in 2024, and they made Morph a non-binary kid fucker or something. I dunno.

Nah. I'm good. The X-Men cartoon can remain just a memory from my childhood. This will not be watched.


Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.


Wednesday, June 19, 2024 9:25 AM


'Final Space' but maybe not 'Good Animation' but good story they have entertainment and the show has moments of fun

it seems AI will also change art and its only time before the Artificial Machine Art makes a toon.

a lot of Western Art studios seem dead, dying with the Commiefornia drug addict apocalypse

studios have been moving to South Korea and other places for a while, places like Japan always had soft power with Video Games.
Rather than South Korea copying Japan product this time the Japanese have copied South Koreans, Kami no Tou or the Tower of God is an animation or anime
but not sure if good.


Saturday, July 6, 2024 3:46 PM



Thursday, August 1, 2024 6:51 AM


Flow is film about a cat or other animals surviving with other creatures on a boat after the world is devastated by a great flood, seems to be a Belgium / Latvia production but no news on the Budget


Wednesday, August 28, 2024 2:22 PM


The Legend Of Vox Machina Season 3


Friday, September 6, 2024 3:10 PM


Japan odd horror weird dark



Tuesday, October 15, 2024 12:50 PM


SKorean tv winning, Japan and indie toons outselling Hollyweird

Death of animation as a career and fear about America’s future






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