War of the Worlds - Teaser Trailer Announced!

UPDATED: Tuesday, February 15, 2005 09:37
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Wednesday, December 8, 2004 1:40 PM


I'm on registered to receive updates on the upcoming film "War of the Worlds" and today I just got some information on the teaser trailer that will be released later this week.

Here is the message!

Building on the intense level of interest and enthusiasm across the internet, Paramount Pictures will unveil the highly anticipated teaser trailer for Steven Spielberg's contemporary retelling of H.G. Wells' classic War of the Worlds exclusively on the web Friday morning, December 10, 2004.

The film opens across the globe on June 29, 2005.

To view the teaser trailer, visit the film's official site at http://www.WarOfTheWorlds.com.

Next summer, the earth goes to war. From Paramount Pictures and DreamWorks Pictures comes the motion picture event of the year: Steven Spielberg’s War of the Worlds, starring international superstar Tom Cruise. A contemporary retelling of H.G. Wells's groundbreaking science fiction classic, War of the Worlds is the ultimate sci-fi adventure thriller reveals the extraordinary battle for the future of humankind through the eyes of one American family fighting to survive it.

Paramount Pictures and DreamWorks Pictures present an Amblin Entertainment/Cruise/Wagner Production of a Steven Spielberg Film, Tom Cruise stars in War of the Worlds. The film also stars Dakota Fanning, Miranda Otto, Justin Chatwin and Tim Robbins. Paula Wagner is the executive producer. The film is produced by Kathleen Kennedy and Colin Wilson. Based on the novel by H.G. Wells, the screenplay is by David Koepp. War of the Worlds is directed by Steven Spielberg.

Visit the official site at http://www.WarOfTheWorlds.com


Friday, December 10, 2004 3:49 AM



Friday, December 10, 2004 3:57 AM


Oh dear!!! They had to pick Tom Cruise didn't they...YAWN!!! Why not go the whole hog and put Brad Pitt, Will Smith, and Ben Affleck in it as well.
A huge title like this doesn't need attention grabbing A list names. It should be able to stand on its own.
For me it's part ruined already, still I haven't watched the trailer yet, so y' never know, I could, no I HOPE I'm wrong!!!!

Yep..........................that went well!


Friday, December 10, 2004 4:18 AM


Tom Cruise is actually a producer for the movie, so he chose himself. Cruise is producing the movie with Paula Wagner, whom he also produced the Mission Impossible films with. I first remember hearing about Tom Cruise wanting to do a remake of this film nearly three years ago. I think Tom Cruise is the driving force behind the movie and he is the one who brought Spielberg on.


Friday, December 10, 2004 5:50 AM



Originally posted by robinhood:
For me it's part ruined already...

I wouldn't worry to much. Apparently the script was written by David Koepp, the same man who wrote the screenplay for the first Spider-Man movie, both Jurassic Park movies, Panic Room, and Mission: Impossible.


Friday, December 10, 2004 5:52 AM


WotW has been done. Repeatedly. Why does nobody ever talk about remaking The Day The Earth Stood Still?

We could have Arnold "The Mummy" Vosloo as Gort. . .

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


Friday, December 10, 2004 5:52 AM


I thikn Spielberg said after Independence Day that he would never make a movie like that because it showed aliens as the automatic bad guys.. hmm


Friday, December 10, 2004 5:54 AM



Originally posted by Anarko:
both Jurassic Park movies

There're three. Did he do the two good ones, or a good one and the bad one?

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


Friday, December 10, 2004 6:32 AM


A remake of the Day the Earth stood still would as gooder if not better choice for a remake than WotWs, I have to agree.
Another I would like to see is " When worlds collide". The acting in the original is quite awful now, and most of the not very special effects are laughable. But with a few tweeks in the main story line I could see it making a great movie in the right hands.

Yep..........................that went well!


Friday, December 10, 2004 2:14 PM



Originally posted by Cybersnark:
There're three. Did he do the two good ones, or a good one and the bad one?

He wrote the first Jurassic Park and then he wrote The Lost World: Jurassic Park 2!


Sunday, December 12, 2004 8:50 AM


The two good ones then. This bodes well.

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


Sunday, December 12, 2004 1:58 PM


I'm sure it will be a great film but for me a much more interesting and challenging movie could have been made by following the story as Wells intended it.However, since that would mean that all the good guys would be English I suppose American audiences would not accept it.
It will be interesting to see if at least the basic premise of Well's book is left intact: that is the fact that no Nation or Empire could do anything to stop the invasion and it was Bacteria (and the Martians panchant for jacking-up on human blood) that saved the world.


Monday, February 7, 2005 3:18 AM


This is a direct link to the superbowl tv spot.



Monday, February 7, 2005 3:46 AM


We saw that ad during the SB and all four of us (all Firefly fans) got real excited and we'll all wind up going to see it. :D


The Uncharted Outlaw!
Captain of Prosperity (99-K64)

Read My Words:
See my Firefly Store (new items! 1/05): http://www.cafepress.com/NorCalRiviera


Monday, February 7, 2005 6:31 AM


Well my feeling on this is we already got a remake of War of the Worlds with INdependence Day which was the same idea but done contemporary. Speilberg is indeed eating his own words here. As long as he doens't tack on a 4th act like he did in AI, it might have a chance. I don't know.

I love the 1953 George Pal film so much I just wonder how it'll compare.

On a related topic- any browncoats here also fans of the 1988 syndie War of the Worlds TV show? I feel like I'm one of 5 people who even remembers it or was a fan. But I loved it at the time. It even holds up fairly well upon re-viewing, certianly ahead of it's time anticipating certian X-Files-esque trends. Granted the Second season was such crap it might as well have been a different unrelated show, but that first seaosn was marvelous. (I know the TV show tends to get marginalized by War afficianados but I think they're crazy)


Monday, February 7, 2005 7:30 AM


Well, there are actually six people who remember the TV series. I liked it as well.

Since reading the novel, I've been thing how neat it would be for a movie version to be set in the original time period (1897 I think). I can dream.

By the way, has anyone else seen "Duel", Speilberg's old made-for-television (I think) road-rage movie? Still among his best work.



Monday, February 7, 2005 7:51 AM


Okay, I tried to post at length about this but I got all worked up and had to go lie down.

Suffice to say, I'm not exactly looking forward to this, and I HEARTILY second the motion that someone, someday, make a War of the Worlds movie set when (and preferably where) it was supposed to be.

"You're mean. Firefly's making me reconsider my lifelong devotion to Star Trek." --My mother


Monday, February 7, 2005 7:51 AM


Glad to find another WOTW fan. I take it you preferred seaosn 1 to seaosn 2?

Well there's that Pendragon indie version of War of the worlds that's set in england during the 1800's cheaper- but hey! it's done! and it should open around the same time as Paramounts in seect cities...or maybe straight to video.

Duel is a great TV movie. Speilberg did fantastic work in the 70's especially in his early TV roots. I loved what he did with his Columbo episode: Murder by the Book and the failed Martin Landau vehicle: Savage - also primed for NBC's mystery wheel at the time - extremely innovative camera techniques.


Monday, February 7, 2005 12:00 PM


saw a tease for War of the Worlds last tnight on tv

ooppss I recognized Dakota Fanning before I did Tom Cruise!!!!!!!!!

Also, I can kill you with my brain.


Monday, February 7, 2005 5:41 PM


Make that 7 fans.
I remember watching it in Scifi channel's infancy. When they had maybe six different shows for the whole channel. They played WotW in 2 or three episode blocks, then they'd have a marathon. Oh, anyway, I liked it once I sat down to watch it. I was suprised it was actualy pretty good. I haven't seen in in forever. I remember the triumvirate , was it called? I guess it was season 2 they brought in Adrian Paul? That was pre-highlander, so he had less attitude then.

I'll see the new movie because I love old scifi. It's so innocent and the ideas were so simple. Now theres all that techy stuff and we have to have facts to back up our stories.

Keeper of Jayne's goggles. 8)


Thursday, February 10, 2005 5:09 PM


WAR OF THE WORLDS-I remember the tv series, but I still prefer the original George Pal movie. Of course, the one version of WOTW I'd like to hear is Orson Welles's Mercury Theatre radio version of it. You know, the one that made people think that aliens were actually invading Earth. Hopefully, Spielberg will deliver visually what Welles did audially.

THE DAY THE EARTH STOOD STILL-I think that a remake of DAY would be a sci-fi atrocity that would make the remake of PLANET OF THE APES look good. DAY is a rare sci-fi masterpieces ever made, and an even rarer mainstream Christian film that doesn't fall into a fundamentalist trap. Should be left alone. I think it's actually more relevant now than when it came out in 51.

WHEN WORLDS COLLIDE-Actually, there was a recent remake of WHEN WORLDS COLLIDE. It was called DEEP IMPACT. But I agree, WWC was a lame movie. The ending just pissed me off so much.



Saturday, February 12, 2005 5:46 PM


It's gonna be great.

The George Pal film was incredibly good at the time but does not stand the test of time

I like it updated. I have never cared for Victorian scifi films. The books are fine but the films always wind up like they were made for TV

I prefer Tom Cruise (a known and not bad factor) to a bad unknown (f)actor and I favor anything that will mean a big box office for my favorite genre.

I agree on TDTEST remake. Somebody needs to do that.


Saturday, February 12, 2005 6:18 PM


I loved, loved, loved the WotW tv show. Loved it. Watched it religiously with the Friday the 13th series, they always seemed to show them both in a block.

So, I think that makes me the eighth?

"He has a gorm horizon. All gorm that falls past it is lost forever." UserFriendly http://ars.userfriendly.org/cartoons/?id=20050114


Saturday, February 12, 2005 6:42 PM


Chalk another one up for the television series. I've never forgotten that "hand" coming out of the barrel of nuclear waste.

*editted to add: Loved Friday the 13th as well .

"What sort of raw meat do you people feed your cruiser captains, Hamish?" - Queen Elizabeth III of Manticore


Sunday, February 13, 2005 8:20 AM


2005 is going to be an absolutely terrific sci-fi/comic/goth geek movie year. Woo-hoo!

We've got Hitchhiker's Guide. We've got War of the Worlds. We've got Batman Begins. We've got Mirror Mask (with Neil Gaiman involved!). We've got The Corpse Bride (Tim Burton returning to what he does well!). We've got effin' Serenity!

Oh my. pant, pant, pant, sock, sock, sock

'Scuse me while I wipe my dripping forehead.

WotW looks fantastic. I'm not a big fan of Tom Cruise (he should come out already, about whatever it is he's so clearly hiding....he stopped being cute in, oh, about 1986), but from the tv spot and teaser, it looks like a movie I'm gonna have to hold my breath through.


*editted to add: Loved Friday the 13th as well .

I think both shows were produced by the same company (in fact, the same company also did that Viper show, too, if I recall correctly, on at the same time. Production company useta be right up there with Spelling Productions). Both I would love to have on DVD. The War of the Worlds series got me where I lived, fired my imagination in ways ST:TNG had started to but failed to continue.

{Can only find info on second season at IMDB, 'cause I did my research trying to find the name of the production company, but can't find it as yet. There's a lot more sites devoted to the series than I would've imagined.}

Both were stylistically different from anything else. WotW brought the paranoia and pessimism about the future, Friday the 13th assuaged the pre-X-Files angst I was apparently feeling. Of course, I was by myself in LA at the time, watching on a five-inch tv monitor, so for me to actually watch it on an actual television set, in colour, would be marvellousness of tremendous dimension.

Or, mmmmm.....downloads....

"He has a gorm horizon. All gorm that falls past it is lost forever." UserFriendly http://ars.userfriendly.org/cartoons/?id=20050114


Sunday, February 13, 2005 9:46 AM


Actually TenFour Productions was behind Season 1 War of the Worlds and Hometown Productions took over for Season 2 War of the Worlds- Hometown was Frank Mancuso Jr's company that also made his other show: Friday:the 13th. Course Mancuso ruined War IMHO.

Glad to see some other folks remember this show. It'd be great to see a DVD release but I do have them all on tape to tide me by until then.

The Triumverate was called the Advocacy- three Aliens that sort of ruled over the other slike a bee-hive clan. That was droppe din Season 2 of course but a single leader and a second in command plyed by Denis Forest and Catheirne Disher (from Forever Knight).

Since when is the Day the Earth Stood Still a Christian film?



Sunday, February 13, 2005 10:29 AM


Ah. Thanks for the info!

I actually enjoyed season 2, as well. Since I could only stand to watch very little on that tiny, tiny (black and white) set, I became very loyal in my viewing habits.


Since when is the Day the Earth Stood Still a Christian film?

It is? Who said that? I must've been skimming too quickly....

(edited to add)

Aha. Went back to find out. I don't see how it could be, unless the "message" is somehow the sole domain of Christianity.

Quoted from ttp:// www.moviediva.com/MD_root/reviewpages/MDDayEarthStoodStill.htm
"TDTESS was a liberal movie in a paranoid era. The Army read the script and refused to cooperate, although the National Guard gladly did. Sam Jaffe, who plays the wise scientist, was under the shadow of the Commie-hunting House Un-American Activities Committee, as was the model for his character, Albert Einstein. Fifty years ago, to be a pacifist was to ignite suspicion. But, Klaatu warns the Earthlings dipping their toes in the Atomic Age, 'Join us and live in peace, or pursue your present course and face obliteration…the decision is yours.'"

"He has a gorm horizon. All gorm that falls past it is lost forever." UserFriendly http://ars.userfriendly.org/cartoons/?id=20050114


Monday, February 14, 2005 6:31 AM


Yeah "Day" strikes me as more of an anti-atomic or anti- communist film actually than a christian one but I guess everything's open to interpretation.

I never liked Season 2 of War on TV much. It was like jumping into a diefferent show it was so different in tone, style etc. They killed off two of my fav characters, changed the aliens and technology and culture without much of an explanation, and the few remaining characters were altered so much they became unlikable. Even during the bad episode sof season 1- it was the character interations that kept me watching.

It didn't help that most season 2 plots were watered down season 1 stories simply remade.

I'll give Season 2 two point sof credit though- the new environment of Almost Tomorrow was compelling. Definately a bit more what i think the world would be like in the aftermath of a worldwide 50's invasion. Kudos for trying to do a post-apocolyptic cyber-punk kinda world on TV in the 80's. That had to be a first. Second I did like how at least initially, things got very desperate for the characters- it upped the stakes. Being cut of from the govt, people dying, being on the run- that was some heavy stuff. Had that been leading up to a massive finale with our old aliens and the changeover to this darkened world been more gradual- it might have been brilliant. As it was- I saw it as a giant misfire.

I still say no matter what, iornhorse should have lived. He was much cooler than Kincaid (yes Adrian Paul pre-Highlander...)


Monday, February 14, 2005 10:38 PM



Originally posted by ReeQueen:
Both were stylistically different from anything else. WotW brought the paranoia and pessimism about the future, Friday the 13th assuaged the pre-X-Files angst I was apparently feeling. Of course, I was by myself in LA at the time, watching on a five-inch tv monitor, so for me to actually watch it on an actual television set, in colour, would be marvellousness of tremendous dimension.

I was living in LA as well. Wasn't that Channel 13, KCOP? I loved that station. It was like sci-fi/fantasy central. Now it's a damn UPN affiliate. I'm glad I'd moved away before the changeover happened. (Not glad I moved, just glad I didn't have to see one of my favorite television stations go downhill).

"What sort of raw meat do you people feed your cruiser captains, Hamish?" - Queen Elizabeth III of Manticore


Tuesday, February 15, 2005 9:11 AM



I was living in LA as well. Wasn't that Channel 13, KCOP? I loved that station. It was like sci-fi/fantasy central. Now it's a damn UPN affiliate. I'm glad I'd moved away before the changeover happened. (Not glad I moved, just glad I didn't have to see one of my favorite television stations go downhill).

Most probably. I remember it being what our Utah Fox channel was before it became Fox. Showing a large variety of cheezy '70's-type televison movies, bad horror films, and recent sci-fi-type shows.

On my visits home, I got to watch WotW on my parents' tv, so once in a while I saw it, if not life-sized, the size it was meant to be.

I loved living in LA, but my lifestyle just wasn't working out.....

"He has a gorm horizon. All gorm that falls past it is lost forever." UserFriendly http://ars.userfriendly.org/cartoons/?id=20050114


Tuesday, February 15, 2005 9:37 AM


Hmmm. War and 13th both aired late night after the news on saturday nights on our ABC affiliate channel in MN - Channel 5 KSTP for those who care. Oddly ST:TNG aired on our indie Ch. 29 KITN which later became our Fox affiliate and once the cable boom tookover became Channel 10 WFTC. Don't ask me.

I kinda miss the Scifi/horror syndie and even a few netowrk shows of that era. They were simpler but kinda cool. I relaize I speak thorugh a haze of nostalgia cause they hit me at the right age but I loved War, 13th..okay was never wild about Freddy's Nightmares but I watched it, Superboy, Tarzan, Twin Peaks, The Flash, Once a Hero, The Wizard, Mission: Impossible '88, Alien Nation, MANTIS, the early X-Files years etc.

Makes me wonder if they are any truly independent stations left in the country after the rise of Fox, UPN and WB. I know all of ours back home were swept up in that so by the mid-90's none of them were left.






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