Red Dwarf

UPDATED: Thursday, March 10, 2005 09:42
VIEWED: 9774
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Monday, February 28, 2005 3:15 PM


This show was hysterical. Sci-fi comedy very much in the same vein as The Hitchhiker's Guide. There were two books written, too, and they weren't bad. Anyone here fans of Lister and Rimmer?


Monday, February 28, 2005 4:15 PM


Count me in - the first two seasons were some of the best comedy I've ever seen, and the others ranged from decent to great.

I was really annoyed that the creators "Lucasized" the early stuff and "improved" them with new effects. I'm glad to see it's available on DVD unspoilt.


Monday, February 28, 2005 4:22 PM



Yeah, I love Red Dwarf - I actually STILL have my old key chain thing "Starbug One - property of J.M.C" It's NEVER off my key ring - no one ever gets it...

I didn't know they did that to the early eps - I've never seen them that way.

But now that I know it's out on DVD... I know what I want to spend my next check on... :D



Monday, February 28, 2005 6:54 PM


Here's the amazon link for the first 2 seasons:


If that ungainly link doesn't work, search for Red Dwarf - Series 1 & 2. It does appear these are the originals, not the CG-effects-tacked-on versions.

It's pretty pricey for a 12-episode set (As an American I keep forgetting that our friends across the pond consider 6 episodes to be a season sometimes). :) But IMO worth it, if you shop around you should be able to find a decent price.


Monday, February 28, 2005 8:40 PM



Originally posted by Infrared:
There were two books written, too, and they weren't bad.

Three books actually, although the third, "Last Human", was written by only one of the two-man writing team behind the first two books and the various TV series. As far as I know, it's never been reprinted in America -- I got my copy at a secondhand bookstore, and have never seen another. I've heard rumors of a fourth, but no sightings so far.

Great series, highly amusing, and surprisingly affecting at times -- I felt a strange flush of pride when Rimmer sacrificed his dream career to save the woman he'd grown to love, and my daughter almost cried when JFK assasinated himself to keep his place in history secure.

"Smoke me a kipper--I'll be back for breakfast!" -- Captain A.J. "Ace" Rimmer


Monday, February 28, 2005 9:07 PM


oh, yes... my t-shirt...

I get more questions when people read "Smoke me a kipper - I'll be back for breakfast!" emblazoned across my pleasingly too-lrge breasts.

I get to explain one of my favorite things... "They're dead Dave - every-body-is-dead-dave!"

And the english people I meet think I am just the COOLEST for owning that shirt lol :)



Monday, February 28, 2005 9:33 PM


Loved the show. I was lucky; one of the local PBS stations was also affiliated with the local college, so they would show Red Dwarf on Saturday nights. I think I have almost all of the episodes on tape, through season 7.

And I agree about the changes made to "spruce up" the episodes. The originals were SO much better.


Monday, February 28, 2005 11:08 PM


Arnie, Arn or Big Man Rimmer was/is the funniest by far. The episode where Arnold sits for his astro navigation exam and has all the answers on his arms, panics, gets all sweaty and smears the answers all over his palm then palm prints onto the test page then passes out is one of my favourites.

Holly is hilarius (the male Hol is funnier the the female one)


Tuesday, March 1, 2005 1:23 AM



Three books actually, although the third, "Last Human", was written by only one of the two-man writing team behind the first two books and the various TV series. As far as I know, it's never been reprinted in America -- I got my copy at a secondhand bookstore, and have never seen another. I've heard rumors of a fourth, but no sightings so far.

4 books actually.
1. Infinity Welcomes Careful Drivers (1989 Grant/Naylor)
2. Better than Life (1991 Grant/Naylor)
3. Last Human (1995 Naylor)
4. Backwards (1996 Grant)

All were available in Canada at the time of their release.


Tuesday, March 1, 2005 1:49 AM


Ah ShadeSiren,

Why am I not surprised that you are a Dwarfer too ... we seem to have much in common.

I DID cry at the end of 'Tikka to Ride' when Kennedy shot himself and restored the timelines. But Polymorph is my all time favorite episode followed very closely by "Quarentene". Rimmer looks splendid in gingham ...


A man who loves, you buys you flowers. A man who wants you, buys you diamonds. But a man who trusts you - buys you weapons!


Tuesday, March 1, 2005 4:10 AM


Andddddddddddd ...For those into Role Playing Games .. all two of you *L* ...

Deep 7 Games has published a Red Dwarf RPG

main page for the game is http://www.deep7.com/games/reddwarf/

the FAQ page for the game is at

A Gamemaster Screen and Series Sourcebook have been produced too.

>> Mike


'Trust me - I know what I'm doing!' - Sledge Hammer


Tuesday, March 1, 2005 5:23 AM


I remember my brother introduced me to Red Dwarf while our PBS station was running the series on Saturday nights. That show is hilarious. Some of my favorite episodes were "Quarantine" (that king of the potato people bit is great), "Better Than Life" and that one where the crew was attacked by the robot that eradicated the lazy and gave a different version of "you" a chance at life (I do not know the name).

"If you take sexual advantage of her, you're going to burn in a very special level of Hell, a level they reserve for child molesters and people who talk at the theater." -Book


Tuesday, March 1, 2005 5:50 AM



Originally posted by Paladin:
.... "Better Than Life" and that one where the crew was attacked by the robot that eradicated the lazy and gave a different version of "you" a chance at life (I do not know the name).

The episode of Red Dwarf you are searching for is Season V's The Inquisitor



'Trust me - I know what I'm doing!' - Sledge Hammer


Tuesday, March 1, 2005 5:54 AM


*sigh* just wish the dvds would have adequate prices over here. $40 for one "season" is kind of ridiculous, considering that it's only 6 episodes of about 20min. that means one "series" of red dwarf is about 3 episodes of a typical american show, yet costs as much as half a season with 10-12 episodes??

i better dont mention the only sources for the rpg are at $86. did i mention germany sucks? *grrr*


Tuesday, March 1, 2005 6:13 AM


Hey nice to see you guys across the water like our little british Sci-fi show.


I loved Red Dwarf. On occaisions it would break into the truly profound and heartbreaking. D'yo remember the multiple Rimmers?.... Creating rings around a planet. Moving stuff.

Here are some quotes.

Rimmer:"May I remind you all of Space Core Directive 34124?"
Kryton:"34124. 'No officer with false teeth should attempt oral sex in zero gravity'."

Rimmer: "Erm, I think we're losing sight of the real issue here, which is 'What are we gonna call ourselves?' Erm, and I think it comes down to a choice between 'The League Against Salivating Monsters' or my own personal preference, which is 'The Committee for the Liberation and Integration of Terrifying Organisms and their Rehabilitation Into Society'. Erm, one drawback with that - the abbreviation is 'CLITORIS'."

Rimmer: "Step up to red alert."
Kryten: "Sir, are you absolutely sure? It does mean changing the bulb."


For Pictures:


Tuesday, March 1, 2005 6:19 AM


Was I dreaming, or perhaps I just pulled it out of my butt, but wasn't there a movie in the making?
I've got to go, my toaster won't shut up about making me some toast.


Tuesday, March 1, 2005 6:30 AM


Trivia: Much of the cost for a particular series going to DVD has to do with all the licensing of the rights to the show and paying the talent, etc ... so yeah a set like Red Dwarf with only 6 episodes can cost as much as say Family Guy ... with 20 0r so episodes a set for around $30 US

I remember one time when PBS aired Red Dwarf it was said during fund raising breaks the show was said to be very expensive to get the broadcast rights.

'Trust me - I know what I'm doing!' - Sledge Hammer


Tuesday, March 1, 2005 6:32 AM


I've got it lined up on Netflix. Can't wait to see it. I LOVED the Hitchhiker radio show. I can't wait to see the movie!


Tuesday, March 1, 2005 7:15 AM



Rimmer: "Step up to red alert."
Kryten: "Sir, are you absolutely sure? It does mean changing the bulb."

(laughing so hard that I'm crying) Ah, I *miss* that show. Some of the guys were so great that they would show up every year (still do?) to do our local PBS station's fundraiser (Seattle, WA) with marathon Red Dwarf showings. I lost sooo much sleep every year watching those on my crappy little 14", snow-ridden tv.

I would love to have the above quote tacked above the "alert status" board at the nuclear test facility that my husband works at.

I used to be confused, now I'm just not sure.


Tuesday, March 1, 2005 7:38 AM



Originally posted by PumamanRedux:
Trivia: Much of the cost for a particular series going to DVD has to do with all the licensing of the rights to the show and paying the talent, etc ... so yeah a set like Red Dwarf with only 6 episodes can cost as much as say Family Guy ... with 20 0r so episodes a set for around $30 US

Interesting this one.

As the BBC and all it's programmes are funded through the TV licensing rites - I think there was some debate the other day about the legitimacy the Beeb have to charge for things again with DVD/Video sales etc, as technically we the audience here in Britian, have already paid for it.

I think there was some case going to the European court or something.... Bit fuzzy on the details


For Pictures:


Tuesday, March 1, 2005 8:49 AM


interesting. but then, somehow im already used to be expected to pay for things twice, pay for things you dont want or pay for a right you only have in theory.

-gez charges a fee if you own a radio or tv because you COULD receive government radio/tv. that the program is so bad most people would have to be paid to watch it doesnt really matter. thats kind of like having to pay $50 to the supermarket each month because you COULD shoplift.

-gema is a nice fee on every blank medium to compensate for the copyright violations created through private copies. unfortunately that right is void when something has a copy protection. now, what DOESNT?

well, guess that leaves the "just the shows" set with series 1-4 for about $75, but missing all the extras. still waiting for that phone call that i won the lottery in some parallel universe where actually playing one isn't necessary to win.

rimmer: that's what they do. all those people who inexplicably vanish, they return them. aw, smeg, that's all we need. glen miller on board, boring us to death with pennsylvania 6-5000. kryten, open communication channels.
(comm) we don't want him! go away! you took him, you can keep the smegger!


Tuesday, March 1, 2005 10:33 AM



Originally posted by Starrbaby:
Was I dreaming, or perhaps I just pulled it out of my butt, but wasn't there a movie in the making?
I've got to go, my toaster won't shut up about making me some toast.

You sure you won't have some crumpets, tea cakes, waffles, scones, croissants .. no?

There was/ is a movie in the works ... Doug Naylor sent a message to fans that got posted on the net ... the problem with the movie has been finding funding ... the item is posted on the Official Red Dwarf Web site at http://www.reddwarf.co.uk/

The main part of the item is as follows


Hi everyone,

I'd really like to say how truly sorry I am not to be with you this weekend but sadly I can't. The truth is I'm absolutely thrilled, I couldn't be happier - and not because I won't have to eat the Moat House fried breakfast, but because American funders are flying into the UK today to continue discussions we began at the Cannes Film Festival to fund the Red Dwarf movie. I fully expect that in a matter of a few days, maybe a couple of weeks, Red Dwarf the Movie finally will be green lit, and by early August I expect to be deep into pre-production in Australia.

It's taken an age, I know, but I'm sure in the end, the struggle will be worth it. When I first embarked on this little adventure I was assured that a film company had guaranteed to put £10 million pounds into the movie which was then budgeted at £15 million. It's now a bit under that. Within seconds of me finishing the script, something that took nine months, the company's share price went through the floor and so did their money.

We started again. A tax incentive EIS scheme was drawn up, something which took almost a year and cost legal fees into six figures. Contracts were signed, and then at the last minute the founders got cold feet and the scheme never happened. Our production team - which included Pat Carr who worked on Empire Strikes Back and two Indiana Jones movies and Alan Cameron, production designer of both Mummy movies and most recently Van Helsing - had to be disbanded.

We started again. I visited Germany, Austria, Spain, I talked to people in Canada, France, Italy and New Zealand in the search for a home for the movie because the UK studios were full of American films and we could no longer afford to shoot there. Three years ago, two weeks before Christmas, I shook hands with a man who promised we would be in pre-production two weeks into the New Year. He was the Managing Director of the company and there seemed to be no stopping us. A few weeks into the New Year he called and said he'd spoken to his number two and they'd decided not to invest in the film. 'But I thought you were the Boss?' I said. 'I am but I have to do what my number two says,' he replied.

A while after this we found a distributor - the guys who sell the movie around the world. They loved the project, they put the budget up, sold the film to Russia, Thailand, Australia, and Japan. Then their CEO left and the new guys came in. One of the new guys was the guy who'd had to do what his number two said. For the second time he shot us down in flames, slashing the budget from 13 million to somewhere below six. The film couldn't be made for six. We started again.

We joined a UK funding body that was going to fund a whole slate of UK films - there was lots of press coverage, we were to be first out of the traps - a year later, despite representing most of the top UK Film Producers, they hadn't raised a cent. We discovered later, that when they talked to investors, they hadn't even told them what the projects were - none of the investors even knew one of the movies they were being asked to invest in was Red Dwarf. They didn't think it would make any difference!

Then one day we got a call from a guy who represented WETA, the guys who made Lord of the Rings, they wondered if they could do the special effects for the Red Dwarf movie. I said I doubted we could afford them. They said they were fans and would love to work on the project and could cut us a deal. For a time we talked about shooting in New Zealand in the Weta studios, because Peter Jackson was planning on taking a break after Return of the King. For a few short days it all looked good, then Peter decided not to take his sabbatical and go straight onto King Kong and another plan hit the dust.

The Weta guys wished us well and recommended I check out Australia. I did - for almost two months, checking out locations, VFX houses, putting together yet another production team. Everything looked good apart from the fact we still didn't have the money in place. But it was coming. Another funder had shown us he had money and was happy to invest.

Then I got a call from the UK. An Australian guy had called the GNP office, he had sixty million pounds to invest in movies and he wondered if we were funded yet. He said he'd just withdrawn from a Will Smith film and his money was freed up and he was a huge Red Dwarf fan. How much did I need? The whole 60 million or would something less be okay? I said, 'We could do something amazing for 20 million, maybe less. But, let me think about it because maybe 60 million was the way to go'. I thought about it. It took 3 nanoseconds. Yes, 60 million was indeed the way to go.

He asked if we could meet. I said, 'Sure, how about tomorrow?' He said he was based in Melbourne and would fly up to see me in Queensland. Everything was set. Just before he put down the phone he asked if I could I pay his airfare and could he sleep in my apartment and incidentally he was the Duke of Manchester.

Now, I come from Manchester, and I've never heard of the Duke of Manchester. Especially one who lives in Melbourne. I sarcastically called the GNP office and thanked them profusely for putting me in touch with his Dukeness. 'Thanks, guys,' I said, 'thank you so much. Incidentally, if Napoleon Boneparte calls put him straight through to my mobile.' Ten minutes later they called back. 'There is a Duke of Manchester and his family moved to Melbourne at the start of the 20th century.'

We called the Duke back and asked for proof of his money in a very respectful way, of course. We asked if, maybe, we could speak to his bank manager. He said his bank manager was a really busy guy and he wasn't sure if he'd have time. We said, 'If you've got 60 million we reckon you're probably one of his favourite customers, aren't you? Certainly in the top five. We're sure he'll do anything to help you.' The Duke didn't sound so sure. Instead he suggested he send us a statement of his bank account. He faxed it through to us.

Slowly, it came out of the fax machine, inch by agonising inch. We looked. It said in his account was the sum of 100 million US dollars. 100 big ones. Completely faked of course. He was not the Duke of Manchester and he did not have 60 million pounds. He even tried one last attempt to convince us by saying he could get one of Australia's most famous actresses to vouch for him. We called her. A woman's voice, which sounded as if she had a clothes peg on her nose. 'I've got such a bad cold', she insisted, 'but I really am the famous actress.'

Older and wiser we started again.

Six months later once again it looked like we were funded using a tax incentive scheme but then overnight the Government changed the law. People have come and gone. At one point I got a rejection letter from Film on Four - then they went bust and all the Film on Four people lost their jobs. Then almost a year later, the person who had sent the rejection letter was put forward by our Australian co-partners, as a possible co-producer. Suddenly, she loved the script! Go figure.

Now she's gone too, so have our original Australian contacts. The film has been rejected by many, many people, they usually say they think it's really funny but isn't what they're looking for right now, or ask us to recast the leads. BBC Films, the same BBC who rejected the original TV script three times, have rejected the film script twice, two versions - how much money has Red Dwarf made them? They said it wasn't what they were looking for. Don't they like hit movies?

It's been rejected three times by the British Film Council. My favourite reason was when they told one of the Producers that they thought Red Dwarf the Movie was 'too commercial.' Let me repeat that - they rejected it because they thought it was too commercial. 'You'll get it made anyway you don't need our help,' they said. This from the people who brought you Sex Lives of the Potato Men, which they put nearly a million quid into, and that movie where the kid farts his way to the moon. Why did they put money into that? Maybe the readers' remarks simply said 'Fart Film' and they misread it and thought it said 'Art' Film.

'We're not in the business', they said, 'of helping people turn highly successful TV series into successful feature films.' And on and on it's gone. Countless rewrites, countless storyboards and screen tests, countless meetings with distributors and VFX companies and banks. Only last month I found myself negotiating with the Australian government to work out the qualifying Australian expenditure on the budget's tax offset to help raise ten percent of the budget and then a week later explaining the deal to a group of bankers. That isn't a typo.

But now we're closer than we've ever been, ever. We really, really are.

(snipped here .. there is more info there but thats the main bit ... if you go there and read onward it does explain why DVDs like Red Dwarf are costly ... )

This item is from June 2004
and can be found in all of its glory at http://www.reddwarf.co.uk/archive/doug_naylor_statement.html


'Trust me - I know what I'm doing!' - Sledge Hammer


Tuesday, March 1, 2005 10:53 AM


Love Red Dwarf and can't wait for the movie, it's apparently in pre-production and shooting was supposed to begin jan 2005, but www.reddwarf.co.uk does seem to have the latest or most up to date info. I met Craig Charles at Memorobilia December 2003 and he said there would be a film but he didn't know when, depended on everyones schedules etc. Anyways some storyboards from the movie on site mentioned above.

"This movie may be a beautiful butterfly, but I loved that damn caterpillar." Joss Whedon.


Wednesday, March 2, 2005 9:45 AM


Major US Dwarf fan over here.

I remmeber discovering the show in the spring of 1991 - when our PBS station aired Season 1-3 amidst the greatest line up we ever had - Hitchhike'rs Guide, Fawlty Towers, RD, Black Adder and then I'd swap to HBO at 11 for Kids in the Hall. Ah Fridays were good.

Then I discovered there was a 4th and 5th season our station was too cheap to air! So I found bootlegs of these 2 years later and loved them to pieces. That fall when I went to Vision's '93 and met Danny John-Jules we got treated to a screening of Series 6 which had literally just aired in the UK.

Overall I felt the quality of the show began to seriously dip in Series 6 and it got even worse in 7 and 8 with a few moments of greatness but nothing like the good old days. Anyone else agree? I find the fans of this show either get very particualr of thier favorite 'era' or they just love it all for better or worse.

I understand they have all thier eggs in the movie basket but seeing how long its been, I'd love to see a special or 9th short series to resolve the cliffhanger and end the show on mor eof a closure...like maybe actully finding Earth or closing the timeloop predicted in Season 2's StasisLeak.

Still GREAT show and yes, despite my misgivings about year 7 and 8 I'll be buying them all on DVD. looking forward to 5 and 6 hitting our shelves this month along with more Dr. Who....


Wednesday, March 2, 2005 1:56 PM


Loved the series, especially with Rimmer, he was a smeghead, but he really made the show rock. Kochanski just didn't fill his shoes well.

I lent a coworker my season 2 DVD, and he took another job, and my DVD with him. I need to get a new one, but everytime I see it, it is with Season one, and I don't need another of those. I should go on ebay and find it.

I did love the Ace Rimmer planetary circle, that is a lot of Rimmers!!. One of my favorite eps was at the end of a season, when they have a time machine, and their future selfs (I believe, its been a long time since I've seen it) decide to kill them, and everyone is killed, Arnie gets to be heroic, runs back through the ship and blasts the time machine. End result, good guys are alive, and don't remember that for once Arnie (not as Ace) did the right thing.


Wednesday, March 2, 2005 2:06 PM


Despite it's weaknesses, I liked Out of Time as well. Although I wondered if after Rob Grant left Naylor was focred to come up up with an alt. explantaion for the cliffhanger.it seemed fairly obvious that right before the big explosion they hit another reality bubble and in that one, Arnie got to be heroic. At least that was my theory.

I dunno, I do think that the fact series 6 was the most guilty of running gags, it shows the most influence from the U.S. pilot they tried to get off the grond the year before.

Season 2 of RD is available seperately. I dunno if you're in the US or UK- but www.deepdiscountdvd.com is the best price I've seen for them together or seperately short of ebay.

anyone else here feel that RD got to be a little bit too much like the "british Star Trek with jokes" by Series 6/7?

And why they recast Kochanski puzzled me. The original actress (C.P. Crogan) was much better.


Wednesday, March 2, 2005 10:08 PM



Originally posted by manofsteel25:
I remmeber discovering the show in the spring of 1991 - when our PBS station aired Season 1-3 amidst the greatest line up we ever had - Hitchhike'rs Guide, Fawlty Towers, RD, Black Adder

*sigh* why dont we get anything like this? sounds like friday was "best of british comedy" night. rd never aired in germany and black adder was one of the very few shows they aired in english with subtitles (finally someone getting a clue that dubbing it will completely kill it).

and today? we get the infinite version of big brother and the funniest recent shows i remember would probably be angel and firefly even though they weren't comedies in the first place. hmmm.. anybody need a tv? i think i dont need mine anymore.


Thursday, March 3, 2005 6:47 AM


Indeed it was and that's what our station called it "The Best of british Comedy" although at times they'd only schedule two sitcoms and after 1992 or so they fell on hard times for a while only showing Are You Being Served?, Allo Allo, Keeping Up Appearances, The Rise and Fall of Reginald perrin (?) and a couple other that never really did much for me.

Although Comedy Central was giving Ab Fab, and the Young Ones a screening around that time albeit with the dreaded american commercials.

At least pretty much all of these are on DVD now which is nice.

I know after 1999 or so our local station (granted I don't live there anymore but still) finally brought back Red Dwarf and **at long last aired Series 4 and onwards.


Thursday, March 3, 2005 9:16 AM



Originally posted by manofsteel25:
Indeed it was and that's what our station called it "The Best of british Comedy"

*lol* ok, so the price for creativity doesnt go to pbs. but i guess the price for excellent programming is fine, too.


I know after 1999 or so our local station (granted I don't live there anymore but still) finally brought back Red Dwarf and **at long last aired Series 4 and onwards.

im still waiting for the show to air at all. well, not really. it would be dubbed and interruped by commercials at least twice. but the dvds officially coming out here would definitely be nicer than expensive uk imports.

guess that wont happen until the movie comes out and has some decent success.


Wednesday, March 9, 2005 7:39 AM


A fan? No. I mean YES! I read the two books first and that hooked me. I watched the TV show out of curiosity adn to get more RD fix, but the gags work so much better in print form IMO. If you thought the bit with Rimmer taking his exam was funny on TV, it pales to Infinity Welcomes Careful Drivers. Read it and you'll see. Once the TV show got past rehashing the books it got better, until the later years. When one member of the crew leaves the show should end. You can't replace Rimmer so why try?

Run to the Tower, and call out the Magus
If he has caused this, we'll tear out his pages
Throw him in shackles, AND REMOVE HIS HANDS!
- Red Horse Rainbow, CLUTCH


Wednesday, March 9, 2005 12:02 PM


RD has a curious way of parallelling Hitchicker for the many different ways one can jump into it.

For some its on audio with the radio show or "radio" Book-on-tapes for RD, the TV series, the novels and now (in one case and still probably in the other) the movie.

I caught on to RD through the TV show Straight fomr ep 1- through the last series picking up the books etc along the way. For Hitchhiker it was the books. I stil consider the novels the deinfitive Hichhiker and the TV Show the Definitive Dwarf (except possibly series 7 and 8 but they're not Greatest American Heroine bad)

The big difference in Dwarf is it was conceived as a TV show first and then the novels etc were done as spinoffs. IN hitchhiker it was a radio show first then books and so on.

Most of the people I know who got into Dwarf followed the TV path but I just converted two people by giving them the books first. They love the TV show equally but they have complained that the characters are not entirely how they thought they'd look or talk.

So really the TV show wasn't rehashing the books, the books were re-hashing (and very celverly expanding on) the Tv Episodes. (Mainly The End, future echoes, Me2, Kryten, Better Than Life, Backwards among others) The only flip was White Hole. That was a replacement script for the earth/Cockroach episode planned so they grabbed a bit they invented for the books and turned it into an episode.

Regardless the show and the novels are both really funny. (until again, Season 7 and 8)


Wednesday, March 9, 2005 8:11 PM


I remember searching endlessly for the "third" RD book and never finding it anywhere. Finally I found it and when it arrived it was a tape of the book read by Craig Charles. Not what I was expecting but I'd take it after all that time (I think over a year). I have come to the conclusion that Grant and Naylor should never have split up. I noticed that one of them likes gross-out funny more and the other likes scientific funny. Working together they can combine them so one doesn't out-do the other. Separate the comedy gets old a lot quicker. I definately was suprised by the type of comedy in the last book. Not what I was expecting. I just found out about Backwards from this thread so I now have to find the lost "fourth" book!

Run to the Tower, and call out the Magus
If he has caused this, we'll tear out his pages
Throw him in shackles, AND REMOVE HIS HANDS!
- Red Horse Rainbow, CLUTCH


Thursday, March 10, 2005 12:49 AM



Originally posted by Lister:
When one member of the crew leaves the show should end. You can't replace Rimmer so why try?

but he didn't leave, he was only away for a couple of episodes.

and for those who haven't read the latter two books, be warned that there was obviously some communication issues between rob and doug at the time which makes the continuity between them pretty much non-existant. both can be enjoyable reads on their own, but i'd advise against viewing them as canon.

eviltobz - that's lowercase gorram it!


Thursday, March 10, 2005 9:42 AM


Yeah I kne wof the third and 4th books but it took me a while to get them through UK book dealers when they came out. Luckily I was 'in the know' about them and the grant naylor split so I knew that basically Book 3 Last Human is book 3a and Backwards is book 3b- essentially alt. thrid books to follow Better Than Life.

I personally prefer Backwards and I think Grant was the better writer of the two which is part of why in general I don't like RD 7 and 8 depite a few moments of greatness. The split did indeed hurt the series and I noticed the different approaches to humor too. Actually I started to see the decline in Series 6 which got painfully repetitive in a lot of cases and suffered from the influence of the development on the U.S. pilot right beforehand in my opinion.

The books are a bit of an off-shoot of canon anyway although I noticed that RD 6 and beyond actually fits into the events of the novels moreso than RD 1-3.

I kinda wish they'd given the show a proper ending around the time of series 6 or 7. I mean whatever happened to finding Fiji or following up on the time thing in Stasis Leak where Lister will marry Kochanski?

Ah well.






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Creep Weirdo Neil Gaiman... Tv show 'American Gods' going down the scifi metaphysical fantasy rabbit hole
Sat, October 5, 2024 06:18 - 10 posts
the 'TV Series with unforgettable music' Thread
Wed, October 2, 2024 07:48 - 45 posts
What Have Been The Stellar Sci-Fi Shows?
Sat, September 28, 2024 17:04 - 57 posts
Room for a unique western flick on your queue, or is this the wrong crowd? (no spoilers please)
Wed, September 25, 2024 15:40 - 50 posts
Bestest superhero/comic book movies of all time
Tue, September 10, 2024 12:29 - 40 posts
Pre-Joss U.S. - China Alliance
Sun, September 8, 2024 07:40 - 10 posts